/* Copyright 2017 Sandvine * * All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ artifactory_server_id = 'artifactory-osm' def get_archive(mdg, branch, build_name, build_number, pattern='*') { server = Artifactory.server artifactory_server_id println("retrieve archive for ${mdg}/${branch}/${build_name}/${build_number}/${pattern}") def repo_prefix = 'osm-' def downloadSpec = """{ "files": [ { "target": "./", "pattern": "${repo_prefix}${mdg}/${pattern}", "build": "${build_name}/${build_number}" } ] }""" server.download(downloadSpec) // workaround. flatten and repo the specific build num from the directory sh "cp -R ${build_num}/* ." sh "rm -rf ${build_num}" } def get_env_value(build_env_file,key) { return sh(returnStdout:true, script: "cat ${build_env_file} | awk -F= '/${key}/{print \$2}'").trim() } def lxc_run(container_name,cmd) { return sh(returnStdout: true, script: "lxc exec ${container_name} -- ${cmd}").trim() } // start a http server // return the http server URL def start_http_server(repo_dir,server_name) { sh "docker run -dit --name ${server_name} -v ${repo_dir}:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ httpd:2.4" def http_server_ip = sh(returnStdout:true, script: "docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ${server_name}").trim() return "-u http://${http_server_ip}/" } def lxc_get_file(container_name,file,destination) { sh "lxc file pull ${container_name}/${file} ${destination}" } def systest_run(container_name, test) { // need to get the SO IP inside the running container so_ip = lxc_run(container_name,"lxc list SO-ub -c 4|grep eth0 |awk '{print \$2}'") //container_ip = get_ip_from_container(container_name) // lxc_run(container_name, "make -C devops/systest OSM_HOSTNAME=${so_ip} ${test}") lxc_get_file(container_name, "/root/devops/systest/reports/pytest-${test}.xml",'.') } def get_ip_from_container( container_name ) { return sh(returnStdout: true, script: "lxc list ${container_name} -c 4|grep eth0 |awk '{print \$2}'").trim() } def archive(mdg,branch,status) { server = Artifactory.server artifactory_server_id def properties = "branch=${branch};status=${status}" def repo_prefix = 'osm-' def uploadSpec = """{ "files": [ { "pattern": "dists/*.gz", "target": "${repo_prefix}${mdg}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/", "props": "${properties}", "flat": false }, { "pattern": "dists/*Packages", "target": "${repo_prefix}${mdg}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/", "props": "${properties}", "flat": false }, { "pattern": "pool/*/*.deb", "target": "${repo_prefix}${mdg}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/", "props": "${properties}", "flat": false }] }""" buildInfo = server.upload(uploadSpec) //buildInfo.retention maxBuilds: 4 //buildInfo.retention deleteBuildArtifacts: false server.publishBuildInfo(buildInfo) // store the build environment into the jenkins artifact storage sh 'env > build.env' archiveArtifacts artifacts: "build.env", fingerprint: true } //CANNOT use build promotion with OSS version of artifactory // For now, will publish downloaded artifacts into a new repo. def promote_build(mdg,branch,buildInfo) { println("Promoting build: mdg: ${mdg} branch: ${branch} build: ${buildInfo.name}/${buildInfo.number}") server = Artifactory.server artifactory_server_id //def properties = "branch=${branch};status=${status}" def repo_prefix = 'osm-' def build_name = "${mdg}-stage_2 :: ${branch}" def promotionConfig = [ // Mandatory parameters "buildName" : buildInfo.name, "buildNumber" : buildInfo.number, 'targetRepo' : 'osm-release', // Optional parameters 'comment' : 'this is the promotion comment', 'sourceRepo' : "${repo_prefix}${mdg}", 'status' : 'Testing', 'includeDependencies': true, 'copy' : true, // 'failFast' is true by default. // Set it to false, if you don't want the promotion to abort upon receiving the first error. 'failFast' : true ] server.promote promotionConfig } def get_mdg_from_project(project) { // split the project. def values = project.split('/') if ( values.size() > 1 ) { return values[1] } // no prefix, likely just the project name then return project } return this