Added placement interface and a dumb placement algorithm that always uses the first...
[osm/vim-emu.git] / src / emuvim / cli /
1 """
2 son-emu compute CLI
3 (c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <>
4 """
6 import argparse
7 import pprint
8 from tabulate import tabulate
9 import zerorpc
12 pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
15 class ZeroRpcClient(object):
17 def __init__(self):
18 self.c = zerorpc.Client()
19 self.c.connect("tcp://") # TODO hard coded for now. we'll change this later
20 self.cmds = {}
22 def execute_command(self, args):
23 if getattr(self, args["command"]) is not None:
24 # call the local method with the same name as the command arg
25 getattr(self, args["command"])(args)
26 else:
27 print "Command not implemented."
29 def start(self, args):
30 nw_list = list()
31 if args.get("network") is not None:
32 networks = args.get("network").split(",")
33 for nw in networks:
34 nw_list.append({"ip": nw})
35 r = self.c.compute_action_start(
36 args.get("datacenter"),
37 args.get("name"),
38 args.get("image"),
39 args.get("docker_command"),
40 nw_list)
41 pp.pprint(r)
43 def stop(self, args):
44 r = self.c.compute_action_stop(
45 args.get("datacenter"), args.get("name"))
46 pp.pprint(r)
48 def list(self, args):
49 r = self.c.compute_list(
50 args.get("datacenter"))
51 table = []
52 for c in r:
53 # for each container add a line to the output table
54 if len(c) > 1:
55 name = c[0]
56 status = c[1]
57 eth0ip = None
58 eth0status = "down"
59 if len(status.get("network")) > 0:
60 eth0ip = status.get("network")[0][1]
61 eth0status = "up" if status.get(
62 "network")[0][3] else "down"
63 table.append([status.get("datacenter"),
64 name,
65 status.get("image"),
66 eth0ip,
67 eth0status,
68 status.get("state").get("Status")])
69 headers = ["Datacenter",
70 "Container",
71 "Image",
72 "eth0 IP",
73 "eth0 status",
74 "Status"]
75 print tabulate(table, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid")
77 def status(self, args):
78 r = self.c.compute_status(
79 args.get("datacenter"), args.get("name"))
80 pp.pprint(r)
83 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='son-emu compute')
84 parser.add_argument(
85 "command",
86 choices=['start', 'stop', 'list', 'status'],
87 help="Action to be executed.")
88 parser.add_argument(
89 "--datacenter", "-d", dest="datacenter",
90 help="Data center to in which the compute instance should be executed")
91 parser.add_argument(
92 "--name", "-n", dest="name",
93 help="Name of compute instance e.g. 'vnf1'")
94 parser.add_argument(
95 "--image","-i", dest="image",
96 help="Name of container image to be used e.g. 'ubuntu'")
97 parser.add_argument(
98 "--dcmd", "-c", dest="docker_command",
99 help="Startup command of the container e.g. './'")
100 parser.add_argument(
101 "--net", dest="network",
102 help="Network properties of compute instance e.g. \
103 '' or ',' for multiple interfaces.")
106 def main(argv):
107 args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv))
108 c = ZeroRpcClient()
109 c.execute_command(args)