Add VNFR name to VM Console Link identifier in Mgmt Interface panel on LP card
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / plugins / composer / api / composer.js
1 /*
2 *
3 * Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 *
17 */
19 var request = require('request');
20 var Promise = require('bluebird');
21 var rp = require('request-promise');
22 var utils = require('../../../framework/core/api_utils/utils.js');
23 var constants = require('../../../framework/core/api_utils/constants.js');
24 var _ = require('underscore');
25 var URL = require('url');
26 var uuid = require('uuid');
27 var APIVersion = '/v1';
28 var PackageFileHandler = require('./packageFileHandler.js');
30 var Composer = {};
31 var FileManager = {};
32 var DataCenters = {};
33 // Catalog module methods
34 Composer.get = function(req) {
35 var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
36 var results = {}
37 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
38 Promise.all([
39 rp({
40 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + APIVersion + '/api/config/nsd-catalog/nsd?deep',
41 method: 'GET',
42 headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
43 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
44 }),
45 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
46 rejectUnauthorized: false,
47 resolveWithFullResponse: true
48 }),
49 rp({
50 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + APIVersion + '/api/config/vnfd-catalog/vnfd?deep',
51 method: 'GET',
52 headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
53 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
54 }),
55 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
56 rejectUnauthorized: false,
57 resolveWithFullResponse: true
58 }),
59 rp({
60 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + APIVersion + '/api/operational/ns-instance-opdata?deep',
61 method: 'GET',
62 headers: _.extend({},, {
63 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
64 }),
65 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
66 rejectUnauthorized: false,
67 resolveWithFullResponse: true
68 })
69 // Not enabled for now
70 // rp({
71 // uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/config/pnfd-catalog/pnfd?deep',
72 // method: 'GET',
73 // headers: _.extend({},
74 // constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection,
75 // {
76 // 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
77 // }),
78 // forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
79 // rejectUnauthorized: false,
80 // resolveWithFullResponse: true
81 // })
82 ]).then(function(result) {
83 var response = [{
84 "id": "GUID-1",
85 "name": "RIFT.ware™ NS Descriptors Catalog",
86 "short-name": "rift.ware-nsd-cat",
87 "description": "RIFT.ware™, an open source NFV development and deployment software platform that makes it simple to create, deploy and manage hyper-scale Virtual network functions and applications.",
88 "vendor": "",
89 "version": "",
90 "created-on": "",
91 "type": "nsd",
92 "meta": {
93 "icon-svg": "data:image/svg+xml,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22iso-8859-1%22%3F%3E%0A%3C!--%20Generator%3A%20Adobe%20Illustrator%2018.0.0%2C%20SVG%20Export%20Plug-In%20.%20SVG%20Version%3A%206.00%20Build%200)%20%20--%3E%0A%3C!"
94 },
95 "descriptors": []
96 }, {
97 "id": "GUID-2",
98 "name": "RIFT.ware™ VNF Descriptors Catalog",
99 "short-name": "rift.ware-vnfd-cat",
100 "description": "RIFT.ware™, an open source NFV development and deployment software platform that makes it simple to create, deploy and manage hyper-scale Virtual network functions and applications.",
101 "vendor": "",
102 "version": "",
103 "created-on": "",
104 "type": "vnfd",
105 "meta": {
106 "icon-svg": "data:image/svg+xml,<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 16.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) --> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\"> <svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"Layer_3\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" width=\"100px\" height=\"100px\" viewBox=\"0 0 100 100\" enable-background=\"new 0 0 100 100\" xml:space=\"preserve\"> <g> <path d=\"M58.852,62.447l-4.662-1.033c-0.047-3.138-0.719-6.168-1.996-9.007l3.606-2.92c0.858-0.695,0.99-1.954,0.296-2.813 l-4.521-5.584c-0.334-0.413-0.818-0.675-1.346-0.731c-0.525-0.057-1.056,0.102-1.468,0.435L45.25,43.64v0 c-2.486-1.907-5.277-3.259-8.297-4.019v-4.458c0-1.104-0.896-2-2-2H27.77c-1.104,0-2,0.896-2,2v4.461 c-3.08,0.777-5.922,2.171-8.447,4.144l-3.545-2.82c-0.415-0.33-0.94-0.479-1.472-0.422c-0.527,0.06-1.009,0.327-1.339,0.743 l-4.472,5.623c-0.688,0.864-0.544,2.123,0.32,2.81l3.642,2.896v0c-1.25,2.848-1.895,5.88-1.916,9.011l-4.666,1.078 c-1.076,0.249-1.747,1.322-1.499,2.398l1.616,7.001c0.249,1.077,1.325,1.747,2.399,1.499l4.813-1.111v0 c1.429,2.681,3.344,5.017,5.691,6.943l-2.17,4.55c-0.476,0.997-0.054,2.19,0.943,2.666l6.484,3.094 c0.271,0.129,0.566,0.195,0.861,0.195c0.226,0,0.451-0.038,0.668-0.115c0.5-0.177,0.909-0.545,1.138-1.024l2.198-4.611 c2.923,0.563,5.966,0.554,8.879-0.033l2.236,4.585c0.484,0.994,1.685,1.403,2.675,0.921l6.456-3.148 c0.992-0.484,1.405-1.682,0.921-2.674l-2.206-4.524c2.335-1.946,4.231-4.301,5.639-6.999l4.812,1.067 c1.076,0.237,2.146-0.441,2.385-1.52l1.556-7.014c0.115-0.518,0.02-1.06-0.266-1.508C59.82,62.878,59.369,62.562,58.852,62.447z M40.18,61.761c0,4.859-3.953,8.812-8.813,8.812c-4.858,0-8.811-3.953-8.811-8.812s3.952-8.812,8.811-8.812 C36.227,52.949,40.18,56.902,40.18,61.761z\"/> <path d=\"M64.268,45.324c0.746,0,1.463-0.42,1.806-1.139l1.054-2.208c1.826,0.353,3.736,0.345,5.551-0.021l1.07,2.195 c0.484,0.992,1.682,1.405,2.675,0.921l2.691-1.313c0.477-0.233,0.842-0.646,1.015-1.147c0.172-0.501,0.139-1.051-0.095-1.528 l-1.052-2.155c1.458-1.214,2.645-2.686,3.527-4.377l2.278,0.504c1.075,0.238,2.146-0.442,2.386-1.52l0.647-2.923 c0.238-1.078-0.442-2.146-1.521-2.385l-2.184-0.484c-0.028-1.962-0.449-3.857-1.248-5.632l1.673-1.355 c0.412-0.334,0.675-0.818,0.73-1.345s-0.102-1.056-0.436-1.468l-1.884-2.327c-0.697-0.859-1.957-0.99-2.813-0.295l-1.614,1.307 c-1.554-1.193-3.299-2.038-5.188-2.513v-2.039c0-1.104-0.896-2-2-2h-2.994c-1.104,0-2,0.896-2,2v2.04 c-1.927,0.486-3.703,1.358-5.28,2.592l-1.634-1.298c-0.862-0.687-2.12-0.543-2.81,0.32l-1.864,2.344 c-0.33,0.416-0.481,0.945-0.422,1.472c0.061,0.527,0.327,1.009,0.743,1.339l1.69,1.345c-0.78,1.779-1.184,3.676-1.197,5.636 l-2.189,0.505c-0.517,0.119-0.965,0.439-1.246,0.889c-0.281,0.45-0.372,0.993-0.252,1.51l0.675,2.918 c0.249,1.076,1.323,1.747,2.398,1.498l2.28-0.527c0.892,1.676,2.089,3.137,3.559,4.343l-1.035,2.17 c-0.228,0.479-0.257,1.028-0.08,1.528c0.178,0.5,0.546,0.91,1.024,1.138l2.703,1.289C63.686,45.261,63.979,45.324,64.268,45.324z M64.334,27.961c0-3.039,2.473-5.51,5.512-5.51c3.038,0,5.51,2.472,5.51,5.51c0,3.039-2.472,5.511-5.51,5.511 C66.807,33.472,64.334,31,64.334,27.961z\"/> <path d=\"M96.107,66.441l-2.182-0.484c-0.028-1.961-0.449-3.856-1.25-5.632l1.675-1.355c0.412-0.334,0.675-0.818,0.73-1.346 c0.056-0.527-0.102-1.056-0.436-1.468l-1.885-2.327c-0.695-0.859-1.956-0.99-2.813-0.295l-1.614,1.307 c-1.555-1.193-3.3-2.038-5.188-2.513v-2.039c0-1.104-0.896-2-2-2h-2.994c-1.104,0-2,0.896-2,2v2.041 c-1.929,0.486-3.706,1.358-5.282,2.592l-0.001,0l-1.631-1.298c-0.415-0.331-0.938-0.482-1.472-0.422 c-0.527,0.06-1.009,0.327-1.339,0.742l-1.863,2.343c-0.688,0.865-0.544,2.123,0.32,2.811l1.691,1.345 c-0.782,1.784-1.186,3.68-1.199,5.636l-2.188,0.505c-0.517,0.12-0.965,0.439-1.246,0.889c-0.281,0.45-0.372,0.993-0.252,1.51 l0.675,2.918c0.249,1.076,1.327,1.744,2.397,1.498l2.281-0.526c0.893,1.677,2.09,3.138,3.558,4.343h0.001l-1.035,2.168 c-0.229,0.479-0.258,1.029-0.081,1.529c0.178,0.5,0.546,0.909,1.024,1.138l2.702,1.289c0.278,0.132,0.571,0.195,0.86,0.195 c0.746,0,1.463-0.42,1.806-1.139l1.054-2.208c1.828,0.353,3.739,0.347,5.552-0.021l1.071,2.194 c0.484,0.992,1.682,1.405,2.675,0.921l2.69-1.312c0.477-0.233,0.842-0.645,1.014-1.147c0.173-0.501,0.14-1.051-0.093-1.528 l-1.052-2.155c1.459-1.215,2.645-2.688,3.525-4.377l2.278,0.505c0.52,0.116,1.061,0.02,1.508-0.266 c0.447-0.285,0.763-0.736,0.878-1.254l0.647-2.923C97.866,67.748,97.186,66.681,96.107,66.441z M85.162,66.174 c0,3.039-2.471,5.511-5.508,5.511c-3.039,0-5.512-2.472-5.512-5.511c0-3.039,2.473-5.511,5.512-5.511 C82.691,60.664,85.162,63.136,85.162,66.174z\"/> </g> </svg> "
107 },
108 "descriptors": []
109 }, {
110 "id": "GUID-3",
111 "name": "RIFT.ware™ PNF Descriptors Catalog",
112 "short-name": "rift.ware-pnfd-cat",
113 "description": "RIFT.ware™, an open source NFV development and deployment software platform that makes it simple to create, deploy and manage hyper-scale Virtual network functions and applications.",
114 "vendor": "",
115 "version": "",
116 "created-on": "",
117 "type": "pnfd",
118 "meta": {
119 "icon-svg": "data:image/svg+xml,<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 16.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) --> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\"> <svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"Layer_4\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" width=\"100px\" height=\"100px\" viewBox=\"0 0 100 100\" enable-background=\"new 0 0 100 100\" xml:space=\"preserve\"> <path d=\"M86.334,47.444V35.759H13.666v11.686h3.561v5.111h-3.561v11.686h72.668V52.556h-4.108v-5.111H86.334z M26.628,59.454h-5.051 v-4.941h5.051V59.454z M26.628,52.404h-5.051v-4.941h5.051V52.404z M26.628,45.486h-5.051v-4.941h5.051V45.486z M34.094,59.454 h-5.051v-4.941h5.051V59.454z M34.094,52.404h-5.051v-4.941h5.051V52.404z M34.094,45.486h-5.051v-4.941h5.051V45.486z M41.452,59.454h-5.051v-4.941h5.051V59.454z M41.452,52.404h-5.051v-4.941h5.051V52.404z M41.452,45.486h-5.051v-4.941h5.051 V45.486z M48.733,59.454h-5.051v-4.941h5.051V59.454z M48.733,52.404h-5.051v-4.941h5.051V52.404z M48.733,45.486h-5.051v-4.941 h5.051V45.486z M56.2,59.454h-5.051v-4.941H56.2V59.454z M56.2,52.404h-5.051v-4.941H56.2V52.404z M56.2,45.486h-5.051v-4.941H56.2 V45.486z M63.558,59.454h-5.05v-4.941h5.05V59.454z M63.558,52.404h-5.05v-4.941h5.05V52.404z M63.558,45.486h-5.05v-4.941h5.05 V45.486z M74.858,59.312h-6.521v-3.013h6.521V59.312z M71.572,50.854c-2.875,0-5.204-2.33-5.204-5.203s2.329-5.203,5.204-5.203 s5.204,2.33,5.204,5.203S74.446,50.854,71.572,50.854z M74.858,45.618c0,1.801-1.46,3.261-3.261,3.261 c-1.8,0-3.261-1.46-3.261-3.261s1.46-3.26,3.261-3.26C73.398,42.358,74.858,43.817,74.858,45.618z\"/> </svg>"
120 },
121 "descriptors": []
122 }];
123 if (result[0].body) {
124 response[0].descriptors = JSON.parse(result[0].body).collection['nsd:nsd'];
125 if (result[2].body) {
126 var data = JSON.parse(result[2].body);
127 if (data && data["nsr:ns-instance-opdata"] && data["nsr:ns-instance-opdata"]["rw-nsr:nsd-ref-count"]) {
128 var nsdRefCountCollection = data["nsr:ns-instance-opdata"]["rw-nsr:nsd-ref-count"];
129 response[0] {
130 if (!nsd["meta"]) {
131 nsd["meta"] = {};
132 }
133 if (typeof nsd['meta'] == 'string') {
134 nsd['meta'] = JSON.parse(nsd['meta']);
135 }
136 nsd["meta"]["instance-ref-count"] = _.findWhere(nsdRefCountCollection, {
137 "nsd-id-ref":
138 })["instance-ref-count"];
139 });
140 }
141 }
142 };
143 if (result[1].body) {
144 response[1].descriptors = JSON.parse(result[1].body).collection['vnfd:vnfd'];
145 };
146 // if (result[2].body) {
147 // response[2].descriptors = JSON.parse(result[2].body).collection['pnfd:pnfd'];
148 // };
149 resolve({
150 statusCode: response.statusCode || 200,
151 data: JSON.stringify(response)
152 });
153 }).catch(function(error) {
154 // Todo: Need better logic than all or nothing.
155 // Right now even if one of the southbound APIs fails - all fail
156 var res = {};
157 console.log('Problem with Composer.get', error);
158 res.statusCode = error.statusCode || 500;
159 res.errorMessage = {
160 error: 'Failed to get catalogs' + error
161 };
162 reject(res);
163 });
164 });
165 };
166 Composer.delete = function(req) {
167 var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
168 var catalogType = req.params.catalogType;
169 var id =;
170 console.log('Deleting', catalogType, id, 'from', api_server);
171 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
172 request({
173 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + APIVersion + '/api/config/' + catalogType + '-catalog/' + catalogType + '/' + id,
174 method: 'DELETE',
175 headers: _.extend({},, {
176 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
177 }),
178 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
179 rejectUnauthorized: false,
180 }, function(error, response, body) {
181 if (utils.validateResponse('Composer.delete', error, response, body, resolve, reject)) {
182 resolve({
183 statusCode: response.statusCode
184 });
185 }
186 });
187 });
188 };
189 Composer.getVNFD = function(req) {
190 var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
191 var vnfdID =;
192 var authorization = req.get('Authorization');
193 var VNFDs = [];
194 if (typeof(vnfdID) == "object" && == "Array") {
195 {
196 VNFDs.push(requestVNFD(id));
197 });
198 } else {
199 VNFDs.push(requestVNFD(vnfdID));
200 }
201 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
202 Promise.all(VNFDs).then(function(data) {
203 resolve(data)
204 }).catch(function(error) {
205 // Todo: Need better logic than all or nothing.
206 // Right now even if one of the southbound APIs fails - all fail
207 var res = {};
208 console.log('Problem with Composer.getVNFD', error);
209 res.statusCode = 404;
210 res.errorMessage = {
211 error: 'Failed to get VNFDs' + error
212 };
213 reject(res);
214 });
215 });
217 function requestVNFD(id) {
218 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
219 var url = utils.confdPort(api_server) + APIVersion + '/api/config/vnfd-catalog/vnfd' + (id ? '/' + id : '') + '?deep';
220 request({
221 uri: url,
222 method: 'GET',
223 headers: _.extend({},, {
224 'Authorization': authorization
225 }),
226 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
227 rejectUnauthorized: false,
228 }, function(error, response, body) {
229 if (utils.validateResponse('Composer.create', error, response, body, resolve, reject)) {
230 var data;
231 //Is this still needed?
232 try {
233 data = JSON.parse(response.body)
234 } catch (e) {
235 reject({
236 statusCode: response ? response.statusCode : 400,
237 errorMessage: 'Issue parsing VNFD ' + id + 'from ' + utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/config/vnfd-catalog/vnfd/' + id + '?deep'
238 });
239 }
240 resolve(data);
241 }
242 });
243 });
244 }
245 };
246 Composer.create = function(req) {
247 var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
248 var catalogType = req.params.catalogType;
249 var data = req.body;
250 console.log('Creating', catalogType, 'on', api_server);
251 var jsonData = {};
252 jsonData[catalogType] = [];
253 jsonData[catalogType].push(data);
254 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
255 var requestHeaders = {};
256 _.extend(requestHeaders,,, {
257 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
258 });
259 request({
260 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/config/' + catalogType + '-catalog',
261 method: 'POST',
262 headers: requestHeaders,
263 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
264 rejectUnauthorized: false,
265 json: jsonData
266 }, function(error, response, body) {
267 if (utils.validateResponse('Composer.create', error, response, body, resolve, reject)) {
268 resolve({
269 statusCode: response.statusCode
270 });
271 }
272 });
273 });
274 };
275 Composer.updateSave = function(req) {
276 var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
277 var catalogType = req.params.catalogType;
278 var id =;
279 var data = req.body;
280 console.log('Updating', catalogType, 'id', id, 'on', api_server);
281 var jsonData = {};
282 jsonData[catalogType] = {};
283 jsonData[catalogType] = data;
284 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
285 var requestHeaders = {};
286 _.extend(requestHeaders,,, {
287 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
288 });
289 request({
290 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + APIVersion + '/api/config/' + catalogType + '-catalog' + '/' + catalogType + '/' + id,
291 method: 'PUT',
292 headers: requestHeaders,
293 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
294 rejectUnauthorized: false,
295 json: jsonData
296 }, function(error, response, body) {
297 if (utils.validateResponse('Composer.update', error, response, body, resolve, reject)) {
298 resolve({
299 statusCode: response.statusCode
300 });
301 }
302 });
303 });
304 }
306 Composer.update = function(req) {
307 console.log(' Updating file', req.file.originalname, 'as', req.file.filename);
308 var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
309 // dev_download_server is for testing purposes.
310 // It is the direct IP address of the Node server where the
311 // package will be hosted.
312 var download_host = req.query['dev_download_server'];
314 if (!download_host) {
315 download_host = api_server + ':' + utils.getPortForProtocol(req.protocol);
316 }
317 var input = {
318 'external-url': download_host + '/composer/update/' + req.file.filename,
319 'package-type': 'VNFD',
320 'package-id': uuid()
321 }
322 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
323 Promise.all([
324 rp({
325 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-update',
326 method: 'POST',
327 headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
328 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
329 }),
330 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
331 rejectUnauthorized: false,
332 resolveWithFullResponse: true,
333 json: true,
334 body: {
335 input: input
336 }
337 })
338 ]).then(function(result) {
339 var data = {};
340 data['transaction_id'] = result[0].body['output']['transaction-id'];
342 // Add a status checker on the transaction and then to delete the file later
343 PackageFileHandler.checkCreatePackageStatusAndHandleFile(req, data['transaction_id'], true);
345 // Return status to composer UI to update the status.
346 resolve({
347 statusCode: constants.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODES.SUCCESS.OK,
348 data: data
349 });
350 }).catch(function(error) {
351 var res = {};
352 console.log('Problem with Composer.upload', error);
353 res.statusCode = error.statusCode || 500;
354 res.errorMessage = {
355 error: 'Failed to upload package ' + req.file.originalname + '. Error: ' + error
356 };
357 reject(res);
358 });
359 });
360 };
362 Composer.upload = function(req) {
363 console.log(' Uploading file', req.file.originalname, 'as', req.file.filename);
364 var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
365 // dev_download_server is for testing purposes.
366 // It is the direct IP address of the Node server where the
367 // package will be hosted.
368 var download_host = req.query['dev_download_server'];
370 if (!download_host) {
371 download_host = api_server + ':' + utils.getPortForProtocol(req.protocol);
372 }
374 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
375 Promise.all([
376 rp({
377 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-create',
378 method: 'POST',
379 headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
380 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
381 }),
382 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
383 rejectUnauthorized: false,
384 resolveWithFullResponse: true,
385 json: true,
386 body: {
387 input: {
388 'external-url': download_host + '/composer/upload/' + req.file.filename,
389 'package-type': 'VNFD',
390 'package-id': uuid()
391 }
392 }
393 })
394 ]).then(function(result) {
395 var data = {};
396 data['transaction_id'] = result[0].body['output']['transaction-id'];
398 // Add a status checker on the transaction and then to delete the file later
399 PackageFileHandler.checkCreatePackageStatusAndHandleFile(req, data['transaction_id']);
401 // Return status to composer UI to update the status.
402 resolve({
403 statusCode: constants.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODES.SUCCESS.OK,
404 data: data
405 });
406 }).catch(function(error) {
407 var res = {};
408 console.log('Problem with Composer.upload', error);
409 res.statusCode = error.statusCode || 500;
410 res.errorMessage = {
411 error: 'Failed to upload package ' + req.file.originalname + '. Error: ' + error
412 };
413 reject(res);
414 });
415 });
416 };
420 Composer.addFile = function(req) {
421 console.log(' Uploading file', req.file.originalname, 'as', req.file.filename);
422 var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
423 var download_host = req.query['dev_download_server'];
424 var package_id = req.query['package_id'];
425 var package_type = req.query['package_type'].toUpperCase();
426 var package_path = req.query['package_path'];
427 if (!download_host) {
428 download_host = api_server + ':' + utils.getPortForProtocol(req.protocol);
429 }
431 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
432 Promise.all([
433 rp({
434 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-file-add',
435 method: 'POST',
436 headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
437 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
438 }),
439 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
440 rejectUnauthorized: false,
441 resolveWithFullResponse: true,
442 json: true,
443 body: {
444 input: {
445 'external-url': download_host + '/composer/upload/' + req.query['package_id'] + '/' + req.file.filename,
446 'package-type': package_type,
447 'package-id': package_id,
448 'package-path': package_path + '/' + req.file.filename
449 }
450 }
451 })
452 ]).then(function(result) {
453 var data = {};
454 data['transaction_id'] = result[0].body['output']['task-id'];
455 resolve({
456 statusCode: constants.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODES.SUCCESS.OK,
457 data: data
458 });
459 }).catch(function(error) {
460 var res = {};
461 console.log('Problem with Composer.upload', error);
462 res.statusCode = error.statusCode || 500;
463 res.errorMessage = {
464 error: 'Failed to upload package ' + req.file.originalname + '. Error: ' + error
465 };
466 reject(res);
467 });
468 });
469 }
471 Composer.exportPackage = function(req) {
472 // /api/operations/package-export
473 var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
474 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
475 Promise.all([
476 rp({
477 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-export',
478 method: 'POST',
479 headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
480 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
481 }),
482 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
483 rejectUnauthorized: false,
484 resolveWithFullResponse: true,
485 json: true,
486 body: { "input": req.body}
487 })
488 ]).then(function(result) {
489 var data = {};
490 resolve({
491 statusCode: constants.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODES.SUCCESS.OK,
492 data: result[0].body
493 });
494 }).catch(function(error) {
495 var res = {};
496 console.log('Problem with Composer.exportPackage', error);
497 res.statusCode = error.statusCode || 500;
498 res.errorMessage = {
499 error: error
500 };
501 reject(res);
502 });
503 });
504 }
506 FileManager.get = function(req) {
507 var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
508 var type = req.query['package_type'] && req.query['package_type'].toUpperCase();
509 var id = req.query['package_id'];
510 var downloadUrl = req.query['url'];
511 var path = req.query['package_path'];
512 var payload = {
513 "input": {
514 "package-type": type,
515 "package-id": id
516 }
517 }
518 if(req.method == 'GET') {
519 if(downloadUrl && path) {
520 payload.input['external-url'] = downloadUrl;
521 payload.input['package-path'] = path;
522 return download(payload);
523 } else {
524 return list(payload);
525 }
526 }
527 if(req.method == 'DELETE') {
528 payload.input['package-path'] = path;
529 return deleteFile(payload)
530 }
532 function deleteFile(payload) {
533 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
534 rp({
535 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/rw-pkg-mgmt:package-file-delete',
536 method: 'POST',
537 headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
538 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
539 }),
540 json: payload,
541 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
542 rejectUnauthorized: false,
543 resolveWithFullResponse: true
544 }).then(function(data) {
545 if (utils.validateResponse('FileManager.delete', data.error, data, data.body, resolve, reject)) {
546 resolve({
547 statusCode: data.statusCode,
548 data: data.body
549 });
550 }
551 })
552 })
553 }
554 function download(payload) {
555 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
556 rp({
557 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/rw-pkg-mgmt:package-file-add',
558 method: 'POST',
559 headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
560 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
561 }),
562 json: payload,
563 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
564 rejectUnauthorized: false,
565 resolveWithFullResponse: true
566 }).then(function(data) {
567 if (utils.validateResponse('FileManager.get', data.error, data, data.body, resolve, reject)) {
568 resolve({
569 statusCode: data.statusCode,
570 data: data.body
571 });
572 }
573 })
574 })
575 }
576 function list(payload) {
577 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
578 rp({
579 uri: utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/get-package-endpoint',
580 method: 'POST',
581 headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
582 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
583 }),
584 json: payload,
585 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
586 rejectUnauthorized: false,
587 resolveWithFullResponse: true
588 }).then(function(data) {
589 if (utils.validateResponse('FileManager.get', data.error, data, data.body, resolve, reject)) {
590 var endpoint = null;
591 var parsedEndpoint = null;
592 try {
593 endpoint = data.body.output.endpoint
594 } catch(e) {
595 console.log('Something went wrong with the FileManager.get data that was returned');
596 reject({});
597 }
598 parsedEndpoint = URL.parse(endpoint);
599 rp({
600 uri: api_server + ':' + parsedEndpoint.port + parsedEndpoint.path,
601 method: 'GET',
602 headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
603 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
604 }),
605 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
606 rejectUnauthorized: false,
607 resolveWithFullResponse: true
608 }).then(function(data) {
609 if (utils.validateResponse('FileManager.get', data.error, data, data.body, resolve, reject)) {
610 resolve({
611 statusCode: data.statusCode,
612 data: data.body
613 });
614 }
615 }).catch(function(err) {
616 console.log('Failed to retrieve FileManager.list')
617 resolve(err);
618 })
619 }
620 })
621 })
622 }
623 }
624 FileManager.job = function(req) {
625 var api_server = req.query["api_server"];
626 var uri = utils.confdPort(api_server);
627 var url = '/api/operational/download-jobs';
628 var id = req.params['id'];
629 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
630 request({
631 url: uri + url + '?deep',
632 method: 'GET',
633 headers: _.extend({},, {
634 'Authorization': req.get('Authorization')
635 }),
636 forever: constants.FOREVER_ON,
637 rejectUnauthorized: false,
638 }, function(error, response, body) {
639 if (utils.validateResponse('restconfAPI.streams', error, response, body, resolve, reject)) {
640 var data = JSON.parse(response.body)['rw-pkg-mgmt:download-jobs'];
641 var returnData = [];
642 data && {
643 if(d['package-id'] == id) {
644 returnData.push(d)
645 }
646 })
647 resolve({
648 statusCode: response.statusCode,
649 data: returnData
650 })
651 };
652 })
653 })
654 }
655 module.exports = {
656 Composer:Composer,
657 FileManager: FileManager
658 };