Datacenter display fix on instnatiate
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / plugins / about / src / about.jsx
1 /*
2  *
3  *   Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
4  *
5  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *
10  *
11  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *   limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
18 import React from 'react';
19 import './about.scss';
20 import UpTime from 'widgets/uptime/uptime.jsx';
21 import AppHeader from 'widgets/header/header.jsx';
22 var aboutActions = require('./aboutActions.js');
23 var aboutStore = require('./aboutStore.js');
24 //var MissionControlStore = require('./missionControlStore.js');
25 class About extends React.Component {
26   constructor(props) {
27     super(props)
28     var self = this;
29     this.state = aboutStore.getState();
30     aboutStore.listen(this.listenerUpdate);
31     aboutStore.get();
32     aboutStore.createTime();
33   }
34   componentWillUnmount() {
35     aboutStore.listen(this.listenerUpdate);
36   }
37   listenerUpdate = (data) => {
38       if (data.aboutList) {
39         this.setState({
40           list:data.aboutList
41         })
42       }
43       if (data.createTime) {
44         // Required cause backend won't provide a create-time
45         let createTime = (data.createTime) ? Math.floor((new Date() / 1000)) - parseInt(data.createTime) : null;
46         this.setState({
47           createTime: createTime
48         })
49       }
50       if (data.descriptorCount) {
51         this.setState({
52           descriptorCount: data.descriptorCount
53         });
54       }
55     }
56   render() {
57     let self = this;
58     let refPage = window.sessionStorage.getItem('refPage') || '{}';
59     refPage = JSON.parse(refPage);
61     let mgmtDomainName = window.location.hash.split('/')[2];
62     // If in the mission control, create an uptime table;
63     var uptime = this.state.createTime && this.state.createTime;
65     var fossInfoComponent = (
66       <div className="table-container">
67         <h2> FOSS Info </h2>
68         <table>
69           <thead>
70             <tr>
71               <th>
72                 <a target="_blank" href=''>
73                   Click here for FOSS Info (requires Internet connection)
74                 </a>
75               </th>
76             </tr>
77           </thead>
78         </table>
79       </div>
80     );
82     var uptimeComponent = (
83       <div className="table-container">
84                   <h2> Uptime Info </h2>
85                   <table>
86                     <thead>
87                       <tr>
88                         <th>
89                           Uptime
90                         </th>
91                         <th>
92                           <UpTime initialTime={uptime} run={true} />
93                         </th>
94                       </tr>
95                     </thead>
96                   </table>
97                 </div>
98     );
100     var vcs_info = [];
102     for (let i = 0; this.state && this.state.list && i < this.state.list.vcs.components.component_info.length; i++) {
103       var node = this.state.list.vcs.components.component_info[i];
104       vcs_info.push(
105           <tr key={i}>
106             <td>
107               {node.component_name}
108             </td>
109             <td>
110               {node.component_type}
111             </td>
112             <td>
113               {node.state}
114             </td>
115           </tr>
117         )
118     }
120     if (this.state != null) {
121       var html = (
122               <div className="table-container-wrapper">
123                 <div className="table-container">
124                   <h2>RIFT.ware Version Info </h2>
125                   <table>
126                     <thead>
127                       <tr>
128                         <th>
129                           Build SHA
130                         </th>
131                         <th>
132                           Version
133                         </th>
134                         <th>
135                           Build Date
136                         </th>
137                       </tr>
138                     </thead>
139                     <tbody>
140                       <tr>
141                         <td>
142                           {this.state.list ? this.state.list.version.build_sha : null}
143                         </td>
144                         <td>
145                           {this.state.list ? this.state.list.version.version : null}
146                         </td>
147                         <td>
148                           {this.state.list ? this.state.list.version.build_date : null}
149                         </td>
150                       </tr>
151                     </tbody>
152                   </table>
153                 </div>
154                 {uptimeComponent}
155                 <div className="table-container">
156                   <h2> Component Info </h2>
157                   <table>
158                     <thead>
159                       <tr>
160                         <th>
161                           Component Name
162                         </th>
163                         <th>
164                           Component Type
165                         </th>
166                         <th>
167                           State
168                         </th>
169                       </tr>
170                     </thead>
171                     <tbody>
172                       {vcs_info}
173                     </tbody>
174                   </table>
175                 </div>
176                 {fossInfoComponent}
177                 <div className="table-container">
178                   <h2>RIFT.ware Copyright </h2>
179                   <table>
180                     <tbody>
181                       <tr>
182                         <td>
183                           Open Source Version
184                         </td>
185                         <td>
186                           (c) Copyright 2014 – {new Date().getUTCFullYear()} Inc., All rights reserved
187                         </td>
188                         <td>
189                           <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
190                         </td>
191                       </tr>
192                       <tr>
193                         <td>
194                           Commercial Version
195                         </td>
196                         <td>
197                           (c) Copyright 2014 – {new Date().getUTCFullYear()} Inc., All rights reserved
198                         </td>
199                         <td>
200                           <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
201                         </td>
202                       </tr>
203                     </tbody>
204                   </table>
205                 </div>
206               </div>
207               );
208     } else {
209       html = ''
210     }
211     return (
212             <div className="about-container">
213               {html}
214             </div>
215             )
216   }
217 }
218 export default About;