Add osm-im to the source install script
[osm/RO.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 #from distutils.core import setup
4 #from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
5 from setuptools import setup
6 from os import system
7 #import glob
9 _name = 'osm_ro'
10 _description = 'OSM Resource Orchestrator'
11 _author = 'ETSI OSM'
12 _author_email = ''
13 _maintainer = 'garciadeblas'
14 _maintainer_email = ''
15 _license = 'Apache 2.0'
16 _url = ';a=summary'
17 _requirements = [
18 "PyYAML",
19 "bottle",
20 #"mysqlclient",
21 #"MySQLdb",
22 "jsonschema",
23 "paramiko",
24 "argcomplete",
25 "requests",
26 "logutils",
27 "python-openstackclient",
28 "python-novaclient",
29 "python-keystoneclient",
30 "python-glanceclient",
31 "python-neutronclient",
32 "python-cinderclient",
33 #"pyvcloud",
34 #"progressbar",
35 "prettytable",
36 #"pyvmomi",
37 "boto",
38 #"lib_osm_openvim",
39 #"osm_im",
40 ]
42 setup(name=_name,
43 version_command=('git describe', 'pep440-git'),
44 description = _description,
45 long_description = open('README.rst').read(),
46 author = _author,
47 author_email = _author_email,
48 maintainer = _maintainer,
49 maintainer_email = _maintainer_email,
50 url = _url,
51 license = _license,
52 packages = [_name],
53 #packages = ['osm_ro', 'osm_roclient'],
54 package_dir = {_name: _name},
55 package_data = {_name: ['vnfs/*.yaml', 'vnfs/examples/*.yaml',
56 'scenarios/*.yaml', 'scenarios/examples/*.yaml',
57 'instance-scenarios/examples/*.yaml', 'database_utils/*',
58 'scripts/*']},
59 data_files = [('/etc/osm/', ['osm_ro/openmanod.cfg']),
60 ('/etc/systemd/system/', ['osm_ro/osm-ro.service']),
61 ],
62 scripts=['openmanod', 'openmano', 'osm_ro/scripts/service-openmano', 'osm_ro/scripts/openmano-report',],
63 install_requires=_requirements,
64 include_package_data=True,
65 setup_requires=['setuptools-version-command'],
66 #test_suite='nose.collector',
67 )