added editconfigparametermap.scss
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / plugins / launchpad / src / recordViewer / recordView.jsx
2 /*
3  * 
4  *   Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
5  *
6  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *
11  *
12  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  *   limitations under the License.
17  *
18  */
19 import React from 'react';
20 import RecordNavigator from './recordNavigator.jsx';
21 import RecordCard from './recordCard.jsx';
22 import RecordDetails from './recordDetails.jsx';
23 import RecordViewStore from './recordViewStore.js';
24 import RecordViewActions from './recordViewActions.js';
25 import LaunchpadBreadcrumbs from '../launchpadBreadcrumbs.jsx';
26 import Utils from 'utils/utils.js';
27 import AppHeader from 'widgets/header/header.jsx';
28 import './recordViewer.scss';
29 export default class RecordView extends React.Component {
30   constructor(props) {
31     super(props);
32     this.state = RecordViewStore.getState();
33     this.state.showRecordDetails = false;
34     this.state.jobData = [];
35     RecordViewStore.listen(this.storeListener);
36   }
37   storeListener = (state) => {
38     this.setState(state);
39   }
40   componentWillUnmount = () => {
41     RecordViewStore.handleCloseSocket();
42     RecordViewStore.handleCloseJobSocket();
43     RecordViewStore.unlisten(this.storeListener);
44   }
45   componentDidMount() {
46     let nsrRegEx = new RegExp("([0-9a-zA-Z-]+)\/detail");
47     let nsr_id;
48     try {
49       console.log('NSR ID in url is', this.props.location.query);
50       console.log(this.props)
51       nsr_id =;
52     } catch (e) {
54     }
55     RecordViewStore.getNSR(nsr_id);
56     RecordViewStore.getRawNSR(nsr_id);
57     RecordViewStore.getNSRSocket(nsr_id);
58     RecordViewStore.getConfigJobSocket(nsr_id);
59   }
60   loadRecord = (record) => {
61     RecordViewActions.loadRecord(record);
62     RecordViewStore['getRaw' + record.type.toUpperCase()](
63     RecordViewStore['get' + record.type.toUpperCase() + 'Socket'](
64   }
65   recordDetailsToggle = () => {
66     this.setState({
67       showRecordDetails: !this.state.showRecordDetails
68     })
69   }
70   render() {
71     let {location} = this.props;
72     let html;
73     let mgmtDomainName = window.location.hash.split('/')[2];
74     let recordDetails = this.state.showRecordDetails || null;
75     let nsrId = 0;
76     let navItems = [{
77       name: 'Viewport'
78     },{
79       name: 'COMPUTE TOPOLOGY',
80       onClick: this.context.router.push.bind(this, {pathname:'/compute-topology', query: {id:, sdnpresent: location.query.sdnpresent}})
81     }];
83     if (location.query.sdnpresent == 'true') {
84       navItems.push({
85          name: 'NETWORK TOPOLOGY',
86                onClick: this.context.router.push.bind(this, {pathname:'/network-topology', query: {id:, sdnpresent: location.query.sdnpresent}})
87       });
88     }
90     let nav = <AppHeader nav={navItems} />
91     if (this.state.showRecordDetails) {
92       recordDetails = <RecordDetails isLoading={this.state.detailLoading} data={this.state.rawData} />
93     }
94     html = (
95       <div className="app-body recordView">
96       {nav}
97         <div className="recordViewer">
98           <i className="corner-accent top left"></i>
99           <i className="corner-accent top right"></i>
100           <div className="dashboardCard_wrapper recordPanels">
101             <RecordNavigator activeNavID={this.state.recordID} nav={this.state.nav} loadRecord={this.loadRecord} isLoading={this.state.isLoading} />
102             <RecordCard jobData={this.state.jobData} isLoading={this.state.cardLoading} type={this.state.recordType} data={this.state.recordData} recordDetailsToggleValue={this.state.showRecordDetails} vnfrs={this.state.vnfrs} navRef={this.state.nav} recordDetailsToggleFn={this.recordDetailsToggle} />
103             {recordDetails}
104           </div>
105           <i className="corner-accent bottom left"></i>
106           <i className="corner-accent bottom right"></i>
107         </div>
108       </div>
109     );
110     return html;
111   }
112 }
113 RecordView.contextTypes = {
114     router: React.PropTypes.object
115 };