change to use the same repositories and platform
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / plugins / accounts / src / account_sidebar / accountSidebar.jsx
1 /*
2  *
3  *   Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
4  *
5  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *
10  *
11  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *   limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
18 import React from 'react';
19 import './accountSidebar.scss';
20 import DashboardCard from 'widgets/dashboard_card/dashboard_card.jsx';
21 import AccountStore from '../account/accountStore.js';
22 import { Link } from 'react-router';
23 import SkyquakeComponent from 'widgets/skyquake_container/skyquakeComponent.jsx';
24 import Button from 'widgets/button/rw.button'
25 class AccountSidebar extends React.Component{
26     constructor(props) {
27         super(props);
28         // = this.props.flux.props.stores.hasOwnProperty('AccountStore') ? this.props.flux.props.stores.AccountStore : this.props.flux.createStore(AccountStore);
29         var self = this;
30         // this.props =;
31     }
32     listenerHandler = (state) => {
33         this.setState(state);
34     }
35     componentWillMount() {
36         //;
37         //;
38     }
39     componentWillUnmount() {
40         //;
41         //;
42     }
43     render() {
44         let html;
45         let self = this;
46         let {store, ...props} = this.props;
47         //[,this.props.sdn,this.props['config-agent']]
48         let AccountData = [
49             {
50                 type: 'cloud',
51                 data:
52             },
53             {
54                 type: 'sdn',
55                 data: this.props.sdn
56             },
57             {
58                 type: 'config-agent',
59                 data: this.props['config-agent']
60             },
61             {
62                 type: 'resource-orchestrator',
63                 data: this.props['resource-orchestrator']
64             }
65         ];
66         let refreshStatus = (<div>Check All Connectivity Status</div>)
67         let resourceOrchestrators = (this.props['resource-orchestrator'].length > 0) ? this.props['resource-orchestrator'].map(function(orchestrator, index) {
68             let status = null;
69             if (orchestrator) {
70                 if (orchestrator['connection-status']) {
71                     status = orchestrator['connection-status'].status;
72                 }
73                 return (
74                     <DashboardCard  key={index} className='pool-card accountSidebarCard'>
75                     <header>
76                     <Link to={'accounts/resource-orchestrator/' + encodeURIComponent(}>
77                             <div className="accountSidebarCard--content">
78                                 <img className="accountSidebarCard--logo" src={store.getImage(orchestrator['ro-account-type'])} />
79                                 <h3 title="Edit Resource Orchestrator(RO) Account">
80                                     <span className="accountSidebarCard--name" title={}>{}</span>
81                                     <AccountConnectivityStatus status={status}/>
82                                 </h3>
83                             </div>
84                     </Link>
85                     </header>
86                     </DashboardCard>
87                 );
88             }
89         }) : null;
90         let cloudAccounts = ( > 0) ?, index) {
91             let status = null;
92             if (account) {
93                 if (account['connection-status']) {
94                     status = account['connection-status'].status;
95                 }
96                 return (
97                     <DashboardCard  key={index} className='pool-card accountSidebarCard'>
98                     <header>
99                     <Link to={'accounts/cloud/' + encodeURIComponent(} onClick={self.props.actions.handleCancelAccount}>
100                             <div className="accountSidebarCard--content">
101                                 <img className="accountSidebarCard--logo" src={store.getImage(account['account-type'])} />
102                                 <h3 title="Edit Account">
103                                     <span className="accountSidebarCard--name" title={}>{}</span>
104                                     <AccountConnectivityStatus status={status}/>
105                                 </h3>
106                             </div>
107                     </Link>
108                     </header>
109                     </DashboardCard>
110                 );
111             }
112         }) : null;
113         let sdnAccounts = (this.props.sdn && this.props.sdn.length > 0) ?, index) {
114             let status = null;
115             if (account['connection-status']) {
116                 status = account['connection-status'].status;
117             }
118             return (
119                 <DashboardCard key={index} className='pool-card accountSidebarCard'>
120                      <header>
121                         <Link to={'accounts/sdn/' + encodeURIComponent(} title="Edit Account">
122                          <div className="accountSidebarCard--content">
123                             <img className="accountSidebarCard--logo" src={store.getImage(account['account-type'])} />
124                             <h3><span className="accountSidebarCard--name" title={}>{}</span><AccountConnectivityStatus status={status}/></h3>
125                         </div>
126                 </Link>
127                     </header>
128                 </DashboardCard>
129             )
130         }) : null;
131         let configAgentAccounts = (this.props['config-agent'].length > 0) ? this.props['config-agent'].map(function(account, index) {
132             let status = null;
133             if (account['connection-status']) {
134                 status = account['connection-status'].status;
135             }
136             return (
137                 <DashboardCard key={index} className='pool-card accountSidebarCard'>
138                 <header>
139                     <Link to={'accounts/config-agent/' + encodeURIComponent(} title="Edit Account">
140                         <div className="accountSidebarCard--content">
141                             <img className="accountSidebarCard--logo" src={store.getImage(account['account-type'])} />
142                             <h3 title="Edit Account">
143                                 <span className="accountSidebarCard--name" title={}>{}</span>
144                                 <AccountConnectivityStatus status={status}/>
145                             </h3>
146                         </div>
147                     </Link>
148                 </header>
149                 </DashboardCard>
150             )
151         }) : null;
152         html = (
153             <div className='accountSidebar'>
154                 {
155                     self.props.readonly ? null :
156                         <Button className="refreshList light" onClick={, AccountData)} label={this.props.refreshingAll ? 'Checking Connectivity Status...' : refreshStatus}/>
157                 }
158                  <div>
159                         <h1>RO Accounts</h1>
160                         {resourceOrchestrators}
161                         {
162                             !self.props.readonly ?
163                                 <DashboardCard className="accountSidebarCard">
164                                     <Link
165                                         to={{pathname: '/accounts/resource-orchestrator/create'}}
166                                         title="Create Resource Orchestrator(RO) Account"
167                                         className={'accountSidebarCard_create'}
168                                         onClick={self.props.actions.handleCancelAccount} >
169                                             Add RO Account
170                                             <img src={require("style/img/launchpad-add-fleet-icon.png")}/>
171                                     </Link>
172                                 </DashboardCard>
173                             :  <div style={{margin:'1rem'}}></div>
174                         }
175                     </div>
176                 {props.showVIM ? (
177                     <div>
178                         <h1>VIM Accounts</h1>
179                         {cloudAccounts}
180                         {
181                             !self.props.readonly ?
182                                 <DashboardCard className="accountSidebarCard">
183                                     <Link
184                                         to={{pathname: '/accounts/cloud/create'}}
185                                         title="Create Cloud Account"
186                                         className={'accountSidebarCard_create'}
187                                         onClick={self.props.actions.handleCancelAccount} >
188                                             Add VIM Account
189                                             <img src={require("style/img/launchpad-add-fleet-icon.png")}/>
190                                     </Link>
191                                 </DashboardCard>
192                             :  <div style={{margin:'1rem'}}></div>
193                         }
194                     </div>)
195                 : null}
196                 <h1>SDN Accounts</h1>
197                 {sdnAccounts}
198                 {
199                     !self.props.readonly ?
200                         <DashboardCard className="accountSidebarCard">
201                             <Link
202                             to={{pathname: '/accounts/sdn/create'}}
203                             title="Create Sdn Account"
204                             className={'accountSidebarCard_create'}
205                             onClick={self.props.actions.handleCancelAccount}>
206                                 Add SDN Account
207                                 <img src={require("style/img/launchpad-add-fleet-icon.png")}/>
208                             </Link>
210                         </DashboardCard>
211                     : <div style={{margin:'1rem'}}></div>
212                 }
213                 <h1>Config Agent Accounts</h1>
214                 {configAgentAccounts}
215                 {
216                     !self.props.readonly ?
217                         <DashboardCard className="accountSidebarCard">
218                             <Link
219                                 to={{pathname: '/accounts/config-agent/create'}}
220                                 title="Create Config Agent Account"
221                                 className={'accountSidebarCard_create'}
222                                 onClick={self.props.actions.handleCancelAccount}
223                             >
224                                 Add Config Agent Account
225                                 <img src={require("style/img/launchpad-add-fleet-icon.png")}/>
226                             </Link>
227                         </DashboardCard>
228                     :  <div style={{margin:'1rem'}}></div>
229                 }
230             </div>
231                 );
232         return html;
233     }
234 }
236 AccountSidebar.defaultProps = {
237     cloud: [],
238     sdn: [],
239     'config-agent': [],
240     ro: []
241 }
244 export class AccountConnectivityStatus extends React.Component {
245     render(){
246         return <span className={'connectivityStatus ' + 'connectivityStatus--' + this.props.status + ' ' + this.props.className} title={this.props.status}></span>
247     }
248 }
249 AccountConnectivityStatus.defaultProps = {
250     status: 'failed'
251 }
253 export default SkyquakeComponent(AccountSidebar);