Added projects to user management
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / framework / widgets / form_controls / formControls.jsx
1 import './formControls.jsx';
3 import React from 'react'
4 import SelectOption from 'widgets/form_controls/selectOption.jsx';
5 import imgAdd from '../../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/plus.svg'
6 import imgRemove from '../../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/trash.svg'
7 import TextInput from 'widgets/form_controls/textInput.jsx';
8 import Input from 'widgets/form_controls/input.jsx';
10 export class FormSection extends React.Component {
11     render() {
12         let className = 'FormSection ' + this.props.className;
13         let html = (
14             <div
15                 style={}
16                 className={className}
17             >
18                 <div className="FormSection-title">
19                     {this.props.title}
20                 </div>
21                 <div className="FormSection-body">
22                     {this.props.children}
23                 </div>
24             </div>
25         );
26         return html;
27     }
28 }
30 FormSection.defaultProps = {
31     className: ''
32 }
34 /**
35  * AddItemFn:
36  */
37 export class InputCollection extends React.Component {
38     constructor(props) {
39         super(props);
40         this.collection = props.collection;
41     }
42     buildTextInput(onChange, v, i) {
43         return (
44             <Input
45                 readonly={this.props.readonly}
46                 style={{flex: '1 1'}}
47                 key={i}
48                 value={v}
49                 onChange= {onChange.bind(null, i)}
50             />
51         )
52     }
53     buildSelectOption(initial, options, onChange, v, i) {
54         return (
55             <SelectOption
56                 readonly={this.props.readonly}
57                 key={`${i}-${v.replace(' ', '_')}`}
58                 intial={initial}
59                 defaultValue={v}
60                 options={options}
61                 onChange={onChange.bind(null, i)}
62             />
63         );
64     }
65     showInput() {
67     }
68     render() {
69         const props = this.props;
70         let inputType;
71         let className = "InputCollection";
72         if (props.className) {
73             className = `${className} ${props.className}`;
74         }
75         if (props.type == 'select') {
76             inputType = this.buildSelectOption.bind(this, props.initial, props.options, props.onChange);
77         } else {
78             inputType = this.buildTextInput.bind(this, props.onChange)
79         }
80         let html = (
81             <div className="InputCollection-wrapper">
82                 {,i) => {
83                     return (
84                         <div key={i} className={className} >
85                             {inputType(v, i)}
86                             {
87                                 props.readonly ? null : <span onClick={props.RemoveItemFn.bind(null, i)} className="removeInput"><img src={imgRemove} />Remove</span>}
88                         </div>
89                     )
90                 })}
91                 { props.readonly ? null : <span onClick={props.AddItemFn} className="addInput"><img src={imgAdd} />Add</span>}
92             </div>
93         );
94         return html;
95     }
96 }
98 InputCollection.defaultProps = {
99     input: Input,
100     collection: [],
101     onChange: function(i, e) {
102         console.log(`
103                         Updating with: ${}
104                         At index of: ${i}
105                     `)
106     },
107     AddItemFn: function(e) {
108         console.log(`Adding a new item to collection`)
109     },
110     RemoveItemFn: function(i, e) {
111         console.log(`Removing item from collection at index of: ${i}`)
112     }
113 }