Minor vmware vcd vimconnectory fixes
[osm/RO.git] / test / test_on_container.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
3 ##
4 # Copyright 2017 Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
5 # This file is part of OSM
6 # All Rights Reserved.
7 #
8 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
9 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
10 # a copy of the License at
11 #
12 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 #
14 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
16 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
17 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
18 # under the License.
19 #
20 ##
22 # Author: Alfonso Tierno (alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com)
24 description="It creates a new lxc container, installs RO from a concrete commit and executes validation tests.\
25 An openvim in test mode is installed and used to validate"
27 usage(){
28 echo -e "usage: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} CONTAINER\n ${description}"
29 echo -e " CONTAINER is the name of the container to be created. By default test1"\
30 "Warning! if a container with the same name exists, it will be deleted"
31 echo -e " You must also supply at TEST_RO_COMMIT envioronmental variable with the git command"\
32 "to clone the version under test. It can be copy paste from gerrit. Examples:\n"\
33 " TEST_RO_COMMIT='git fetch https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/RO refs/changes/40/5540/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD'\n"\
34 " TEST_RO_COMMIT='git checkout v3.0.1'"
35 echo -e " You can provide TEST_RO_GIT_URL, by default https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/RO is used"
36 echo -e " You can provide TEST_RO_CONTAINER instead of by parameter, by default test1"
37 echo -e " You can provide TEST_RO_CUSTOM, with a command for container customization, by default nothing."
38 }
40 [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] && usage && exit 0
42 [[ -z "$TEST_RO_COMMIT" ]] && echo 'provide a TEST_RO_COMMIT variable. Type --help for more info' >&2 && exit 1
43 [[ -z "$TEST_RO_GIT_URL" ]] && TEST_RO_GIT_URL="https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/RO"
45 [ -n "$1" ] && TEST_RO_CONTAINER="$1"
48 instance_name=3vdu_2vnf
50 function echo_RO_log(){
51 # echo "LOG DUMP:" >&2 && lxc exec "$TEST_RO_CONTAINER" -- tail -n 150 /var/log/osm/openmano.log >&2
52 echo -e "\nFAILED" >&2
53 }
55 function lxc_exec(){
56 if ! lxc exec "$TEST_RO_CONTAINER" --env OPENMANO_TENANT=osm --env OPENMANO_DATACENTER=local-openvim \
57 --env OPENVIM_TENANT="$OPENVIM_TENANT" -- bash -c "$*"
58 then
59 echo "ERROR on command '$*'" >&2
60 echo_RO_log
61 exit 1
62 fi
63 }
65 function wait_until_deleted(){
66 wait_active=0
67 while lxc_exec RO/test/local/openvim/openvim vm-list | grep -q -e ${instance_name} ||
68 lxc_exec RO/test/local/openvim/openvim net-list | grep -q -e ${instance_name}
69 do
70 echo -n "."
71 [ $wait_active -gt 90 ] && echo "timeout waiting VM and nets deleted at VIM" >&2 && echo_RO_log && exit 1
72 wait_active=$((wait_active + 1))
73 sleep 1
74 done
75 echo
76 }
78 lxc delete "$TEST_RO_CONTAINER" --force 2>/dev/null && echo "container '$TEST_RO_CONTAINER' deleted"
79 lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 "$TEST_RO_CONTAINER"
80 sleep 10
81 [[ -n "$TEST_RO_CUSTOM" ]] && ${TEST_RO_CUSTOM}
82 lxc_exec ifconfig eth0 mtu 1446 # Avoid problems when inside an openstack VM that normally limit MTU do this value
83 lxc_exec git clone "$TEST_RO_GIT_URL"
84 lxc_exec git -C RO status
85 lxc_exec "cd RO && $TEST_RO_COMMIT"
88 lxc_exec RO/scripts/install-openmano.sh --noclone --force -q --updatedb -b master
89 sleep 10
90 lxc_exec openmano tenant-create osm
91 lxc_exec openmano tenant-list
93 # TEST database migration
94 lxc_exec ./RO/database_utils/migrate_mano_db.sh 20
95 lxc_exec ./RO/database_utils/migrate_mano_db.sh
96 lxc_exec ./RO/database_utils/migrate_mano_db.sh 20
97 lxc_exec ./RO/database_utils/migrate_mano_db.sh
99 # TEST instantiate with a fake local openvim
100 lxc_exec ./RO/test/basictest.sh -f --insert-bashrc --install-openvim reset add-openvim create delete
103 # TEST instantiate with a fake local openvim 2
104 lxc_exec ./RO/test/test_RO.py deploy -n mgmt -t osm -i cirros034 -d local-openvim --timeout=30 --failfast
105 lxc_exec ./RO/test/test_RO.py vim -t osm -d local-openvim --timeout=30 --failfast
107 sleep 10
108 echo "TEST service restart in the middle of a instantiation/deletion"
109 OPENVIM_TENANT=`lxc_exec RO/test/local/openvim/openvim tenant-list`
112 lxc_exec openmano vnf-create RO/vnfs/examples/v3_3vdu_vnfd.yaml --image-name=cirros034
113 lxc_exec openmano scenario-create RO/scenarios/examples/v3_3vdu_2vnf_nsd.yaml
114 wait_until_deleted
115 test_number=0
116 while [ $test_number -lt 5 ] ; do
117 echo test ${test_number}.0 test instantiation recovering
118 lxc_exec openmano instance-scenario-create --name ${instance_name} --scenario osm_id=3vdu_2vnf_nsd";"service osm-ro stop
119 sleep 5
120 lxc_exec service osm-ro start
121 sleep 10
122 # wait until all VM are active
123 wait_active=0
124 while [ `lxc_exec openmano instance-scenario-list ${instance_name} | grep ACTIVE | wc -l` -lt 7 ] ; do
125 echo -n "."
126 [ $wait_active -gt 90 ] && echo "timeout waiting VM active" >&2 && echo_RO_log && exit 1
127 wait_active=$((wait_active + 1))
128 sleep 1
129 done
130 echo
132 # Due to race condition the VIM request can be processed without getting the response by RO
133 # resulting in having some VM or net at VIM not registered by RO. If this is the case need to be deleted manually
134 vim_vms=`lxc_exec RO/test/local/openvim/openvim vm-list | grep ${instance_name} | awk '{print $1}'`
135 for vim_vm in $vim_vms ; do
136 if ! lxc_exec openmano instance-scenario-list ${instance_name} | grep -q $vim_vm ; then
137 echo deleting VIM vm $vim_vm
138 lxc_exec RO/test/local/openvim/openvim vm-delete -f $vim_vm
139 fi
140 done
141 vim_nets=`lxc_exec RO/test/local/openvim/openvim net-list | grep ${instance_name} | awk '{print $1}'`
142 for vim_net in $vim_nets ; do
143 if ! lxc_exec openmano instance-scenario-list ${instance_name} | grep -q $vim_net ; then
144 echo deleting VIM net $vim_net
145 lxc_exec RO/test/local/openvim/openvim net-delete -f $vim_net
146 fi
147 done
149 # delete first VIM VM and wait until RO detects it
150 echo test ${test_number}.1 test refresh VM VIM status deleted
151 OPENVIM_VM=`lxc_exec RO/test/local/openvim/openvim vm-list`
153 lxc_exec RO/test/local/openvim/openvim vm-delete -f $OPENVIM_VM
154 wait_active=0
155 while ! lxc_exec openmano instance-scenario-list ${instance_name} | grep -q DELETED ; do
156 echo -n "."
157 [ $wait_active -gt 90 ] && echo "timeout waiting RO get VM status as DELETED" >&2 && echo_RO_log && exit 1
158 wait_active=$((wait_active + 1))
159 sleep 1
160 ACTIVE=`lxc_exec openmano instance-scenario-list ${instance_name} | grep ACTIVE | wc -l`
161 done
162 echo
164 # TEST service restart in the middle of a instantiation deletion
165 echo test ${test_number}.2 test isntantiation deletion recovering
166 lxc_exec openmano instance-scenario-delete ${instance_name} -f";"service osm-ro stop
167 sleep 5
168 lxc_exec service osm-ro start
169 sleep 10
170 # wait until all VM are deteled at VIM
171 wait_until_deleted
173 test_number=$((test_number + 1))
174 done
175 echo "DONE"