Added XDG_CACHE_HOME env variable to jenkins tox env
[osm/common.git] / osm_common /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 #
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
16 import asyncio
17 import logging
19 from aiokafka import AIOKafkaConsumer
20 from aiokafka import AIOKafkaProducer
21 from aiokafka.errors import KafkaError
22 from osm_common.msgbase import MsgBase, MsgException
23 import yaml
25 __author__ = (
26 "Alfonso Tierno <>, "
27 "Guillermo Calvino <>"
28 )
31 class MsgKafka(MsgBase):
32 def __init__(self, logger_name="msg", lock=False):
33 super().__init__(logger_name, lock)
34 = None
35 self.port = None
36 self.consumer = None
37 self.producer = None
38 self.loop = None
39 = None
40 self.group_id = None
42 def connect(self, config):
43 try:
44 if "logger_name" in config:
45 self.logger = logging.getLogger(config["logger_name"])
46 = config["host"]
47 self.port = config["port"]
48 self.loop = config.get("loop") or asyncio.get_event_loop()
49 = str( + ":" + str(self.port)
50 self.group_id = config.get("group_id")
52 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
53 raise MsgException(str(e))
55 def disconnect(self):
56 try:
57 pass
58 # self.loop.close()
59 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
60 raise MsgException(str(e))
62 def write(self, topic, key, msg):
63 """
64 Write a message at kafka bus
65 :param topic: message topic, must be string
66 :param key: message key, must be string
67 :param msg: message content, can be string or dictionary
68 :return: None or raises MsgException on failing
69 """
70 retry = 2 # Try two times
71 while retry:
72 try:
73 self.loop.run_until_complete(
74 self.aiowrite(topic=topic, key=key, msg=msg)
75 )
76 break
77 except Exception as e:
78 retry -= 1
79 if retry == 0:
80 raise MsgException(
81 "Error writing {} topic: {}".format(topic, str(e))
82 )
84 def read(self, topic):
85 """
86 Read from one or several topics.
87 :param topic: can be str: single topic; or str list: several topics
88 :return: topic, key, message; or None
89 """
90 try:
91 return self.loop.run_until_complete(self.aioread(topic, self.loop))
92 except MsgException:
93 raise
94 except Exception as e:
95 raise MsgException("Error reading {} topic: {}".format(topic, str(e)))
97 async def aiowrite(self, topic, key, msg, loop=None):
98 """
99 Asyncio write
100 :param topic: str kafka topic
101 :param key: str kafka key
102 :param msg: str or dictionary kafka message
103 :param loop: asyncio loop. To be DEPRECATED! in near future!!! loop must be provided inside config at connect
104 :return: None
105 """
107 if not loop:
108 loop = self.loop
109 try:
110 self.producer = AIOKafkaProducer(
111 loop=loop,
112 key_serializer=str.encode,
113 value_serializer=str.encode,
115 )
116 await self.producer.start()
117 await self.producer.send(
118 topic=topic, key=key, value=yaml.safe_dump(msg, default_flow_style=True)
119 )
120 except Exception as e:
121 raise MsgException(
122 "Error publishing topic '{}', key '{}': {}".format(topic, key, e)
123 )
124 finally:
125 await self.producer.stop()
127 async def aioread(
128 self,
129 topic,
130 loop=None,
131 callback=None,
132 aiocallback=None,
133 group_id=None,
134 from_beginning=None,
135 **kwargs
136 ):
137 """
138 Asyncio read from one or several topics.
139 :param topic: can be str: single topic; or str list: several topics
140 :param loop: asyncio loop. To be DEPRECATED! in near future!!! loop must be provided inside config at connect
141 :param callback: synchronous callback function that will handle the message in kafka bus
142 :param aiocallback: async callback function that will handle the message in kafka bus
143 :param group_id: kafka group_id to use. Can be False (set group_id to None), None (use general group_id provided
144 at connect inside config), or a group_id string
145 :param from_beginning: if True, messages will be obtained from beginning instead of only new ones.
146 If group_id is supplied, only the not processed messages by other worker are obtained.
147 If group_id is None, all messages stored at kafka are obtained.
148 :param kwargs: optional keyword arguments for callback function
149 :return: If no callback defined, it returns (topic, key, message)
150 """
152 if not loop:
153 loop = self.loop
154 if group_id is False:
155 group_id = None
156 elif group_id is None:
157 group_id = self.group_id
158 try:
159 if isinstance(topic, (list, tuple)):
160 topic_list = topic
161 else:
162 topic_list = (topic,)
163 self.consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer(
164 loop=loop,
166 group_id=group_id,
167 auto_offset_reset="earliest" if from_beginning else "latest",
168 )
169 await self.consumer.start()
170 self.consumer.subscribe(topic_list)
172 async for message in self.consumer:
173 if callback:
174 callback(
175 message.topic,
176 yaml.safe_load(message.key),
177 yaml.safe_load(message.value),
178 **kwargs
179 )
180 elif aiocallback:
181 await aiocallback(
182 message.topic,
183 yaml.safe_load(message.key),
184 yaml.safe_load(message.value),
185 **kwargs
186 )
187 else:
188 return (
189 message.topic,
190 yaml.safe_load(message.key),
191 yaml.safe_load(message.value),
192 )
193 except KafkaError as e:
194 raise MsgException(str(e))
195 finally:
196 await self.consumer.stop()