_version_command fixed in setup.py
[osm/PLA.git] / osm_pla / server / server.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python3
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 # Copyright 2020 ArctosLabs Scandinavia AB
5 #
6 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 #
10 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 #
12 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 # implied.
16 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 # limitations under the License.
19 import asyncio
20 import logging
21 from pathlib import Path
23 import yaml
24 from osm_common import dbmemory, dbmongo, msglocal, msgkafka
26 from osm_pla.config.config import Config
27 from osm_pla.placement.mznplacement import MznPlacementConductor
28 from osm_pla.placement.mznplacement import NsPlacementDataFactory
31 class Server:
32 pil_price_list_file = Path('/placement/pil_price_list.yaml')
33 vnf_price_list_file = Path('/placement/vnf_price_list.yaml')
35 def __init__(self, config: Config, loop=None):
36 self.log = logging.getLogger("pla.server")
37 self.db = None
38 self.msgBus = None
39 self.config = config
40 self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
42 try:
43 if config.get('database', 'driver') == "mongo":
44 self.db = dbmongo.DbMongo()
45 self.db.db_connect(config.get('database'))
46 elif config.get('database', 'driver') == "memory":
47 self.db = dbmemory.DbMemory()
48 self.db.db_connect(config.get('database'))
49 else:
50 raise Exception("Invalid configuration param '{}' at '[database]':'driver'".format(
51 config.get('database', 'driver')))
53 if config.get('message', 'driver') == "local":
54 self.msgBus = msglocal.MsgLocal()
55 elif config.get('message', 'driver') == "kafka":
56 self.msgBus = msgkafka.MsgKafka()
57 else:
58 raise Exception("Invalid message bus driver {}".format(
59 config.get('message', 'driver')))
60 self.msgBus.loop = loop
61 self.msgBus.connect(config.get('message'))
63 except Exception as e:
64 self.log.exception("kafka setup error. Exception: {}".format(e))
66 def _get_nslcmop(self, nsdlcmop_id):
67 """
68 :param nsdlcmop_id:
69 :return: nslcmop from database corresponding to nslcmop_id
70 """
71 db_filter = {"_id": nsdlcmop_id}
72 nslcmop = self.db.get_one("nslcmops", db_filter)
73 return nslcmop
75 def _get_projects(self):
76 """
77 :return: project name to project id mapping
78 """
79 projects = self.db.get_list("projects")
80 return {project['_id']: project['name'] for project in projects}
82 def _get_nsd(self, nsd_id):
83 """
84 :param nsd_id:
85 :return: nsd from database corresponding to nsd_id
86 """
87 db_filter = {"_id": nsd_id}
88 return self.db.get_one("nsds", db_filter)
90 def _get_vim_accounts(self, vim_account_ids):
91 """
92 :param vim_account_ids: list of VIM account ids
93 :return: list of vim account entries from database corresponding to list in vim_accounts_id
94 """
95 db_filter = {"_id": vim_account_ids}
96 return self.db.get_list("vim_accounts", db_filter)
98 def _read_vnf_price_list(self, price_list_file_path):
99 """
100 read vnf price list configuration file
101 :param price_list_file_path:
102 :return:
103 """
104 with open(str(price_list_file_path)) as pl_fd:
105 price_list = yaml.safe_load_all(pl_fd)
106 return next(price_list)
108 def _price_list_with_project(self, price_list):
109 """
110 Figure out if this price list is with project or not.
111 Note: to handle the unlikely event that a project is called 'prices' we do not simply check if 'prices'
112 is in the dict keys for a price list sequence but rather go down one step in the nesting
113 in which we either have
114 1) 'prices:{vim_url:...}' if prices are also per project, or
115 2) '{vim_url:...}' if prices are only per vim
117 :param price_list:
118 :return: True if project part of price list, else False
119 """
120 price_list_entry_keys = set(price_list[0].keys())
121 price_list_entry_keys.remove('vnfd')
122 pl_key = price_list_entry_keys.pop()
123 entry_to_check = price_list[0][pl_key][0].keys()
124 return True if 'prices' in entry_to_check else False
126 def _get_vnf_price_list(self, price_list_file_path, project_name=None):
127 """
128 read vnf price list configuration file, determine its type and reformat content accordingly
130 :param price_list_file_path:
131 :param project_name:
132 :return: dictionary formatted as {'<vnfd>': {'<vim-url>':'<price>'}}
133 """
134 price_list_data = self._read_vnf_price_list(price_list_file_path)
135 if self._price_list_with_project(price_list_data):
136 res = {}
137 for i in price_list_data:
138 price_data = i[project_name] if type(i[project_name]) is dict else i[project_name][0]
139 res_component = {i['vim_name']: i['price'] for i in price_data['prices']}
140 res.update({i['vnfd']: res_component})
141 return res
142 else:
143 return {i['vnfd']: {i1['vim_name']: i1['price'] for i1 in i['prices']} for i in price_list_data}
145 def _get_pil_info(self, pil_info_file_path):
146 """
147 read and return pil information from file
148 :param pil_info_file_path: Path to pil_info file
149 :return pil configuration file content as Python object
150 """
151 with open(str(pil_info_file_path)) as pil_fd:
152 data = yaml.safe_load_all(pil_fd)
153 return next(data)
155 async def get_placement(self, nslcmop_id):
156 """
157 - Collects and prepares placement information.
158 - Request placement computation.
159 - Formats and distribute placement result
161 Note: exceptions result in empty response message
163 :param nslcmop_id:
164 :return:
165 """
166 try:
167 nslcmop = self._get_nslcmop(nslcmop_id)
168 nsd = self._get_nsd(nslcmop['operationParams']['nsdId'])
169 self.log.info("nsd: {}".format(nsd))
170 projects = self._get_projects()
171 self.log.info("projects: {}".format(projects))
172 nslcmop_project = nslcmop['_admin']['projects_read'][0]
173 self.log.info("nslcmop_project: {}".format(nslcmop_project))
174 valid_vim_accounts = nslcmop['operationParams']['validVimAccounts']
175 vim_accounts_data = self._get_vim_accounts(valid_vim_accounts)
176 vims_information = {_['name']: _['_id'] for _ in vim_accounts_data}
177 price_list = self._get_vnf_price_list(Server.vnf_price_list_file, projects[nslcmop_project])
178 pil_info = self._get_pil_info(Server.pil_price_list_file)
179 pinning = nslcmop['operationParams'].get('vnf')
180 self.log.info("pinning: {}".format(pinning))
181 order_constraints = nslcmop['operationParams'].get('placement-constraints')
182 self.log.info("order constraints: {}".format(order_constraints))
184 nspd = NsPlacementDataFactory(vims_information,
185 price_list,
186 nsd,
187 pil_info,
188 pinning, order_constraints).create_ns_placement_data()
190 vnf_placement = MznPlacementConductor(self.log).do_placement_computation(nspd)
192 except Exception as e:
193 # Note: there is no cure for failure so we have a catch-all clause here
194 self.log.exception("PLA fault. Exception: {}".format(e))
195 vnf_placement = []
196 finally:
197 await self.msgBus.aiowrite("pla", "placement",
198 {'placement': {'vnf': vnf_placement, 'nslcmopId': nslcmop_id}})
200 def handle_kafka_command(self, topic, command, params):
201 self.log.info("Kafka msg arrived: {} {} {}".format(topic, command, params))
202 if topic == "pla" and command == "get_placement":
203 nslcmop_id = params.get('nslcmopId')
204 self.loop.create_task(self.get_placement(nslcmop_id))
206 async def kafka_read(self):
207 self.log.info("Task kafka_read start")
208 while True:
209 try:
210 topics = "pla"
211 await self.msgBus.aioread(topics, self.loop, self.handle_kafka_command)
212 except Exception as e:
213 self.log.error("kafka read error. Exception: {}".format(e))
214 await asyncio.sleep(5, loop=self.loop)
216 def run(self):
217 self.loop.run_until_complete(self.kafka_read())
218 self.loop.close()
219 self.loop = None
220 if self.msgBus:
221 self.msgBus.disconnect()