RIFT-14481 No create-time on VLR
[osm/SO.git] / rwlaunchpad / mock / simmp.js
2 var _ = require('lodash');
4 /*
5 * Args:
6 * rules - object with the monitoring param to simulator function mapping
7 * see data/simmp.json
8 */
9 SimMp = function(rules) {
10 this.rules = _.clone(rules, true);
11 };
13 //SimMp.prototype.map_rule = function(mp_id) {
14 // return this.rules['mp-mapper'][mp_id];
15 //}
17 // Use the monitoring param id for now
18 SimMp.prototype.createSimMonitorFunc = function(mp) {
20 // Define our core simulation function here
21 //
22 // min, max inclusive
23 var rand_func = function(min, max) {
24 return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max-min+1)) + min;
25 }
27 var funcs = {
28 // transmit and receive rate
29 tx_rc_rate: function(value, elapsed_seconds) {
30 // Ignore elapsed time for first implementation of transmit and
31 // receive rate simulation.
32 // This is just a quick and dirty and simple implementation to make
33 // the monitoring params change, stay within bounds, and not swing
34 // wildly.
35 var min_val = mp.min_value;
36 var max_val = mp.max_value;
37 // Set an outer bound of maxmium change from current value
38 // Tweak bin_count to set how much the value can swing from the
39 // last value
40 var bin_count = 10;
41 // Set the range we can generate the new value based on a function
42 // of the difference of the max and min values
43 var max_delta = (max_val - min_val) / bin_count;
44 console.log('Setting max_delta = %s', max_delta);
45 var new_val = rand_func(
46 Math.max(min_val, value-max_delta),
47 Math.min(max_val, value+max_delta));
48 //console.log("Generated value: %s", new_val);
49 return new_val;
50 },
51 packet_size: function(value, elapsed_seconds) {
52 // Stub method just returns value unchanged
53 // TODO: Figure out how we want to vary packet sizes
54 return value;
55 },
56 accumulate: function(value, elapsed_seconds) {
57 // NOT TESTED. Basic idea. Will want to add variablility
58 // how fast we accumulate
59 var accumulate_rate = 0.1;
60 var new_value = value + (elapsed_seconds * accumulate_rate);
61 return new_value;
62 }
63 // add growth function
64 };
66 // Declare our monitoring param id to sim function mapping here
67 // TODO: Move out to a yaml/json file and make this function belong to
68 // a 'Class'
69 //var mapper = {
70 // 'tx-rate-pp1': funcs['tx_rc_rate'],
71 // 'rc-rate-pp1': funcs['tx_rc_rate']
72 //};
74 var sim_func_name = this.rules['mp-mapper'][mp.id];
75 if (sim_func_name) {
76 return funcs[sim_func_name];
77 } else {
78 console.log('No time step sim function found for monitoring param with id "%s", using constant value', mp.id);
79 return function(value, elapsed_seconds) {
80 return value;
81 }
82 }
83 }
85 module.exports = {
86 SimMp: SimMp
87 };