[osm/devops.git] / docker / Prometheus / src / app.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # Copyright 2021 Whitestack, LLC
4 # *************************************************************
6 # This file is part of OSM Monitoring module
7 # All Rights Reserved to Whitestack, LLC
9 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
10 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
11 # a copy of the License at
13 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
15 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
16 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
17 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
18 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
19 # under the License.
21 # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
22 # contact: fbravo@whitestack.com
23 ##
25 import os
26 import pymongo
27 import yaml
28 import aiohttp
29 import asyncio
30 import copy
31 import json
32 from bson.json_util import dumps
33 from bson import ObjectId
35 #Env variables
36 mongodb_url = os.environ['MONGODB_URL']
37 target_database = os.environ['TARGET_DATABASE']
38 prometheus_config_file = os.environ['PROMETHEUS_CONFIG_FILE']
39 prometheus_url = os.environ['PROMETHEUS_URL']
41 def get_jobs(client):
42 return json.loads(dumps(client[target_database].prometheus_jobs.find({})))
44 def save_successful_jobs(client, jobs):
45 for job in jobs:
46 client[target_database].prometheus_jobs.update_one({
47 "_id": ObjectId(job["_id"]["$oid"])
48 }, {
49 "$set": {
50 "is_active": True
51 }
52 })
54 def clean_up_job(prometheus_job):
55 cleaned_prometheus_job = copy.deepcopy(prometheus_job)
56 #take out _id and internal keys
57 cleaned_prometheus_job.pop('_id', None)
58 cleaned_prometheus_job.pop('is_active', None)
59 cleaned_prometheus_job.pop('vnfr_id', None)
60 cleaned_prometheus_job.pop('nsr_id', None)
61 return cleaned_prometheus_job
63 def generate_prometheus_config(prometheus_jobs, config_file_path):
64 config_file = open(config_file_path, encoding='utf-8', mode='r')
65 config_file_contents = config_file.read()
66 config_file.close()
68 config_file_yaml = yaml.load(config_file_contents, yaml.FullLoader)
69 if config_file_yaml is None:
70 config_file_yaml = {}
72 if len(prometheus_jobs) == 0:
73 config_file_yaml['scrape_configs'] = []
74 return config_file_yaml
76 config_file_yaml['scrape_configs'] = []
78 for prometheus_job in prometheus_jobs:
79 cleaned_up_job = clean_up_job(prometheus_job)
80 config_file_yaml['scrape_configs'].append(cleaned_up_job)
82 return config_file_yaml
84 async def reload_prometheus_config(the_prometheus_url):
85 async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
86 async with session.post(the_prometheus_url + "/-/reload") as resp:
87 if resp.status > 204:
88 print(f"Error while updating prometheus config : {resp.text()}")
89 return False
90 await asyncio.sleep(5)
91 return True
93 def check_configuration_equal(a_config, b_config):
94 if a_config is None and b_config is None:
95 return True
96 if a_config is None or b_config is None:
97 return False
98 if not "scrape_configs" in a_config and not "scrape_configs" in b_config:
99 return True
100 if not "scrape_configs" in a_config or not "scrape_configs" in b_config:
101 return False
102 a_jobs = [j["job_name"] for j in a_config["scrape_configs"]]
103 b_jobs = [j["job_name"] for j in b_config["scrape_configs"]]
105 return a_jobs == b_jobs
107 async def validate_configuration(the_prometheus_url, new_config):
108 async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
109 # If prometheus does not admit this configuration, remains with the old one
110 # Then, to check if the configuration has been accepted, get the configuration from prometheus
111 # and compares with the inserted one
112 async with session.get(the_prometheus_url + "/api/v1/status/config") as resp:
113 if resp.status > 204:
114 print(f"Error while updating prometheus config : {resp.text()}")
115 return False
116 current_config = await resp.json()
117 return check_configuration_equal(yaml.load(current_config["data"]["yaml"], yaml.FullLoader), new_config)
119 async def main_task(client):
120 stored_jobs = get_jobs(client)
121 print(f"Jobs detected : {len(stored_jobs):d}")
122 generated_prometheus_config = generate_prometheus_config(stored_jobs, prometheus_config_file)
123 print(f"Writing new config file to {prometheus_config_file}")
124 config_file = open(prometheus_config_file, "w")
125 config_file.truncate(0)
126 config_file.write(yaml.dump(generated_prometheus_config))
127 config_file.close()
128 print("New config written, updating prometheus")
129 update_resp = await reload_prometheus_config(prometheus_url)
130 is_valid = await validate_configuration(prometheus_url, generated_prometheus_config)
131 if update_resp and is_valid:
132 print("Prometheus config update successful")
133 save_successful_jobs(client, stored_jobs)
134 else:
135 print("Error while updating prometheus config: current config doesn't match with updated values")
137 async def main():
138 client = pymongo.MongoClient(mongodb_url)
139 print('Connected to MongoDB!')
141 print('Refreshing prometheus config file for first time')
142 await main_task(client)
144 #Needs mongodb in replica mode as this feature relies in OpLog
145 change_stream = client[target_database].prometheus_jobs.watch([{
146 '$match': {
147 #If you want to modify a particular job, delete and insert it again
148 'operationType': { '$in': ['insert', 'delete'] }
149 }
150 }])
152 #Single thread, no race conditions and ops are queued up in order
153 for change in change_stream:
154 print("Change detected, updating prometheus config")
155 await main_task(client)
156 print()
158 asyncio.run(main())