RIFT-15038: SSH Keys styling fix for overlapping.
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / plugins / launchpad / src / launchpad_card / launchpadHeader.jsx
2 /*
3  * 
4  *   Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
5  *
6  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  *   limitations under the License.
17  *
18  */
19 import React from 'react';
20 import UpTime from 'widgets/uptime/uptime.jsx';
21 import launchpadFleetStore from '../launchpadFleetStore.js';
22 import launchpadFleetActions from '../launchpadFleetActions';
23 import LaunchpadOperationalStatus from 'widgets/operational-status/launchpadOperationalStatus.jsx';
24 import LaunchpadCardMgmtInterfaces from './launchpadCardMgmtInterfaces.jsx';
25 import LaunchpadCardCloudAccount from './launchpadCardCloudAccount.jsx';
26 import { Link } from 'react-router';
28 class LaunchpadHeader extends React.Component {
29   constructor(props) {
30     super(props);
31     this.state = {};
32     this.state.displayStatus = false;
33     this.state.isLoading = this.isLoading(props);
34     this.state.displayInterfacePanel = false;
35     this.state.displayCloudAccount = false;
36     this.state.failed = false;
37     this.deleteLaunchpad = this.deleteLaunchpad.bind(this);
38     this.openDashboard = this.openDashboard.bind(this);
39     this.openConsole = this.openConsole.bind(this);
40     this.setStatus = this.setStatus.bind(this);
41   }
42   componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
43     this.setState({
44       failed: (props['operational-status'] == 'failed' || props['config-status'] == 'failed')
45     })
46   }
47   //TODO Do not setState within nested component like this. Find a way to use props.
48   doneLoading = (failed) => {
49   this.setState({
50       isLoading: false
51     });
52   }
53   //TODO instead of calling the store method, an action should be emitted and the store should respond.
54   deleteLaunchpad(e) {
55     if (window.confirm("Preparing to delete "+ this.props.name + ".  Are you sure you want to delete this NSR?")) {
56       launchpadFleetStore.deleteNsrInstance(this.props.id);
57       launchpadFleetActions.deletingNSR(this.props.id);
58     }
59   }
60   isLoading(props) {
61       return !((props.nsr['operational-status'] == 'running'))
62   }
63   openDashboard(nsr_id) {
64     window.location.href = '//' + window.location.hostname + ':' + window.location.port + '/index.html' + window.location.search + window.location.hash + '/' + nsr_id + '/detail';
65     launchpadFleetStore.closeSocket();
66   }
67   openConsole() {
68     console.log('open console clicked');
69   }
70   setStatus() {
71     var status;
72     if(this.props.isActive) {
73       status = "DISABLED"
74     } else {
75       status = "ENABLED"
76     }
77     launchpadFleetStore.setNSRStatus(this.props.nsr["id"], status);
78   }
79   openInterfacePanel = () => {
80     this.setState({
81       displayStatus: false,
82       displayInterfacePanel: !this.state.displayInterfacePanel,
83       displayCloudAccount: false
84     })
85      // this.closeHeaderViews();
86   }
87   openStatus = () => {
88     this.setState({
89       displayInterfacePanel: false,
90       displayStatus: !this.state.displayStatus,
91       displayCloudAccount: false
92     });
93     // this.closeHeaderViews();
94   }
95   openCloudAccountPanel = () => {
96     let nsrCloudAccount = this.props.nsr['cloud-account'];
97     this.setState({
98       displayStatus: false,
99       displayInterfacePanel: false,
100       displayCloudAccount: !this.state.displayCloudAccount
101     })
102   }
103   render() {
104     let self = this;
105     let failed = this.state.failed || (this.props.nsr['operational-status'] == 'failed');
106     let nsrCreateTime = this.props.nsr['create-time'];
107     //let nsrUpDuration = (nsrCreateTime)
108     //  ? Math.floor((new Date() / 1000)) - nsrCreateTime
109     //  : null;
110     let isLoading =  failed || this.state.isLoading;
111     let toggleStatus = isLoading ? '' :
112       (
113         <h3 className="launchpadCard_header-link">
114           <a onClick={this.openStatus} title="Open History" className={self.state.displayStatus ? 'activeIcon' : 'inActiveIcon'}>
115             <span className="oi" data-glyph="clock" aria-hidden="true">
116             </span>
117           </a>
118         </h3>
119       );
120     let headerClassName = "launchpadCard_header";
121     // debugger;
122     headerClassName += (failed ? ' failed' : '');
123     let sdnpresent = this.props.nsr['sdn-account'] ? true: false;
124     return (
125       <header className={headerClassName}>
126         <div className={"launchpadCard_header-title " + (this.props.isActive ? '' : 'launchpadCard_header-title-off') + (failed ? ' failed' : '')} >
127             <h3 className="launchpadCard_header-link">
128               {
129                 isLoading ?
130                             <a title="Open Viewport Dashboard" style={{cursor:'default'}}>
131                               {this.props.name}
132                             </a>
133                           : <Link to={{pathname: '/viewport', query: {id: this.props.nsr.id,
134                               sdnpresent: sdnpresent}}}
135                               title="Open Viewport Dashboard">
136                               {this.props.name}
137                               <span className="oi" data-glyph="external-link" aria-hidden="true"></span>
138                             </Link>
139               }
140             </h3>
141           <div className="launchpadCard_header-actions">
142             <h3>
143               {isLoading ?
144                 this.props.nsr["operational-status"]
145                 : this.props.nsr['config-status'] == 'configuring' ?
146                   'Configuring'
147                   : this.props.nsr['config-status'] == 'configured' ?
148                     'Active'
149                     :'Configuration Failed'}
150             </h3>
151             <h3 style={{display: isLoading ? 'none' : 'inherit'}}>
152                 <UpTime initialTime={nsrCreateTime} run={true} />
153             </h3>
154             <h3 className="launchpadCard_header-link" style={{display: this.props.nsr['cloud-account'] ? 'inherit' : 'none'}}>
155               <a onClick={this.openCloudAccountPanel} title="VIM Account" className={self.state.displayCloudAccount ? 'activeIcon' : 'inActiveIcon'}>
156                 <span className="oi" data-glyph="cloud" aria-hidden="true"></span>
157               </a>
158             </h3>
159             <h3 className="launchpadCard_header-link" style={{'display': !isLoading ? 'inherit' : 'none'}}>
160                 <a onClick={this.openInterfacePanel} title="View Management Interfaces" className={self.state.displayInterfacePanel ? 'activeIcon' : 'inActiveIcon'}>
161                   <span className="oi" data-glyph="monitor" aria-hidden="true">
162                   </span>
163                 </a>
164             </h3>
165             {toggleStatus}
166             <h3 className="launchpadCard_header-link" style={{display: 'inherit'}}>
167               <a onClick={this.deleteLaunchpad} title="Delete">
168                 <span className="oi" data-glyph="trash" aria-hidden="true"></span>
169               </a>
170             </h3>
171           </div>
172         </div>
173         <div className="launchpadCard_header-status">
174         <LaunchpadOperationalStatus className="launchpadCard_header-operational-status" loading={isLoading} doneLoading={this.doneLoading} display={this.state.displayStatus} currentStatus={this.props.nsr["operational-status"]} status={this.props.nsr["rw-nsr:operational-events"]} />
175         <LaunchpadCardMgmtInterfaces display={self.state.displayInterfacePanel} interfaces={this.props.nsr["dashboard-urls"]} className="launchpadCard_header-vnfr_management-links"  consoleUrls={this.props.nsr['console-urls']}/>
176         <LaunchpadCardCloudAccount display={self.state.displayCloudAccount} nsr={this.props.nsr} className="launchpadCard_header-vnfr_management-links" />
177         </div>
178       </header>
179     )
180   }
181 };
182 LaunchpadHeader.propTypes = {
183   name: React.PropTypes.string
184  };
185 LaunchpadHeader.defaultProps = {
186   name: 'Loading...Some Name'
187 };
189 export default LaunchpadHeader;