Include resources from store when deploying (#102)
[osm/N2VC.git] / juju / client /
1 import argparse
2 import builtins
3 import functools
4 import json
5 import keyword
6 from pathlib import Path
7 import pprint
8 import textwrap
9 from typing import Sequence, Mapping, TypeVar, Any, Union
10 import typing
12 from . import codegen
14 _marker = object()
16 # Map basic types to Python's typing with a callable
18 'string': str,
19 'integer': int,
20 'float': float,
21 'number': float,
22 'boolean': bool,
23 'object': Any,
24 }
27 class KindRegistry(dict):
28 def register(self, name, version, obj):
29 self[name] = {version: {
30 "object": obj,
31 }}
33 def lookup(self, name, version=None):
34 """If version is omitted, max version is used"""
35 versions = self.get(name)
36 if not versions:
37 return None
38 if version:
39 return versions[version]
40 return versions[max(versions)]
42 def getObj(self, name, version=None):
43 result = self.lookup(name, version)
44 if result:
45 obj = result["object"]
46 return obj
47 return None
50 class TypeRegistry(dict):
51 def get(self, name):
52 # Two way mapping
53 refname = Schema.referenceName(name)
54 if refname not in self:
55 result = TypeVar(refname)
56 self[refname] = result
57 self[result] = refname
59 return self[refname]
61 _types = TypeRegistry()
62 _registry = KindRegistry()
63 classes = {}
66 def booler(v):
67 if isinstance(v, str):
68 if v == "false":
69 return False
70 return bool(v)
73 def getRefType(ref):
74 return _types.get(ref)
77 def refType(obj):
78 return getRefType(obj["$ref"])
81 def objType(obj):
82 kind = obj.get('type')
83 if not kind:
84 raise ValueError("%s has no type" % obj)
85 result = SCHEMA_TO_PYTHON.get(kind)
86 if not result:
87 raise ValueError("%s has type %s" % (obj, kind))
88 return result
91 basic_types = [str, bool, int, float]
94 def name_to_py(name):
95 result = name.replace("-", "_")
96 result = result.lower()
97 if keyword.iskeyword(result) or result in dir(builtins):
98 result += "_"
99 return result
102 def strcast(kind, keep_builtins=False):
103 if issubclass(kind, typing.GenericMeta):
104 return str(kind)[1:]
105 if str(kind).startswith('~'):
106 return str(kind)[1:]
107 if (kind in basic_types or
108 type(kind) in basic_types) and keep_builtins is False:
109 return kind.__name__
110 return kind
113 class Args(list):
114 def __init__(self, defs):
115 self.defs = defs
116 if defs:
117 rtypes = _registry.getObj(_types[defs])
118 if len(rtypes) == 1:
119 if not self.do_explode(rtypes[0][1]):
120 for name, rtype in rtypes:
121 self.append((name, rtype))
122 else:
123 for name, rtype in rtypes:
124 self.append((name, rtype))
126 def do_explode(self, kind):
127 if kind in basic_types or type(kind) is typing.TypeVar:
128 return False
129 if not issubclass(kind, (typing.Sequence,
130 typing.Mapping)):
131 self.clear()
132 self.extend(Args(kind))
133 return True
134 return False
136 def PyToSchemaMapping(self):
137 m = {}
138 for n, rt in self:
139 m[name_to_py(n)] = n
140 return m
142 def SchemaToPyMapping(self):
143 m = {}
144 for n, tr in self:
145 m[n] = name_to_py(n)
146 return m
148 def _format(self, name, rtype, typed=True):
149 if typed:
150 return "{} : {}".format(
151 name_to_py(name),
152 strcast(rtype)
153 )
154 else:
155 return name_to_py(name)
157 def _get_arg_str(self, typed=False, joined=", "):
158 if self:
159 parts = []
160 for item in self:
161 parts.append(self._format(item[0], item[1], typed))
162 if joined:
163 return joined.join(parts)
164 return parts
165 return ''
167 def as_kwargs(self):
168 if self:
169 parts = []
170 for item in self:
171 parts.append('{}=None'.format(name_to_py(item[0])))
172 return ', '.join(parts)
173 return ''
175 def typed(self):
176 return self._get_arg_str(True)
178 def __str__(self):
179 return self._get_arg_str(False)
181 def get_doc(self):
182 return self._get_arg_str(True, "\n")
185 def buildTypes(schema, capture):
186 global classes
187 INDENT = " "
188 for kind in sorted((k for k in _types if not isinstance(k, str)),
189 key=lambda x: str(x)):
190 name = _types[kind]
191 if name in classes:
192 continue
193 args = Args(kind)
194 source = ["""
195 class {}(Type):
196 _toSchema = {}
197 _toPy = {}
198 def __init__(self{}{}):
199 '''
200 {}
201 '''""".format(
202 name,
203 # pprint these to get stable ordering across regens
204 pprint.pformat(args.PyToSchemaMapping(), width=999),
205 pprint.pformat(args.SchemaToPyMapping(), width=999),
206 ", " if args else "",
207 args.as_kwargs(),
208 textwrap.indent(args.get_doc(), INDENT * 2))
209 ]
210 assignments = args._get_arg_str(False, False)
212 if not args:
213 source.append("{}pass".format(INDENT * 2))
214 else:
215 for arg in args:
216 arg_name = name_to_py(arg[0])
217 arg_type = arg[1]
218 arg_type_name = strcast(arg_type)
219 if arg_type in basic_types:
220 source.append("{}self.{} = {}".format(INDENT * 2, arg_name, arg_name))
221 elif issubclass(arg_type, typing.Sequence):
222 value_type = (
223 arg_type_name.__parameters__[0]
224 if len(arg_type_name.__parameters__)
225 else None
226 )
227 if type(value_type) is typing.TypeVar:
228 source.append("{}self.{} = [{}.from_json(o) for o in {} or []]".format(
229 INDENT * 2, arg_name, strcast(value_type), arg_name))
230 else:
231 source.append("{}self.{} = {}".format(INDENT * 2, arg_name, arg_name))
232 elif issubclass(arg_type, typing.Mapping):
233 value_type = (
234 arg_type_name.__parameters__[1]
235 if len(arg_type_name.__parameters__) > 1
236 else None
237 )
238 if type(value_type) is typing.TypeVar:
239 source.append("{}self.{} = {{k: {}.from_json(v) for k, v in ({} or dict()).items()}}".format(
240 INDENT * 2, arg_name, strcast(value_type), arg_name))
241 else:
242 source.append("{}self.{} = {}".format(INDENT * 2, arg_name, arg_name))
243 elif type(arg_type) is typing.TypeVar:
244 source.append("{}self.{} = {}.from_json({}) if {} else None".format(
245 INDENT * 2, arg_name, arg_type_name, arg_name, arg_name))
246 else:
247 source.append("{}self.{} = {}".format(INDENT * 2, arg_name, arg_name))
249 source = "\n".join(source)
250 capture.write(source)
251 capture.write("\n\n")
252 co = compile(source, __name__, "exec")
253 ns = _getns()
254 exec(co, ns)
255 cls = ns[name]
256 classes[name] = cls
259 def retspec(defs):
260 # return specs
261 # only return 1, so if there is more than one type
262 # we need to include a union
263 # In truth there is only 1 return
264 # Error or the expected Type
265 if not defs:
266 return None
267 if defs in basic_types:
268 return strcast(defs, False)
269 rtypes = _registry.getObj(_types[defs])
270 if not rtypes:
271 return None
272 if len(rtypes) > 1:
273 return Union[tuple([strcast(r[1], True) for r in rtypes])]
274 return strcast(rtypes[0][1], False)
277 def return_type(defs):
278 if not defs:
279 return None
280 rtypes = _registry.getObj(_types[defs])
281 if not rtypes:
282 return None
283 if len(rtypes) > 1:
284 for n, t in rtypes:
285 if n == "Error":
286 continue
287 return t
288 return rtypes[0][1]
291 def type_anno_func(func, defs, is_result=False):
292 annos = {}
293 if not defs:
294 return func
295 rtypes = _registry.getObj(_types[defs])
296 if is_result:
297 kn = "return"
298 if not rtypes:
299 annos[kn] = None
300 elif len(rtypes) > 1:
301 annos[kn] = Union[tuple([r[1] for r in rtypes])]
302 else:
303 annos[kn] = rtypes[0][1]
304 else:
305 for name, rtype in rtypes:
306 name = name_to_py(name)
307 annos[name] = rtype
308 func.__annotations__.update(annos)
309 return func
312 def ReturnMapping(cls):
313 # Annotate the method with a return Type
314 # so the value can be cast
315 def decorator(f):
316 @functools.wraps(f)
317 async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
318 nonlocal cls
319 reply = await f(*args, **kwargs)
320 if cls is None:
321 return reply
322 if 'error' in reply:
323 cls = classes['Error']
324 if issubclass(cls, typing.Sequence):
325 result = []
326 item_cls = cls.__parameters__[0]
327 for item in reply:
328 result.append(item_cls.from_json(item))
329 """
330 if 'error' in item:
331 cls = classes['Error']
332 else:
333 cls = item_cls
334 result.append(cls.from_json(item))
335 """
336 else:
337 result = cls.from_json(reply['response'])
339 return result
340 return wrapper
341 return decorator
344 def makeFunc(cls, name, params, result, async=True):
345 INDENT = " "
346 args = Args(params)
347 assignments = []
348 toschema = args.PyToSchemaMapping()
349 for arg in args._get_arg_str(False, False):
350 assignments.append("{}_params[\'{}\'] = {}".format(INDENT,
351 toschema[arg],
352 arg))
353 assignments = "\n".join(assignments)
354 res = retspec(result)
355 source = """
357 @ReturnMapping({rettype})
358 {async}def {name}(self{argsep}{args}):
359 '''
360 {docstring}
361 Returns -> {res}
362 '''
363 # map input types to rpc msg
364 _params = dict()
365 msg = dict(type='{}', request='{name}', version={cls.version}, params=_params)
366 {assignments}
367 reply = {await}self.rpc(msg)
368 return reply
370 """
372 fsource = source.format(async="async " if async else "",
373 name=name,
374 argsep=", " if args else "",
375 args=args,
376 res=res,
377 rettype=result.__name__ if result else None,
378 docstring=textwrap.indent(args.get_doc(), INDENT),
379 cls=cls,
380 assignments=assignments,
381 await="await " if async else "")
382 ns = _getns()
383 exec(fsource, ns)
384 func = ns[name]
385 return func, fsource
388 def buildMethods(cls, capture):
389 properties = cls.schema['properties']
390 for methodname in sorted(properties):
391 method, source = _buildMethod(cls, methodname)
392 setattr(cls, methodname, method)
393 capture.write(source, depth=1)
396 def _buildMethod(cls, name):
397 params = None
398 result = None
399 method = cls.schema['properties'][name]
400 if 'properties' in method:
401 prop = method['properties']
402 spec = prop.get('Params')
403 if spec:
404 params = _types.get(spec['$ref'])
405 spec = prop.get('Result')
406 if spec:
407 if '$ref' in spec:
408 result = _types.get(spec['$ref'])
409 else:
410 result = SCHEMA_TO_PYTHON[spec['type']]
411 return makeFunc(cls, name, params, result)
414 def buildFacade(schema):
415 cls = type(, (Type,), dict(,
416 version=schema.version,
417 schema=schema))
418 source = """
419 class {name}Facade(Type):
420 name = '{name}'
421 version = {version}
422 schema = {schema}
423 """.format(,
424 version=schema.version,
425 schema=textwrap.indent(pprint.pformat(schema), " "))
426 return cls, source
429 class TypeEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
430 def default(self, obj):
431 if isinstance(obj, Type):
432 return obj.serialize()
433 return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
436 class Type:
437 def connect(self, connection):
438 self.connection = connection
440 async def rpc(self, msg):
441 result = await self.connection.rpc(msg, encoder=TypeEncoder)
442 return result
444 @classmethod
445 def from_json(cls, data):
446 if isinstance(data, cls):
447 return data
448 if isinstance(data, str):
449 data = json.loads(data)
450 d = {}
451 for k, v in (data or {}).items():
452 d[cls._toPy.get(k, k)] = v
454 try:
455 return cls(**d)
456 except TypeError:
457 raise
459 def serialize(self):
460 d = {}
461 for attr, tgt in self._toSchema.items():
462 d[tgt] = getattr(self, attr)
463 return d
465 def to_json(self):
466 return json.dumps(self.serialize())
469 class Schema(dict):
470 def __init__(self, schema):
471 = schema['Name']
472 self.version = schema['Version']
473 self.update(schema['Schema'])
475 @classmethod
476 def referenceName(cls, ref):
477 if ref.startswith("#/definitions/"):
478 ref = ref.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
479 return ref
481 def resolveDefinition(self, ref):
482 return self['definitions'][self.referenceName(ref)]
484 def deref(self, prop, name):
485 if not isinstance(prop, dict):
486 raise TypeError(prop)
487 if "$ref" not in prop:
488 return prop
490 target = self.resolveDefinition(prop["$ref"])
491 return target
493 def buildDefinitions(self):
494 # here we are building the types out
495 # anything in definitions is a type
496 # but these may contain references themselves
497 # so we dfs to the bottom and build upwards
498 # when a types is already in the registry
499 defs = self.get('definitions')
500 if not defs:
501 return
502 for d, data in defs.items():
503 if d in _registry:
504 continue
505 node = self.deref(data, d)
506 kind = node.get("type")
507 if kind == "object":
508 result = self.buildObject(node, d)
509 elif kind == "array":
510 pass
511 _registry.register(d, self.version, result)
512 # XXX: This makes sure that the type gets added to the global
513 # _types dict even if no other type in the schema has a ref
514 # to it.
515 getRefType(d)
517 def buildObject(self, node, name=None, d=0):
518 # we don't need to build types recursively here
519 # they are all in definitions already
520 # we only want to include the type reference
521 # which we can derive from the name
522 struct = []
523 add = struct.append
524 props = node.get("properties")
525 pprops = node.get("patternProperties")
526 if props:
527 # Sort these so the __init__ arg list for each Type remains
528 # consistently ordered across regens of
529 for p in sorted(props):
530 prop = props[p]
531 if "$ref" in prop:
532 add((p, refType(prop)))
533 else:
534 kind = prop['type']
535 if kind == "array":
536 add((p, self.buildArray(prop, d + 1)))
537 elif kind == "object":
538 struct.extend(self.buildObject(prop, p, d + 1))
539 else:
540 add((p, objType(prop)))
541 if pprops:
542 if ".*" not in pprops:
543 raise ValueError(
544 "Cannot handle actual pattern in patternProperties %s" %
545 pprops)
546 pprop = pprops[".*"]
547 if "$ref" in pprop:
548 add((name, Mapping[str, refType(pprop)]))
549 return struct
550 ppkind = pprop["type"]
551 if ppkind == "array":
552 add((name, self.buildArray(pprop, d + 1)))
553 else:
554 add((name, Mapping[str, SCHEMA_TO_PYTHON[ppkind]]))
556 if not struct and node.get('additionalProperties', False):
557 add((name, Mapping[str, SCHEMA_TO_PYTHON['object']]))
559 return struct
561 def buildArray(self, obj, d=0):
562 # return a sequence from an array in the schema
563 if "$ref" in obj:
564 return Sequence[refType(obj)]
565 else:
566 kind = obj.get("type")
567 if kind and kind == "array":
568 items = obj['items']
569 return self.buildArray(items, d + 1)
570 else:
571 return Sequence[objType(obj)]
574 def _getns():
575 ns = {'Type': Type,
576 'typing': typing,
577 'ReturnMapping': ReturnMapping
578 }
579 # Copy our types into the globals of the method
580 for facade in _registry:
581 ns[facade] = _registry.getObj(facade)
582 return ns
586 def generate_facacdes(options):
587 global classes
588 schemas = json.loads(Path(options.schema).read_text("utf-8"))
589 capture = codegen.CodeWriter()
590 capture.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
591 # DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE! This file is auto-generated by
592 # Changes will be overwritten/lost when the file is regenerated.
594 from juju.client.facade import Type, ReturnMapping
596 """))
597 schemas = [Schema(s) for s in schemas]
599 for schema in schemas:
600 schema.buildDefinitions()
601 buildTypes(schema, capture)
603 for schema in schemas:
604 # TODO generate class now with a metaclass that takes the schema
605 # the generated class has the right name and it in turn uses
606 # the metaclass to populate cls
607 cls, source = buildFacade(schema)
608 capture.write(source)
609 buildMethods(cls, capture)
610 classes[] = cls
612 return capture
614 def setup():
615 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
616 parser.add_argument("-s", "--schema", default="schemas.json")
617 parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", default="")
618 options = parser.parse_args()
619 return options
621 def main():
622 options = setup()
623 capture = generate_facacdes(options)
624 with open(options.output, "w") as fp:
625 print(capture, file=fp)
628 if __name__ == '__main__':
629 main()