Add new fields to instance_net.vim_info
[osm/RO.git] / test / RO_tests / v3_2vdu_set_ip_mac / vnfd_2vdu_set_ip_mac.yaml
1 vnfd-catalog:
2     vnfd:
3     -   connection-point:
4         -   name: eth0
5             type: VPORT
6         -   name: eth1
7             type: VPORT
8         -   name: eth4
9             type: VPORT
10         description: VNF with internal VLD and set IP and mac
11         id: test_2vdu
12         name: test_2vdu_name
13         short-name: test_2vdu_sname
14         mgmt-interface:
15             cp: eth0
16         internal-vld:
17         -   description: Internal VL
18             id:          net_internal
19             name:        internal_vld1
20             short-name:  net_internal_sname
21             type:        ELAN
22             internal-connection-point:
23             -   id-ref:     eth2
24                 ip-address:
25             -   id-ref:     eth3
26                 ip-address:
27             ip-profile-ref: ip-profile1
28         ip-profiles:
29         -   description: Inter VNF Link
30             ip-profile-params:
31                 gateway-address: null
32                 ip-version:      ipv4
33                 subnet-address:
34                 dhcp-params:
35                   count:         100
36                   start-address:
37             name: ip-profile1
38         vdu:
39         -   id: VM1
40             name: VM11
41             image: US1604
42             interface:
43             -   name: iface11
44                 type: EXTERNAL
45                 virtual-interface:
46                     type: VIRTIO
47                 external-connection-point-ref: eth0
48                 mac-address:   "52:33:44:55:66:77"
49             -   name: iface12
50                 type: INTERNAL
51                 virtual-interface:
52                     type: VIRTIO
53                 internal-connection-point-ref: eth2
54                 mac-address:   "52:33:44:55:66:78"
55             -   name: iface13
56                 type: EXTERNAL
57                 virtual-interface:
58                     type: VIRTIO
59                 external-connection-point-ref: eth4
60             internal-connection-point:
61             -   name: eth2-icp
62                 id:   eth2
63                 type: VPORT
64             vm-flavor:
65                 memory-mb: '2048'
66                 storage-gb: '8'
67                 vcpu-count: '1'
68         -   id: VM2
69             image: US1604
70             name: VM12
71             interface:
72             -   name: iface21
73                 type: EXTERNAL
74                 virtual-interface:
75                     type: VIRTIO
76                 external-connection-point-ref: eth1
77                 mac-address:   52:33:44:55:66:79
78             -   name: iface22
79                 type: INTERNAL
80                 virtual-interface:
81                     type: VIRTIO
82                 internal-connection-point-ref: eth3
83                 mac-address:   52:33:44:55:66:80
84             internal-connection-point:
85             -   name: eth3-icp
86                 id:   eth3
87                 type: VPORT
88             vm-flavor:
89                 memory-mb: '2048'
90                 storage-gb: '8'
91                 vcpu-count: '1'
92         vendor: ROtest
93         version: '1.0'