Bug 161 - Deleting an item that was being edited did not clear the canvas
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / plugins / launchpad / src / launchpad_card / jobListCard.jsx
1 /*
2  * 
3  *   Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
4  *
5  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *   limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
19 import React from 'react';
20 import './jobListCard.scss'
21 import TreeView from 'react-treeview';
22 import Uptime from 'widgets/uptime/uptime.jsx';
23 import Modal from 'react-awesome-modal';
26 class JobListCard extends React.Component {
27     constructor(props) {
28         super(props);
29         this.state = {};
30         this.state.hideParameters = true;
31         this.state.modalVisible = false;
32     }
33     openModal() {
34         this.setState({
35             modalVisible : true
36         });
37     }
39     closeModal() {
40         this.setState({
41             modalVisible : false
42         });
43     }
44     getStatusColor(status) {
45         let color;
46         switch(status) {
47             case 'success' : color = 'green'; break;
48             case 'failure' : color = 'red'; break;
49             default : color = 'yellow'; break;
50         }
51         return 'jobListCard--status_' + color;
52     }
53     toggleParametersView(hideParameters) {
54         this.setState({
55             hideParameters: !hideParameters
56         })
57     }
58     getJobDetails(job) {
59         let jobDetails = null;
60         if (job['job-status-details']) {
61             let jobDetailsArray = job['job-status-details'].split(/\\n/);
62             let jobDetailsText = [];
63             jobDetailsArray && jobDetailsArray.map((jobDetail) => {
64                 jobDetailsText.push(jobDetail);
65                 jobDetailsText.push(<br/>);
66             });
67             jobDetails = (
68                 <section className='jobListCard--details'>
69                     <h4 onClick={this.openModal.bind(this)}>Job Details</h4>
70                     <Modal
71                         visible={this.state.modalVisible}
72                         width="600"
73                         height="400"
74                         effect="fadeInUp">
75                         <div>
76                             <TreeView nodeLabel={<span>Job Details</span>} key={'job-details'} defaultCollapsed={false}>
77                                 <p>{jobDetailsText}</p>
78                             </TreeView>
79                             <h4 className='jobListCard--details--close' onClick={this.closeModal.bind(this)}>Close</h4>
80                         </div>
81                     </Modal>
82                 </section>
83             );
84         }
85         return jobDetails;
86     }
87     nsrCardHTML(props, key) {
88         let self = this;
89         let jobListStatus = this.getStatusColor(this.props['job-status']);
90         let hideParameters = this.state.hideParameters;
91         let parameterList = function(props) {
92             return props['parameter'] && props['parameter'].map((p, i) => {
93                 let k = null;
94                 if(key) {
95                     k = k + '-' + i;
96                 }
97                 return (
98                     <div key={k || i} className="jobListCard--listitem">
99                         <span className="jobListCard--parameter">{p.name}:</span> {p.value}
100                     </div>
101                 );
102             });
103         }
104         let jobDetailsHTML = this.getJobDetails(this.props);
105         return (
106             <div className="jobListCard">
107                 <div className="jobListCard--header">
108                     <div className="jobListCard--name">
109                         {props['job-name']}
110                     </div>
111                     <div className={"jobListCard--status " + jobListStatus} title={jobListStatus.toUpperCase()}/>
112                 </div>
113                 <div className="jobListCard--subtitle">
114                     <span>ID: {this.props['job-id']}</span>
115                 </div>
116                 <div className="jobListCard--subtitle">
117                     <Uptime initialTime={props['create-time']} run={false} /> ago
118                 </div>
119                 <div className={"jobListCard--parameters"}>
120                     <h4 onClick={self.toggleParametersView.bind(self, hideParameters)}>{hideParameters ? 'Show' : 'Hide'} Parameters</h4>
121                     <div className={"jobListCard--list"} style={{display: hideParameters ? 'none' : 'flex'}}>
122                         {
123                             parameterList(props)
124                         }
125                         {
126                             props.vnfr && props.vnfr.map(function(v) {
127                                 return v.primitive && v.primitive.map(function(p) {
128                                     return parameterList(p, p.name)
129                                 })
130                             })
131                         }
132                     </div>
133                 </div>
134                 {jobDetailsHTML}
135             </div>
136         )
137     }
138     vnfrCardHTML(props) {
139         let self = this;
140         let jobListStatus = this.getStatusColor(props['execution-status'] );
141         let hideParameters = this.state.hideParameters;
142         return (
143             <div className="jobListCard">
144                 <div className="jobListCard--header">
145                     <div className="jobListCard--name">
146                         {props.name}
147                     </div>
148                     <div className={"jobListCard--status " + jobListStatus} title={jobListStatus.toUpperCase()}/>
149                 </div>
150                 <div className="jobListCard--subtitle">
151                     <span>ID: {props['job-id']}</span>
152                 </div>
153                 <div className={"jobListCard--parameters"}>
154                     <h4 onClick={self.toggleParametersView.bind(self, hideParameters)}>
155                         { hideParameters ? 'Show' : 'Hide' } Parameters
156                     </h4>
157                     <div style={{display: hideParameters ? 'none' : 'initial'}}>
158                         <div className={"jobListCard--list"}>
159                             {
160                                 props['parameter'] && props['parameter'].map((q, k) => {
161                                         return (
162                                             <div key={k} className="jobListCard--listitem">
163                                                 <span className="jobListCard--parameter">{q.name}:</span> {q.value}
164                                             </div>
165                                         );
166                                 })
167                             }
168                         </div>
169                     </div>
170                 </div>
171             </div>
172         )
173     }
174     render() {
175         let html;
176         let card = <div></div>
177         if (this.props.type=="nsr") {
178             card = this.nsrCardHTML(this.props);
179         }
180         if (this.props.type=="vnfr") {
181             card = this.vnfrCardHTML(this.props);
182         }
183         return card;
184     }
185 }
186 export default JobListCard;