/* * * Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * */ module vnfd { namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:nfvo:vnfd"; prefix "vnfd"; import mano-types { prefix "manotypes"; } import rw-pb-ext { prefix "rwpb"; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix "inet"; } revision 2015-09-10 { description "Initial revision. This YANG file defines the Virtual Network Function (VNF)"; reference "Derived from earlier versions of base YANG files"; } grouping common-connection-point { leaf name { description "Name of the connection point"; type string; } leaf id { description "Identifier for the internal connection points"; type string; } leaf short-name { description "Short name of the connection point"; type string; } leaf type { description "Type of the connection point."; type manotypes:connection-point-type; } } grouping virtual-interface { container virtual-interface { description "Container for the virtual interface properties"; leaf type { description "Specifies the type of virtual interface between VM and host. VIRTIO : Use the traditional VIRTIO interface. PCI-PASSTHROUGH : Use PCI-PASSTHROUGH interface. SR-IOV : Use SR-IOV interface. E1000 : Emulate E1000 interface. RTL8139 : Emulate RTL8139 interface. PCNET : Emulate PCNET interface. OM-MGMT : Used to specify openmano mgmt external-connection type"; type enumeration { enum OM-MGMT; enum PCI-PASSTHROUGH; enum SR-IOV; enum VIRTIO; enum E1000; enum RTL8139; enum PCNET; } default "VIRTIO"; } leaf vpci { description "Specifies the virtual PCI address. Expressed in the following format dddd:dd:dd.d. For example 0000:00:12.0. This information can be used to pass as metadata during the VM creation."; type string; } leaf bandwidth { description "Aggregate bandwidth of the NIC."; type uint64; } } } grouping vnf-access-point { list vnfap { description "List of VNF access points"; key "name"; leaf name { description "Name of the vnf access point"; type string { length 128; } } leaf description { description "A description of this VNF access point"; type string; } list capability { description "The List of capabilities of this VNF access point"; key "name"; leaf name { description "Name of the capability"; type string { length 128; } } leaf description { description "A description of the capability"; type string; } choice capability-location { case location-path { leaf xpath { description "Location of this capaibility as an xpath. This field points to an element within vnfd with the xpath notation and additionally provides the flexibility to choose attributes within the instantiated version of this object. For example, /vnfd-catalog/vnfd[id='xyz']/connection-point[name='cp1']/ip_address() refers to the ip address of the connection point with name 'cp1' in VNFD with id 'xyz'."; type string; } } case location-primitive-ref { leaf config-primitive-name-ref { description "A leafref to configuration primitive. This field contains a link to the config primitive the output paramaters of which will satisfy this requirement."; type leafref { path "/vnfd:vnfd-catalog/vnfd/vnf-configuration/service-primitive/name"; } } } case user-input { list user-input { key "name"; description "User input for this capability"; leaf name { description "Name of this input"; type string; } leaf value { description "Value of this input"; type string; } } } } } list dependency { description "The List of depenencies of this VNF access point"; key "name"; leaf name { description "Name of this VNF access point"; type string { length 128; } } leaf mandatory { description "Is this dependcy mandatory for this dependency"; type boolean; } leaf description { description "A description of the dependency"; type string; } leaf config-primitive-name-ref { description "A leafref to configuration primitive. This field contains a link to the config primitive the input paramaters of which will satisfy this requirement."; type leafref { path "/vnfd:vnfd-catalog/vnfd/vnf-configuration/service-primitive/name"; } } } } } container vnfd-catalog { description "Virtual Network Function Descriptor (VNFD)."; list vnfd { key "id"; leaf id { description "Identifier for the VNFD."; type string; } leaf name { description "VNFD name."; mandatory true; type string; } leaf short-name { description "VNFD short name."; type string; } leaf vendor { description "Vendor of the VNFD."; type string; } leaf logo { description "Vendor logo for the Virtual Network Function"; type string; } leaf description { description "Description of the VNFD."; type string; } leaf version { description "Version of the VNFD"; type string; } uses manotypes:vnf-configuration; container mgmt-interface { description "Interface over which the VNF is managed."; choice endpoint-type { description "Indicates the type of management endpoint."; case ip { description "Specifies the static IP address for managing the VNF."; leaf ip-address { type inet:ip-address; } } case vdu-id { description "Use the default management interface on this VDU."; leaf vdu-id { type leafref { path "/vnfd:vnfd-catalog/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:id"; } } } case cp { description "Use the ip address associated with this connection point."; leaf cp { type leafref { path "/vnfd:vnfd-catalog/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:connection-point/vnfd:name"; } } } } leaf port { description "Port for the management interface."; type inet:port-number; } container dashboard-params { description "Parameters for the VNF dashboard"; leaf path { description "The HTTP path for the dashboard"; type string; } leaf https { description "Pick HTTPS instead of HTTP , Default is false"; type boolean; } leaf port { description "The HTTP port for the dashboard"; type inet:port-number; } } } list internal-vld { key "id"; description "List of Internal Virtual Link Descriptors (VLD). The internal VLD describes the basic topology of the connectivity (e.g. E-LAN, E-Line, E-Tree) between internal VNF components of the system."; leaf id { description "Identifier for the VLD"; type string; } leaf name { description "Name of the internal VLD"; type string; } leaf short-name { description "Short name of the internal VLD"; type string; } leaf description { type string; } leaf type { type manotypes:virtual-link-type; } leaf root-bandwidth { description "For ELAN this is the aggregate bandwidth."; type uint64; } leaf leaf-bandwidth { description "For ELAN this is the bandwidth of branches."; type uint64; } list internal-connection-point { key "id-ref"; description "List of internal connection points in this VLD"; leaf id-ref { description "reference to the internal connection point id"; type leafref { path "../../../vdu/internal-connection-point/id"; } } } uses manotypes:provider-network; } list connection-point { key "name"; description "List for external connection points. Each VNF has one or more external connection points. As the name implies that external connection points are used for connecting the VNF to other VNFs or to external networks. Each VNF exposes these connection points to the orchestrator. The orchestrator can construct network services by connecting the connection points between different VNFs. The NFVO will use VLDs and VNFFGs at the network service level to construct network services."; uses common-connection-point; } list vdu { description "List of Virtual Deployment Units"; key "id"; leaf id { description "Unique id for the VDU"; type string; } leaf name { description "Unique name for the VDU"; type string; } leaf description { description "Description of the VDU."; type string; } leaf count { description "Number of instances of VDU"; type uint64; } leaf mgmt-vpci { description "Specifies the virtual PCI address. Expressed in the following format dddd:dd:dd.d. For example 0000:00:12.0. This information can be used to pass as metadata during the VM creation."; type string; } uses manotypes:vm-flavor; uses manotypes:guest-epa; uses manotypes:vswitch-epa; uses manotypes:hypervisor-epa; uses manotypes:host-epa; list alarm { key "alarm-id"; uses manotypes:alarm; } leaf image { description "Image name for the software image. If the image name is found within the VNF packaage it will be uploaded to all cloud accounts during onboarding process. Otherwise, the image must be added to the cloud account with the same name as entered here. "; mandatory true; type string; } leaf image-checksum { description "Image md5sum for the software image. The md5sum, if provided, along with the image name uniquely identifies an image uploaded to the CAL. "; type string; } choice cloud-init-input { description "Indicates how the contents of cloud-init script are provided. There are 2 choices - inline or in a file"; case inline { leaf cloud-init { description "Contents of cloud-init script, provided inline, in cloud-config format"; type string; } } case filename { leaf cloud-init-file { description "Name of file with contents of cloud-init script in cloud-config format"; type string; } } } list internal-connection-point { key "id"; description "List for internal connection points. Each VNFC has zero or more internal connection points. Internal connection points are used for connecting the VNF components internal to the VNF. If a VNF has only one VNFC, it may not have any internal connection points."; uses common-connection-point; leaf internal-vld-ref { type leafref { path "../../../internal-vld/id"; } } } list internal-interface { description "List of internal interfaces for the VNF"; key name; leaf name { description "Name of internal interface. Note that this name has only local significance to the VDU."; type string; } leaf vdu-internal-connection-point-ref { type leafref { path "../../internal-connection-point/id"; } } uses virtual-interface; } list external-interface { description "List of external interfaces for the VNF. The external interfaces enable sending traffic to and from VNF."; key name; leaf name { description "Name of the external interface. Note that this name has only local significance."; type string; } leaf vnfd-connection-point-ref { description "Name of the external connection point."; type leafref { path "../../../connection-point/name"; } } uses virtual-interface; } } list vdu-dependency { description "List of VDU dependencies."; key vdu-source-ref; leaf vdu-source-ref { type leafref { path "../../vdu/id"; } } leaf vdu-depends-on-ref { description "Reference to the VDU that source VDU depends."; type leafref { path "../../vdu/id"; } } } leaf service-function-chain { description "Type of node in Service Function Chaining Architecture"; type enumeration { enum UNAWARE; enum CLASSIFIER; enum SF; enum SFF; } default "UNAWARE"; } leaf service-function-type { description "Type of Service Function. NOTE: This needs to map with Service Function Type in ODL to support VNFFG. Service Function Type is manadatory param in ODL SFC. This is temporarily set to string for ease of use"; type string; } uses manotypes:monitoring-param; list placement-groups { description "List of placement groups at VNF level"; key "name"; uses manotypes:placement-group-info; list member-vdus { description "List of VDUs that are part of this placement group"; key "member-vdu-ref"; leaf member-vdu-ref { type leafref { path "../../../vdu/id"; } } } } uses vnf-access-point; } } } // vim: sw=2