VIM accounts part of the project view
[osm/LW-UI.git] / template / logo_sidebar.html
1 {% load staticfiles %}
2 {% load i18n %}
3 <a href="#" class="logo" style="background-color: white !important;">
4 <!-- mini logo for sidebar mini 50x50 pixels -->
5 <span class="logo-mini"><img src="{% static logo_mini|default:"assets/img/osm_small_logo.png" %}" style="height: 40px;margin-top: -10px;"></span>
6 <!-- logo for regular state and mobile devices -->
7 <span class="logo-lg"><img src="{% static logo|default:"assets/img/OSM-logo.png" %}" style="height: 40px;margin-top: -10px;"></span>
8 </a>