Initial import of charm layer to deploy and configure OpenMano
[osm/RO.git] /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 ##
4 # Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
5 # This file is part of openmano
6 # All Rights Reserved.
7 #
8 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
9 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
10 # a copy of the License at
11 #
12 #
13 #
14 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
16 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
17 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
18 # under the License.
19 #
20 # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
21 # contact with:
22 ##
24 '''
25 NFVO engine, implementing all the methods for the creation, deletion and management of vnfs, scenarios and instances
26 '''
27 __author__="Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia, Pablo Montes"
28 __date__ ="$16-sep-2014 22:05:01$"
30 import imp
31 #import json
32 import yaml
33 import utils
34 from db_base import HTTP_Unauthorized, HTTP_Bad_Request, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, HTTP_Not_Found,\
35 HTTP_Conflict, HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed
36 import console_proxy_thread as cli
37 import vimconn
38 import logging
39 import collections
40 from db_base import db_base_Exception
42 global global_config
43 global vimconn_imported
44 global logger
47 vimconn_imported={} #dictionary with VIM type as key, loaded module as value
48 logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.nfvo')
50 class NfvoException(Exception):
51 def __init__(self, message, http_code):
52 self.http_code = http_code
53 Exception.__init__(self, message)
56 def get_flavorlist(mydb, vnf_id, nfvo_tenant=None):
57 '''Obtain flavorList
58 return result, content:
59 <0, error_text upon error
60 nb_records, flavor_list on success
61 '''
62 WHERE_dict={}
63 WHERE_dict['vnf_id'] = vnf_id
64 if nfvo_tenant is not None:
65 WHERE_dict['nfvo_tenant_id'] = nfvo_tenant
67 #result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms join vnfs on vms.vnf_id = vnfs.uuid',SELECT=('uuid'),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
68 #result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms',SELECT=('vim_flavor_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
69 flavors = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms join flavors on vms.flavor_id=flavors.uuid',SELECT=('flavor_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
70 #print "get_flavor_list result:", result
71 #print "get_flavor_list content:", content
72 flavorList=[]
73 for flavor in flavors:
74 flavorList.append(flavor['flavor_id'])
75 return flavorList
77 def get_imagelist(mydb, vnf_id, nfvo_tenant=None):
78 '''Obtain imageList
79 return result, content:
80 <0, error_text upon error
81 nb_records, flavor_list on success
82 '''
83 WHERE_dict={}
84 WHERE_dict['vnf_id'] = vnf_id
85 if nfvo_tenant is not None:
86 WHERE_dict['nfvo_tenant_id'] = nfvo_tenant
88 #result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms join vnfs on vms-vnf_id = vnfs.uuid',SELECT=('uuid'),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
89 images = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms join images on vms.image_id=images.uuid',SELECT=('image_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
90 imageList=[]
91 for image in images:
92 imageList.append(image['image_id'])
93 return imageList
95 def get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=None, datacenter_id=None, datacenter_name=None, datacenter_tenant_id=None,
96 vim_tenant=None, vim_tenant_name=None, vim_user=None, vim_passwd=None):
97 '''Obtain a dictionary of VIM (datacenter) classes with some of the input parameters
98 return dictionary with {datacenter_id: vim_class, ... }. vim_class contain:
99 'nfvo_tenant_id','datacenter_id','vim_tenant_id','vim_url','vim_url_admin','datacenter_name','type','user','passwd'
100 raise exception upon error
101 '''
102 WHERE_dict={}
103 if nfvo_tenant is not None: WHERE_dict['nfvo_tenant_id'] = nfvo_tenant
104 if datacenter_id is not None: WHERE_dict['d.uuid'] = datacenter_id
105 if datacenter_tenant_id is not None: WHERE_dict['datacenter_tenant_id'] = datacenter_tenant_id
106 if datacenter_name is not None: WHERE_dict[''] = datacenter_name
107 if vim_tenant is not None: WHERE_dict['dt.vim_tenant_id'] = vim_tenant
108 if vim_tenant_name is not None: WHERE_dict['vim_tenant_name'] = vim_tenant_name
109 if nfvo_tenant or vim_tenant or vim_tenant_name or datacenter_tenant_id:
110 from_= 'tenants_datacenters as td join datacenters as d on td.datacenter_id=d.uuid join datacenter_tenants as dt on td.datacenter_tenant_id=dt.uuid'
111 select_ = ('type','config','d.uuid as datacenter_id', 'vim_url', 'vim_url_admin', ' as datacenter_name',
112 'dt.uuid as datacenter_tenant_id','dt.vim_tenant_name as vim_tenant_name','dt.vim_tenant_id as vim_tenant_id',
113 'user','passwd')
114 else:
115 from_ = 'datacenters as d'
116 select_ = ('type','config','d.uuid as datacenter_id', 'vim_url', 'vim_url_admin', ' as datacenter_name')
117 try:
118 vims = mydb.get_rows(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_, WHERE=WHERE_dict )
119 vim_dict={}
120 for vim in vims:
121 extra={'datacenter_tenant_id': vim.get('datacenter_tenant_id')}
122 if vim["config"] != None:
123 extra.update(yaml.load(vim["config"]))
124 if vim["type"] not in vimconn_imported:
125 module_info=None
126 try:
127 module = "vimconn_" + vim["type"]
128 module_info = imp.find_module(module)
129 vim_conn = imp.load_module(vim["type"], *module_info)
130 vimconn_imported[vim["type"]] = vim_conn
131 except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
132 if module_info and module_info[0]:
133 file.close(module_info[0])
134 raise NfvoException("Unknown vim type '{}'. Can not open file '{}.py'; {}: {}".format(
135 vim["type"], module, type(e).__name__, str(e)), HTTP_Bad_Request)
137 try:
138 #if not tenant:
139 # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "You must provide a valid tenant name or uuid for VIM %s" % ( vim["type"])
140 vim_dict[ vim['datacenter_id'] ] = vimconn_imported[ vim["type"] ].vimconnector(
141 uuid=vim['datacenter_id'], name=vim['datacenter_name'],
142 tenant_id=vim.get('vim_tenant_id',vim_tenant), tenant_name=vim.get('vim_tenant_name',vim_tenant_name),
143 url=vim['vim_url'], url_admin=vim['vim_url_admin'],
144 user=vim.get('user',vim_user), passwd=vim.get('passwd',vim_passwd),
145 config=extra
146 )
147 except Exception as e:
148 raise NfvoException("Error at VIM {}; {}: {}".format(vim["type"], type(e).__name__, str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
149 return vim_dict
150 except db_base_Exception as e:
151 raise NfvoException(str(e) + " at nfvo.get_vim", e.http_code)
153 def rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list):
154 undeleted_items=[]
155 #delete things by reverse order
156 for i in range(len(rollback_list)-1, -1, -1):
157 item = rollback_list[i]
158 if item["where"]=="vim":
159 if item["vim_id"] not in vims:
160 continue
161 vim=vims[ item["vim_id"] ]
162 try:
163 if item["what"]=="image":
164 vim.delete_image(item["uuid"])
165 mydb.delete_row(FROM="datacenters_images", WHERE={"datacenter_id": vim["id"], "vim_id":item["uuid"]})
166 elif item["what"]=="flavor":
167 vim.delete_flavor(item["uuid"])
168 mydb.delete_row(FROM="datacenters_flavors", WHERE={"datacenter_id": vim["id"], "vim_id":item["uuid"]})
169 elif item["what"]=="network":
170 vim.delete_network(item["uuid"])
171 elif item["what"]=="vm":
172 vim.delete_vminstance(item["uuid"])
173 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
174 logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete VIM %s '%s'. Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
175 undeleted_items.append("{} {} from VIM {}".format(item['what'], item["uuid"], vim["name"]))
176 except db_base_Exception as e:
177 logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete %s '%s' from DB.datacenters Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
179 else: # where==mano
180 try:
181 if item["what"]=="image":
182 mydb.delete_row(FROM="images", WHERE={"uuid": item["uuid"]})
183 elif item["what"]=="flavor":
184 mydb.delete_row(FROM="flavors", WHERE={"uuid": item["uuid"]})
185 except db_base_Exception as e:
186 logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete %s '%s' from DB. Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
187 undeleted_items.append("{} '{}'".format(item['what'], item["uuid"]))
188 if len(undeleted_items)==0:
189 return True," Rollback successful."
190 else:
191 return False," Rollback fails to delete: " + str(undeleted_items)
193 def check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor):
194 global global_config
195 #create a dictionary with vnfc-name: vnfc:interface-list key:values pairs
196 vnfc_interfaces={}
197 for vnfc in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["VNFC"]:
198 name_list = []
199 #dataplane interfaces
200 for numa in vnfc.get("numas",() ):
201 for interface in numa.get("interfaces",()):
202 if interface["name"] in name_list:
203 raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:VNFC[name:'{}']:numas:interfaces:name, interface name '{}' already used in this VNFC"\
204 .format(vnfc["name"], interface["name"]),
205 HTTP_Bad_Request)
206 name_list.append( interface["name"] )
207 #bridge interfaces
208 for interface in vnfc.get("bridge-ifaces",() ):
209 if interface["name"] in name_list:
210 raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:VNFC[name:'{}']:bridge-ifaces:name, interface name '{}' already used in this VNFC"\
211 .format(vnfc["name"], interface["name"]),
212 HTTP_Bad_Request)
213 name_list.append( interface["name"] )
214 vnfc_interfaces[ vnfc["name"] ] = name_list
216 #check if the info in external_connections matches with the one in the vnfcs
217 name_list=[]
218 for external_connection in vnf_descriptor["vnf"].get("external-connections",() ):
219 if external_connection["name"] in name_list:
220 raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:external-connections:name, value '{}' already used as an external-connection"\
221 .format(external_connection["name"]),
222 HTTP_Bad_Request)
223 name_list.append(external_connection["name"])
224 if external_connection["VNFC"] not in vnfc_interfaces:
225 raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:external-connections[name:'{}']:VNFC, value '{}' does not match any VNFC"\
226 .format(external_connection["name"], external_connection["VNFC"]),
227 HTTP_Bad_Request)
229 if external_connection["local_iface_name"] not in vnfc_interfaces[ external_connection["VNFC"] ]:
230 raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:external-connections[name:'{}']:local_iface_name, value '{}' does not match any interface of this VNFC"\
231 .format(external_connection["name"], external_connection["local_iface_name"]),
232 HTTP_Bad_Request )
234 #check if the info in internal_connections matches with the one in the vnfcs
235 name_list=[]
236 for internal_connection in vnf_descriptor["vnf"].get("internal-connections",() ):
237 if internal_connection["name"] in name_list:
238 raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:internal-connections:name, value '%s' already used as an internal-connection"\
239 .format(internal_connection["name"]),
240 HTTP_Bad_Request)
241 name_list.append(internal_connection["name"])
242 #We should check that internal-connections of type "ptp" have only 2 elements
243 if len(internal_connection["elements"])>2 and internal_connection["type"] == "ptp":
244 raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements, size must be 2 for a type:'ptp'"\
245 .format(internal_connection["name"]),
246 HTTP_Bad_Request)
247 for port in internal_connection["elements"]:
248 if port["VNFC"] not in vnfc_interfaces:
249 raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements[]:VNFC, value '{}' does not match any VNFC"\
250 .format(internal_connection["name"], port["VNFC"]),
251 HTTP_Bad_Request)
252 if port["local_iface_name"] not in vnfc_interfaces[ port["VNFC"] ]:
253 raise NfvoException("Error at vnf:internal-connections[name:'{}']:elements[]:local_iface_name, value '{}' does not match any interface of this VNFC"\
254 .format(internal_connection["name"], port["local_iface_name"]),
255 HTTP_Bad_Request)
256 return -HTTP_Bad_Request,
258 def create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error = None):
259 #look if image exist
260 if only_create_at_vim:
261 image_mano_id = image_dict['uuid']
262 if return_on_error == None:
263 return_on_error = True
264 else:
265 if image_dict['location'] is not None:
266 images = mydb.get_rows(FROM="images", WHERE={'location':image_dict['location'], 'metadata':image_dict['metadata']})
267 else:
268 images = mydb.get_rows(FROM="images", WHERE={'universal_name':image_dict['universal_name'], 'checksum':image_dict['checksum']})
269 if len(images)>=1:
270 image_mano_id = images[0]['uuid']
271 else:
272 #create image
273 temp_image_dict={'name':image_dict['name'], 'description':image_dict.get('description',None),
274 'location':image_dict['location'], 'metadata':image_dict.get('metadata',None),
275 'universal_name':image_dict['universal_name'] , 'checksum':image_dict['checksum']
276 }
277 image_mano_id = mydb.new_row('images', temp_image_dict, add_uuid=True)
278 rollback_list.append({"where":"mano", "what":"image","uuid":image_mano_id})
279 #create image at every vim
280 for vim_id,vim in vims.iteritems():
281 image_created="false"
282 #look at database
283 image_db = mydb.get_rows(FROM="datacenters_images", WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'image_id':image_mano_id})
284 #look at VIM if this image exist
285 try:
286 if image_dict['location'] is not None:
287 image_vim_id = vim.get_image_id_from_path(image_dict['location'])
288 else:
289 filter_dict={}
290 filter_dict['name']=image_dict['universal_name']
291 filter_dict['checksum']=image_dict['checksum']
292 #logger.debug('>>>>>>>> Filter dict: %s', str(filter_dict))
293 vim_images = vim.get_image_list(filter_dict)
294 if len(vim_images) > 1:
295 raise NfvoException("More than one candidate VIM image found for filter: " + str(filter_dict), HTTP_Conflict)
296 elif len(vim_images) == 0:
297 raise NfvoException("Image not found at VIM with filter: '%s'", str(filter_dict))
298 else:
299 image_vim_id = vim_images[0].id
301 except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
302 #Create the image in VIM
303 try:
304 image_vim_id = vim.new_image(image_dict)
305 rollback_list.append({"where":"vim", "vim_id": vim_id, "what":"image","uuid":image_vim_id})
306 image_created="true"
307 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
308 if return_on_error:
309 logger.error("Error creating image at VIM: %s", str(e))
310 raise
311 image_vim_id = None
312 logger.warn("Error creating image at VIM: %s", str(e))
313 continue
314 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
315 if return_on_error:
316 logger.error("Error contacting VIM to know if the image exists at VIM: %s", str(e))
317 raise
318 logger.warn("Error contacting VIM to know if the image exists at VIM: %s", str(e))
319 image_vim_id = None
320 continue
321 #if we reach here, the image has been created or existed
322 if len(image_db)==0:
323 #add new vim_id at datacenters_images
324 mydb.new_row('datacenters_images', {'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'image_id':image_mano_id, 'vim_id': image_vim_id, 'created':image_created})
325 elif image_db[0]["vim_id"]!=image_vim_id:
326 #modify existing vim_id at datacenters_images
327 mydb.update_rows('datacenters_images', UPDATE={'vim_id':image_vim_id}, WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'image_id':image_mano_id})
329 return image_vim_id if only_create_at_vim else image_mano_id
331 def create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error = None):
332 temp_flavor_dict= {'disk':flavor_dict.get('disk',1),
333 'ram':flavor_dict.get('ram'),
334 'vcpus':flavor_dict.get('vcpus'),
335 }
336 if 'extended' in flavor_dict and flavor_dict['extended']==None:
337 del flavor_dict['extended']
338 if 'extended' in flavor_dict:
339 temp_flavor_dict['extended']=yaml.safe_dump(flavor_dict['extended'],default_flow_style=True,width=256)
341 #look if flavor exist
342 if only_create_at_vim:
343 flavor_mano_id = flavor_dict['uuid']
344 if return_on_error == None:
345 return_on_error = True
346 else:
347 flavors = mydb.get_rows(FROM="flavors", WHERE=temp_flavor_dict)
348 if len(flavors)>=1:
349 flavor_mano_id = flavors[0]['uuid']
350 else:
351 #create flavor
352 #create one by one the images of aditional disks
353 dev_image_list=[] #list of images
354 if 'extended' in flavor_dict and flavor_dict['extended']!=None:
355 dev_nb=0
356 for device in flavor_dict['extended'].get('devices',[]):
357 if "image" not in device and "image name" not in device:
358 continue
359 image_dict={}
360 image_dict['name']=device.get('image name',flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img")
361 image_dict['universal_name']=device.get('image name')
362 image_dict['description']=flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img"
363 image_dict['location']=device.get('image')
364 image_dict['checksum']=device.get('image checksum')
365 image_metadata_dict = device.get('image metadata', None)
366 image_metadata_str = None
367 if image_metadata_dict != None:
368 image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
369 image_dict['metadata']=image_metadata_str
370 image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
371 #print "Additional disk image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img", image_id)
372 dev_image_list.append(image_id)
373 dev_nb += 1
374 temp_flavor_dict['name'] = flavor_dict['name']
375 temp_flavor_dict['description'] = flavor_dict.get('description',None)
376 content = mydb.new_row('flavors', temp_flavor_dict, add_uuid=True)
377 flavor_mano_id= content
378 rollback_list.append({"where":"mano", "what":"flavor","uuid":flavor_mano_id})
379 #create flavor at every vim
380 if 'uuid' in flavor_dict:
381 del flavor_dict['uuid']
382 flavor_vim_id=None
383 for vim_id,vim in vims.items():
384 flavor_created="false"
385 #look at database
386 flavor_db = mydb.get_rows(FROM="datacenters_flavors", WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'flavor_id':flavor_mano_id})
387 #look at VIM if this flavor exist SKIPPED
388 #res_vim, flavor_vim_id = vim.get_flavor_id_from_path(flavor_dict['location'])
389 #if res_vim < 0:
390 # print "Error contacting VIM to know if the flavor %s existed previously." %flavor_vim_id
391 # continue
392 #elif res_vim==0:
394 #Create the flavor in VIM
395 #Translate images at devices from MANO id to VIM id
396 if 'extended' in flavor_dict and flavor_dict['extended']!=None and "devices" in flavor_dict['extended']:
397 #make a copy of original devices
398 devices_original=[]
399 for device in flavor_dict["extended"].get("devices",[]):
400 dev={}
401 dev.update(device)
402 devices_original.append(dev)
403 if 'image' in device:
404 del device['image']
405 if 'image metadata' in device:
406 del device['image metadata']
407 dev_nb=0
408 for index in range(0,len(devices_original)) :
409 device=devices_original[index]
410 if "image" not in device or "image name" not in device:
411 continue
412 image_dict={}
413 image_dict['name']=device.get('image name',flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img")
414 image_dict['universal_name']=device.get('image name')
415 image_dict['description']=flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img"
416 image_dict['location']=device.get('image')
417 image_dict['checksum']=device.get('image checksum')
418 image_metadata_dict = device.get('image metadata', None)
419 image_metadata_str = None
420 if image_metadata_dict != None:
421 image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
422 image_dict['metadata']=image_metadata_str
423 image_mano_id=create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error=return_on_error )
424 image_dict["uuid"]=image_mano_id
425 image_vim_id=create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=True, return_on_error=return_on_error)
426 flavor_dict["extended"]["devices"][index]['imageRef']=image_vim_id
427 dev_nb += 1
428 if len(flavor_db)>0:
429 #check that this vim_id exist in VIM, if not create
430 flavor_vim_id=flavor_db[0]["vim_id"]
431 try:
432 vim.get_flavor(flavor_vim_id)
433 continue #flavor exist
434 except vimconn.vimconnException:
435 pass
436 #create flavor at vim
437 logger.debug("nfvo.create_or_use_flavor() adding flavor to VIM %s", vim["name"])
438 try:
439 flavor_vim_id = vim.new_flavor(flavor_dict)
440 rollback_list.append({"where":"vim", "vim_id": vim_id, "what":"flavor","uuid":flavor_vim_id})
441 flavor_created="true"
442 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
443 if return_on_error:
444 logger.error("Error creating flavor at VIM %s: %s.", vim["name"], str(e))
445 raise
446 logger.warn("Error creating flavor at VIM %s: %s.", vim["name"], str(e))
447 flavor_vim_id = None
448 continue
449 #if reach here the flavor has been create or exist
450 if len(flavor_db)==0:
451 #add new vim_id at datacenters_flavors
452 mydb.new_row('datacenters_flavors', {'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'flavor_id':flavor_mano_id, 'vim_id': flavor_vim_id, 'created':flavor_created})
453 elif flavor_db[0]["vim_id"]!=flavor_vim_id:
454 #modify existing vim_id at datacenters_flavors
455 mydb.update_rows('datacenters_flavors', UPDATE={'vim_id':flavor_vim_id}, WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'flavor_id':flavor_mano_id})
457 return flavor_vim_id if only_create_at_vim else flavor_mano_id
459 def new_vnf(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_descriptor):
460 global global_config
462 # Step 1. Check the VNF descriptor
463 check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor)
464 # Step 2. Check tenant exist
465 if tenant_id != "any":
466 check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
467 if "tenant_id" in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
468 if vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
469 raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
470 HTTP_Unauthorized)
471 else:
472 vnf_descriptor['vnf']['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
473 # Step 3. Get the URL of the VIM from the nfvo_tenant and the datacenter
474 vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id)
475 else:
476 vims={}
478 # Step 4. Review the descriptor and add missing fields
479 #print vnf_descriptor
480 #logger.debug("Refactoring VNF descriptor with fields: description, public (default: true)")
481 vnf_name = vnf_descriptor['vnf']['name']
482 vnf_descriptor['vnf']['description'] = vnf_descriptor['vnf'].get("description", vnf_name)
483 if "physical" in vnf_descriptor['vnf']:
484 del vnf_descriptor['vnf']['physical']
485 #print vnf_descriptor
486 # Step 5. Check internal connections
487 # TODO: to be moved to step 1????
488 internal_connections=vnf_descriptor['vnf'].get('internal_connections',[])
489 for ic in internal_connections:
490 if len(ic['elements'])>2 and ic['type']=='ptp':
491 raise NfvoException("Mismatch 'type':'ptp' with {} elements at 'vnf':'internal-conections'['name':'{}']. Change 'type' to 'data'".format(len(ic), ic['name']),
492 HTTP_Bad_Request)
493 elif len(ic['elements'])==2 and ic['type']=='data':
494 raise NfvoException("Mismatch 'type':'data' with 2 elements at 'vnf':'internal-conections'['name':'{}']. Change 'type' to 'ptp'".format(ic['name']),
495 HTTP_Bad_Request)
497 # Step 6. For each VNFC in the descriptor, flavors and images are created in the VIM
498 logger.debug('BEGIN creation of VNF "%s"' % vnf_name)
499 logger.debug("VNF %s: consisting of %d VNFC(s)" % (vnf_name,len(vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC'])))
501 #For each VNFC, we add it to the VNFCDict and we create a flavor.
502 VNFCDict = {} # Dictionary, key: VNFC name, value: dict with the relevant information to create the VNF and VMs in the MANO database
503 rollback_list = [] # It will contain the new images created in mano. It is used for rollback
504 try:
505 logger.debug("Creating additional disk images and new flavors in the VIM for each VNFC")
506 for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
507 VNFCitem={}
508 VNFCitem["name"] = vnfc['name']
509 VNFCitem["description"] = vnfc.get("description", 'VM %s of the VNF %s' %(vnfc['name'],vnf_name))
511 #print "Flavor name: %s. Description: %s" % (VNFCitem["name"]+"-flv", VNFCitem["description"])
513 myflavorDict = {}
514 myflavorDict["name"] = vnfc['name']+"-flv" #Maybe we could rename the flavor by using the field "image name" if exists
515 myflavorDict["description"] = VNFCitem["description"]
516 myflavorDict["ram"] = vnfc.get("ram", 0)
517 myflavorDict["vcpus"] = vnfc.get("vcpus", 0)
518 myflavorDict["disk"] = vnfc.get("disk", 1)
519 myflavorDict["extended"] = {}
521 devices = vnfc.get("devices")
522 if devices != None:
523 myflavorDict["extended"]["devices"] = devices
525 # TODO:
526 # Mapping from processor models to rankings should be available somehow in the NFVO. They could be taken from VIM or directly from a new database table
527 # Another option is that the processor in the VNF descriptor specifies directly the ranking of the host
529 # Previous code has been commented
530 #if vnfc['processor']['model'] == "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4620 0 @ 2.20GHz" :
531 # myflavorDict["flavor"]['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 200
532 #elif vnfc['processor']['model'] == "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz" :
533 # myflavorDict["flavor"]['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 300
534 #else:
535 # result2, message = rollback(myvim, myvimURL, myvim_tenant, flavorList, imageList)
536 # if result2:
537 # print "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback successful."
538 # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback successful."
539 # else:
540 # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback fail: you need to access VIM and delete the following %s" % message
541 myflavorDict['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 100 #Hardcoded value, while we decide when the mapping is done
543 if 'numas' in vnfc and len(vnfc['numas'])>0:
544 myflavorDict['extended']['numas'] = vnfc['numas']
546 #print myflavorDict
548 # Step 6.2 New flavors are created in the VIM
549 flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, myflavorDict, rollback_list)
551 #print "Flavor id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],flavor_id)
552 VNFCitem["flavor_id"] = flavor_id
553 VNFCDict[vnfc['name']] = VNFCitem
555 logger.debug("Creating new images in the VIM for each VNFC")
556 # Step 6.3 New images are created in the VIM
557 #For each VNFC, we must create the appropriate image.
558 #This "for" loop might be integrated with the previous one
559 #In case this integration is made, the VNFCDict might become a VNFClist.
560 for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
561 #print "Image name: %s. Description: %s" % (vnfc['name']+"-img", VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
562 image_dict={}
563 image_dict['name']=vnfc.get('image name',vnf_name+"-"+vnfc['name']+"-img")
564 image_dict['universal_name']=vnfc.get('image name')
565 image_dict['description']=vnfc.get('image name', VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
566 image_dict['location']=vnfc.get('VNFC image')
567 image_dict['checksum']=vnfc.get('image checksum')
568 image_metadata_dict = vnfc.get('image metadata', None)
569 image_metadata_str = None
570 if image_metadata_dict is not None:
571 image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
572 image_dict['metadata']=image_metadata_str
573 #print "create_or_use_image", mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list
574 image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
575 #print "Image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],image_id)
576 VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["image_id"] = image_id
577 VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["image_path"] = vnfc.get('VNFC image')
580 # Step 7. Storing the VNF descriptor in the repository
581 if "descriptor" not in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
582 vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["descriptor"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnf_descriptor, indent=4, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False)
584 # Step 8. Adding the VNF to the NFVO DB
585 vnf_id = mydb.new_vnf_as_a_whole(tenant_id,vnf_name,vnf_descriptor,VNFCDict)
586 return vnf_id
587 except (db_base_Exception, vimconn.vimconnException, KeyError) as e:
588 _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list)
589 if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
590 error_text = "Exception at database"
591 elif isinstance(e, KeyError):
592 error_text = "KeyError exception "
593 e.http_code = HTTP_Internal_Server_Error
594 else:
595 error_text = "Exception at VIM"
596 error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
597 #logger.error("start_scenario %s", error_text)
598 raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
600 def new_vnf_v02(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_descriptor):
601 global global_config
603 # Step 1. Check the VNF descriptor
604 check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor)
605 # Step 2. Check tenant exist
606 if tenant_id != "any":
607 check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
608 if "tenant_id" in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
609 if vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
610 raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
611 HTTP_Unauthorized)
612 else:
613 vnf_descriptor['vnf']['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
614 # Step 3. Get the URL of the VIM from the nfvo_tenant and the datacenter
615 vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id)
616 else:
617 vims={}
619 # Step 4. Review the descriptor and add missing fields
620 #print vnf_descriptor
621 #logger.debug("Refactoring VNF descriptor with fields: description, public (default: true)")
622 vnf_name = vnf_descriptor['vnf']['name']
623 vnf_descriptor['vnf']['description'] = vnf_descriptor['vnf'].get("description", vnf_name)
624 if "physical" in vnf_descriptor['vnf']:
625 del vnf_descriptor['vnf']['physical']
626 #print vnf_descriptor
627 # Step 5. Check internal connections
628 # TODO: to be moved to step 1????
629 internal_connections=vnf_descriptor['vnf'].get('internal_connections',[])
630 for ic in internal_connections:
631 if len(ic['elements'])>2 and ic['type']=='e-line':
632 raise NfvoException("Mismatch 'type':'e-line' with {} elements at 'vnf':'internal-conections'['name':'{}']. Change 'type' to 'e-lan'".format(len(ic), ic['name']),
633 HTTP_Bad_Request)
635 # Step 6. For each VNFC in the descriptor, flavors and images are created in the VIM
636 logger.debug('BEGIN creation of VNF "%s"' % vnf_name)
637 logger.debug("VNF %s: consisting of %d VNFC(s)" % (vnf_name,len(vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC'])))
639 #For each VNFC, we add it to the VNFCDict and we create a flavor.
640 VNFCDict = {} # Dictionary, key: VNFC name, value: dict with the relevant information to create the VNF and VMs in the MANO database
641 rollback_list = [] # It will contain the new images created in mano. It is used for rollback
642 try:
643 logger.debug("Creating additional disk images and new flavors in the VIM for each VNFC")
644 for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
645 VNFCitem={}
646 VNFCitem["name"] = vnfc['name']
647 VNFCitem["description"] = vnfc.get("description", 'VM %s of the VNF %s' %(vnfc['name'],vnf_name))
649 #print "Flavor name: %s. Description: %s" % (VNFCitem["name"]+"-flv", VNFCitem["description"])
651 myflavorDict = {}
652 myflavorDict["name"] = vnfc['name']+"-flv" #Maybe we could rename the flavor by using the field "image name" if exists
653 myflavorDict["description"] = VNFCitem["description"]
654 myflavorDict["ram"] = vnfc.get("ram", 0)
655 myflavorDict["vcpus"] = vnfc.get("vcpus", 0)
656 myflavorDict["disk"] = vnfc.get("disk", 1)
657 myflavorDict["extended"] = {}
659 devices = vnfc.get("devices")
660 if devices != None:
661 myflavorDict["extended"]["devices"] = devices
663 # TODO:
664 # Mapping from processor models to rankings should be available somehow in the NFVO. They could be taken from VIM or directly from a new database table
665 # Another option is that the processor in the VNF descriptor specifies directly the ranking of the host
667 # Previous code has been commented
668 #if vnfc['processor']['model'] == "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4620 0 @ 2.20GHz" :
669 # myflavorDict["flavor"]['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 200
670 #elif vnfc['processor']['model'] == "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz" :
671 # myflavorDict["flavor"]['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 300
672 #else:
673 # result2, message = rollback(myvim, myvimURL, myvim_tenant, flavorList, imageList)
674 # if result2:
675 # print "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback successful."
676 # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback successful."
677 # else:
678 # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback fail: you need to access VIM and delete the following %s" % message
679 myflavorDict['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 100 #Hardcoded value, while we decide when the mapping is done
681 if 'numas' in vnfc and len(vnfc['numas'])>0:
682 myflavorDict['extended']['numas'] = vnfc['numas']
684 #print myflavorDict
686 # Step 6.2 New flavors are created in the VIM
687 flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, myflavorDict, rollback_list)
689 #print "Flavor id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],flavor_id)
690 VNFCitem["flavor_id"] = flavor_id
691 VNFCDict[vnfc['name']] = VNFCitem
693 logger.debug("Creating new images in the VIM for each VNFC")
694 # Step 6.3 New images are created in the VIM
695 #For each VNFC, we must create the appropriate image.
696 #This "for" loop might be integrated with the previous one
697 #In case this integration is made, the VNFCDict might become a VNFClist.
698 for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
699 #print "Image name: %s. Description: %s" % (vnfc['name']+"-img", VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
700 image_dict={}
701 image_dict['name']=vnfc.get('image name',vnf_name+"-"+vnfc['name']+"-img")
702 image_dict['universal_name']=vnfc.get('image name')
703 image_dict['description']=vnfc.get('image name', VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
704 image_dict['location']=vnfc.get('VNFC image')
705 image_dict['checksum']=vnfc.get('image checksum')
706 image_metadata_dict = vnfc.get('image metadata', None)
707 image_metadata_str = None
708 if image_metadata_dict is not None:
709 image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
710 image_dict['metadata']=image_metadata_str
711 #print "create_or_use_image", mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list
712 image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
713 #print "Image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],image_id)
714 VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["image_id"] = image_id
715 VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["image_path"] = vnfc.get('VNFC image')
718 # Step 7. Storing the VNF descriptor in the repository
719 if "descriptor" not in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
720 vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["descriptor"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnf_descriptor, indent=4, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False)
722 # Step 8. Adding the VNF to the NFVO DB
723 vnf_id = mydb.new_vnf_as_a_whole2(tenant_id,vnf_name,vnf_descriptor,VNFCDict)
724 return vnf_id
725 except (db_base_Exception, vimconn.vimconnException, KeyError) as e:
726 _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list)
727 if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
728 error_text = "Exception at database"
729 elif isinstance(e, KeyError):
730 error_text = "KeyError exception "
731 e.http_code = HTTP_Internal_Server_Error
732 else:
733 error_text = "Exception at VIM"
734 error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
735 #logger.error("start_scenario %s", error_text)
736 raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
738 def get_vnf_id(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_id):
739 #check valid tenant_id
740 check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
741 #obtain data
742 where_or = {}
743 if tenant_id != "any":
744 where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
745 where_or["public"] = True
746 vnf = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
748 vnf_id=vnf["uuid"]
749 filter_keys = ('uuid','name','description','public', "tenant_id", "created_at")
750 filtered_content = dict( (k,v) for k,v in vnf.iteritems() if k in filter_keys )
751 #change_keys_http2db(filtered_content, http2db_vnf, reverse=True)
752 data={'vnf' : filtered_content}
753 #GET VM
754 content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id',
755 SELECT=('vms.uuid as uuid',' as name', 'vms.description as description'),
756 WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id} )
757 if len(content)==0:
758 raise NfvoException("vnf '{}' not found".format(vnf_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
760 data['vnf']['VNFC'] = content
761 #TODO: GET all the information from a VNFC and include it in the output.
763 #GET NET
764 content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join nets on vnfs.uuid=nets.vnf_id',
765 SELECT=('nets.uuid as uuid',' as name','nets.description as description', 'nets.type as type', 'nets.multipoint as multipoint'),
766 WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id} )
767 data['vnf']['nets'] = content
769 #GET ip-profile for each net
770 for net in data['vnf']['nets']:
771 ipprofiles = mydb.get_rows(FROM='ip_profiles',
772 SELECT=('ip_version','subnet_address','gateway_address','dns_address','dhcp_enabled','dhcp_start_address','dhcp_count'),
773 WHERE={'net_id': net["uuid"]} )
774 if len(ipprofiles)==1:
775 net["ip_profile"] = ipprofiles[0]
776 elif len(ipprofiles)>1:
777 raise NfvoException("More than one ip-profile found with this criteria: net_id='{}'".format(net['uuid']), HTTP_Bad_Request)
780 #TODO: For each net, GET its elements and relevant info per element (VNFC, iface, ip_address) and include them in the output.
782 #GET External Interfaces
783 content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces on vms.uuid=interfaces.vm_id',\
784 SELECT=('interfaces.uuid as uuid','interfaces.external_name as external_name', ' as vm_name', 'interfaces.vm_id as vm_id', \
785 'interfaces.internal_name as internal_name', 'interfaces.type as type', 'interfaces.vpci as vpci',' as bw'),\
786 WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id},
787 WHERE_NOT={'interfaces.external_name': None} )
788 #print content
789 data['vnf']['external-connections'] = content
791 return data
794 def delete_vnf(mydb,tenant_id,vnf_id,datacenter=None,vim_tenant=None):
795 # Check tenant exist
796 if tenant_id != "any":
797 check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
798 # Get the URL of the VIM from the nfvo_tenant and the datacenter
799 vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id)
800 else:
801 vims={}
803 # Checking if it is a valid uuid and, if not, getting the uuid assuming that the name was provided"
804 where_or = {}
805 if tenant_id != "any":
806 where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
807 where_or["public"] = True
808 vnf = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
809 vnf_id = vnf["uuid"]
811 # "Getting the list of flavors and tenants of the VNF"
812 flavorList = get_flavorlist(mydb, vnf_id)
813 if len(flavorList)==0:
814 logger.warn("delete_vnf error. No flavors found for the VNF id '%s'", vnf_id)
816 imageList = get_imagelist(mydb, vnf_id)
817 if len(imageList)==0:
818 logger.warn( "delete_vnf error. No images found for the VNF id '%s'", vnf_id)
820 deleted = mydb.delete_row_by_id('vnfs', vnf_id)
821 if deleted == 0:
822 raise NfvoException("vnf '{}' not found".format(vnf_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
824 undeletedItems = []
825 for flavor in flavorList:
826 #check if flavor is used by other vnf
827 try:
828 c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms', WHERE={'flavor_id':flavor} )
829 if len(c) > 0:
830 logger.debug("Flavor '%s' not deleted because it is being used by another VNF", flavor)
831 continue
832 #flavor not used, must be deleted
833 #delelte at VIM
834 c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenters_flavors', WHERE={'flavor_id':flavor})
835 for flavor_vim in c:
836 if flavor_vim["datacenter_id"] not in vims:
837 continue
838 if flavor_vim['created']=='false': #skip this flavor because not created by openmano
839 continue
840 myvim=vims[ flavor_vim["datacenter_id"] ]
841 try:
842 myvim.delete_flavor(flavor_vim["vim_id"])
843 except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
844 logger.warn("VIM flavor %s not exist at datacenter %s", flavor_vim["vim_id"], flavor_vim["datacenter_id"] )
845 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
846 logger.error("Not possible to delete VIM flavor %s from datacenter %s: %s %s",
847 flavor_vim["vim_id"], flavor_vim["datacenter_id"], type(e).__name__, str(e))
848 undeletedItems.append("flavor {} from VIM {}".format(flavor_vim["vim_id"], flavor_vim["datacenter_id"] ))
849 #delete flavor from Database, using table flavors and with cascade foreign key also at datacenters_flavors
850 mydb.delete_row_by_id('flavors', flavor)
851 except db_base_Exception as e:
852 logger.error("delete_vnf_error. Not possible to get flavor details and delete '%s'. %s", flavor, str(e))
853 undeletedItems.append("flavor %s" % flavor)
856 for image in imageList:
857 try:
858 #check if image is used by other vnf
859 c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms', WHERE={'image_id':image} )
860 if len(c) > 0:
861 logger.debug("Image '%s' not deleted because it is being used by another VNF", image)
862 continue
863 #image not used, must be deleted
864 #delelte at VIM
865 c = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenters_images', WHERE={'image_id':image})
866 for image_vim in c:
867 if image_vim["datacenter_id"] not in vims:
868 continue
869 if image_vim['created']=='false': #skip this image because not created by openmano
870 continue
871 myvim=vims[ image_vim["datacenter_id"] ]
872 try:
873 myvim.delete_image(image_vim["vim_id"])
874 except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
875 logger.warn("VIM image %s not exist at datacenter %s", image_vim["vim_id"], image_vim["datacenter_id"] )
876 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
877 logger.error("Not possible to delete VIM image %s from datacenter %s: %s %s",
878 image_vim["vim_id"], image_vim["datacenter_id"], type(e).__name__, str(e))
879 undeletedItems.append("image {} from VIM {}".format(image_vim["vim_id"], image_vim["datacenter_id"] ))
880 #delete image from Database, using table images and with cascade foreign key also at datacenters_images
881 mydb.delete_row_by_id('images', image)
882 except db_base_Exception as e:
883 logger.error("delete_vnf_error. Not possible to get image details and delete '%s'. %s", image, str(e))
884 undeletedItems.append("image %s" % image)
886 return vnf_id + " " + vnf["name"]
887 #if undeletedItems:
888 # return "delete_vnf. Undeleted: %s" %(undeletedItems)
890 def get_hosts_info(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id, datacenter_name=None):
891 result, vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id, None, datacenter_name)
892 if result < 0:
893 return result, vims
894 elif result == 0:
895 return -HTTP_Not_Found, "datacenter '%s' not found" % datacenter_name
896 myvim = vims.values()[0]
897 result,servers = myvim.get_hosts_info()
898 if result < 0:
899 return result, servers
900 topology = {'name':myvim['name'] , 'servers': servers}
901 return result, topology
903 def get_hosts(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id):
904 vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id)
905 if len(vims) == 0:
906 raise NfvoException("No datacenter found for tenant '{}'".format(str(nfvo_tenant_id)), HTTP_Not_Found)
907 elif len(vims)>1:
908 #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
909 raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
910 myvim = vims.values()[0]
911 try:
912 hosts = myvim.get_hosts()
913 logger.debug('VIM hosts response: '+ yaml.safe_dump(hosts, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
915 datacenter = {'Datacenters': [ {'name':myvim['name'],'servers':[]} ] }
916 for host in hosts:
917 server={'name':host['name'], 'vms':[]}
918 for vm in host['instances']:
919 #get internal name and model
920 try:
921 c = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('name',), FROM='instance_vms as iv join vms on iv.vm_id=vms.uuid',\
922 WHERE={'vim_vm_id':vm['id']} )
923 if len(c) == 0:
924 logger.warn("nfvo.get_hosts virtual machine at VIM '{}' not found at tidnfvo".format(vm['id']))
925 continue
926 server['vms'].append( {'name':vm['name'] , 'model':c[0]['name']} )
928 except db_base_Exception as e:
929 logger.warn("nfvo.get_hosts virtual machine at VIM '{}' error {}".format(vm['id'], str(e)))
930 datacenter['Datacenters'][0]['servers'].append(server)
931 #return -400, "en construccion"
933 #print 'datacenters '+ json.dumps(datacenter, indent=4)
934 return datacenter
935 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
936 raise NfvoException("Not possible to get_host_list from VIM: {}".format(str(e)), e.http_code)
938 def new_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, topo):
940 # result, vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id)
941 # if result < 0:
942 # return result, vims
943 #1: parse input
944 if tenant_id != "any":
945 check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
946 if "tenant_id" in topo:
947 if topo["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
948 raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(topo["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
949 HTTP_Unauthorized)
950 else:
951 tenant_id=None
953 #1.1: get VNFs and external_networks (other_nets).
954 vnfs={}
955 other_nets={} #external_networks, bridge_networks and data_networkds
956 nodes = topo['topology']['nodes']
957 for k in nodes.keys():
958 if nodes[k]['type'] == 'VNF':
959 vnfs[k] = nodes[k]
960 vnfs[k]['ifaces'] = {}
961 elif nodes[k]['type'] == 'other_network' or nodes[k]['type'] == 'external_network':
962 other_nets[k] = nodes[k]
963 other_nets[k]['external']=True
964 elif nodes[k]['type'] == 'network':
965 other_nets[k] = nodes[k]
966 other_nets[k]['external']=False
969 #1.2: Check that VNF are present at database table vnfs. Insert uuid, description and external interfaces
970 for name,vnf in vnfs.items():
971 where={}
972 where_or={"tenant_id": tenant_id, 'public': "true"}
973 error_text = ""
974 error_pos = "'topology':'nodes':'" + name + "'"
975 if 'vnf_id' in vnf:
976 error_text += " 'vnf_id' " + vnf['vnf_id']
977 where['uuid'] = vnf['vnf_id']
978 if 'VNF model' in vnf:
979 error_text += " 'VNF model' " + vnf['VNF model']
980 where['name'] = vnf['VNF model']
981 if len(where) == 0:
982 raise NfvoException("Descriptor need a 'vnf_id' or 'VNF model' field at " + error_pos, HTTP_Bad_Request)
984 vnf_db = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description'),
985 FROM='vnfs',
986 WHERE=where,
987 WHERE_OR=where_or,
989 if len(vnf_db)==0:
990 raise NfvoException("unknown" + error_text + " at " + error_pos, HTTP_Not_Found)
991 elif len(vnf_db)>1:
992 raise NfvoException("more than one" + error_text + " at " + error_pos + " Concrete with 'vnf_id'", HTTP_Conflict)
993 vnf['uuid']=vnf_db[0]['uuid']
994 vnf['description']=vnf_db[0]['description']
995 #get external interfaces
996 ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
997 FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
998 WHERE={'vnfs.uuid':vnf['uuid']}, WHERE_NOT={'external_name':None} )
999 for ext_iface in ext_ifaces:
1000 vnf['ifaces'][ ext_iface['name'] ] = {'uuid':ext_iface['iface_uuid'], 'type':ext_iface['type']}
1002 #1.4 get list of connections
1003 conections = topo['topology']['connections']
1004 conections_list = []
1005 conections_list_name = []
1006 for k in conections.keys():
1007 if type(conections[k]['nodes'])==dict: #dict with node:iface pairs
1008 ifaces_list = conections[k]['nodes'].items()
1009 elif type(conections[k]['nodes'])==list: #list with dictionary
1010 ifaces_list=[]
1011 conection_pair_list = map(lambda x: x.items(), conections[k]['nodes'] )
1012 for k2 in conection_pair_list:
1013 ifaces_list += k2
1015 con_type = conections[k].get("type", "link")
1016 if con_type != "link":
1017 if k in other_nets:
1018 raise NfvoException("Format error. Reapeted network name at 'topology':'connections':'{}'".format(str(k)), HTTP_Bad_Request)
1019 other_nets[k] = {'external': False}
1020 if conections[k].get("graph"):
1021 other_nets[k]["graph"] = conections[k]["graph"]
1022 ifaces_list.append( (k, None) )
1025 if con_type == "external_network":
1026 other_nets[k]['external'] = True
1027 if conections[k].get("model"):
1028 other_nets[k]["model"] = conections[k]["model"]
1029 else:
1030 other_nets[k]["model"] = k
1031 if con_type == "dataplane_net" or con_type == "bridge_net":
1032 other_nets[k]["model"] = con_type
1034 conections_list_name.append(k)
1035 conections_list.append(set(ifaces_list)) #from list to set to operate as a set (this conversion removes elements that are repeated in a list)
1036 #print set(ifaces_list)
1037 #check valid VNF and iface names
1038 for iface in ifaces_list:
1039 if iface[0] not in vnfs and iface[0] not in other_nets :
1040 raise NfvoException("format error. Invalid VNF name at 'topology':'connections':'{}':'nodes':'{}'".format(
1041 str(k), iface[0]), HTTP_Not_Found)
1042 if iface[0] in vnfs and iface[1] not in vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces']:
1043 raise NfvoException("format error. Invalid interface name at 'topology':'connections':'{}':'nodes':'{}':'{}'".format(
1044 str(k), iface[0], iface[1]), HTTP_Not_Found)
1046 #1.5 unify connections from the pair list to a consolidated list
1047 index=0
1048 while index < len(conections_list):
1049 index2 = index+1
1050 while index2 < len(conections_list):
1051 if len(conections_list[index] & conections_list[index2])>0: #common interface, join nets
1052 conections_list[index] |= conections_list[index2]
1053 del conections_list[index2]
1054 del conections_list_name[index2]
1055 else:
1056 index2 += 1
1057 conections_list[index] = list(conections_list[index]) # from set to list again
1058 index += 1
1059 #for k in conections_list:
1060 # print k
1064 #1.6 Delete non external nets
1065 # for k in other_nets.keys():
1066 # if other_nets[k]['model']=='bridge' or other_nets[k]['model']=='dataplane_net' or other_nets[k]['model']=='bridge_net':
1067 # for con in conections_list:
1068 # delete_indexes=[]
1069 # for index in range(0,len(con)):
1070 # if con[index][0] == k: delete_indexes.insert(0,index) #order from higher to lower
1071 # for index in delete_indexes:
1072 # del con[index]
1073 # del other_nets[k]
1074 #1.7: Check external_ports are present at database table datacenter_nets
1075 for k,net in other_nets.items():
1076 error_pos = "'topology':'nodes':'" + k + "'"
1077 if net['external']==False:
1078 if 'name' not in net:
1079 net['name']=k
1080 if 'model' not in net:
1081 raise NfvoException("needed a 'model' at " + error_pos, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1082 if net['model']=='bridge_net':
1083 net['type']='bridge';
1084 elif net['model']=='dataplane_net':
1085 net['type']='data';
1086 else:
1087 raise NfvoException("unknown 'model' '"+ net['model'] +"' at " + error_pos, HTTP_Not_Found)
1088 else: #external
1089 #IF we do not want to check that external network exist at datacenter
1090 pass
1091 #ELSE
1092 # error_text = ""
1093 # WHERE_={}
1094 # if 'net_id' in net:
1095 # error_text += " 'net_id' " + net['net_id']
1096 # WHERE_['uuid'] = net['net_id']
1097 # if 'model' in net:
1098 # error_text += " 'model' " + net['model']
1099 # WHERE_['name'] = net['model']
1100 # if len(WHERE_) == 0:
1101 # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "needed a 'net_id' or 'model' at " + error_pos
1102 # r,net_db = mydb.get_table(SELECT=('uuid','name','description','type','shared'),
1103 # FROM='datacenter_nets', WHERE=WHERE_ )
1104 # if r<0:
1105 # print "nfvo.new_scenario Error getting datacenter_nets",r,net_db
1106 # elif r==0:
1107 # print "nfvo.new_scenario Error" +error_text+ " is not present at database"
1108 # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "unknown " +error_text+ " at " + error_pos
1109 # elif r>1:
1110 # print "nfvo.new_scenario Error more than one external_network for " +error_text+ " is present at database"
1111 # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "more than one external_network for " +error_text+ "at "+ error_pos + " Concrete with 'net_id'"
1112 # other_nets[k].update(net_db[0])
1113 #ENDIF
1114 net_list={}
1115 net_nb=0 #Number of nets
1116 for con in conections_list:
1117 #check if this is connected to a external net
1118 other_net_index=-1
1119 #print
1120 #print "con", con
1121 for index in range(0,len(con)):
1122 #check if this is connected to a external net
1123 for net_key in other_nets.keys():
1124 if con[index][0]==net_key:
1125 if other_net_index>=0:
1126 error_text="There is some interface connected both to net '%s' and net '%s'" % (con[other_net_index][0], net_key)
1127 #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
1128 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1129 else:
1130 other_net_index = index
1131 net_target = net_key
1132 break
1133 #print "other_net_index", other_net_index
1134 try:
1135 if other_net_index>=0:
1136 del con[other_net_index]
1137 #IF we do not want to check that external network exist at datacenter
1138 if other_nets[net_target]['external'] :
1139 if "name" not in other_nets[net_target]:
1140 other_nets[net_target]['name'] = other_nets[net_target]['model']
1141 if other_nets[net_target]["type"] == "external_network":
1142 if vnfs[ con[0][0] ]['ifaces'][ con[0][1] ]["type"] == "data":
1143 other_nets[net_target]["type"] = "data"
1144 else:
1145 other_nets[net_target]["type"] = "bridge"
1146 #ELSE
1147 # if other_nets[net_target]['external'] :
1148 # type_='data' if len(con)>1 else 'ptp' #an external net is connected to a external port, so it is ptp if only one connection is done to this net
1149 # if type_=='data' and other_nets[net_target]['type']=="ptp":
1150 # error_text = "Error connecting %d nodes on a not multipoint net %s" % (len(con), net_target)
1151 # print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
1152 # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text
1153 #ENDIF
1154 for iface in con:
1155 vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces'][ iface[1] ]['net_key'] = net_target
1156 else:
1157 #create a net
1158 net_type_bridge=False
1159 net_type_data=False
1160 net_target = "__-__net"+str(net_nb)
1161 net_list[net_target] = {'name': conections_list_name[net_nb], #"net-"+str(net_nb),
1162 'description':"net-%s in scenario %s" %(net_nb,topo['name']),
1163 'external':False}
1164 for iface in con:
1165 vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces'][ iface[1] ]['net_key'] = net_target
1166 iface_type = vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces'][ iface[1] ]['type']
1167 if iface_type=='mgmt' or iface_type=='bridge':
1168 net_type_bridge = True
1169 else:
1170 net_type_data = True
1171 if net_type_bridge and net_type_data:
1172 error_text = "Error connection interfaces of bridge type with data type. Firs node %s, iface %s" % (iface[0], iface[1])
1173 #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
1174 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1175 elif net_type_bridge:
1176 type_='bridge'
1177 else:
1178 type_='data' if len(con)>2 else 'ptp'
1179 net_list[net_target]['type'] = type_
1180 net_nb+=1
1181 except Exception:
1182 error_text = "Error connection node %s : %s does not match any VNF or interface" % (iface[0], iface[1])
1183 #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
1184 #raise e
1185 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1187 #1.8: Connect to management net all not already connected interfaces of type 'mgmt'
1188 #1.8.1 obtain management net
1189 mgmt_net = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description','type','shared'),
1190 FROM='datacenter_nets', WHERE={'name':'mgmt'} )
1191 #1.8.2 check all interfaces from all vnfs
1192 if len(mgmt_net)>0:
1193 add_mgmt_net = False
1194 for vnf in vnfs.values():
1195 for iface in vnf['ifaces'].values():
1196 if iface['type']=='mgmt' and 'net_key' not in iface:
1197 #iface not connected
1198 iface['net_key'] = 'mgmt'
1199 add_mgmt_net = True
1200 if add_mgmt_net and 'mgmt' not in net_list:
1201 net_list['mgmt']=mgmt_net[0]
1202 net_list['mgmt']['external']=True
1203 net_list['mgmt']['graph']={'visible':False}
1205 net_list.update(other_nets)
1206 #print
1207 #print 'net_list', net_list
1208 #print
1209 #print 'vnfs', vnfs
1210 #print
1212 #2: insert scenario. filling tables scenarios,sce_vnfs,sce_interfaces,sce_nets
1213 c = mydb.new_scenario( { 'vnfs':vnfs, 'nets':net_list,
1214 'tenant_id':tenant_id, 'name':topo['name'],
1215 'description':topo.get('description',topo['name']),
1216 'public': topo.get('public', False)
1217 })
1219 return c
1221 def new_scenario_v02(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_dict):
1222 scenario = scenario_dict["scenario"]
1223 if tenant_id != "any":
1224 check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
1225 if "tenant_id" in scenario:
1226 if scenario["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
1227 print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02() tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
1228 raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(
1229 scenario["tenant_id"], tenant_id), HTTP_Unauthorized)
1230 else:
1231 tenant_id=None
1233 #1: Check that VNF are present at database table vnfs and update content into scenario dict
1234 for name,vnf in scenario["vnfs"].iteritems():
1235 where={}
1236 where_or={"tenant_id": tenant_id, 'public': "true"}
1237 error_text = ""
1238 error_pos = "'scenario':'vnfs':'" + name + "'"
1239 if 'vnf_id' in vnf:
1240 error_text += " 'vnf_id' " + vnf['vnf_id']
1241 where['uuid'] = vnf['vnf_id']
1242 if 'vnf_name' in vnf:
1243 error_text += " 'vnf_name' " + vnf['vnf_name']
1244 where['name'] = vnf['vnf_name']
1245 if len(where) == 0:
1246 raise NfvoException("Needed a 'vnf_id' or 'vnf_name' at " + error_pos, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1247 vnf_db = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description'),
1248 FROM='vnfs',
1249 WHERE=where,
1250 WHERE_OR=where_or,
1252 if len(vnf_db)==0:
1253 raise NfvoException("Unknown" + error_text + " at " + error_pos, HTTP_Not_Found)
1254 elif len(vnf_db)>1:
1255 raise NfvoException("More than one" + error_text + " at " + error_pos + " Concrete with 'vnf_id'", HTTP_Conflict)
1256 vnf['uuid']=vnf_db[0]['uuid']
1257 vnf['description']=vnf_db[0]['description']
1258 vnf['ifaces'] = {}
1259 #get external interfaces
1260 ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
1261 FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
1262 WHERE={'vnfs.uuid':vnf['uuid']}, WHERE_NOT={'external_name':None} )
1263 for ext_iface in ext_ifaces:
1264 vnf['ifaces'][ ext_iface['name'] ] = {'uuid':ext_iface['iface_uuid'], 'type':ext_iface['type']}
1266 #2: Insert net_key at every vnf interface
1267 for net_name,net in scenario["networks"].iteritems():
1268 net_type_bridge=False
1269 net_type_data=False
1270 for iface_dict in net["interfaces"]:
1271 for vnf,iface in iface_dict.iteritems():
1272 if vnf not in scenario["vnfs"]:
1273 error_text = "Error at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces' VNF '%s' not match any VNF at 'vnfs'" % (net_name, vnf)
1274 #print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text
1275 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Not_Found)
1276 if iface not in scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces']:
1277 error_text = "Error at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces':'%s' interface not match any VNF interface" % (net_name, iface)
1278 #print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text
1279 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1280 if "net_key" in scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]:
1281 error_text = "Error at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces':'%s' interface already connected at network '%s'" \
1282 % (net_name, iface,scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]['net_key'])
1283 #print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02 " + error_text
1284 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1285 scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][ iface ]['net_key'] = net_name
1286 iface_type = scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]['type']
1287 if iface_type=='mgmt' or iface_type=='bridge':
1288 net_type_bridge = True
1289 else:
1290 net_type_data = True
1291 if net_type_bridge and net_type_data:
1292 error_text = "Error connection interfaces of bridge type and data type at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces'" % (net_name)
1293 #print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
1294 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1295 elif net_type_bridge:
1296 type_='bridge'
1297 else:
1298 type_='data' if len(net["interfaces"])>2 else 'ptp'
1299 net['type'] = type_
1300 net['name'] = net_name
1301 net['external'] = net.get('external', False)
1303 #3: insert at database
1304 scenario["nets"] = scenario["networks"]
1305 scenario['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
1306 scenario_id = mydb.new_scenario( scenario)
1307 return scenario_id
1309 def edit_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, data):
1310 data["uuid"] = scenario_id
1311 data["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
1312 c = mydb.edit_scenario( data )
1313 return c
1315 def start_scenario(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_id, instance_scenario_name, instance_scenario_description, datacenter=None,vim_tenant=None, startvms=True):
1316 #print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
1317 datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, vim_tenant=vim_tenant)
1318 vims = {datacenter_id: myvim}
1319 myvim_tenant = myvim['tenant_id']
1320 datacenter_name = myvim['name']
1322 rollbackList=[]
1323 try:
1324 #print "Checking that the scenario_id exists and getting the scenario dictionary"
1325 scenarioDict = mydb.get_scenario(scenario_id, tenant_id, datacenter_id)
1326 scenarioDict['datacenter2tenant'] = { datacenter_id: myvim['config']['datacenter_tenant_id'] }
1327 scenarioDict['datacenter_id'] = datacenter_id
1328 #print '================scenarioDict======================='
1329 #print json.dumps(scenarioDict, indent=4)
1330 #print 'BEGIN launching instance scenario "%s" based on "%s"' % (instance_scenario_name,scenarioDict['name'])
1332 logger.debug("start_scenario Scenario %s: consisting of %d VNF(s)", scenarioDict['name'],len(scenarioDict['vnfs']))
1333 #print yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
1335 auxNetDict = {} #Auxiliar dictionary. First key:'scenario' or sce_vnf uuid. Second Key: uuid of the net/sce_net. Value: vim_net_id
1336 auxNetDict['scenario'] = {}
1338 logger.debug("start_scenario 1. Creating new nets (sce_nets) in the VIM")
1339 for sce_net in scenarioDict['nets']:
1340 #print "Net name: %s. Description: %s" % (sce_net["name"], sce_net["description"])
1342 myNetName = "%s.%s" % (instance_scenario_name, sce_net['name'])
1343 myNetName = myNetName[0:255] #limit length
1344 myNetType = sce_net['type']
1345 myNetDict = {}
1346 myNetDict["name"] = myNetName
1347 myNetDict["type"] = myNetType
1348 myNetDict["tenant_id"] = myvim_tenant
1349 myNetIPProfile = sce_net.get('ip_profile', None)
1350 #TODO:
1351 #We should use the dictionary as input parameter for new_network
1352 #print myNetDict
1353 if not sce_net["external"]:
1354 network_id = myvim.new_network(myNetName, myNetType, myNetIPProfile)
1355 #print "New VIM network created for scenario %s. Network id: %s" % (scenarioDict['name'],network_id)
1356 sce_net['vim_id'] = network_id
1357 auxNetDict['scenario'][sce_net['uuid']] = network_id
1358 rollbackList.append({'what':'network','where':'vim','vim_id':datacenter_id,'uuid':network_id})
1359 sce_net["created"] = True
1360 else:
1361 if sce_net['vim_id'] == None:
1362 error_text = "Error, datacenter '%s' does not have external network '%s'." % (datacenter_name, sce_net['name'])
1363 _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
1364 logger.error("nfvo.start_scenario: %s", error_text)
1365 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1366 logger.debug("Using existent VIM network for scenario %s. Network id %s", scenarioDict['name'],sce_net['vim_id'])
1367 auxNetDict['scenario'][sce_net['uuid']] = sce_net['vim_id']
1369 logger.debug("start_scenario 2. Creating new nets (vnf internal nets) in the VIM")
1370 #For each vnf net, we create it and we add it to instanceNetlist.
1371 for sce_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
1372 for net in sce_vnf['nets']:
1373 #print "Net name: %s. Description: %s" % (net["name"], net["description"])
1375 myNetName = "%s.%s" % (instance_scenario_name,net['name'])
1376 myNetName = myNetName[0:255] #limit length
1377 myNetType = net['type']
1378 myNetDict = {}
1379 myNetDict["name"] = myNetName
1380 myNetDict["type"] = myNetType
1381 myNetDict["tenant_id"] = myvim_tenant
1382 myNetIPProfile = net.get('ip_profile', None)
1383 #print myNetDict
1384 #TODO:
1385 #We should use the dictionary as input parameter for new_network
1386 network_id = myvim.new_network(myNetName, myNetType, myNetIPProfile)
1387 #print "VIM network id for scenario %s: %s" % (scenarioDict['name'],network_id)
1388 net['vim_id'] = network_id
1389 if sce_vnf['uuid'] not in auxNetDict:
1390 auxNetDict[sce_vnf['uuid']] = {}
1391 auxNetDict[sce_vnf['uuid']][net['uuid']] = network_id
1392 rollbackList.append({'what':'network','where':'vim','vim_id':datacenter_id,'uuid':network_id})
1393 net["created"] = True
1395 #print "auxNetDict:"
1396 #print yaml.safe_dump(auxNetDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
1398 logger.debug("start_scenario 3. Creating new vm instances in the VIM")
1399 #myvim.new_vminstance(self,vimURI,tenant_id,name,description,image_id,flavor_id,net_dict)
1400 i = 0
1401 for sce_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
1402 for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
1403 i += 1
1404 myVMDict = {}
1405 #myVMDict['name'] = "%s-%s-%s" % (scenarioDict['name'],sce_vnf['name'], vm['name'])
1406 myVMDict['name'] = "%s.%s.%d" % (instance_scenario_name,sce_vnf['name'],i)
1407 #myVMDict['description'] = vm['description']
1408 myVMDict['description'] = myVMDict['name'][0:99]
1409 if not startvms:
1410 myVMDict['start'] = "no"
1411 myVMDict['name'] = myVMDict['name'][0:255] #limit name length
1412 #print "VM name: %s. Description: %s" % (myVMDict['name'], myVMDict['name'])
1414 #create image at vim in case it not exist
1415 image_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("images", vm['image_id'])
1416 image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, [], True)
1417 vm['vim_image_id'] = image_id
1419 #create flavor at vim in case it not exist
1420 flavor_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("flavors", vm['flavor_id'])
1421 if flavor_dict['extended']!=None:
1422 flavor_dict['extended']= yaml.load(flavor_dict['extended'])
1423 flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, [], True)
1424 vm['vim_flavor_id'] = flavor_id
1427 myVMDict['imageRef'] = vm['vim_image_id']
1428 myVMDict['flavorRef'] = vm['vim_flavor_id']
1429 myVMDict['networks'] = []
1430 for iface in vm['interfaces']:
1431 netDict = {}
1432 if iface['type']=="data":
1433 netDict['type'] = iface['model']
1434 elif "model" in iface and iface["model"]!=None:
1435 netDict['model']=iface['model']
1436 #TODO in future, remove this because mac_address will not be set, and the type of PV,VF is obtained from iterface table model
1437 #discover type of interface looking at flavor
1438 for numa in flavor_dict.get('extended',{}).get('numas',[]):
1439 for flavor_iface in numa.get('interfaces',[]):
1440 if flavor_iface.get('name') == iface['internal_name']:
1441 if flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'yes':
1442 netDict['type']="PF" #passthrough
1443 elif flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'no':
1444 netDict['type']="VF" #siov
1445 elif flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'yes:sriov':
1446 netDict['type']="VFnotShared" #sriov but only one sriov on the PF
1447 netDict["mac_address"] = flavor_iface.get("mac_address")
1448 break;
1449 netDict["use"]=iface['type']
1450 if netDict["use"]=="data" and not netDict.get("type"):
1451 #print "netDict", netDict
1452 #print "iface", iface
1453 e_text = "Cannot determine the interface type PF or VF of VNF '%s' VM '%s' iface '%s'" %(sce_vnf['name'], vm['name'], iface['internal_name'])
1454 if flavor_dict.get('extended')==None:
1455 raise NfvoException(e_text + "After database migration some information is not available. \
1456 Try to delete and create the scenarios and VNFs again", HTTP_Conflict)
1457 else:
1458 raise NfvoException(e_text, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
1459 if netDict["use"]=="mgmt" or netDict["use"]=="bridge":
1460 netDict["type"]="virtual"
1461 if "vpci" in iface and iface["vpci"] is not None:
1462 netDict['vpci'] = iface['vpci']
1463 if "mac" in iface and iface["mac"] is not None:
1464 netDict['mac_address'] = iface['mac']
1465 netDict['name'] = iface['internal_name']
1466 if iface['net_id'] is None:
1467 for vnf_iface in sce_vnf["interfaces"]:
1468 #print iface
1469 #print vnf_iface
1470 if vnf_iface['interface_id']==iface['uuid']:
1471 netDict['net_id'] = auxNetDict['scenario'][ vnf_iface['sce_net_id'] ]
1472 break
1473 else:
1474 netDict['net_id'] = auxNetDict[ sce_vnf['uuid'] ][ iface['net_id'] ]
1475 #skip bridge ifaces not connected to any net
1476 #if 'net_id' not in netDict or netDict['net_id']==None:
1477 # continue
1478 myVMDict['networks'].append(netDict)
1479 #print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
1480 #print myVMDict['name']
1481 #print "networks", yaml.safe_dump(myVMDict['networks'], indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
1482 #print "interfaces", yaml.safe_dump(vm['interfaces'], indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
1483 #print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
1484 vm_id = myvim.new_vminstance(myVMDict['name'],myVMDict['description'],myVMDict.get('start', None),
1485 myVMDict['imageRef'],myVMDict['flavorRef'],myVMDict['networks'])
1486 #print "VIM vm instance id (server id) for scenario %s: %s" % (scenarioDict['name'],vm_id)
1487 vm['vim_id'] = vm_id
1488 rollbackList.append({'what':'vm','where':'vim','vim_id':datacenter_id,'uuid':vm_id})
1489 #put interface uuid back to scenario[vnfs][vms[[interfaces]
1490 for net in myVMDict['networks']:
1491 if "vim_id" in net:
1492 for iface in vm['interfaces']:
1493 if net["name"]==iface["internal_name"]:
1494 iface["vim_id"]=net["vim_id"]
1495 break
1497 logger.debug("start scenario Deployment done")
1498 #print yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
1499 #r,c = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(nfvo_tenant,scenarioDict['name'],scenarioDict)
1500 instance_id = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(tenant_id,instance_scenario_name, instance_scenario_description, scenarioDict)
1501 return mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id)
1503 except (db_base_Exception, vimconn.vimconnException) as e:
1504 _, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
1505 if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
1506 error_text = "Exception at database"
1507 else:
1508 error_text = "Exception at VIM"
1509 error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
1510 #logger.error("start_scenario %s", error_text)
1511 raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
1513 def unify_cloud_config(cloud_config):
1514 index_to_delete = []
1515 users = cloud_config.get("users", [])
1516 for index0 in range(0,len(users)):
1517 if index0 in index_to_delete:
1518 continue
1519 for index1 in range(index0+1,len(users)):
1520 if index1 in index_to_delete:
1521 continue
1522 if users[index0]["name"] == users[index1]["name"]:
1523 index_to_delete.append(index1)
1524 for key in users[index1].get("key-pairs",()):
1525 if "key-pairs" not in users[index0]:
1526 users[index0]["key-pairs"] = [key]
1527 elif key not in users[index0]["key-pairs"]:
1528 users[index0]["key-pairs"].append(key)
1529 index_to_delete.sort(reverse=True)
1530 for index in index_to_delete:
1531 del users[index]
1533 def get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id_name=None, **extra_filter):
1534 datacenter_id = None
1535 datacenter_name = None
1536 if datacenter_id_name:
1537 if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter_id_name):
1538 datacenter_id = datacenter_id_name
1539 else:
1540 datacenter_name = datacenter_id_name
1541 vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id, datacenter_name, **extra_filter)
1542 if len(vims) == 0:
1543 raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(datacenter_id_name)), HTTP_Not_Found)
1544 elif len(vims)>1:
1545 #print "nfvo.datacenter_action() error. Several datacenters found"
1546 raise NfvoException("More than one datacenters found, try to identify with uuid", HTTP_Conflict)
1547 return vims.keys()[0], vims.values()[0]
1549 def new_scenario_v03(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_dict):
1550 scenario = scenario_dict["scenario"]
1551 if tenant_id != "any":
1552 check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
1553 if "tenant_id" in scenario:
1554 if scenario["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
1555 logger("Tenant '%s' not found", tenant_id)
1556 raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(
1557 scenario["tenant_id"], tenant_id), HTTP_Unauthorized)
1558 else:
1559 tenant_id=None
1561 #1: Check that VNF are present at database table vnfs and update content into scenario dict
1562 for name,vnf in scenario["vnfs"].iteritems():
1563 where={}
1564 where_or={"tenant_id": tenant_id, 'public': "true"}
1565 error_text = ""
1566 error_pos = "'scenario':'vnfs':'" + name + "'"
1567 if 'vnf_id' in vnf:
1568 error_text += " 'vnf_id' " + vnf['vnf_id']
1569 where['uuid'] = vnf['vnf_id']
1570 if 'vnf_name' in vnf:
1571 error_text += " 'vnf_name' " + vnf['vnf_name']
1572 where['name'] = vnf['vnf_name']
1573 if len(where) == 0:
1574 raise NfvoException("Needed a 'vnf_id' or 'vnf_name' at " + error_pos, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1575 vnf_db = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description'),
1576 FROM='vnfs',
1577 WHERE=where,
1578 WHERE_OR=where_or,
1580 if len(vnf_db)==0:
1581 raise NfvoException("Unknown" + error_text + " at " + error_pos, HTTP_Not_Found)
1582 elif len(vnf_db)>1:
1583 raise NfvoException("More than one" + error_text + " at " + error_pos + " Concrete with 'vnf_id'", HTTP_Conflict)
1584 vnf['uuid']=vnf_db[0]['uuid']
1585 vnf['description']=vnf_db[0]['description']
1586 vnf['ifaces'] = {}
1587 # get external interfaces
1588 ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
1589 FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
1590 WHERE={'vnfs.uuid':vnf['uuid']}, WHERE_NOT={'external_name':None} )
1591 for ext_iface in ext_ifaces:
1592 vnf['ifaces'][ ext_iface['name'] ] = {'uuid':ext_iface['iface_uuid'], 'type':ext_iface['type']}
1594 # TODO? get internal-connections from db.nets and their profiles, and update scenario[vnfs][internal-connections] accordingly
1596 #2: Insert net_key and ip_address at every vnf interface
1597 for net_name,net in scenario["networks"].iteritems():
1598 net_type_bridge=False
1599 net_type_data=False
1600 for iface_dict in net["interfaces"]:
1601 logger.debug("Iface_dict %s", iface_dict)
1602 vnf = iface_dict["vnf"]
1603 iface = iface_dict["vnf_interface"]
1604 if vnf not in scenario["vnfs"]:
1605 error_text = "Error at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces' VNF '%s' not match any VNF at 'vnfs'" % (net_name, vnf)
1606 #logger.debug(error_text)
1607 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Not_Found)
1608 if iface not in scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces']:
1609 error_text = "Error at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces':'%s' interface not match any VNF interface" % (net_name, iface)
1610 #logger.debug(error_text)
1611 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1612 if "net_key" in scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]:
1613 error_text = "Error at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces':'%s' interface already connected at network '%s'" \
1614 % (net_name, iface,scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]['net_key'])
1615 #logger.debug(error_text)
1616 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1617 scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][ iface ]['net_key'] = net_name
1618 scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][ iface ]['ip_address'] = iface_dict.get('ip_address',None)
1619 iface_type = scenario["vnfs"][vnf]['ifaces'][iface]['type']
1620 if iface_type=='mgmt' or iface_type=='bridge':
1621 net_type_bridge = True
1622 else:
1623 net_type_data = True
1624 if net_type_bridge and net_type_data:
1625 error_text = "Error connection interfaces of bridge type and data type at 'networks':'%s':'interfaces'" % (net_name)
1626 #logger.debug(error_text)
1627 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1628 elif net_type_bridge:
1629 type_='bridge'
1630 else:
1631 type_='data' if len(net["interfaces"])>2 else 'ptp'
1633 if ("implementation" in net):
1634 if (type_ == "bridge" and net["implementation"] == "underlay"):
1635 error_text = "Error connecting interfaces of data type to a network declared as 'underlay' at 'network':'%s'" % (net_name)
1636 #logger.debug(error_text)
1637 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1638 elif (type_ <> "bridge" and net["implementation"] == "overlay"):
1639 error_text = "Error connecting interfaces of data type to a network declared as 'overlay' at 'network':'%s'" % (net_name)
1640 #logger.debug(error_text)
1641 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1642 net.pop("implementation")
1643 if ("type" in net):
1644 if (type_ == "data" and net["type"] == "e-line"):
1645 error_text = "Error connecting more than 2 interfaces of data type to a network declared as type 'e-line' at 'network':'%s'" % (net_name)
1646 #logger.debug(error_text)
1647 raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
1648 elif (type_ == "ptp" and net["type"] == "e-lan"):
1649 type_ = "data"
1651 net['type'] = type_
1652 net['name'] = net_name
1653 net['external'] = net.get('external', False)
1655 #3: insert at database
1656 scenario["nets"] = scenario["networks"]
1657 scenario['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
1658 scenario_id = mydb.new_scenario2(scenario)
1659 return scenario_id
1661 def update(d, u):
1662 '''Takes dict d and updates it with the values in dict u.'''
1663 '''It merges all depth levels'''
1664 for k, v in u.iteritems():
1665 if isinstance(v, collections.Mapping):
1666 r = update(d.get(k, {}), v)
1667 d[k] = r
1668 else:
1669 d[k] = u[k]
1670 return d
1672 def create_instance(mydb, tenant_id, instance_dict):
1673 #print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
1674 #logger.debug("Creating instance...")
1675 scenario = instance_dict["scenario"]
1677 #find main datacenter
1678 myvims = {}
1679 datacenter2tenant = {}
1680 datacenter = instance_dict.get("datacenter")
1681 default_datacenter_id, vim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
1682 myvims[default_datacenter_id] = vim
1683 datacenter2tenant[default_datacenter_id] = vim['config']['datacenter_tenant_id']
1684 #myvim_tenant = myvim['tenant_id']
1685 # default_datacenter_name = vim['name']
1686 rollbackList=[]
1688 #print "Checking that the scenario exists and getting the scenario dictionary"
1689 scenarioDict = mydb.get_scenario(scenario, tenant_id, default_datacenter_id)
1691 #logger.debug(">>>>>>> Dictionaries before merging")
1692 #logger.debug(">>>>>>> InstanceDict:\n{}".format(yaml.safe_dump(instance_dict,default_flow_style=False, width=256)))
1693 #logger.debug(">>>>>>> ScenarioDict:\n{}".format(yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict,default_flow_style=False, width=256)))
1695 scenarioDict['datacenter_id'] = default_datacenter_id
1697 auxNetDict = {} #Auxiliar dictionary. First key:'scenario' or sce_vnf uuid. Second Key: uuid of the net/sce_net. Value: vim_net_id
1698 auxNetDict['scenario'] = {}
1700 logger.debug("Creating instance from scenario-dict:\n%s", yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)) #TODO remove
1701 instance_name = instance_dict["name"]
1702 instance_description = instance_dict.get("description")
1703 try:
1704 #0 check correct parameters
1705 for net_name, net_instance_desc in instance_dict.get("networks",{}).iteritems():
1706 found=False
1707 for scenario_net in scenarioDict['nets']:
1708 if net_name == scenario_net["name"]:
1709 found = True
1710 break
1711 if not found:
1712 raise NfvoException("Invalid scenario network name '{}' at instance:networks".format(net_name), HTTP_Bad_Request)
1713 if "sites" not in net_instance_desc:
1714 net_instance_desc["sites"] = [ {} ]
1715 site_without_datacenter_field = False
1716 for site in net_instance_desc["sites"]:
1717 if site.get("datacenter"):
1718 if site["datacenter"] not in myvims:
1719 #Add this datacenter to myvims
1720 d, v = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, site["datacenter"])
1721 myvims[d] = v
1722 datacenter2tenant[d] = v['config']['datacenter_tenant_id']
1723 site["datacenter"] = d #change name to id
1724 else:
1725 if site_without_datacenter_field:
1726 raise NfvoException("Found more than one entries without datacenter field at instance:networks:{}:sites".format(net_name), HTTP_Bad_Request)
1727 site_without_datacenter_field = True
1728 site["datacenter"] = default_datacenter_id #change name to id
1730 for vnf_name, vnf_instance_desc in instance_dict.get("vnfs",{}).iteritems():
1731 found=False
1732 for scenario_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
1733 if vnf_name == scenario_vnf['name']:
1734 found = True
1735 break
1736 if not found:
1737 raise NfvoException("Invalid vnf name '{}' at instance:vnfs".format(vnf_instance_desc), HTTP_Bad_Request)
1738 if "datacenter" in vnf_instance_desc:
1739 #Add this datacenter to myvims
1740 if vnf_instance_desc["datacenter"] not in myvims:
1741 d, v = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_instance_desc["datacenter"])
1742 myvims[d] = v
1743 datacenter2tenant[d] = v['config']['datacenter_tenant_id']
1744 scenario_vnf["datacenter"] = vnf_instance_desc["datacenter"]
1745 #0.1 parse cloud-config parameters
1746 cloud_config = scenarioDict.get("cloud-config", {})
1747 if instance_dict.get("cloud-config"):
1748 cloud_config.update( instance_dict["cloud-config"])
1749 if not cloud_config:
1750 cloud_config = None
1751 else:
1752 scenarioDict["cloud-config"] = cloud_config
1753 unify_cloud_config(cloud_config)
1755 #0.2 merge instance information into scenario
1756 #Ideally, the operation should be as simple as: update(scenarioDict,instance_dict)
1757 #However, this is not possible yet.
1758 for net_name, net_instance_desc in instance_dict.get("networks",{}).iteritems():
1759 for scenario_net in scenarioDict['nets']:
1760 if net_name == scenario_net["name"]:
1761 if 'ip-profile' in net_instance_desc:
1762 ipprofile = net_instance_desc['ip-profile']
1763 ipprofile['subnet_address'] = ipprofile.pop('subnet-address',None)
1764 ipprofile['ip_version'] = ipprofile.pop('ip-version','IPv4')
1765 ipprofile['gateway_address'] = ipprofile.pop('gateway-address',None)
1766 ipprofile['dns_address'] = ipprofile.pop('dns-address',None)
1767 if 'dhcp' in ipprofile:
1768 ipprofile['dhcp_start_address'] = ipprofile['dhcp'].get('start-address',None)
1769 ipprofile['dhcp_enabled'] = ipprofile['dhcp'].get('enabled',True)
1770 ipprofile['dhcp_count'] = ipprofile['dhcp'].get('count',None)
1771 del ipprofile['dhcp']
1772 if 'ip_profile' not in scenario_net:
1773 scenario_net['ip_profile'] = ipprofile
1774 else:
1775 update(scenario_net['ip_profile'],ipprofile)
1776 for interface in net_instance_desc.get('interfaces', () ):
1777 if 'ip_address' in interface:
1778 for vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
1779 if interface['vnf'] == vnf['name']:
1780 for vnf_interface in vnf['interfaces']:
1781 if interface['vnf_interface'] == vnf_interface['external_name']:
1782 vnf_interface['ip_address']=interface['ip_address']
1784 #logger.debug(">>>>>>>> Merged dictionary")
1785 logger.debug("Creating instance scenario-dict MERGED:\n%s", yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
1788 #1. Creating new nets (sce_nets) in the VIM"
1789 for sce_net in scenarioDict['nets']:
1790 sce_net["vim_id_sites"]={}
1791 descriptor_net = instance_dict.get("networks",{}).get(sce_net["name"],{})
1792 net_name = descriptor_net.get("vim-network-name")
1793 auxNetDict['scenario'][sce_net['uuid']] = {}
1795 sites = descriptor_net.get("sites", [ {} ])
1796 for site in sites:
1797 if site.get("datacenter"):
1798 vim = myvims[ site["datacenter"] ]
1799 datacenter_id = site["datacenter"]
1800 else:
1801 vim = myvims[ default_datacenter_id ]
1802 datacenter_id = default_datacenter_id
1803 net_type = sce_net['type']
1804 lookfor_filter = {'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'ACTIVE'} #'shared': True
1805 if sce_net["external"]:
1806 if not net_name:
1807 net_name = sce_net["name"]
1808 if "netmap-use" in site or "netmap-create" in site:
1809 create_network = False
1810 lookfor_network = False
1811 if "netmap-use" in site:
1812 lookfor_network = True
1813 if utils.check_valid_uuid(site["netmap-use"]):
1814 filter_text = "scenario id '%s'" % site["netmap-use"]
1815 lookfor_filter["id"] = site["netmap-use"]
1816 else:
1817 filter_text = "scenario name '%s'" % site["netmap-use"]
1818 lookfor_filter["name"] = site["netmap-use"]
1819 if "netmap-create" in site:
1820 create_network = True
1821 net_vim_name = net_name
1822 if site["netmap-create"]:
1823 net_vim_name = site["netmap-create"]
1825 elif sce_net['vim_id'] != None:
1826 #there is a netmap at datacenter_nets database #TODO REVISE!!!!
1827 create_network = False
1828 lookfor_network = True
1829 lookfor_filter["id"] = sce_net['vim_id']
1830 filter_text = "vim_id '%s' datacenter_netmap name '%s'. Try to reload vims with datacenter-net-update" % (sce_net['vim_id'], sce_net["name"])
1831 #look for network at datacenter and return error
1832 else:
1833 #There is not a netmap, look at datacenter for a net with this name and create if not found
1834 create_network = True
1835 lookfor_network = True
1836 lookfor_filter["name"] = sce_net["name"]
1837 net_vim_name = sce_net["name"]
1838 filter_text = "scenario name '%s'" % sce_net["name"]
1839 else:
1840 if not net_name:
1841 net_name = "%s.%s" %(instance_name, sce_net["name"])
1842 net_name = net_name[:255] #limit length
1843 net_vim_name = net_name
1844 create_network = True
1845 lookfor_network = False
1847 if lookfor_network:
1848 vim_nets = vim.get_network_list(filter_dict=lookfor_filter)
1849 if len(vim_nets) > 1:
1850 raise NfvoException("More than one candidate VIM network found for " + filter_text, HTTP_Bad_Request )
1851 elif len(vim_nets) == 0:
1852 if not create_network:
1853 raise NfvoException("No candidate VIM network found for " + filter_text, HTTP_Bad_Request )
1854 else:
1855 sce_net["vim_id_sites"][datacenter_id] = vim_nets[0]['id']
1856 auxNetDict['scenario'][sce_net['uuid']][datacenter_id] = vim_nets[0]['id']
1857 create_network = False
1858 if create_network:
1859 #if network is not external
1860 network_id = vim.new_network(net_vim_name, net_type, sce_net.get('ip_profile',None))
1861 sce_net["vim_id_sites"][datacenter_id] = network_id
1862 auxNetDict['scenario'][sce_net['uuid']][datacenter_id] = network_id
1863 rollbackList.append({'what':'network', 'where':'vim', 'vim_id':datacenter_id, 'uuid':network_id})
1864 sce_net["created"] = True
1866 #2. Creating new nets (vnf internal nets) in the VIM"
1867 #For each vnf net, we create it and we add it to instanceNetlist.
1868 for sce_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
1869 for net in sce_vnf['nets']:
1870 if sce_vnf.get("datacenter"):
1871 vim = myvims[ sce_vnf["datacenter"] ]
1872 datacenter_id = sce_vnf["datacenter"]
1873 else:
1874 vim = myvims[ default_datacenter_id ]
1875 datacenter_id = default_datacenter_id
1876 descriptor_net = instance_dict.get("vnfs",{}).get(sce_vnf["name"],{})
1877 net_name = descriptor_net.get("name")
1878 if not net_name:
1879 net_name = "%s.%s" %(instance_name, net["name"])
1880 net_name = net_name[:255] #limit length
1881 net_type = net['type']
1882 network_id = vim.new_network(net_name, net_type, net.get('ip_profile',None))
1883 net['vim_id'] = network_id
1884 if sce_vnf['uuid'] not in auxNetDict:
1885 auxNetDict[sce_vnf['uuid']] = {}
1886 auxNetDict[sce_vnf['uuid']][net['uuid']] = network_id
1887 rollbackList.append({'what':'network','where':'vim','vim_id':datacenter_id,'uuid':network_id})
1888 net["created"] = True
1891 #print "auxNetDict:"
1892 #print yaml.safe_dump(auxNetDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
1894 #3. Creating new vm instances in the VIM
1895 #myvim.new_vminstance(self,vimURI,tenant_id,name,description,image_id,flavor_id,net_dict)
1896 for sce_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
1897 if sce_vnf.get("datacenter"):
1898 vim = myvims[ sce_vnf["datacenter"] ]
1899 datacenter_id = sce_vnf["datacenter"]
1900 else:
1901 vim = myvims[ default_datacenter_id ]
1902 datacenter_id = default_datacenter_id
1903 sce_vnf["datacenter_id"] = datacenter_id
1904 i = 0
1905 for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
1906 i += 1
1907 myVMDict = {}
1908 myVMDict['name'] = "%s.%s.%d" % (instance_name,sce_vnf['name'],i)
1909 myVMDict['description'] = myVMDict['name'][0:99]
1910 # if not startvms:
1911 # myVMDict['start'] = "no"
1912 myVMDict['name'] = myVMDict['name'][0:255] #limit name length
1913 #create image at vim in case it not exist
1914 image_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("images", vm['image_id'])
1915 image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, {datacenter_id: vim}, image_dict, [], True)
1916 vm['vim_image_id'] = image_id
1918 #create flavor at vim in case it not exist
1919 flavor_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("flavors", vm['flavor_id'])
1920 if flavor_dict['extended']!=None:
1921 flavor_dict['extended']= yaml.load(flavor_dict['extended'])
1922 flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, {datacenter_id: vim}, flavor_dict, rollbackList, True)
1923 vm['vim_flavor_id'] = flavor_id
1925 myVMDict['imageRef'] = vm['vim_image_id']
1926 myVMDict['flavorRef'] = vm['vim_flavor_id']
1927 myVMDict['networks'] = []
1928 #TODO ALF. connect_mgmt_interfaces. Connect management interfaces if this is true
1929 for iface in vm['interfaces']:
1930 netDict = {}
1931 if iface['type']=="data":
1932 netDict['type'] = iface['model']
1933 elif "model" in iface and iface["model"]!=None:
1934 netDict['model']=iface['model']
1935 #TODO in future, remove this because mac_address will not be set, and the type of PV,VF is obtained from iterface table model
1936 #discover type of interface looking at flavor
1937 for numa in flavor_dict.get('extended',{}).get('numas',[]):
1938 for flavor_iface in numa.get('interfaces',[]):
1939 if flavor_iface.get('name') == iface['internal_name']:
1940 if flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'yes':
1941 netDict['type']="PF" #passthrough
1942 elif flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'no':
1943 netDict['type']="VF" #siov
1944 elif flavor_iface['dedicated'] == 'yes:sriov':
1945 netDict['type']="VFnotShared" #sriov but only one sriov on the PF
1946 netDict["mac_address"] = flavor_iface.get("mac_address")
1947 break;
1948 netDict["use"]=iface['type']
1949 if netDict["use"]=="data" and not netDict.get("type"):
1950 #print "netDict", netDict
1951 #print "iface", iface
1952 e_text = "Cannot determine the interface type PF or VF of VNF '%s' VM '%s' iface '%s'" %(sce_vnf['name'], vm['name'], iface['internal_name'])
1953 if flavor_dict.get('extended')==None:
1954 raise NfvoException(e_text + "After database migration some information is not available. \
1955 Try to delete and create the scenarios and VNFs again", HTTP_Conflict)
1956 else:
1957 raise NfvoException(e_text, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
1958 if netDict["use"]=="mgmt" or netDict["use"]=="bridge":
1959 netDict["type"]="virtual"
1960 if "vpci" in iface and iface["vpci"] is not None:
1961 netDict['vpci'] = iface['vpci']
1962 if "mac" in iface and iface["mac"] is not None:
1963 netDict['mac_address'] = iface['mac']
1964 netDict['name'] = iface['internal_name']
1965 if iface['net_id'] is None:
1966 for vnf_iface in sce_vnf["interfaces"]:
1967 #print iface
1968 #print vnf_iface
1969 if vnf_iface['interface_id']==iface['uuid']:
1970 netDict['net_id'] = auxNetDict['scenario'][ vnf_iface['sce_net_id'] ][datacenter_id]
1971 break
1972 else:
1973 netDict['net_id'] = auxNetDict[ sce_vnf['uuid'] ][ iface['net_id'] ]
1974 #skip bridge ifaces not connected to any net
1975 #if 'net_id' not in netDict or netDict['net_id']==None:
1976 # continue
1977 myVMDict['networks'].append(netDict)
1978 #print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
1979 #print myVMDict['name']
1980 #print "networks", yaml.safe_dump(myVMDict['networks'], indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
1981 #print "interfaces", yaml.safe_dump(vm['interfaces'], indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
1982 #print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
1983 vm_id = vim.new_vminstance(myVMDict['name'],myVMDict['description'],myVMDict.get('start', None),
1984 myVMDict['imageRef'],myVMDict['flavorRef'],myVMDict['networks'], cloud_config = cloud_config)
1985 vm['vim_id'] = vm_id
1986 rollbackList.append({'what':'vm','where':'vim','vim_id':datacenter_id,'uuid':vm_id})
1987 #put interface uuid back to scenario[vnfs][vms[[interfaces]
1988 for net in myVMDict['networks']:
1989 if "vim_id" in net:
1990 for iface in vm['interfaces']:
1991 if net["name"]==iface["internal_name"]:
1992 iface["vim_id"]=net["vim_id"]
1993 break
1994 scenarioDict["datacenter2tenant"] = datacenter2tenant
1995 logger.debug("create_instance Deployment done scenarioDict: %s",
1996 yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False) )
1997 instance_id = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(tenant_id,instance_name, instance_description, scenarioDict)
1998 return mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id)
1999 except (NfvoException, vimconn.vimconnException,db_base_Exception) as e:
2000 message = rollback(mydb, myvims, rollbackList)
2001 if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
2002 error_text = "database Exception"
2003 elif isinstance(e, vimconn.vimconnException):
2004 error_text = "VIM Exception"
2005 else:
2006 error_text = "Exception"
2007 error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
2008 #logger.error("create_instance: %s", error_text)
2009 raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
2011 def delete_instance(mydb, tenant_id, instance_id):
2012 #print "Checking that the instance_id exists and getting the instance dictionary"
2013 instanceDict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
2014 #print yaml.safe_dump(instanceDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
2015 tenant_id = instanceDict["tenant_id"]
2016 #print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
2018 #1. Delete from Database
2019 message = mydb.delete_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
2021 #2. delete from VIM
2022 error_msg = ""
2023 myvims={}
2025 #2.1 deleting VMs
2026 #vm_fail_list=[]
2027 for sce_vnf in instanceDict['vnfs']:
2028 datacenter_key = (sce_vnf["datacenter_id"], sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
2029 if datacenter_key not in myvims:
2030 vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id=sce_vnf["datacenter_id"],
2031 datacenter_tenant_id=sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
2032 if len(vims) == 0:
2033 logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(sce_vnf["datacenter_id"],
2034 sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
2035 myvims[datacenter_key] = None
2036 else:
2037 myvims[datacenter_key] = vims.values()[0]
2038 myvim = myvims[datacenter_key]
2039 for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
2040 if not myvim:
2041 error_msg += "\n VM id={} cannot be deleted because datacenter={} not found".format(vm['vim_vm_id'], sce_vnf["datacenter_id"])
2042 continue
2043 try:
2044 myvim.delete_vminstance(vm['vim_vm_id'])
2045 except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
2046 error_msg+="\n VM VIM_id={} not found at datacenter={}".format(vm['vim_vm_id'], sce_vnf["datacenter_id"])
2047 logger.warn("VM instance '%s'uuid '%s', VIM id '%s', from VNF_id '%s' not found",
2048 vm['name'], vm['uuid'], vm['vim_vm_id'], sce_vnf['vnf_id'])
2049 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2050 error_msg+="\n VM VIM_id={} at datacenter={} Error: {} {}".format(vm['vim_vm_id'], sce_vnf["datacenter_id"], e.http_code, str(e))
2051 logger.error("Error %d deleting VM instance '%s'uuid '%s', VIM_id '%s', from VNF_id '%s': %s",
2052 e.http_code, vm['name'], vm['uuid'], vm['vim_vm_id'], sce_vnf['vnf_id'], str(e))
2054 #2.2 deleting NETS
2055 #net_fail_list=[]
2056 for net in instanceDict['nets']:
2057 if not net['created']:
2058 continue #skip not created nets
2059 datacenter_key = (net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
2060 if datacenter_key not in myvims:
2061 vims = get_vim(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter_id=net["datacenter_id"],
2062 datacenter_tenant_id=net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
2063 if len(vims) == 0:
2064 logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
2065 myvims[datacenter_key] = None
2066 else:
2067 myvims[datacenter_key] = vims.values()[0]
2068 myvim = myvims[datacenter_key]
2070 if not myvim:
2071 error_msg += "\n Net VIM_id={} cannot be deleted because datacenter={} not found".format(net['vim_net_id'], net["datacenter_id"])
2072 continue
2073 try:
2074 myvim.delete_network(net['vim_net_id'])
2075 except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
2076 error_msg+="\n NET VIM_id={} not found at datacenter={}".format(net['vim_net_id'], net["datacenter_id"])
2077 logger.warn("NET '%s', VIM_id '%s', from VNF_net_id '%s' not found",
2078 net['uuid'], net['vim_net_id'], str(net['vnf_net_id']))
2079 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2080 error_msg+="\n NET VIM_id={} at datacenter={} Error: {} {}".format(net['vim_net_id'], net["datacenter_id"], e.http_code, str(e))
2081 logger.error("Error %d deleting NET '%s', VIM_id '%s', from VNF_net_id '%s': %s",
2082 e.http_code, net['uuid'], net['vim_net_id'], str(net['vnf_net_id']), str(e))
2083 if len(error_msg)>0:
2084 return 'instance ' + message + ' deleted but some elements could not be deleted, or already deleted (error: 404) from VIM: ' + error_msg
2085 else:
2086 return 'instance ' + message + ' deleted'
2088 def refresh_instance(mydb, nfvo_tenant, instanceDict, datacenter=None, vim_tenant=None):
2089 '''Refreshes a scenario instance. It modifies instanceDict'''
2090 '''Returns:
2091 - result: <0 if there is any unexpected error, n>=0 if no errors where n is the number of vms and nets that couldn't be updated in the database
2092 - error_msg
2093 '''
2094 # Assumption: nfvo_tenant and instance_id were checked before entering into this function
2095 #print "nfvo.refresh_instance begins"
2096 #print json.dumps(instanceDict, indent=4)
2098 #print "Getting the VIM URL and the VIM tenant_id"
2099 myvims={}
2101 # 1. Getting VIM vm and net list
2102 vms_updated = [] #List of VM instance uuids in openmano that were updated
2103 vms_notupdated=[]
2104 vm_list = {}
2105 for sce_vnf in instanceDict['vnfs']:
2106 datacenter_key = (sce_vnf["datacenter_id"], sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
2107 if datacenter_key not in vm_list:
2108 vm_list[datacenter_key] = []
2109 if datacenter_key not in myvims:
2110 vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant, datacenter_id=sce_vnf["datacenter_id"],
2111 datacenter_tenant_id=sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"])
2112 if len(vims) == 0:
2113 logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(sce_vnf["datacenter_id"], sce_vnf["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
2114 myvims[datacenter_key] = None
2115 else:
2116 myvims[datacenter_key] = vims.values()[0]
2117 for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
2118 vm_list[datacenter_key].append(vm['vim_vm_id'])
2119 vms_notupdated.append(vm["uuid"])
2121 nets_updated = [] #List of VM instance uuids in openmano that were updated
2122 nets_notupdated=[]
2123 net_list = {}
2124 for net in instanceDict['nets']:
2125 datacenter_key = (net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
2126 if datacenter_key not in net_list:
2127 net_list[datacenter_key] = []
2128 if datacenter_key not in myvims:
2129 vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant, datacenter_id=net["datacenter_id"],
2130 datacenter_tenant_id=net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
2131 if len(vims) == 0:
2132 logger.error("datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"]))
2133 myvims[datacenter_key] = None
2134 else:
2135 myvims[datacenter_key] = vims.values()[0]
2137 net_list[datacenter_key].append(net['vim_net_id'])
2138 nets_notupdated.append(net["uuid"])
2140 # 1. Getting the status of all VMs
2141 vm_dict={}
2142 for datacenter_key in myvims:
2143 if not vm_list.get(datacenter_key):
2144 continue
2145 failed = True
2146 failed_message=""
2147 if not myvims[datacenter_key]:
2148 failed_message = "datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
2149 else:
2150 try:
2151 vm_dict.update(myvims[datacenter_key].refresh_vms_status(vm_list[datacenter_key]) )
2152 failed = False
2153 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2154 logger.error("VIM exception %s %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
2155 failed_message = str(e)
2156 if failed:
2157 for vm in vm_list[datacenter_key]:
2158 vm_dict[vm] = {'status': "VIM_ERROR", 'error_msg': failed_message}
2160 # 2. Update the status of VMs in the instanceDict, while collects the VMs whose status changed
2161 for sce_vnf in instanceDict['vnfs']:
2162 for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
2163 vm_id = vm['vim_vm_id']
2164 interfaces = vm_dict[vm_id].pop('interfaces', [])
2165 #2.0 look if contain manamgement interface, and if not change status from ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP to ACTIVE
2166 has_mgmt_iface = False
2167 for iface in vm["interfaces"]:
2168 if iface["type"]=="mgmt":
2169 has_mgmt_iface = True
2170 if vm_dict[vm_id]['status'] == "ACTIVE:NoMgmtIP" and not has_mgmt_iface:
2171 vm_dict[vm_id]['status'] = "ACTIVE"
2172 if vm['status'] != vm_dict[vm_id]['status'] or vm.get('error_msg')!=vm_dict[vm_id].get('error_msg') or vm.get('vim_info')!=vm_dict[vm_id].get('vim_info'):
2173 vm['status'] = vm_dict[vm_id]['status']
2174 vm['error_msg'] = vm_dict[vm_id].get('error_msg')
2175 vm['vim_info'] = vm_dict[vm_id].get('vim_info')
2176 # 2.1. Update in openmano DB the VMs whose status changed
2177 try:
2178 updates = mydb.update_rows('instance_vms', UPDATE=vm_dict[vm_id], WHERE={'uuid':vm["uuid"]})
2179 vms_notupdated.remove(vm["uuid"])
2180 if updates>0:
2181 vms_updated.append(vm["uuid"])
2182 except db_base_Exception as e:
2183 logger.error("nfvo.refresh_instance error database update: %s", str(e))
2184 # 2.2. Update in openmano DB the interface VMs
2185 for interface in interfaces:
2186 #translate from vim_net_id to instance_net_id
2187 network_id_list=[]
2188 for net in instanceDict['nets']:
2189 if net["vim_net_id"] == interface["vim_net_id"]:
2190 network_id_list.append(net["uuid"])
2191 if not network_id_list:
2192 continue
2193 del interface["vim_net_id"]
2194 try:
2195 for network_id in network_id_list:
2196 mydb.update_rows('instance_interfaces', UPDATE=interface, WHERE={'instance_vm_id':vm["uuid"], "instance_net_id":network_id})
2197 except db_base_Exception as e:
2198 logger.error( "nfvo.refresh_instance error with vm=%s, interface_net_id=%s", vm["uuid"], network_id)
2200 # 3. Getting the status of all nets
2201 net_dict = {}
2202 for datacenter_key in myvims:
2203 if not net_list.get(datacenter_key):
2204 continue
2205 failed = True
2206 failed_message = ""
2207 if not myvims[datacenter_key]:
2208 failed_message = "datacenter '{}' with datacenter_tenant_id '{}' not found".format(net["datacenter_id"], net["datacenter_tenant_id"])
2209 else:
2210 try:
2211 net_dict.update(myvims[datacenter_key].refresh_nets_status(net_list[datacenter_key]) )
2212 failed = False
2213 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2214 logger.error("VIM exception %s %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
2215 failed_message = str(e)
2216 if failed:
2217 for net in net_list[datacenter_key]:
2218 net_dict[net] = {'status': "VIM_ERROR", 'error_msg': failed_message}
2220 # 4. Update the status of nets in the instanceDict, while collects the nets whose status changed
2221 # TODO: update nets inside a vnf
2222 for net in instanceDict['nets']:
2223 net_id = net['vim_net_id']
2224 if net['status'] != net_dict[net_id]['status'] or net.get('error_msg')!=net_dict[net_id].get('error_msg') or net.get('vim_info')!=net_dict[net_id].get('vim_info'):
2225 net['status'] = net_dict[net_id]['status']
2226 net['error_msg'] = net_dict[net_id].get('error_msg')
2227 net['vim_info'] = net_dict[net_id].get('vim_info')
2228 # 5.1. Update in openmano DB the nets whose status changed
2229 try:
2230 updated = mydb.update_rows('instance_nets', UPDATE=net_dict[net_id], WHERE={'uuid':net["uuid"]})
2231 nets_notupdated.remove(net["uuid"])
2232 if updated>0:
2233 nets_updated.append(net["uuid"])
2234 except db_base_Exception as e:
2235 logger.error("nfvo.refresh_instance error database update: %s", str(e))
2237 # Returns appropriate output
2238 #print "nfvo.refresh_instance finishes"
2239 logger.debug("VMs updated in the database: %s; nets updated in the database %s; VMs not updated: %s; nets not updated: %s",
2240 str(vms_updated), str(nets_updated), str(vms_notupdated), str(nets_notupdated))
2241 instance_id = instanceDict['uuid']
2242 if len(vms_notupdated)+len(nets_notupdated)>0:
2243 error_msg = "VMs not updated: " + str(vms_notupdated) + "; nets not updated: " + str(nets_notupdated)
2244 return len(vms_notupdated)+len(nets_notupdated), 'Scenario instance ' + instance_id + ' refreshed but some elements could not be updated in the database: ' + error_msg
2246 return 0, 'Scenario instance ' + instance_id + ' refreshed.'
2248 def instance_action(mydb,nfvo_tenant,instance_id, action_dict):
2249 #print "Checking that the instance_id exists and getting the instance dictionary"
2250 instanceDict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, nfvo_tenant)
2251 #print yaml.safe_dump(instanceDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
2253 #print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
2254 vims = get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant, instanceDict['datacenter_id'])
2255 if len(vims) == 0:
2256 raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(instanceDict['datacenter_id'])), HTTP_Not_Found)
2257 myvim = vims.values()[0]
2260 input_vnfs = action_dict.pop("vnfs", [])
2261 input_vms = action_dict.pop("vms", [])
2262 action_over_all = True if len(input_vnfs)==0 and len (input_vms)==0 else False
2263 vm_result = {}
2264 vm_error = 0
2265 vm_ok = 0
2266 for sce_vnf in instanceDict['vnfs']:
2267 for vm in sce_vnf['vms']:
2268 if not action_over_all:
2269 if sce_vnf['uuid'] not in input_vnfs and sce_vnf['vnf_name'] not in input_vnfs and \
2270 vm['uuid'] not in input_vms and vm['name'] not in input_vms:
2271 continue
2272 try:
2273 data = myvim.action_vminstance(vm['vim_vm_id'], action_dict)
2274 if "console" in action_dict:
2275 if not global_config["http_console_proxy"]:
2276 vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": 200,
2277 "description": "{protocol}//{ip}:{port}/{suffix}".format(
2278 protocol=data["protocol"],
2279 ip = data["server"],
2280 port = data["port"],
2281 suffix = data["suffix"]),
2282 "name":vm['name']
2283 }
2284 vm_ok +=1
2285 elif data["server"]=="" or data["server"]=="localhost":
2286 vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": -HTTP_Unauthorized,
2287 "description": "this console is only reachable by local interface",
2288 "name":vm['name']
2289 }
2290 vm_error+=1
2291 else:
2292 #print "console data", data
2293 try:
2294 console_thread = create_or_use_console_proxy_thread(data["server"], data["port"])
2295 vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": 200,
2296 "description": "{protocol}//{ip}:{port}/{suffix}".format(
2297 protocol=data["protocol"],
2298 ip = global_config["http_console_host"],
2299 port = console_thread.port,
2300 suffix = data["suffix"]),
2301 "name":vm['name']
2302 }
2303 vm_ok +=1
2304 except NfvoException as e:
2305 vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": e.http_code, "name":vm['name'], "description": str(e)}
2306 vm_error+=1
2308 else:
2309 vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": 200, "description": "ok", "name":vm['name']}
2310 vm_ok +=1
2311 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2312 vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": e.http_code, "name":vm['name'], "description": str(e)}
2313 vm_error+=1
2315 if vm_ok==0: #all goes wrong
2316 return vm_result
2317 else:
2318 return vm_result
2320 def create_or_use_console_proxy_thread(console_server, console_port):
2321 #look for a non-used port
2322 console_thread_key = console_server + ":" + str(console_port)
2323 if console_thread_key in global_config["console_thread"]:
2324 #global_config["console_thread"][console_thread_key].start_timeout()
2325 return global_config["console_thread"][console_thread_key]
2327 for port in global_config["console_port_iterator"]():
2328 #print "create_or_use_console_proxy_thread() port:", port
2329 if port in global_config["console_ports"]:
2330 continue
2331 try:
2332 clithread = cli.ConsoleProxyThread(global_config['http_host'], port, console_server, console_port)
2333 clithread.start()
2334 global_config["console_thread"][console_thread_key] = clithread
2335 global_config["console_ports"][port] = console_thread_key
2336 return clithread
2337 except cli.ConsoleProxyExceptionPortUsed as e:
2338 #port used, try with onoher
2339 continue
2340 except cli.ConsoleProxyException as e:
2341 raise NfvoException(str(e), HTTP_Bad_Request)
2342 raise NfvoException("Not found any free 'http_console_ports'", HTTP_Conflict)
2344 def check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id):
2345 '''check that tenant exists at database'''
2346 tenant = mydb.get_rows(FROM='nfvo_tenants', SELECT=('uuid',), WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id})
2347 if not tenant:
2348 raise NfvoException("tenant '{}' not found".format(tenant_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
2349 return
2351 def new_tenant(mydb, tenant_dict):
2352 tenant_id = mydb.new_row("nfvo_tenants", tenant_dict, add_uuid=True)
2353 return tenant_id
2355 def delete_tenant(mydb, tenant):
2356 #get nfvo_tenant info
2358 tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant, 'tenant')
2359 mydb.delete_row_by_id("nfvo_tenants", tenant_dict['uuid'])
2360 return tenant_dict['uuid'] + " " + tenant_dict["name"]
2362 def new_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_descriptor):
2363 if "config" in datacenter_descriptor:
2364 datacenter_descriptor["config"]=yaml.safe_dump(datacenter_descriptor["config"],default_flow_style=True,width=256)
2365 #Check that datacenter-type is correct
2366 datacenter_type = datacenter_descriptor.get("type", "openvim");
2367 module_info = None
2368 try:
2369 module = "vimconn_" + datacenter_type
2370 module_info = imp.find_module(module)
2371 except (IOError, ImportError):
2372 if module_info and module_info[0]:
2373 file.close(module_info[0])
2374 raise NfvoException("Incorrect datacenter type '{}'. Plugin '{}'.py not installed".format(datacenter_type, module), HTTP_Bad_Request)
2376 datacenter_id = mydb.new_row("datacenters", datacenter_descriptor, add_uuid=True)
2377 return datacenter_id
2379 def edit_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_id_name, datacenter_descriptor):
2380 #obtain data, check that only one exist
2381 datacenter = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id_name)
2382 #edit data
2383 datacenter_id = datacenter['uuid']
2384 where={'uuid': datacenter['uuid']}
2385 if "config" in datacenter_descriptor:
2386 if datacenter_descriptor['config']!=None:
2387 try:
2388 new_config_dict = datacenter_descriptor["config"]
2389 #delete null fields
2390 to_delete=[]
2391 for k in new_config_dict:
2392 if new_config_dict[k]==None:
2393 to_delete.append(k)
2395 config_dict = yaml.load(datacenter["config"])
2396 config_dict.update(new_config_dict)
2397 #delete null fields
2398 for k in to_delete:
2399 del config_dict[k]
2400 except Exception as e:
2401 raise NfvoException("Bad format at datacenter:config " + str(e), HTTP_Bad_Request)
2402 datacenter_descriptor["config"]= yaml.safe_dump(config_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256) if len(config_dict)>0 else None
2403 mydb.update_rows('datacenters', datacenter_descriptor, where)
2404 return datacenter_id
2406 def delete_datacenter(mydb, datacenter):
2407 #get nfvo_tenant info
2408 datacenter_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter, 'datacenter')
2409 mydb.delete_row_by_id("datacenters", datacenter_dict['uuid'])
2410 return datacenter_dict['uuid'] + " " + datacenter_dict['name']
2412 def associate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, nfvo_tenant, datacenter, vim_tenant_id=None, vim_tenant_name=None, vim_username=None, vim_password=None):
2413 #get datacenter info
2414 datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, None, datacenter)
2415 datacenter_name=myvim["name"]
2417 create_vim_tenant=True if vim_tenant_id==None and vim_tenant_name==None else False
2419 #get nfvo_tenant info
2420 tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', nfvo_tenant)
2421 if vim_tenant_name==None:
2422 vim_tenant_name=tenant_dict['name']
2424 #check that this association does not exist before
2425 tenants_datacenter_dict={"nfvo_tenant_id":tenant_dict['uuid'], "datacenter_id":datacenter_id }
2426 tenants_datacenters = mydb.get_rows(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
2427 if len(tenants_datacenters)>0:
2428 raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' and tenant'{}' are already attached".format(datacenter_id, tenant_dict['uuid']), HTTP_Conflict)
2430 vim_tenant_id_exist_atdb=False
2431 if not create_vim_tenant:
2432 where_={"datacenter_id": datacenter_id}
2433 if vim_tenant_id!=None:
2434 where_["vim_tenant_id"] = vim_tenant_id
2435 if vim_tenant_name!=None:
2436 where_["vim_tenant_name"] = vim_tenant_name
2437 #check if vim_tenant_id is already at database
2438 datacenter_tenants_dict = mydb.get_rows(FROM='datacenter_tenants', WHERE=where_)
2439 if len(datacenter_tenants_dict)>=1:
2440 datacenter_tenants_dict = datacenter_tenants_dict[0]
2441 vim_tenant_id_exist_atdb=True
2442 #TODO check if a field has changed and edit entry at datacenter_tenants at DB
2443 else: #result=0
2444 datacenter_tenants_dict = {}
2445 #insert at table datacenter_tenants
2446 else: #if vim_tenant_id==None:
2447 #create tenant at VIM if not provided
2448 try:
2449 vim_tenant_id = myvim.new_tenant(vim_tenant_name, "created by openmano for datacenter "+datacenter_name)
2450 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2451 raise NfvoException("Not possible to create vim_tenant {} at VIM: {}".format(vim_tenant_id, str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
2452 datacenter_tenants_dict = {}
2453 datacenter_tenants_dict["created"]="true"
2455 #fill datacenter_tenants table
2456 if not vim_tenant_id_exist_atdb:
2457 datacenter_tenants_dict["vim_tenant_id"] = vim_tenant_id
2458 datacenter_tenants_dict["vim_tenant_name"] = vim_tenant_name
2459 datacenter_tenants_dict["user"] = vim_username
2460 datacenter_tenants_dict["passwd"] = vim_password
2461 datacenter_tenants_dict["datacenter_id"] = datacenter_id
2462 id_ = mydb.new_row('datacenter_tenants', datacenter_tenants_dict, add_uuid=True)
2463 datacenter_tenants_dict["uuid"] = id_
2465 #fill tenants_datacenters table
2466 tenants_datacenter_dict["datacenter_tenant_id"]=datacenter_tenants_dict["uuid"]
2467 mydb.new_row('tenants_datacenters', tenants_datacenter_dict)
2468 return datacenter_id
2470 def deassociate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, vim_tenant_id=None):
2471 #get datacenter info
2472 datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, None, datacenter)
2474 #get nfvo_tenant info
2475 if not tenant_id or tenant_id=="any":
2476 tenant_uuid = None
2477 else:
2478 tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant_id)
2479 tenant_uuid = tenant_dict['uuid']
2481 #check that this association exist before
2482 tenants_datacenter_dict={"datacenter_id":datacenter_id }
2483 if tenant_uuid:
2484 tenants_datacenter_dict["nfvo_tenant_id"] = tenant_uuid
2485 tenant_datacenter_list = mydb.get_rows(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
2486 if len(tenant_datacenter_list)==0 and tenant_uuid:
2487 raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' and tenant '{}' are not attached".format(datacenter_id, tenant_dict['uuid']), HTTP_Not_Found)
2489 #delete this association
2490 mydb.delete_row(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
2492 #get vim_tenant info and deletes
2493 warning=''
2494 for tenant_datacenter_item in tenant_datacenter_list:
2495 vim_tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenter_tenants', tenant_datacenter_item['datacenter_tenant_id'])
2496 #try to delete vim:tenant
2497 try:
2498 mydb.delete_row_by_id('datacenter_tenants', tenant_datacenter_item['datacenter_tenant_id'])
2499 if vim_tenant_dict['created']=='true':
2500 #delete tenant at VIM if created by NFVO
2501 try:
2502 myvim.delete_tenant(vim_tenant_dict['vim_tenant_id'])
2503 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2504 warning = "Not possible to delete vim_tenant_id {} from VIM: {} ".format(vim_tenant_dict['vim_tenant_id'], str(e))
2505 logger.warn(warning)
2506 except db_base_Exception as e:
2507 logger.error("Cannot delete datacenter_tenants " + str(e))
2508 pass #the error will be caused because dependencies, vim_tenant can not be deleted
2510 return "datacenter {} detached. {}".format(datacenter_id, warning)
2512 def datacenter_action(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, action_dict):
2514 #get datacenter info
2515 datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
2517 if 'net-update' in action_dict:
2518 try:
2519 nets = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict={'shared': True, 'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'ACTIVE'})
2520 #print content
2521 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2522 #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_action() Not possible to get_network_list from VIM: %s ", str(e))
2523 raise NfvoException(str(e), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
2524 #update nets Change from VIM format to NFVO format
2525 net_list=[]
2526 for net in nets:
2527 net_nfvo={'datacenter_id': datacenter_id}
2528 net_nfvo['name'] = net['name']
2529 #net_nfvo['description']= net['name']
2530 net_nfvo['vim_net_id'] = net['id']
2531 net_nfvo['type'] = net['type'][0:6] #change from ('ptp','data','bridge_data','bridge_man') to ('bridge','data','ptp')
2532 net_nfvo['shared'] = net['shared']
2533 net_nfvo['multipoint'] = False if net['type']=='ptp' else True
2534 net_list.append(net_nfvo)
2535 inserted, deleted = mydb.update_datacenter_nets(datacenter_id, net_list)
2536"Inserted %d nets, deleted %d old nets", inserted, deleted)
2537 return inserted
2538 elif 'net-edit' in action_dict:
2539 net = action_dict['net-edit'].pop('net')
2540 what = 'vim_net_id' if utils.check_valid_uuid(net) else 'name'
2541 result = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['net-edit'],
2542 WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: net})
2543 return result
2544 elif 'net-delete' in action_dict:
2545 net = action_dict['net-deelte'].get('net')
2546 what = 'vim_net_id' if utils.check_valid_uuid(net) else 'name'
2547 result = mydb.delete_row(FROM='datacenter_nets',
2548 WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: net})
2549 return result
2551 else:
2552 raise NfvoException("Unknown action " + str(action_dict), HTTP_Bad_Request)
2554 def datacenter_edit_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, netmap, action_dict):
2555 #get datacenter info
2556 datacenter_id, _ = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
2558 what = 'uuid' if utils.check_valid_uuid(netmap) else 'name'
2559 result = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['netmap'],
2560 WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: netmap})
2561 return result
2563 def datacenter_new_netmap(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, action_dict=None):
2564 #get datacenter info
2565 datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
2566 filter_dict={}
2567 if action_dict:
2568 action_dict = action_dict["netmap"]
2569 if 'vim_id' in action_dict:
2570 filter_dict["id"] = action_dict['vim_id']
2571 if 'vim_name' in action_dict:
2572 filter_dict["name"] = action_dict['vim_name']
2573 else:
2574 filter_dict["shared"] = True
2576 try:
2577 vim_nets = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
2578 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2579 #logger.error("nfvo.datacenter_new_netmap() Not possible to get_network_list from VIM: %s ", str(e))
2580 raise NfvoException(str(e), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
2581 if len(vim_nets)>1 and action_dict:
2582 raise NfvoException("more than two networks found, specify with vim_id", HTTP_Conflict)
2583 elif len(vim_nets)==0: # and action_dict:
2584 raise NfvoException("Not found a network at VIM with " + str(filter_dict), HTTP_Not_Found)
2585 net_list=[]
2586 for net in vim_nets:
2587 net_nfvo={'datacenter_id': datacenter_id}
2588 if action_dict and "name" in action_dict:
2589 net_nfvo['name'] = action_dict['name']
2590 else:
2591 net_nfvo['name'] = net['name']
2592 #net_nfvo['description']= net['name']
2593 net_nfvo['vim_net_id'] = net['id']
2594 net_nfvo['type'] = net['type'][0:6] #change from ('ptp','data','bridge_data','bridge_man') to ('bridge','data','ptp')
2595 net_nfvo['shared'] = net['shared']
2596 net_nfvo['multipoint'] = False if net['type']=='ptp' else True
2597 try:
2598 net_id = mydb.new_row("datacenter_nets", net_nfvo, add_uuid=True)
2599 net_nfvo["status"] = "OK"
2600 net_nfvo["uuid"] = net_id
2601 except db_base_Exception as e:
2602 if action_dict:
2603 raise
2604 else:
2605 net_nfvo["status"] = "FAIL: " + str(e)
2606 net_list.append(net_nfvo)
2607 return net_list
2609 def vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name):
2610 #get datacenter info
2611 datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
2612 filter_dict={}
2613 if name:
2614 if utils.check_valid_uuid(name):
2615 filter_dict["id"] = name
2616 else:
2617 filter_dict["name"] = name
2618 try:
2619 if item=="networks":
2620 #filter_dict['tenant_id'] = myvim['tenant_id']
2621 content = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
2622 elif item=="tenants":
2623 content = myvim.get_tenant_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
2624 else:
2625 raise NfvoException(item + "?", HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
2626 logger.debug("vim_action response %s", content) #update nets Change from VIM format to NFVO format
2627 if name and len(content)==1:
2628 return {item[:-1]: content[0]}
2629 elif name and len(content)==0:
2630 raise NfvoException("No {} found with ".format(item[:-1]) + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x[0])+": "+str(x[1]), filter_dict.iteritems())),
2631 datacenter)
2632 else:
2633 return {item: content}
2634 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2635 print "vim_action Not possible to get_%s_list from VIM: %s " % (item, str(e))
2636 raise NfvoException("Not possible to get_{}_list from VIM: {}".format(item, str(e)), e.http_code)
2638 def vim_action_delete(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name):
2639 #get datacenter info
2640 if tenant_id == "any":
2641 tenant_id=None
2643 datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
2644 #get uuid name
2645 content = vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name)
2646 logger.debug("vim_action_delete vim response: " + str(content))
2647 items = content.values()[0]
2648 if type(items)==list and len(items)==0:
2649 raise NfvoException("Not found " + item, HTTP_Not_Found)
2650 elif type(items)==list and len(items)>1:
2651 raise NfvoException("Found more than one {} with this name. Use uuid.".format(item), HTTP_Not_Found)
2652 else: # it is a dict
2653 item_id = items["id"]
2654 item_name = str(items.get("name"))
2656 try:
2657 if item=="networks":
2658 content = myvim.delete_network(item_id)
2659 elif item=="tenants":
2660 content = myvim.delete_tenant(item_id)
2661 else:
2662 raise NfvoException(item + "?", HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
2663 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2664 #logger.error( "vim_action Not possible to delete_{} {}from VIM: {} ".format(item, name, str(e)))
2665 raise NfvoException("Not possible to delete_{} {} from VIM: {}".format(item, name, str(e)), e.http_code)
2667 return "{} {} {} deleted".format(item[:-1], item_id,item_name)
2669 def vim_action_create(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, descriptor):
2670 #get datacenter info
2671 logger.debug("vim_action_create descriptor %s", str(descriptor))
2672 if tenant_id == "any":
2673 tenant_id=None
2674 datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
2675 try:
2676 if item=="networks":
2677 net = descriptor["network"]
2678 net_name = net.pop("name")
2679 net_type = net.pop("type", "bridge")
2680 net_public = net.pop("shared", False)
2681 net_ipprofile = net.pop("ip_profile", None)
2682 content = myvim.new_network(net_name, net_type, net_ipprofile, shared=net_public, **net)
2683 elif item=="tenants":
2684 tenant = descriptor["tenant"]
2685 content = myvim.new_tenant(tenant["name"], tenant.get("description"))
2686 else:
2687 raise NfvoException(item + "?", HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
2688 except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
2689 raise NfvoException("Not possible to create {} at VIM: {}".format(item, str(e)), e.http_code)
2691 return vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, content)