Expand integration tests to use stable/edge versions of juju (#155)
[osm/N2VC.git] / juju / client / schemas-juju-2.2-beta2.json
1 [
2   {
3     "Name": "Action",
4     "Version": 2,
5     "Schema": {
6       "type": "object",
7       "properties": {
8         "Actions": {
9           "type": "object",
10           "properties": {
11             "Params": {
12               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
13             },
14             "Result": {
15               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionResults"
16             }
17           }
18         },
19         "ApplicationsCharmsActions": {
20           "type": "object",
21           "properties": {
22             "Params": {
23               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
24             },
25             "Result": {
26               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationsCharmActionsResults"
27             }
28           }
29         },
30         "Cancel": {
31           "type": "object",
32           "properties": {
33             "Params": {
34               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
35             },
36             "Result": {
37               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionResults"
38             }
39           }
40         },
41         "Enqueue": {
42           "type": "object",
43           "properties": {
44             "Params": {
45               "$ref": "#/definitions/Actions"
46             },
47             "Result": {
48               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionResults"
49             }
50           }
51         },
52         "FindActionTagsByPrefix": {
53           "type": "object",
54           "properties": {
55             "Params": {
56               "$ref": "#/definitions/FindTags"
57             },
58             "Result": {
59               "$ref": "#/definitions/FindTagsResults"
60             }
61           }
62         },
63         "FindActionsByNames": {
64           "type": "object",
65           "properties": {
66             "Params": {
67               "$ref": "#/definitions/FindActionsByNames"
68             },
69             "Result": {
70               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionsByNames"
71             }
72           }
73         },
74         "ListAll": {
75           "type": "object",
76           "properties": {
77             "Params": {
78               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
79             },
80             "Result": {
81               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionsByReceivers"
82             }
83           }
84         },
85         "ListCompleted": {
86           "type": "object",
87           "properties": {
88             "Params": {
89               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
90             },
91             "Result": {
92               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionsByReceivers"
93             }
94           }
95         },
96         "ListPending": {
97           "type": "object",
98           "properties": {
99             "Params": {
100               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
101             },
102             "Result": {
103               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionsByReceivers"
104             }
105           }
106         },
107         "ListRunning": {
108           "type": "object",
109           "properties": {
110             "Params": {
111               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
112             },
113             "Result": {
114               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionsByReceivers"
115             }
116           }
117         },
118         "Run": {
119           "type": "object",
120           "properties": {
121             "Params": {
122               "$ref": "#/definitions/RunParams"
123             },
124             "Result": {
125               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionResults"
126             }
127           }
128         },
129         "RunOnAllMachines": {
130           "type": "object",
131           "properties": {
132             "Params": {
133               "$ref": "#/definitions/RunParams"
134             },
135             "Result": {
136               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionResults"
137             }
138           }
139         }
140       },
141       "definitions": {
142         "Action": {
143           "type": "object",
144           "properties": {
145             "name": {
146               "type": "string"
147             },
148             "parameters": {
149               "type": "object",
150               "patternProperties": {
151                 ".*": {
152                   "type": "object",
153                   "additionalProperties": true
154                 }
155               }
156             },
157             "receiver": {
158               "type": "string"
159             },
160             "tag": {
161               "type": "string"
162             }
163           },
164           "additionalProperties": false,
165           "required": [
166             "tag",
167             "receiver",
168             "name"
169           ]
170         },
171         "ActionResult": {
172           "type": "object",
173           "properties": {
174             "action": {
175               "$ref": "#/definitions/Action"
176             },
177             "completed": {
178               "type": "string",
179               "format": "date-time"
180             },
181             "enqueued": {
182               "type": "string",
183               "format": "date-time"
184             },
185             "error": {
186               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
187             },
188             "message": {
189               "type": "string"
190             },
191             "output": {
192               "type": "object",
193               "patternProperties": {
194                 ".*": {
195                   "type": "object",
196                   "additionalProperties": true
197                 }
198               }
199             },
200             "started": {
201               "type": "string",
202               "format": "date-time"
203             },
204             "status": {
205               "type": "string"
206             }
207           },
208           "additionalProperties": false
209         },
210         "ActionResults": {
211           "type": "object",
212           "properties": {
213             "results": {
214               "type": "array",
215               "items": {
216                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionResult"
217               }
218             }
219           },
220           "additionalProperties": false
221         },
222         "ActionSpec": {
223           "type": "object",
224           "properties": {
225             "description": {
226               "type": "string"
227             },
228             "params": {
229               "type": "object",
230               "patternProperties": {
231                 ".*": {
232                   "type": "object",
233                   "additionalProperties": true
234                 }
235               }
236             }
237           },
238           "additionalProperties": false,
239           "required": [
240             "description",
241             "params"
242           ]
243         },
244         "Actions": {
245           "type": "object",
246           "properties": {
247             "actions": {
248               "type": "array",
249               "items": {
250                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Action"
251               }
252             }
253           },
254           "additionalProperties": false
255         },
256         "ActionsByName": {
257           "type": "object",
258           "properties": {
259             "actions": {
260               "type": "array",
261               "items": {
262                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionResult"
263               }
264             },
265             "error": {
266               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
267             },
268             "name": {
269               "type": "string"
270             }
271           },
272           "additionalProperties": false
273         },
274         "ActionsByNames": {
275           "type": "object",
276           "properties": {
277             "actions": {
278               "type": "array",
279               "items": {
280                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionsByName"
281               }
282             }
283           },
284           "additionalProperties": false
285         },
286         "ActionsByReceiver": {
287           "type": "object",
288           "properties": {
289             "actions": {
290               "type": "array",
291               "items": {
292                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionResult"
293               }
294             },
295             "error": {
296               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
297             },
298             "receiver": {
299               "type": "string"
300             }
301           },
302           "additionalProperties": false
303         },
304         "ActionsByReceivers": {
305           "type": "object",
306           "properties": {
307             "actions": {
308               "type": "array",
309               "items": {
310                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionsByReceiver"
311               }
312             }
313           },
314           "additionalProperties": false
315         },
316         "ApplicationCharmActionsResult": {
317           "type": "object",
318           "properties": {
319             "actions": {
320               "type": "object",
321               "patternProperties": {
322                 ".*": {
323                   "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionSpec"
324                 }
325               }
326             },
327             "application-tag": {
328               "type": "string"
329             },
330             "error": {
331               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
332             }
333           },
334           "additionalProperties": false
335         },
336         "ApplicationsCharmActionsResults": {
337           "type": "object",
338           "properties": {
339             "results": {
340               "type": "array",
341               "items": {
342                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationCharmActionsResult"
343               }
344             }
345           },
346           "additionalProperties": false
347         },
348         "Entities": {
349           "type": "object",
350           "properties": {
351             "entities": {
352               "type": "array",
353               "items": {
354                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
355               }
356             }
357           },
358           "additionalProperties": false,
359           "required": [
360             "entities"
361           ]
362         },
363         "Entity": {
364           "type": "object",
365           "properties": {
366             "tag": {
367               "type": "string"
368             }
369           },
370           "additionalProperties": false,
371           "required": [
372             "tag"
373           ]
374         },
375         "Error": {
376           "type": "object",
377           "properties": {
378             "code": {
379               "type": "string"
380             },
381             "info": {
382               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorInfo"
383             },
384             "message": {
385               "type": "string"
386             }
387           },
388           "additionalProperties": false,
389           "required": [
390             "message",
391             "code"
392           ]
393         },
394         "ErrorInfo": {
395           "type": "object",
396           "properties": {
397             "macaroon": {
398               "$ref": "#/definitions/Macaroon"
399             },
400             "macaroon-path": {
401               "type": "string"
402             }
403           },
404           "additionalProperties": false
405         },
406         "FindActionsByNames": {
407           "type": "object",
408           "properties": {
409             "names": {
410               "type": "array",
411               "items": {
412                 "type": "string"
413               }
414             }
415           },
416           "additionalProperties": false
417         },
418         "FindTags": {
419           "type": "object",
420           "properties": {
421             "prefixes": {
422               "type": "array",
423               "items": {
424                 "type": "string"
425               }
426             }
427           },
428           "additionalProperties": false,
429           "required": [
430             "prefixes"
431           ]
432         },
433         "FindTagsResults": {
434           "type": "object",
435           "properties": {
436             "matches": {
437               "type": "object",
438               "patternProperties": {
439                 ".*": {
440                   "type": "array",
441                   "items": {
442                     "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
443                   }
444                 }
445               }
446             }
447           },
448           "additionalProperties": false,
449           "required": [
450             "matches"
451           ]
452         },
453         "Macaroon": {
454           "type": "object",
455           "additionalProperties": false
456         },
457         "RunParams": {
458           "type": "object",
459           "properties": {
460             "applications": {
461               "type": "array",
462               "items": {
463                 "type": "string"
464               }
465             },
466             "commands": {
467               "type": "string"
468             },
469             "machines": {
470               "type": "array",
471               "items": {
472                 "type": "string"
473               }
474             },
475             "timeout": {
476               "type": "integer"
477             },
478             "units": {
479               "type": "array",
480               "items": {
481                 "type": "string"
482               }
483             }
484           },
485           "additionalProperties": false,
486           "required": [
487             "commands",
488             "timeout"
489           ]
490         }
491       }
492     }
493   },
494   {
495     "Name": "Agent",
496     "Version": 2,
497     "Schema": {
498       "type": "object",
499       "properties": {
500         "ClearReboot": {
501           "type": "object",
502           "properties": {
503             "Params": {
504               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
505             },
506             "Result": {
507               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
508             }
509           }
510         },
511         "CloudSpec": {
512           "type": "object",
513           "properties": {
514             "Params": {
515               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
516             },
517             "Result": {
518               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudSpecResults"
519             }
520           }
521         },
522         "ControllerConfig": {
523           "type": "object",
524           "properties": {
525             "Result": {
526               "$ref": "#/definitions/ControllerConfigResult"
527             }
528           }
529         },
530         "GetCloudSpec": {
531           "type": "object",
532           "properties": {
533             "Params": {
534               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelTag"
535             },
536             "Result": {
537               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudSpecResult"
538             }
539           }
540         },
541         "GetEntities": {
542           "type": "object",
543           "properties": {
544             "Params": {
545               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
546             },
547             "Result": {
548               "$ref": "#/definitions/AgentGetEntitiesResults"
549             }
550           }
551         },
552         "IsMaster": {
553           "type": "object",
554           "properties": {
555             "Result": {
556               "$ref": "#/definitions/IsMasterResult"
557             }
558           }
559         },
560         "ModelConfig": {
561           "type": "object",
562           "properties": {
563             "Result": {
564               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelConfigResult"
565             }
566           }
567         },
568         "SetPasswords": {
569           "type": "object",
570           "properties": {
571             "Params": {
572               "$ref": "#/definitions/EntityPasswords"
573             },
574             "Result": {
575               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
576             }
577           }
578         },
579         "StateServingInfo": {
580           "type": "object",
581           "properties": {
582             "Result": {
583               "$ref": "#/definitions/StateServingInfo"
584             }
585           }
586         },
587         "WatchCredentials": {
588           "type": "object",
589           "properties": {
590             "Params": {
591               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
592             },
593             "Result": {
594               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResults"
595             }
596           }
597         },
598         "WatchForModelConfigChanges": {
599           "type": "object",
600           "properties": {
601             "Result": {
602               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResult"
603             }
604           }
605         }
606       },
607       "definitions": {
608         "AgentGetEntitiesResult": {
609           "type": "object",
610           "properties": {
611             "container-type": {
612               "type": "string"
613             },
614             "error": {
615               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
616             },
617             "jobs": {
618               "type": "array",
619               "items": {
620                 "type": "string"
621               }
622             },
623             "life": {
624               "type": "string"
625             }
626           },
627           "additionalProperties": false,
628           "required": [
629             "life",
630             "jobs",
631             "container-type"
632           ]
633         },
634         "AgentGetEntitiesResults": {
635           "type": "object",
636           "properties": {
637             "entities": {
638               "type": "array",
639               "items": {
640                 "$ref": "#/definitions/AgentGetEntitiesResult"
641               }
642             }
643           },
644           "additionalProperties": false,
645           "required": [
646             "entities"
647           ]
648         },
649         "CloudCredential": {
650           "type": "object",
651           "properties": {
652             "attrs": {
653               "type": "object",
654               "patternProperties": {
655                 ".*": {
656                   "type": "string"
657                 }
658               }
659             },
660             "auth-type": {
661               "type": "string"
662             },
663             "redacted": {
664               "type": "array",
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667               }
668             }
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673           ]
674         },
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680             },
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683             },
684             "identity-endpoint": {
685               "type": "string"
686             },
687             "name": {
688               "type": "string"
689             },
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691               "type": "string"
692             },
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694               "type": "string"
695             },
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698             }
699           },
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704           ]
705         },
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708           "properties": {
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710               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
711             },
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713               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudSpec"
714             }
715           },
716           "additionalProperties": false
717         },
718         "CloudSpecResults": {
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725               }
726             }
727           },
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729         },
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755               }
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762         },
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768             }
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773           ]
774         },
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780             },
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783             }
784           },
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790         },
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796               "items": {
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798               }
799             }
800           },
801           "additionalProperties": false,
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804           ]
805         },
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808           "properties": {
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811             },
812             "info": {
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814             },
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817             }
818           },
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823           ]
824         },
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830             },
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832               "type": "string"
833             }
834           },
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836         },
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841               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
842             }
843           },
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845         },
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851               "items": {
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853               }
854             }
855           },
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860         },
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864             "master": {
865               "type": "boolean"
866             }
867           },
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871           ]
872         },
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875           "additionalProperties": false
876         },
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886                 }
887               }
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893           ]
894         },
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896           "type": "object",
897           "additionalProperties": false
898         },
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901           "properties": {
902             "NotifyWatcherId": {
903               "type": "string"
904             },
905             "error": {
906               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
907             }
908           },
909           "additionalProperties": false,
910           "required": [
911             "NotifyWatcherId"
912           ]
913         },
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919               "items": {
920                 "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResult"
921               }
922             }
923           },
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927           ]
928         },
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933               "type": "integer"
934             },
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937             },
938             "cert": {
939               "type": "string"
940             },
941             "private-key": {
942               "type": "string"
943             },
944             "shared-secret": {
945               "type": "string"
946             },
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948               "type": "integer"
949             },
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952             }
953           },
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961             "shared-secret",
962             "system-identity"
963           ]
964         }
965       }
966     }
967   },
968   {
969     "Name": "AgentTools",
970     "Version": 1,
971     "Schema": {
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973       "properties": {
974         "UpdateToolsAvailable": {
975           "type": "object"
976         }
977       }
978     }
979   },
980   {
981     "Name": "AllModelWatcher",
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983     "Schema": {
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985       "properties": {
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990               "$ref": "#/definitions/AllWatcherNextResults"
991             }
992           }
993         },
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996         }
997       },
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1006               }
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1033   },
1034   {
1035     "Name": "AllWatcher",
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1045             }
1046           }
1047         },
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1050         }
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1083           ]
1084         }
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1086     }
1087   },
1088   {
1089     "Name": "Annotations",
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1099             },
1100             "Result": {
1101               "$ref": "#/definitions/AnnotationsGetResults"
1102             }
1103           }
1104         },
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1110             },
1111             "Result": {
1112               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
1113             }
1114           }
1115         }
1116       },
1117       "definitions": {
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1131             },
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1134             }
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1149               }
1150             }
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1155           ]
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1164               }
1165             }
1166           },
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1170           ]
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1179               }
1180             }
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1185           ]
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1192             }
1193           },
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1197           ]
1198         },
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1207                 }
1208               }
1209             },
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1212             }
1213           },
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1218           ]
1219         },
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1225             },
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1228             },
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1230               "type": "string"
1231             }
1232           },
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1237           ]
1238         },
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1244             },
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1246               "type": "string"
1247             }
1248           },
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1250         },
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1255               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
1256             }
1257           },
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1259         },
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1267               }
1268             }
1269           },
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1273           ]
1274         },
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1278         }
1279       }
1280     }
1281   },
1282   {
1283     "Name": "Application",
1284     "Version": 4,
1285     "Schema": {
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1290           "properties": {
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1292               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddRelation"
1293             },
1294             "Result": {
1295               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddRelationResults"
1296             }
1297           }
1298         },
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1302             "Params": {
1303               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddApplicationUnits"
1304             },
1305             "Result": {
1306               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddApplicationUnitsResults"
1307             }
1308           }
1309         },
1310         "CharmRelations": {
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1312           "properties": {
1313             "Params": {
1314               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationCharmRelations"
1315             },
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1317               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationCharmRelationsResults"
1318             }
1319           }
1320         },
1321         "Consume": {
1322           "type": "object",
1323           "properties": {
1324             "Params": {
1325               "$ref": "#/definitions/ConsumeApplicationArgs"
1326             },
1327             "Result": {
1328               "$ref": "#/definitions/ConsumeApplicationResults"
1329             }
1330           }
1331         },
1332         "Deploy": {
1333           "type": "object",
1334           "properties": {
1335             "Params": {
1336               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationsDeploy"
1337             },
1338             "Result": {
1339               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
1340             }
1341           }
1342         },
1343         "Destroy": {
1344           "type": "object",
1345           "properties": {
1346             "Params": {
1347               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationDestroy"
1348             }
1349           }
1350         },
1351         "DestroyApplication": {
1352           "type": "object",
1353           "properties": {
1354             "Params": {
1355               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
1356             },
1357             "Result": {
1358               "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyApplicationResults"
1359             }
1360           }
1361         },
1362         "DestroyRelation": {
1363           "type": "object",
1364           "properties": {
1365             "Params": {
1366               "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyRelation"
1367             }
1368           }
1369         },
1370         "DestroyUnit": {
1371           "type": "object",
1372           "properties": {
1373             "Params": {
1374               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
1375             },
1376             "Result": {
1377               "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyUnitResults"
1378             }
1379           }
1380         },
1381         "DestroyUnits": {
1382           "type": "object",
1383           "properties": {
1384             "Params": {
1385               "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyApplicationUnits"
1386             }
1387           }
1388         },
1389         "Expose": {
1390           "type": "object",
1391           "properties": {
1392             "Params": {
1393               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationExpose"
1394             }
1395           }
1396         },
1397         "Get": {
1398           "type": "object",
1399           "properties": {
1400             "Params": {
1401               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationGet"
1402             },
1403             "Result": {
1404               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationGetResults"
1405             }
1406           }
1407         },
1408         "GetCharmURL": {
1409           "type": "object",
1410           "properties": {
1411             "Params": {
1412               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationGet"
1413             },
1414             "Result": {
1415               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResult"
1416             }
1417           }
1418         },
1419         "GetConstraints": {
1420           "type": "object",
1421           "properties": {
1422             "Params": {
1423               "$ref": "#/definitions/GetApplicationConstraints"
1424             },
1425             "Result": {
1426               "$ref": "#/definitions/GetConstraintsResults"
1427             }
1428           }
1429         },
1430         "RemoteApplicationInfo": {
1431           "type": "object",
1432           "properties": {
1433             "Params": {
1434               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationURLs"
1435             },
1436             "Result": {
1437               "$ref": "#/definitions/RemoteApplicationInfoResults"
1438             }
1439           }
1440         },
1441         "Set": {
1442           "type": "object",
1443           "properties": {
1444             "Params": {
1445               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationSet"
1446             }
1447           }
1448         },
1449         "SetCharm": {
1450           "type": "object",
1451           "properties": {
1452             "Params": {
1453               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationSetCharm"
1454             }
1455           }
1456         },
1457         "SetConstraints": {
1458           "type": "object",
1459           "properties": {
1460             "Params": {
1461               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetConstraints"
1462             }
1463           }
1464         },
1465         "SetMetricCredentials": {
1466           "type": "object",
1467           "properties": {
1468             "Params": {
1469               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationMetricCredentials"
1470             },
1471             "Result": {
1472               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
1473             }
1474           }
1475         },
1476         "Unexpose": {
1477           "type": "object",
1478           "properties": {
1479             "Params": {
1480               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationUnexpose"
1481             }
1482           }
1483         },
1484         "Unset": {
1485           "type": "object",
1486           "properties": {
1487             "Params": {
1488               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationUnset"
1489             }
1490           }
1491         },
1492         "Update": {
1493           "type": "object",
1494           "properties": {
1495             "Params": {
1496               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationUpdate"
1497             }
1498           }
1499         }
1500       },
1501       "definitions": {
1502         "AddApplicationUnits": {
1503           "type": "object",
1504           "properties": {
1505             "application": {
1506               "type": "string"
1507             },
1508             "num-units": {
1509               "type": "integer"
1510             },
1511             "placement": {
1512               "type": "array",
1513               "items": {
1514                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Placement"
1515               }
1516             }
1517           },
1518           "additionalProperties": false,
1519           "required": [
1520             "application",
1521             "num-units",
1522             "placement"
1523           ]
1524         },
1525         "AddApplicationUnitsResults": {
1526           "type": "object",
1527           "properties": {
1528             "units": {
1529               "type": "array",
1530               "items": {
1531                 "type": "string"
1532               }
1533             }
1534           },
1535           "additionalProperties": false,
1536           "required": [
1537             "units"
1538           ]
1539         },
1540         "AddRelation": {
1541           "type": "object",
1542           "properties": {
1543             "endpoints": {
1544               "type": "array",
1545               "items": {
1546                 "type": "string"
1547               }
1548             }
1549           },
1550           "additionalProperties": false,
1551           "required": [
1552             "endpoints"
1553           ]
1554         },
1555         "AddRelationResults": {
1556           "type": "object",
1557           "properties": {
1558             "endpoints": {
1559               "type": "object",
1560               "patternProperties": {
1561                 ".*": {
1562                   "$ref": "#/definitions/CharmRelation"
1563                 }
1564               }
1565             }
1566           },
1567           "additionalProperties": false,
1568           "required": [
1569             "endpoints"
1570           ]
1571         },
1572         "ApplicationCharmRelations": {
1573           "type": "object",
1574           "properties": {
1575             "application": {
1576               "type": "string"
1577             }
1578           },
1579           "additionalProperties": false,
1580           "required": [
1581             "application"
1582           ]
1583         },
1584         "ApplicationCharmRelationsResults": {
1585           "type": "object",
1586           "properties": {
1587             "charm-relations": {
1588               "type": "array",
1589               "items": {
1590                 "type": "string"
1591               }
1592             }
1593           },
1594           "additionalProperties": false,
1595           "required": [
1596             "charm-relations"
1597           ]
1598         },
1599         "ApplicationDeploy": {
1600           "type": "object",
1601           "properties": {
1602             "application": {
1603               "type": "string"
1604             },
1605             "channel": {
1606               "type": "string"
1607             },
1608             "charm-url": {
1609               "type": "string"
1610             },
1611             "config": {
1612               "type": "object",
1613               "patternProperties": {
1614                 ".*": {
1615                   "type": "string"
1616                 }
1617               }
1618             },
1619             "config-yaml": {
1620               "type": "string"
1621             },
1622             "constraints": {
1623               "$ref": "#/definitions/Value"
1624             },
1625             "endpoint-bindings": {
1626               "type": "object",
1627               "patternProperties": {
1628                 ".*": {
1629                   "type": "string"
1630                 }
1631               }
1632             },
1633             "num-units": {
1634               "type": "integer"
1635             },
1636             "placement": {
1637               "type": "array",
1638               "items": {
1639                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Placement"
1640               }
1641             },
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1643               "type": "object",
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1645                 ".*": {
1646                   "type": "string"
1647                 }
1648               }
1649             },
1650             "series": {
1651               "type": "string"
1652             },
1653             "storage": {
1654               "type": "object",
1655               "patternProperties": {
1656                 ".*": {
1657                   "$ref": "#/definitions/Constraints"
1658                 }
1659               }
1660             }
1661           },
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1668             "num-units",
1669             "config-yaml",
1670             "constraints"
1671           ]
1672         },
1673         "ApplicationDestroy": {
1674           "type": "object",
1675           "properties": {
1676             "application": {
1677               "type": "string"
1678             }
1679           },
1680           "additionalProperties": false,
1681           "required": [
1682             "application"
1683           ]
1684         },
1685         "ApplicationExpose": {
1686           "type": "object",
1687           "properties": {
1688             "application": {
1689               "type": "string"
1690             }
1691           },
1692           "additionalProperties": false,
1693           "required": [
1694             "application"
1695           ]
1696         },
1697         "ApplicationGet": {
1698           "type": "object",
1699           "properties": {
1700             "application": {
1701               "type": "string"
1702             }
1703           },
1704           "additionalProperties": false,
1705           "required": [
1706             "application"
1707           ]
1708         },
1709         "ApplicationGetResults": {
1710           "type": "object",
1711           "properties": {
1712             "application": {
1713               "type": "string"
1714             },
1715             "charm": {
1716               "type": "string"
1717             },
1718             "config": {
1719               "type": "object",
1720               "patternProperties": {
1721                 ".*": {
1722                   "type": "object",
1723                   "additionalProperties": true
1724                 }
1725               }
1726             },
1727             "constraints": {
1728               "$ref": "#/definitions/Value"
1729             },
1730             "series": {
1731               "type": "string"
1732             }
1733           },
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1740             "series"
1741           ]
1742         },
1743         "ApplicationMetricCredential": {
1744           "type": "object",
1745           "properties": {
1746             "application": {
1747               "type": "string"
1748             },
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1751               "items": {
1752                 "type": "integer"
1753               }
1754             }
1755           },
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1759             "metrics-credentials"
1760           ]
1761         },
1762         "ApplicationMetricCredentials": {
1763           "type": "object",
1764           "properties": {
1765             "creds": {
1766               "type": "array",
1767               "items": {
1768                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationMetricCredential"
1769               }
1770             }
1771           },
1772           "additionalProperties": false,
1773           "required": [
1774             "creds"
1775           ]
1776         },
1777         "ApplicationSet": {
1778           "type": "object",
1779           "properties": {
1780             "application": {
1781               "type": "string"
1782             },
1783             "options": {
1784               "type": "object",
1785               "patternProperties": {
1786                 ".*": {
1787                   "type": "string"
1788                 }
1789               }
1790             }
1791           },
1792           "additionalProperties": false,
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1795             "options"
1796           ]
1797         },
1798         "ApplicationSetCharm": {
1799           "type": "object",
1800           "properties": {
1801             "application": {
1802               "type": "string"
1803             },
1804             "channel": {
1805               "type": "string"
1806             },
1807             "charm-url": {
1808               "type": "string"
1809             },
1810             "config-settings": {
1811               "type": "object",
1812               "patternProperties": {
1813                 ".*": {
1814                   "type": "string"
1815                 }
1816               }
1817             },
1818             "config-settings-yaml": {
1819               "type": "string"
1820             },
1821             "force-series": {
1822               "type": "boolean"
1823             },
1824             "force-units": {
1825               "type": "boolean"
1826             },
1827             "resource-ids": {
1828               "type": "object",
1829               "patternProperties": {
1830                 ".*": {
1831                   "type": "string"
1832                 }
1833               }
1834             },
1835             "storage-constraints": {
1836               "type": "object",
1837               "patternProperties": {
1838                 ".*": {
1839                   "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageConstraints"
1840                 }
1841               }
1842             }
1843           },
1844           "additionalProperties": false,
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1846             "application",
1847             "charm-url",
1848             "channel",
1849             "force-units",
1850             "force-series"
1851           ]
1852         },
1853         "ApplicationURLs": {
1854           "type": "object",
1855           "properties": {
1856             "application-urls": {
1857               "type": "array",
1858               "items": {
1859                 "type": "string"
1860               }
1861             }
1862           },
1863           "additionalProperties": false
1864         },
1865         "ApplicationUnexpose": {
1866           "type": "object",
1867           "properties": {
1868             "application": {
1869               "type": "string"
1870             }
1871           },
1872           "additionalProperties": false,
1873           "required": [
1874             "application"
1875           ]
1876         },
1877         "ApplicationUnset": {
1878           "type": "object",
1879           "properties": {
1880             "application": {
1881               "type": "string"
1882             },
1883             "options": {
1884               "type": "array",
1885               "items": {
1886                 "type": "string"
1887               }
1888             }
1889           },
1890           "additionalProperties": false,
1891           "required": [
1892             "application",
1893             "options"
1894           ]
1895         },
1896         "ApplicationUpdate": {
1897           "type": "object",
1898           "properties": {
1899             "application": {
1900               "type": "string"
1901             },
1902             "charm-url": {
1903               "type": "string"
1904             },
1905             "constraints": {
1906               "$ref": "#/definitions/Value"
1907             },
1908             "force-charm-url": {
1909               "type": "boolean"
1910             },
1911             "force-series": {
1912               "type": "boolean"
1913             },
1914             "min-units": {
1915               "type": "integer"
1916             },
1917             "settings": {
1918               "type": "object",
1919               "patternProperties": {
1920                 ".*": {
1921                   "type": "string"
1922                 }
1923               }
1924             },
1925             "settings-yaml": {
1926               "type": "string"
1927             }
1928           },
1929           "additionalProperties": false,
1930           "required": [
1931             "application",
1932             "charm-url",
1933             "force-charm-url",
1934             "force-series",
1935             "settings-yaml"
1936           ]
1937         },
1938         "ApplicationsDeploy": {
1939           "type": "object",
1940           "properties": {
1941             "applications": {
1942               "type": "array",
1943               "items": {
1944                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationDeploy"
1945               }
1946             }
1947           },
1948           "additionalProperties": false,
1949           "required": [
1950             "applications"
1951           ]
1952         },
1953         "CharmRelation": {
1954           "type": "object",
1955           "properties": {
1956             "interface": {
1957               "type": "string"
1958             },
1959             "limit": {
1960               "type": "integer"
1961             },
1962             "name": {
1963               "type": "string"
1964             },
1965             "optional": {
1966               "type": "boolean"
1967             },
1968             "role": {
1969               "type": "string"
1970             },
1971             "scope": {
1972               "type": "string"
1973             }
1974           },
1975           "additionalProperties": false,
1976           "required": [
1977             "name",
1978             "role",
1979             "interface",
1980             "optional",
1981             "limit",
1982             "scope"
1983           ]
1984         },
1985         "Constraints": {
1986           "type": "object",
1987           "properties": {
1988             "Count": {
1989               "type": "integer"
1990             },
1991             "Pool": {
1992               "type": "string"
1993             },
1994             "Size": {
1995               "type": "integer"
1996             }
1997           },
1998           "additionalProperties": false,
1999           "required": [
2000             "Pool",
2001             "Size",
2002             "Count"
2003           ]
2004         },
2005         "ConsumeApplicationArg": {
2006           "type": "object",
2007           "properties": {
2008             "application-alias": {
2009               "type": "string"
2010             },
2011             "application-url": {
2012               "type": "string"
2013             }
2014           },
2015           "additionalProperties": false,
2016           "required": [
2017             "application-url"
2018           ]
2019         },
2020         "ConsumeApplicationArgs": {
2021           "type": "object",
2022           "properties": {
2023             "args": {
2024               "type": "array",
2025               "items": {
2026                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ConsumeApplicationArg"
2027               }
2028             }
2029           },
2030           "additionalProperties": false
2031         },
2032         "ConsumeApplicationResult": {
2033           "type": "object",
2034           "properties": {
2035             "error": {
2036               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
2037             },
2038             "local-name": {
2039               "type": "string"
2040             }
2041           },
2042           "additionalProperties": false
2043         },
2044         "ConsumeApplicationResults": {
2045           "type": "object",
2046           "properties": {
2047             "results": {
2048               "type": "array",
2049               "items": {
2050                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ConsumeApplicationResult"
2051               }
2052             }
2053           },
2054           "additionalProperties": false,
2055           "required": [
2056             "results"
2057           ]
2058         },
2059         "DestroyApplicationInfo": {
2060           "type": "object",
2061           "properties": {
2062             "destroyed-storage": {
2063               "type": "array",
2064               "items": {
2065                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
2066               }
2067             },
2068             "destroyed-units": {
2069               "type": "array",
2070               "items": {
2071                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
2072               }
2073             },
2074             "detached-storage": {
2075               "type": "array",
2076               "items": {
2077                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
2078               }
2079             }
2080           },
2081           "additionalProperties": false
2082         },
2083         "DestroyApplicationResult": {
2084           "type": "object",
2085           "properties": {
2086             "error": {
2087               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
2088             },
2089             "info": {
2090               "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyApplicationInfo"
2091             }
2092           },
2093           "additionalProperties": false
2094         },
2095         "DestroyApplicationResults": {
2096           "type": "object",
2097           "properties": {
2098             "results": {
2099               "type": "array",
2100               "items": {
2101                 "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyApplicationResult"
2102               }
2103             }
2104           },
2105           "additionalProperties": false
2106         },
2107         "DestroyApplicationUnits": {
2108           "type": "object",
2109           "properties": {
2110             "unit-names": {
2111               "type": "array",
2112               "items": {
2113                 "type": "string"
2114               }
2115             }
2116           },
2117           "additionalProperties": false,
2118           "required": [
2119             "unit-names"
2120           ]
2121         },
2122         "DestroyRelation": {
2123           "type": "object",
2124           "properties": {
2125             "endpoints": {
2126               "type": "array",
2127               "items": {
2128                 "type": "string"
2129               }
2130             }
2131           },
2132           "additionalProperties": false,
2133           "required": [
2134             "endpoints"
2135           ]
2136         },
2137         "DestroyUnitInfo": {
2138           "type": "object",
2139           "properties": {
2140             "destroyed-storage": {
2141               "type": "array",
2142               "items": {
2143                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
2144               }
2145             },
2146             "detached-storage": {
2147               "type": "array",
2148               "items": {
2149                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
2150               }
2151             }
2152           },
2153           "additionalProperties": false
2154         },
2155         "DestroyUnitResult": {
2156           "type": "object",
2157           "properties": {
2158             "error": {
2159               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
2160             },
2161             "info": {
2162               "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyUnitInfo"
2163             }
2164           },
2165           "additionalProperties": false
2166         },
2167         "DestroyUnitResults": {
2168           "type": "object",
2169           "properties": {
2170             "results": {
2171               "type": "array",
2172               "items": {
2173                 "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyUnitResult"
2174               }
2175             }
2176           },
2177           "additionalProperties": false
2178         },
2179         "Entities": {
2180           "type": "object",
2181           "properties": {
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2183               "type": "array",
2184               "items": {
2185                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
2186               }
2187             }
2188           },
2189           "additionalProperties": false,
2190           "required": [
2191             "entities"
2192           ]
2193         },
2194         "Entity": {
2195           "type": "object",
2196           "properties": {
2197             "tag": {
2198               "type": "string"
2199             }
2200           },
2201           "additionalProperties": false,
2202           "required": [
2203             "tag"
2204           ]
2205         },
2206         "Error": {
2207           "type": "object",
2208           "properties": {
2209             "code": {
2210               "type": "string"
2211             },
2212             "info": {
2213               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorInfo"
2214             },
2215             "message": {
2216               "type": "string"
2217             }
2218           },
2219           "additionalProperties": false,
2220           "required": [
2221             "message",
2222             "code"
2223           ]
2224         },
2225         "ErrorInfo": {
2226           "type": "object",
2227           "properties": {
2228             "macaroon": {
2229               "$ref": "#/definitions/Macaroon"
2230             },
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2232               "type": "string"
2233             }
2234           },
2235           "additionalProperties": false
2236         },
2237         "ErrorResult": {
2238           "type": "object",
2239           "properties": {
2240             "error": {
2241               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
2242             }
2243           },
2244           "additionalProperties": false
2245         },
2246         "ErrorResults": {
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2248           "properties": {
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2250               "type": "array",
2251               "items": {
2252                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResult"
2253               }
2254             }
2255           },
2256           "additionalProperties": false,
2257           "required": [
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2259           ]
2260         },
2261         "GetApplicationConstraints": {
2262           "type": "object",
2263           "properties": {
2264             "application": {
2265               "type": "string"
2266             }
2267           },
2268           "additionalProperties": false,
2269           "required": [
2270             "application"
2271           ]
2272         },
2273         "GetConstraintsResults": {
2274           "type": "object",
2275           "properties": {
2276             "constraints": {
2277               "$ref": "#/definitions/Value"
2278             }
2279           },
2280           "additionalProperties": false,
2281           "required": [
2282             "constraints"
2283           ]
2284         },
2285         "Macaroon": {
2286           "type": "object",
2287           "additionalProperties": false
2288         },
2289         "Placement": {
2290           "type": "object",
2291           "properties": {
2292             "directive": {
2293               "type": "string"
2294             },
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2297             }
2298           },
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2300           "required": [
2301             "scope",
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2303           ]
2304         },
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2307           "properties": {
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2309               "type": "string"
2310             },
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2313             },
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2317                 "$ref": "#/definitions/RemoteEndpoint"
2318               }
2319             },
2320             "icon-url-path": {
2321               "type": "string"
2322             },
2323             "model-tag": {
2324               "type": "string"
2325             },
2326             "name": {
2327               "type": "string"
2328             },
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2330               "type": "string"
2331             }
2332           },
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2340             "icon-url-path"
2341           ]
2342         },
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2347               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
2348             },
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2351             }
2352           },
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2354         },
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2360               "items": {
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2362               }
2363             }
2364           },
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2368           ]
2369         },
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2375             },
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2378             },
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2381             },
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2384             },
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2387             }
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2396           ]
2397         },
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2403             },
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2406             }
2407           },
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2412           ]
2413         },
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2417             "count": {
2418               "type": "integer"
2419             },
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2422             },
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2424               "type": "integer"
2425             }
2426           },
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2428         },
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2433               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
2434             },
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2437             }
2438           },
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2442           ]
2443         },
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2449             },
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2452             },
2453             "cores": {
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2455             },
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2457               "type": "integer"
2458             },
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2460               "type": "string"
2461             },
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2463               "type": "integer"
2464             },
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2467             },
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2472               }
2473             },
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2478               }
2479             },
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2482             }
2483           },
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2485         }
2486       }
2487     }
2488   },
2489   {
2490     "Name": "ApplicationScaler",
2491     "Version": 1,
2492     "Schema": {
2493       "type": "object",
2494       "properties": {
2495         "Rescale": {
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2497           "properties": {
2498             "Params": {
2499               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
2500             },
2501             "Result": {
2502               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
2503             }
2504           }
2505         },
2506         "Watch": {
2507           "type": "object",
2508           "properties": {
2509             "Result": {
2510               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringsWatchResult"
2511             }
2512           }
2513         }
2514       },
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2523               }
2524             }
2525           },
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2529           ]
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2536             }
2537           },
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2542         },
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2548             },
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2551             },
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2554             }
2555           },
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2560           ]
2561         },
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2567             },
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2569               "type": "string"
2570             }
2571           },
2572           "additionalProperties": false
2573         },
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2578               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
2579             }
2580           },
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2582         },
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2588               "items": {
2589                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResult"
2590               }
2591             }
2592           },
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2596           ]
2597         },
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2601         },
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2610             },
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2613             },
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2616             }
2617           },
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2621           ]
2622         }
2623       }
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2625   },
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2627     "Name": "Backups",
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2629     "Schema": {
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2636               "$ref": "#/definitions/BackupsCreateArgs"
2637             },
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2639               "$ref": "#/definitions/BackupsMetadataResult"
2640             }
2641           }
2642         },
2643         "FinishRestore": {
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2645         },
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2651             },
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2653               "$ref": "#/definitions/BackupsMetadataResult"
2654             }
2655           }
2656         },
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2662             },
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2665             }
2666           }
2667         },
2668         "PrepareRestore": {
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2670         },
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2675               "$ref": "#/definitions/BackupsRemoveArgs"
2676             }
2677           }
2678         },
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2683               "$ref": "#/definitions/RestoreArgs"
2684             }
2685           }
2686         }
2687       },
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2694             }
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2700         },
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2706             }
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2712         },
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2716         },
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2724               }
2725             }
2726           },
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2730           ]
2731         },
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2737             },
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2740             },
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2742               "type": "string"
2743             },
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2746             },
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2749               "format": "date-time"
2750             },
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2753             },
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2755               "type": "string"
2756             },
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2758               "type": "string"
2759             },
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2761               "type": "string"
2762             },
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2765             },
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2768             },
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2771             },
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2775             },
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2779             },
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2782             }
2783           },
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2799             "ca-cert",
2800             "ca-private-key"
2801           ]
2802         },
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2807               "type": "string"
2808             }
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2819               "type": "integer"
2820             },
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2823             },
2824             "Minor": {
2825               "type": "integer"
2826             },
2827             "Patch": {
2828               "type": "integer"
2829             },
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2832             }
2833           },
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2841           ]
2842         },
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2847               "type": "string"
2848             }
2849           },
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2853           ]
2854         }
2855       }
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2859     "Name": "Block",
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2869             }
2870           }
2871         },
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2875             "Params": {
2876               "$ref": "#/definitions/BlockSwitchParams"
2877             },
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2880             }
2881           }
2882         },
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2886             "Params": {
2887               "$ref": "#/definitions/BlockSwitchParams"
2888             },
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2891             }
2892           }
2893         }
2894       },
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2901             },
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2904             },
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2907             },
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2923               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
2924             },
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2927             }
2928           },
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2932           ]
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2941               }
2942             }
2943           },
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2945         },
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2951             },
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2966             },
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2972             }
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2985             },
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2988             }
2989           },
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2997             }
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3000         },
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3004         }
3005       }
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3019             },
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3022             }
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3077               }
3078             },
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3083               }
3084             }
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3092     "Name": "CharmRevisionUpdater",
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3094     "Schema": {
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3099           "properties": {
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3102             }
3103           }
3104         }
3105       },
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3112             },
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3115             },
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3118             }
3119           },
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3125         },
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3131             },
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3134             }
3135           },
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3137         },
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3143             }
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3146         },
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3150         }
3151       }
3152     }
3153   },
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3155     "Name": "Charms",
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3165             },
3166             "Result": {
3167               "$ref": "#/definitions/CharmInfo"
3168             }
3169           }
3170         },
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3173           "properties": {
3174             "Params": {
3175               "$ref": "#/definitions/CharmURL"
3176             },
3177             "Result": {
3178               "$ref": "#/definitions/IsMeteredResult"
3179             }
3180           }
3181         },
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3186               "$ref": "#/definitions/CharmsList"
3187             },
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3189               "$ref": "#/definitions/CharmsListResult"
3190             }
3191           }
3192         }
3193       },
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3200             },
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3207                 }
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3236             },
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3242                 }
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3247             },
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3249               "$ref": "#/definitions/CharmMetrics"
3250             },
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3253             },
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3256             }
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3272               }
3273             },
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3276             },
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3287             },
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3290             },
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3295                   "$ref": "#/definitions/CharmPayloadClass"
3296                 }
3297               }
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3304                 }
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3312                 }
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3320                 }
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3328                 }
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3335               }
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3342                 }
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3347             },
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3350             },
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3355               }
3356             },
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3377             },
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3396                 }
3397               }
3398             },
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3400               "$ref": "#/definitions/CharmPlan"
3401             }
3402           },
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3407           ]
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3415             },
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3418             },
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3433             },
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3436             }
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3443         },
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3449             }
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3454           ]
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3461             },
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3464             },
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3467             },
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3470             },
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3473             },
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3476             }
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3493             },
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3496             },
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3499             },
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3502             }
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3517             },
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3520             },
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3523             },
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3526             },
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3529             },
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3532             },
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3537               }
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3541             },
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3566             }
3567           },
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3572         },
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3595               }
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3602         },
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3608             }
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3620     "Version": 2,
3621     "Schema": {
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3626         },
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3629           "properties": {
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3631               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResult"
3632             }
3633           }
3634         }
3635       },
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3642             },
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3645             },
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3647               "type": "string"
3648             }
3649           },
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3655         },
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3661             },
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3664             }
3665           },
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3667         },
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3671         },
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3676               "type": "string"
3677             },
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3680             }
3681           },
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3685           ]
3686         }
3687       }
3688     }
3689   },
3690   {
3691     "Name": "Client",
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3693     "Schema": {
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3698           "properties": {
3699             "Result": {
3700               "$ref": "#/definitions/APIHostPortsResult"
3701             }
3702           }
3703         },
3704         "AbortCurrentUpgrade": {
3705           "type": "object"
3706         },
3707         "AddCharm": {
3708           "type": "object",
3709           "properties": {
3710             "Params": {
3711               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddCharm"
3712             }
3713           }
3714         },
3715         "AddCharmWithAuthorization": {
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3717           "properties": {
3718             "Params": {
3719               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddCharmWithAuthorization"
3720             }
3721           }
3722         },
3723         "AddMachines": {
3724           "type": "object",
3725           "properties": {
3726             "Params": {
3727               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddMachines"
3728             },
3729             "Result": {
3730               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddMachinesResults"
3731             }
3732           }
3733         },
3734         "AddMachinesV2": {
3735           "type": "object",
3736           "properties": {
3737             "Params": {
3738               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddMachines"
3739             },
3740             "Result": {
3741               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddMachinesResults"
3742             }
3743           }
3744         },
3745         "AgentVersion": {
3746           "type": "object",
3747           "properties": {
3748             "Result": {
3749               "$ref": "#/definitions/AgentVersionResult"
3750             }
3751           }
3752         },
3753         "DestroyMachines": {
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3755           "properties": {
3756             "Params": {
3757               "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyMachines"
3758             }
3759           }
3760         },
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3763           "properties": {
3764             "Params": {
3765               "$ref": "#/definitions/FindToolsParams"
3766             },
3767             "Result": {
3768               "$ref": "#/definitions/FindToolsResult"
3769             }
3770           }
3771         },
3772         "FullStatus": {
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3774           "properties": {
3775             "Params": {
3776               "$ref": "#/definitions/StatusParams"
3777             },
3778             "Result": {
3779               "$ref": "#/definitions/FullStatus"
3780             }
3781           }
3782         },
3783         "GetBundleChanges": {
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3785           "properties": {
3786             "Params": {
3787               "$ref": "#/definitions/BundleChangesParams"
3788             },
3789             "Result": {
3790               "$ref": "#/definitions/BundleChangesResults"
3791             }
3792           }
3793         },
3794         "GetModelConstraints": {
3795           "type": "object",
3796           "properties": {
3797             "Result": {
3798               "$ref": "#/definitions/GetConstraintsResults"
3799             }
3800           }
3801         },
3802         "InjectMachines": {
3803           "type": "object",
3804           "properties": {
3805             "Params": {
3806               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddMachines"
3807             },
3808             "Result": {
3809               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddMachinesResults"
3810             }
3811           }
3812         },
3813         "ModelGet": {
3814           "type": "object",
3815           "properties": {
3816             "Result": {
3817               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelConfigResults"
3818             }
3819           }
3820         },
3821         "ModelInfo": {
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3823           "properties": {
3824             "Result": {
3825               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelInfo"
3826             }
3827           }
3828         },
3829         "ModelSet": {
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3831           "properties": {
3832             "Params": {
3833               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelSet"
3834             }
3835           }
3836         },
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3839           "properties": {
3840             "Params": {
3841               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelUnset"
3842             }
3843           }
3844         },
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3846           "type": "object",
3847           "properties": {
3848             "Result": {
3849               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelUserInfoResults"
3850             }
3851           }
3852         },
3853         "PrivateAddress": {
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3855           "properties": {
3856             "Params": {
3857               "$ref": "#/definitions/PrivateAddress"
3858             },
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3860               "$ref": "#/definitions/PrivateAddressResults"
3861             }
3862           }
3863         },
3864         "ProvisioningScript": {
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3866           "properties": {
3867             "Params": {
3868               "$ref": "#/definitions/ProvisioningScriptParams"
3869             },
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3871               "$ref": "#/definitions/ProvisioningScriptResult"
3872             }
3873           }
3874         },
3875         "PublicAddress": {
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3877           "properties": {
3878             "Params": {
3879               "$ref": "#/definitions/PublicAddress"
3880             },
3881             "Result": {
3882               "$ref": "#/definitions/PublicAddressResults"
3883             }
3884           }
3885         },
3886         "ResolveCharms": {
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3888           "properties": {
3889             "Params": {
3890               "$ref": "#/definitions/ResolveCharms"
3891             },
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3893               "$ref": "#/definitions/ResolveCharmResults"
3894             }
3895           }
3896         },
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3900             "Params": {
3901               "$ref": "#/definitions/Resolved"
3902             }
3903           }
3904         },
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3907           "properties": {
3908             "Params": {
3909               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
3910             },
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3912               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
3913             }
3914           }
3915         },
3916         "SLALevel": {
3917           "type": "object",
3918           "properties": {
3919             "Result": {
3920               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResult"
3921             }
3922           }
3923         },
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3926           "properties": {
3927             "Params": {
3928               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetModelAgentVersion"
3929             }
3930           }
3931         },
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3934           "properties": {
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3936               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetConstraints"
3937             }
3938           }
3939         },
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3944               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelSLA"
3945             }
3946           }
3947         },
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3951             "Params": {
3952               "$ref": "#/definitions/StatusHistoryRequests"
3953             },
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3955               "$ref": "#/definitions/StatusHistoryResults"
3956             }
3957           }
3958         },
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3964             }
3965           }
3966         }
3967       },
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3976                 "items": {
3977                   "$ref": "#/definitions/HostPort"
3978                 }
3979               }
3980             }
3981           },
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3985           ]
3986         },
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3992             },
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3995             }
3996           },
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4000             "channel"
4001           ]
4002         },
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4008             },
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4011             },
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4013               "type": "string"
4014             }
4015           },
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4021           ]
4022         },
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4030               }
4031             },
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4034             },
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4037             },
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4042               }
4043             },
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4046             },
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4049             },
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4054               }
4055             },
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4058             },
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4061             },
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4064             },
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4067             }
4068           },
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4081         },
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4089               }
4090             }
4091           },
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4095           ]
4096         },
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4101               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
4102             },
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4104               "type": "string"
4105             }
4106           },
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4110           ]
4111         },
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4117               "items": {
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4119               }
4120             }
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4126         },
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4132             },
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4135             },
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4138             },
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4148           ]
4149         },
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4155             }
4156           },
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4160           ]
4161         },
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4167             }
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4173         },
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4179             },
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4182             },
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4186             },
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4189             },
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4192             },
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4214             },
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4217             },
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4256             },
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4259             },
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4262             }
4263           },
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4286             },
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4291               }
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4337             },
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4354             },
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4357             },
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4360             }
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4367           ]
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4374             },
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4379               }
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4440             },
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4443             },
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4446             },
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4680             },
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4683             },
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4686             },
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4689             },
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4692             },
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4695             },
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4754             },
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4757             },
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4792             },
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4795             },
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4889             },
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4895             },
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4898             },
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4901             },
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4904             },
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4909               }
4910             },
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4913             },
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4916             },
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4919             },
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4922             },
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4959             },
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5006               }
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5041             },
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5047             },
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5050             },
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5053             },
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5091             },
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5094             },
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5109           ]
5110         },
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5116             },
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5119             }
5120           },
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5122         },
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5130               }
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5145               }
5146             },
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5149             },
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5154               }
5155             },
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5158             },
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5161             },
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5164             }
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5172         },
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5178             },
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5181             },
5182             "Minor": {
5183               "type": "integer"
5184             },
5185             "Patch": {
5186               "type": "integer"
5187             },
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5190             }
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5206             },
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5209             }
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5222             }
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5234             }
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5240         },
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5246             },
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5249             },
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5252             },
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5263           ]
5264         },
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5270             }
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5294             }
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5308               }
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5337             },
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5340             },
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5346             },
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5350             },
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5362                 }
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5384             },
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5390             },
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5393             },
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5412             },
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5415             }
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5441               }
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5454             },
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5457             }
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5470             },
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5486             }
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5529             },
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5582               }
5583             }
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5610             },
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5613             }
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5651             },
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5657             },
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5662               }
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5677             },
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5705             },
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5708             },
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5711             },
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5714             },
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5717             },
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5750             },
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5752               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudResults"
5753             }
5754           }
5755         },
5756         "Clouds": {
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5758           "properties": {
5759             "Result": {
5760               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudsResult"
5761             }
5762           }
5763         },
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5766           "properties": {
5767             "Params": {
5768               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
5769             },
5770             "Result": {
5771               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudCredentialResults"
5772             }
5773           }
5774         },
5775         "DefaultCloud": {
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5778             "Result": {
5779               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResult"
5780             }
5781           }
5782         },
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5786             "Params": {
5787               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudInstanceTypesConstraints"
5788             },
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5790               "$ref": "#/definitions/InstanceTypesResults"
5791             }
5792           }
5793         },
5794         "RevokeCredentials": {
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5796           "properties": {
5797             "Params": {
5798               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
5799             },
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5801               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
5802             }
5803           }
5804         },
5805         "UpdateCredentials": {
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5807           "properties": {
5808             "Params": {
5809               "$ref": "#/definitions/UpdateCloudCredentials"
5810             },
5811             "Result": {
5812               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
5813             }
5814           }
5815         },
5816         "UserCredentials": {
5817           "type": "object",
5818           "properties": {
5819             "Params": {
5820               "$ref": "#/definitions/UserClouds"
5821             },
5822             "Result": {
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5824             }
5825           }
5826         }
5827       },
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5836               }
5837             },
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5840             },
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5843             },
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5848               }
5849             },
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5851               "type": "string"
5852             },
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5854               "type": "string"
5855             }
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5861         },
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5870                 }
5871               }
5872             },
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5874               "type": "string"
5875             },
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5880               }
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5886           ]
5887         },
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5892               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
5893             },
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5896             }
5897           },
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5899         },
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5907               }
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5911         },
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5917             },
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5920             },
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5922               "type": "string"
5923             }
5924           },
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5938               }
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5951             },
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5954             },
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5956               "type": "string"
5957             },
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5960             }
5961           },
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5972             },
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5975             }
5976           },
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5978         },
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5986               }
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5999                 }
6000               }
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6037             },
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6040             },
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6043             }
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6059             }
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6094               }
6095             },
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6098             },
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6101             },
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6104             },
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6107             },
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6110             },
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6113             },
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6116             }
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6130             },
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6133             },
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6136             },
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6167         },
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6173             },
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6176             }
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6194             }
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6218             },
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6221             }
6222           },
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6228         },
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6236               }
6237             }
6238           },
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6240         },
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6246             },
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6249             }
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6274             },
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6277             },
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6280             },
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6283             },
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6286             },
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6289             },
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6292             },
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6297               }
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6303               }
6304             },
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6307             }
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6314   {
6315     "Name": "Controller",
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6325             }
6326           }
6327         },
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6333             },
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6336             }
6337           }
6338         },
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6341           "properties": {
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6343               "$ref": "#/definitions/ControllerConfigResult"
6344             }
6345           }
6346         },
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6349           "properties": {
6350             "Params": {
6351               "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyControllerArgs"
6352             }
6353           }
6354         },
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6358             "Params": {
6359               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelTag"
6360             },
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6362               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudSpecResult"
6363             }
6364           }
6365         },
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6369             "Params": {
6370               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
6371             },
6372             "Result": {
6373               "$ref": "#/definitions/UserAccessResults"
6374             }
6375           }
6376         },
6377         "HostedModelConfigs": {
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6379           "properties": {
6380             "Result": {
6381               "$ref": "#/definitions/HostedModelConfigsResults"
6382             }
6383           }
6384         },
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6386           "type": "object",
6387           "properties": {
6388             "Params": {
6389               "$ref": "#/definitions/InitiateMigrationArgs"
6390             },
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6392               "$ref": "#/definitions/InitiateMigrationResults"
6393             }
6394           }
6395         },
6396         "ListBlockedModels": {
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6400               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelBlockInfoList"
6401             }
6402           }
6403         },
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6409             }
6410           }
6411         },
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6417             },
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6420             }
6421           }
6422         },
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6426             "Params": {
6427               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModifyControllerAccessRequest"
6428             },
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6430               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
6431             }
6432           }
6433         },
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6437             "Params": {
6438               "$ref": "#/definitions/RemoveBlocksArgs"
6439             }
6440           }
6441         },
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6447             }
6448           }
6449         }
6450       },
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6457             }
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6463         },
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6472                 }
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6477             },
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6482               }
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6494               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudCredential"
6495             },
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6498             },
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6501             },
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6504             },
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6507             },
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6510             },
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6520         },
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6526             },
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6529             }
6530           },
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6532         },
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6540               }
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6550             },
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6579         },
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6585             }
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6624             },
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6627             },
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6630             }
6631           },
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6643             },
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6646             }
6647           },
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6655             }
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6658         },
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6666               }
6667             }
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6673         },
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6679             },
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6691             },
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6694             },
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6697             }
6698           },
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6704         },
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6713             }
6714           },
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6719         },
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6740             },
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6743             },
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6746             }
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6753         },
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6761               }
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6772         },
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6778             },
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6781             },
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6784             },
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6786               "type": "integer"
6787             },
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6789               "type": "integer"
6790             },
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6793             },
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6798               }
6799             }
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6802         },
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6808             },
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6811             },
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6814             },
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6817             }
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6826         },
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6834               }
6835             },
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6838             },
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6841             },
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6844             },
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6847             },
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6850             }
6851           },
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6858           ]
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6865             },
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6868             },
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6871             }
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6887               }
6888             },
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6891             },
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6894             },
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6897             }
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6906         },
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6915             }
6916           },
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6941             },
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6943               "type": "boolean"
6944             },
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6947             },
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6950             },
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6953             },
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6956             }
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6968             },
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6971             },
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6974             },
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6979               }
6980             },
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6983             },
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6986             }
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6994             "owner-tag"
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6996         },
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7015         },
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7021             },
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7024             },
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7027             }
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7056             }
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7068             },
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7084             },
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7087             }
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7090         },
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7109             },
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7149             }
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7151         },
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7157             }
7158           }
7159         },
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7165             }
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7167         },
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7173             }
7174           }
7175         },
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7181             },
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7184             }
7185           }
7186         },
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7192             }
7193           }
7194         },
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7200             },
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7203             }
7204           }
7205         },
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7211             },
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7214             }
7215           }
7216         },
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7222             },
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7225             }
7226           }
7227         },
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7233             }
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7241             },
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7244             }
7245           }
7246         },
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7252             }
7253           }
7254         },
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7263             }
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7291             },
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7294             },
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7297             },
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7331               }
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7439             },
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7461             }
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7497             }
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7544             },
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7627               }
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7638   {
7639     "Name": "DiscoverSpaces",
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7649             },
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7651               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
7652             }
7653           }
7654         },
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7658             "Params": {
7659               "$ref": "#/definitions/CreateSpacesParams"
7660             },
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7662               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
7663             }
7664           }
7665         },
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7671             }
7672           }
7673         },
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7676           "properties": {
7677             "Params": {
7678               "$ref": "#/definitions/SubnetsFilters"
7679             },
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7681               "$ref": "#/definitions/ListSubnetsResults"
7682             }
7683           }
7684         },
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7690             }
7691           }
7692         }
7693       },
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7699               "type": "string"
7700             },
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7703             },
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7705               "type": "string"
7706             },
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7708               "type": "string"
7709             },
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7711               "type": "integer"
7712             },
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7717               }
7718             }
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7723           ]
7724         },
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7730               "items": {
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7732               }
7733             }
7734           },
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7738           ]
7739         },
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7744               "type": "string"
7745             },
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7748             },
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7751             },
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7754               "items": {
7755                 "type": "string"
7756               }
7757             }
7758           },
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7764           ]
7765         },
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7771               "items": {
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7773               }
7774             }
7775           },
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7779           ]
7780         },
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7786               "items": {
7787                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ProviderSpace"
7788               }
7789             }
7790           },
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7794           ]
7795         },
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7799             "code": {
7800               "type": "string"
7801             },
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7804             },
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7807             }
7808           },
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7813           ]
7814         },
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7820             },
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7822               "type": "string"
7823             }
7824           },
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7826         },
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7832             }
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7843               }
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7850         },
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7858               }
7859             }
7860           },
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7865         },
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7869         },
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7878                   "additionalProperties": true
7879                 }
7880               }
7881             }
7882           },
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7886           ]
7887         },
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7892               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
7893             },
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7895               "type": "string"
7896             },
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7899             },
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7904               }
7905             }
7906           },
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7913         },
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7919             },
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7922             },
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7925             },
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7928             },
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7930               "type": "string"
7931             },
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7933               "type": "string"
7934             },
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7937             },
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7942               }
7943             }
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7952           ]
7953         },
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7958               "type": "string"
7959             },
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7962             }
7963           },
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7965         }
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7969   {
7970     "Name": "DiskManager",
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7972     "Schema": {
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7974       "properties": {
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7977           "properties": {
7978             "Params": {
7979               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetMachineBlockDevices"
7980             },
7981             "Result": {
7982               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
7983             }
7984           }
7985         }
7986       },
7987       "definitions": {
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7989           "type": "object",
7990           "properties": {
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7992               "type": "string"
7993             },
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7996               "items": {
7997                 "type": "string"
7998               }
7999             },
8000             "DeviceName": {
8001               "type": "string"
8002             },
8003             "FilesystemType": {
8004               "type": "string"
8005             },
8006             "HardwareId": {
8007               "type": "string"
8008             },
8009             "InUse": {
8010               "type": "boolean"
8011             },
8012             "Label": {
8013               "type": "string"
8014             },
8015             "MountPoint": {
8016               "type": "string"
8017             },
8018             "Size": {
8019               "type": "integer"
8020             },
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8023             }
8024           },
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8034             "FilesystemType",
8035             "InUse",
8036             "MountPoint"
8037           ]
8038         },
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8044             },
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8050             }
8051           },
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8057         },
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8063             },
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8066             }
8067           },
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8075             }
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8086               }
8087             }
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8093         },
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8097         },
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8102               "type": "array",
8103               "items": {
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8105               }
8106             },
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8108               "type": "string"
8109             }
8110           },
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8114           ]
8115         },
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8118           "properties": {
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8121               "items": {
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8123               }
8124             }
8125           },
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8129           ]
8130         }
8131       }
8132     }
8133   },
8134   {
8135     "Name": "EntityWatcher",
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8142           "properties": {
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8144               "$ref": "#/definitions/EntitiesWatchResult"
8145             }
8146           }
8147         },
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8150         }
8151       },
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8161             },
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8164             },
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8167             }
8168           },
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8172           ]
8173         },
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8179             },
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8182             },
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8185             }
8186           },
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8192         },
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8198             },
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8200               "type": "string"
8201             }
8202           },
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8204         },
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8208         }
8209       }
8210     }
8211   },
8212   {
8213     "Name": "FilesystemAttachmentsWatcher",
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8223             }
8224           }
8225         },
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8227           "type": "object"
8228         }
8229       },
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8236             },
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8239             },
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8242             }
8243           },
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8255             },
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8257               "type": "string"
8258             }
8259           },
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8261         },
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8265         },
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8271             },
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8273               "type": "string"
8274             }
8275           },
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8281         },
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8289               }
8290             },
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8292               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
8293             },
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8295               "type": "string"
8296             }
8297           },
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8302           ]
8303         }
8304       }
8305     }
8306   },
8307   {
8308     "Name": "Firewaller",
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8310     "Schema": {
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8316             "Params": {
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8318             },
8319             "Result": {
8320               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudSpecResults"
8321             }
8322           }
8323         },
8324         "GetAssignedMachine": {
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8326           "properties": {
8327             "Params": {
8328               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
8329             },
8330             "Result": {
8331               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResults"
8332             }
8333           }
8334         },
8335         "GetCloudSpec": {
8336           "type": "object",
8337           "properties": {
8338             "Params": {
8339               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelTag"
8340             },
8341             "Result": {
8342               "$ref": "#/definitions/CloudSpecResult"
8343             }
8344           }
8345         },
8346         "GetExposed": {
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8349             "Params": {
8350               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
8351             },
8352             "Result": {
8353               "$ref": "#/definitions/BoolResults"
8354             }
8355           }
8356         },
8357         "GetMachineActiveSubnets": {
8358           "type": "object",
8359           "properties": {
8360             "Params": {
8361               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
8362             },
8363             "Result": {
8364               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringsResults"
8365             }
8366           }
8367         },
8368         "GetMachinePorts": {
8369           "type": "object",
8370           "properties": {
8371             "Params": {
8372               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachinePortsParams"
8373             },
8374             "Result": {
8375               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachinePortsResults"
8376             }
8377           }
8378         },
8379         "InstanceId": {
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8381           "properties": {
8382             "Params": {
8383               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
8384             },
8385             "Result": {
8386               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResults"
8387             }
8388           }
8389         },
8390         "Life": {
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8393             "Params": {
8394               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
8395             },
8396             "Result": {
8397               "$ref": "#/definitions/LifeResults"
8398             }
8399           }
8400         },
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8403           "properties": {
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8405               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelConfigResult"
8406             }
8407           }
8408         },
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8412             "Params": {
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8414             },
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8417             }
8418           }
8419         },
8420         "WatchForModelConfigChanges": {
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8422           "properties": {
8423             "Result": {
8424               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResult"
8425             }
8426           }
8427         },
8428         "WatchModelMachines": {
8429           "type": "object",
8430           "properties": {
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8432               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringsWatchResult"
8433             }
8434           }
8435         },
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8439             "Params": {
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8441             },
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8444             }
8445           }
8446         },
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8450             "Params": {
8451               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
8452             },
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8455             }
8456           }
8457         }
8458       },
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8465             },
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8468             }
8469           },
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8482               }
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8498                 }
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8503             },
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8508               }
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8521             },
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8524             },
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8527             },
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8529               "type": "string"
8530             },
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8532               "type": "string"
8533             },
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8536             },
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8552             },
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8555             }
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8597         },
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8603             },
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8606             },
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8609             }
8610           },
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8622             },
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8625             }
8626           },
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8628         },
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8634             },
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8637             }
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8651               }
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8658         },
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8662         },
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8668             },
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8671             },
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8674             }
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8682         },
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8688             },
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8691             }
8692           },
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8697           ]
8698         },
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8706               }
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8708           },
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8719             },
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8724               }
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8739               }
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8756                 }
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8768         },
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8774             },
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8777             }
8778           },
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8782           ]
8783         },
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8791               }
8792             }
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8798         },
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8804             },
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8807             },
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8810             }
8811           },
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8824             },
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8827             }
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8859               }
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8887             },
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8890             },
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8893             }
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8907               }
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8929             },
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8931               "$ref": "#/definitions/ControllersChangeResults"
8932             }
8933           }
8934         },
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8940             }
8941           }
8942         },
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8948             },
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8951             }
8952           }
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8961             },
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8964             },
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8967             },
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8970             },
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8973             }
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8983         },
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8989             },
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8992             }
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9006               }
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9027               }
9028             },
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9033               }
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9039               }
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9045               }
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9051               }
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9064             },
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9069               }
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9100             },
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9103             },
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9106             }
9107           },
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9113         },
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9122             }
9123           },
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9125         },
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9131             },
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9134             },
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9137             }
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9149         },
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9155             },
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9158             },
9159             "BuildIndexes": {
9160               "type": "boolean"
9161             },
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9163               "type": "boolean"
9164             },
9165             "Id": {
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9167             },
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9170             },
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9172               "type": "integer"
9173             },
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9179                 }
9180               }
9181             },
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9184             }
9185           },
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9195             "SlaveDelay",
9196             "Votes"
9197           ]
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9206               }
9207             },
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9210             },
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9215               }
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9223           ]
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9230             },
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9233             },
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9236             },
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9239             }
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9248         },
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9256               }
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9262           ]
9263         },
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9269             }
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9281             },
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9284             },
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9287             },
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9290             },
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9292               "type": "string"
9293             },
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9296             },
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9299             },
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9332             },
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9334               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
9335             }
9336           }
9337         }
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9345             },
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9351             }
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9367             }
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9370         },
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9376             }
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9387               }
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9398         },
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9421               }
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9447             },
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9450             }
9451           }
9452         },
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9461             }
9462           }
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9471             },
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9493             }
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9496         },
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10306             },
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10404             }
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10426             }
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10765             }
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10773             },
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10786             }
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10828             },
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10831             },
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10834             }
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10904             }
10905           }
10906         },
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10912             },
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11000               }
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11017             },
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11056             },
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11059             }
11060           }
11061         },
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11070             }
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11153             },
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11185             },
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11204             },
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11207             }
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11252             }
11253           }
11254         },
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11352               }
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11394     "Name": "MachineActions",
11395     "Version": 1,
11396     "Schema": {
11397       "type": "object",
11398       "properties": {
11399         "Actions": {
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11404             },
11405             "Result": {
11406               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionResults"
11407             }
11408           }
11409         },
11410         "BeginActions": {
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11413             "Params": {
11414               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
11415             },
11416             "Result": {
11417               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
11418             }
11419           }
11420         },
11421         "FinishActions": {
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11423           "properties": {
11424             "Params": {
11425               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionExecutionResults"
11426             },
11427             "Result": {
11428               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
11429             }
11430           }
11431         },
11432         "RunningActions": {
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11434           "properties": {
11435             "Params": {
11436               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
11437             },
11438             "Result": {
11439               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionsByReceivers"
11440             }
11441           }
11442         },
11443         "WatchActionNotifications": {
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11446             "Params": {
11447               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
11448             },
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11451             }
11452           }
11453         }
11454       },
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11461             },
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11470             },
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11473             },
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11475               "type": "string"
11476             }
11477           },
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11484         },
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11489               "type": "string"
11490             },
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11492               "type": "string"
11493             },
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11500                 }
11501               }
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11505             }
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11512         },
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11518               "items": {
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11520               }
11521             }
11522           },
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11524         },
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11529               "$ref": "#/definitions/Action"
11530             },
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11534             },
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11538             },
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11541             },
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11543               "type": "string"
11544             },
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11557             },
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11560             }
11561           },
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11563         },
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11569               "items": {
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11571               }
11572             }
11573           },
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11575         },
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11583               }
11584             },
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11587             },
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11590             }
11591           },
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11593         },
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11601               }
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11626             }
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11632         },
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11638             },
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11641             },
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11644             }
11645           },
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11657             },
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11659               "type": "string"
11660             }
11661           },
11662           "additionalProperties": false
11663         },
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11669             }
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11672         },
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11678               "items": {
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11680               }
11681             }
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11687         },
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11691         },
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11700             },
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11702               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
11703             },
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11706             }
11707           },
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11712         },
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11718               "items": {
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11720               }
11721             }
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11727         }
11728       }
11729     }
11730   },
11731   {
11732     "Name": "MachineManager",
11733     "Version": 3,
11734     "Schema": {
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11736       "properties": {
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11739           "properties": {
11740             "Params": {
11741               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddMachines"
11742             },
11743             "Result": {
11744               "$ref": "#/definitions/AddMachinesResults"
11745             }
11746           }
11747         },
11748         "DestroyMachine": {
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11751             "Params": {
11752               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
11753             },
11754             "Result": {
11755               "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyMachineResults"
11756             }
11757           }
11758         },
11759         "ForceDestroyMachine": {
11760           "type": "object",
11761           "properties": {
11762             "Params": {
11763               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
11764             },
11765             "Result": {
11766               "$ref": "#/definitions/DestroyMachineResults"
11767             }
11768           }
11769         },
11770         "InstanceTypes": {
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11772           "properties": {
11773             "Params": {
11774               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelInstanceTypesConstraints"
11775             },
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11777               "$ref": "#/definitions/InstanceTypesResults"
11778             }
11779           }
11780         }
11781       },
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11788               "items": {
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11790               }
11791             },
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11794             },
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11797             },
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11802               }
11803             },
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11805               "$ref": "#/definitions/HardwareCharacteristics"
11806             },
11807             "instance-id": {
11808               "type": "string"
11809             },
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11814               }
11815             },
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11818             },
11819             "parent-id": {
11820               "type": "string"
11821             },
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11823               "$ref": "#/definitions/Placement"
11824             },
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11827             }
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11838             "hardware-characteristics",
11839             "addresses"
11840           ]
11841         },
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11849               }
11850             }
11851           },
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11855           ]
11856         },
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11859           "properties": {
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11861               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
11862             },
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11865             }
11866           },
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11870           ]
11871         },
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11877               "items": {
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11879               }
11880             }
11881           },
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11885           ]
11886         },
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11892             },
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11895             },
11896             "type": {
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11898             },
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11901             }
11902           },
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11909         },
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11914               "type": "integer"
11915             },
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11917               "type": "string"
11918             },
11919             "Size": {
11920               "type": "integer"
11921             }
11922           },
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11928           ]
11929         },
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11937               }
11938             },
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11941               "items": {
11942                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
11943               }
11944             },
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11949               }
11950             }
11951           },
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11953         },
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11959             },
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11962             }
11963           },
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11965         },
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11971               "items": {
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11973               }
11974             }
11975           },
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11977         },
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11985               }
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11991           ]
11992         },
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11998             }
11999           },
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12003           ]
12004         },
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12009               "type": "string"
12010             },
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12013             },
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12029             },
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12032             }
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12041             },
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12044             },
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12046               "type": "integer"
12047             },
12048             "cpu-power": {
12049               "type": "integer"
12050             },
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12052               "type": "integer"
12053             },
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12056             },
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12073               }
12074             },
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12077             },
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12080             },
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12083             },
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12086             },
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12089             },
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12092             },
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12095             }
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12109             },
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12112             },
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12115             },
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12118             },
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12146         },
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12163               }
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12176             },
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12192             },
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12195             },
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12198             },
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12201             },
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12204             },
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12206               "type": "integer"
12207             },
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12210             },
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12215               }
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12221               }
12222             },
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12228         }
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12233     "Name": "MachineUndertaker",
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12243             },
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12246             }
12247           }
12248         },
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12254             }
12255           }
12256         },
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12260             "Params": {
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12262             },
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12265             }
12266           }
12267         },
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12271             "Params": {
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12273             },
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12276             }
12277           }
12278         }
12279       },
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12303               }
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12321               }
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12334             }
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12345               "type": "string"
12346             },
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12349             },
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12365             },
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12368             }
12369           },
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12371         },
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12375         },
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12380               "type": "string"
12381             },
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12384             }
12385           },
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12396               "items": {
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12398               }
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12411             },
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12414             },
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12417             }
12418           },
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12425         },
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12431             },
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12435                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ProviderInterfaceInfo"
12436               }
12437             },
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12439               "type": "string"
12440             }
12441           },
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12446           ]
12447         },
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12453               "items": {
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12455               }
12456             }
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12462         }
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12466   {
12467     "Name": "Machiner",
12468     "Version": 1,
12469     "Schema": {
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12474           "properties": {
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12477             }
12478           }
12479         },
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12482           "properties": {
12483             "Result": {
12484               "$ref": "#/definitions/APIHostPortsResult"
12485             }
12486           }
12487         },
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12489           "type": "object",
12490           "properties": {
12491             "Result": {
12492               "$ref": "#/definitions/BytesResult"
12493             }
12494           }
12495         },
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12499             "Params": {
12500               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
12501             },
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12504             }
12505           }
12506         },
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12509           "properties": {
12510             "Params": {
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12512             },
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12515             }
12516           }
12517         },
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12521             "Params": {
12522               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
12523             },
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12526             }
12527           }
12528         },
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12530           "type": "object",
12531           "properties": {
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12534             }
12535           }
12536         },
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12539           "properties": {
12540             "Params": {
12541               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetMachinesAddresses"
12542             },
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12544               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
12545             }
12546           }
12547         },
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12550           "properties": {
12551             "Params": {
12552               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetMachineNetworkConfig"
12553             }
12554           }
12555         },
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12558           "properties": {
12559             "Params": {
12560               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
12561             },
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12564             }
12565           }
12566         },
12567         "SetStatus": {
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12569           "properties": {
12570             "Params": {
12571               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetStatus"
12572             },
12573             "Result": {
12574               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
12575             }
12576           }
12577         },
12578         "UpdateStatus": {
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12581             "Params": {
12582               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetStatus"
12583             },
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12586             }
12587           }
12588         },
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12592             "Params": {
12593               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
12594             },
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12596               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResults"
12597             }
12598           }
12599         },
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12602           "properties": {
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12604               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResult"
12605             }
12606           }
12607         }
12608       },
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12617                 "items": {
12618                   "$ref": "#/definitions/HostPort"
12619                 }
12620               }
12621             }
12622           },
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12626           ]
12627         },
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12633             },
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12924             },
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13120             }
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13122         },
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13905         }
13906       }
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13908   },
13909   {
13910     "Name": "MigrationMaster",
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13912     "Schema": {
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13917           "properties": {
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13919               "$ref": "#/definitions/SerializedModel"
13920             }
13921           }
13922         },
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13924           "type": "object",
13925           "properties": {
13926             "Result": {
13927               "$ref": "#/definitions/MasterMigrationStatus"
13928             }
13929           }
13930         },
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13933           "properties": {
13934             "Result": {
13935               "$ref": "#/definitions/MinionReports"
13936             }
13937           }
13938         },
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13941           "properties": {
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13943               "$ref": "#/definitions/MigrationModelInfo"
13944             }
13945           }
13946         },
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13949         },
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13952         },
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13955           "properties": {
13956             "Params": {
13957               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetMigrationPhaseArgs"
13958             }
13959           }
13960         },
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13965               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetMigrationStatusMessageArgs"
13966             }
13967           }
13968         },
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13973               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResult"
13974             }
13975           }
13976         },
13977         "WatchMinionReports": {
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13979           "properties": {
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13981               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResult"
13982             }
13983           }
13984         }
13985       },
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13991               "type": "string"
13992             },
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13995             },
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13998             }
13999           },
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14005         },
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14011             },
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14013               "type": "string"
14014             }
14015           },
14016           "additionalProperties": false
14017         },
14018         "Macaroon": {
14019           "type": "object",
14020           "additionalProperties": false
14021         },
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14027             },
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14029               "type": "string"
14030             },
14031             "phase-changed-time": {
14032               "type": "string",
14033               "format": "date-time"
14034             },
14035             "spec": {
14036               "$ref": "#/definitions/MigrationSpec"
14037             }
14038           },
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14045           ]
14046         },
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14049           "properties": {
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14051               "$ref": "#/definitions/Number"
14052             },
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14054               "$ref": "#/definitions/Number"
14055             },
14056             "name": {
14057               "type": "string"
14058             },
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14060               "type": "string"
14061             },
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14063               "type": "string"
14064             }
14065           },
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14072             "controller-agent-version"
14073           ]
14074         },
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14079               "type": "boolean"
14080             },
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14082               "type": "string"
14083             },
14084             "skip-initial-prechecks": {
14085               "type": "boolean"
14086             },
14087             "target-info": {
14088               "$ref": "#/definitions/MigrationTargetInfo"
14089             }
14090           },
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14096             "skip-initial-prechecks"
14097           ]
14098         },
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14106               }
14107             },
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14109               "type": "string"
14110             },
14111             "ca-cert": {
14112               "type": "string"
14113             },
14114             "controller-tag": {
14115               "type": "string"
14116             },
14117             "macaroons": {
14118               "type": "string"
14119             },
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14121               "type": "string"
14122             }
14123           },
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14130           ]
14131         },
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14139               }
14140             },
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14143             },
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14145               "type": "string"
14146             },
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14149             },
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14151               "type": "integer"
14152             },
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14157               }
14158             }
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14167             "failed"
14168           ]
14169         },
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14172           "properties": {
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14174               "type": "string"
14175             },
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14178             }
14179           },
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14183           ]
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14190             },
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14193             },
14194             "Minor": {
14195               "type": "integer"
14196             },
14197             "Patch": {
14198               "type": "integer"
14199             },
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14202             }
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14254             },
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14257             },
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14260             },
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14263             },
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14296             },
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14299             },
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14302             },
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14306             },
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14331             },
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14347             }
14348           },
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14352           ]
14353         },
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14359             }
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14364           ]
14365         }
14366       }
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14368   },
14369   {
14370     "Name": "MigrationMinion",
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14380             }
14381           }
14382         },
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14387               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResult"
14388             }
14389           }
14390         }
14391       },
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14398             },
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14401             },
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14404             }
14405           },
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14417             },
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14420             }
14421           },
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14423         },
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14427         },
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14433             },
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14436             },
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14439             }
14440           },
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14452               "type": "string"
14453             },
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14456             }
14457           },
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14462         }
14463       }
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14465   },
14466   {
14467     "Name": "MigrationStatusWatcher",
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14474           "properties": {
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14476               "$ref": "#/definitions/MigrationStatus"
14477             }
14478           }
14479         },
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14482         }
14483       },
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14490             },
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14493             },
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14496             },
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14499             },
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14504               }
14505             },
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14508             },
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14512                 "type": "string"
14513               }
14514             },
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14517             }
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14529           ]
14530         }
14531       }
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14553             }
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14562           }
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14571         },
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14577             },
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14580               "format": "date-time"
14581             }
14582           }
14583         },
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14589             }
14590           }
14591         }
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14596           "properties": {
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14598               "type": "string"
14599             },
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14602             }
14603           },
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14609         },
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14615             },
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14617               "$ref": "#/definitions/Number"
14618             },
14619             "name": {
14620               "type": "string"
14621             },
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14623               "type": "string"
14624             },
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14627             }
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14636           ]
14637         },
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14643             }
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14655             },
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14658             },
14659             "Minor": {
14660               "type": "integer"
14661             },
14662             "Patch": {
14663               "type": "integer"
14664             },
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14667             }
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14677         },
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14686             },
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14691               }
14692             },
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14697               }
14698             },
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14703               }
14704             }
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14719             },
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14722             },
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14725             },
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14728             },
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14758             },
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14761             },
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14764             },
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14767             },
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14771             },
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14774             },
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14777             }
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14796             },
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14811     "Name": "ModelConfig",
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14821             }
14822           }
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14829             }
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14845             }
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14853             }
14854           }
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14863             },
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14874         },
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14880             },
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14883             },
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14886             }
14887           },
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14902             }
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14909         },
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14934               }
14935             },
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14938             }
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14971               }
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14984             },
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14987             }
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14997   {
14998     "Name": "ModelManager",
14999     "Version": 2,
15000     "Schema": {
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15008             },
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15010               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelInfo"
15011             }
15012           }
15013         },
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15017             "Params": {
15018               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
15019             },
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15022             }
15023           }
15024         },
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15030             },
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15033             }
15034           }
15035         },
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15041             },
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15044             }
15045           }
15046         },
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15052             },
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15055             }
15056           }
15057         },
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15063             }
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15071             },
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15074             }
15075           }
15076         },
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15082             },
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15085             }
15086           }
15087         },
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15093             },
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15095               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
15096             }
15097           }
15098         },
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15103               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetModelDefaults"
15104             },
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15107             }
15108           }
15109         },
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15114               "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsetModelDefaults"
15115             },
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15117               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
15118             }
15119           }
15120         }
15121       },
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15130               }
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15143             }
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15253             },
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15256             },
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15779     "Name": "NotifyWatcher",
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15789         }
15790       }
15791     }
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15793   {
15794     "Name": "Payloads",
15795     "Version": 1,
15796     "Schema": {
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15804             },
15805             "Result": {
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15807             }
15808           }
15809         }
15810       },
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15817             },
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15820             },
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15825               }
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15829             },
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15831               "type": "string"
15832             },
15833             "type": {
15834               "type": "string"
15835             },
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15838             }
15839           },
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15850         },
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15856               "items": {
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15858               }
15859             }
15860           },
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15864           ]
15865         },
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15871               "items": {
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15873               }
15874             }
15875           },
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15879           ]
15880         }
15881       }
15882     }
15883   },
15884   {
15885     "Name": "PayloadsHookContext",
15886     "Version": 1,
15887     "Schema": {
15888       "type": "object",
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15893             "Params": {
15894               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
15895             },
15896             "Result": {
15897               "$ref": "#/definitions/PayloadResults"
15898             }
15899           }
15900         },
15901         "LookUp": {
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15903           "properties": {
15904             "Params": {
15905               "$ref": "#/definitions/LookUpPayloadArgs"
15906             },
15907             "Result": {
15908               "$ref": "#/definitions/PayloadResults"
15909             }
15910           }
15911         },
15912         "SetStatus": {
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15914           "properties": {
15915             "Params": {
15916               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetPayloadStatusArgs"
15917             },
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15919               "$ref": "#/definitions/PayloadResults"
15920             }
15921           }
15922         },
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15926             "Params": {
15927               "$ref": "#/definitions/TrackPayloadArgs"
15928             },
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15930               "$ref": "#/definitions/PayloadResults"
15931             }
15932           }
15933         },
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15937             "Params": {
15938               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
15939             },
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15942             }
15943           }
15944         }
15945       },
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15954               }
15955             }
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15961         },
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15967             }
15968           },
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15972           ]
15973         },
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15979             },
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15981               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorInfo"
15982             },
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15984               "type": "string"
15985             }
15986           },
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15991           ]
15992         },
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15997               "$ref": "#/definitions/Macaroon"
15998             },
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16000               "type": "string"
16001             }
16002           },
16003           "additionalProperties": false
16004         },
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16009               "type": "string"
16010             },
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16012               "type": "string"
16013             }
16014           },
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16017             "name",
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16019           ]
16020         },
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16028               }
16029             }
16030           },
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16034           ]
16035         },
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16038           "additionalProperties": false
16039         },
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16045             },
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16048             },
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16053               }
16054             },
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16057             },
16058             "status": {
16059               "type": "string"
16060             },
16061             "type": {
16062               "type": "string"
16063             },
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16065               "type": "string"
16066             }
16067           },
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16077           ]
16078         },
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16083               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
16084             },
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16086               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
16087             },
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16089               "type": "boolean"
16090             },
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16092               "$ref": "#/definitions/Payload"
16093             }
16094           },
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16100           ]
16101         },
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16103           "type": "object",
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16106               "type": "array",
16107               "items": {
16108                 "$ref": "#/definitions/PayloadResult"
16109               }
16110             }
16111           },
16112           "additionalProperties": false,
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16115           ]
16116         },
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16119           "properties": {
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16121               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entity"
16122             },
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16124               "type": "string"
16125             }
16126           },
16127           "additionalProperties": false,
16128           "required": [
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16130             "status"
16131           ]
16132         },
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16138               "items": {
16139                 "$ref": "#/definitions/SetPayloadStatusArg"
16140               }
16141             }
16142           },
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16144           "required": [
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16146           ]
16147         },
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16153               "items": {
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16155               }
16156             }
16157           },
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16161           ]
16162         }
16163       }
16164     }
16165   },
16166   {
16167     "Name": "Pinger",
16168     "Version": 1,
16169     "Schema": {
16170       "type": "object",
16171       "properties": {
16172         "Ping": {
16173           "type": "object"
16174         },
16175         "Stop": {
16176           "type": "object"
16177         }
16178       }
16179     }
16180   },
16181   {
16182     "Name": "Provisioner",
16183     "Version": 3,
16184     "Schema": {
16185       "type": "object",
16186       "properties": {
16187         "APIAddresses": {
16188           "type": "object",
16189           "properties": {
16190             "Result": {
16191               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringsResult"
16192             }
16193           }
16194         },
16195         "APIHostPorts": {
16196           "type": "object",
16197           "properties": {
16198             "Result": {
16199               "$ref": "#/definitions/APIHostPortsResult"
16200             }
16201           }
16202         },
16203         "CACert": {
16204           "type": "object",
16205           "properties": {
16206             "Result": {
16207               "$ref": "#/definitions/BytesResult"
16208             }
16209           }
16210         },
16211         "Constraints": {
16212           "type": "object",
16213           "properties": {
16214             "Params": {
16215               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16216             },
16217             "Result": {
16218               "$ref": "#/definitions/ConstraintsResults"
16219             }
16220           }
16221         },
16222         "ContainerConfig": {
16223           "type": "object",
16224           "properties": {
16225             "Result": {
16226               "$ref": "#/definitions/ContainerConfig"
16227             }
16228           }
16229         },
16230         "ContainerManagerConfig": {
16231           "type": "object",
16232           "properties": {
16233             "Params": {
16234               "$ref": "#/definitions/ContainerManagerConfigParams"
16235             },
16236             "Result": {
16237               "$ref": "#/definitions/ContainerManagerConfig"
16238             }
16239           }
16240         },
16241         "ControllerConfig": {
16242           "type": "object",
16243           "properties": {
16244             "Result": {
16245               "$ref": "#/definitions/ControllerConfigResult"
16246             }
16247           }
16248         },
16249         "DistributionGroup": {
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16251           "properties": {
16252             "Params": {
16253               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16254             },
16255             "Result": {
16256               "$ref": "#/definitions/DistributionGroupResults"
16257             }
16258           }
16259         },
16260         "EnsureDead": {
16261           "type": "object",
16262           "properties": {
16263             "Params": {
16264               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16265             },
16266             "Result": {
16267               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
16268             }
16269           }
16270         },
16271         "FindTools": {
16272           "type": "object",
16273           "properties": {
16274             "Params": {
16275               "$ref": "#/definitions/FindToolsParams"
16276             },
16277             "Result": {
16278               "$ref": "#/definitions/FindToolsResult"
16279             }
16280           }
16281         },
16282         "GetContainerInterfaceInfo": {
16283           "type": "object",
16284           "properties": {
16285             "Params": {
16286               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16287             },
16288             "Result": {
16289               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachineNetworkConfigResults"
16290             }
16291           }
16292         },
16293         "HostChangesForContainers": {
16294           "type": "object",
16295           "properties": {
16296             "Params": {
16297               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16298             },
16299             "Result": {
16300               "$ref": "#/definitions/HostNetworkChangeResults"
16301             }
16302           }
16303         },
16304         "InstanceId": {
16305           "type": "object",
16306           "properties": {
16307             "Params": {
16308               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16309             },
16310             "Result": {
16311               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResults"
16312             }
16313           }
16314         },
16315         "InstanceStatus": {
16316           "type": "object",
16317           "properties": {
16318             "Params": {
16319               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16320             },
16321             "Result": {
16322               "$ref": "#/definitions/StatusResults"
16323             }
16324           }
16325         },
16326         "Life": {
16327           "type": "object",
16328           "properties": {
16329             "Params": {
16330               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16331             },
16332             "Result": {
16333               "$ref": "#/definitions/LifeResults"
16334             }
16335           }
16336         },
16337         "MachinesWithTransientErrors": {
16338           "type": "object",
16339           "properties": {
16340             "Result": {
16341               "$ref": "#/definitions/StatusResults"
16342             }
16343           }
16344         },
16345         "MarkMachinesForRemoval": {
16346           "type": "object",
16347           "properties": {
16348             "Params": {
16349               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16350             },
16351             "Result": {
16352               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
16353             }
16354           }
16355         },
16356         "ModelConfig": {
16357           "type": "object",
16358           "properties": {
16359             "Result": {
16360               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelConfigResult"
16361             }
16362           }
16363         },
16364         "ModelUUID": {
16365           "type": "object",
16366           "properties": {
16367             "Result": {
16368               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResult"
16369             }
16370           }
16371         },
16372         "PrepareContainerInterfaceInfo": {
16373           "type": "object",
16374           "properties": {
16375             "Params": {
16376               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16377             },
16378             "Result": {
16379               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachineNetworkConfigResults"
16380             }
16381           }
16382         },
16383         "ProvisioningInfo": {
16384           "type": "object",
16385           "properties": {
16386             "Params": {
16387               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16388             },
16389             "Result": {
16390               "$ref": "#/definitions/ProvisioningInfoResults"
16391             }
16392           }
16393         },
16394         "ReleaseContainerAddresses": {
16395           "type": "object",
16396           "properties": {
16397             "Params": {
16398               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16399             },
16400             "Result": {
16401               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
16402             }
16403           }
16404         },
16405         "Remove": {
16406           "type": "object",
16407           "properties": {
16408             "Params": {
16409               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16410             },
16411             "Result": {
16412               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
16413             }
16414           }
16415         },
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16419             "Params": {
16420               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16421             },
16422             "Result": {
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16424             }
16425           }
16426         },
16427         "SetHostMachineNetworkConfig": {
16428           "type": "object",
16429           "properties": {
16430             "Params": {
16431               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetMachineNetworkConfig"
16432             }
16433           }
16434         },
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16437           "properties": {
16438             "Params": {
16439               "$ref": "#/definitions/InstancesInfo"
16440             },
16441             "Result": {
16442               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
16443             }
16444           }
16445         },
16446         "SetInstanceStatus": {
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16449             "Params": {
16450               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetStatus"
16451             },
16452             "Result": {
16453               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
16454             }
16455           }
16456         },
16457         "SetObservedNetworkConfig": {
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16459           "properties": {
16460             "Params": {
16461               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetMachineNetworkConfig"
16462             }
16463           }
16464         },
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16468             "Params": {
16469               "$ref": "#/definitions/EntityPasswords"
16470             },
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16472               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
16473             }
16474           }
16475         },
16476         "SetProviderNetworkConfig": {
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16479             "Params": {
16480               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16481             },
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16484             }
16485           }
16486         },
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16489           "properties": {
16490             "Params": {
16491               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetStatus"
16492             },
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16494               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
16495             }
16496           }
16497         },
16498         "SetSupportedContainers": {
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16500           "properties": {
16501             "Params": {
16502               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachineContainersParams"
16503             },
16504             "Result": {
16505               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
16506             }
16507           }
16508         },
16509         "StateAddresses": {
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16511           "properties": {
16512             "Result": {
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16514             }
16515           }
16516         },
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16520             "Params": {
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16522             },
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16525             }
16526           }
16527         },
16528         "Tools": {
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16531             "Params": {
16532               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
16533             },
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16536             }
16537           }
16538         },
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16542             "Params": {
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16544             },
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16547             }
16548           }
16549         },
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16552           "properties": {
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16554               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResult"
16555             }
16556           }
16557         },
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16562               "$ref": "#/definitions/WatchContainers"
16563             },
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16566             }
16567           }
16568         },
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16574             },
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16577             }
16578           }
16579         },
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16585             }
16586           }
16587         },
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16590           "properties": {
16591             "Result": {
16592               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResult"
16593             }
16594           }
16595         },
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16602           }
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16616               }
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16629             },
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16632             },
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16635             },
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16652             },
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16655             },
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16658             }
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16687             },
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16690             },
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16693             },
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16696             },
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16699             },
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16702             },
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16714             },
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16768             },
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16774             },
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16777             },
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16780             },
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16783             }
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16851             }
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16924             },
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16985             },
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16991             }
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17004             },
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17016             }
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17043             },
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17046             },
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17049             },
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17086             },
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17089             },
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17092             },
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17095             },
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17097               "type": "integer"
17098             },
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17101             },
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17120                 "$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceBridgeInfo"
17121               }
17122             },
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17125             }
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17140               }
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17153             },
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17156             }
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17163         },
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17178             },
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17181             },
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17197               }
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17218               }
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17224           ]
17225         },
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17234             }
17235           },
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17267               }
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17271             }
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17286               }
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17319               }
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17350             },
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17353             },
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17356             },
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17359             },
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17362             },
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17367               }
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17373               }
17374             },
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17377             },
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17380             },
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17383             },
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17386             },
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17388               "type": "integer"
17389             },
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17391               "type": "boolean"
17392             },
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17395             },
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17398             },
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17401             },
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17404             },
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17407             },
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17410             },
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17415               }
17416             },
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17419             }
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17444             },
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17447             },
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17458         },
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17464             },
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17479             },
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17482             },
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17485             },
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17488             },
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17491             }
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17529               }
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17582             },
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17585             }
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17646             },
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17649             },
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17652             },
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17655             }
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17663           ]
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17682             },
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17685             },
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17795               }
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17808             },
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17855               }
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17884             },
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17887             },
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17890             },
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17893             },
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17896             },
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17899             },
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18055             },
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18085     "Name": "ProxyUpdater",
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18095             },
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18098             }
18099           }
18100         },
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18106             },
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18109             }
18110           }
18111         }
18112       },
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18146             },
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18152             }
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18165             },
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18168             }
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18175         },
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18181             },
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18184             }
18185           },
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18189           ]
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18196               "items": {
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18198               }
18199             }
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18211             },
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18214             },
18215             "https": {
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18217             },
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18220             }
18221           },
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18235             },
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18238             },
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18241             }
18242           },
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18256               }
18257             }
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18263         }
18264       }
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18266   },
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18268     "Name": "Reboot",
18269     "Version": 2,
18270     "Schema": {
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18275           "properties": {
18276             "Params": {
18277               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
18278             },
18279             "Result": {
18280               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
18281             }
18282           }
18283         },
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18287             "Params": {
18288               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
18289             },
18290             "Result": {
18291               "$ref": "#/definitions/RebootActionResults"
18292             }
18293           }
18294         },
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18303             }
18304           }
18305         },
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18370             }
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18455             }
18456           }
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18460         }
18461       },
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18490             }
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18493         },
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18497         },
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18529             },
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18569             }
18570           }
18571         },
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18590             },
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18593             },
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18670             },
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18673             },
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18798             },
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18810             },
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18883             },
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18886             }
18887           }
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18931           ]
18932         },
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18938             },
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18944             }
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18957             },
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18960             }
18961           },
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18963         },
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18972         },
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18980               }
18981             }
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18991         },
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18996               "$ref": "#/definitions/CharmResource"
18997             },
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18999               "type": "string"
19000             },
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19002               "type": "string"
19003             },
19004             "pending-id": {
19005               "type": "string"
19006             },
19007             "timestamp": {
19008               "type": "string",
19009               "format": "date-time"
19010             },
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19013             }
19014           },
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19022             "timestamp"
19023           ]
19024         },
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19029               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResult"
19030             },
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19033             }
19034           },
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19040         },
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19046             },
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19051               }
19052             }
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19059         }
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19061     }
19062   },
19063   {
19064     "Name": "Resumer",
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19071         }
19072       }
19073     }
19074   },
19075   {
19076     "Name": "RetryStrategy",
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19078     "Schema": {
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19086             },
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19088               "$ref": "#/definitions/RetryStrategyResults"
19089             }
19090           }
19091         },
19092         "WatchRetryStrategy": {
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19095             "Params": {
19096               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
19097             },
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19100             }
19101           }
19102         }
19103       },
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19112               }
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19125             }
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19131         },
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19137             },
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19140             },
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19143             }
19144           },
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19149           ]
19150         },
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19156             },
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19158               "type": "string"
19159             }
19160           },
19161           "additionalProperties": false
19162         },
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19164           "type": "object",
19165           "additionalProperties": false
19166         },
19167         "NotifyWatchResult": {
19168           "type": "object",
19169           "properties": {
19170             "NotifyWatcherId": {
19171               "type": "string"
19172             },
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19174               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
19175             }
19176           },
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19180           ]
19181         },
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19184           "properties": {
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19187               "items": {
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19189               }
19190             }
19191           },
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19193           "required": [
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19195           ]
19196         },
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19201               "type": "boolean"
19202             },
19203             "max-retry-time": {
19204               "type": "integer"
19205             },
19206             "min-retry-time": {
19207               "type": "integer"
19208             },
19209             "retry-time-factor": {
19210               "type": "integer"
19211             },
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19213               "type": "boolean"
19214             }
19215           },
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19221             "jitter-retry-time",
19222             "retry-time-factor"
19223           ]
19224         },
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19226           "type": "object",
19227           "properties": {
19228             "error": {
19229               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
19230             },
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19232               "$ref": "#/definitions/RetryStrategy"
19233             }
19234           },
19235           "additionalProperties": false
19236         },
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19242               "items": {
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19244               }
19245             }
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19252       }
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19254   },
19255   {
19256     "Name": "SSHClient",
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19266             },
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19268               "$ref": "#/definitions/SSHAddressesResults"
19269             }
19270           }
19271         },
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19275             "Params": {
19276               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
19277             },
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19280             }
19281           }
19282         },
19283         "Proxy": {
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19286             "Result": {
19287               "$ref": "#/definitions/SSHProxyResult"
19288             }
19289           }
19290         },
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19294             "Params": {
19295               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
19296             },
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19299             }
19300           }
19301         },
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19307             },
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19310             }
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19347             },
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19353             }
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19369             }
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19372         },
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19376         },
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19382             },
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19385             }
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19412             },
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19429               }
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19442             }
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19493             },
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19495               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
19496             }
19497           }
19498         },
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19504             },
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19507             }
19508           }
19509         }
19510       },
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19544             },
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19550             }
19551           },
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19555             "code"
19556           ]
19557         },
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19562               "$ref": "#/definitions/Macaroon"
19563             },
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19565               "type": "string"
19566             }
19567           },
19568           "additionalProperties": false
19569         },
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19574               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
19575             }
19576           },
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19578         },
19579         "ErrorResults": {
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19584               "items": {
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19586               }
19587             }
19588           },
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19592           ]
19593         },
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19595           "type": "object",
19596           "additionalProperties": false
19597         },
19598         "SingularClaim": {
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19600           "properties": {
19601             "controller-tag": {
19602               "type": "string"
19603             },
19604             "duration": {
19605               "type": "integer"
19606             },
19607             "model-tag": {
19608               "type": "string"
19609             }
19610           },
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19613             "model-tag",
19614             "controller-tag",
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19616           ]
19617         },
19618         "SingularClaims": {
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19620           "properties": {
19621             "claims": {
19622               "type": "array",
19623               "items": {
19624                 "$ref": "#/definitions/SingularClaim"
19625               }
19626             }
19627           },
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19631           ]
19632         }
19633       }
19634     }
19635   },
19636   {
19637     "Name": "Spaces",
19638     "Version": 2,
19639     "Schema": {
19640       "type": "object",
19641       "properties": {
19642         "CreateSpaces": {
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19644           "properties": {
19645             "Params": {
19646               "$ref": "#/definitions/CreateSpacesParams"
19647             },
19648             "Result": {
19649               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
19650             }
19651           }
19652         },
19653         "ListSpaces": {
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19655           "properties": {
19656             "Result": {
19657               "$ref": "#/definitions/ListSpacesResults"
19658             }
19659           }
19660         }
19661       },
19662       "definitions": {
19663         "CreateSpaceParams": {
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19665           "properties": {
19666             "provider-id": {
19667               "type": "string"
19668             },
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19670               "type": "boolean"
19671             },
19672             "space-tag": {
19673               "type": "string"
19674             },
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19676               "type": "array",
19677               "items": {
19678                 "type": "string"
19679               }
19680             }
19681           },
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19685             "space-tag",
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19687           ]
19688         },
19689         "CreateSpacesParams": {
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19694               "items": {
19695                 "$ref": "#/definitions/CreateSpaceParams"
19696               }
19697             }
19698           },
19699           "additionalProperties": false,
19700           "required": [
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19702           ]
19703         },
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19707             "code": {
19708               "type": "string"
19709             },
19710             "info": {
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19712             },
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19714               "type": "string"
19715             }
19716           },
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19721           ]
19722         },
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19727               "$ref": "#/definitions/Macaroon"
19728             },
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19730               "type": "string"
19731             }
19732           },
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19734         },
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19740             }
19741           },
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19743         },
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19749               "items": {
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19751               }
19752             }
19753           },
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19757           ]
19758         },
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19761           "properties": {
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19764               "items": {
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19766               }
19767             }
19768           },
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19772           ]
19773         },
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19775           "type": "object",
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19777         },
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19780           "properties": {
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19782               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
19783             },
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19785               "type": "string"
19786             },
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19789               "items": {
19790                 "$ref": "#/definitions/Subnet"
19791               }
19792             }
19793           },
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19798           ]
19799         },
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19805             },
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19808             },
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19811             },
19812             "provider-network-id": {
19813               "type": "string"
19814             },
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19816               "type": "string"
19817             },
19818             "status": {
19819               "type": "string"
19820             },
19821             "vlan-tag": {
19822               "type": "integer"
19823             },
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19826               "items": {
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19828               }
19829             }
19830           },
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19838           ]
19839         }
19840       }
19841     }
19842   },
19843   {
19844     "Name": "StatusHistory",
19845     "Version": 2,
19846     "Schema": {
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19848       "properties": {
19849         "Prune": {
19850           "type": "object",
19851           "properties": {
19852             "Params": {
19853               "$ref": "#/definitions/StatusHistoryPruneArgs"
19854             }
19855           }
19856         }
19857       },
19858       "definitions": {
19859         "StatusHistoryPruneArgs": {
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19861           "properties": {
19862             "max-history-mb": {
19863               "type": "integer"
19864             },
19865             "max-history-time": {
19866               "type": "integer"
19867             }
19868           },
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19871             "max-history-time",
19872             "max-history-mb"
19873           ]
19874         }
19875       }
19876     }
19877   },
19878   {
19879     "Name": "Storage",
19880     "Version": 3,
19881     "Schema": {
19882       "type": "object",
19883       "properties": {
19884         "AddToUnit": {
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19886           "properties": {
19887             "Params": {
19888               "$ref": "#/definitions/StoragesAddParams"
19889             },
19890             "Result": {
19891               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
19892             }
19893           }
19894         },
19895         "Attach": {
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19897           "properties": {
19898             "Params": {
19899               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageAttachmentIds"
19900             },
19901             "Result": {
19902               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
19903             }
19904           }
19905         },
19906         "CreatePool": {
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19908           "properties": {
19909             "Params": {
19910               "$ref": "#/definitions/StoragePool"
19911             }
19912           }
19913         },
19914         "Destroy": {
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19916           "properties": {
19917             "Params": {
19918               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
19919             },
19920             "Result": {
19921               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
19922             }
19923           }
19924         },
19925         "Detach": {
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19927           "properties": {
19928             "Params": {
19929               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageAttachmentIds"
19930             },
19931             "Result": {
19932               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
19933             }
19934           }
19935         },
19936         "ListFilesystems": {
19937           "type": "object",
19938           "properties": {
19939             "Params": {
19940               "$ref": "#/definitions/FilesystemFilters"
19941             },
19942             "Result": {
19943               "$ref": "#/definitions/FilesystemDetailsListResults"
19944             }
19945           }
19946         },
19947         "ListPools": {
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19949           "properties": {
19950             "Params": {
19951               "$ref": "#/definitions/StoragePoolFilters"
19952             },
19953             "Result": {
19954               "$ref": "#/definitions/StoragePoolsResults"
19955             }
19956           }
19957         },
19958         "ListStorageDetails": {
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19961             "Params": {
19962               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageFilters"
19963             },
19964             "Result": {
19965               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageDetailsListResults"
19966             }
19967           }
19968         },
19969         "ListVolumes": {
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19971           "properties": {
19972             "Params": {
19973               "$ref": "#/definitions/VolumeFilters"
19974             },
19975             "Result": {
19976               "$ref": "#/definitions/VolumeDetailsListResults"
19977             }
19978           }
19979         },
19980         "StorageDetails": {
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19982           "properties": {
19983             "Params": {
19984               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
19985             },
19986             "Result": {
19987               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageDetailsResults"
19988             }
19989           }
19990         }
19991       },
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20000               }
20001             }
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20013             }
20014           },
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20018           ]
20019         },
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20029                 }
20030               }
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20034             },
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20038             },
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20041             }
20042           },
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20048           ]
20049         },
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20055             },
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20058             },
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20061             }
20062           },
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20067           ]
20068         },
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20074             },
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20076               "type": "string"
20077             }
20078           },
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20080         },
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20083           "properties": {
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20085               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
20086             }
20087           },
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20089         },
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20092           "properties": {
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20095               "items": {
20096                 "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResult"
20097               }
20098             }
20099           },
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20103           ]
20104         },
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20107           "properties": {
20108             "FilesystemAttachmentInfo": {
20109               "$ref": "#/definitions/FilesystemAttachmentInfo"
20110             },
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20112               "type": "string"
20113             }
20114           },
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20118           ]
20119         },
20120         "FilesystemAttachmentInfo": {
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20122           "properties": {
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20125             },
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20128             }
20129           },
20130           "additionalProperties": false
20131         },
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20134           "properties": {
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20136               "type": "string"
20137             },
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20139               "$ref": "#/definitions/FilesystemInfo"
20140             },
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20142               "type": "string"
20143             },
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20147                 ".*": {
20148                   "$ref": "#/definitions/FilesystemAttachmentDetails"
20149                 }
20150               }
20151             },
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20153               "$ref": "#/definitions/EntityStatus"
20154             },
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20156               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageDetails"
20157             },
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20159               "type": "string"
20160             }
20161           },
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20167           ]
20168         },
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20355             },
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20358             },
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20563             },
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20698             },
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20701             }
20702           }
20703         },
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20720             },
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20723             }
20724           }
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20734             }
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20745             }
20746           }
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20756             }
20757           }
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20779           }
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20787             "Result": {
20788               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
20789             }
20790           }
20791         },
20792         "RemoveAttachment": {
20793           "type": "object",
20794           "properties": {
20795             "Params": {
20796               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachineStorageIds"
20797             },
20798             "Result": {
20799               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
20800             }
20801           }
20802         },
20803         "SetFilesystemAttachmentInfo": {
20804           "type": "object",
20805           "properties": {
20806             "Params": {
20807               "$ref": "#/definitions/FilesystemAttachments"
20808             },
20809             "Result": {
20810               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
20811             }
20812           }
20813         },
20814         "SetFilesystemInfo": {
20815           "type": "object",
20816           "properties": {
20817             "Params": {
20818               "$ref": "#/definitions/Filesystems"
20819             },
20820             "Result": {
20821               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
20822             }
20823           }
20824         },
20825         "SetStatus": {
20826           "type": "object",
20827           "properties": {
20828             "Params": {
20829               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetStatus"
20830             },
20831             "Result": {
20832               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
20833             }
20834           }
20835         },
20836         "SetVolumeAttachmentInfo": {
20837           "type": "object",
20838           "properties": {
20839             "Params": {
20840               "$ref": "#/definitions/VolumeAttachments"
20841             },
20842             "Result": {
20843               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
20844             }
20845           }
20846         },
20847         "SetVolumeInfo": {
20848           "type": "object",
20849           "properties": {
20850             "Params": {
20851               "$ref": "#/definitions/Volumes"
20852             },
20853             "Result": {
20854               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
20855             }
20856           }
20857         },
20858         "UpdateStatus": {
20859           "type": "object",
20860           "properties": {
20861             "Params": {
20862               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetStatus"
20863             },
20864             "Result": {
20865               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
20866             }
20867           }
20868         },
20869         "VolumeAttachmentParams": {
20870           "type": "object",
20871           "properties": {
20872             "Params": {
20873               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachineStorageIds"
20874             },
20875             "Result": {
20876               "$ref": "#/definitions/VolumeAttachmentParamsResults"
20877             }
20878           }
20879         },
20880         "VolumeAttachments": {
20881           "type": "object",
20882           "properties": {
20883             "Params": {
20884               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachineStorageIds"
20885             },
20886             "Result": {
20887               "$ref": "#/definitions/VolumeAttachmentResults"
20888             }
20889           }
20890         },
20891         "VolumeBlockDevices": {
20892           "type": "object",
20893           "properties": {
20894             "Params": {
20895               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachineStorageIds"
20896             },
20897             "Result": {
20898               "$ref": "#/definitions/BlockDeviceResults"
20899             }
20900           }
20901         },
20902         "VolumeParams": {
20903           "type": "object",
20904           "properties": {
20905             "Params": {
20906               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
20907             },
20908             "Result": {
20909               "$ref": "#/definitions/VolumeParamsResults"
20910             }
20911           }
20912         },
20913         "Volumes": {
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20915           "properties": {
20916             "Params": {
20917               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
20918             },
20919             "Result": {
20920               "$ref": "#/definitions/VolumeResults"
20921             }
20922           }
20923         },
20924         "WatchBlockDevices": {
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20926           "properties": {
20927             "Params": {
20928               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
20929             },
20930             "Result": {
20931               "$ref": "#/definitions/NotifyWatchResults"
20932             }
20933           }
20934         },
20935         "WatchFilesystemAttachments": {
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20937           "properties": {
20938             "Params": {
20939               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
20940             },
20941             "Result": {
20942               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachineStorageIdsWatchResults"
20943             }
20944           }
20945         },
20946         "WatchFilesystems": {
20947           "type": "object",
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20949             "Params": {
20950               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
20951             },
20952             "Result": {
20953               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringsWatchResults"
20954             }
20955           }
20956         },
20957         "WatchMachines": {
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20959           "properties": {
20960             "Params": {
20961               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
20962             },
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20965             }
20966           }
20967         },
20968         "WatchVolumeAttachments": {
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20971             "Params": {
20972               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
20973             },
20974             "Result": {
20975               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachineStorageIdsWatchResults"
20976             }
20977           }
20978         },
20979         "WatchVolumes": {
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20982             "Params": {
20983               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
20984             },
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20986               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringsWatchResults"
20987             }
20988           }
20989         }
20990       },
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20994           "properties": {
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20996               "type": "string"
20997             },
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21000               "items": {
21001                 "type": "string"
21002               }
21003             },
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21005               "type": "string"
21006             },
21007             "FilesystemType": {
21008               "type": "string"
21009             },
21010             "HardwareId": {
21011               "type": "string"
21012             },
21013             "InUse": {
21014               "type": "boolean"
21015             },
21016             "Label": {
21017               "type": "string"
21018             },
21019             "MountPoint": {
21020               "type": "string"
21021             },
21022             "Size": {
21023               "type": "integer"
21024             },
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21027             }
21028           },
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21038             "FilesystemType",
21039             "InUse",
21040             "MountPoint"
21041           ]
21042         },
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21048             },
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21051             }
21052           },
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21065               }
21066             }
21067           },
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21069         },
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21111             },
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21132             },
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21154             }
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21187             },
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21190             },
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21193             }
21194           },
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21206             },
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21209             },
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21212             }
21213           },
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21226             },
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21229             }
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21238             },
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21241             },
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21244             },
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21247             },
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21250             },
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21253             },
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21256             }
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21270             },
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21273             }
21274           },
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21288             }
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21327             }
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21345             }
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21374             },
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22104             },
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22110             },
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22256             },
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22259             },
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22299             },
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22668             },
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22674             }
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22682           ]
22683         },
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22689             },
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22692             },
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22695             }
22696           },
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22711             }
22712           },
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22714         },
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22719               "$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
22720             }
22721           },
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22723         },
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22731               }
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22741           "additionalProperties": false
22742         },
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22756           ]
22757         },
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22766             },
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22769             },
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22772             }
22773           },
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22777           ]
22778         }
22779       }
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22782   {
22783     "Name": "Uniter",
22784     "Version": 5,
22785     "Schema": {
22786       "type": "object",
22787       "properties": {
22788         "APIAddresses": {
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22790           "properties": {
22791             "Result": {
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22793             }
22794           }
22795         },
22796         "APIHostPorts": {
22797           "type": "object",
22798           "properties": {
22799             "Result": {
22800               "$ref": "#/definitions/APIHostPortsResult"
22801             }
22802           }
22803         },
22804         "Actions": {
22805           "type": "object",
22806           "properties": {
22807             "Params": {
22808               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22809             },
22810             "Result": {
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22812             }
22813           }
22814         },
22815         "AddMetricBatches": {
22816           "type": "object",
22817           "properties": {
22818             "Params": {
22819               "$ref": "#/definitions/MetricBatchParams"
22820             },
22821             "Result": {
22822               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
22823             }
22824           }
22825         },
22826         "AddUnitStorage": {
22827           "type": "object",
22828           "properties": {
22829             "Params": {
22830               "$ref": "#/definitions/StoragesAddParams"
22831             },
22832             "Result": {
22833               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
22834             }
22835           }
22836         },
22837         "AllMachinePorts": {
22838           "type": "object",
22839           "properties": {
22840             "Params": {
22841               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22842             },
22843             "Result": {
22844               "$ref": "#/definitions/MachinePortsResults"
22845             }
22846           }
22847         },
22848         "ApplicationStatus": {
22849           "type": "object",
22850           "properties": {
22851             "Params": {
22852               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22853             },
22854             "Result": {
22855               "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationStatusResults"
22856             }
22857           }
22858         },
22859         "AssignedMachine": {
22860           "type": "object",
22861           "properties": {
22862             "Params": {
22863               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22864             },
22865             "Result": {
22866               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResults"
22867             }
22868           }
22869         },
22870         "AvailabilityZone": {
22871           "type": "object",
22872           "properties": {
22873             "Params": {
22874               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22875             },
22876             "Result": {
22877               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResults"
22878             }
22879           }
22880         },
22881         "BeginActions": {
22882           "type": "object",
22883           "properties": {
22884             "Params": {
22885               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22886             },
22887             "Result": {
22888               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
22889             }
22890           }
22891         },
22892         "CACert": {
22893           "type": "object",
22894           "properties": {
22895             "Result": {
22896               "$ref": "#/definitions/BytesResult"
22897             }
22898           }
22899         },
22900         "CharmArchiveSha256": {
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22902           "properties": {
22903             "Params": {
22904               "$ref": "#/definitions/CharmURLs"
22905             },
22906             "Result": {
22907               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResults"
22908             }
22909           }
22910         },
22911         "CharmModifiedVersion": {
22912           "type": "object",
22913           "properties": {
22914             "Params": {
22915               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22916             },
22917             "Result": {
22918               "$ref": "#/definitions/IntResults"
22919             }
22920           }
22921         },
22922         "CharmURL": {
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22924           "properties": {
22925             "Params": {
22926               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22927             },
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22929               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringBoolResults"
22930             }
22931           }
22932         },
22933         "ClearResolved": {
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22935           "properties": {
22936             "Params": {
22937               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22938             },
22939             "Result": {
22940               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
22941             }
22942           }
22943         },
22944         "ClosePorts": {
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22946           "properties": {
22947             "Params": {
22948               "$ref": "#/definitions/EntitiesPortRanges"
22949             },
22950             "Result": {
22951               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
22952             }
22953           }
22954         },
22955         "ConfigSettings": {
22956           "type": "object",
22957           "properties": {
22958             "Params": {
22959               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22960             },
22961             "Result": {
22962               "$ref": "#/definitions/ConfigSettingsResults"
22963             }
22964           }
22965         },
22966         "CurrentModel": {
22967           "type": "object",
22968           "properties": {
22969             "Result": {
22970               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelResult"
22971             }
22972           }
22973         },
22974         "Destroy": {
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22976           "properties": {
22977             "Params": {
22978               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22979             },
22980             "Result": {
22981               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
22982             }
22983           }
22984         },
22985         "DestroyAllSubordinates": {
22986           "type": "object",
22987           "properties": {
22988             "Params": {
22989               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
22990             },
22991             "Result": {
22992               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
22993             }
22994           }
22995         },
22996         "DestroyUnitStorageAttachments": {
22997           "type": "object",
22998           "properties": {
22999             "Params": {
23000               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23001             },
23002             "Result": {
23003               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23004             }
23005           }
23006         },
23007         "EnsureDead": {
23008           "type": "object",
23009           "properties": {
23010             "Params": {
23011               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23012             },
23013             "Result": {
23014               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23015             }
23016           }
23017         },
23018         "EnterScope": {
23019           "type": "object",
23020           "properties": {
23021             "Params": {
23022               "$ref": "#/definitions/RelationUnits"
23023             },
23024             "Result": {
23025               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23026             }
23027           }
23028         },
23029         "FinishActions": {
23030           "type": "object",
23031           "properties": {
23032             "Params": {
23033               "$ref": "#/definitions/ActionExecutionResults"
23034             },
23035             "Result": {
23036               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23037             }
23038           }
23039         },
23040         "GetMeterStatus": {
23041           "type": "object",
23042           "properties": {
23043             "Params": {
23044               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23045             },
23046             "Result": {
23047               "$ref": "#/definitions/MeterStatusResults"
23048             }
23049           }
23050         },
23051         "GetPrincipal": {
23052           "type": "object",
23053           "properties": {
23054             "Params": {
23055               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23056             },
23057             "Result": {
23058               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringBoolResults"
23059             }
23060           }
23061         },
23062         "HasSubordinates": {
23063           "type": "object",
23064           "properties": {
23065             "Params": {
23066               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23067             },
23068             "Result": {
23069               "$ref": "#/definitions/BoolResults"
23070             }
23071           }
23072         },
23073         "JoinedRelations": {
23074           "type": "object",
23075           "properties": {
23076             "Params": {
23077               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23078             },
23079             "Result": {
23080               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringsResults"
23081             }
23082           }
23083         },
23084         "LeaveScope": {
23085           "type": "object",
23086           "properties": {
23087             "Params": {
23088               "$ref": "#/definitions/RelationUnits"
23089             },
23090             "Result": {
23091               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23092             }
23093           }
23094         },
23095         "Life": {
23096           "type": "object",
23097           "properties": {
23098             "Params": {
23099               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23100             },
23101             "Result": {
23102               "$ref": "#/definitions/LifeResults"
23103             }
23104           }
23105         },
23106         "Merge": {
23107           "type": "object",
23108           "properties": {
23109             "Params": {
23110               "$ref": "#/definitions/MergeLeadershipSettingsBulkParams"
23111             },
23112             "Result": {
23113               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23114             }
23115           }
23116         },
23117         "ModelConfig": {
23118           "type": "object",
23119           "properties": {
23120             "Result": {
23121               "$ref": "#/definitions/ModelConfigResult"
23122             }
23123           }
23124         },
23125         "ModelUUID": {
23126           "type": "object",
23127           "properties": {
23128             "Result": {
23129               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResult"
23130             }
23131           }
23132         },
23133         "NetworkConfig": {
23134           "type": "object",
23135           "properties": {
23136             "Params": {
23137               "$ref": "#/definitions/UnitsNetworkConfig"
23138             },
23139             "Result": {
23140               "$ref": "#/definitions/UnitNetworkConfigResults"
23141             }
23142           }
23143         },
23144         "OpenPorts": {
23145           "type": "object",
23146           "properties": {
23147             "Params": {
23148               "$ref": "#/definitions/EntitiesPortRanges"
23149             },
23150             "Result": {
23151               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23152             }
23153           }
23154         },
23155         "PrivateAddress": {
23156           "type": "object",
23157           "properties": {
23158             "Params": {
23159               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23160             },
23161             "Result": {
23162               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResults"
23163             }
23164           }
23165         },
23166         "ProviderType": {
23167           "type": "object",
23168           "properties": {
23169             "Result": {
23170               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResult"
23171             }
23172           }
23173         },
23174         "PublicAddress": {
23175           "type": "object",
23176           "properties": {
23177             "Params": {
23178               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23179             },
23180             "Result": {
23181               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResults"
23182             }
23183           }
23184         },
23185         "Read": {
23186           "type": "object",
23187           "properties": {
23188             "Params": {
23189               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23190             },
23191             "Result": {
23192               "$ref": "#/definitions/GetLeadershipSettingsBulkResults"
23193             }
23194           }
23195         },
23196         "ReadRemoteSettings": {
23197           "type": "object",
23198           "properties": {
23199             "Params": {
23200               "$ref": "#/definitions/RelationUnitPairs"
23201             },
23202             "Result": {
23203               "$ref": "#/definitions/SettingsResults"
23204             }
23205           }
23206         },
23207         "ReadSettings": {
23208           "type": "object",
23209           "properties": {
23210             "Params": {
23211               "$ref": "#/definitions/RelationUnits"
23212             },
23213             "Result": {
23214               "$ref": "#/definitions/SettingsResults"
23215             }
23216           }
23217         },
23218         "Relation": {
23219           "type": "object",
23220           "properties": {
23221             "Params": {
23222               "$ref": "#/definitions/RelationUnits"
23223             },
23224             "Result": {
23225               "$ref": "#/definitions/RelationResults"
23226             }
23227           }
23228         },
23229         "RelationById": {
23230           "type": "object",
23231           "properties": {
23232             "Params": {
23233               "$ref": "#/definitions/RelationIds"
23234             },
23235             "Result": {
23236               "$ref": "#/definitions/RelationResults"
23237             }
23238           }
23239         },
23240         "RemoveStorageAttachments": {
23241           "type": "object",
23242           "properties": {
23243             "Params": {
23244               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageAttachmentIds"
23245             },
23246             "Result": {
23247               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23248             }
23249           }
23250         },
23251         "RequestReboot": {
23252           "type": "object",
23253           "properties": {
23254             "Params": {
23255               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23256             },
23257             "Result": {
23258               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23259             }
23260           }
23261         },
23262         "Resolved": {
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23265             "Params": {
23266               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23267             },
23268             "Result": {
23269               "$ref": "#/definitions/ResolvedModeResults"
23270             }
23271           }
23272         },
23273         "SLALevel": {
23274           "type": "object",
23275           "properties": {
23276             "Result": {
23277               "$ref": "#/definitions/StringResult"
23278             }
23279           }
23280         },
23281         "SetAgentStatus": {
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23283           "properties": {
23284             "Params": {
23285               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetStatus"
23286             },
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23288               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23289             }
23290           }
23291         },
23292         "SetApplicationStatus": {
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23295             "Params": {
23296               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetStatus"
23297             },
23298             "Result": {
23299               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23300             }
23301           }
23302         },
23303         "SetCharmURL": {
23304           "type": "object",
23305           "properties": {
23306             "Params": {
23307               "$ref": "#/definitions/EntitiesCharmURL"
23308             },
23309             "Result": {
23310               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23311             }
23312           }
23313         },
23314         "SetStatus": {
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23316           "properties": {
23317             "Params": {
23318               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetStatus"
23319             },
23320             "Result": {
23321               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23322             }
23323           }
23324         },
23325         "SetUnitStatus": {
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23327           "properties": {
23328             "Params": {
23329               "$ref": "#/definitions/SetStatus"
23330             },
23331             "Result": {
23332               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23333             }
23334           }
23335         },
23336         "SetWorkloadVersion": {
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23338           "properties": {
23339             "Params": {
23340               "$ref": "#/definitions/EntityWorkloadVersions"
23341             },
23342             "Result": {
23343               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23344             }
23345           }
23346         },
23347         "StorageAttachmentLife": {
23348           "type": "object",
23349           "properties": {
23350             "Params": {
23351               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageAttachmentIds"
23352             },
23353             "Result": {
23354               "$ref": "#/definitions/LifeResults"
23355             }
23356           }
23357         },
23358         "StorageAttachments": {
23359           "type": "object",
23360           "properties": {
23361             "Params": {
23362               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageAttachmentIds"
23363             },
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23365               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageAttachmentResults"
23366             }
23367           }
23368         },
23369         "UnitStatus": {
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23371           "properties": {
23372             "Params": {
23373               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23374             },
23375             "Result": {
23376               "$ref": "#/definitions/StatusResults"
23377             }
23378           }
23379         },
23380         "UnitStorageAttachments": {
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23382           "properties": {
23383             "Params": {
23384               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23385             },
23386             "Result": {
23387               "$ref": "#/definitions/StorageAttachmentIdsResults"
23388             }
23389           }
23390         },
23391         "UpdateSettings": {
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23394             "Params": {
23395               "$ref": "#/definitions/RelationUnitsSettings"
23396             },
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23398               "$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResults"
23399             }
23400           }
23401         },
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23405             "Params": {
23406               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23407             },
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23410             }
23411           }
23412         },
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23415           "properties": {
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23418             }
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23429             }
23430           }
23431         },
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23440             }
23441           }
23442         },
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23446             "Params": {
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23451             }
23452           }
23453         },
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23456           "properties": {
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23459             }
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23461         },
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23466               "$ref": "#/definitions/Entities"
23467             },
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23470             }
23471           }
23472         },
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23478             },
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23481             }
23482           }
23483         },
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23487             "Params": {
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23489             },
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23491               "$ref": "#/definitions/RelationUnitsWatchResults"
23492             }
23493           }
23494         },
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23500             },
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23503             }
23504           }
23505         },
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23514             }
23515           }
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23525             }
23526           }
23527         },
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23576             },
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23593             },
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23644             },
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24506             },
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24527             },
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25376             }
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25759           }
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25766             },
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25769             }
25770           }
25771         },
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25777             },
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25780             }
25781           }
25782         }
25783       },
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25790             },
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25793             },
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25795               "type": "string"
25796             }
25797           },
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25803         },
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25809             },
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25814               }
25815             },
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25818             }
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25827               "items": {
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25829               }
25830             }
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25844               }
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25846           },
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25872             }
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25878         },
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25884             },
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25887             }
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25902               }
25903             }
25904           },
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25909         },
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25915             },
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25921             }
25922           },
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25937             }
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25940         },
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25957               }
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25968         },
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25974             },
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25977             },
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25981             },
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25987             },
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25990               "format": "date-time"
25991             },
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25994             }
25995           },
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26013               }
26014             },
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26030             },
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26033             }
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26036         },
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26055   {
26056     "Name": "VolumeAttachmentsWatcher",
26057     "Version": 2,
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26066             }
26067           }
26068         },
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26071         }
26072       },
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26079             },
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26101             }
26102           },
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26104         },
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26108         },
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26114             },
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26117             }
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26123           ]
26124         },
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26132               }
26133             },
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26136             },
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26139             }
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26150 ]