tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0 description: Toy NS metadata: ID: ping_pong_nsd vendor: version: 1.0 data_types: properties: config_delay: constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 default: 0 required: no type: integer config_details: type: map config_priority: constraints: - greater_than: 0 type: integer config_template: required: no type: string config_type: type: string capability_types: tosca.capabilities.riftio.mgmt_interface_type: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Endpoint properties: dashboard_params: type: map vdu: type: string tosca.capabilities.riftio.http_endpoint_type: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Endpoint properties: path: type: string polling_interval: type: integer tosca.capabilities.riftio.monitoring_param: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.nfv.Metric properties: description: type: string group_tag: default: Group1 type: string http_endpoint_ref: type: string id: type: integer json_query_method: default: NAMEKEY type: string name: type: string units: type: string value_type: default: INT type: string widget_type: default: COUNTER type: string node_types: tosca.nodes.riftio.CP1: derived_from: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP properties: cp_type: description: Type of the connection point type: string name: description: Name of the connection point type: string vdu_intf_name: description: Name of the interface on VDU type: string vdu_intf_type: description: Type of the interface on VDU type: string tosca.nodes.riftio.VL1: derived_from: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL.ELAN properties: description: type: string tosca.nodes.riftio.VNF1: derived_from: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF properties: port: constraints: - in_range: [1, 65535] type: integer vnf_configuration: type: start_by_default: type: boolean default: true capabilities: http_endpoint: type: tosca.capabilities.riftio.http_endpoint_type mgmt_interface: type: tosca.capabilities.riftio.mgmt_interface_type monitoring_param_0: type: tosca.capabilities.riftio.monitoring_param monitoring_param_1: type: tosca.capabilities.riftio.monitoring_param requirements: - vdus: node: tosca.nodes.riftio.VDU1 occurences: [1, UNBOUND] relationship: tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualLinksTo type: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable tosca.nodes.riftio.VDU1: derived_from: tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU properties: cloud_init: default: #cloud-config type: string count: default: 1 type: integer capabilities: virtualLink: type: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable group_types: tosca.groups.riftio.ConfigPrimitives: derived_from: tosca.policies.Root properties: primitive: map policy_types: tosca.policies.riftio.InitialConfigPrimitive: derived_from: tosca.policies.Root properties: name: type: string parameter: type: map seq: type: integer user_defined_script: type: string tosca.policies.riftio.ScalingGroup: derived_from: tosca.policies.Root properties: config_actions: type: map max_instance_count: type: integer min_instance_count: type: integer name: type: string vnfd_members: type: map topology_template: policies: - scaling_group_descriptor: config_actions: post_scale_out: ping config max_instance_count: 10 min_instance_count: 1 name: ping_group type: tosca.policies.riftio.ScalingGroup vnfd_members: ping_vnfd: 1 - initial_config_primitive: name: start traffic seq: 1 type: tosca.policies.riftio.InitialConfigPrimitive user_defined_script: groups: config_primitive: type: tosca.groups.riftio.ConfigPrimitives members: - ping_vnfd - pong_vnfd properties: primitives: ping config: user_defined_script: inputs: vendor: type: string description: Translated from YANG node_templates: ping_vnfd: type: tosca.nodes.riftio.VNF1 properties: id: 1 port: 18888 start_by_default: false vendor: version: 1.0 vnf_configuration: config_delay: 0 config_details: script_type: bash config_priority: 2 config_template: "\n#!/bin/bash\n\n# Rest API config\nping_mgmt_ip=\n\ ping_mgmt_port=18888\n\n# VNF specific configuration\npong_server_ip=\nping_rate=5\nserver_port=5555\n\n# Make rest API calls\ \ to configure VNF\ncurl -D /dev/stdout \\\n -H \"Accept: application/\"\ \ \\\n -H \"Content-Type: application/\" \\\n \ \ -X POST \\\n -d \"{\\\"ip\\\":\\\"$pong_server_ip\\\", \\\"port\\\ \":$server_port}\" \\\n http://${ping_mgmt_ip}:${ping_mgmt_port}/api/v1/ping/server\n\ rc=$?\nif [ $rc -ne 0 ]\nthen\n echo \"Failed to set server info for\ \ ping!\"\n exit $rc\nfi\n\ncurl -D /dev/stdout \\\n -H \"Accept:\ \ application/\" \\\n -H \"Content-Type: application/\"\ \ \\\n -X POST \\\n -d \"{\\\"rate\\\":$ping_rate}\" \\\n http://${ping_mgmt_ip}:${ping_mgmt_port}/api/v1/ping/rate\n\ rc=$?\nif [ $rc -ne 0 ]\nthen\n echo \"Failed to set ping rate!\"\n\ \ exit $rc\nfi\n\nexit 0\n" config_type: script capabilities: http_endpoint: properties: path: api/v1/ping/stats polling_interval: 2 port: 18888 protocol: http mgmt_interface: properties: dashboard_params: path: api/v1/ping/stats port: 18888 port: 18888 protocol: tcp vdu: ping_vnfd_iovdu_0 monitoring_param_0: properties: description: no of ping requests group_tag: Group1 http_endpoint_ref: api/v1/ping/stats id: 1 json_query_method: NAMEKEY name: ping-request-tx-count units: packets value_type: INT widget_type: COUNTER monitoring_param_1: properties: description: no of ping responses group_tag: Group1 http_endpoint_ref: api/v1/ping/stats id: 2 json_query_method: NAMEKEY name: ping-response-rx-count units: packets value_type: INT widget_type: COUNTER requirements: - vdus: node: ping_vnfd_iovdu_0 pong_vnfd_iovdu_0: type: tosca.nodes.riftio.VDU1 properties: cloud_init: "#cloud-config\npassword: fedora\nchpasswd: { expire: False }\n\ ssh_pwauth: True\nruncmd:\n - [ systemctl, daemon-reload ]\n - [ systemctl,\ \ enable, pong.service ]\n - [ systemctl, start, --no-block, pong.service\ \ ]\n - [ ifup, eth1 ]\n" count: 1 capabilities: host: properties: disk_size: 4 GB mem_size: 512 MB num_cpus: 1 artifacts: pong_vnfd_iovdu_0_vm_image: file: ../images/Fedora-x86_64-20-20131211.1-sda-pong.qcow2 image_checksum: 1234567890abcdefg type: tosca.artifacts.Deployment.Image.riftio.QCOW2 interfaces: Standard: create: pong_vnfd_iovdu_0_vm_image pong_vnfd_cp0: type: tosca.nodes.riftio.CP1 properties: cp_type: VPORT name: pong_vnfd/cp0 vdu_intf_name: eth0 vdu_intf_type: VIRTIO requirements: - virtualBinding: node: pong_vnfd_iovdu_0 - virtualLink: node: ping_pong_vld ping_pong_vld: type: tosca.nodes.riftio.VL1 properties: description: Toy VL vendor: ping_vnfd_cp0: type: tosca.nodes.riftio.CP1 properties: cp_type: VPORT name: ping_vnfd/cp0 vdu_intf_name: eth0 vdu_intf_type: VIRTIO requirements: - virtualBinding: node: ping_vnfd_iovdu_0 - virtualLink: node: ping_pong_vld pong_vnfd: type: tosca.nodes.riftio.VNF1 properties: id: 2 port: 18889 vendor: version: 1.0 vnf_configuration: config_delay: 60 config_details: script_type: bash config_priority: 1 config_template: "\n#!/bin/bash\n\n# Rest API configuration\npong_mgmt_ip=\n\ pong_mgmt_port=18889\n# username=\n# password=\n\ \n# VNF specific configuration\npong_server_ip=\nserver_port=5555\n\n# Make Rest API calls to configure\ \ VNF\ncurl -D /dev/stdout \\\n -H \"Accept: application/\"\ \ \\\n -H \"Content-Type: application/\" \\\n \ \ -X POST \\\n -d \"{\\\"ip\\\":\\\"$pong_server_ip\\\", \\\"port\\\ \":$server_port}\" \\\n http://${pong_mgmt_ip}:${pong_mgmt_port}/api/v1/pong/server\n\ rc=$?\nif [ $rc -ne 0 ]\nthen\n echo \"Failed to set server(own) info\ \ for pong!\"\n exit $rc\nfi\n\nexit 0\n" config_type: script capabilities: http_endpoint: properties: path: api/v1/pong/stats polling_interval: 2 port: 18889 protocol: http mgmt_interface: properties: dashboard_params: path: api/v1/pong/stats port: 18889 port: 18889 protocol: tcp vdu: pong_vnfd_iovdu_0 monitoring_param_0: properties: description: no of ping requests group_tag: Group1 http_endpoint_ref: api/v1/pong/stats id: 1 json_query_method: NAMEKEY name: ping-request-rx-count units: packets value_type: INT widget_type: COUNTER monitoring_param_1: properties: description: no of ping responses group_tag: Group1 http_endpoint_ref: api/v1/pong/stats id: 2 json_query_method: NAMEKEY name: ping-response-tx-count units: packets value_type: INT widget_type: COUNTER requirements: - vdus: node: pong_vnfd_iovdu_0 ping_vnfd_iovdu_0: type: tosca.nodes.riftio.VDU1 properties: cloud_init: "#cloud-config\npassword: fedora\nchpasswd: { expire: False }\n\ ssh_pwauth: True\nruncmd:\n - [ systemctl, daemon-reload ]\n - [ systemctl,\ \ enable, ping.service ]\n - [ systemctl, start, --no-block, ping.service\ \ ]\n - [ ifup, eth1 ]\n" count: 1 capabilities: host: properties: disk_size: 4 GB mem_size: 512 MB num_cpus: 1 artifacts: ping_vnfd_iovdu_0_vm_image: file: ../images/Fedora-x86_64-20-20131211.1-sda-ping.qcow2 image_checksum: 1234567890abcdefg type: tosca.artifacts.Deployment.Image.riftio.QCOW2 interfaces: Standard: create: ping_vnfd_iovdu_0_vm_image