edit descriptor model for composer rbac fix
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / framework / widgets / skyquake_container / skyquakeContainer.jsx
1 /*
2  *
3  *   Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
4  *
5  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *   limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
18 import React from 'react';
19 import AltContainer from 'alt-container';
20 import Alt from './skyquakeAltInstance.js';
21 import SkyquakeNav from '../skyquake_nav/skyquakeNav.jsx';
22 import EventCenter from './eventCenter.jsx';
23 import SkyquakeContainerActions from './skyquakeContainerActions.js'
24 import SkyquakeContainerStore from './skyquakeContainerStore.js';
25 // import Breadcrumbs from 'react-breadcrumbs';
26 import Utils from 'utils/utils.js';
27 import _ from 'lodash';
28 import Crouton from 'react-crouton';
29 import ScreenLoader from 'widgets/screen-loader/screenLoader.jsx';
30 import './skyquakeApp.scss';
31 // import 'style/reset.css';
32 import 'style/core.css';
33 export default class skyquakeContainer extends React.Component {
34     constructor(props) {
35         super(props);
36         let self = this;
37         this.state = SkyquakeContainerStore.getState();
38         //This will be populated via a store/source
39         this.state.nav = this.props.nav || [];
40         this.state.eventCenterIsOpen = false;
41         this.state.currentPlugin = SkyquakeContainerStore.currentPlugin;
42     }
43     getChildContext() {
44         return {
45           userProfile: this.state.user
46         };
47     }
48     getUserProfile() {
49         return this.state.user;
50     }
51     componentWillMount() {
52         let self = this;
54         Utils.bootstrapApplication().then(function() {
55             SkyquakeContainerStore.listen(self.listener);
56             SkyquakeContainerStore.getNav();
57             SkyquakeContainerStore.getUserProfile();
58             SkyquakeContainerStore.getEventStreams();
59         });
61         // Load multiplex-client
62         const script = document.createElement("script");
64         script.src = "/multiplex-client";
65         script.async = true;
67         document.body.appendChild(script);
69         Utils.setupMultiplexClient();
70     }
72     componentWillUnmount() {
73         SkyquakeContainerStore.unlisten(this.listener);
74     }
75     listener = (state) => {
76         this.setState(state);
77     }
78     matchesLoginUrl() {
79         //console.log("window.location.hash=", window.location.hash);
80         // First element in the results of match will be the part of the string
81         // that matched the expression. this string should be true against
82         // (window.location.hash.match(re)[0]).startsWith(Utils.loginHash)
83         var re = /#\/login?(\?|\/|$)/i;
84         //console.log("res=", window.location.hash.match(re));
85         return (window.location.hash.match(re)) ? true : false;
86     }
87     onToggle = (isOpen) => {
88         this.setState({
89             eventCenterIsOpen: isOpen
90         });
91     }
93     render() {
94         const {displayNotification, notificationMessage, displayScreenLoader, notificationType, ...state} = this.state;
95         var html;
96         let nav = _.cloneDeep(this.state.nav);
97         if (this.matchesLoginUrl()) {
98             html = (
99                 <AltContainer>
100                     <div className="skyquakeApp">
101                         {this.props.children}
102                     </div>
103                 </AltContainer>
104             );
105         } else {
106             let tag = this.props.routes[this.props.routes.length-1].name ? ': '
107                 + this.props.routes[this.props.routes.length-1].name : '';
108             let routeName = this.props.location.pathname.split('/')[1];
109             html = (
110                 <AltContainer flux={Alt}>
111                     <div className="skyquakeApp wrap">
112                         <Crouton
113                             id={Date.now()}
114                             message={notificationMessage}
115                             type={notificationType}
116                             hidden={!(displayNotification && notificationMessage)}
117                             onDismiss={SkyquakeContainerActions.hideNotification}
118                         />
119                         <ScreenLoader show={displayScreenLoader}/>
120                         <SkyquakeNav nav={nav}
121                             currentPlugin={this.state.user.currentPlugin}
122                             currentUser={this.state.user.userId}
123                             currentProject={this.state.user.projectId}
124                             store={SkyquakeContainerStore}
125                             projects={this.state.projects} />
126                         <div className="titleBar">
127                             <h1>{(this.state.nav.name ? this.state.nav.name.replace('_', ' ').replace('-', ' ') : this.state.currentPlugin && this.state.currentPlugin.replace('_', ' ').replace('-', ' ')) + tag}</h1>
128                         </div>
129                         <div className={"application " + routeName}>
130                             {this.props.children}
131                         </div>
132                         <EventCenter className="eventCenter"
133                             notifications={this.state.notifications}
134                             newNotificationEvent={this.state.newNotificationEvent}
135                             newNotificationMsg={this.state.newNotificationMsg}
136                             onToggle={this.onToggle} />
137                     </div>
138                 </AltContainer>
139             );
140         }
141         return html;
142     }
143 }
144 skyquakeContainer.childContextTypes = {
145   userProfile: React.PropTypes.object
146 };
147 skyquakeContainer.contextTypes = {
148     router: React.PropTypes.object
149   };
151 /*
152 <Breadcrumbs
153                             routes={this.props.routes}
154                             params={this.props.params}
155                             separator=" | "
156                         />
157  */