*** Comments *** # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License *** Settings *** Documentation Library with sol003 keywords and variables . Library String Library OperatingSystem Library RequestsLibrary Library JsonValidator Library yaml Library JSONLibrary Resource ../lib/vim_lib.resource *** Variables *** @{SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE_LIST} 200 201 202 204 ${AUTH_TOKEN_URI} /osm/admin/v1/tokens ${REST_API_HOST} ${EMPTY} ${OSM_USER} %{OSM_USER=admin} ${OSM_PASSWORD} %{OSM_PASSWORD=admin} ${OSM_PROJECT} %{OSM_PROJECT=admin} *** Keywords *** Get Auth Token [Documentation] Send a REST POST message to OSM to get an authentication token, ... and store the authentication token in a suite variable to be used later on. Set REST API Host Create Session osmhit ${REST_API_HOST} disable_warnings=1 &{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json &{data}= Create Dictionary username=${OSM_USER} password=${OSM_PASSWORD} project-id=${OSM_PROJECT} ${resp}= Post On Session osmhit ${AUTH_TOKEN_URI} json=${data} headers=${headers} Log ${resp} Pass Execution If ${resp.status_code} in ${SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE_LIST} Get Auth Token completed Set Suite Variable ${TOKEN_STATUS_CODE} ${resp.status_code} ${access_token}= Get Value From Json ${resp.json()} $..id Set Test Variable ${ACCESS_TOKEN} ${access_token[0]} Set Test Variable ${TOKEN_RESPONSE} ${resp} Sleep 2s Set Dockerized Host [Documentation] Set the suite variable REST_API_HOST to be used in this library and the testsuites using it. ... This method must be used if the tests are run from a container in the same K8s cluster where OSM is running. [Arguments] ${env_host} Set Suite Variable ${REST_API_HOST} https://${env_host} Set Standalone Host [Documentation] Set a suite variable REST_API_HOST to be used in this library and the testsuites using it. ... This method must be used if the tests are run from any place outside the K8s cluster where OSM is running. [Arguments] ${env_host} Set Suite Variable ${REST_API_HOST} https://${env_host}:9999 Read Directory [Documentation] Read Current Directory and return it ${Directory}= Replace String ${CURDIR} lib resources/ ${json_path}= Set Variable ${Directory} RETURN ${json_path} Post Api Request [Documentation] Send to OSM a POST API message to OSM to the given uri with the given json data, ... and save response and status code in suite variables to be used later on. [Arguments] ${PostApi} ${json_data} Create Session APISession ${REST_API_HOST} &{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json Authorization=Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN} ${request_response}= Post On Session APISession ${PostApi} json=${json_data} headers=${headers} Set Suite Variable ${REQUEST_RESPONSE} ${request_response} ${response_statuscode}= Convert To String ${request_response.status_code} Set Suite Variable ${RESPONSE_STATUSCODE} ${response_statuscode} Set REST API Host [Documentation] Set the REST_API_HOST suite variable from OSM_HOSTNAME env variable ${nbi_host}= Get Environment Variable OSM_HOSTNAME ${passed}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${nbi_host} : IF ${passed} Set Dockerized Host ${nbi_host} ELSE Set Standalone Host ${nbi_host} END Get ID [Documentation] Examine a REQUEST_RESPONSE dictionary as JSON and return the requested key passed as argument. [Arguments] ${Key} Pass Execution If ${REQUEST_RESPONSE.status_code} in ${SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE_LIST} Get Auth Token completed ${id}= Get Value From Json ${REQUEST_RESPONSE.json()} $..${Key} RETURN ${id[0]} Get Api Request [Documentation] Send to OSM a GET API message to OSM to the given uri, ... and save response and status code in suite variables to be used later on. [Arguments] ${uri} Create Session Session ${REST_API_HOST} &{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json Authorization=Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN} ${request_response}= Get On Session Session ${uri} headers=${headers} Set Suite Variable ${REQUEST_RESPONSE} ${request_response} ${response_statuscode}= Convert To String ${request_response.status_code} Set Suite Variable ${RESPONSE_STATUSCODE} ${response_statuscode}