[osm/RO.git] / lcm / lcm.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python3
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 import asyncio
5 import aiohttp
6 import yaml
7 import ROclient
8 import time
9 import dbmemory
10 import logging
12 from copy import deepcopy
13 from uuid import uuid4
15 #streamformat = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
16 streamformat = "%(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
17 logging.basicConfig(format=streamformat, level=logging.DEBUG)
18 logger = logging.getLogger('lcm')
20 ro_account = {
21 "url": "http://localhost:9090/openmano",
22 "tenant": "osm"
23 }
25 vca_account = {
26 # TODO
27 }
29 # conains created tasks/futures to be able to cancel
30 lcm_tasks = {}
32 headers_req = {'Accept': 'application/yaml', 'content-type': 'application/yaml'}
35 # TODO replace with database calls
36 db = dbmemory.dbmemory()
39 class RO_Exception(Exception):
40 pass
42 async def CreateNS(loop, nsr_id):
43 logger.debug("CreateNS task nsr_id={} Enter".format(nsr_id))
44 nsr_lcm = {
45 "id": nsr_id,
46 "RO": {"vnfd_id": {}, "nsd_id": None, "nsr_id": None, "nsr_status": "SCHEDULED"},
47 "nsr_ip": {},
48 "VCA": {"TODO"},
49 "status": "BUILD",
50 "status_detailed": "",
51 }
53 deloyment_timeout = 120
54 try:
55 ns_request = db.get_one("ns_request", {"id": nsr_id})
56 nsd = db.get_one("nsd", {"id": ns_request["nsd_id"]})
57 RO = ROclient.ROClient(loop, endpoint_url=ro_account["url"], tenant=ro_account["tenant"],
58 datacenter=ns_request["vim"])
59 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] = "Creating vnfd at RO"
60 # ns_request["constituent-vnfr-ref"] = []
62 db.create("nsr_lcm", nsr_lcm)
64 # get vnfds, instantiate at RO
65 logger.debug("CreateNS task nsr_id={} RO VNFD".format(nsr_id))
66 for c_vnf in nsd["constituent-vnfd"]:
67 vnfd_id = c_vnf["vnfd-id-ref"]
68 vnfd = db.get_one("vnfd", {"id": vnfd_id})
69 vnfd.pop("_admin", None)
70 vnfd.pop("_id", None)
71 # vnfr = deepcopy(vnfd)
72 # vnfr["member-vnf-index"] = c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]
73 # vnfr["nsr-id"] = nsr_id
74 # vnfr["id"] = uuid4()
75 # vnfr["vnf-id"] = vnfd["id"]
76 # ns_request["constituent-vnfr-ref"],append(vnfd_id)
78 # TODO change id for RO in case it is present
79 try:
80 desc = await RO.create("vnfd", descriptor=vnfd)
81 nsr_lcm["RO"]["vnfd_id"][vnfd_id] = desc["uuid"]
82 db.replace("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id}, nsr_lcm)
83 except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
84 if e.http_code == 409: # conflict, vnfd already present
85 print("debug", e)
86 else:
87 raise
89 # db_new("vnfr", vnfr)
90 # db_update("ns_request", nsr_id, ns_request)
92 # create nsd at RO
93 logger.debug("CreateNS task nsr_id={} RO NSD".format(nsr_id))
94 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] = "Creating nsd at RO"
95 nsd_id = ns_request["nsd_id"]
96 nsd = db.get_one("nsd", {"id": nsd_id})
97 nsd.pop("_admin", None)
98 nsd.pop("_id", None)
99 try:
100 desc = await RO.create("nsd", descriptor=nsd)
101 nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsd_id"] = desc["uuid"]
102 db.replace("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id}, nsr_lcm)
103 except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
104 if e.http_code == 409: # conflict, nsd already present
105 print("debug", e)
106 else:
107 raise
109 # Crate ns at RO
110 logger.debug("CreateNS task nsr_id={} RO NS".format(nsr_id))
111 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] = "Creating ns at RO"
112 desc = await RO.create("ns", name=ns_request["name"], datacenter=ns_request["vim"], scenario=nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsd_id"])
113 RO_nsr_id = desc["uuid"]
114 nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_id"] = RO_nsr_id
115 nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_status"] = "BUILD"
116 db.replace("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id}, nsr_lcm)
118 # wait until NS is ready
119 deloyment_timeout = 600
120 while deloyment_timeout > 0:
121 ns_status_detailed = "Waiting ns ready at RO"
122 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] = ns_status_detailed
123 desc = await RO.show("ns", RO_nsr_id)
124 ns_status, ns_status_info = RO.check_ns_status(desc)
125 nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_status"] = ns_status
126 if ns_status == "ERROR":
127 raise ROclient.ROClientException(ns_status_info)
128 elif ns_status == "BUILD":
129 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] = ns_status_detailed + "; nsr_id: '{}', {}".format(nsr_id, ns_status_info)
130 elif ns_status == "ACTIVE":
131 nsr_lcm["nsr_ip"] = RO.get_ns_vnf_ip(desc)
132 break
133 else:
134 assert False, "ROclient.check_ns_status returns unknown {}".format(ns_status)
136 await asyncio.sleep(5, loop=loop)
137 deloyment_timeout -= 5
138 if deloyment_timeout <= 0:
139 raise ROclient.ROClientException("Timeot wating ns to be ready")
140 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] = "Configuring vnfr"
141 db.replace("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id}, nsr_lcm)
143 #for nsd in nsr_lcm["descriptors"]["nsd"]:
145 logger.debug("CreateNS task nsr_id={} VCA look for".format(nsr_id))
146 for c_vnf in nsd["constituent-vnfd"]:
147 vnfd_id = c_vnf["vnfd-id-ref"]
148 vnfd_index = int(c_vnf["member-vnf-index"])
149 vnfd = db.get_one("vnfd", {"id": vnfd_id})
150 if vnfd.get("vnf-configuration") and vnfd["vnf-configuration"].get("juju"):
151 proxy_charm = vnfd["vnf-configuration"]["juju"]["charm"]
152 config_primitive = vnfd["vnf-configuration"].get("config-primitive")
153 # get parameters for juju charm
154 base_folder = vnfd["_admin"]["storage"]
155 path = base_folder + "/charms/" + proxy_charm
156 mgmt_ip = nsr_lcm['nsr_ip'][vnfd_index]
157 # task = asyncio.ensure_future(DeployCharm(loop, path, mgmt_ip, config_primitive))
158 pass
159 # TODO launch VCA charm
160 nsr_lcm["status"] = "DONE"
161 db.replace("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id}, nsr_lcm)
163 return nsr_lcm
165 except (ROclient.ROClientException, Exception) as e:
166 logger.debug("CreateNS nsr_id={} Exception {}".format(nsr_id, e), exc_info=True)
167 nsr_lcm["status"] = "ERROR"
168 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] += ": ERROR {}".format(e)
169 finally:
170 logger.debug("CreateNS task nsr_id={} Exit".format(nsr_id))
173 async def DestroyNS(loop, nsr_id):
174 logger.debug("DestroyNS task nsr_id={} Enter".format(nsr_id))
175 nsr_lcm = db.get_one("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id})
176 ns_request = db.get_one("ns_request", {"id": nsr_id})
178 nsr_lcm["status"] = "DELETING"
179 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] = "Deleting charms"
180 db.replace("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id}, nsr_lcm)
181 # TODO destroy charms
183 # remove from RO
184 RO = ROclient.ROClient(loop, endpoint_url=ro_account["url"], tenant=ro_account["tenant"],
185 datacenter=ns_request["vim"])
186 # Delete ns
187 try:
188 RO_nsr_id = nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_id"]
189 if RO_nsr_id:
190 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] = "Deleting ns at RO"
191 desc = await RO.delete("ns", RO_nsr_id)
192 print("debug", "deleted RO ns {}".format(RO_nsr_id))
193 nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_id"] = None
194 nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_status"] = "DELETED"
195 db.replace("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id}, nsr_lcm)
196 except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
197 if e.http_code == 404:
198 nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_id"] = None
199 nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsr_status"] = "DELETED"
200 db.replace("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id}, nsr_lcm)
201 print("warning", e)
202 else:
203 print("error", e)
205 # Delete nsd
206 try:
207 RO_nsd_id = nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsd_id"]
208 if RO_nsd_id:
209 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] = "Deleting nsd at RO"
210 desc = await RO.delete("nsd", RO_nsd_id)
211 print("debug", "deleted RO nsd {}".format(RO_nsd_id))
212 nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsd_id"] = None
213 db.replace("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id}, nsr_lcm)
214 except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
215 if e.http_code == 404:
216 nsr_lcm["RO"]["nsd_id"] = None
217 print("warning", e)
218 else:
219 print("error", e)
221 for vnf_id, RO_vnfd_id in nsr_lcm["RO"]["vnfd_id"].items():
222 try:
223 if RO_vnfd_id:
224 nsr_lcm["status_detailed"] = "Deleting vnfd at RO"
225 desc = await RO.delete("vnfd", RO_vnfd_id)
226 print("debug", "deleted RO vnfd {}".format(RO_vnfd_id))
227 nsr_lcm["RO"]["vnfd_id"][vnf_id] = None
228 db.replace("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id}, nsr_lcm)
229 except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
230 if e.http_code == 404:
231 nsr_lcm["RO"]["vnfd_id"][vnf_id] = None
232 print("warning", e)
233 else:
234 print("error", e)
235 logger.debug("DestroyNS task nsr_id={} Exit".format(nsr_id))
238 async def test(loop, param=None):
239 logger.debug("Starting/Ending test task: {}".format(param))
242 def cancel_tasks(loop, nsr_id):
243 """
244 Cancel all active tasks of a concrete nsr identified for nsr_id
245 :param loop: loop
246 :param nsr_id: nsr identity
247 :return: None, or raises an exception if not possible
248 """
249 global lcm_tasks
250 if not lcm_tasks.get(nsr_id):
251 return
252 for order_id, tasks_set in lcm_tasks[nsr_id].items():
253 for task_name, task in tasks_set.items():
254 result = task.cancel()
255 if result:
256 logger.debug("nsr_id={} order_id={} task={} cancelled".format(nsr_id, order_id, task_name))
257 lcm_tasks[nsr_id] = {}
261 async def read_kafka(loop, bus_info):
262 global lcm_tasks
263 logger.debug("kafka task Enter")
264 order_id = 1
265 # future = asyncio.Future()
266 with open(bus_info["file"]) as f:
268 # ignore old orders. Read file
269 command = "fake"
270 while command:
271 command = f.read()
273 while True:
274 command = f.read()
275 if not command:
276 await asyncio.sleep(2, loop=loop)
277 continue
278 order_id += 1
279 command = command.strip()
280 command, _, params = command.partition(" ")
281 if command == "exit":
282 print("Bye!")
283 break
284 elif command.startswith("#"):
285 continue
286 elif command == "echo":
287 print(params)
288 elif command == "test":
289 asyncio.Task(test(loop, params), loop=loop)
290 elif command == "break":
291 print("put a break in this line of code")
292 elif command == "new-ns":
293 nsr_id = params.strip()
294 logger.debug("Deploying NS {}".format(nsr_id))
295 task = asyncio.ensure_future(CreateNS(loop, nsr_id))
296 if nsr_id not in lcm_tasks:
297 lcm_tasks[nsr_id] = {}
298 lcm_tasks[nsr_id][order_id] = {"CreateNS": task}
299 elif command == "del-ns":
300 nsr_id = params.strip()
301 logger.debug("Deleting NS {}".format(nsr_id))
302 cancel_tasks(loop, nsr_id)
303 task = asyncio.ensure_future(DestroyNS(loop, nsr_id))
304 if nsr_id not in lcm_tasks:
305 lcm_tasks[nsr_id] = {}
306 lcm_tasks[nsr_id][order_id] = {"DestroyNS": task}
307 elif command == "get-ns":
308 nsr_id = params.strip()
309 nsr_lcm = db.get_one("nsr_lcm", {"id": nsr_id})
310 print("nsr_lcm", nsr_lcm)
311 print("lcm_tasks", lcm_tasks.get(nsr_id))
312 else:
313 logger.debug("unknown command '{}'".format(command))
314 print("Usage:\n echo <>\n new-ns <ns1|ns2>\n del-ns <ns1|ns2>\n get-ns <ns1|ns2>")
315 logger.debug("kafka task Exit")
318 def lcm():
319 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
320 loop.run_until_complete(read_kafka(loop, {"file": "/home/atierno/OSM/osm/NBI/kafka"}))
321 return
324 def lcm2():
325 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
326 # asyncio.ensure_future(CreateNS, loop)
327 try:
328 content = loop.run_until_complete(CreateNS(loop, "ns1"))
329 print("Done: {}".format(content))
330 except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
331 print("Error {}".format(e))
333 time.sleep(10)
335 content = loop.run_until_complete(DestroyNS(loop, "ns1"))
336 print(content)
338 loop.close()
341 if __name__ == '__main__':
343 # FOR TEST
344 RO_VIM = "OST2_MRT"
347 with open("/home/atierno/OSM/osm/devops/descriptor-packages/vnfd/ping_vnf/src/ping_vnfd.yaml") as f:
348 vnfd = yaml.load(f)
349 vnfd_clean, _ = ROclient.remove_envelop("vnfd", vnfd)
350 vnfd_clean["_admin"] = {"storage": "/home/atierno/OSM/osm/devops/descriptor-packages/vnfd/ping_vnf"}
351 db.create("vnfd", vnfd_clean)
352 with open("/home/atierno/OSM/osm/devops/descriptor-packages/vnfd/pong_vnf/src/pong_vnfd.yaml") as f:
353 vnfd = yaml.load(f)
354 vnfd_clean, _ = ROclient.remove_envelop("vnfd", vnfd)
355 vnfd_clean["_admin"] = {"storage": "/home/atierno/OSM/osm/devops/descriptor-packages/vnfd/pong_vnf"}
356 db.create("vnfd", vnfd_clean)
357 with open("/home/atierno/OSM/osm/devops/descriptor-packages/nsd/ping_pong_ns/src/ping_pong_nsd.yaml") as f:
358 nsd = yaml.load(f)
359 nsd_clean, _ = ROclient.remove_envelop("nsd", nsd)
360 nsd_clean["_admin"] = {"storage": "/home/atierno/OSM/osm/devops/descriptor-packages/nsd/ping_pong_ns"}
361 db.create("nsd", nsd_clean)
363 ns_request = {
364 "id": "ns1",
365 "nsr_id": "ns1",
366 "name": "pingpongOne",
367 "vim": RO_VIM,
368 "nsd_id": nsd_clean["id"], # nsd_ping_pong
369 }
370 db.create("ns_request", ns_request)
371 ns_request = {
372 "id": "ns2",
373 "nsr_id": "ns2",
374 "name": "pingpongTwo",
375 "vim": RO_VIM,
376 "nsd_id": nsd_clean["id"], # nsd_ping_pong
377 }
378 db.create("ns_request", ns_request)
379 # lcm2()
380 lcm()