# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. *** Settings *** Documentation Library to deploy and delete NS, and run operations on them. Library DateTime *** Variables *** ${success_return_code} 0 ${ns_launch_pol_time} 30sec ${ns_delete_pol_time} 15sec ${ns_action_max_wait_time} 1min ${ns_action_pol_time} 15sec ${vnf_scale_pol_time} 15sec ${vim_timeout_multiplier} %{OSM_VIM_MULTIPLIER_TIMEOUT=1.0} *** Keywords *** Create Network Service [Arguments] ${nsd} ${vim_name} ${ns_name} ${ns_config} ${publickey} ${ns_launch_max_wait_time}=5min ${config_file}=${EMPTY} ${ns_launch_max_wait_time}= Convert Time ${ns_launch_max_wait_time} result_format=number ${ns_launch_max_wait_time}= Evaluate ${ns_launch_max_wait_time} * ${vim_timeout_multiplier} Log ${ns_launch_max_wait_time} ${config_attr} Set Variable If '${ns_config}'!='${EMPTY}' --config '${ns_config}' \ ${sshkeys_attr} Set Variable If '${publickey}'!='${EMPTY}' --ssh_keys ${publickey} \ ${config_file_attr} Set Variable If '${config_file}'!='${EMPTY}' --config_file '${config_file}' \ ${ns_id}= Instantiate Network Service ${ns_name} ${nsd} ${vim_name} ${config_attr} ${sshkeys_attr} ${config_file_attr} log ${ns_id} WAIT UNTIL KEYWORD SUCCEEDS ${ns_launch_max_wait_time} ${ns_launch_pol_time} Check For NS Instance To Configured ${ns_name} Check For NS Instance For Failure ${ns_name} [Return] ${ns_id} Instantiate Network Service [Arguments] ${ns_name} ${nsd} ${vim_name} ${ns_extra_args} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-create --ns_name ${ns_name} --nsd_name ${nsd} --vim_account ${vim_name} ${ns_extra_args} log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} [Return] ${stdout} Get Vnf Management Ip Address [Arguments] ${ns_id} ${vnf_member_index} Should Not Be Empty ${ns_id} Should Not Be Empty ${vnf_member_index} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vnf-list --filter member-vnf-index-ref=${vnf_member_index} | grep ${ns_id} | awk '{print $14}' 2>&1 log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} [Return] ${stdout} Get Vnf Id [Arguments] ${ns_id} ${vnf_member_index} Should Not Be Empty ${ns_id} Should Not Be Empty ${vnf_member_index} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vnf-list --filter member-vnf-index-ref=${vnf_member_index} | grep ${ns_id} | awk '{print $2}' 2>&1 log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} [Return] ${stdout} Get Ns Id [Arguments] ${ns_name} Should Not Be Empty ${ns_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-list | grep ${ns_name} | awk '{print $4}' 2>&1 log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} Should Not Be Empty ${stdout} [Return] ${stdout} Get Ns Vnf List [Arguments] ${ns_id} Should Not Be Empty ${ns_id} @{vnf_list_string}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vnf-list | grep ${ns_id} | awk '{print $2}' 2>&1 # Returns a String of vnf_id and needs to be converted into a list @{vnf_list} = Split String ${vnf_list_string}[1] Log List ${vnf_list} [Return] @{vnf_list} Get Ns Ip List [Arguments] @{vnf_list} should not be empty @{vnf_list} @{temp_list}= Create List FOR ${vnf_id} IN @{vnf_list} log ${vnf_id} @{vnf_ip_list} Get Vnf Ip List ${vnf_id} @{temp_list}= Combine Lists ${temp_list} ${vnf_ip_list} END should not be empty ${temp_list} [return] @{temp_list} Get Vnf Ip List [arguments] ${vnf_id} should not be empty ${vnf_id} @{vnf_ip_list_string}= run and return rc and output osm vnf-list --filter id=${vnf_id} | grep -o '[0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}' | sort -t: -u -k1,1 2>&1 # returns a string of ip addresses and needs to be converted into a list should not be empty ${vnf_ip_list_string}[1] @{vnf_ip_list} = split string ${vnf_ip_list_string}[1] log list ${vnf_ip_list} should not be empty ${vnf_ip_list} [return] @{vnf_ip_list} Check For Ns Instance To Configured [arguments] ${ns_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output openstack server list log ${stdout} ${rc} ${stdout}= run and return rc and output osm ns-list --filter name="${ns_name}" log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} Should Contain Any ${stdout} READY BROKEN Check For NS Instance For Failure [Arguments] ${ns_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output openstack server list log ${stdout} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-list --filter name="${ns_name}" log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} Should Not Contain ${stdout} BROKEN Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted [Arguments] ${ns} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output openstack server list log ${stdout} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-list | awk '{print $2}' | grep ${ns} Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${stdout} ${ns} Delete NS [Documentation] Delete ns [Arguments] ${ns} ${ns_delete_max_wait_time}=4min ${ns_delete_max_wait_time}= Convert Time ${ns_delete_max_wait_time} result_format=number ${ns_delete_max_wait_time}= Evaluate ${ns_delete_max_wait_time} * ${vim_timeout_multiplier} Log ${ns_delete_max_wait_time} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-delete ${ns} Log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} WAIT UNTIL KEYWORD SUCCEEDS ${ns_delete_max_wait_time} ${ns_delete_pol_time} Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted ${ns} Execute NS Action [Documentation] Execute an action over the desired NS. ... Parameters are given to this function in key=value format (one argument per key/value pair). ... Return the ID of the operation associated to the executed action. ... Examples of execution: ... \${ns_op_id}= Execute NS Action \${ns_name} \${ns_action} \${vnf_member_index} ... \${ns_op_id}= Execute NS Action \${ns_name} \${ns_action} \${vnf_member_index} \${param1}=\${value1} \${param2}=\${value2} [Arguments] ${ns_name} ${ns_action} ${vnf_member_index} @{action_params} ${params}= Set Variable ${EMPTY} FOR ${param} IN @{action_params} ${match} ${param_name} ${param_value} = Should Match Regexp ${param} (.+)=(.+) msg=Syntax error in parameters ${params}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${params} "${param_name}":"${param_value}", END ${osm_ns_action_command}= Set Variable osm ns-action --action_name ${ns_action} --vnf_name ${vnf_member_index} ${osm_ns_action_command}= Run Keyword If '${params}'!='${EMPTY}' Catenate ${osm_ns_action_command} --params '{${params}}' ... ELSE Set Variable ${osm_ns_action_command} ${osm_ns_action_command}= Catenate ${osm_ns_action_command} ${ns_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output ${osm_ns_action_command} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} msg=${stdout} values=False Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${ns_action_max_wait_time} ${ns_action_pol_time} Check For NS Operation Completed ${stdout} [Return] ${stdout} Execute NS K8s Action [Documentation] Execute an action over the desired K8s NS. ... Parameters are given to this function in key=value format (one argument per key/value pair). ... Return the ID of the operation associated to the executed action. ... Examples of execution: ... \${ns_op_id}= Execute NS Action \${ns_name} \${ns_action} \${vnf_member_index} ... \${ns_op_id}= Execute NS Action \${ns_name} \${ns_action} \${vnf_member_index} \${param1}=\${value1} \${param2}=\${value2} [Arguments] ${ns_name} ${ns_action} ${vnf_member_index} ${kdu_name} @{action_params} ${params}= Set Variable ${EMPTY} FOR ${param} IN @{action_params} ${match} ${param_name} ${param_value} = Should Match Regexp ${param} (.+)=(.+) msg=Syntax error in parameters ${params}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${params} "${param_name}":"${param_value}", END ${osm_ns_action_command}= Set Variable osm ns-action --action_name ${ns_action} --vnf_name ${vnf_member_index} --kdu_name ${kdu_name} ${osm_ns_action_command}= Run Keyword If '${params}'!='${EMPTY}' Catenate ${osm_ns_action_command} --params '{${params}}' ... ELSE Set Variable ${osm_ns_action_command} ${osm_ns_action_command}= Catenate ${osm_ns_action_command} ${ns_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output ${osm_ns_action_command} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} msg=${stdout} values=False Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${ns_action_max_wait_time} ${ns_action_pol_time} Check For NS Operation Completed ${stdout} [Return] ${stdout} Execute Manual VNF Scale [Documentation] Execute a manual VNF Scale action. ... The parameter 'scale_type' must be SCALE_IN or SCALE_OUT. ... Return the ID of the operation associated to the executed scale action. [Arguments] ${ns_name} ${vnf_member_index} ${scaling_group} ${scale_type} ${vnf_scale_max_wait_time}=2min ${vnf_scale_max_wait_time}= Convert Time ${vnf_scale_max_wait_time} result_format=number ${vnf_scale_max_wait_time}= Evaluate ${vnf_scale_max_wait_time} * ${vim_timeout_multiplier} Should Contain Any ${scale_type} SCALE_IN SCALE_OUT msg=Unknown scale type: ${scale_type} values=False ${osm_vnf_scale_command}= Set Variable osm vnf-scale --scaling-group ${scaling_group} ${osm_vnf_scale_command}= Run Keyword If '${scale_type}'=='SCALE_IN' Catenate ${osm_vnf_scale_command} --scale-in ... ELSE Catenate ${osm_vnf_scale_command} --scale-out ${osm_vnf_scale_command}= Catenate ${osm_vnf_scale_command} ${ns_name} ${vnf_member_index} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output ${osm_vnf_scale_command} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} msg=${stdout} values=False Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${vnf_scale_max_wait_time} ${vnf_scale_pol_time} Check For NS Operation Completed ${stdout} [Return] ${stdout} Get Operations List [Arguments] ${ns_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-op-list ${ns_name} log ${stdout} log ${rc} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} Check For NS Operation Completed [Documentation] Check wheter the status of the desired operation is "COMPLETED" or not. [Arguments] ${ns_operation_id} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-op-show ${ns_operation_id} --literal | yq .operationState | tr -d \\" log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} Should Contain ${stdout} COMPLETED msg=Timeout waiting for ns-action with id ${ns_operation_id} values=False Get Ns Vnfr Ids [Documentation] Return a list with the IDs of the VNF records of a NS instance. [Arguments] ${ns_id} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vnf-list | grep ${ns_id} | awk '{print $2}' 2>&1 Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} msg=${stdout} values=False @{vdur} = Split String ${stdout} [Return] @{vdur} Get Vnf Vdur Names [Documentation] Return a list with the names of the VDU records of a VNF instance. [Arguments] ${vnf_id} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vnf-show ${vnf_id} --literal | yq .vdur[].name | tr -d \\" Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} msg=${stdout} values=False @{vdur} = Split String ${stdout} [Return] @{vdur} Get Vnf Kdu Replica Count [Documentation] Return the number of KDU replicas (empty if none) of a VNF instance. [Arguments] ${vnf_id} ${kdu_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vnf-show ${vnf_id} --kdu ${kdu_name} | yq .config.replicaCount | tr -d \\" Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} msg=${stdout} values=False ${return} = Set Variable If '${stdout}' == 'null' ${EMPTY} ${stdout} [Return] ${return} Get Application Names [Documentation] Return the list of the application of a VNF instance. [Arguments] ${ns_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-show ${ns_name} --literal | yq ._admin.deployed.VCA[].application | tr -d \\" Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} msg=${stdout} values=False @{app_names} = Split String ${stdout} [Return] ${app_names} Get VDU Affinity Group Name [Documentation] Return the affinity group name for a NF [Arguments] ${ns_name} ${vnf_id} ${vdur_id} ${rc} ${affinity_group_id}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vnf-show ${vnf_id} --literal | yq eval '.vdur[] | select(.id == "${vdur_id}") | .affinity-or-anti-affinity-group-id[0]' 2>&1 log ${affinity_group_id} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} msg=${affinity_group_id} values=False ${rc} ${affinity_group_name}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-show ${ns_name} --literal | yq eval '.affinity-or-anti-affinity-group[] | select(.id == ${affinity_group_id}) | .name' 2>&1 log ${affinity_group_name} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} msg=${affinity_group_name} values=False [Return] ${affinity_group_name}