enabled VNF Repositories
[osm/LW-UI.git] / vimhandler / views.py
1 #
2 # Copyright 2018 CNIT - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni
3 #
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 #
8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
15 #
17 from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
18 from sf_t3d.decorators import login_required
19 from django.http import HttpResponse
20 import json
21 from lib.osm.osmclient.clientv2 import Client
22 import authosm.utils as osmutils
23 import yaml
24 import logging
26 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
27 log = logging.getLogger('vimhandler.py')
30 @login_required
31 def list(request):
32 user = osmutils.get_user(request)
33 project_id = user.project_id
34 result = {'type': 'ns', 'project_id': project_id}
35 raw_content_types = request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*').split(',')
36 if 'application/json' not in raw_content_types:
37 return __response_handler(request, result, 'vim_list.html')
38 client = Client()
39 result_client = client.vim_list(user.get_token())
40 result["datacenters"] = result_client['data'] if result_client and result_client['error'] is False else []
41 return __response_handler(request, result, 'vim_list.html')
44 @login_required
45 def create(request):
46 user = osmutils.get_user(request)
47 project_id = user.project_id
48 result = {'project_id': project_id}
49 if request.method == 'GET':
50 return __response_handler(request, result, 'vim_create.html')
51 else:
52 try:
53 new_vim_dict = request.POST.dict()
54 client = Client()
55 keys = ["schema_version",
56 "schema_type",
57 "name",
58 "vim_url",
59 "vim_type",
60 "vim_user",
61 "vim_password",
62 "vim_tenant_name",
63 "description"]
64 vim_data = dict(filter(lambda i: i[0] in keys and len(
65 i[1]) > 0, new_vim_dict.items()))
66 vim_data['config'] = {}
68 config_file = request.FILES.get('config_file')
70 if config_file is not None:
71 config = ''
72 for line in config_file:
73 config = config + line.decode()
74 vim_data['config'] = yaml.load(config)
75 elif 'config' in request.POST and request.POST.get('config') != '':
76 vim_data['config'] = yaml.load(request.POST.get('config'))
79 except Exception as e:
80 return __response_handler(request, {'status': 400, 'code': 'BAD_REQUEST', 'detail': e.message}, url=None, status=400)
81 result = client.vim_create(user.get_token(), vim_data)
83 if result['error']:
84 return __response_handler(request, result['data'], url=None,
85 status=result['data']['status'] if 'status' in result['data'] else 500)
86 else:
87 return __response_handler(request, {}, url=None, status=200)
90 @login_required
91 def delete(request, vim_id=None):
92 user = osmutils.get_user(request)
93 try:
94 client = Client()
95 del_res = client.vim_delete(user.get_token(), vim_id)
96 except Exception as e:
97 log.exception(e)
98 return __response_handler(request, del_res, 'vims:list', to_redirect=True)
101 @login_required
102 def show(request, vim_id=None):
103 user = osmutils.get_user(request)
104 project_id = user.project_id
105 client = Client()
106 result = client.vim_get(user.get_token(), vim_id)
107 if isinstance(result, dict) and 'error' in result and result['error']:
108 return render(request, 'error.html')
110 return __response_handler(request, {
111 "datacenter": result['data'],
112 "project_id": project_id
113 }, 'vim_show.html')
116 def __response_handler(request, data_res, url=None, to_redirect=None, *args, **kwargs):
117 raw_content_types = request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*').split(',')
118 if 'application/json' in raw_content_types or url is None:
119 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data_res), content_type="application/json", *args, **kwargs)
120 elif to_redirect:
121 return redirect(url, *args, **kwargs)
122 else:
123 return render(request, url, data_res)