Bug 341 - input-parameter-xpath complains errors
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / plugins / accounts / src / account / account.jsx
1 /*
2  *
3  *   Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
4  *
5  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *   limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
19 import React from 'react';
20 import Button from 'widgets/button/rw.button.js';
21 import _cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';
22 import SkyquakeComponent from 'widgets/skyquake_container/skyquakeComponent.jsx';
23 import Crouton from 'react-crouton';
24 import TextInput from 'widgets/form_controls/textInput.jsx';
25 import {AccountConnectivityStatus} from '../account_sidebar/accountSidebar.jsx';
26 import Utils from 'utils/utils.js';
27 import 'style/common.scss';
28 import './account.scss';
29 class Account extends React.Component {
30     constructor(props) {
31         super(props);
32         this.state = {};
33         this.state.account = {};
34     }
35     storeListener = (state) => {
36         if(!state.account) {
37             this.setUp(this.props)
38         }
39         state.account && this.setState({account: state.account,accountType: state.accountType, types: state.types, sdnOptions: state.sdnOptions})
40     }
41     componentWillMount() {
42         this.props.store.listen(this.storeListener);
43         this.setUp(this.props);
44     }
45     componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
46         if(JSON.stringify(nextProps.params) != JSON.stringify(this.props.params)){
47               this.setUp(nextProps);
48         }
49     }
50     componentWillUnmount() {
51         this.props.store.unlisten(this.storeListener);
52     }
53     setUp(props){
54         if(props.params.name != 'create') {
55             this.props.store.viewAccount({type: props.params.type, name: props.params.name});
56         } else {
57             this.props.store.setAccountTemplate(props.params.type);
58         }
59     }
60     create(e) {
61         e.preventDefault();
62         var self = this;
63         var Account = this.state.account;
64         let AccountType = this.state.accountType;
65         if (Account.name == "") {
66             self.props.flux.actions.global.showNotification("Please give the account a name");
67             return;
68         } else {
69             var type = Account['account-type'];
70             var params = Account.params;
72             if(params) {
73                 for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
74                     var param = params[i].ref;
75                     if (typeof(Account[type]) == 'undefined' || typeof(Account[type][param]) == 'undefined' || Account[type][param] == "") {
76                         if (!params[i].optional) {
77                             self.props.flux.actions.global.showNotification("Please fill all account details");
78                             return;
79                         }
80                     }
81                 }
82             }
84             let nestedParams = Account.nestedParams && Account.nestedParams;
85             if (nestedParams && nestedParams.params) {
86                 for (let i = 0; i < nestedParams.params.length; i++) {
87                     let nestedParam = nestedParams.params[i].ref;
88                     if (typeof(Account[type]) == 'undefined' || typeof(Account[type][nestedParams['container-name']][nestedParam]) == 'undefined' || Account[type][nestedParams['container-name']][nestedParam] == "") {
89                         if (!nestedParams.params[i].optional) {
90                             self.props.flux.actions.global.showNotification("Please fill all account details");
91                             return;
92                         }
93                     }
94                 }
95             }
96         }
98         let newAccount = _cloneDeep(removeTrailingWhitespace(Account));
99         delete newAccount.params;
100         newAccount.nestedParams &&
101             newAccount.nestedParams['container-name'] &&
102             delete newAccount[newAccount.nestedParams['container-name']];
103         delete newAccount.nestedParams;
105         this.props.flux.actions.global.showScreenLoader();
106         this.props.store.create(newAccount, AccountType).then(function() {
107             self.props.router.push({pathname:'accounts'});
108             self.props.flux.actions.global.hideScreenLoader.defer();
109         },
110          function(error) {
111             self.props.flux.actions.global.showNotification(Utils.parseError(error));
112             self.props.flux.actions.global.hideScreenLoader.defer();
113          });
114     }
115     update(e) {
116         e.preventDefault();
117         var self = this;
118         var Account = this.state.account;
119         let AccountType = this.state.accountType;
120         this.props.flux.actions.global.showScreenLoader();
121         this.props.store.update(Account, AccountType).then(function() {
122             self.props.router.push({pathname:'accounts'});
123              self.props.flux.actions.global.hideScreenLoader();
124         },
125         function() {
127         });
128     }
129     cancel = (e) => {
130         e.preventDefault();
131         e.stopPropagation();
132         this.props.router.push({pathname:'accounts'});
133     }
134     handleDelete = () => {
135         let self = this;
136         let msg = 'Preparing to delete "' + self.state.account.name + '"' +
137         ' Are you sure you want to delete this ' + self.state.accountType + ' account?"';
138         if (window.confirm(msg)) {
139             this.props.store.delete(self.state.accountType, self.state.account.name).then(function() {
140                 self.props.flux.actions.global.hideScreenLoader();
141                 self.props.router.push({pathname:'accounts'});
142             }, function(){
143                 // self.props.flux.actions.global.hideScreenLoader.defer();
144                 // console.log('Delete Account Fail');
145             });
146         } else {
147            self.props.flux.actions.global.hideScreenLoader();
148         }
149     }
150     handleNameChange(event) {
151        this.props.store.handleNameChange(event);
152     }
153     handleAccountTypeChange(node, event) {
154         this.props.store.handleAccountTypeChange(node, event);
155     }
156     handleSelectSdnAccount = (e) => {
157         var tmp = this.state.account;
158         if(e) {
159             tmp['sdn-account'] = e;
160         } else {
161             if(tmp['sdn-account']) {
162                 delete tmp['sdn-account'];
163             }
164         }
165         console.log(e, tmp)
166     }
167     preventDefault = (e) => {
168         e.preventDefault();
169         e.stopPropagation();
170     }
171     evaluateSubmit = (e) => {
172         if (e.keyCode == 13) {
173             if (this.props.params.name != 'create') {
174                 this.update(e);
175             } else {
176                 this.create(e);
177             }
178             e.preventDefault();
179             e.stopPropagation();
180         }
181     }
183     render() {
184         let self = this;
185         let {store, ...props} = this.props;
186         // This section builds elements that only show up on the create page.
187         // var name = <label>Name <input type="text" onChange={this.handleNameChange.bind(this)} style={{'textAlign':'left'}} /></label>;
188         var name = <TextInput label="Name"  onChange={this.handleNameChange.bind(this)} required={true} />;
189         let params = null;
190         let selectAccount = null;
191         let resfreshStatus = null;
192         let Account = this.state.account;
193         // AccountType is for the view, not the data account-type value;
194         let AccountType = this.state.accountType;
195         let Types = this.state.types;
196         let isEdit = this.props.params.name != 'create';
197         var buttons;
198         let cloudResources = Account['cloud-resources-state'] && Account['cloud-resources-state'][Account['account-type']];
199         let cloudResourcesStateHTML = null;
201         // Account Type Radio
202         var selectAccountStack = [];
203         if (!isEdit) {
204             buttons = [
205                 <Button key="0" onClick={this.cancel} className="cancel light" label="Cancel"></Button>,
206                 <Button key="1" role="button" onClick={this.create.bind(this)} className="save dark" label="Save" />
207             ]
208             for (var i = 0; i < Types.length; i++) {
209                 var node = Types[i];
210                 var isSelected = (Account['account-type'] == node['account-type']);
211                 selectAccountStack.push(
212                   <label key={i} className={"accountSelection " + (isSelected ? "accountSelection--isSelected" : "")}>
213                     <div className={"accountSelection-overlay" + (isSelected ? "accountSelection-overlay--isSelected" : "")}></div>
214                     <div className="accountSelection-imageWrapper">
215                         <img src={store.getImage(node['account-type'])}/>
216                     </div>
217                     <input type="radio" name="account" onChange={this.handleAccountTypeChange.bind(this, node)} defaultChecked={node.name == Types[0].name} value={node['account-type']} />{node.name}
218                   </label>
219                 )
220             }
221             selectAccount = (
222                 <div className="accountForm">
223                     <h3 className="accountForm-title">Select Account Type</h3>
224                     <div className="select-type accountForm-content" >
225                         {selectAccountStack}
226                     </div>
227                 </div>
228             );
229         } else {
230             selectAccount = null
231         }
233         //Cloud Account: SDN Account Option
234         let sdnAccounts = null;
235         if( (AccountType == 'cloud') ) {
236             if ( !isEdit && (this.state.sdnOptions.length > 1 )) {
237                 sdnAccounts = (
238                     <div className="associateSdnAccount accountForm">
239                         <h3 className="accountForm-title">Associate SDN Account</h3>
240                         <div className="accountForm-content">
241                             <SelectOption  options={this.state.sdnOptions} onChange={this.handleSelectSdnAccount} />
242                         </div>
244                     </div>
245                 );
246             }
247             if(isEdit && Account['sdn-account']) {
248                 sdnAccounts = ( <div className="associateSdnAccount">SDN Account: {Account['sdn-account']} </div>)
249             }
250         }
251          //END Cloud Account: SDN Account Option
252          //
253         // This sections builds the parameters for the account details.
254         if (Account.params) {
255             var paramsStack = [];
256             var optionalField = '';
257             for (var i = 0; i < Account.params.length; i++) {
258                 var node = Account.params[i];
259                 var value = ""
260                 if (Account[Account['account-type']]) {
261                     value = Account[Account['account-type']][node.ref]
262                 }
263                 if (this.props.edit && Account.params) {
264                     value = Account.params[node.ref];
265                 }
266                 paramsStack.push(
267                     <TextInput key={node.label} className="accountForm-input" label={node.label} required={!node.optional}  onChange={this.props.store.handleParamChange(node)} value={value} />
268                 );
269             }
271             let nestedParamsStack = null;
272             if (Account.nestedParams) {
273                 nestedParamsStack = [];
274                 var optionalField = '';
275                 for (var i = 0; i < Account.nestedParams.params.length; i++) {
276                     var node = Account.nestedParams.params[i];
277                     var value = ""
278                     if (Account[Account['account-type']] && Account.nestedParams && Account[Account['account-type']][Account.nestedParams['container-name']] && Account[Account['account-type']][Account.nestedParams['container-name']][node.ref]) {
279                         value = Account[Account['account-type']][Account.nestedParams['container-name']][node.ref];
280                     }
281                     if (node.optional) {
282                         optionalField = <span className="optional">Optional</span>;
283                     }
284                     // nestedParamsStack.push(
285                     //     <label key={node.label}>
286                     //       <label className="create-fleet-pool-params">{node.label} {optionalField}</label>
287                     //       <input className="create-fleet-pool-input" type="text" onChange={this.props.store.handleNestedParamChange(Account.nestedParams['container-name'], node)} value={value}/>
288                     //     </label>
289                     // );
290                     nestedParamsStack.push(
291                           <TextInput key={node.label} label={node.label} required={!node.optional} className="create-fleet-pool-input" type="text" onChange={this.props.store.handleNestedParamChange(Account.nestedParams['container-name'], node)} value={value}/>
292                     );
293                 }
294             }
296             params = (
297                 <li className="create-fleet-pool accountForm">
298                     <h3  className="accountForm-title"> {isEdit ? 'Update' : 'Enter'} Account Details</h3>
299                     <div className="accountForm-content">
300                         {paramsStack}
301                         <div className="accountForm-nestedParams">
302                         {nestedParamsStack}
303                         </div>
304                     </div>
305                 </li>
306             )
307         } else {
308             params = (
309                 <li className="create-fleet-pool accountForm">
310                     <h3 className="accountForm-title"> {isEdit ? 'Update' : 'Enter'}</h3>
311                     <label style={{'marginLeft':'17px', color:'#888'}}>No Details Required</label>
312                 </li>
313             )
314         }
316         // This section builds elements that only show up in the edit page.
317         if (isEdit) {
318             name = <label>{Account.name}</label>;
319             buttons = [
320                 <Button key="2" onClick={this.handleDelete} className="light" label="Remove Account" />,
321                 <Button key="3" onClick={this.cancel} className="light" label="Cancel" />,
322                 <Button key="4" role="button" onClick={this.update.bind(this)} className="update dark" label="Update" />
323             ];
324             resfreshStatus = Account['connection-status'] ? (
325                 <div className="accountForm">
326                     <div className="accountForm-title accountForm-title--edit">
327                         Connection Status
328                     </div>
329                     <div className="accountForm-content" style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center'}}>
330                         <div style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center'}}>
331                             <AccountConnectivityStatus status={Account['connection-status'].status} />
332                             {Account['connection-status'] && Account['connection-status'].status &&  Account['connection-status'].status.toUpperCase()}
333                         </div>
334                             <Button className="refreshList light" onClick={this.props.store.refreshAccount.bind(this, Account.name, AccountType)} label="REFRESH STATUS"></Button>
335                     </div>
336                     {
337                         (Account['connection-status'] && Account['connection-status'].status && Account['connection-status'].status.toUpperCase()) === 'FAILURE' ?
338                         displayFailureMessage(Account['connection-status'].details) : null
339                     }
340                 </div>
341             ) : null;
342             // cloudResourcesStateHTML = (
343             //     <div className="accountForm">
344             //         <h3 className="accountForm-title">Resources Status</h3>
345             //         <div className="accountForm-content" >
346             //         <ul>
347             //             {
348             //                 cloudResources && props.AccountMeta.resources[Account['account-type']].map(function(r, i) {
350             //                     return (
351             //                         <li key={i}>
352             //                             {r}: {cloudResources[r]}
353             //                         </li>
354             //                     )
355             //                 }) || 'No Additional Resources'
356             //             }
357             //         </ul>
358             //         </div>
359             //     </div>
360             // )
361         }
363         var html = (
365               <form className="app-body create Accounts"  onSubmit={this.preventDefault} onKeyDown={this.evaluateSubmit}>
366                 <div className="noticeSubText noticeSubText_right">
367                     * required
368                 </div>
369                 <div className="associateSdnAccount accountForm">
370                     <h3 className="accountForm-title">Account</h3>
371                     <div className="accountForm-content" style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center'}}>
372                         <h4 style={{flex: '1'}}>{name}</h4>
373                         { isEdit ?
374                             (
375                                 <div style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center'}}>
376                                     <img src={store.getImage(Account['account-type'])}/> {props.AccountMeta.labelByType[Account['account-type']]}
377                                 </div>)
378                             : null
379                         }
380                     </div>
381                 </div>
383                   {selectAccount}
384                   {sdnAccounts}
385                   {resfreshStatus}
386                   {cloudResourcesStateHTML}
387                   <ol className="flex-row">
388                       {params}
389                   </ol>
390                   <div className="form-actions">
391                       {buttons}
392                   </div>
393               </form>
394         )
395         return html;
396     }
397 }
399 function displayFailureMessage(msg) {
400     return (
401         <div className="accountForm-content" style={{maxWidth: '600px'}}>
402             <div style={{paddingBottom: '1rem'}}>Details:</div>
403             <div>
404                 {msg}
405             </div>
407         </div>
408     )
409 }
411 class SelectOption extends React.Component {
412   constructor(props){
413     super(props);
414   }
415   handleOnChange = (e) => {
416     this.props.onChange(JSON.parse(e.target.value));
417   }
418   render() {
419     let html;
420     html = (
421       <select className={this.props.className} onChange={this.handleOnChange}>
422         {
423           this.props.options.map(function(op, i) {
424             return <option key={i} value={JSON.stringify(op.value)}>{op.label}</option>
425           })
426         }
427       </select>
428     );
429     return html;
430   }
431 }
432 SelectOption.defaultProps = {
433   options: [],
434   onChange: function(e) {
435     console.dir(e)
436   }
437 }
439 function removeTrailingWhitespace(Account) {
440              var type = Account['account-type'];
441             var params = Account.params;
443             if(params) {
444                 for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
445                     var param = params[i].ref;
446                     if(typeof(Account[type][param]) == 'string') {
447                         Account[type][param] = Account[type][param].trim();
448                     }
449                 }
450             }
452             let nestedParams = Account.nestedParams;
453             if (nestedParams && nestedParams.params) {
454                 for (let i = 0; i < nestedParams.params.length; i++) {
455                     let nestedParam = nestedParams.params[i].ref;
456                     let nestedParamValue = Account[type][nestedParams['container-name']][nestedParam];
457                     if (typeof(nestedParamValue) == 'string') {
458                         Account[type][nestedParams['container-name']][nestedParam] = nestedParamValue.trim();
459                     }
460                 }
461             }
462             return Account;
463 }
465 export default SkyquakeComponent(Account)