Updated to latest docker-py version.
[osm/vim-emu.git] / emuvim / dcemulator / node.py
1 """
2 Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
3 (c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
4 """
5 from mininet.node import Docker
6 from mininet.link import Link
7 import logging
10 DCDPID_BASE = 1000 # start of switch dpid's used for data center switches
13 class EmulatorCompute(Docker):
14 """
15 Emulator specific compute node class.
16 Inherits from Dockernet's Docker host class.
17 Represents a single container connected to a (logical)
18 data center.
19 We can add emulator specific helper functions to it.
20 """
22 def __init__(
23 self, name, dimage, **kwargs):
24 logging.debug("Create EmulatorCompute instance: %s" % name)
25 self.datacenter = kwargs.get("datacenter") # pointer to current DC
26 self.flavor_name = kwargs.get("flavor_name")
28 # call original Docker.__init__
29 Docker.__init__(self, name, dimage, **kwargs)
31 def getNetworkStatus(self):
32 """
33 Helper method to receive information about the virtual networks
34 this compute instance is connected to.
35 """
36 # format list of tuples (name, Ip, MAC, isUp, status)
37 return [(str(i), i.IP(), i.MAC(), i.isUp(), i.status())
38 for i in self.intfList()]
40 def getStatus(self):
41 """
42 Helper method to receive information about this compute instance.
43 """
44 status = {}
45 status["name"] = self.name
46 status["network"] = self.getNetworkStatus()
47 status["image"] = self.dimage
48 status["cpu_quota"] = self.cpu_quota
49 status["cpu_period"] = self.cpu_period
50 status["cpu_shares"] = self.cpu_shares
51 status["cpuset"] = self.cpuset
52 status["mem_limit"] = self.mem_limit
53 status["memswap_limit"] = self.memswap_limit
54 status["state"] = self.dcli.inspect_container(self.dc)["State"]
55 status["id"] = self.dcli.inspect_container(self.dc)["Id"]
56 status["datacenter"] = (None if self.datacenter is None
57 else self.datacenter.label)
58 return status
61 class Datacenter(object):
62 """
63 Represents a logical data center to which compute resources
64 (Docker containers) can be added at runtime.
66 Will also implement resource bookkeeping in later versions.
67 """
71 def __init__(self, label, metadata={}):
72 self.net = None # DCNetwork to which we belong
73 # each node (DC) has a short internal name used by Mininet
74 # this is caused by Mininets naming limitations for swtiches etc.
75 self.name = "dc%d" % Datacenter.DC_COUNTER
76 Datacenter.DC_COUNTER += 1
77 # use this for user defined names that can be longer than self.name
78 self.label = label
79 # dict to store arbitrary metadata (e.g. latitude and longitude)
80 self.metadata = metadata
81 # first prototype assumes one "bigswitch" per DC
82 self.switch = None
83 # keep track of running containers
84 self.containers = {}
85 # pointer to assigned resource model
86 self._resource_model = None
88 def __repr__(self):
89 return self.label
91 def _get_next_dc_dpid(self):
92 global DCDPID_BASE
94 return DCDPID_BASE
96 def create(self):
97 """
98 Each data center is represented by a single switch to which
99 compute resources can be connected at run time.
101 TODO: This will be changed in the future to support multiple networks
102 per data center
103 """
104 self.switch = self.net.addSwitch(
105 "%s.s1" % self.name, dpid=hex(self._get_next_dc_dpid())[2:])
106 logging.debug("created data center switch: %s" % str(self.switch))
108 def start(self):
109 pass
111 def startCompute(self, name, image=None, command=None, network=None, flavor_name="tiny"):
112 """
113 Create a new container as compute resource and connect it to this
114 data center.
115 :param name: name (string)
116 :param image: image name (string)
117 :param command: command (string)
118 :param network: networks list({"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""})
119 :param flavor_name: name of the flavor for this compute container
120 :return:
121 """
122 assert name is not None
123 # no duplications
124 if name in [c.name for c in self.net.getAllContainers()]:
125 raise Exception("Container with name %s already exists." % name)
126 # set default parameter
127 if image is None:
128 image = "ubuntu"
129 if network is None:
130 network = {} # {"ip": ""}
131 if isinstance(network, dict):
132 network = [network] # if we have only one network, put it in a list
133 if isinstance(network, list):
134 if len(network) < 1:
135 network.append({})
137 # allocate in resource resource model and compute resource limits for new container
138 if self._resource_model is not None:
139 # TODO pass resource limits to new container (cf. Dockernet API) Issue #47
140 (cpu_limit, mem_limit, disk_limit) = alloc = self._resource_model.allocate(name, flavor_name)
141 logging.info("Allocation result: %r" % str(alloc))
142 # create the container
143 d = self.net.addDocker(
144 "%s" % (name),
145 dimage=image,
146 dcmd=command,
147 datacenter=self,
148 flavor_name=flavor_name)
149 # connect all given networks
150 for nw in network:
151 # TODO we cannot use TCLink here (see: https://github.com/mpeuster/dockernet/issues/3)
152 self.net.addLink(d, self.switch, params1=nw, cls=Link)
153 # do bookkeeping
154 self.containers[name] = d
155 return d # we might use UUIDs for naming later on
157 def stopCompute(self, name):
158 """
159 Stop and remove a container from this data center.
160 """
161 assert name is not None
162 if name not in self.containers:
163 raise Exception("Container with name %s not found." % name)
164 self.net.removeLink(
165 link=None, node1=self.containers[name], node2=self.switch)
166 self.net.removeDocker("%s" % (name))
167 del self.containers[name]
168 # call resource model and free resources
169 if self._resource_model is not None:
170 self._resource_model.free(name)
171 return True
173 def listCompute(self):
174 """
175 Return a list of all running containers assigned to this
176 data center.
177 """
178 return list(self.containers.itervalues())
180 def getStatus(self):
181 """
182 Return a dict with status information about this DC.
183 """
184 return {
185 "label": self.label,
186 "internalname": self.name,
187 "switch": self.switch.name,
188 "n_running_containers": len(self.containers),
189 "metadata": self.metadata
190 }
192 def assignResourceModel(self, rm):
193 if self._resource_model is not None:
194 raise Exception("There is already an resource model assigned to this DC.")
195 self._resource_model = rm
196 self.net.rm_registrar.register(self, rm)
197 logging.info("Assigned RM: %r to DC: %r" % (rm, self))