Enable print_output common function to print json and yaml from python dict or list
[osm/osmclient.git] / v1 / vim.py
1 # Copyright 2017 Sandvine
2 #
3 # All Rights Reserved.
4 #
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
6 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
7 # a copy of the License at
8 #
9 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
13 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
14 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
15 # under the License.
17 """
18 OSM vim API handling
19 """
21 from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
22 from osmclient.common.exceptions import NotFound
23 import json
26 class Vim(object):
27 def __init__(self, http=None, ro_http=None, client=None):
28 self._client = client
29 self._ro_http = ro_http
30 self._http = http
32 def _attach(self, vim_name, vim_account):
33 tenant_name = 'osm'
34 tenant = self._get_ro_tenant()
35 if tenant is None:
36 raise ClientException("tenant {} not found".format(tenant_name))
38 datacenter = self._get_ro_datacenter(vim_name)
39 if datacenter is None:
40 raise Exception('datacenter {} not found'.format(vim_name))
42 return self._ro_http.post_cmd('openmano/{}/datacenters/{}'
43 .format(tenant['uuid'],
44 datacenter['uuid']), vim_account)
46 def _detach(self, vim_name):
47 return self._ro_http.delete_cmd('openmano/{}/datacenters/{}'
48 .format('osm', vim_name))
50 def create(self, name, vim_access):
51 vim_account = {}
52 vim_account['datacenter'] = {}
54 # currently assumes vim_acc
55 if ('vim-type' not in vim_access):
56 #'openstack' not in vim_access['vim-type']):
57 raise Exception("vim type not provided")
59 vim_account['datacenter']['name'] = name
60 vim_account['datacenter']['type'] = vim_access['vim-type']
62 vim_config = {}
63 vim_config['use_floating_ip'] = False
65 if ('floating_ip_pool' in vim_access and
66 vim_access['floating_ip_pool'] is not None):
67 vim_config['use_floating_ip'] = True
69 if 'keypair' in vim_access and vim_access['keypair'] is not None:
70 vim_config['keypair'] = vim_access['keypair']
71 elif 'config' in vim_access and vim_access['config'] is not None:
72 if any(var in vim_access['config'] for var in ["admin_password","admin_username","orgname","nsx_user","nsx_password","nsx_manager","vcenter_ip","vcenter_port","vcenter_user","vcenter_password"]):
73 vim_config = json.loads(vim_access['config'])
75 vim_account['datacenter']['config'] = vim_config
77 vim_account = self.update_vim_account_dict(vim_account, vim_access, vim_config)
79 resp = self._ro_http.post_cmd('openmano/datacenters', vim_account)
80 if resp and 'error' in resp:
81 raise ClientException("failed to create vim")
82 else:
83 self._attach(name, vim_account)
85 def update_vim_account_dict(self, vim_account, vim_access, vim_config):
86 if vim_access['vim-type'] == 'vmware':
87 if 'admin_username' in vim_config:
88 vim_account['datacenter']['admin_username'] = vim_config['admin_username']
89 if 'admin_password' in vim_config:
90 vim_account['datacenter']['admin_password'] = vim_config['admin_password']
91 if 'nsx_manager' in vim_config:
92 vim_account['datacenter']['nsx_manager'] = vim_config['nsx_manager']
93 if 'nsx_user' in vim_config:
94 vim_account['datacenter']['nsx_user'] = vim_config['nsx_user']
95 if 'nsx_password' in vim_config:
96 vim_account['datacenter']['nsx_password'] = vim_config['nsx_password']
97 if 'orgname' in vim_config:
98 vim_account['datacenter']['orgname'] = vim_config['orgname']
99 if 'vcenter_ip' in vim_config:
100 vim_account['datacenter']['vcenter_ip'] = vim_config['vcenter_ip']
101 if 'vcenter_user' in vim_config:
102 vim_account['datacenter']['vcenter_user'] = vim_config['vcenter_user']
103 if 'vcenter_password' in vim_config:
104 vim_account['datacenter']['vcenter_password'] = vim_config['vcenter_password']
105 if 'vcenter_port' in vim_config:
106 vim_account['datacenter']['vcenter_port'] = vim_config['vcenter_port']
107 vim_account['datacenter']['vim_url'] = vim_access['vim-url']
108 vim_account['datacenter']['vim_url_admin'] = vim_access['vim-url']
109 vim_account['datacenter']['description'] = vim_access['description']
110 vim_account['datacenter']['vim_username'] = vim_access['vim-username']
111 vim_account['datacenter']['vim_password'] = vim_access['vim-password']
112 vim_account['datacenter']['vim_tenant_name'] = vim_access['vim-tenant-name']
113 else:
114 vim_account['datacenter']['vim_url'] = vim_access['vim-url']
115 vim_account['datacenter']['vim_url_admin'] = vim_access['vim-url']
116 vim_account['datacenter']['description'] = vim_access['description']
117 vim_account['datacenter']['vim_username'] = vim_access['vim-username']
118 vim_account['datacenter']['vim_password'] = vim_access['vim-password']
119 vim_account['datacenter']['vim_tenant_name'] = vim_access['vim-tenant-name']
120 return vim_account
122 def delete(self, vim_name):
123 # first detach
124 self._detach(vim_name)
125 # detach. continue if error,
126 # it could be the datacenter is left without attachment
128 if 'result' not in self._ro_http.delete_cmd('openmano/datacenters/{}'
129 .format(vim_name)):
130 raise ClientException("failed to delete vim {}".format(vim_name))
132 def list(self):
133 resp = self._http.get_cmd('v1/api/operational/datacenters')
134 if not resp or 'rw-launchpad:datacenters' not in resp:
135 return list()
137 datacenters = resp['rw-launchpad:datacenters']
139 vim_accounts = list()
140 if 'ro-accounts' not in datacenters:
141 return vim_accounts
143 tenant = self._get_ro_tenant()
144 if tenant is None:
145 return vim_accounts
147 for roaccount in datacenters['ro-accounts']:
148 if 'datacenters' not in roaccount:
149 continue
150 for datacenter in roaccount['datacenters']:
151 vim_accounts.append(self._get_ro_datacenter(datacenter['name'],
152 tenant['uuid']))
153 return vim_accounts
155 def _get_ro_tenant(self, name='osm'):
156 resp = self._ro_http.get_cmd('openmano/tenants/{}'.format(name))
158 if not resp:
159 return None
161 if 'tenant' in resp and 'uuid' in resp['tenant']:
162 return resp['tenant']
163 else:
164 return None
166 def _get_ro_datacenter(self, name, tenant_uuid='any'):
167 resp = self._ro_http.get_cmd('openmano/{}/datacenters/{}'
168 .format(tenant_uuid, name))
169 if not resp:
170 raise NotFound("datacenter {} not found".format(name))
172 if 'datacenter' in resp and 'uuid' in resp['datacenter']:
173 return resp['datacenter']
174 else:
175 raise NotFound("datacenter {} not found".format(name))
177 def get(self, name):
178 tenant = self._get_ro_tenant()
179 if tenant is None:
180 raise NotFound("no ro tenant found")
182 return self._get_ro_datacenter(name, tenant['uuid'])
184 def get_datacenter(self, name):
185 resp = self._http.get_cmd('v1/api/operational/datacenters')
186 if not resp:
187 return None
189 if not resp or 'rw-launchpad:datacenters' not in resp:
190 return None
191 if 'ro-accounts' not in resp['rw-launchpad:datacenters']:
192 return None
193 for roaccount in resp['rw-launchpad:datacenters']['ro-accounts']:
194 if 'datacenters' not in roaccount:
195 continue
196 for datacenter in roaccount['datacenters']:
197 if datacenter['name'] == name:
198 return datacenter
199 return None
201 def get_resource_orchestrator(self):
202 resp = self._http.get_cmd('v1/api/operational/resource-orchestrator')
203 if not resp or 'rw-launchpad:resource-orchestrator' not in resp:
204 return None
205 return resp['rw-launchpad:resource-orchestrator']