Feature 11016: Service KPI Metric Based Scaling of VNF using exporter endpoint in...
[osm/NG-SA.git] / src / osm_ngsa / osm_mon / vim_connectors / gcp.py
1 #######################################################################################
2 # Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
3 #
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 #
8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
16 #######################################################################################
17 # pylint: disable=E1101
19 import logging
20 import time
21 from typing import Dict, List
23 from google.cloud import monitoring_v3
24 from google.oauth2 import service_account
25 import googleapiclient.discovery
26 from osm_mon.vim_connectors.base_vim import VIMConnector
28 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
32 "cpu_utilization": {
33 "metrictype": "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization",
34 "multiplier": 100,
35 },
36 "average_memory_utilization": {
37 # metric only available in e2 family
38 "metrictype": "compute.googleapis.com/instance/memory/balloon/ram_used",
39 "multiplier": 0.000001,
40 },
41 "disk_read_ops": {
42 "metrictype": "compute.googleapis.com/instance/disk/read_ops_count",
43 },
44 "disk_write_ops": {
45 "metrictype": "compute.googleapis.com/instance/disk/write_ops_count",
46 },
47 "disk_read_bytes": {
48 "metrictype": "compute.googleapis.com/instance/disk/read_bytes_count",
49 },
50 "disk_write_bytes": {
51 "metrictype": "compute.googleapis.com/instance/disk/write_bytes_count",
52 },
53 "packets_received": {
54 "metrictype": "compute.googleapis.com/instance/network/received_packets_count",
55 },
56 "packets_sent": {
57 "metrictype": "compute.googleapis.com/instance/network/sent_packets_count",
58 },
59 # "packets_in_dropped": {},
60 # "packets_out_dropped": {},
61 }
64 class GcpCollector(VIMConnector):
65 def __init__(self, vim_account: Dict):
66 self.vim_account = vim_account
67 self.project = vim_account["vim_tenant_name"] or vim_account["vim_tenant_id"]
69 # REGION - Google Cloud considers regions and zones. A specific region
70 # can have more than one zone (for instance: region us-west1 with the
71 # zones us-west1-a, us-west1-b and us-west1-c). So the region name
72 # specified in the config will be considered as a specific zone for GC
73 # and the region will be calculated from that without the preffix.
74 if "config" in vim_account:
75 config = vim_account["config"]
76 if "region_name" in config:
77 self.zone = config.get("region_name")
78 self.region = self.zone.rsplit("-", 1)[0]
79 else:
80 log.error("Google Cloud region_name not specified in config")
81 else:
82 log.error("config is not specified in VIM")
84 # Credentials
85 scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"]
86 self.credentials = None
87 if "credentials" in config:
88 log.debug("Setting credentials")
89 # Settings Google Cloud credentials dict
90 creds_body = config["credentials"]
91 creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(creds_body)
92 if "sa_file" in config:
93 creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
94 config.get("sa_file"), scopes=scopes
95 )
96 log.debug("Credentials: %s", creds)
97 # Construct a Resource for interacting with an API.
98 self.credentials = creds
99 try:
100 self.conn_compute = googleapiclient.discovery.build(
101 "compute", "v1", credentials=creds
102 )
103 except Exception as e:
104 log.error(e)
105 # Construct a client for interacting with metrics API.
106 try:
107 self.metric_client = monitoring_v3.MetricServiceClient(
108 credentials=creds
109 )
110 except Exception as e:
111 log.error(e)
112 else:
113 log.error("It is not possible to init GCP with no credentials")
115 def collect_servers_status(self) -> List[Dict]:
116 servers = []
117 try:
118 response = (
119 self.conn_compute.instances()
120 .list(project=self.project, zone=self.zone)
121 .execute()
122 )
123 if "items" in response:
124 log.info(response["items"])
125 for server in response["items"]:
126 vm = {
127 "id": server["name"],
128 "name": server["name"],
129 "status": (1 if (server["status"] == "RUNNING") else 0),
130 }
131 servers.append(vm)
132 except Exception as e:
133 log.error(e)
134 return servers
136 def is_vim_ok(self) -> bool:
137 status = False
138 try:
139 self.conn_compute.zones().get(
140 project=self.project, zone=self.zone
141 ).execute()
142 status = True
143 except Exception as e:
144 log.error(e)
145 return status
147 def collect_metrics(self, metric_list: List[Dict]) -> List[Dict]:
148 log.debug("collect_metrics")
150 metric_results = []
151 log.info(metric_list)
152 for metric in metric_list:
153 server = metric["vm_id"]
154 metric_name = metric["metric"]
155 metric_mapping = METRIC_MAPPINGS.get(metric_name)
156 if not metric_mapping:
157 # log.info(f"Metric {metric_name} not available in GCP")
158 continue
159 gcp_metric_type = metric_mapping["metrictype"]
160 metric_multiplier = metric_mapping.get("multiplier", 1)
161 log.info(f"server: {server}, gcp_metric_type: {gcp_metric_type}")
163 end = int(time.time())
164 start = end - 600
165 interval = monitoring_v3.TimeInterval(
166 {
167 "end_time": {"seconds": end},
168 "start_time": {"seconds": start},
169 }
170 )
171 aggregation = monitoring_v3.Aggregation(
172 {
173 "alignment_period": {"seconds": 600},
174 "per_series_aligner": monitoring_v3.Aggregation.Aligner.ALIGN_MEAN,
175 }
176 )
177 filter = f'metric.type = "{gcp_metric_type}" AND metric.labels.instance_name = "{server}"'
178 project = f"projects/{self.project}"
179 log.info(f"filter: {filter}")
180 results = self.metric_client.list_time_series(
181 request={
182 "name": project,
183 "filter": filter,
184 "interval": interval,
185 "view": monitoring_v3.ListTimeSeriesRequest.TimeSeriesView.FULL,
186 "aggregation": aggregation,
187 }
188 )
189 value = None
190 for result in results:
191 for point in result.points:
192 value = point.value.double_value
193 if value is not None:
194 metric["value"] = value * metric_multiplier
195 log.info(f'value: {metric["value"]}')
196 metric_results.append(metric)
198 return metric_results