fix bug 874. Adding mapping between descriptor elements and n2vc name at config initi...
[osm/LCM.git] / osm_lcm / tests /
1 #
2 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
3 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
4 # a copy of the License at
5 #
6 #
7 #
8 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
11 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
12 # under the License.
13 #
14 # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
15 # contact: or
16 ##
19 import asynctest # pip3 install asynctest --user
20 import asyncio
21 import yaml
22 # import logging
23 from os import getenv
24 from osm_lcm.ns import NsLcm
25 from osm_common.dbmongo import DbMongo
26 from osm_common.msgkafka import MsgKafka
27 from osm_common.fslocal import FsLocal
28 from osm_lcm.lcm_utils import TaskRegistry
29 from n2vc.vnf import N2VC
30 from uuid import uuid4
32 from osm_lcm.tests import test_db_descriptors as descriptors
34 __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <>"
36 """ Perform unittests using asynctest of osm_lcm.ns module
37 It allows, if some testing ENV are supplied, testing without mocking some external libraries for debugging:
38 OSMLCMTEST_NS_PUBKEY: public ssh-key returned by N2VC to inject to VMs
39 OSMLCMTEST_NS_NAME: change name of NS
40 OSMLCMTEST_PACKAGES_PATH: path where the vnf-packages are stored (de-compressed), each one on a 'vnfd_id' folder
41 OSMLCMTEST_NS_IPADDRESS: IP address where emulated VMs are reached. Comma separate list
42 OSMLCMTEST_RO_VIMID: VIM id of RO target vim IP. Obtain it with openmano datcenter-list on RO container
43 OSMLCMTEST_VCA_NOMOCK: Do no mock the VCA, N2VC library, for debugging it
44 OSMLCMTEST_RO_NOMOCK: Do no mock the ROClient library, for debugging it
45 OSMLCMTEST_DB_NOMOCK: Do no mock the database library, for debugging it
46 OSMLCMTEST_FS_NOMOCK: Do no mock the File Storage library, for debugging it
47 OSMLCMTEST_LOGGING_NOMOCK: Do no mock the logging
48 OSMLCM_VCA_XXX: configuration of N2VC
49 OSMLCM_RO_XXX: configuration of RO
50 """
53 vca_config = { # TODO replace with os.get_env to get other configurations
54 "host": getenv("OSMLCM_VCA_HOST", "vca"),
55 "port": getenv("OSMLCM_VCA_PORT", 17070),
56 "user": getenv("OSMLCM_VCA_USER", "admin"),
57 "secret": getenv("OSMLCM_VCA_SECRET", "vca"),
58 "pubkey": getenv("OSMLCM_VCA_PUBKEY", None),
59 'cacert': getenv("OSMLCM_VCA_CACERT", None)
60 }
62 ro_config = {
63 "endpoint_url": "http://{}:{}/openmano".format(getenv("OSMLCM_RO_HOST", "ro"), getenv("OSMLCM_RO_PORT", "9090")),
64 "tenant": getenv("OSMLCM_RO_TENANT", "osm"),
65 "logger_name": "lcm.ROclient",
66 "loglevel": "DEBUG",
67 }
70 class TestMyNS(asynctest.TestCase):
72 def _db_get_one(self, table, q_filter=None, fail_on_empty=True, fail_on_more=True):
73 if table not in self.db_content:
74 self.assertTrue(False, "db.get_one called with table={}".format(table))
75 for db_item in self.db_content[table]:
76 if db_item["_id"] == q_filter["_id"]:
77 return db_item
78 else:
79 self.assertTrue(False, "db.get_one, table={}, not found _id={}".format(table, q_filter["_id"]))
81 def _db_get_list(self, table, q_filter=None):
82 if table not in self.db_content:
83 self.assertTrue(False, "db.get_list called with table={} not found".format(table))
84 return self.db_content[table]
86 def _db_set_one(self, table, q_filter, update_dict, fail_on_empty=True, unset=None, pull=None, push=None):
87 db_item = self._db_get_one(table, q_filter, fail_on_empty=fail_on_empty)
88 for k, v in update_dict.items():
89 db_nested = db_item
90 k_list = k.split(".")
91 for k_nested in k_list[0:-1]:
92 if isinstance(db_nested, list):
93 db_nested = db_nested[int(k_nested)]
94 else:
95 if k_nested not in db_nested:
96 db_nested[k_nested] = {}
97 db_nested = db_nested[k_nested]
98 k_nested = k_list[-1]
99 if isinstance(db_nested, list):
100 if int(k_nested) < len(db_nested):
101 db_nested[int(k_nested)] = v
102 else:
103 db_nested.insert(int(k_nested), v)
104 else:
105 db_nested[k_nested] = v
107 async def _n2vc_DeployCharms(self, model_name, application_name, vnfd, charm_path, params={}, machine_spec={},
108 callback=None, *callback_args):
109 if callback:
110 for status, message in (("maintenance", "installing sofwware"), ("active", "Ready!")):
111 # call callback after some time
112 asyncio.sleep(5, loop=self.loop)
113 callback(model_name, application_name, status, message, *callback_args)
115 @staticmethod
116 def _n2vc_FormatApplicationName(*args):
117 num_calls = 0
118 while True:
119 yield "app_name-{}".format(num_calls)
120 num_calls += 1
122 def _n2vc_CreateExecutionEnvironment(self, namespace):
123 k_list = namespace.split(".")
124 ee_id = k_list[1] + "."
125 if len(k_list) >= 2:
126 for k in k_list[2:4]:
127 ee_id += k[:8]
128 else:
129 ee_id += "_NS_"
130 return ee_id
132 def _ro_show(self, *args, **kwargs):
133 ro_ns_desc = yaml.load(descriptors.db_ro_ns_text, Loader=yaml.Loader)
135 # if ip address provided, replace descriptor
136 ip_addresses = getenv("OSMLCMTEST_NS_IPADDRESS", "")
137 if ip_addresses:
138 ip_addresses_list = ip_addresses.split(",")
139 for vnf in ro_ns_desc["vnfs"]:
140 if not ip_addresses_list:
141 break
142 vnf["ip_address"] = ip_addresses_list[0]
143 for vm in vnf["vms"]:
144 if not ip_addresses_list:
145 break
146 vm["ip_address"] = ip_addresses_list.pop(0)
148 while True:
149 yield ro_ns_desc
150 for net in ro_ns_desc["nets"]:
151 if net["status"] != "ACTIVE":
152 net["status"] = "ACTIVE"
153 break
154 else:
155 for vnf in ro_ns_desc["vnfs"]:
156 for vm in vnf["vms"]:
157 if vm["status"] != "ACTIVE":
158 vm["status"] = "ACTIVE"
159 break
161 def _ro_create(self, *args, **kwargs):
162 while True:
163 yield {"uuid": str(uuid4())}
165 def _return_uuid(self, *args, **kwargs):
166 return str(uuid4())
168 async def setUp(self):
169 # Mock DB
170 if not getenv("OSMLCMTEST_DB_NOMOCK"):
171 self.db = asynctest.Mock(DbMongo())
172 self.db.get_one.side_effect = self._db_get_one
173 self.db.get_list.side_effect = self._db_get_list
174 self.db.set_one.side_effect = self._db_set_one
175 self.db_content = {
176 "nsrs": yaml.load(descriptors.db_nsrs_text, Loader=yaml.Loader),
177 "nslcmops": yaml.load(descriptors.db_nslcmops_text, Loader=yaml.Loader),
178 "vnfrs": yaml.load(descriptors.db_vnfrs_text, Loader=yaml.Loader),
179 "vnfds": yaml.load(descriptors.db_vnfds_text, Loader=yaml.Loader),
180 "vim_accounts": yaml.load(descriptors.db_vim_accounts_text, Loader=yaml.Loader),
181 }
182 self.db_vim_accounts = yaml.load(descriptors.db_vim_accounts_text, Loader=yaml.Loader)
184 # Mock kafka
185 self.msg = asynctest.Mock(MsgKafka())
187 # Mock filesystem
188 if not getenv("OSMLCMTEST_FS_NOMOCK"):
189 self.fs = asynctest.Mock(FsLocal())
190 self.fs.get_params.return_value = {"path": getenv("OSMLCMTEST_PACKAGES_PATH", "./test/temp/packages")}
191 self.fs.file_open = asynctest.mock_open()
192 # self.fs.file_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value = asynctest.MagicMock() # called on a python "with"
193 # = "" # empty file
195 # Mock TaskRegistry
196 self.lcm_tasks = asynctest.Mock(TaskRegistry())
197 self.lcm_tasks.lock_HA.return_value = True
198 self.lcm_tasks.waitfor_related_HA.return_value = None
199 self.lcm_tasks.lookfor_related.return_value = ("", [])
201 # Create NsLCM class
202 self.my_ns = NsLcm(self.db, self.msg, self.fs, self.lcm_tasks, ro_config, vca_config, self.loop)
204 # Mock logging
205 if not getenv("OSMLCMTEST_LOGGING_NOMOCK"):
206 self.my_ns.logger = asynctest.Mock(self.my_ns.logger)
208 # Mock VCA - N2VC
209 if not getenv("OSMLCMTEST_VCA_NOMOCK"):
210 pub_key = getenv("OSMLCMTEST_NS_PUBKEY", "ssh-rsa test-pub-key")
211 self.my_ns.n2vc = asynctest.Mock(N2VC())
212 self.my_ns.n2vc.GetPublicKey.return_value = getenv("OSMLCM_VCA_PUBKEY", "public_key")
213 # allow several versions of n2vc
214 self.my_ns.n2vc.FormatApplicationName = asynctest.Mock(side_effect=self._n2vc_FormatApplicationName())
215 self.my_ns.n2vc.DeployCharms = asynctest.CoroutineMock(side_effect=self._n2vc_DeployCharms)
216 self.my_ns.n2vc.CreateExecutionEnvironment = asynctest.CoroutineMock(
217 side_effect=self._n2vc_CreateExecutionEnvironment)
218 self.my_ns.n2vc.InstallConfigurationSW = asynctest.CoroutineMock(return_value=pub_key)
219 self.my_ns.n2vc.ExecutePrimitive = asynctest.CoroutineMock(side_effect=self._return_uuid)
220 self.my_ns.n2vc.GetPrimitiveStatus = asynctest.CoroutineMock(return_value="completed")
221 self.my_ns.n2vc.GetPrimitiveOutput = asynctest.CoroutineMock(return_value={"result": "ok",
222 "pubkey": pub_key})
224 # Mock RO
225 if not getenv("OSMLCMTEST_RO_NOMOCK"):
226 # self.my_ns.RO = asynctest.Mock(ROclient.ROClient(self.loop, **ro_config))
227 # TODO first time should be empty list, following should return a dict
228 self.my_ns.RO.get_list = asynctest.CoroutineMock(self.my_ns.RO.get_list, return_value=[])
229 self.my_ns.RO.create = asynctest.CoroutineMock(self.my_ns.RO.create, side_effect=self._ro_create())
230 = asynctest.CoroutineMock(, side_effect=self._ro_show())
231 self.my_ns.RO.create_action = asynctest.CoroutineMock(self.my_ns.RO.create_action)
233 @asynctest.fail_on(active_handles=True) # all async tasks must be completed
234 async def test_instantiate(self):
235 nsr_id = self.db_content["nsrs"][0]["_id"]
236 nslcmop_id = self.db_content["nslcmops"][0]["_id"]
237 print("Test instantiate started")
239 # delete deployed information of database
240 if not getenv("OSMLCMTEST_DB_NOMOCK"):
241 if self.db_content["nsrs"][0]["_admin"].get("deployed"):
242 del self.db_content["nsrs"][0]["_admin"]["deployed"]
243 for db_vnfr in self.db_content["vnfrs"]:
244 db_vnfr.pop("ip_address", None)
245 for db_vdur in db_vnfr["vdur"]:
246 db_vdur.pop("ip_address", None)
247 db_vdur.pop("mac_address", None)
248 if getenv("OSMLCMTEST_RO_VIMID"):
249 self.db_content["vim_accounts"][0]["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"] = getenv("OSMLCMTEST_RO_VIMID")
250 if getenv("OSMLCMTEST_RO_VIMID"):
251 self.db_content["nsrs"][0]["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"] = getenv("OSMLCMTEST_RO_VIMID")
253 await self.my_ns.instantiate(nsr_id, nslcmop_id)
255 print("instantiate_result: {}".format(self._db_get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id}).get("detailed-status")))
257 self.msg.aiowrite.assert_called_once_with("ns", "instantiated",
258 {"nsr_id": nsr_id, "nslcmop_id": nslcmop_id,
259 "operationState": "COMPLETED"},
260 loop=self.loop)
261 self.lcm_tasks.lock_HA.assert_called_once_with('ns', 'nslcmops', nslcmop_id)
262 if not getenv("OSMLCMTEST_LOGGING_NOMOCK"):
263 self.assertTrue(self.my_ns.logger.debug.called, "Debug method not called")
264 self.my_ns.logger.error.assert_not_called()
265 self.my_ns.logger.exception().assert_not_called()
267 if not getenv("OSMLCMTEST_DB_NOMOCK"):
268 self.assertTrue(self.db.set_one.called, "db.set_one not called")
270 # TODO add more checks of called methods
271 # TODO add a terminate
273 def test_ns_params_2_RO(self):
274 vim = self._db_get_list("vim_accounts")[0]
275 vim_id = vim["_id"]
276 ro_vim_id = vim["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]
277 ns_params = {"vimAccountId": vim_id}
278 mgmt_interface = {"cp": "cp"}
279 vdu = [{"id": "vdu_id", "interface": [{"external-connection-point-ref": "cp"}]}]
280 vnfd_dict = {
281 "1": {"vdu": vdu, "mgmt-interface": mgmt_interface},
282 "2": {"vdu": vdu, "mgmt-interface": mgmt_interface, "vnf-configuration": None},
283 "3": {"vdu": vdu, "mgmt-interface": mgmt_interface, "vnf-configuration": {"config-access": None}},
284 "4": {"vdu": vdu, "mgmt-interface": mgmt_interface,
285 "vnf-configuration": {"config-access": {"ssh-access": None}}},
286 "5": {"vdu": vdu, "mgmt-interface": mgmt_interface,
287 "vnf-configuration": {"config-access": {"ssh-access": {"required": True, "default_user": "U"}}}},
288 }
289 nsd = {"constituent-vnfd": []}
290 for k in vnfd_dict.keys():
291 nsd["constituent-vnfd"].append({"vnfd-id-ref": k, "member-vnf-index": k})
293 n2vc_key_list = ["key"]
294 ro_ns_params = self.my_ns.ns_params_2_RO(ns_params, nsd, vnfd_dict, n2vc_key_list)
295 ro_params_expected = {'wim_account': None, "datacenter": ro_vim_id,
296 "vnfs": {"5": {"vdus": {"vdu_id": {"mgmt_keys": n2vc_key_list}}}}}
297 self.assertEqual(ro_ns_params, ro_params_expected)
299 # Test scale() and related methods
300 @asynctest.fail_on(active_handles=True) # all async tasks must be completed
301 async def test_scale(self):
302 # print("Test scale started")
304 # TODO: Add more higher-lever tests here, for example:
305 # scale-out/scale-in operations with success/error result
307 # Test scale() with missing 'scaleVnfData', should return operationState = 'FAILED'
308 nsr_id = self.db_content["nsrs"][0]["_id"]
309 nslcmop_id = self.db_content["nslcmops"][0]["_id"]
310 await self.my_ns.scale(nsr_id, nslcmop_id)
311 expected_value = 'FAILED'
312 return_value = self._db_get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id}).get("operationState")
313 self.assertEqual(return_value, expected_value)
314 # print("scale_result: {}".format(self._db_get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id}).get("detailed-status")))
316 # Test _reintent_or_skip_suboperation()
317 # Expected result:
318 # - if a suboperation's 'operationState' is marked as 'COMPLETED', SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP is expected
319 # - if marked as anything but 'COMPLETED', the suboperation index is expected
320 def test_scale_reintent_or_skip_suboperation(self):
321 # Load an alternative 'nslcmops' YAML for this test
322 self.db_content['nslcmops'] = yaml.load(descriptors.db_nslcmops_scale_text, Loader=yaml.Loader)
323 db_nslcmop = self.db_content['nslcmops'][0]
324 op_index = 2
325 # Test when 'operationState' is 'COMPLETED'
326 db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['operationState'] = 'COMPLETED'
327 return_value = self.my_ns._reintent_or_skip_suboperation(db_nslcmop, op_index)
328 expected_value = self.my_ns.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP
329 self.assertEqual(return_value, expected_value)
330 # Test when 'operationState' is not 'COMPLETED'
331 db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['operationState'] = None
332 return_value = self.my_ns._reintent_or_skip_suboperation(db_nslcmop, op_index)
333 expected_value = op_index
334 self.assertEqual(return_value, expected_value)
336 # Test _find_suboperation()
337 # Expected result: index of the found sub-operation, or SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NOT_FOUND if not found
338 def test_scale_find_suboperation(self):
339 # Load an alternative 'nslcmops' YAML for this test
340 self.db_content['nslcmops'] = yaml.load(descriptors.db_nslcmops_scale_text, Loader=yaml.Loader)
341 db_nslcmop = self.db_content['nslcmops'][0]
342 # Find this sub-operation
343 op_index = 2
344 vnf_index = db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['member_vnf_index']
345 primitive = db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['primitive']
346 primitive_params = db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['primitive_params']
347 match = {
348 'member_vnf_index': vnf_index,
349 'primitive': primitive,
350 'primitive_params': primitive_params,
351 }
352 found_op_index = self.my_ns._find_suboperation(db_nslcmop, match)
353 self.assertEqual(found_op_index, op_index)
354 # Test with not-matching params
355 match = {
356 'member_vnf_index': vnf_index,
357 'primitive': '',
358 'primitive_params': primitive_params,
359 }
360 found_op_index = self.my_ns._find_suboperation(db_nslcmop, match)
361 self.assertEqual(found_op_index, self.my_ns.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NOT_FOUND)
362 # Test with None
363 match = None
364 found_op_index = self.my_ns._find_suboperation(db_nslcmop, match)
365 self.assertEqual(found_op_index, self.my_ns.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NOT_FOUND)
367 # Test _update_suboperation_status()
368 def test_scale_update_suboperation_status(self):
369 db_nslcmop = self.db_content['nslcmops'][0]
370 op_index = 0
371 # Force the initial values to be distinct from the updated ones
372 db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['operationState'] = 'PROCESSING'
373 db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['detailed-status'] = 'In progress'
374 # Test to change 'operationState' and 'detailed-status'
375 operationState = 'COMPLETED'
376 detailed_status = 'Done'
377 self.my_ns._update_suboperation_status(
378 db_nslcmop, op_index, operationState, detailed_status)
379 operationState_new = db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['operationState']
380 detailed_status_new = db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['detailed-status']
381 # print("DEBUG: operationState_new={}, detailed_status_new={}".format(operationState_new, detailed_status_new))
382 self.assertEqual(operationState, operationState_new)
383 self.assertEqual(detailed_status, detailed_status_new)
385 # Test _add_suboperation()
386 def test_scale_add_suboperation(self):
387 db_nslcmop = self.db_content['nslcmops'][0]
388 vnf_index = '1'
389 num_ops_before = len(db_nslcmop.get('_admin', {}).get('operations', [])) - 1
390 vdu_id = None
391 vdu_count_index = None
392 vdu_name = None
393 primitive = 'touch'
394 mapped_primitive_params = {'parameter':
395 [{'data-type': 'STRING',
396 'name': 'filename',
397 'default-value': '<touch_filename2>'}],
398 'name': 'touch'}
399 operationState = 'PROCESSING'
400 detailed_status = 'In progress'
401 operationType = 'PRE-SCALE'
402 # Add a 'pre-scale' suboperation
403 op_index_after = self.my_ns._add_suboperation(db_nslcmop, vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_count_index,
404 vdu_name, primitive, mapped_primitive_params,
405 operationState, detailed_status, operationType)
406 self.assertEqual(op_index_after, num_ops_before + 1)
408 # Delete all suboperations and add the same operation again
409 del db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations']
410 op_index_zero = self.my_ns._add_suboperation(db_nslcmop, vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_count_index,
411 vdu_name, primitive, mapped_primitive_params,
412 operationState, detailed_status, operationType)
413 self.assertEqual(op_index_zero, 0)
415 # Add a 'RO' suboperation
416 RO_nsr_id = '1234567890'
417 RO_scaling_info = [{'type': 'create', 'count': 1, 'member-vnf-index': '1', 'osm_vdu_id': 'dataVM'}]
418 op_index = self.my_ns._add_suboperation(db_nslcmop, vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_count_index,
419 vdu_name, primitive, mapped_primitive_params,
420 operationState, detailed_status, operationType,
421 RO_nsr_id, RO_scaling_info)
422 db_RO_nsr_id = db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['RO_nsr_id']
423 self.assertEqual(op_index, 1)
424 self.assertEqual(RO_nsr_id, db_RO_nsr_id)
426 # Try to add an invalid suboperation, should return SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NOT_FOUND
427 op_index_invalid = self.my_ns._add_suboperation(None, None, None, None, None,
428 None, None, None,
429 None, None, None)
430 self.assertEqual(op_index_invalid, self.my_ns.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NOT_FOUND)
432 # Test _check_or_add_scale_suboperation() and _check_or_add_scale_suboperation_RO()
433 # check the possible return values:
434 # - SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NEW: This is a new sub-operation
435 # - op_index (non-negative number): This is an existing sub-operation, operationState != 'COMPLETED'
436 # - SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP: This is an existing sub-operation, operationState == 'COMPLETED'
437 def test_scale_check_or_add_scale_suboperation(self):
438 db_nslcmop = self.db_content['nslcmops'][0]
439 operationType = 'PRE-SCALE'
440 vnf_index = '1'
441 primitive = 'touch'
442 primitive_params = {'parameter':
443 [{'data-type': 'STRING',
444 'name': 'filename',
445 'default-value': '<touch_filename2>'}],
446 'name': 'touch'}
448 # Delete all sub-operations to be sure this is a new sub-operation
449 del db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations']
451 # Add a new sub-operation
452 # For new sub-operations, operationState is set to 'PROCESSING' by default
453 op_index_new = self.my_ns._check_or_add_scale_suboperation(
454 db_nslcmop, vnf_index, primitive, primitive_params, operationType)
455 self.assertEqual(op_index_new, self.my_ns.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NEW)
457 # Use the same parameters again to match the already added sub-operation
458 # which has status 'PROCESSING' (!= 'COMPLETED') by default
459 # The expected return value is a non-negative number
460 op_index_existing = self.my_ns._check_or_add_scale_suboperation(
461 db_nslcmop, vnf_index, primitive, primitive_params, operationType)
462 self.assertTrue(op_index_existing >= 0)
464 # Change operationState 'manually' for this sub-operation
465 db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index_existing]['operationState'] = 'COMPLETED'
466 # Then use the same parameters again to match the already added sub-operation,
467 # which now has status 'COMPLETED'
468 # The expected return value is SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP
469 op_index_skip = self.my_ns._check_or_add_scale_suboperation(
470 db_nslcmop, vnf_index, primitive, primitive_params, operationType)
471 self.assertEqual(op_index_skip, self.my_ns.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP)
473 # RO sub-operation test:
474 # Repeat tests for the very similar _check_or_add_scale_suboperation_RO(),
475 RO_nsr_id = '1234567890'
476 RO_scaling_info = [{'type': 'create', 'count': 1, 'member-vnf-index': '1', 'osm_vdu_id': 'dataVM'}]
477 op_index_new_RO = self.my_ns._check_or_add_scale_suboperation(
478 db_nslcmop, vnf_index, None, None, 'SCALE-RO', RO_nsr_id, RO_scaling_info)
479 self.assertEqual(op_index_new_RO, self.my_ns.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NEW)
481 # Use the same parameters again to match the already added RO sub-operation
482 op_index_existing_RO = self.my_ns._check_or_add_scale_suboperation(
483 db_nslcmop, vnf_index, None, None, 'SCALE-RO', RO_nsr_id, RO_scaling_info)
484 self.assertTrue(op_index_existing_RO >= 0)
486 # Change operationState 'manually' for this RO sub-operation
487 db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index_existing_RO]['operationState'] = 'COMPLETED'
488 # Then use the same parameters again to match the already added sub-operation,
489 # which now has status 'COMPLETED'
490 # The expected return value is SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP
491 op_index_skip_RO = self.my_ns._check_or_add_scale_suboperation(
492 db_nslcmop, vnf_index, None, None, 'SCALE-RO', RO_nsr_id, RO_scaling_info)
493 self.assertEqual(op_index_skip_RO, self.my_ns.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP)
496 if __name__ == '__main__':
497 asynctest.main()