Improve auto generation of list key values. (RIFT-15923)
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / plugins / launchpad / src / instantiate / instantiateInputParams.jsx
2 /*
3  *
4  *   Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
5  *
6  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *
11  *
12  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  *   limitations under the License.
17  *
18  */
19 import React, {Component} from 'react';
20 import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
21 import SelectOption from 'widgets/form_controls/selectOption.jsx';
22 import imgAdd from '../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/plus.svg'
23 import imgRemove from '../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/trash.svg'
24 import TextInput from 'widgets/form_controls/textInput.jsx';
25 import './instantiateInputParams.scss';
27 export default class InstantiateInputParams extends Component {
28   constructor(props) {
29     super(props);
30   }
31   nsConfigHTML = (props) => {
32     return (
33       <div className="configure-nsd_section">
34         <div className="inputControls">
35             <TextInput label="Instance Name" type="text" pattern="^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$" style={{textAlign:'left'}} onChange={props.updateName} value={}/>
36           {
37             !isOpenMano( ?
38               (
39                 <label>Select VIM Account
40                   <SelectOption options={constructCloudAccountOptions(props.cloudAccounts)} onChange={props.nsFn.updateSelectedCloudAccount} />
41                 </label>
42               )
43             : null
44           }
45           {
46             isOpenMano( ?
47               dataCentersHTML(props.dataCenters[],
48                               props.nsFn.updateSelectedDataCenter)
49               : null
50           }
51         </div>
52       </div>
53     )
54   }
55   vnfCloudAccountsHTML = (props) => {
56     let nsd = props.nsd;
57     let dataCenters = props.dataCenters;
58     return (
59       <div className="configure-nsd_section">
60         <h3 className="launchpadCard_title">NS/VNF ACCOUNT PLACEMENTS</h3>
61         {
63             //selectedNSDid
64               nsd['constituent-vnfd'] && nsd['constituent-vnfd'].map(function(v, i) {
65                 let defaultValue = false;
66                 if(props.vnfdCloudAccounts && props.vnfdCloudAccounts.hasOwnProperty(v['member-vnf-index'])) {
67                   defaultValue = props.vnfdCloudAccounts[v['member-vnf-index']]
68                 }
69                 return (
70                     <div className="inputControls" key={i}>
71                     <h4 className="inputControls-title">VNFD: {}</h4>
72                   {
73                     !isOpenMano( ?
74                       (
75                         <label>Select VIM Account
76                           <SelectOption options={constructCloudAccountOptions(props.cloudAccounts)} initial={true} onChange={props.vnfFn.updateSelectedCloudAccount.bind(null, v['member-vnf-index'])} defaultValue={defaultValue} />
77                         </label>
78                       )
79                     : null
80                   }
81                       {
82                         isOpenMano( ?
83                           dataCentersHTML(
84                                           props.dataCenters[],
85                                           props.vnfFn.updateSelectedDataCenter.bind(null, v['member-vnf-index']), true)
86                           : null
87                       }
88                       {
89                         (props.configAgentAccounts && props.configAgentAccounts.length > 0) ?
90                         <label>Select Config Agent Account
91                           <SelectOption options={props.configAgentAccounts && {
92                             return {
93                               label:,
94                               value:
95                             }
96                           })} initial={true} onChange={props.vnfFn.updateSelectedConfigAgent(v['member-vnf-index'])} defaultValue={false} />
97                         </label> : null
98                       }
99                     </div>
100                 )
101               })
102         }
103       </div>
104     )
105   }
106   inputParametersHTML = (props) => {
107     let inputParameters = props.inputParameters;
108     return inputParameters &&, i) {
109         return (
110                 <div className="configure-nsd_section" key={i}>
111                   <h3 className="launchpadCard_title">Input Parameters</h3>
112                   <div className="inputControls">
113                       <TextInput label={ input.label || input.xpath } type="text" onChange={props.updateInputParam.bind(self, i)} />
114                   </div>
115                 </div>
116         )
117       })
118   }
119   nsPlacementGroupsHTML = (props) => {
120     let nsPlacementGroups = props.nsPlacementGroups;
121     let displayPlacementGroups = props.displayPlacementGroups;
122     if (nsPlacementGroups && nsPlacementGroups.length > 0 && displayPlacementGroups) {
123       return (
124         <div className="configure-nsd_section">
125           <h3 className="launchpadCard_title">NS Placement Groups</h3>
126             {
127     , i) {
128                 return (
129                   <div  key={i} className="configure-nsd_section-info">
130                     <div className="placementGroup_description">
131                       <div className="placementGroup_description-name">
132                         <strong>{}</strong> contains: {
133                           input['member-vnfd'].map((m,i) => {
134                             let s =;
135                             if(i>0) {
136                               s = ', ' +
137                             };
138                             return s;
139                           })
140                         }
141                       </div>
142                       <div><em>{input.requirement}</em></div>
143                       <div><strong>Strategy:</strong> {input.strategy}</div>
144                     </div>
145                     <label>
146                       <span> Availability Zone <span onClick={showInput} className="addInput"><img src={imgAdd} />Add</span> </span>
147                       <div  style={{display:'none'}}>
148                       <TextInput type="text" onChange={props.nsFn.placementGroupUpdate.bind(self, i, 'availability-zone')} />
149                       <span onClick={hideInput} className="removeInput"><img src={imgRemove} />Remove</span>
150                       </div>
151                     </label>
152                     <label>
153                       <span> Affinity/Anti-affinity Server Group<span onClick={showInput} className="addInput"><img src={imgAdd} />Add</span></span>
154                       <div style={{display:'none'}}>
155                         <TextInput type="text" onChange={props.nsFn.placementGroupUpdate.bind(self, i, 'server-group')} />
156                         <span onClick={hideInput} className="removeInput"><img src={imgRemove} />Remove</span>
157                       </div>
158                     </label>
159                     <div className="host-aggregate">
160                       <label>
161                         <span> Host Aggregates <span onClick={props.nsFn.addHostAggregate.bind(self, i)} className="addInput"  ><img src={imgAdd} />Add</span></span>
162                       {
163                         input['host-aggregate'].length > 0 ?
164                           input['host-aggregate'].map((h,j) => {
165                             let key = h.key || '';
166                             let value = h.value || '';
167                             return (
169                                   <div className="input_group" key={j}>
170                                     <TextInput type="text" onChange={props.nsFn.placementGroupUpdate.bind(self, i, j, 'key')} placeholder="KEY" value={key} />
171                                     <TextInput type="text" onChange={props.nsFn.placementGroupUpdate.bind(self, i, j, 'value')} placeholder="VALUE"  value={value} />
172                                     <span onClick={props.nsFn.removeHostAggregate.bind(self, i, j)} className="removeInput"><img src={imgRemove} />Remove</span>
173                                   </div>
174                             )
175                           }) : ''
176                       }
177                       </label>
178                     </div>
179                     </div>
180                 );
181               })
182             }
183        </div>
184      );
185     }
186   }
187   vnfPlacementGroupsHTML = (props) => {
188     let vnfPlacementGroups = props.vnfPlacementGroups;
189     let displayPlacementGroups = props.displayPlacementGroups;
190     if (vnfPlacementGroups && vnfPlacementGroups.length > 0 && displayPlacementGroups) {
191       return, i) {
192             return (
193               <div className="configure-nsd_section" key={i}>
194                 <h3 className="launchpadCard_title">{input['vnf-name']} VNF Placement Group</h3>
195                   <div className="configure-nsd_section-info">
196                     <div className="placementGroup_description">
197                       <div className="placementGroup_description-name">
198                         <strong>{}</strong> contains: {
199                           input['member-vdus'].map((m,i) => {
200                             let s = m['member-vdu-ref'];
201                             if(i>0) {
202                               s = ', ' + m['member-vdu-ref']
203                             };
204                             return s;
205                           })
206                         }
207                       </div>
208                       <div><em>{input.requirement}</em></div>
209                       <div><strong>Strategy</strong>: {input.strategy}</div>
210                     </div>
211                     <label>
212                       <span> Availability Zone <span onClick={showInput} className="addInput"><img src={imgAdd} />Add</span></span>
213                       <div  style={{display:'none'}}>
214                         <TextInput type="text" onChange={props.vnfFn.placementGroupUpdate.bind(self, i, 'availability-zone')} />
215                            <span onClick={hideInput} className="removeInput"><img src={imgRemove} />Remove</span>
216                       </div>
217                     </label>
218                     <label>
219                       <span> Affinity/Anti-affinity Server Group<span onClick={showInput} className="addInput"><img src={imgAdd} />Add</span></span>
220                       <div  style={{display:'none'}}>
221                         <TextInput type="text" onChange={props.vnfFn.placementGroupUpdate.bind(self, i, 'server-group')} />
222                          <span onClick={hideInput} className="removeInput"><img src={imgRemove} />Remove</span>
223                       </div>
224                     </label>
225                     <div className="host-aggregate">
226                     <label>
227                       <span> Host Aggregates <span onClick={props.vnfFn.addHostAggregate.bind(self, i)} className="addInput"><img src={imgAdd} />Add</span></span>
228                       {
229                         input['host-aggregate'].length > 0 ?
230                           input['host-aggregate'].map((h,j) => {
231                             let key = h.key || '';
232                             let value = h.value || '';
233                             return (
235                                   <div className="input_group" key={j}>
236                                     <TextInput type="text" onChange={props.vnfFn.hostAggregateUpdate.bind(self, i, j, 'key')} placeholder="KEY" value={key} />
237                                     <TextInput type="text" onChange={props.vnfFn.hostAggregateUpdate.bind(self, i, j, 'value')} placeholder="VALUE"  value={value} />
238                                     <span onClick={props.vnfFn.removeHostAggregate.bind(self, i, j)} className="removeInput"><img src={imgRemove} />Remove</span>
239                                   </div>
241                             )
242                           }) : ''
243                       }
244                       </label>
245                     </div>
246                     </div>
247                 </div>
248             );
249           });
250     }
251   }
252   vldsHTML = (props) => {
253     let self = this;
254     let ipProfileList = props.ipProfileList;
255     let vlds = props.vlds;
256     return vlds && (
257       <div className="configure-nsd_section">
258         <h3 className="launchpadCard_title">VLDs</h3>
259             {vlds &&, i) {
260                   let currentType = v.type;
261                   let isVIM = (currentType == 'vim-network-name');
262                   let isUnknown = (currentType == 'none') || ((currentType != 'vim-network-name') && (currentType != 'ip-profile-ref'));
263                   return (
264                     <div key={ + '-' + i} className="inputControls">
265                         <h4 className="inputControls-title">VLD: {v['short-name'] ? v['short-name'] : v['name']}</h4>
266                         <label><span>Specify VLD Parameters</span></label>
267                         <div  className="inputControls-radioGroup">
268                           <label className="inputControls-radio" style={{display: ipProfileList ? 'flex' : 'none'}}>
269                             <input type="radio" name={'vld-' + i } onChange={self.props.vldFn.updateType(i)} checked={!isVIM && !isUnknown} value='ip-profile-ref' />
270                             IP Profile
271                           </label>
272                           <label className="inputControls-radio">
273                             <input type="radio" name={'vld-' + i } onChange={self.props.vldFn.updateType(i)} checked={isVIM && !isUnknown} value='vim-network-name' />
274                             VIM Network Name
275                           </label>
276                           <label className="inputControls-radio">
277                             <input type="radio" name={'vld-' + i } onChange={self.props.vldFn.updateType(i)} checked={isUnknown} value='none' />
278                             None
279                           </label>
280                         </div>
281                           {
282                             isUnknown ? null : isVIM ?
283                             <TextInput label="Network Name" onChange={self.props.vldFn.updateValue(i, currentType)} value={v[currentType]} /> :
284                             <div>
285                               <SelectOption
286                               label="IP PROFILE NAME"
287                                 options={ipProfileList && {
288                                   return {
289                                     label:,
290                                     value:
291                                   }
292                                 })}
293                                 initial={
294                                   v['ip-profile-ref'] ? false : true
295                                 }
296                                 defaultValue={v['ip-profile-ref']}
297                                 onChange={self.props.vldFn.updateValue(i, currentType)}>
298                               </SelectOption>
300                             </div>
301                           }
302                     </div>
303                   )
304                 })}
305       </div>
306     );
307   }
308   ipProfilesHTML = (props) => {
309     let vldHasIPprofile = false;
310     props.vlds &&{
311       if(v.type == 'ip-profile-ref') {
312         vldHasIPprofile = true;
313       }
314     })
315     let ipProfileList = props.ipProfileList;
316     return ipProfileList && vldHasIPprofile &&
317       (
318       <div className="configure-nsd_section">
319         <h3 className="launchpadCard_title">IP Profiles</h3>
320         {
321           //IP Config
322           ipProfileList &&, j) {
323             let ipl = ip['ip-profile-params'];
324               return (
325                 <div className="inputControls" key={j}>
326                   <div className="inputControls-title" >
327                     {}
328                   </div>
329                   <div  className="inputControls-radioGroup">
330                     <label className="inputControls-radio">
331                       <input type="radio" name={'ip-profile-' + j } onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateVersion(j)} checked={ipl['ip-version'] == 'ipv4'} value='ipv4' />
332                       ipv4
333                     </label>
334                     <label className="inputControls-radio">
335                       <input type="radio" name={'ip-profile-' + j } onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateVersion(j)} checked={ipl['ip-version'] == 'ipv6'} value='ipv6' />
336                       ipv6
337                     </label>
338                     <label className="inputControls-radio">
339                       <input type="radio" name={'ip-profile-' + j } onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateVersion(j)} checked={ipl['ip-version'] == 'unknown'} value='unknown' />
340                       unknown
341                     </label>
342                   </div>
343                   <TextInput
344                     label="subnet address"
345                     onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateProfile(j, 'subnet-address')}
346                     value={ipl['subnet-address']}
347                     />
348                   <TextInput
349                     label="gateway address"
350                     onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateProfile(j, 'gateway-address')}
351                     value={ipl['gateway-address']}
352                     />
353                   <TextInput
354                     label="security group"
355                     onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateProfile(j, 'security-group')}
356                     value={ipl['security-group']}
357                     />
358                   <TextInput
359                     label="subnet prefix pool"
360                     onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateProfile(j, 'subnet-prefix-pool')}
361                     value={ipl['subnet-prefix-pool']}
362                     />
363                     <label>
364                       <div style={{display:'flex'}}>
365                         DNS SERVERS <span onClick={props.dnsFn.addDNS(j)} className="addInput"><img src={imgAdd} />Add</span>
366                       </div>
367                       {
368                         ipl['dns-server'] && ipl['dns-server'].map(function(dns, k) {
369                           return (
370                             <div key={k} style={{display:'flex'}}>
371                               <TextInput
372                                   onChange={props.dnsFn.updateDNS(j,k)}
373                                   value={ipl['dns-server'][k].address}
374                                   />
375                               <span onClick={props.dnsFn.removeDNS(j,k)} className="removeInput">
376                                 <img src={imgRemove} />Remove</span>
377                             </div>
378                           )
379                         })
380                       }
381                     </label>
382                   <div  className="inputControls-radioGroup">
383                     <label className="inputControls-radio">
384                     DHCP ENABLED
385                       <input type="radio"
386                         name={'ip-profile-dhcp' + j }
387                         onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateDHCP(j, 'enabled')}
388                         checked={ipl.hasOwnProperty('dhcp-params') && ipl['dhcp-params'].enabled}
389                         value={true} />
390                       YES
391                     </label>
392                     <label className="inputControls-radio">
393                       <input type="radio"
394                         name={'ip-profile-dhcp' + j }
395                         onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateDHCP(j, 'enabled')}
396                         checked={!ipl.hasOwnProperty('dhcp-params') || !ipl['dhcp-params'].enabled}
397                         value={false} />
398                       NO
399                     </label>
400                   </div>
401                   {
402                     (ipl['dhcp-params'] && ipl['dhcp-params'].enabled) ? dhcpHTML(props, ipl, j) : null
403                   }
404                 </div>
405               )
406           })
407         }
408         </div>);
409     function dhcpHTML(props, ipl, j){
410       return (<div>
411                   <TextInput
412                     label="DHCP Start Address"
413                     onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateDHCP(j, 'start-address')}
414                     value={ipl['dhcp-params'] && ipl['dhcp-params']['start-address']}
415                     />
416                   <TextInput
417                     label="DHCP Count"
418                     onChange={props.ipProfileFn.updateDHCP(j, 'count')}
419                     value={ipl['dhcp-params'] && ipl['dhcp-params']['count']}
420                     />
421                 </div>
422                 );
423     }
424   }
425   sshKeysHTML = (props) => {
426     let sshKeysList = props.sshKeysList;
427     let sshKeysRef = props.sshKeysRef;
428     if(sshKeysList && sshKeysList.length > 0) {
429       return (
430         <div className="configure-nsd_section">
431           <h3 className="launchpadCard_title">SSH Authorized Keys</h3>
433             {
434     , i) {
435                 let keyref = JSON.stringify(ref)
436                 return (
437                   <div key={ + '-' + i} className="inputControls inputControls-sshkeys">
438                     <label>
439                       <div>
440                       <SelectOption
441                         label="Key Pair"
442                         options={sshKeysList && {
443                           return {
444                             label:,
445                             value: k
446                           }
447                         })}
448                         ref="keyPairSelection"
449                         initial={false}
450                         defaultValue={ || sshKeysList[0].name}
451                         onChange={props.sshFn.updateKeyRef(i)}>
452                       </SelectOption>
453                       </div>
454                     </label>
455                     <label>
456                       <span onClick={props.sshFn.updateKeyRef(i, true)} className="removeInput">
457                         <img src={imgRemove} />
458                         Remove
459                       </span>
460                     </label>
461                   </div>
462                 )
463               })
464             }
465             <div className="inputControls inputControls-sshkeys ">
466               <label style={{display: 'flex', 'flexDirection': 'row'}}>
467               SSH KEY PAIR
468                 <span onClick={props.sshFn.updateKeyRef().bind(null, {target:{value: JSON.stringify(sshKeysList[0])}})} className="addInput">
469                   <img src={imgAdd} />
470                   ADD
471                 </span>
472               </label>
473             </div>
474         </div>
475       );
476     }
477   }
478   usersHTML = (props) => {
479     let usersFn = props.usersFn;
480     let sshKeysList = props.sshKeysList;
481     let usersList = props.usersList &&, i) {
482       let sshKeysRef = u['ssh-authorized-key'];
483       return (
484         <div className="input_group input_group-users" key={i}>
485           <div className="inputControls">
486           <div style={{fontWeight: 'bold', display: 'flex'}}>USER <span onClick={usersFn.remove(i)} className="removeInput"><img src={imgRemove} />Remove</span></div>
487             <TextInput onChange={usersFn.update(i, 'name')} label="USERNAME" value={} />
488             <TextInput onChange={usersFn.update(i, 'user-info')} label="REAL NAME" value={i.gecos} />
489             {
490     , j) {
491                 let keyref = JSON.stringify(ref)
492                 return (
493                   <div key={ + '-' + i + '-' + j} className="inputControls inputControls-sshkeys">
494                     <label>
495                       <div>
496                       <SelectOption
497                         label="Key Pair"
498                         options={sshKeysList && {
499                           return {
500                             label:,
501                             value: k
502                           }
503                         })}
504                         ref="keyPairSelection"
505                         initial={false}
506                         defaultValue={ref}
507                         onChange={usersFn.updateSSHkeyRef(i, j)}>
508                       </SelectOption>
509                       </div>
510                     </label>
511                     {
512                       sshKeysRef.length > 0 ?
513                         <label>
514                           <span onClick={usersFn.updateSSHkeyRef(i, j, true)} className="removeInput">
515                             <img src={imgRemove} />
516                             Remove
517                           </span>
518                         </label>
519                       : null
520                     }
522                   </div>
523                 )
524               })
525             }
526               <div className="inputControls inputControls-sshkeys ">
527                 <label style={{display: 'flex', 'flexDirection': 'row', 'alignItems': 'center'}}>
528                 SSH KEY PAIR
529                   <span onClick={usersFn.updateSSHkeyRef(i).bind(null, {target:{value: JSON.stringify(sshKeysList[0])}})} className="addInput">
530                     <img src={imgAdd} />
531                     ADD
532                   </span>
533                 </label>
534               </div>
535           </div>
536         </div>
537       )
538     });
539     return (
540       <div className="configure-nsd_section">
541         <h3 className="launchpadCard_title">USERS</h3>
542         {usersList}
543         <div className="inputControls inputControls-sshkeys inputControls-addUser ">
544             <span onClick={usersFn.add(sshKeysList)} className="addInput">
545               <img src={imgAdd} />
546               ADD USER
547             </span>
548         </div>
549       </div>
550     )
551   }
553   render() {
554     const props = this.props;
555     let html;
556     let self = this;
558     html = (
559         <div className="instantiateInputParams">
560           {
561             //NS NAMEA AND CLOUD
562             this.nsConfigHTML(props)
563           }
564           {
565             //VNF VIM ACCOUNTS
566             this.vnfCloudAccountsHTML(props)
567           }
568           {
569             //INPUT PARAMETERS
570             this.inputParametersHTML(props)
571           }
572           {
573             //NS PLACEMENTGROUPS
574             this.nsPlacementGroupsHTML(props)
575           }
576           {
577             //VNF PLACEMENTGROUPS
578             this.vnfPlacementGroupsHTML(props)
579           }
580           {
581             //VLD CONFIGURATION
582             this.vldsHTML(props)
583           }
584           {
586             this.ipProfilesHTML(props)
587           }
588           {
589             //SSH KEY ASSIGNMENTS
590             this.sshKeysHTML(props)
591           }
592           {
593             //USER MANAGEMENT
594             this.usersHTML(props)
595           }
596         </div>
597     )
598     return html;
599   }
600 }
601 function showInput(e){
602   let target =;
603   if(target.parentElement.classList.contains("addInput")) {
604     target = target.parentElement;
605   }
606 = 'none';
607 = 'flex';
608   //[1].style.display = 'initial';
609 }
610 function hideInput(e){
611   let target =;
612   if(target.parentElement.classList.contains("removeInput")) {
613     target = target.parentElement;
614   }
615 = 'none';
616   target.parentElement.previousElementSibling.children[1].style.display = 'inline';
617   target.previousSibling.value = '';
618 }
619 function addDNS(){}
620 function removeDNS(){}
621 function constructCloudAccountOptions(cloudAccounts){
622   let CloudAccountOptions = cloudAccounts &&, index) {
623     return {
624       label:,
625       value: ca
626     }
627   });
628   return CloudAccountOptions;
629 }
630 function dataCentersHTML(dataCenters, onChange, initial) {
631   //Build DataCenter options
632   //Relook at this, why is it an object?
633   let DataCenterOptions = [];
634   DataCenterOptions = dataCenters &&, index) {
635     return {
636       label:,
637       value: dc.uuid
638     }
639   });
640   if (dataCenters && dataCenters.length > 0) {
641     return (
642       <label>Select Data Center
643         <SelectOption initial={!!initial} options={DataCenterOptions} onChange={onChange} />
644       </label>
645     )
646   }
647 }
648 function isOpenMano(account) {
649   if (account) {
650     let a = account;
651     if ( == 'String') {
652       a = JSON.parse(a);
653     }
654     return a['account-type'] == 'openmano';
655   } else {
656     return false;
657   }
658 }
659 function updateNewSshKeyRefSelection(e) {
660   this.setState({
661     newRefSelection:
662   })
663 }
664 function resetRef() {
665     this.setState({
666     newRefSelection: null
667   })
668 }
669 InstantiateInputParams.defaultProps = {
670   data: [],
671   sshKeysList: [],
672   sshKeysRef: [],
673   users: {}
674 }