#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## # Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U. # This file is part of openmano # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please # contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es ## """ openmano server. Main program that implements a reference NFVO (Network Functions Virtualisation Orchestrator). It interfaces with an NFV VIM through its API and offers a northbound interface, based on REST (openmano API), where NFV services are offered including the creation and deletion of VNF templates, VNF instances, network service templates and network service instances. It loads the configuration file and launches the http_server thread that will listen requests using openmano API. """ import time import sys import getopt import yaml from os import getenv as os_getenv, path as os_path from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e import logging import logging.handlers as log_handlers import socket from osm_ro import httpserver, nfvo, nfvo_db from osm_ro.openmano_schemas import config_schema from osm_ro.db_base import db_base_Exception import osm_ro __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia, Pablo Montes" __date__ = "$26-aug-2014 11:09:29$" __version__ = "0.5.75-r585" version_date = "Oct 2018" database_version = 32 # expected database schema version global global_config global logger class LoadConfigurationException(Exception): pass def load_configuration(configuration_file): default_tokens = {'http_port': 9090, 'http_host': 'localhost', 'http_console_proxy': True, 'http_console_host': None, 'log_level': 'DEBUG', 'log_socket_port': 9022, 'auto_push_VNF_to_VIMs': True, 'db_host': 'localhost', 'db_ovim_host': 'localhost' } try: #Check config file exists with open(configuration_file, 'r') as f: config_str = f.read() #Parse configuration file config = yaml.load(config_str) #Validate configuration file with the config_schema js_v(config, config_schema) #Add default values tokens for k,v in default_tokens.items(): if k not in config: config[k]=v return config except yaml.YAMLError as e: error_pos = "" if hasattr(e, 'problem_mark'): mark = e.problem_mark error_pos = " at line:{} column:{}".format(mark.line+1, mark.column+1) raise LoadConfigurationException("Bad YAML format at configuration file '{file}'{pos}: {message}".format( file=configuration_file, pos=error_pos, message=e)) except js_e.ValidationError as e: error_pos = "" if e.path: error_pos=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, e.path))+"'" raise LoadConfigurationException("Invalid field at configuration file '{file}'{pos} {message}".format( file=configuration_file, pos=error_pos, message=e)) except Exception as e: raise LoadConfigurationException("Cannot load configuration file '{file}' {message}".format( file=configuration_file, message=e)) def console_port_iterator(): '''this iterator deals with the http_console_ports returning the ports one by one ''' index = 0 while index < len(global_config["http_console_ports"]): port = global_config["http_console_ports"][index] #print("ports -> ", port) if type(port) is int: yield port else: #this is dictionary with from to keys port2 = port["from"] #print("ports -> ", port, port2) while port2 <= port["to"]: #print("ports -> ", port, port2) yield port2 port2 += 1 index += 1 def usage(): print("Usage: ", sys.argv[0], "[options]") print(" -v|--version: prints current version") print(" -c|--config [configuration_file]: loads the configuration file (default: openmanod.cfg)") print(" -h|--help: shows this help") print(" -p|--port [port_number]: changes port number and overrides the port number in the configuration file (default: 9090)") print(" -P|--adminport [port_number]: changes admin port number and overrides the port number in the configuration file (default: 9095)") # print( " -V|--vnf-repository: changes the path of the vnf-repository and overrides the path in the configuration file") print(" --log-socket-host HOST: send logs to this host") print(" --log-socket-port PORT: send logs using this port (default: 9022)") print(" --log-file FILE: send logs to this file") print(" --create-tenant NAME: Try to creates this tenant name before starting, ignoring any errors as e.g. conflict") return def set_logging_file(log_file): try: file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, maxBytes=100e6, backupCount=9, delay=0) file_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter_simple) logger.addHandler(file_handler) # logger.debug("moving logs to '%s'", global_config["log_file"]) # remove initial stream handler logging.root.removeHandler(logging.root.handlers[0]) print ("logging on '{}'".format(log_file)) except IOError as e: raise LoadConfigurationException( "Cannot open logging file '{}': {}. Check folder exist and permissions".format(log_file, e)) if __name__=="__main__": env_config = { 'db_host': 'RO_DB_HOST', 'db_name': 'RO_DB_NAME', 'db_user': 'RO_DB_USER', 'db_passwd': 'RO_DB_PASSWORD', 'db_ovim_host': 'RO_DB_OVIM_HOST', 'db_ovim_name': 'RO_DB_OVIM_NAME', 'db_ovim_user': 'RO_DB_OVIM_USER', 'db_ovim_passwd': 'RO_DB_OVIM_PASSWORD', 'db_port': 'RO_DB_PORT', 'log_level': 'RO_LOG_LEVEL', 'log_file': 'RO_LOG_FILE', } # Configure logging step 1 hostname = socket.gethostname() # streamformat = "%(levelname)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(message)s" # "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(funcName)s %(process)d: %(message)s" log_formatter_complete = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d00Z[{host}@openmanod] %(filename)s:%(lineno)s ' 'severity:%(levelname)s logger:%(name)s log:%(message)s'.format( host=hostname), datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') log_format_simple = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s" log_formatter_simple = logging.Formatter(log_format_simple, datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') logging.basicConfig(format=log_format_simple, level= logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger('openmano') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) socket_handler = None # Read parameters and configuration file httpthread = None try: # load parameters and configuration opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvc:V:p:P:", ["config=", "help", "version", "port=", "vnf-repository=", "adminport=", "log-socket-host=", "log-socket-port=", "log-file=", "create-tenant="]) port=None port_admin = None config_file = 'osm_ro/openmanod.cfg' vnf_repository = None log_file = None log_socket_host = None log_socket_port = None create_tenant = None for o, a in opts: if o in ("-v", "--version"): print ("openmanod version " + __version__ + ' ' + version_date) print ("(c) Copyright Telefonica") sys.exit() elif o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("-V", "--vnf-repository"): vnf_repository = a elif o in ("-c", "--config"): config_file = a elif o in ("-p", "--port"): port = a elif o in ("-P", "--adminport"): port_admin = a elif o == "--log-socket-port": log_socket_port = a elif o == "--log-socket-host": log_socket_host = a elif o == "--log-file": log_file = a elif o == "--create-tenant": create_tenant = a else: assert False, "Unhandled option" if log_file: set_logging_file(log_file) global_config = load_configuration(config_file) global_config["version"] = __version__ global_config["version_date"] = version_date #print global_config # Override parameters obtained by command line on ENV if port: global_config['http_port'] = port if port_admin: global_config['http_admin_port'] = port_admin if log_socket_host: global_config['log_socket_host'] = log_socket_host if log_socket_port: global_config['log_socket_port'] = log_socket_port # override with ENV for config_key, env_var in env_config.items(): if os_getenv(env_var): global_config[config_key] = os_getenv(env_var) # if vnf_repository is not None: # global_config['vnf_repository'] = vnf_repository # else: # if not 'vnf_repository' in global_config: # logger.error( os.getcwd() ) # global_config['vnf_repository'] = os.getcwd()+'/vnfrepo' # #print global_config # if not os.path.exists(global_config['vnf_repository']): # logger.error( "Creating folder vnf_repository folder: '%s'.", global_config['vnf_repository']) # try: # os.makedirs(global_config['vnf_repository']) # except Exception as e: # logger.error( "Error '%s'. Ensure the path 'vnf_repository' is properly set at %s",e.args[1], config_file) # exit(-1) global_config["console_port_iterator"] = console_port_iterator global_config["console_thread"]={} global_config["console_ports"]={} if not global_config["http_console_host"]: global_config["http_console_host"] = global_config["http_host"] if global_config["http_host"]=="": global_config["http_console_host"] = socket.gethostname() # Configure logging STEP 2 if "log_host" in global_config: socket_handler= log_handlers.SocketHandler(global_config["log_socket_host"], global_config["log_socket_port"]) socket_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter_complete) if global_config.get("log_socket_level") and global_config["log_socket_level"] != global_config["log_level"]: socket_handler.setLevel(global_config["log_socket_level"]) logger.addHandler(socket_handler) # logger.addHandler(log_handlers.SysLogHandler()) if log_file: global_config['log_file'] = log_file elif global_config.get('log_file'): set_logging_file(global_config['log_file']) # logging.basicConfig(level = getattr(logging, global_config.get('log_level',"debug"))) logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, global_config['log_level'])) logger.critical("Starting openmano server version: '%s %s' command: '%s'", __version__, version_date, " ".join(sys.argv)) for log_module in ("nfvo", "http", "vim", "db", "console", "ovim"): log_level_module = "log_level_" + log_module log_file_module = "log_file_" + log_module logger_module = logging.getLogger('openmano.' + log_module) if log_level_module in global_config: logger_module.setLevel(global_config[log_level_module]) if log_file_module in global_config: try: file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(global_config[log_file_module], maxBytes=100e6, backupCount=9, delay=0) file_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter_simple) logger_module.addHandler(file_handler) except IOError as e: raise LoadConfigurationException( "Cannot open logging file '{}': {}. Check folder exist and permissions".format( global_config[log_file_module], str(e)) ) global_config["logger_"+log_module] = logger_module #httpserver.logger = global_config["logger_http"] #nfvo.logger = global_config["logger_nfvo"] # Initialize DB connection mydb = nfvo_db.nfvo_db(); mydb.connect(global_config['db_host'], global_config['db_user'], global_config['db_passwd'], global_config['db_name']) db_path = osm_ro.__path__[0] + "/database_utils" if not os_path.exists(db_path + "/migrate_mano_db.sh"): db_path = osm_ro.__path__[0] + "/../database_utils" try: r = mydb.get_db_version() if r[0] != database_version: logger.critical("DATABASE wrong version '{current}'. Try to upgrade/downgrade to version '{target}'" " with '{db_path}/migrate_mano_db.sh {target}'".format( current=r[0], target=database_version, db_path=db_path)) exit(-1) except db_base_Exception as e: logger.critical("DATABASE is not valid. If you think it is corrupted, you can init it with" " '{db_path}/init_mano_db.sh' script".format(db_path=db_path)) exit(-1) nfvo.global_config=global_config if create_tenant: try: nfvo.new_tenant(mydb, {"name": create_tenant}) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, nfvo.NfvoException) and e.http_code == 409: pass # if tenant exist (NfvoException error 409), ignore else: # otherwise print and error and continue logger.error("Cannot create tenant '{}': {}".format(create_tenant, e)) nfvo.start_service(mydb) httpthread = httpserver.httpserver(mydb, False, global_config['http_host'], global_config['http_port']) httpthread.start() if 'http_admin_port' in global_config: httpthreadadmin = httpserver.httpserver(mydb, True, global_config['http_host'], global_config['http_admin_port']) httpthreadadmin.start() time.sleep(1) logger.info('Waiting for http clients') print('Waiting for http clients') print('openmanod ready') print('====================') time.sleep(20) sys.stdout.flush() #TODO: Interactive console must be implemented here instead of join or sleep #httpthread.join() #if 'http_admin_port' in global_config: # httpthreadadmin.join() while True: time.sleep(86400) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: logger.info(str(e)) except SystemExit: pass except getopt.GetoptError as e: logger.critical(str(e)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" #usage() exit(-1) except LoadConfigurationException as e: logger.critical(str(e)) exit(-1) except db_base_Exception as e: logger.critical(str(e)) exit(-1) except nfvo.NfvoException as e: logger.critical(str(e), exc_info=True) exit(-1) nfvo.stop_service() if httpthread: httpthread.join(1)