Commit to master [RIFT 15737] Remove logic for deletion of folder on deletion of...
[osm/SO.git] / rwlaunchpad / ra / pytest /
2 #
3 # Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
4 #
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 #
9 #
10 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
16 #
18 import pytest
19 import os
20 import subprocess
21 import sys
23 import
24 import
25 import rift.vcs.vcs
26 import rift.rwcal.openstack
27 import logging
29 import gi
30 gi.require_version('RwCloudYang', '1.0')
32 from gi.repository import RwCloudYang
34 @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
35 def cloud_name_prefix():
36 '''fixture which returns the prefix used in cloud account names'''
37 return 'cloud'
39 @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
40 def cloud_account_name(cloud_name_prefix):
41 '''fixture which returns the name used to identify the cloud account'''
42 return '{prefix}-0'.format(prefix=cloud_name_prefix)
44 @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
45 def sdn_account_name():
46 '''fixture which returns the name used to identify the sdn account'''
47 return 'sdn-0'
49 @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
50 def sdn_account_type():
51 '''fixture which returns the account type used by the sdn account'''
52 return 'odl'
54 @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
55 def cloud_module():
56 '''Fixture containing the module which defines cloud account
57 Returns:
58 module to be used when configuring a cloud account
59 '''
60 return RwCloudYang
62 @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
63 def cloud_xpath():
64 '''Fixture containing the xpath that should be used to configure a cloud account
65 Returns:
66 xpath to be used when configure a cloud account
67 '''
68 return '/cloud/account'
70 @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
71 def cloud_accounts(cloud_module, cloud_name_prefix, cloud_host, cloud_user, cloud_tenants, cloud_type):
72 '''fixture which returns a list of CloudAccounts. One per tenant provided
74 Arguments:
75 cloud_module - fixture: module defining cloud account
76 cloud_name_prefix - fixture: name prefix used for cloud account
77 cloud_host - fixture: cloud host address
78 cloud_user - fixture: cloud account user key
79 cloud_tenants - fixture: list of tenants to create cloud accounts on
80 cloud_type - fixture: cloud account type
82 Returns:
83 A list of CloudAccounts
84 '''
85 accounts = []
86 for idx, cloud_tenant in enumerate(cloud_tenants):
87 cloud_account_name = "{prefix}-{idx}".format(prefix=cloud_name_prefix, idx=idx)
89 if cloud_type == 'lxc':
90 accounts.append(
91 cloud_module.CloudAccount.from_dict({
92 "name": cloud_account_name,
93 "account_type": "cloudsim_proxy"})
94 )
95 elif cloud_type == 'openstack':
96 password = 'mypasswd'
97 auth_url = 'http://{cloud_host}:5000/v3/'.format(cloud_host=cloud_host)
98 mgmt_network = os.getenv('MGMT_NETWORK', 'private')
99 accounts.append(
100 cloud_module.CloudAccount.from_dict({
101 'name': cloud_account_name,
102 'account_type': 'openstack',
103 'openstack': {
104 'admin': True,
105 'key': cloud_user,
106 'secret': password,
107 'auth_url': auth_url,
108 'tenant': cloud_tenant,
109 'mgmt_network': mgmt_network}})
110 )
111 elif cloud_type == 'mock':
112 accounts.append(
113 cloud_module.CloudAccount.from_dict({
114 "name": cloud_account_name,
115 "account_type": "mock"})
116 )
118 return accounts
121 @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
122 def cloud_account(cloud_accounts):
123 '''fixture which returns an instance of CloudAccount
125 Arguments:
126 cloud_accounts - fixture: list of generated cloud accounts
128 Returns:
129 An instance of CloudAccount
130 '''
131 return cloud_accounts[0]
133 @pytest.fixture(scope='class')
134 def openstack_client(cloud_host, cloud_user, cloud_tenant):
135 """Fixture which returns a session to openstack host.
137 Returns:
138 Session to an openstack host.
139 """
140 password = 'mypasswd'
141 auth_url = 'http://{cloud_host}:5000/v3/'.format(cloud_host=cloud_host)
142 mgmt_network = os.getenv('MGMT_NETWORK', 'private')
143 return rift.rwcal.openstack.OpenstackDriver(**{'username': cloud_user,
144 'password': password,
145 'auth_url': auth_url,
146 'project' : cloud_tenant,
147 'mgmt_network': mgmt_network,
148 'cert_validate': False,
149 'user_domain': 'Default',
150 'project_domain':'Default',
151 'region': 'RegionOne'})