/* Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others * * All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ properties([ parameters([ string(defaultValue: env.GERRIT_BRANCH, description: '', name: 'GERRIT_BRANCH'), string(defaultValue: 'system', description: '', name: 'NODE'), string(defaultValue: '', description: '', name: 'BUILD_FROM_SOURCE'), string(defaultValue: 'unstable', description: '', name: 'REPO_DISTRO'), string(defaultValue: '', description: '', name: 'COMMIT_ID'), string(defaultValue: '-stage_2', description: '', name: 'UPSTREAM_SUFFIX'), string(defaultValue: 'pubkey.asc', description: '', name: 'REPO_KEY_NAME'), string(defaultValue: 'release', description: '', name: 'RELEASE'), string(defaultValue: '', description: '', name: 'UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME'), string(defaultValue: '', description: '', name: 'UPSTREAM_JOB_NUMBER'), string(defaultValue: 'OSMETSI', description: '', name: 'GPG_KEY_NAME'), string(defaultValue: 'artifactory-osm', description: '', name: 'ARTIFACTORY_SERVER'), string(defaultValue: 'osm-stage_4', description: '', name: 'DOWNSTREAM_STAGE_NAME'), string(defaultValue: 'testing-daily', description: '', name: 'DOCKER_TAG'), string(defaultValue: 'ubuntu20.04', description: '', name: 'OPENSTACK_BASE_IMAGE'), booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: '', name: 'SAVE_CONTAINER_ON_FAIL'), booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: '', name: 'SAVE_CONTAINER_ON_PASS'), booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'SAVE_ARTIFACTS_ON_SMOKE_SUCCESS'), booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'DO_BUILD'), booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'DO_INSTALL'), booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'DO_DOCKERPUSH'), booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: '', name: 'SAVE_ARTIFACTS_OVERRIDE'), string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/openstack-etsi.rc', description: '', name: 'HIVE_VIM_1'), booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'DO_ROBOT'), string(defaultValue: 'sanity', description: 'sanity/regression/daily are the common options', name: 'ROBOT_TAG_NAME'), string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/robot-systest.cfg', description: '', name: 'ROBOT_VIM'), string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/port-mapping-etsi-vim.yaml', description: 'Port mapping file for SDN assist in ETSI VIM', name: 'ROBOT_PORT_MAPPING_VIM'), string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/kubeconfig.yaml', description: '', name: 'KUBECONFIG'), string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/clouds.yaml', description: '', name: 'CLOUDS'), string(defaultValue: 'Default', description: '', name: 'INSTALLER'), string(defaultValue: '100.0', description: '% passed Robot tests to mark the build as passed', name: 'ROBOT_PASS_THRESHOLD'), string(defaultValue: '80.0', description: '% passed Robot tests to mark the build as unstable ' + '(if lower, it will be failed)', name: 'ROBOT_UNSTABLE_THRESHOLD'), ]) ]) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void run_robot_systest(String tagName, String testName, String osmHostname, String prometheusHostname, Integer prometheusPort=null, String envfile=null, String portmappingfile=null, String kubeconfig=null, String clouds=null, String hostfile=null, String jujuPassword=null, String osmRSAfile=null, String passThreshold='0.0', String unstableThreshold='0.0') { tempdir = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'mktemp -d').trim() String environmentFile = '' if (envfile) { environmentFile = envfile } else { sh(script: "touch ${tempdir}/env") environmentFile = "${tempdir}/env" } PROMETHEUS_PORT_VAR = '' if (prometheusPort != null) { PROMETHEUS_PORT_VAR = "--env PROMETHEUS_PORT=${prometheusPort}" } hostfilemount = '' if (hostfile) { hostfilemount = "-v ${hostfile}:/etc/hosts" } JUJU_PASSWORD_VAR = '' if (jujuPassword != null) { JUJU_PASSWORD_VAR = "--env JUJU_PASSWORD=${jujuPassword}" } try { sh("""docker run --env OSM_HOSTNAME=${osmHostname} --env PROMETHEUS_HOSTNAME=${prometheusHostname} \ ${PROMETHEUS_PORT_VAR} ${JUJU_PASSWORD_VAR} --env-file ${environmentFile} \ -v ${clouds}:/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml \ -v ${osmRSAfile}:/root/osm_id_rsa -v ${kubeconfig}:/root/.kube/config -v ${tempdir}:/robot-systest/reports \ -v ${portmappingfile}:/root/port-mapping.yaml ${hostfilemount} opensourcemano/tests:${tagName} \ -c -t ${testName}""") } finally { sh("cp ${tempdir}/* .") outputDirectory = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'pwd').trim() println("Present Directory is : ${outputDirectory}") step([ $class : 'RobotPublisher', outputPath : "${outputDirectory}", outputFileName : '*.xml', disableArchiveOutput : false, reportFileName : 'report.html', logFileName : 'log.html', passThreshold : passThreshold, unstableThreshold: unstableThreshold, otherFiles : '*.png', ]) } } void archive_logs(Map remote) { sshCommand remote: remote, command: '''mkdir -p logs''' if (useCharmedInstaller) { sshCommand remote: remote, command: ''' for container in `kubectl get pods -n osm | grep -v operator | grep -v NAME| awk '{print $1}'`; do logfile=`echo $container | cut -d- -f1` echo "Extracting log for $logfile" kubectl logs -n osm $container --timestamps=true 2>&1 > logs/$logfile.log done ''' } else { sshCommand remote: remote, command: ''' for deployment in `kubectl -n osm get deployments | grep -v operator | grep -v NAME| awk '{print $1}'`; do echo "Extracting log for $deployment" kubectl -n osm logs deployments/$deployment --timestamps=true --all-containers 2>&1 \ > logs/$deployment.log done ''' sshCommand remote: remote, command: ''' for statefulset in `kubectl -n osm get statefulsets | grep -v operator | grep -v NAME| awk '{print $1}'`; do echo "Extracting log for $statefulset" kubectl -n osm logs statefulsets/$statefulset --timestamps=true --all-containers 2>&1 \ > logs/$statefulset.log done ''' } sh 'rm -rf logs' sshCommand remote: remote, command: '''ls -al logs''' sshGet remote: remote, from: 'logs', into: '.', override: true sh 'cp logs/* .' archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.log' } String get_value(String key, String output) { for (String line : output.split( '\n' )) { data = line.split( '\\|' ) if (data.length > 1) { if ( data[1].trim() == key ) { return data[2].trim() } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main Script //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// node("${params.NODE}") { INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY = 'osm.etsi.org:5050/devops/cicd/' INTERNAL_DOCKER_PROXY = '' APT_PROXY = '' SSH_KEY = '~/hive/cicd_rsa' ARCHIVE_LOGS_FLAG = false sh 'env' tag_or_branch = params.GERRIT_BRANCH.replaceAll(/\./, '') stage('Checkout') { checkout scm } ci_helper = load 'jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_helper.groovy' def upstreamMainJob = params.UPSTREAM_SUFFIX // upstream jobs always use merged artifacts upstreamMainJob += '-merge' containerNamePrefix = "osm-${tag_or_branch}" containerName = "${containerNamePrefix}" keep_artifacts = false if ( JOB_NAME.contains('merge') ) { containerName += '-merge' // On a merge job, we keep artifacts on smoke success keep_artifacts = params.SAVE_ARTIFACTS_ON_SMOKE_SUCCESS } containerName += "-${BUILD_NUMBER}" server_id = null http_server_name = null devopstempdir = null useCharmedInstaller = params.INSTALLER.equalsIgnoreCase('charmed') try { builtModules = [:] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fetch stage 2 .deb artifacts /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// stage('Copy Artifacts') { // cleanup any previous repo sh 'rm -rf repo' dir('repo') { packageList = [] dir("${RELEASE}") { RELEASE_DIR = sh(returnStdout:true, script: 'pwd').trim() // check if an upstream artifact based on specific build number has been requested // This is the case of a merge build and the upstream merge build is not yet complete // (it is not deemed a successful build yet). The upstream job is calling this downstream // job (with the its build artifact) def upstreamComponent = '' if (params.UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME) { println("Fetching upstream job artifact from ${params.UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME}") lock('Artifactory') { step ([$class: 'CopyArtifact', projectName: "${params.UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME}", selector: [$class: 'SpecificBuildSelector', buildNumber: "${params.UPSTREAM_JOB_NUMBER}"] ]) upstreamComponent = ci_helper.get_mdg_from_project( ci_helper.get_env_value('build.env','GERRIT_PROJECT')) def buildNumber = ci_helper.get_env_value('build.env','BUILD_NUMBER') dir("$upstreamComponent") { // the upstream job name contains suffix with the project. Need this stripped off project_without_branch = params.UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME.split('/')[0] packages = ci_helper.get_archive(params.ARTIFACTORY_SERVER, upstreamComponent, GERRIT_BRANCH, "${project_without_branch} :: ${GERRIT_BRANCH}", buildNumber) packageList.addAll(packages) println("Fetched pre-merge ${params.UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME}: ${packages}") } } // lock artifactory } parallelSteps = [:] list = ['RO', 'osmclient', 'IM', 'devops', 'MON', 'N2VC', 'NBI', 'common', 'LCM', 'POL', 'NG-UI', 'PLA', 'tests'] if (upstreamComponent.length() > 0) { println("Skipping upstream fetch of ${upstreamComponent}") list.remove(upstreamComponent) } for (buildStep in list) { def component = buildStep parallelSteps[component] = { dir("$component") { println("Fetching artifact for ${component}") step([$class: 'CopyArtifact', projectName: "${component}${upstreamMainJob}/${GERRIT_BRANCH}"]) // grab the archives from the stage_2 builds // (ie. this will be the artifacts stored based on a merge) packages = ci_helper.get_archive(params.ARTIFACTORY_SERVER, component, GERRIT_BRANCH, "${component}${upstreamMainJob} :: ${GERRIT_BRANCH}", ci_helper.get_env_value('build.env', 'BUILD_NUMBER')) packageList.addAll(packages) println("Fetched ${component}: ${packages}") sh 'rm -rf dists' } } } lock('Artifactory') { parallel parallelSteps } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create Devops APT repository /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sh 'mkdir -p pool' for (component in [ 'devops', 'IM', 'osmclient' ]) { sh "ls -al ${component}/pool/" sh "cp -r ${component}/pool/* pool/" sh "dpkg-sig --sign builder -k ${GPG_KEY_NAME} pool/${component}/*" sh "mkdir -p dists/${params.REPO_DISTRO}/${component}/binary-amd64/" sh("""apt-ftparchive packages pool/${component} \ > dists/${params.REPO_DISTRO}/${component}/binary-amd64/Packages""") sh "gzip -9fk dists/${params.REPO_DISTRO}/${component}/binary-amd64/Packages" } // create and sign the release file sh "apt-ftparchive release dists/${params.REPO_DISTRO} > dists/${params.REPO_DISTRO}/Release" sh("""gpg --yes -abs -u ${GPG_KEY_NAME} \ -o dists/${params.REPO_DISTRO}/Release.gpg dists/${params.REPO_DISTRO}/Release""") // copy the public key into the release folder // this pulls the key from the home dir of the current user (jenkins) sh "cp ~/${REPO_KEY_NAME} 'OSM ETSI Release Key.gpg'" sh "cp ~/${REPO_KEY_NAME} ." } // start an apache server to serve up the packages http_server_name = "${containerName}-apache" pwd = sh(returnStdout:true, script: 'pwd').trim() repo_port = sh(script: 'echo $(python -c \'import socket; s=socket.socket(); s.bind(("", 0));' + 'print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()\');', returnStdout: true).trim() internal_docker_http_server_url = ci_helper.start_http_server(pwd, http_server_name, repo_port) NODE_IP_ADDRESS = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "echo ${SSH_CONNECTION} | awk '{print \$3}'").trim() ci_helper.check_status_http_server(NODE_IP_ADDRESS, repo_port) } // Unpack devops package into temporary location so that we use it from upstream if it was part of a patch osm_devops_dpkg = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'find ./repo/release/pool/ -name osm-devops*.deb').trim() devopstempdir = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'mktemp -d').trim() println("Extracting local devops package ${osm_devops_dpkg} into ${devopstempdir} for docker build step") sh "dpkg -x ${osm_devops_dpkg} ${devopstempdir}" OSM_DEVOPS = "${devopstempdir}/usr/share/osm-devops" // Convert URLs from stage 2 packages to arguments that can be passed to docker build for (remotePath in packageList) { packageName = remotePath[remotePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1 .. -1] packageName = packageName[0 .. packageName.indexOf('_') - 1] builtModules[packageName] = remotePath } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Build docker containers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// dir(OSM_DEVOPS) { Map remote = [:] error = null if ( params.DO_BUILD ) { withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 'gitlab-registry', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD']]) { sh "docker login ${INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY} -u ${USERNAME} -p ${PASSWORD}" } datetime = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'date +%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S').trim() moduleBuildArgs = " --build-arg CACHE_DATE=${datetime}" for (packageName in builtModules.keySet()) { envName = packageName.replaceAll('-', '_').toUpperCase() + '_URL' moduleBuildArgs += " --build-arg ${envName}=" + builtModules[packageName] } dir('docker') { stage('Build') { containerList = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "find . -name Dockerfile -printf '%h\\n' | sed 's|\\./||'") containerList = Arrays.asList(containerList.split('\n')) print(containerList) parallelSteps = [:] for (buildStep in containerList) { def module = buildStep def moduleName = buildStep.toLowerCase() def moduleTag = containerName parallelSteps[module] = { dir("$module") { sh("""docker build --build-arg APT_PROXY=${APT_PROXY} \ -t opensourcemano/${moduleName}:${moduleTag} ${moduleBuildArgs} .""") println("Tagging ${moduleName}:${moduleTag}") sh("""docker tag opensourcemano/${moduleName}:${moduleTag} \ ${INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY}opensourcemano/${moduleName}:${moduleTag}""") sh("""docker push \ ${INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY}opensourcemano/${moduleName}:${moduleTag}""") } } } parallel parallelSteps } } } // if (params.DO_BUILD) if (params.DO_INSTALL) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Launch VM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// stage('Spawn Remote VM') { println('Launching new VM') output = sh(returnStdout: true, script: """#!/bin/sh -e for line in `grep OS ~/hive/robot-systest.cfg | grep -v OS_CLOUD` ; do export \$line ; done openstack server create --flavor osm.sanity \ --image ${OPENSTACK_BASE_IMAGE} \ --key-name CICD \ --property build_url="${BUILD_URL}" \ --nic net-id=osm-ext \ ${containerName} """).trim() server_id = get_value('id', output) if (server_id == null) { println('VM launch output: ') println(output) throw new Exception('VM Launch failed') } println("Target VM is ${server_id}, waiting for IP address to be assigned") IP_ADDRESS = '' while (IP_ADDRESS == '') { output = sh(returnStdout: true, script: """#!/bin/sh -e for line in `grep OS ~/hive/robot-systest.cfg | grep -v OS_CLOUD` ; do export \$line ; done openstack server show ${server_id} """).trim() IP_ADDRESS = get_value('addresses', output) } IP_ADDRESS = IP_ADDRESS.split('=')[1] println("Waiting for VM at ${IP_ADDRESS} to be reachable") alive = false timeout(time: 1, unit: 'MINUTES') { while (!alive) { output = sh( returnStatus: true, script: "ssh -T -i ${SSH_KEY} " + "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " + "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " + "-o ConnectTimeout=5 ubuntu@${IP_ADDRESS} 'echo Alive'") alive = (output == 0) } } println('VM is ready and accepting ssh connections') } // stage("Spawn Remote VM") /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Checks before installation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// stage('Checks before installation') { remote = [ name: containerName, host: IP_ADDRESS, user: 'ubuntu', identityFile: SSH_KEY, allowAnyHosts: true, logLevel: 'INFO', pty: true ] // Force time sync to avoid clock drift and invalid certificates sshCommand remote: remote, command: 'sudo apt-get update' sshCommand remote: remote, command: 'sudo apt-get install -y chrony' sshCommand remote: remote, command: 'sudo service chrony stop' sshCommand remote: remote, command: 'sudo chronyd -vq' sshCommand remote: remote, command: 'sudo service chrony start' } // stage("Checks before installation") /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Installation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// stage('Install') { commit_id = '' repo_distro = '' repo_key_name = '' release = '' if (params.COMMIT_ID) { commit_id = "-b ${params.COMMIT_ID}" } if (params.REPO_DISTRO) { repo_distro = "-r ${params.REPO_DISTRO}" } if (params.REPO_KEY_NAME) { repo_key_name = "-k ${params.REPO_KEY_NAME}" } if (params.RELEASE) { release = "-R ${params.RELEASE}" } if (params.REPOSITORY_BASE) { repo_base_url = "-u ${params.REPOSITORY_BASE}" } else { repo_base_url = "-u http://${NODE_IP_ADDRESS}:${repo_port}" } remote = [ name: containerName, host: IP_ADDRESS, user: 'ubuntu', identityFile: SSH_KEY, allowAnyHosts: true, logLevel: 'INFO', pty: true ] sshCommand remote: remote, command: ''' wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-11.0-eleven/install_osm.sh chmod +x ./install_osm.sh sed -i '1 i\\export PATH=/snap/bin:\$PATH' ~/.bashrc ''' Map gitlabCredentialsMap = [$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 'gitlab-registry', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD'] if (useCharmedInstaller) { // Use local proxy for docker hub sshCommand remote: remote, command: ''' sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.19/stable sudo sed -i "s|https://registry-1.docker.io||" \ /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/containerd-template.toml sudo systemctl restart snap.microk8s.daemon-containerd.service sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl ''' withCredentials([gitlabCredentialsMap]) { sshCommand remote: remote, command: """ ./install_osm.sh -y \ ${repo_base_url} \ ${repo_key_name} \ ${release} -r unstable \ --charmed \ --registry ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}@${INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY} \ --tag ${containerName} """ } prometheusHostname = "prometheus.${IP_ADDRESS}.nip.io" prometheusPort = 80 osmHostname = "nbi.${IP_ADDRESS}.nip.io:443" } else { // Run -k8s installer here specifying internal docker registry and docker proxy withCredentials([gitlabCredentialsMap]) { sshCommand remote: remote, command: """ ./install_osm.sh -y \ ${repo_base_url} \ ${repo_key_name} \ ${release} -r unstable \ -d ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}@${INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY} \ -p ${INTERNAL_DOCKER_PROXY} \ -t ${containerName} """ } prometheusHostname = IP_ADDRESS prometheusPort = 9091 osmHostname = IP_ADDRESS } } // stage("Install") /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Health check of installed OSM in remote vm /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// stage('OSM Health') { // if this point is reached, logs should be archived ARCHIVE_LOGS_FLAG = true stackName = 'osm' sshCommand remote: remote, command: """ /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/osm_health.sh -k -s ${stackName} """ } // stage("OSM Health") } // if ( params.DO_INSTALL ) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Execute Robot tests /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// stage_archive = false if ( params.DO_ROBOT ) { try { stage('System Integration Test') { if (useCharmedInstaller) { tempdir = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'mktemp -d').trim() sh(script: "touch ${tempdir}/hosts") hostfile = "${tempdir}/hosts" sh """cat << EOF > ${hostfile} localhost ${remote.host} prometheus.${remote.host}.nip.io nbi.${remote.host}.nip.io EOF""" } else { hostfile = null } jujuPassword = sshCommand remote: remote, command: ''' echo `juju gui 2>&1 | grep password | cut -d: -f2` ''' run_robot_systest( containerName, params.ROBOT_TAG_NAME, osmHostname, prometheusHostname, prometheusPort, params.ROBOT_VIM, params.ROBOT_PORT_MAPPING_VIM, params.KUBECONFIG, params.CLOUDS, hostfile, jujuPassword, SSH_KEY, params.ROBOT_PASS_THRESHOLD, params.ROBOT_UNSTABLE_THRESHOLD ) } // stage("System Integration Test") } finally { stage('After System Integration test') { if (currentBuild.result != 'FAILURE') { stage_archive = keep_artifacts } else { println('Systest test failed, throwing error') error = new Exception('Systest test failed') currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE' throw error } } } } // if ( params.DO_ROBOT ) if (params.SAVE_ARTIFACTS_OVERRIDE || stage_archive) { stage('Archive') { // Archive the tested repo dir("${RELEASE_DIR}") { ci_helper.archive(params.ARTIFACTORY_SERVER, RELEASE, GERRIT_BRANCH, 'tested') } if (params.DO_DOCKERPUSH) { stage('Publish to Dockerhub') { parallelSteps = [:] for (buildStep in containerList) { def module = buildStep def moduleName = buildStep.toLowerCase() def dockerTag = params.DOCKER_TAG def moduleTag = containerName parallelSteps[module] = { dir("$module") { sh("""docker tag opensourcemano/${moduleName}:${moduleTag} \ opensourcemano/${moduleName}:${dockerTag}""") sh "docker push opensourcemano/${moduleName}:${dockerTag}" } } } parallel parallelSteps } stage('Snap promotion') { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'Snapstore', variable: 'SNAPCRAFT_STORE_CREDENTIALS')]) { snaps = ['osmclient'] for (snap in snaps) { channel = 'latest/' if (BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('v')) { channel = BRANCH_NAME.substring(1) + '/' } else if (BRANCH_NAME != 'master') { channel += '/' + BRANCH_NAME.replaceAll('/', '-') } track = channel + 'edge\\*' edge_rev = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "snapcraft revisions $snap | " + "grep \"$track\" | tail -1 | awk '{print \$1}'").trim() track = channel + 'beta\\*' beta_rev = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "snapcraft revisions $snap | " + "grep \"$track\" | tail -1 | awk '{print \$1}'").trim() print "Edge: $edge_rev, Beta: $beta_rev" if (edge_rev != beta_rev) { print "Promoting $edge_rev to beta in place of $beta_rev" beta_track = channel + 'beta' sh "snapcraft release $snap $edge_rev $beta_track" } } } } // stage('Snap promotion') stage('Charm promotion') { charms = [ 'osm', // bundle 'osm-ha', // bundle 'osm-grafana', 'osm-mariadb', 'osm-lcm', 'osm-mon', 'osm-nbi', 'osm-ng-ui', 'osm-pol', 'osm-ro', 'osm-prometheus', ] for (charm in charms) { channel = 'latest' if (BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('v')) { channel = BRANCH_NAME.substring(1) } else if (BRANCH_NAME != 'master') { channel += '/' + BRANCH_NAME.replaceAll('/', '-') } withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'Charmstore', variable: 'CHARMCRAFT_AUTH')]) { sh "charmcraft status $charm --format json > ${charm}.json" isCharm = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "grep architecture ${charm}.json | wc -l").trim() as int if (isCharm) { jqScriptEdge = "cat ${charm}.json | jq -r '.[] | select(.track==\"$channel\") | .mappings[] | select(.base.architecture==\"amd64\" and .base.channel==\"20.04\") | .releases[] | select(.channel==\"$channel/edge/merged\")| .version'|head -1" jqScriptBeta = "cat ${charm}.json | jq -r '.[] | select(.track==\"$channel\") | .mappings[] | select(.base.architecture==\"amd64\" and .base.channel==\"20.04\") | .releases[] | select(.channel==\"$channel/beta\")| .version'|head -1" } else { jqScriptEdge = "cat ${charm}.json | jq -r '.[] | select(.track==\"$channel\") | .mappings[].releases[] | select(.channel==\"$channel/edge/merged\")| .version'|head -1" jqScriptBeta = "cat ${charm}.json | jq -r '.[] | select(.track==\"$channel\") | .mappings[].releases[] | select(.channel==\"$channel/beta\")| .version'|head -1" } // edge/merged is used in place of /edge as 10.1.0 LTS uses latest/edge edge_rev = sh(returnStdout: true, script: jqScriptEdge).trim() beta_rev = sh(returnStdout: true, script: jqScriptBeta).trim() try { edge_rev = edge_rev as int } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {edge_rev = 0} try { beta_rev = beta_rev as int } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {beta_rev = 0} print "Edge: $edge_rev, Beta: $beta_rev" if (edge_rev > beta_rev) { print "Promoting $edge_rev to beta in place of $beta_rev" beta_track = channel + 'beta' sh "charmcraft release ${charm} --revision=${edge_rev} --channel=${channel}/beta" } } } } // stage('Charm promotion') } // if (params.DO_DOCKERPUSH) } // stage('Archive') } // if (params.SAVE_ARTIFACTS_OVERRIDE || stage_archive) } // dir(OSM_DEVOPS) } finally { stage('Archive Container Logs') { if ( ARCHIVE_LOGS_FLAG ) { try { // Archive logs remote = [ name: containerName, host: IP_ADDRESS, user: 'ubuntu', identityFile: SSH_KEY, allowAnyHosts: true, logLevel: 'INFO', pty: true ] println('Archiving container logs') archive_logs(remote) } catch (Exception e) { println('Error fetching logs: '+ e.getMessage()) } } // end if ( ARCHIVE_LOGS_FLAG ) } stage('Cleanup') { if ( params.DO_INSTALL && server_id != null) { delete_vm = true if (error && params.SAVE_CONTAINER_ON_FAIL ) { delete_vm = false } if (!error && params.SAVE_CONTAINER_ON_PASS ) { delete_vm = false } if ( delete_vm ) { if (server_id != null) { println("Deleting VM: $server_id") sh """#!/bin/sh -e for line in `grep OS ~/hive/robot-systest.cfg | grep -v OS_CLOUD` ; do export \$line ; done openstack server delete ${server_id} """ } else { println("Saved VM $server_id in ETSI VIM") } } } if ( http_server_name != null ) { sh "docker stop ${http_server_name} || true" sh "docker rm ${http_server_name} || true" } if ( devopstempdir != null ) { sh "rm -rf ${devopstempdir}" } } } }