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[osm/devops.git] / descriptor-packages / src / vnfd / ref22_vnf / ref22_vnfd.yaml
1 vnfd:vnfd-catalog:
2     vnfd:
3     -   connection-point:
4         -   name: mgmt
5             type: VPORT
6         -   name: west
7             type: VPORT
8         -   name: east
9             type: VPORT
10         description: A simple VNF descriptor w/ one VDU
11         id: Ref_Vnf_22
12         name: Ref_VNF_22
13         short-name: Ref_VNF_22
14         vdu:
15         -   external-interface:
16             -   name: iface60
17                 virtual-interface:
18                     type: OM-MGMT
19                 vnfd-connection-point-ref: mgmt
20             -   name: iface61
21                 virtual-interface:
22                     type: PCI-PASSTHROUGH
23                 vnfd-connection-point-ref: west
24             -   name: iface62
25                 virtual-interface:
26                     type: SR-IOV
27                 vnfd-connection-point-ref: east
28             id: abd6831e-f811-4580-9aad-1de9c6424180
29             image: ref_vm22.qcow2
30             name: Ref_VM6
31             guest-epa:
32                 cpu-pinning-policy: DEDICATED
33                 mempage-size: "LARGE"
34             vm-flavor:
35                 memory-mb: '1024'
36                 storage-gb: '16'
37                 vcpu-count: '1'
38         vendor: ETSI
39         version: '1.0'