changes at migrate_vim_db to use database version as a parameter and not use openvim...
[osm/openvim.git] / test /
1 #!/bin/bash
3 ##
4 # Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
5 # This file is part of openvim
6 # All Rights Reserved.
7 #
8 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
9 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
10 # a copy of the License at
11 #
12 #
13 #
14 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
16 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
17 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
18 # under the License.
19 #
20 # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
21 # contact with:
22 ##
24 #
25 #author Alfonso Tierno
26 #
27 #script to test openvim with the creation of flavors and interfaces, openflow rules
28 #using images already inserted
29 #
31 function usage(){
32 echo -e "usage: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} [OPTIONS] \n test openvim "
33 echo -e " OPTIONS:"
34 echo -e " -f --force does not prompt for confirmation"
35 echo -e " -v --same-vlan use this if the parameter 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan'"
36 echo -e " is not false at openvimd.cfg to avoid test unrealizable openflow nets"
37 echo -e " -h --help shows this help"
38 echo -e " -c --create create management network and two images (valid for test mode)"
39 echo
40 echo "This script test openvim, creating flavors, images, vms, de-attaching dataplane port"
41 echo "from one network to other and testing openflow generated rules."
42 echo "By default (unless -c option) uses and already created management network and two valid images."
43 echo "If -c option is set, it creates the network and images with fake content (only usefull for"
44 echo "openvim in 'test' mode) This is speccified in this shell variables:"
45 echo " VIM_TEST_NETWORK_INTERNET name of the mamagement network to use"
46 echo " VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH path of a vm image to use, the image is created if not exist"
47 echo " VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_EXTRA path of another vm image to use, the image is created if not exist"
48 }
50 #detect if is called with a source to use the 'exit'/'return' command for exiting
51 [[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} != $0 ]] && echo "Do not execute this script as SOURCE" >&2 && return 1
53 #check correct arguments
54 force=n
55 same_vlan=n
56 create=n
57 for param in $*
58 do
59 if [[ $param == -h ]] || [[ $param == --help ]]
60 then
61 usage
62 exit 0
63 elif [[ $param == -v ]] || [[ $param == --same-vlan ]]
64 then
65 same_vlan=y
66 elif [[ $param == -f ]] || [[ $param == --force ]]
67 then
68 force=y
69 elif [[ $param == -c ]] || [[ $param == --create ]]
70 then
71 create=y
72 else
73 echo "invalid argument '$param'?" && usage >&2 && exit 1
74 fi
75 done
77 #detect if environment variables are set
78 fail=""
79 [[ $create == n ]] && [[ -z $VIM_TEST_NETWORK_INTERNET ]] && echo "VIM_TEST_NETWORK_INTERNET not defined" >&2 && fail=1
80 [[ $create == n ]] && [[ -z $VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH ]] && echo "VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH not defined" >&2 && fail=1
81 [[ $create == n ]] && [[ -z $VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_EXTRA ]] && echo "VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_EXTRA not defined" >&2 && fail=1
82 [[ -n $fail ]] && exit 1
84 [[ $create == y ]] && [[ -z $VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH ]] && VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH="/test/path/of/image1"
85 [[ $create == y ]] && [[ -z $VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_EXTRA ]] && VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_EXTRA="/test/path2/of/image2"
87 export _exit=delete_and_exit
89 function delete_and_exit(){
90 echo
91 [[ $force != y ]] && read -e -p " Press enter to delete the deployed things " kk
92 echo
93 for f in $TODELETE
94 do
95 openvim ${f%%:*}-delete ${f##*:} -f
96 done
97 exit $1
98 }
101 function is_valid_uuid(){
102 echo "$1" | grep -q -E '^[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$' && return 0
103 return 1
104 }
106 function process_cmd(){
107 # test the result of the previos command, if fails execute the $_exit command
108 # params:
109 # uuid <variable> <result...> : test that the first word of <result> is a valid uuid, stored it at <variable>. Print uuid
110 # fail <reason> <result...> : test that the previous command has failed. If not print the <reason> why it needs to fail
111 # ok <result...> : test that the previos command has not failed. Print OK
112 cmd_result=$?
113 if [[ $1 == uuid ]]
114 then
115 [[ $cmd_result == 0 ]] || ! shift 2 || ! echo "FAIL: $*" >&2 || $_exit 1
116 is_valid_uuid $3 || ! shift 2 || ! echo "FAIL: $*" >&2 || $_exit 1
117 eval $2=$3
118 echo $3
119 elif [[ $1 == fail ]]
120 then
121 [[ $cmd_result != "0" ]] || ! echo "NOT FAIL: $2" >&2 || $_exit 1
122 echo "fail OK"
123 elif [[ $1 == ok ]]
124 then
125 [[ $cmd_result == 0 ]] || ! shift 1 || ! echo "FAIL: $*" >&2 || $_exit 1
126 echo OK
127 fi
129 }
131 function test_of_rules(){
132 #test the number of rules of a network, wait until 10 seconds
133 timeout_=10
134 while true
135 do #it can take some seconds to get it ready
136 result=`openvim openflow-net-list $1`
137 nb_rules=`echo $result | grep actions -o | wc -l`
138 [[ $nb_rules == $2 ]] && echo "OK" && break
139 [[ $timeout_ == 0 ]] && echo "FAIL $result" >&2 && $_exit 1
140 sleep 1
141 timeout_=$((timeout_ - 1))
142 done
143 }
145 echo " Test VIM with 3 VM deployments. It delete the created items at the end"
146 echo " "
147 [[ $force != y ]] && read -e -p "Press enter to continue, CTRL+C to abort " kk
150 printf "%-50s" "1 get ${VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH##*/} image: "
151 image1=`openvim image-list -F"path=${VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH}" | gawk '{print $1}'`
152 if is_valid_uuid $image1
153 then
154 echo $image1
155 else
156 #create the image
157 echo not found
158 printf "%-50s" " b create ${VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH##*/} image: "
159 result=`openvim image-create --name=test-image1 --path=${VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH} --description=for-test`
160 process_cmd uuid image1 $result
161 TODELETE="image:$image1 $TODELETE"
162 fi
164 printf "%-50s" "2 get ${VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_EXTRA##*/} image: "
165 image2=`openvim image-list -F"path=${VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_EXTRA}" | gawk '{print $1}'`
166 if is_valid_uuid $image2
167 then
168 echo $image2
169 else
170 #create the image
171 echo not found
172 printf "%-50s" " b create ${VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_EXTRA##*/} image: "
173 result=`openvim image-create --name=test-image1 --path=${VIM_TEST_IMAGE_PATH_EXTRA} --description=for-test`
174 process_cmd uuid image2 $result
175 TODELETE="image:$image2 $TODELETE"
176 fi
178 if [[ $create == y ]]
179 then
180 printf "%-50s" "3 create management network: "
181 result=`openvim net-create "name: test_mgmt_net
182 type: bridge_man"`
183 process_cmd uuid network_eth0 $result
184 TODELETE="net:$network_eth0 $TODELETE"
185 else
186 printf "%-50s" "3 get ${VIM_TEST_NETWORK_INTERNET} network: "
187 result=`openvim net-list -F"name=$VIM_TEST_NETWORK_INTERNET"`
188 process_cmd uuid network_eth0 $result
189 fi
191 printf "%-50s" "4 insert flavor1: "
192 result=`openvim flavor-create '
193 ---
194 flavor:
195 name: flavor1
196 description: flavor to test openvim
197 extended:
198 processor_ranking: 205
199 numas:
200 - memory: 8
201 paired-threads: 5
202 interfaces:
203 - name: xe0
204 dedicated: "yes"
205 bandwidth: "10 Gbps"
206 vpci: "0000:00:10.0"
207 #mac_address: "10:10:10:10:10:12"
208 - name: xe1
209 dedicated: "no"
210 bandwidth: "10 Gbps"
211 vpci: "0000:00:11.0"
212 mac_address: "10:10:10:10:10:13"
213 '`
214 process_cmd uuid flavor1 $result
215 TODELETE="flavor:$flavor1 $TODELETE"
217 printf "%-50s" "5 insert net_ptp: "
218 result=`openvim net-create '
219 ---
220 network:
221 name: test_net_ptp
222 type: ptp
223 '`
224 process_cmd uuid net_ptp $result
225 TODELETE="net:$net_ptp $TODELETE"
227 printf "%-50s" " b insert net_data: "
228 result=`openvim net-create '
229 ---
230 network:
231 name: test_net_data
232 type: data
233 '`
234 process_cmd uuid net_data $result
235 TODELETE="net:$net_data $TODELETE"
237 printf "%-50s" "6 insert net_bind network bound to net_data: "
238 result=`openvim net-create 'name: test_net_binded
239 type: data
240 bind_net: test_net_data'`
241 process_cmd uuid net_bind $result
242 TODELETE="net:$net_bind $TODELETE"
244 printf "%-50s" "7 insert bridge network net2: "
245 result=`openvim net-create '
246 ---
247 network:
248 name: test_bridge_net2
249 type: bridge_data'`
250 process_cmd uuid network2 $result
251 TODELETE="net:$network2 $TODELETE"
253 printf "%-50s" "8 add VM1 dataplane not connected: "
254 result=`openvim vm-create "
255 ---
256 server:
257 name: test_VM1
258 descrition: US or server with 1 SRIOV 1 PASSTHROUGH
259 imageRef: '$image1'
260 flavorRef: '$flavor1'
261 networks:
262 - name: mgmt0
263 vpci: '0000:00:0a.0'
264 uuid: ${network_eth0}
265 mac_address: '10:10:10:10:10:10'
266 - name: eth0
267 vpci: '0000:00:0b.0'
268 uuid: '$network2'
269 mac_address: '10:10:10:10:10:11'
270 "`
271 process_cmd uuid server1 $result
272 TODELETE="vm:$server1 $TODELETE"
274 printf "%-50s" "9 add VM2 oversubscribe flavor: "
275 result=`openvim vm-create "
276 ---
277 server:
278 name: test_VM2
279 descrition: US or server with direct network attach
280 imageRef: '$image1'
281 flavorRef: '$flavor1'
282 networks:
283 - name: mgmt0
284 vpci: '0000:00:0a.0'
285 uuid: ${network_eth0}
286 mac_address: '10:10:10:10:11:10'
287 - name: eth0
288 vpci: '0000:00:0b.0'
289 uuid: '$network2'
290 mac_address: '10:10:10:10:11:11'
291 extended:
292 processor_ranking: 205
293 numas:
294 - memory: 8
295 threads: 10
296 interfaces:
297 - name: xe0
298 dedicated: 'yes:sriov'
299 bandwidth: '10 Gbps'
300 vpci: '0000:00:11.0'
301 mac_address: '10:10:10:10:11:12'
302 uuid: '$net_ptp'
303 devices:
304 - type: disk
305 imageRef: '$image2'
306 "`
307 process_cmd uuid server2 $result
308 TODELETE="vm:$server2 $TODELETE"
310 printf "%-50s" "10 test VM with repeated vpci: "
311 result=`openvim vm-create "
312 ---
313 server:
314 name: test_VMfail
315 descrition: repeated mac address
316 imageRef: '$image1'
317 flavorRef: '$flavor1'
318 networks:
319 - name: mgmt0
320 vpci: '0000:00:10.0'
321 uuid: ${network_eth0}
322 "`
323 process_cmd fail "Duplicate vpci 0000:00:10.0" $result
325 printf "%-50s" " b test VM with repeated mac address: "
326 result=`openvim vm-create "
327 ---
328 server:
329 name: test_VMfail
330 descrition: repeated mac address
331 imageRef: '$image1'
332 flavorRef: '$flavor1'
333 networks:
334 - name: mgmt0
335 vpci: '0000:00:0a.0'
336 uuid: ${network_eth0}
337 mac_address: '10:10:10:10:10:10'
338 "`
339 process_cmd fail "Duplicate mac 10:10:10:10:10:10" $result
342 printf "%-50s" " c test VM with wrong iface name at networks: "
343 result=`openvim vm-create "
344 ---
345 server:
346 name: test_VMfail
347 descrition: repeated mac address
348 imageRef: '$image1'
349 flavorRef: '$flavor1'
350 networks:
351 - name: missing
352 type: PF
353 uuid: '$net_ptp'
354 "`
355 process_cmd fail "wrong iface name at networks" $result
358 printf "%-50s" " d test VM with wrong iface type at networks: "
359 result=`openvim vm-create "
360 ---
361 server:
362 name: test_VMfail
363 descrition: repeated mac address
364 imageRef: '$image1'
365 flavorRef: '$flavor1'
366 networks:
367 - name: xe0
368 type: VF
369 uuid: '$net_ptp'
370 "`
371 process_cmd fail "wrong iface type at networks" $result
374 printf "%-50s" "11 add VM3 dataplane connected: "
375 result=`openvim vm-create "
376 ---
377 server:
378 name: test_VM3
379 descrition: US or server with 2 dataplane connected
380 imageRef: '$image1'
381 flavorRef: '$flavor1'
382 networks:
383 - name: mgmt0
384 vpci: '0000:00:0a.0'
385 uuid: ${network_eth0}
386 mac_address: '10:10:10:10:12:10'
387 - name: eth0
388 vpci: '0000:00:0b.0'
389 uuid: '$network2'
390 type: virtual
391 mac_address: '10:10:10:10:12:11'
392 - name: xe0
393 type: PF
394 uuid: '$net_data'
395 - name: xe1
396 type: VF
397 uuid: '$net_ptp'
398 mac_address: '10:10:10:10:12:13'
399 "`
400 process_cmd uuid server3 $result
401 TODELETE="vm:$server3 $TODELETE"
403 printf "%-50s" "12 check 2 openflow rules for net_ptp: "
404 test_of_rules $net_ptp 2
406 printf "%-50s" "13 check net-down net_ptp: "
407 result=`openvim net-down -f ${net_ptp}`
408 process_cmd ok $result
410 printf "%-50s" " b check 0 openflow rules for net_ptp: "
411 test_of_rules $net_ptp 0
413 printf "%-50s" " c check net-up net_ptp: "
414 result=`openvim net-up -f ${net_ptp}`
415 process_cmd ok $result
417 printf "%-50s" " d check 2 openflow rules for net_ptp: "
418 test_of_rules $net_ptp 2
420 printf "%-50s" "14 check 0 openflow rules for net_data: "
421 test_of_rules $net_data 0
423 [[ $force != y ]] && read -e -p " Test control plane, and server2:xe0 to server3:xe1 connectivity. Press enter to continue " kk
425 printf "%-50s" "15 get xe0 iface uuid from server1: "
426 result=`openvim port-list -F"device_id=${server1}&name=xe0"`
427 process_cmd uuid server1_xe0 $result
429 printf "%-50s" " b get xe1 iface uuid from server1: "
430 result=`openvim port-list -F"device_id=${server1}&name=xe1"`
431 process_cmd uuid server1_xe1 $result
433 printf "%-50s" " c get xe0 iface uuid from server3: "
434 result=`openvim port-list -F"device_id=${server3}&name=xe0"`
435 process_cmd uuid server3_xe0 $result
437 printf "%-50s" " d get xe1 iface uuid from server3: "
438 result=`openvim port-list -F"device_id=${server3}&name=xe1"`
439 process_cmd uuid server3_xe1 $result
441 printf "%-50s" " e get xe0 iface uuid from server3: "
442 result=`openvim port-list -F"device_id=${server2}&name=xe0"`
443 process_cmd uuid server2_xe0 $result
445 printf "%-50s" "16 test ptp 3connex server1:xe0 -> net_ptp: "
446 result=`openvim port-edit $server1_xe0 "network_id: $net_ptp" -f`
447 process_cmd fail "Can not connect 3 interfaces to ptp network"
449 printf "%-50s" "17 attach server1:xe0 to net_data: "
450 result=`openvim port-edit $server1_xe0 "network_id: $net_data" -f`
451 process_cmd ok $result
453 printf "%-50s" "18 check 2 openflow rules for net_data: "
454 test_of_rules $net_data 2
456 [[ $force != y ]] && read -e -p " Test server1:xe0 to server3:xe0 connectivity. Press enter to continue " kk
458 if [[ $same_vlan == n ]]
459 then
461 printf "%-50s" "19 attach server1:xe1 to net-data: "
462 result=`openvim port-edit $server1_xe1 "network_id: $net_data" -f`
463 process_cmd ok $result
465 printf "%-50s" " b check 9 openflow rules for net_data: "
466 test_of_rules $net_data 9
468 [[ $force != y ]] && read -e -p " Test server1:xe0,server1:xe1,server3:xe0 connectivity. Press enter to continue " kk
470 printf "%-50s" " c re-attach server3:xe1 to net-data: "
471 result=`openvim port-edit $server3_xe1 "network_id: $net_data" -f`
472 process_cmd ok $result
474 printf "%-50s" " d check 16 openflow rules for net_data: "
475 test_of_rules $net_data 16
477 printf "%-50s" " e check 0 openflow rules for net_ptp: "
478 test_of_rules $net_ptp 0
480 [[ $force != y ]] && read -e -p " Test server1:xe0,server1:xe1,server3:xe0,server3:xe1 connectivity. Press enter to continue " kk
482 printf "%-50s" " f detach server1:xe1 from net-data: "
483 result=`openvim port-edit $server1_xe1 "network_id: null" -f `
484 process_cmd ok $result
486 printf "%-50s" " g detach server3:xe1 to net-data: "
487 result=`openvim port-edit $server3_xe1 "network_id: null" -f`
488 process_cmd ok $result
490 printf "%-50s" " h check 2 openflow rules for net_data: "
491 test_of_rules $net_data 2
493 else
494 echo "19 skipping unrealizable test because --same_vlan option "
495 fi
497 printf "%-50s" "20 check 2 openflow rules for net_data: "
498 test_of_rules $net_data 2
500 printf "%-50s" " a attach server2:xe0 to net_bind: "
501 result=`openvim port-edit $server2_xe0 "network_id: $net_bind" -f`
502 process_cmd ok $result
504 printf "%-50s" " b check 6 openflow rules for net_data: "
505 #type src_net src_port => dst_port dst_net
506 #unicast net_data server1:xe0 => server3:xe0 net_data
507 #unicast net_data server3:xe0 => server1:xe0 net_data
508 #unicast net_data server1:xe0 => server2:xe0 net_bind
509 #unicast net_data server3:xe0 => server2:xe0 net_bind
510 #broadcast net_data server1:xe0 => server3:xe0,server2:xe0 net_data,net_bind
511 #broadcast net_data server3:xe0 => server1:xe0,server2:xe0 net_data,net_bind
512 test_of_rules $net_data 6
515 printf "%-50s" " c check 3 openflow rules for net_bind: "
516 #type src_net src_port => dst_port dst_net
517 #unicast net_bind server2:xe0 => server1:xe0 net_data
518 #unicast net_bind server2:xe0 => server3:xe0 net_data
519 #broadcast net_bind server2:xe0 => server1:xe0,server3:xe0 net_data,net_data
520 test_of_rules $net_bind 3
522 printf "%-50s" " d attach server1:xe1 to net_bind: "
523 result=`openvim port-edit $server1_xe1 "network_id: $net_bind" -f`
524 process_cmd ok $result
526 printf "%-50s" " e check 8 openflow rules for net_data: "
527 #type src_net src_port => dst_port dst_net
528 #unicast net_data server1:xe0 => server3:xe0 net_data
529 #unicast net_data server3:xe0 => server1:xe0 net_data
530 #unicast net_data server1:xe0 => server2:xe0 net_bind
531 #unicast net_data server1:xe0 => server1:xe1 net_bind
532 #unicast net_data server3:xe0 => server2:xe0 net_bind
533 #unicast net_data server3:xe0 => server1:xe1 net_bind
534 #broadcast net_data server1:xe0 => server3:xe0,server2:xe0,server1:xe1 net_data,net_bind,net_bind
535 #broadcast net_data server3:xe0 => server1:xe0,server2:xe0,server1:xe1 net_data,net_bind,net_bind
536 test_of_rules $net_data 8
539 printf "%-50s" " f check 8 openflow rules for net_bind: "
540 test_of_rules $net_bind 8
542 printf "%-50s" " d put net_data down: "
543 result=`openvim net-down $net_data -f`
544 process_cmd ok $result
546 printf "%-50s" " e check 0 openflow rules for net_data: "
547 test_of_rules $net_data 0
549 printf "%-50s" " e check 2 openflow rules for net_bind: "
550 test_of_rules $net_bind 2
554 echo
555 echo DONE
557 $_exit 0