[osm/MON.git] / vmware.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 ##
4 # Copyright 2016-2019 VMware Inc.
5 # This file is part of ETSI OSM
6 # All Rights Reserved.
7 #
8 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
9 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
10 # a copy of the License at
11 #
12 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 #
14 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
16 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
17 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
18 # under the License.
19 #
20 # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
21 # contact: osslegalrouting@vmware.com
22 ##
24 # pylint: disable=E1101
26 import logging
27 from typing import List
28 from xml.etree import ElementTree as XmlElementTree
30 import requests
31 from pyvcloud.vcd.client import BasicLoginCredentials
32 from pyvcloud.vcd.client import Client
34 from osm_mon.collector.infra_collectors.base_vim import BaseVimInfraCollector
35 from osm_mon.collector.metric import Metric
36 from osm_mon.core.common_db import CommonDbClient
37 from osm_mon.core.config import Config
39 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
40 API_VERSION = '27.0'
43 class VMwareInfraCollector(BaseVimInfraCollector):
45 def __init__(self, config: Config, vim_account_id: str):
46 super().__init__(config, vim_account_id)
47 self.vim_account_id = vim_account_id
48 self.common_db = CommonDbClient(config)
49 vim_account = self.get_vim_account(vim_account_id)
50 self.vcloud_site = vim_account['vim_url']
51 self.admin_username = vim_account['admin_username']
52 self.admin_password = vim_account['admin_password']
53 self.vim_uuid = vim_account['vim_uuid']
54 self.org_name = vim_account['orgname']
55 self.vim_project_id = vim_account['project_id']
57 def connect_vim_as_admin(self):
58 """ Method connect as pvdc admin user to vCloud director.
59 There are certain action that can be done only by provider vdc admin user.
60 Organization creation / provider network creation etc.
62 Returns:
63 The return client object that letter can be used to connect to vcloud direct as admin for provider vdc
64 """
66 log.info("Logging into vCD org as admin.")
68 admin_user = None
69 try:
70 host = self.vcloud_site
71 admin_user = self.admin_username
72 admin_passwd = self.admin_password
73 org = 'System'
74 client = Client(host, verify_ssl_certs=False)
75 client.set_highest_supported_version()
76 client.set_credentials(BasicLoginCredentials(admin_user, org,
77 admin_passwd))
78 return client
80 except Exception as e:
81 log.info("Can't connect to a vCloud director as: {} with exception {}".format(admin_user, e))
83 def get_vim_account(self, vim_account_id: str):
84 """
85 Method to get VIM account details by its ID
86 arg - VIM ID
87 return - dict with vim account details
88 """
89 vim_account = {}
90 vim_account_info = self.common_db.get_vim_account(vim_account_id)
92 vim_account['name'] = vim_account_info['name']
93 vim_account['vim_tenant_name'] = vim_account_info['vim_tenant_name']
94 vim_account['vim_type'] = vim_account_info['vim_type']
95 vim_account['vim_url'] = vim_account_info['vim_url']
96 vim_account['org_user'] = vim_account_info['vim_user']
97 vim_account['vim_uuid'] = vim_account_info['_id']
98 if vim_account_info['_admin']['projects_read']:
99 vim_account['project_id'] = vim_account_info['_admin']['projects_read'][0]
100 else:
101 vim_account['project_id'] = ''
103 vim_config = vim_account_info['config']
104 vim_account['admin_username'] = vim_config['admin_username']
105 vim_account['admin_password'] = vim_config['admin_password']
107 if vim_config['orgname'] is not None:
108 vim_account['orgname'] = vim_config['orgname']
110 return vim_account
112 def check_vim_status(self):
113 try:
114 client = self.connect_vim_as_admin()
115 if client._session:
116 org_list = client.get_org_list()
117 for org in org_list.Org:
118 if org.get('name') == self.org_name:
119 org_uuid = org.get('href').split('/')[-1]
121 url = '{}/api/org/{}'.format(self.vcloud_site, org_uuid)
123 headers = {'Accept': 'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
124 'x-vcloud-authorization': client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
126 response = requests.get(url=url,
127 headers=headers,
128 verify=False)
130 if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok: # pylint: disable=no-member
131 log.info("check_vim_status(): failed to get org details")
132 else:
133 org_details = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
134 vdc_list = {}
135 for child in org_details:
136 if 'type' in child.attrib:
137 if child.attrib['type'] == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml':
138 vdc_list[child.attrib['href'].split("/")[-1:][0]] = child.attrib['name']
140 if vdc_list:
141 return True
142 else:
143 return False
144 except Exception as e:
145 log.info("Exception occured while checking vim status {}".format(str(e)))
147 def check_vm_status(self, vapp_id):
148 try:
149 client = self.connect_vim_as_admin()
150 if client._session:
151 url = '{}/api/vApp/vapp-{}'.format(self.vcloud_site, vapp_id)
153 headers = {'Accept': 'application/*+xml;version=' + API_VERSION,
154 'x-vcloud-authorization': client._session.headers['x-vcloud-authorization']}
156 response = requests.get(url=url,
157 headers=headers,
158 verify=False)
160 if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok: # pylint: disable=no-member
161 log.info("check_vm_status(): failed to get vApp details")
162 else:
163 vapp_details = XmlElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
164 vm_list = []
165 for child in vapp_details:
166 if child.tag.split("}")[1] == 'Children':
167 for item in child.getchildren():
168 vm_list.append(item.attrib)
169 return vm_list
170 except Exception as e:
171 log.info("Exception occured while checking vim status {}".format(str(e)))
173 def collect(self) -> List[Metric]:
174 metrics = []
175 vim_status = self.check_vim_status()
176 vim_account_id = self.vim_account_id
177 vim_project_id = self.vim_project_id
178 vim_tags = {
179 'vim_account_id': vim_account_id,
180 'project_id': vim_project_id
181 }
182 vim_status_metric = Metric(vim_tags, 'vim_status', vim_status)
183 metrics.append(vim_status_metric)
184 vnfrs = self.common_db.get_vnfrs(vim_account_id=vim_account_id)
185 for vnfr in vnfrs:
186 nsr_id = vnfr['nsr-id-ref']
187 ns_name = self.common_db.get_nsr(nsr_id)['name']
188 vnf_member_index = vnfr['member-vnf-index-ref']
189 if vnfr['_admin']['projects_read']:
190 vnfr_project_id = vnfr['_admin']['projects_read'][0]
191 else:
192 vnfr_project_id = ''
193 for vdur in vnfr['vdur']:
194 resource_uuid = vdur['vim-id']
195 tags = {
196 'vim_account_id': self.vim_account_id,
197 'resource_uuid': resource_uuid,
198 'nsr_id': nsr_id,
199 'ns_name': ns_name,
200 'vnf_member_index': vnf_member_index,
201 'vdur_name': vdur['name'],
202 'project_id': vnfr_project_id
203 }
204 try:
205 vm_list = self.check_vm_status(resource_uuid)
206 for vm in vm_list:
207 if vm['status'] == '4' and vm['deployed'] == 'true':
208 vm_status = 1
209 else:
210 vm_status = 0
211 vm_status_metric = Metric(tags, 'vm_status', vm_status)
212 except Exception:
213 log.exception("VM status is not OK!")
214 vm_status_metric = Metric(tags, 'vm_status', 0)
215 metrics.append(vm_status_metric)
216 return metrics