Fix Bug 748: Changing the scope using an available token (i.e. without reissuing...
[osm/NBI.git] / osm_nbi /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 #
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
16 import logging
17 import yaml
18 from osm_common import dbmongo, dbmemory, fslocal, msglocal, msgkafka, version as common_version
19 from osm_common.dbbase import DbException
20 from osm_common.fsbase import FsException
21 from osm_common.msgbase import MsgException
22 from http import HTTPStatus
24 from authconn_keystone import AuthconnKeystone
25 from authconn_internal import AuthconnInternal
26 from base_topic import EngineException, versiontuple
27 from admin_topics import UserTopic, ProjectTopic, VimAccountTopic, WimAccountTopic, SdnTopic
28 from admin_topics import UserTopicAuth, ProjectTopicAuth, RoleTopicAuth
29 from descriptor_topics import VnfdTopic, NsdTopic, PduTopic, NstTopic
30 from instance_topics import NsrTopic, VnfrTopic, NsLcmOpTopic, NsiTopic, NsiLcmOpTopic
31 from pmjobs_topics import PmJobsTopic
32 from base64 import b64encode
33 from os import urandom, path
34 from threading import Lock
36 __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <>"
37 min_common_version = "0.1.16"
40 class Engine(object):
41 map_from_topic_to_class = {
42 "vnfds": VnfdTopic,
43 "nsds": NsdTopic,
44 "nsts": NstTopic,
45 "pdus": PduTopic,
46 "nsrs": NsrTopic,
47 "vnfrs": VnfrTopic,
48 "nslcmops": NsLcmOpTopic,
49 "vim_accounts": VimAccountTopic,
50 "wim_accounts": WimAccountTopic,
51 "sdns": SdnTopic,
52 "users": UserTopic,
53 "projects": ProjectTopic,
54 "roles": RoleTopicAuth, # Valid for both internal and keystone authentication backends
55 "nsis": NsiTopic,
56 "nsilcmops": NsiLcmOpTopic
57 # [NEW_TOPIC]: add an entry here
58 # "pm_jobs": PmJobsTopic will be added manually because it needs other parameters
59 }
61 map_target_version_to_int = {
62 "1.0": 1000,
63 "1.1": 1001,
64 "1.2": 1002,
65 # Add new versions here
66 }
68 def __init__(self):
69 self.db = None
70 self.fs = None
71 self.msg = None
72 self.auth = None
73 self.config = None
74 self.operations = None
75 self.logger = logging.getLogger("nbi.engine")
76 self.map_topic = {}
77 self.write_lock = None
79 def start(self, config):
80 """
81 Connect to database, filesystem storage, and messaging
82 :param config: two level dictionary with configuration. Top level should contain 'database', 'storage',
83 :return: None
84 """
85 self.config = config
86 # check right version of common
87 if versiontuple(common_version) < versiontuple(min_common_version):
88 raise EngineException("Not compatible osm/common version '{}'. Needed '{}' or higher".format(
89 common_version, min_common_version))
91 try:
92 if not self.db:
93 if config["database"]["driver"] == "mongo":
94 self.db = dbmongo.DbMongo()
95 self.db.db_connect(config["database"])
96 elif config["database"]["driver"] == "memory":
97 self.db = dbmemory.DbMemory()
98 self.db.db_connect(config["database"])
99 else:
100 raise EngineException("Invalid configuration param '{}' at '[database]':'driver'".format(
101 config["database"]["driver"]))
102 if not self.fs:
103 if config["storage"]["driver"] == "local":
104 self.fs = fslocal.FsLocal()
105 self.fs.fs_connect(config["storage"])
106 else:
107 raise EngineException("Invalid configuration param '{}' at '[storage]':'driver'".format(
108 config["storage"]["driver"]))
109 if not self.msg:
110 if config["message"]["driver"] == "local":
111 self.msg = msglocal.MsgLocal()
112 self.msg.connect(config["message"])
113 elif config["message"]["driver"] == "kafka":
114 self.msg = msgkafka.MsgKafka()
115 self.msg.connect(config["message"])
116 else:
117 raise EngineException("Invalid configuration param '{}' at '[message]':'driver'".format(
118 config["message"]["driver"]))
119 if not self.auth:
120 if config["authentication"]["backend"] == "keystone":
121 self.auth = AuthconnKeystone(config["authentication"])
122 else:
123 self.auth = AuthconnInternal(config["authentication"], self.db, dict()) # TO BE CONFIRMED
124 if not self.operations:
125 if "resources_to_operations" in config["rbac"]:
126 resources_to_operations_file = config["rbac"]["resources_to_operations"]
127 else:
128 possible_paths = (
129 __file__[:__file__.rfind("")] + "resources_to_operations.yml",
130 "./resources_to_operations.yml"
131 )
132 for config_file in possible_paths:
133 if path.isfile(config_file):
134 resources_to_operations_file = config_file
135 break
136 if not resources_to_operations_file:
137 raise EngineException("Invalid permission configuration: resources_to_operations file missing")
139 with open(resources_to_operations_file, 'r') as f:
140 resources_to_operations = yaml.load(f)
142 self.operations = []
144 for _, value in resources_to_operations["resources_to_operations"].items():
145 if value not in self.operations:
146 self.operations += [value]
148 if config["authentication"]["backend"] == "keystone":
149 self.map_from_topic_to_class["users"] = UserTopicAuth
150 self.map_from_topic_to_class["projects"] = ProjectTopicAuth
151 self.map_from_topic_to_class["roles"] = RoleTopicAuth
153 self.write_lock = Lock()
154 # create one class per topic
155 for topic, topic_class in self.map_from_topic_to_class.items():
156 if self.auth and topic_class in (UserTopicAuth, ProjectTopicAuth):
157 self.map_topic[topic] = topic_class(self.db, self.fs, self.msg, self.auth)
158 elif self.auth and topic_class == RoleTopicAuth:
159 self.map_topic[topic] = topic_class(self.db, self.fs, self.msg, self.auth,
160 self.operations)
161 else:
162 self.map_topic[topic] = topic_class(self.db, self.fs, self.msg)
164 self.map_topic["pm_jobs"] = PmJobsTopic(config["prometheus"].get("host"), config["prometheus"].get("port"))
165 except (DbException, FsException, MsgException) as e:
166 raise EngineException(str(e), http_code=e.http_code)
168 def stop(self):
169 try:
170 if self.db:
171 self.db.db_disconnect()
172 if self.fs:
173 self.fs.fs_disconnect()
174 if self.msg:
175 self.msg.disconnect()
176 self.write_lock = None
177 except (DbException, FsException, MsgException) as e:
178 raise EngineException(str(e), http_code=e.http_code)
180 def new_item(self, rollback, session, topic, indata=None, kwargs=None, headers=None):
181 """
182 Creates a new entry into database. For nsds and vnfds it creates an almost empty DISABLED entry,
183 that must be completed with a call to method upload_content
184 :param rollback: list to append created items at database in case a rollback must to be done
185 :param session: contains the used login username and working project, force to avoid checkins, public
186 :param topic: it can be: users, projects, vim_accounts, sdns, nsrs, nsds, vnfds
187 :param indata: data to be inserted
188 :param kwargs: used to override the indata descriptor
189 :param headers: http request headers
190 :return: _id: identity of the inserted data.
191 """
192 if topic not in self.map_topic:
193 raise EngineException("Unknown topic {}!!!".format(topic), HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
194 with self.write_lock:
195 return self.map_topic[topic].new(rollback, session, indata, kwargs, headers)
197 def upload_content(self, session, topic, _id, indata, kwargs, headers):
198 """
199 Upload content for an already created entry (_id)
200 :param session: contains the used login username and working project
201 :param topic: it can be: users, projects, vnfds, nsds,
202 :param _id: server id of the item
203 :param indata: data to be inserted
204 :param kwargs: used to override the indata descriptor
205 :param headers: http request headers
206 :return: _id: identity of the inserted data.
207 """
208 if topic not in self.map_topic:
209 raise EngineException("Unknown topic {}!!!".format(topic), HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
210 with self.write_lock:
211 return self.map_topic[topic].upload_content(session, _id, indata, kwargs, headers)
213 def get_item_list(self, session, topic, filter_q=None):
214 """
215 Get a list of items
216 :param session: contains the used login username and working project
217 :param topic: it can be: users, projects, vnfds, nsds, ...
218 :param filter_q: filter of data to be applied
219 :return: The list, it can be empty if no one match the filter_q.
220 """
221 if topic not in self.map_topic:
222 raise EngineException("Unknown topic {}!!!".format(topic), HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
223 return self.map_topic[topic].list(session, filter_q)
225 def get_item(self, session, topic, _id):
226 """
227 Get complete information on an item
228 :param session: contains the used login username and working project
229 :param topic: it can be: users, projects, vnfds, nsds,
230 :param _id: server id of the item
231 :return: dictionary, raise exception if not found.
232 """
233 if topic not in self.map_topic:
234 raise EngineException("Unknown topic {}!!!".format(topic), HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
235 return self.map_topic[topic].show(session, _id)
237 def get_file(self, session, topic, _id, path=None, accept_header=None):
238 """
239 Get descriptor package or artifact file content
240 :param session: contains the used login username and working project
241 :param topic: it can be: users, projects, vnfds, nsds,
242 :param _id: server id of the item
243 :param path: artifact path or "$DESCRIPTOR" or None
244 :param accept_header: Content of Accept header. Must contain applition/zip or/and text/plain
245 :return: opened file plus Accept format or raises an exception
246 """
247 if topic not in self.map_topic:
248 raise EngineException("Unknown topic {}!!!".format(topic), HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
249 return self.map_topic[topic].get_file(session, _id, path, accept_header)
251 def del_item_list(self, session, topic, _filter=None):
252 """
253 Delete a list of items
254 :param session: contains the used login username and working project
255 :param topic: it can be: users, projects, vnfds, nsds, ...
256 :param _filter: filter of data to be applied
257 :return: The deleted list, it can be empty if no one match the _filter.
258 """
259 if topic not in self.map_topic:
260 raise EngineException("Unknown topic {}!!!".format(topic), HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
261 with self.write_lock:
262 return self.map_topic[topic].delete_list(session, _filter)
264 def del_item(self, session, topic, _id):
265 """
266 Delete item by its internal id
267 :param session: contains the used login username and working project
268 :param topic: it can be: users, projects, vnfds, nsds, ...
269 :param _id: server id of the item
270 :return: dictionary with deleted item _id. It raises exception if not found.
271 """
272 if topic not in self.map_topic:
273 raise EngineException("Unknown topic {}!!!".format(topic), HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
274 with self.write_lock:
275 return self.map_topic[topic].delete(session, _id)
277 def edit_item(self, session, topic, _id, indata=None, kwargs=None):
278 """
279 Update an existing entry at database
280 :param session: contains the used login username and working project
281 :param topic: it can be: users, projects, vnfds, nsds, ...
282 :param _id: identifier to be updated
283 :param indata: data to be inserted
284 :param kwargs: used to override the indata descriptor
285 :return: dictionary, raise exception if not found.
286 """
287 if topic not in self.map_topic:
288 raise EngineException("Unknown topic {}!!!".format(topic), HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
289 with self.write_lock:
290 return self.map_topic[topic].edit(session, _id, indata, kwargs)
292 def create_admin_project(self):
293 """
294 Creates a new project 'admin' into database if database is empty. Useful for initialization.
295 :return: _id identity of the inserted data, or None
296 """
298 projects = self.db.get_one("projects", fail_on_empty=False, fail_on_more=False)
299 if projects:
300 return None
301 project_desc = {"name": "admin"}
302 fake_session = {"project_id": "admin", "username": "admin", "admin": True, "force": True, "public": None}
303 rollback_list = []
304 _id = self.map_topic["projects"].new(rollback_list, fake_session, project_desc)
305 return _id
307 def create_admin_user(self):
308 """
309 Creates a new user admin/admin into database if database is empty. Useful for initialization
310 :return: _id identity of the inserted data, or None
311 """
312 users = self.db.get_one("users", fail_on_empty=False, fail_on_more=False)
313 if users:
314 return None
315 user_desc = {"username": "admin", "password": "admin", "projects": ["admin"]}
316 fake_session = {"project_id": "admin", "username": "admin", "admin": True, "force": True, "public": None}
317 rollback_list = []
318 _id = self.map_topic["users"].new(rollback_list, fake_session, user_desc)
319 return _id
321 def create_admin(self):
322 """
323 Creates new 'admin' user and project into database if database is empty. Useful for initialization.
324 :return: _id identity of the inserted data, or None
325 """
326 project_id = self.create_admin_project()
327 user_id = self.create_admin_user()
328 if project_id or user_id:
329 return {'project_id': project_id, 'user_id': user_id}
330 else:
331 return None
333 def upgrade_db(self, current_version, target_version):
334 if target_version not in self.map_target_version_to_int.keys():
335 raise EngineException("Cannot upgrade to version '{}' with this version of code".format(target_version),
338 if current_version == target_version:
339 return
341 target_version_int = self.map_target_version_to_int[target_version]
343 if not current_version:
344 # create database version
345 serial = urandom(32)
346 version_data = {
347 "_id": "version", # Always "version"
348 "version_int": 1000, # version number
349 "version": "1.0", # version text
350 "date": "2018-10-25", # version date
351 "description": "added serial", # changes in this version
352 'status': "ENABLED", # ENABLED, DISABLED (migration in process), ERROR,
353 'serial': b64encode(serial)
354 }
355 self.db.create("admin", version_data)
356 self.db.set_secret_key(serial)
357 current_version = "1.0"
359 if current_version in ("1.0", "1.1") and target_version_int >= self.map_target_version_to_int["1.2"]:
360 table = "roles_operations" if self.config['authentication']['backend'] == "keystone" else "roles"
361 self.db.del_list(table)
363 version_data = {
364 "_id": "version",
365 "version_int": 1002,
366 "version": "1.2",
367 "date": "2019-06-11",
368 "description": "set new format for roles_operations"
369 }
371 self.db.set_one("admin", {"_id": "version"}, version_data)
372 current_version = "1.2"
373 # TODO add future migrations here
375 def init_db(self, target_version='1.0'):
376 """
377 Init database if empty. If not empty it checks that database version and migrates if needed
378 If empty, it creates a new user admin/admin at 'users' and a new entry at 'version'
379 :param target_version: check desired database version. Migrate to it if possible or raises exception
380 :return: None if ok, exception if error or if the version is different.
381 """
383 version_data = self.db.get_one("admin", {"_id": "version"}, fail_on_empty=False, fail_on_more=True)
384 # check database status is ok
385 if version_data and version_data.get("status") != 'ENABLED':
386 raise EngineException("Wrong database status '{}'".format(
387 version_data["status"]), HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
389 # check version
390 db_version = None if not version_data else version_data.get("version")
391 if db_version != target_version:
392 self.upgrade_db(db_version, target_version)
394 # create admin project&user if they don't exist
395 if self.config['authentication']['backend'] == 'internal' or not self.auth:
396 self.create_admin()
398 return