fix quotas
[osm/NBI.git] / osm_nbi /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 #
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
16 import logging
17 from uuid import uuid4
18 from http import HTTPStatus
19 from time import time
20 from osm_common.dbbase import deep_update_rfc7396
21 from osm_nbi.validation import validate_input, ValidationError, is_valid_uuid
22 from yaml import safe_load, YAMLError
24 __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <>"
27 class EngineException(Exception):
29 def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST):
30 self.http_code = http_code
31 super(Exception, self).__init__(message)
34 def deep_get(target_dict, key_list):
35 """
36 Get a value from target_dict entering in the nested keys. If keys does not exist, it returns None
37 Example target_dict={a: {b: 5}}; key_list=[a,b] returns 5; both key_list=[a,b,c] and key_list=[f,h] return None
38 :param target_dict: dictionary to be read
39 :param key_list: list of keys to read from target_dict
40 :return: The wanted value if exist, None otherwise
41 """
42 for key in key_list:
43 if not isinstance(target_dict, dict) or key not in target_dict:
44 return None
45 target_dict = target_dict[key]
46 return target_dict
49 def get_iterable(input_var):
50 """
51 Returns an iterable, in case input_var is None it just returns an empty tuple
52 :param input_var: can be a list, tuple or None
53 :return: input_var or () if it is None
54 """
55 if input_var is None:
56 return ()
57 return input_var
60 def versiontuple(v):
61 """utility for compare dot separate versions. Fills with zeros to proper number comparison"""
62 filled = []
63 for point in v.split("."):
64 filled.append(point.zfill(8))
65 return tuple(filled)
68 class BaseTopic:
69 # static variables for all instance classes
70 topic = None # to_override
71 topic_msg = None # to_override
72 schema_new = None # to_override
73 schema_edit = None # to_override
74 multiproject = True # True if this Topic can be shared by several projects. Then it contains _admin.projects_read
76 default_quota = 500
78 # Alternative ID Fields for some Topics
79 alt_id_field = {
80 "projects": "name",
81 "users": "username",
82 "roles": "name"
83 }
85 def __init__(self, db, fs, msg, auth):
86 self.db = db
87 self.fs = fs
88 self.msg = msg
89 self.logger = logging.getLogger("nbi.engine")
90 self.auth = auth
92 @staticmethod
93 def id_field(topic, value):
94 """Returns ID Field for given topic and field value"""
95 if topic in BaseTopic.alt_id_field.keys() and not is_valid_uuid(value):
96 return BaseTopic.alt_id_field[topic]
97 else:
98 return "_id"
100 @staticmethod
101 def _remove_envelop(indata=None):
102 if not indata:
103 return {}
104 return indata
106 def check_quota(self, session):
107 """
108 Check whether topic quota is exceeded by the given project
109 Used by relevant topics' 'new' function to decide whether or not creation of the new item should be allowed
110 :param projects: projects (tuple) for which quota should be checked
111 :param override: boolean. If true, don't raise ValidationError even though quota be exceeded
112 :return: None
113 :raise:
114 DbException if project not found
115 ValidationError if quota exceeded and not overridden
116 """
117 if session["force"]:
118 return
119 projects = session["project_id"]
120 for project in projects:
121 proj = self.auth.get_project(project)
122 pid = proj["_id"]
123 quota = proj.get("quotas", {}).get(self.topic, self.default_quota)
124 count = self.db.count(self.topic, {"_admin.projects_read": pid})
125 if count >= quota:
126 name = proj["name"]
127 raise ValidationError("quota ({}={}) exceeded for project {} ({})".format(self.topic, quota, name, pid),
128 http_code=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
130 def _validate_input_new(self, input, force=False):
131 """
132 Validates input user content for a new entry. It uses jsonschema. Some overrides will use pyangbind
133 :param input: user input content for the new topic
134 :param force: may be used for being more tolerant
135 :return: The same input content, or a changed version of it.
136 """
137 if self.schema_new:
138 validate_input(input, self.schema_new)
139 return input
141 def _validate_input_edit(self, input, force=False):
142 """
143 Validates input user content for an edition. It uses jsonschema. Some overrides will use pyangbind
144 :param input: user input content for the new topic
145 :param force: may be used for being more tolerant
146 :return: The same input content, or a changed version of it.
147 """
148 if self.schema_edit:
149 validate_input(input, self.schema_edit)
150 return input
152 @staticmethod
153 def _get_project_filter(session):
154 """
155 Generates a filter dictionary for querying database, so that only allowed items for this project can be
156 addressed. Only proprietary or public can be used. Allowed projects are at _admin.project_read/write. If it is
157 not present or contains ANY mean public.
158 :param session: contains:
159 project_id: project list this session has rights to access. Can be empty, one or several
160 set_project: items created will contain this project list
161 force: True or False
162 public: True, False or None
163 method: "list", "show", "write", "delete"
164 admin: True or False
165 :return: dictionary with project filter
166 """
167 p_filter = {}
168 project_filter_n = []
169 project_filter = list(session["project_id"])
171 if session["method"] not in ("list", "delete"):
172 if project_filter:
173 project_filter.append("ANY")
174 elif session["public"] is not None:
175 if session["public"]:
176 project_filter.append("ANY")
177 else:
178 project_filter_n.append("ANY")
180 if session.get(""):
181 project_filter_n.append(session[""])
183 if project_filter:
184 if session["method"] in ("list", "show", "delete") or session.get("set_project"):
185 p_filter["_admin.projects_read.cont"] = project_filter
186 else:
187 p_filter["_admin.projects_write.cont"] = project_filter
188 if project_filter_n:
189 if session["method"] in ("list", "show", "delete") or session.get("set_project"):
190 p_filter["_admin.projects_read.ncont"] = project_filter_n
191 else:
192 p_filter["_admin.projects_write.ncont"] = project_filter_n
194 return p_filter
196 def check_conflict_on_new(self, session, indata):
197 """
198 Check that the data to be inserted is valid
199 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
200 :param indata: data to be inserted
201 :return: None or raises EngineException
202 """
203 pass
205 def check_conflict_on_edit(self, session, final_content, edit_content, _id):
206 """
207 Check that the data to be edited/uploaded is valid
208 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
209 :param final_content: data once modified. This method may change it.
210 :param edit_content: incremental data that contains the modifications to apply
211 :param _id: internal _id
212 :return: None or raises EngineException
213 """
214 if not self.multiproject:
215 return
216 # Change public status
217 if session["public"] is not None:
218 if session["public"] and "ANY" not in final_content["_admin"]["projects_read"]:
219 final_content["_admin"]["projects_read"].append("ANY")
220 final_content["_admin"]["projects_write"].clear()
221 if not session["public"] and "ANY" in final_content["_admin"]["projects_read"]:
222 final_content["_admin"]["projects_read"].remove("ANY")
224 # Change project status
225 if session.get("set_project"):
226 for p in session["set_project"]:
227 if p not in final_content["_admin"]["projects_read"]:
228 final_content["_admin"]["projects_read"].append(p)
230 def check_unique_name(self, session, name, _id=None):
231 """
232 Check that the name is unique for this project
233 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
234 :param name: name to be checked
235 :param _id: If not None, ignore this entry that are going to change
236 :return: None or raises EngineException
237 """
238 if not self.multiproject:
239 _filter = {}
240 else:
241 _filter = self._get_project_filter(session)
242 _filter["name"] = name
243 if _id:
244 _filter["_id.neq"] = _id
245 if self.db.get_one(self.topic, _filter, fail_on_empty=False, fail_on_more=False):
246 raise EngineException("name '{}' already exists for {}".format(name, self.topic), HTTPStatus.CONFLICT)
248 @staticmethod
249 def format_on_new(content, project_id=None, make_public=False):
250 """
251 Modifies content descriptor to include _admin
252 :param content: descriptor to be modified
253 :param project_id: if included, it add project read/write permissions. Can be None or a list
254 :param make_public: if included it is generated as public for reading.
255 :return: op_id: operation id on asynchronous operation, None otherwise. In addition content is modified
256 """
257 now = time()
258 if "_admin" not in content:
259 content["_admin"] = {}
260 if not content["_admin"].get("created"):
261 content["_admin"]["created"] = now
262 content["_admin"]["modified"] = now
263 if not content.get("_id"):
264 content["_id"] = str(uuid4())
265 if project_id is not None:
266 if not content["_admin"].get("projects_read"):
267 content["_admin"]["projects_read"] = list(project_id)
268 if make_public:
269 content["_admin"]["projects_read"].append("ANY")
270 if not content["_admin"].get("projects_write"):
271 content["_admin"]["projects_write"] = list(project_id)
272 return None
274 @staticmethod
275 def format_on_edit(final_content, edit_content):
276 """
277 Modifies final_content to admin information upon edition
278 :param final_content: final content to be stored at database
279 :param edit_content: user requested update content
280 :return: operation id, if this edit implies an asynchronous operation; None otherwise
281 """
282 if final_content.get("_admin"):
283 now = time()
284 final_content["_admin"]["modified"] = now
285 return None
287 def _send_msg(self, action, content, not_send_msg=None):
288 if self.topic_msg and not_send_msg is not False:
289 content.pop("_admin", None)
290 if isinstance(not_send_msg, list):
291 not_send_msg.append((self.topic_msg, action, content))
292 else:
293 self.msg.write(self.topic_msg, action, content)
295 def check_conflict_on_del(self, session, _id, db_content):
296 """
297 Check if deletion can be done because of dependencies if it is not force. To override
298 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
299 :param _id: internal _id
300 :param db_content: The database content of this item _id
301 :return: None if ok or raises EngineException with the conflict
302 """
303 pass
305 @staticmethod
306 def _update_input_with_kwargs(desc, kwargs, yaml_format=False):
307 """
308 Update descriptor with the kwargs. It contains dot separated keys
309 :param desc: dictionary to be updated
310 :param kwargs: plain dictionary to be used for updating.
311 :param yaml_format: get kwargs values as yaml format.
312 :return: None, 'desc' is modified. It raises EngineException.
313 """
314 if not kwargs:
315 return
316 try:
317 for k, v in kwargs.items():
318 update_content = desc
319 kitem_old = None
320 klist = k.split(".")
321 for kitem in klist:
322 if kitem_old is not None:
323 update_content = update_content[kitem_old]
324 if isinstance(update_content, dict):
325 kitem_old = kitem
326 elif isinstance(update_content, list):
327 kitem_old = int(kitem)
328 else:
329 raise EngineException(
330 "Invalid query string '{}'. Descriptor is not a list nor dict at '{}'".format(k, kitem))
331 update_content[kitem_old] = v if not yaml_format else safe_load(v)
332 except KeyError:
333 raise EngineException(
334 "Invalid query string '{}'. Descriptor does not contain '{}'".format(k, kitem_old))
335 except ValueError:
336 raise EngineException("Invalid query string '{}'. Expected integer index list instead of '{}'".format(
337 k, kitem))
338 except IndexError:
339 raise EngineException(
340 "Invalid query string '{}'. Index '{}' out of range".format(k, kitem_old))
341 except YAMLError:
342 raise EngineException("Invalid query string '{}' yaml format".format(k))
344 def show(self, session, _id):
345 """
346 Get complete information on an topic
347 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
348 :param _id: server internal id
349 :return: dictionary, raise exception if not found.
350 """
351 if not self.multiproject:
352 filter_db = {}
353 else:
354 filter_db = self._get_project_filter(session)
355 # To allow project&user addressing by name AS WELL AS _id
356 filter_db[BaseTopic.id_field(self.topic, _id)] = _id
357 return self.db.get_one(self.topic, filter_db)
358 # TODO transform data for SOL005 URL requests
359 # TODO remove _admin if not admin
361 def get_file(self, session, _id, path=None, accept_header=None):
362 """
363 Only implemented for descriptor topics. Return the file content of a descriptor
364 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
365 :param _id: Identity of the item to get content
366 :param path: artifact path or "$DESCRIPTOR" or None
367 :param accept_header: Content of Accept header. Must contain applition/zip or/and text/plain
368 :return: opened file or raises an exception
369 """
370 raise EngineException("Method get_file not valid for this topic", HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
372 def list(self, session, filter_q=None):
373 """
374 Get a list of the topic that matches a filter
375 :param session: contains the used login username and working project
376 :param filter_q: filter of data to be applied
377 :return: The list, it can be empty if no one match the filter.
378 """
379 if not filter_q:
380 filter_q = {}
381 if self.multiproject:
382 filter_q.update(self._get_project_filter(session))
384 # TODO transform data for SOL005 URL requests. Transform filtering
385 # TODO implement "field-type" query string SOL005
386 return self.db.get_list(self.topic, filter_q)
388 def new(self, rollback, session, indata=None, kwargs=None, headers=None):
389 """
390 Creates a new entry into database.
391 :param rollback: list to append created items at database in case a rollback may to be done
392 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
393 :param indata: data to be inserted
394 :param kwargs: used to override the indata descriptor
395 :param headers: http request headers
396 :return: _id, op_id:
397 _id: identity of the inserted data.
398 op_id: operation id if this is asynchronous, None otherwise
399 """
400 try:
401 if self.multiproject:
402 self.check_quota(session)
404 content = self._remove_envelop(indata)
406 # Override descriptor with query string kwargs
407 self._update_input_with_kwargs(content, kwargs)
408 content = self._validate_input_new(content, force=session["force"])
409 self.check_conflict_on_new(session, content)
410 op_id = self.format_on_new(content, project_id=session["project_id"], make_public=session["public"])
411 _id = self.db.create(self.topic, content)
412 rollback.append({"topic": self.topic, "_id": _id})
413 if op_id:
414 content["op_id"] = op_id
415 self._send_msg("created", content)
416 return _id, op_id
417 except ValidationError as e:
418 raise EngineException(e, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
420 def upload_content(self, session, _id, indata, kwargs, headers):
421 """
422 Only implemented for descriptor topics. Used for receiving content by chunks (with a transaction_id header
423 and/or gzip file. It will store and extract)
424 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
425 :param _id : the database id of entry to be updated
426 :param indata: http body request
427 :param kwargs: user query string to override parameters. NOT USED
428 :param headers: http request headers
429 :return: True package has is completely uploaded or False if partial content has been uplodaed.
430 Raise exception on error
431 """
432 raise EngineException("Method upload_content not valid for this topic", HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
434 def delete_list(self, session, filter_q=None):
435 """
436 Delete a several entries of a topic. This is for internal usage and test only, not exposed to NBI API
437 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
438 :param filter_q: filter of data to be applied
439 :return: The deleted list, it can be empty if no one match the filter.
440 """
441 # TODO add admin to filter, validate rights
442 if not filter_q:
443 filter_q = {}
444 if self.multiproject:
445 filter_q.update(self._get_project_filter(session))
446 return self.db.del_list(self.topic, filter_q)
448 def delete_extra(self, session, _id, db_content, not_send_msg=None):
449 """
450 Delete other things apart from database entry of a item _id.
451 e.g.: other associated elements at database and other file system storage
452 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
453 :param _id: server internal id
454 :param db_content: The database content of the _id. It is already deleted when reached this method, but the
455 content is needed in same cases
456 :param not_send_msg: To not send message (False) or store content (list) instead
457 :return: None if ok or raises EngineException with the problem
458 """
459 pass
461 def delete(self, session, _id, dry_run=False, not_send_msg=None):
462 """
463 Delete item by its internal _id
464 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
465 :param _id: server internal id
466 :param dry_run: make checking but do not delete
467 :param not_send_msg: To not send message (False) or store content (list) instead
468 :return: operation id (None if there is not operation), raise exception if error or not found, conflict, ...
469 """
471 # To allow addressing projects and users by name AS WELL AS by _id
472 if not self.multiproject:
473 filter_q = {}
474 else:
475 filter_q = self._get_project_filter(session)
476 filter_q[self.id_field(self.topic, _id)] = _id
477 item_content = self.db.get_one(self.topic, filter_q)
479 self.check_conflict_on_del(session, _id, item_content)
480 if dry_run:
481 return None
483 if self.multiproject and session["project_id"]:
484 # remove reference from project_read if there are more projects referencing it. If it last one,
485 # do not remove reference, but delete
486 other_projects_referencing = next((p for p in item_content["_admin"]["projects_read"]
487 if p not in session["project_id"]), None)
489 # check if there are projects referencing it (apart from ANY, that means, public)....
490 if other_projects_referencing:
491 # remove references but not delete
492 update_dict_pull = {"_admin.projects_read.{}".format(p): None for p in session["project_id"]}
493 update_dict_pull.update({"_admin.projects_write.{}".format(p): None for p in session["project_id"]})
494 self.db.set_one(self.topic, filter_q, update_dict=None, pull=update_dict_pull)
495 return None
496 else:
497 can_write = next((p for p in item_content["_admin"]["projects_write"] if p == "ANY" or
498 p in session["project_id"]), None)
499 if not can_write:
500 raise EngineException("You have not write permission to delete it",
501 http_code=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
503 # delete
504 self.db.del_one(self.topic, filter_q)
505 self.delete_extra(session, _id, item_content, not_send_msg=not_send_msg)
506 self._send_msg("deleted", {"_id": _id}, not_send_msg=not_send_msg)
507 return None
509 def edit(self, session, _id, indata=None, kwargs=None, content=None):
510 """
511 Change the content of an item
512 :param session: contains "username", "admin", "force", "public", "project_id", "set_project"
513 :param _id: server internal id
514 :param indata: contains the changes to apply
515 :param kwargs: modifies indata
516 :param content: original content of the item
517 :return: op_id: operation id if this is processed asynchronously, None otherwise
518 """
519 indata = self._remove_envelop(indata)
521 # Override descriptor with query string kwargs
522 if kwargs:
523 self._update_input_with_kwargs(indata, kwargs)
524 try:
525 if indata and session.get("set_project"):
526 raise EngineException("Cannot edit content and set to project (query string SET_PROJECT) at same time",
528 indata = self._validate_input_edit(indata, force=session["force"])
530 # TODO self._check_edition(session, indata, _id, force)
531 if not content:
532 content =, _id)
533 deep_update_rfc7396(content, indata)
535 # To allow project addressing by name AS WELL AS _id. Get the _id, just in case the provided one is a name
536 _id = content.get("_id") or _id
538 self.check_conflict_on_edit(session, content, indata, _id=_id)
539 op_id = self.format_on_edit(content, indata)
541 self.db.replace(self.topic, _id, content)
543 indata.pop("_admin", None)
544 if op_id:
545 indata["op_id"] = op_id
546 indata["_id"] = _id
547 self._send_msg("edited", indata)
548 return op_id
549 except ValidationError as e:
550 raise EngineException(e, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)