# # Copyright 2020 ETSI # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # TOPDIR=$(shell readlink -f .|sed -e 's/\/docker\/.*//') MKINCLUDE=$(TOPDIR)/docker/mk MKBUILD=$(TOPDIR)/docker/build all: build TAG ?= 6 REPOSITORY_BASE ?= http://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/debian RELEASE ?= ReleaseFOUR-daily REPOSITORY_KEY ?= OSM%20ETSI%20Release%20Key.gpg REPOSITORY ?= testing NO_CACHE ?= --no-cache LOWER_MDG = $(shell echo $(MDG) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') CONTAINER_NAME ?= $(LOWER_MDG) CMD_DOCKER_ARGS ?= -q DOCKER_ARGS = $(CMD_DOCKER_ARGS) DEPS := MON IM LCM RO common osmclient devops NBI policy-module Keystone N2VC lightui ngui PLA tests DEPS_TARGETS = $(addprefix $(MKBUILD)/.dep_, $(DEPS)) Q=@ $(MKBUILD): $Qmkdir -p $(MKBUILD) $(MKBUILD)/.dep_policy-module: $Q$(MKINCLUDE)/get_version.sh -r $(REPOSITORY) -R $(RELEASE) -k $(REPOSITORY_KEY) -u $(REPOSITORY_BASE) -m POL -p policy-module > $@ $(MKBUILD)/.dep_lightui: $Q$(MKINCLUDE)/get_version.sh -r $(REPOSITORY) -R $(RELEASE) -k $(REPOSITORY_KEY) -u $(REPOSITORY_BASE) -m LW-UI -p lightui > $@ $(MKBUILD)/.dep_ngui: $Q$(MKINCLUDE)/get_version.sh -r $(REPOSITORY) -R $(RELEASE) -k $(REPOSITORY_KEY) -u $(REPOSITORY_BASE) -m NG-UI -p ngui > $@ $(MKBUILD)/.dep_%: $Q$(MKINCLUDE)/get_version.sh -r $(REPOSITORY) -R $(RELEASE) -k $(REPOSITORY_KEY) -u $(REPOSITORY_BASE) -m $* > $@ build: $(MKBUILD) $(DEPS_TARGETS) $Qdocker build -t opensourcemano/$(LOWER_MDG):$(TAG) \ --build-arg RELEASE=$(RELEASE) \ --build-arg REPOSITORY=$(REPOSITORY) \ --build-arg REPOSITORY_KEY=$(REPOSITORY_KEY) \ --build-arg REPOSITORY_BASE=$(REPOSITORY_BASE) \ --build-arg MON_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_MON) \ --build-arg IM_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_IM) \ --build-arg RO_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_RO) \ --build-arg LCM_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_LCM) \ --build-arg COMMON_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_common) \ --build-arg OSMCLIENT_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_osmclient) \ --build-arg NBI_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_NBI) \ --build-arg POL_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_policy-module) \ --build-arg PLA_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_PLA) \ --build-arg DEVOPS_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_devops) \ --build-arg N2VC_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_N2VC) \ --build-arg LWUI_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_lightui) \ --build-arg NGUI_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_ngui) \ --build-arg TESTS_VERSION==$(shell cat $(MKBUILD)/.dep_tests) \ $(DOCKER_ARGS) . clean: rm -f $(MKBUILD)/.dep* tag: docker tag opensourcemano/$(CONTAINER_NAME):$(INPUT_TAG) opensourcemano/$(LOWER_MDG):$(TAG) push: tag docker push opensourcemano/$(LOWER_MDG):$(TAG)