[osm/MON.git] / vio.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 ##
4 # Copyright 2016-2017 VMware Inc.
5 # This file is part of ETSI OSM
6 # All Rights Reserved.
7 #
8 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
9 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
10 # a copy of the License at
11 #
12 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 #
14 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
16 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
17 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
18 # under the License.
19 #
20 # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
21 # contact: osslegalrouting@vmware.com
22 ##
24 import json
25 import logging
26 import re
27 import time
28 import traceback
30 import requests
31 import six
32 from keystoneauth1 import session
33 from keystoneauth1.identity import v3
34 from novaclient import client as nClient
36 from osm_mon.collector.utils import CollectorUtils
37 from osm_mon.collector.vnf_collectors.base_vim import BaseVimCollector
38 from osm_mon.collector.vnf_metric import VnfMetric
39 from osm_mon.core.common_db import CommonDbClient
40 from osm_mon.core.config import Config
41 from osm_mon.core.database import VimCredentialsRepository, VimCredentials
43 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
45 PERIOD_MSEC = {'HR': 3600000,
46 'DAY': 86400000,
47 'WEEK': 604800000,
48 'MONTH': 2678400000,
49 'YEAR': 31536000000}
52 "average_memory_utilization": "mem|usage_average",
53 "cpu_utilization": "cpu|usage_average",
54 "read_latency_0": "virtualDisk:scsi0:0|totalReadLatency_average",
55 "write_latency_0": "virtualDisk:scsi0:0|totalWriteLatency_average",
56 "read_latency_1": "virtualDisk:scsi0:1|totalReadLatency_average",
57 "write_latency_1": "virtualDisk:scsi0:1|totalWriteLatency_average",
58 "packets_dropped_0": "net:4000|dropped",
59 "packets_dropped_1": "net:4001|dropped",
60 "packets_dropped_2": "net:4002|dropped",
61 "packets_received": "net:Aggregate of all instances|packetsRxPerSec",
62 "packets_sent": "net:Aggregate of all instances|packetsTxPerSec",
63 }
66 class VIOCollector(BaseVimCollector):
67 def __init__(self, config: Config, vim_account_id: str):
68 super().__init__(config, vim_account_id)
69 self.common_db = CommonDbClient(config)
70 vim_account_info = CollectorUtils.get_credentials(vim_account_id)
71 cfg = json.loads(vim_account_info.config)
72 self.vrops_site = cfg['vrops_site']
73 self.vrops_user = cfg['vrops_user']
74 self.vrops_password = cfg['vrops_password']
75 self.client = self.connect_client(vim_account_id)
77 def connect_client(self, vim_account_id: str):
78 vim_account_details = VimCredentialsRepository.get(VimCredentials.uuid == vim_account_id)
79 verify_ssl = CollectorUtils.is_verify_ssl(vim_account_details)
80 auth = v3.Password(auth_url=vim_account_details.url,
81 username=vim_account_details.user,
82 password=vim_account_details.password,
83 project_name=vim_account_details.tenant_name,
84 project_domain_id='default',
85 user_domain_id='default')
86 sess = session.Session(auth=auth, verify=verify_ssl)
87 client = nClient.Client('2.1', session=sess, endpoint_type=None)
88 return client
90 def _get_resource_uuid(self, nsr_id, vnf_member_index, vdur_name) -> str:
91 vdur = self.common_db.get_vdur(nsr_id, vnf_member_index, vdur_name)
92 return vdur['vim-id']
94 def get_vm_name_and_id(self, resource_uuid):
95 """ Method to find vm name and id using resource_uuid
96 """
97 server = self.client.servers.find(id=resource_uuid)
98 name = server.to_dict()['name']
99 _id = server.to_dict()['id']
100 return name, _id
102 def get_vm_resource_id(self, name, _id):
103 """ Find resource ID in vROPs
104 """
105 api_url = '/suite-api/api/resources?resourceKind=VirtualMachine'
106 headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
108 resp = requests.get(self.vrops_site + api_url,
109 auth=(self.vrops_user, self.vrops_password),
110 verify=False, headers=headers)
112 if resp.status_code != 200:
113 log.error("Failed to get resource details for{} {} {}".format(name,
114 resp.status_code,
115 resp.content))
116 return None
118 vm_resource_id = None
119 try:
120 resp_data = json.loads(resp.content.decode('utf-8'))
121 if resp_data.get('resourceList') is not None:
122 resource_list = resp_data.get('resourceList')
123 for resource in resource_list:
124 if resource.get('resourceKey') is not None:
125 m = re.match(r"(.*?)\s\((.*?)\)", resource['resourceKey']['name'])
126 if m:
127 v_name = m.group(1)
128 v_id = m.group(2)
129 if name == v_name and _id == v_id:
130 vm_resource_id = resource['identifier']
131 log.info("Found VM resource ID: {} for vm: {}".format(vm_resource_id,
132 v_name))
134 except Exception as exp:
135 log.info("get_vm_resource_id: Error in parsing {}\n{}".format(exp, traceback.format_exc()))
137 return vm_resource_id
139 def collect(self, vnfr: dict):
140 nsr_id = vnfr['nsr-id-ref']
141 vnf_member_index = vnfr['member-vnf-index-ref']
142 vnfd = self.common_db.get_vnfd(vnfr['vnfd-id'])
143 metrics = []
144 for vdur in vnfr['vdur']:
145 # This avoids errors when vdur records have not been completely filled
146 if 'name' not in vdur:
147 continue
148 vdu = next(
149 filter(lambda vdu: vdu['id'] == vdur['vdu-id-ref'], vnfd['vdu'])
151 )
152 if 'monitoring-param' in vdu:
153 for param in vdu['monitoring-param']:
154 metric_name = param['nfvi-metric']
155 vrops_metric_name = METRIC_MAPPINGS[metric_name]
156 resource_uuid = self._get_resource_uuid(nsr_id, vnf_member_index, vdur['name'])
158 name, _id = self.get_vm_name_and_id(resource_uuid)
159 if name and _id is not None:
160 resource_id = self.get_vm_resource_id(name, _id)
161 else:
162 return
163 try:
164 end_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
165 time_diff = PERIOD_MSEC['YEAR']
166 begin_time = end_time - time_diff
168 api_url = "/suite-api/api/resources/{}/stats?statKey={}&begin={}&end={}".format(
169 resource_id, vrops_metric_name, str(begin_time), str(end_time))
171 headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
173 resp = requests.get(self.vrops_site + api_url,
174 auth=(self.vrops_user, self.vrops_password), verify=False, headers=headers
175 )
177 if resp.status_code != 200:
178 log.info("Failed to get Metrics data from vROPS for {} {} {}".format(vrops_metric_name,
179 resp.status_code,
180 resp.content))
181 return
183 metrics_data = {}
184 m_data = json.loads(resp.content.decode('utf-8'))
186 for resp_key, resp_val in six.iteritems(m_data):
187 if resp_key == 'values':
188 data = m_data['values'][0]
189 for data_k, data_v in six.iteritems(data):
190 if data_k == 'stat-list':
191 stat_list = data_v
192 for stat_list_k, stat_list_v in six.iteritems(stat_list):
193 for stat_keys, stat_vals in six.iteritems(stat_list_v[0]):
194 if stat_keys == 'timestamps':
195 metrics_data['time_series'] = stat_list_v[0]['timestamps']
196 if stat_keys == 'data':
197 metrics_data['metrics_series'] = stat_list_v[0]['data']
199 if metrics_data:
200 metric = VnfMetric(nsr_id,
201 vnf_member_index,
202 vdur['name'],
203 metric_name,
204 metrics_data['metrics_series'][-1])
206 metrics.append(metric)
208 except Exception as e:
209 log.debug("No metric found: %s", e)
210 pass
212 return metrics