added some documentation
[osm/common.git] / osm_common /
2 import logging
3 from pymongo import MongoClient, errors
4 from osm_common.dbbase import DbException, DbBase
5 from http import HTTPStatus
6 from time import time, sleep
7 from copy import deepcopy
9 __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <>"
11 # TODO consider use this decorator for database access retries
12 # @retry_mongocall
13 # def retry_mongocall(call):
14 # def _retry_mongocall(*args, **kwargs):
15 # retry = 1
16 # while True:
17 # try:
18 # return call(*args, **kwargs)
19 # except pymongo.AutoReconnect as e:
20 # if retry == 4:
21 # raise DbException(str(e))
22 # sleep(retry)
23 # return _retry_mongocall
26 def deep_update(to_update, update_with):
27 """
28 Update 'to_update' dict with the content 'update_with' dict recursively
29 :param to_update: must be a dictionary to be modified
30 :param update_with: must be a dictionary. It is not changed
31 :return: to_update
32 """
33 for key in update_with:
34 if key in to_update:
35 if isinstance(to_update[key], dict) and isinstance(update_with[key], dict):
36 deep_update(to_update[key], update_with[key])
37 continue
38 to_update[key] = deepcopy(update_with[key])
39 return to_update
42 class DbMongo(DbBase):
43 conn_initial_timout = 120
44 conn_timout = 10
46 def __init__(self, logger_name='db'):
47 self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
49 def db_connect(self, config):
50 try:
51 if "logger_name" in config:
52 self.logger = logging.getLogger(config["logger_name"])
53 self.client = MongoClient(config["host"], config["port"])
54 self.db = self.client[config["name"]]
55 if "loglevel" in config:
56 self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, config['loglevel']))
57 # get data to try a connection
58 now = time()
59 while True:
60 try:
61 self.db.users.find_one({"username": "admin"})
62 return
63 except errors.ConnectionFailure as e:
64 if time() - now >= self.conn_initial_timout:
65 raise
66"Waiting to database up {}".format(e))
67 sleep(2)
68 except errors.PyMongoError as e:
69 raise DbException(str(e))
71 def db_disconnect(self):
72 pass # TODO
74 @staticmethod
75 def _format_filter(q_filter):
76 """
77 Translate query string filter into mongo database filter
78 :param q_filter: Query string content. Follows SOL005 section 4.3.2 guidelines, with the follow extensions and
79 differences:
80 It accept ".nq" (not equal) in addition to ".neq".
81 For arrays you can specify index (concrete index must match), nothing (any index may match) or 'ANYINDEX'
82 (two or more matches applies for the same array element). Examples:
83 with database register: {A: [{B: 1, C: 2}, {B: 6, C: 9}]}
84 query 'A.B=6' matches because array A contains one element with B equal to 6
85 query 'A.0.B=6' does no match because index 0 of array A contains B with value 1, but not 6
86 query 'A.B=6&A.C=2' matches because one element of array matches B=6 and other matchesC=2
87 query 'A.ANYINDEX.B=6&A.ANYINDEX.C=2' does not match because it is needed the same element of the
88 array matching both
90 Examples of translations from SOL005 to >> mongo # comment
91 A=B; A.eq=B >> A: B # must contain key A and equal to B or be a list that contains B
92 A.cont=B >> A: B
93 A=B&A=C; A=B,C >> A: {$in: [B, C]} # must contain key A and equal to B or C or be a list that contains
94 # B or C
95 A.cont=B&A.cont=C; A.cont=B,C >> A: {$in: [B, C]}
96 A.ncont=B >> A: {$nin: B} # must not contain key A or if present not equal to B or if a list,
97 # it must not not contain B
98 A.ncont=B,C; A.ncont=B&A.ncont=C >> A: {$nin: [B,C]} # must not contain key A or if present not equal
99 # neither B nor C; or if a list, it must not contain neither B nor C
100;,C >> A: {$nin: [B, C]}
101 >> A: {$gt: B} # must contain key A and greater than B
102; A.neq=B >> A: {$ne: B} # must not contain key A or if present not equal to B, or if
103 # an array not contain B
104 A.ANYINDEX.B=C >> A: {$elemMatch: {B=C}
105 :return: database mongo filter
106 """
107 try:
108 db_filter = {}
109 for query_k, query_v in q_filter.items():
110 dot_index = query_k.rfind(".")
111 if dot_index > 1 and query_k[dot_index+1:] in ("eq", "ne", "gt", "gte", "lt", "lte", "cont",
112 "ncont", "neq"):
113 operator = "$" + query_k[dot_index + 1:]
114 if operator == "$neq":
115 operator = "$ne"
116 k = query_k[:dot_index]
117 else:
118 operator = "$eq"
119 k = query_k
121 v = query_v
122 if isinstance(v, list):
123 if operator in ("$eq", "$cont"):
124 operator = "$in"
125 v = query_v
126 elif operator in ("$ne", "$ncont"):
127 operator = "$nin"
128 v = query_v
129 else:
130 v = query_v.join(",")
132 if operator in ("$eq", "$cont"):
133 # v cannot be a comma separated list, because operator would have been changed to $in
134 db_v = v
135 elif operator == "$ncount":
136 # v cannot be a comma separated list, because operator would have been changed to $nin
137 db_v = {"$ne": v}
138 else:
139 db_v = {operator: v}
141 # process the ANYINDEX word at k.
142 kleft, _, kright = k.rpartition(".ANYINDEX.")
143 while kleft:
144 k = kleft
145 db_v = {"$elemMatch": {kright: db_v}}
146 kleft, _, kright = k.rpartition(".ANYINDEX.")
148 # insert in db_filter
149 # maybe db_filter[k] exist. e.g. in the query string for values between 5 and 8: ""
150 deep_update(db_filter, {k: db_v})
152 return db_filter
153 except Exception as e:
154 raise DbException("Invalid query string filter at {}:{}. Error: {}".format(query_k, v, e),
155 http_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
157 def get_list(self, table, filter={}):
158 try:
159 result = []
160 collection = self.db[table]
161 db_filter = self._format_filter(filter)
162 rows = collection.find(db_filter)
163 for row in rows:
164 result.append(row)
165 return result
166 except DbException:
167 raise
168 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
169 raise DbException(str(e))
171 def get_one(self, table, filter={}, fail_on_empty=True, fail_on_more=True):
172 try:
173 if filter:
174 filter = self._format_filter(filter)
175 collection = self.db[table]
176 if not (fail_on_empty and fail_on_more):
177 return collection.find_one(filter)
178 rows = collection.find(filter)
179 if rows.count() == 0:
180 if fail_on_empty:
181 raise DbException("Not found any {} with filter='{}'".format(table[:-1], filter),
183 return None
184 elif rows.count() > 1:
185 if fail_on_more:
186 raise DbException("Found more than one {} with filter='{}'".format(table[:-1], filter),
188 return rows[0]
189 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
190 raise DbException(str(e))
192 def del_list(self, table, filter={}):
193 try:
194 collection = self.db[table]
195 rows = collection.delete_many(self._format_filter(filter))
196 return {"deleted": rows.deleted_count}
197 except DbException:
198 raise
199 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
200 raise DbException(str(e))
202 def del_one(self, table, filter={}, fail_on_empty=True):
203 try:
204 collection = self.db[table]
205 rows = collection.delete_one(self._format_filter(filter))
206 if rows.deleted_count == 0:
207 if fail_on_empty:
208 raise DbException("Not found any {} with filter='{}'".format(table[:-1], filter),
210 return None
211 return {"deleted": rows.deleted_count}
212 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
213 raise DbException(str(e))
215 def create(self, table, indata):
216 try:
217 collection = self.db[table]
218 data = collection.insert_one(indata)
219 return data.inserted_id
220 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
221 raise DbException(str(e))
223 def set_one(self, table, filter, update_dict, fail_on_empty=True):
224 try:
225 collection = self.db[table]
226 rows = collection.update_one(self._format_filter(filter), {"$set": update_dict})
227 if rows.matched_count == 0:
228 if fail_on_empty:
229 raise DbException("Not found any {} with filter='{}'".format(table[:-1], filter),
231 return None
232 return {"modified": rows.modified_count}
233 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
234 raise DbException(str(e))
236 def replace(self, table, id, indata, fail_on_empty=True):
237 try:
238 _filter = {"_id": id}
239 collection = self.db[table]
240 rows = collection.replace_one(_filter, indata)
241 if rows.matched_count == 0:
242 if fail_on_empty:
243 raise DbException("Not found any {} with filter='{}'".format(table[:-1], _filter),
245 return None
246 return {"replaced": rows.modified_count}
247 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
248 raise DbException(str(e))