Revert "BUG-410 -- update RIFT platform"
[osm/UI.git] / src / components / CanvasPanelTray.js
1 /**
2 * Created by onvelocity on 2/4/16.
3 */
4 'use strict';
5 import React from 'react'
6 import ClassNames from 'classnames'
7 import ResizableManager from '../libraries/ResizableManager'
8 import CanvasPanelTrayActions from '../actions/CanvasPanelTrayActions'
9 import '../styles/CanvasPanelTray.scss'
10 const uiTransient = {
11 isResizing: false
12 };
13 export default function (props) {
14 const style = {
15 height: Math.max(0, props.layout.bottom),
16 right: props.layout.right,
17 display: ? false : 'none'
18 };
19 const PANEL = {
20 FORWARD: 'forwarding',
21 PARAMETER: 'parameter'
22 }
23 const classNames = ClassNames('CanvasPanelTray', {'-with-transitions': !document.body.classList.contains('resizing')});
24 function onClickToggleOpenClose(event) {
25 if (event.defaultPrevented) return;
26 event.preventDefault();
27 // don't toggle if the user was resizing
28 if (!uiTransient.isResizing) {
29 CanvasPanelTrayActions.toggleOpenClose(event);
30 }
31'mousemove', onMouseMove, true);
32 }
33 function onMouseDown(event) {
34 uiTransient.isResizing = false;
35'mousemove', onMouseMove, true);
36 }
37 function onMouseMove() {
38 uiTransient.isResizing = ResizableManager.isResizing();
39 }
40 // note 25px is the height of the h1
41 const isOpen = style.height > 25;
42 return (
43 <div className={classNames} data-resizable="top" data-resizable-handle-offset="4" style={style}>
44 <div className="CanvasPanelTray-buttons" onClick={onClickToggleOpenClose}>
45 <button
46 style={{flex: '1 1 auto'}}
47 className={ClassNames({'-selected': props.displayedPanel === PANEL.FORWARD})}
48 onMouseDownCapture={onMouseDown}
49 data-event={PANEL.FORWARD}>
50 Forwarding Graphs
51 </button>
53 <button
54 style={{flex: '1 1 auto', borderLeft: '1px solid white'}}
55 className={ClassNames({'-selected': props.displayedPanel === PANEL.PARAMETER})}
56 onMouseDownCapture={onMouseDown}
57 data-event={PANEL.PARAMETER}>
58 Config Parameter Map
59 </button>
60 <div data-open-close-icon={isOpen ? 'open' : 'closed'} style={{flex: '0 1', width: '40px', height: '25px', cursor: 'pointer'}} data-event='arrow'>
62 </div>
63 </div>
64 <div className="tray-body">
65 {props.children}
66 </div>
67 </div>
68 );
69 }