[osm/common.git] / dbmemory.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # Copyright 2018 Telefonica S.A.
4 #
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 #
9 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 # implied.
15 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 # limitations under the License.
18 from copy import deepcopy
19 from http import HTTPStatus
20 import logging
21 from uuid import uuid4
23 from osm_common.dbbase import DbBase, DbException
24 from osm_common.dbmongo import deep_update
27 __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com>"
30 class DbMemory(DbBase):
31 def __init__(self, logger_name="db", lock=False):
32 super().__init__(logger_name, lock)
33 self.db = {}
35 def db_connect(self, config):
36 """
37 Connect to database
38 :param config: Configuration of database
39 :return: None or raises DbException on error
40 """
41 if "logger_name" in config:
42 self.logger = logging.getLogger(config["logger_name"])
43 master_key = config.get("commonkey") or config.get("masterpassword")
44 if master_key:
45 self.set_secret_key(master_key)
47 @staticmethod
48 def _format_filter(q_filter):
49 db_filter = {}
50 # split keys with ANYINDEX in this way:
51 # {"A.B.ANYINDEX.C.D.ANYINDEX.E": v } -> {"A.B.ANYINDEX": {"C.D.ANYINDEX": {"E": v}}}
52 if q_filter:
53 for k, v in q_filter.items():
54 db_v = v
55 kleft, _, kright = k.rpartition(".ANYINDEX.")
56 while kleft:
57 k = kleft + ".ANYINDEX"
58 db_v = {kright: db_v}
59 kleft, _, kright = k.rpartition(".ANYINDEX.")
60 deep_update(db_filter, {k: db_v})
62 return db_filter
64 def _find(self, table, q_filter):
65 def recursive_find(key_list, key_next_index, content, oper, target):
66 if key_next_index == len(key_list) or content is None:
67 try:
68 if oper in ("eq", "cont"):
69 if isinstance(target, list):
70 if isinstance(content, list):
71 return any(
72 content_item in target for content_item in content
73 )
74 return content in target
75 elif isinstance(content, list):
76 return target in content
77 else:
78 return content == target
79 elif oper in ("neq", "ne", "ncont"):
80 if isinstance(target, list):
81 if isinstance(content, list):
82 return all(
83 content_item not in target
84 for content_item in content
85 )
86 return content not in target
87 elif isinstance(content, list):
88 return target not in content
89 else:
90 return content != target
91 if oper == "gt":
92 return content > target
93 elif oper == "gte":
94 return content >= target
95 elif oper == "lt":
96 return content < target
97 elif oper == "lte":
98 return content <= target
99 else:
100 raise DbException(
101 "Unknown filter operator '{}' in key '{}'".format(
102 oper, ".".join(key_list)
103 ),
104 http_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
105 )
106 except TypeError:
107 return False
109 elif isinstance(content, dict):
110 return recursive_find(
111 key_list,
112 key_next_index + 1,
113 content.get(key_list[key_next_index]),
114 oper,
115 target,
116 )
117 elif isinstance(content, list):
118 look_for_match = True # when there is a match return immediately
119 if (target is None) != (
120 oper in ("neq", "ne", "ncont")
121 ): # one True and other False (Xor)
122 look_for_match = (
123 False # when there is not a match return immediately
124 )
126 for content_item in content:
127 if key_list[key_next_index] == "ANYINDEX" and isinstance(v, dict):
128 matches = True
129 for k2, v2 in target.items():
130 k_new_list = k2.split(".")
131 new_operator = "eq"
132 if k_new_list[-1] in (
133 "eq",
134 "ne",
135 "gt",
136 "gte",
137 "lt",
138 "lte",
139 "cont",
140 "ncont",
141 "neq",
142 ):
143 new_operator = k_new_list.pop()
144 if not recursive_find(
145 k_new_list, 0, content_item, new_operator, v2
146 ):
147 matches = False
148 break
150 else:
151 matches = recursive_find(
152 key_list, key_next_index, content_item, oper, target
153 )
154 if matches == look_for_match:
155 return matches
156 if key_list[key_next_index].isdecimal() and int(
157 key_list[key_next_index]
158 ) < len(content):
159 matches = recursive_find(
160 key_list,
161 key_next_index + 1,
162 content[int(key_list[key_next_index])],
163 oper,
164 target,
165 )
166 if matches == look_for_match:
167 return matches
168 return not look_for_match
169 else: # content is not dict, nor list neither None, so not found
170 if oper in ("neq", "ne", "ncont"):
171 return target is not None
172 else:
173 return target is None
175 for i, row in enumerate(self.db.get(table, ())):
176 q_filter = q_filter or {}
177 for k, v in q_filter.items():
178 k_list = k.split(".")
179 operator = "eq"
180 if k_list[-1] in (
181 "eq",
182 "ne",
183 "gt",
184 "gte",
185 "lt",
186 "lte",
187 "cont",
188 "ncont",
189 "neq",
190 ):
191 operator = k_list.pop()
192 matches = recursive_find(k_list, 0, row, operator, v)
193 if not matches:
194 break
195 else:
196 # match
197 yield i, row
199 def get_list(self, table, q_filter=None):
200 """
201 Obtain a list of entries matching q_filter
202 :param table: collection or table
203 :param q_filter: Filter
204 :return: a list (can be empty) with the found entries. Raises DbException on error
205 """
206 try:
207 result = []
208 with self.lock:
209 for _, row in self._find(table, self._format_filter(q_filter)):
210 result.append(deepcopy(row))
211 return result
212 except DbException:
213 raise
214 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
215 raise DbException(str(e))
217 def count(self, table, q_filter=None):
218 """
219 Count the number of entries matching q_filter
220 :param table: collection or table
221 :param q_filter: Filter
222 :return: number of entries found (can be zero)
223 :raise: DbException on error
224 """
225 try:
226 with self.lock:
227 return sum(1 for x in self._find(table, self._format_filter(q_filter)))
228 except DbException:
229 raise
230 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
231 raise DbException(str(e))
233 def get_one(self, table, q_filter=None, fail_on_empty=True, fail_on_more=True):
234 """
235 Obtain one entry matching q_filter
236 :param table: collection or table
237 :param q_filter: Filter
238 :param fail_on_empty: If nothing matches filter it returns None unless this flag is set tu True, in which case
239 it raises a DbException
240 :param fail_on_more: If more than one matches filter it returns one of then unless this flag is set tu True, so
241 that it raises a DbException
242 :return: The requested element, or None
243 """
244 try:
245 result = None
246 with self.lock:
247 for _, row in self._find(table, self._format_filter(q_filter)):
248 if not fail_on_more:
249 return deepcopy(row)
250 if result:
251 raise DbException(
252 "Found more than one entry with filter='{}'".format(
253 q_filter
254 ),
255 HTTPStatus.CONFLICT.value,
256 )
257 result = row
258 if not result and fail_on_empty:
259 raise DbException(
260 "Not found entry with filter='{}'".format(q_filter),
262 )
263 return deepcopy(result)
264 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
265 raise DbException(str(e))
267 def del_list(self, table, q_filter=None):
268 """
269 Deletes all entries that match q_filter
270 :param table: collection or table
271 :param q_filter: Filter
272 :return: Dict with the number of entries deleted
273 """
274 try:
275 id_list = []
276 with self.lock:
277 for i, _ in self._find(table, self._format_filter(q_filter)):
278 id_list.append(i)
279 deleted = len(id_list)
280 for i in reversed(id_list):
281 del self.db[table][i]
282 return {"deleted": deleted}
283 except DbException:
284 raise
285 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
286 raise DbException(str(e))
288 def del_one(self, table, q_filter=None, fail_on_empty=True):
289 """
290 Deletes one entry that matches q_filter
291 :param table: collection or table
292 :param q_filter: Filter
293 :param fail_on_empty: If nothing matches filter it returns '0' deleted unless this flag is set tu True, in
294 which case it raises a DbException
295 :return: Dict with the number of entries deleted
296 """
297 try:
298 with self.lock:
299 for i, _ in self._find(table, self._format_filter(q_filter)):
300 break
301 else:
302 if fail_on_empty:
303 raise DbException(
304 "Not found entry with filter='{}'".format(q_filter),
306 )
307 return None
308 del self.db[table][i]
309 return {"deleted": 1}
310 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
311 raise DbException(str(e))
313 def _update(
314 self,
315 db_item,
316 update_dict,
317 unset=None,
318 pull=None,
319 push=None,
320 push_list=None,
321 pull_list=None,
322 ):
323 """
324 Modifies an entry at database
325 :param db_item: entry of the table to update
326 :param update_dict: Plain dictionary with the content to be updated. It is a dot separated keys and a value
327 :param unset: Plain dictionary with the content to be removed if exist. It is a dot separated keys, value is
328 ignored. If not exist, it is ignored
329 :param pull: Plain dictionary with the content to be removed from an array. It is a dot separated keys and value
330 if exist in the array is removed. If not exist, it is ignored
331 :param pull_list: Same as pull but values are arrays where each item is removed from the array
332 :param push: Plain dictionary with the content to be appended to an array. It is a dot separated keys and value
333 is appended to the end of the array
334 :param push_list: Same as push but values are arrays where each item is and appended instead of appending the
335 whole array
336 :return: True if database has been changed, False if not; Exception on error
337 """
339 def _iterate_keys(k, db_nested, populate=True):
340 k_list = k.split(".")
341 k_item_prev = k_list[0]
342 populated = False
343 if k_item_prev not in db_nested and populate:
344 populated = True
345 db_nested[k_item_prev] = None
346 for k_item in k_list[1:]:
347 if isinstance(db_nested[k_item_prev], dict):
348 if k_item not in db_nested[k_item_prev]:
349 if not populate:
350 raise DbException(
351 "Cannot set '{}', not existing '{}'".format(k, k_item)
352 )
353 populated = True
354 db_nested[k_item_prev][k_item] = None
355 elif isinstance(db_nested[k_item_prev], list) and k_item.isdigit():
356 # extend list with Nones if index greater than list
357 k_item = int(k_item)
358 if k_item >= len(db_nested[k_item_prev]):
359 if not populate:
360 raise DbException(
361 "Cannot set '{}', index too large '{}'".format(
362 k, k_item
363 )
364 )
365 populated = True
366 db_nested[k_item_prev] += [None] * (
367 k_item - len(db_nested[k_item_prev]) + 1
368 )
369 elif db_nested[k_item_prev] is None:
370 if not populate:
371 raise DbException(
372 "Cannot set '{}', not existing '{}'".format(k, k_item)
373 )
374 populated = True
375 db_nested[k_item_prev] = {k_item: None}
376 else: # number, string, boolean, ... or list but with not integer key
377 raise DbException(
378 "Cannot set '{}' on existing '{}={}'".format(
379 k, k_item_prev, db_nested[k_item_prev]
380 )
381 )
382 db_nested = db_nested[k_item_prev]
383 k_item_prev = k_item
384 return db_nested, k_item_prev, populated
386 updated = False
387 try:
388 if update_dict:
389 for dot_k, v in update_dict.items():
390 dict_to_update, key_to_update, _ = _iterate_keys(dot_k, db_item)
391 dict_to_update[key_to_update] = v
392 updated = True
393 if unset:
394 for dot_k in unset:
395 try:
396 dict_to_update, key_to_update, _ = _iterate_keys(
397 dot_k, db_item, populate=False
398 )
399 del dict_to_update[key_to_update]
400 updated = True
401 except Exception:
402 pass
403 if pull:
404 for dot_k, v in pull.items():
405 try:
406 dict_to_update, key_to_update, _ = _iterate_keys(
407 dot_k, db_item, populate=False
408 )
409 except Exception:
410 continue
411 if key_to_update not in dict_to_update:
412 continue
413 if not isinstance(dict_to_update[key_to_update], list):
414 raise DbException(
415 "Cannot pull '{}'. Target is not a list".format(dot_k)
416 )
417 while v in dict_to_update[key_to_update]:
418 dict_to_update[key_to_update].remove(v)
419 updated = True
420 if pull_list:
421 for dot_k, v in pull_list.items():
422 if not isinstance(v, list):
423 raise DbException(
424 "Invalid content at pull_list, '{}' must be an array".format(
425 dot_k
426 ),
427 http_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
428 )
429 try:
430 dict_to_update, key_to_update, _ = _iterate_keys(
431 dot_k, db_item, populate=False
432 )
433 except Exception:
434 continue
435 if key_to_update not in dict_to_update:
436 continue
437 if not isinstance(dict_to_update[key_to_update], list):
438 raise DbException(
439 "Cannot pull_list '{}'. Target is not a list".format(dot_k)
440 )
441 for single_v in v:
442 while single_v in dict_to_update[key_to_update]:
443 dict_to_update[key_to_update].remove(single_v)
444 updated = True
445 if push:
446 for dot_k, v in push.items():
447 dict_to_update, key_to_update, populated = _iterate_keys(
448 dot_k, db_item
449 )
450 if (
451 isinstance(dict_to_update, dict)
452 and key_to_update not in dict_to_update
453 ):
454 dict_to_update[key_to_update] = [v]
455 updated = True
456 elif populated and dict_to_update[key_to_update] is None:
457 dict_to_update[key_to_update] = [v]
458 updated = True
459 elif not isinstance(dict_to_update[key_to_update], list):
460 raise DbException(
461 "Cannot push '{}'. Target is not a list".format(dot_k)
462 )
463 else:
464 dict_to_update[key_to_update].append(v)
465 updated = True
466 if push_list:
467 for dot_k, v in push_list.items():
468 if not isinstance(v, list):
469 raise DbException(
470 "Invalid content at push_list, '{}' must be an array".format(
471 dot_k
472 ),
473 http_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
474 )
475 dict_to_update, key_to_update, populated = _iterate_keys(
476 dot_k, db_item
477 )
478 if (
479 isinstance(dict_to_update, dict)
480 and key_to_update not in dict_to_update
481 ):
482 dict_to_update[key_to_update] = v.copy()
483 updated = True
484 elif populated and dict_to_update[key_to_update] is None:
485 dict_to_update[key_to_update] = v.copy()
486 updated = True
487 elif not isinstance(dict_to_update[key_to_update], list):
488 raise DbException(
489 "Cannot push '{}'. Target is not a list".format(dot_k),
490 http_code=HTTPStatus.CONFLICT,
491 )
492 else:
493 dict_to_update[key_to_update] += v
494 updated = True
496 return updated
497 except DbException:
498 raise
499 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
500 raise DbException(str(e))
502 def set_one(
503 self,
504 table,
505 q_filter,
506 update_dict,
507 fail_on_empty=True,
508 unset=None,
509 pull=None,
510 push=None,
511 push_list=None,
512 pull_list=None,
513 ):
514 """
515 Modifies an entry at database
516 :param table: collection or table
517 :param q_filter: Filter
518 :param update_dict: Plain dictionary with the content to be updated. It is a dot separated keys and a value
519 :param fail_on_empty: If nothing matches filter it returns None unless this flag is set tu True, in which case
520 it raises a DbException
521 :param unset: Plain dictionary with the content to be removed if exist. It is a dot separated keys, value is
522 ignored. If not exist, it is ignored
523 :param pull: Plain dictionary with the content to be removed from an array. It is a dot separated keys and value
524 if exist in the array is removed. If not exist, it is ignored
525 :param pull_list: Same as pull but values are arrays where each item is removed from the array
526 :param push: Plain dictionary with the content to be appended to an array. It is a dot separated keys and value
527 is appended to the end of the array
528 :param push_list: Same as push but values are arrays where each item is and appended instead of appending the
529 whole array
530 :return: Dict with the number of entries modified. None if no matching is found.
531 """
532 with self.lock:
533 for i, db_item in self._find(table, self._format_filter(q_filter)):
534 updated = self._update(
535 db_item,
536 update_dict,
537 unset=unset,
538 pull=pull,
539 push=push,
540 push_list=push_list,
541 pull_list=pull_list,
542 )
543 return {"updated": 1 if updated else 0}
544 else:
545 if fail_on_empty:
546 raise DbException(
547 "Not found entry with _id='{}'".format(q_filter),
549 )
550 return None
552 def set_list(
553 self,
554 table,
555 q_filter,
556 update_dict,
557 unset=None,
558 pull=None,
559 push=None,
560 push_list=None,
561 pull_list=None,
562 ):
563 """Modifies al matching entries at database. Same as push. Do not fail if nothing matches"""
564 with self.lock:
565 updated = 0
566 found = 0
567 for _, db_item in self._find(table, self._format_filter(q_filter)):
568 found += 1
569 if self._update(
570 db_item,
571 update_dict,
572 unset=unset,
573 pull=pull,
574 push=push,
575 push_list=push_list,
576 pull_list=pull_list,
577 ):
578 updated += 1
579 # if not found and fail_on_empty:
580 # raise DbException("Not found entry with '{}'".format(q_filter), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
581 return {"updated": updated} if found else None
583 def replace(self, table, _id, indata, fail_on_empty=True):
584 """
585 Replace the content of an entry
586 :param table: collection or table
587 :param _id: internal database id
588 :param indata: content to replace
589 :param fail_on_empty: If nothing matches filter it returns None unless this flag is set tu True, in which case
590 it raises a DbException
591 :return: Dict with the number of entries replaced
592 """
593 try:
594 with self.lock:
595 for i, _ in self._find(table, self._format_filter({"_id": _id})):
596 break
597 else:
598 if fail_on_empty:
599 raise DbException(
600 "Not found entry with _id='{}'".format(_id),
602 )
603 return None
604 self.db[table][i] = deepcopy(indata)
605 return {"updated": 1}
606 except DbException:
607 raise
608 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
609 raise DbException(str(e))
611 def create(self, table, indata):
612 """
613 Add a new entry at database
614 :param table: collection or table
615 :param indata: content to be added
616 :return: database '_id' of the inserted element. Raises a DbException on error
617 """
618 try:
619 id = indata.get("_id")
620 if not id:
621 id = str(uuid4())
622 indata["_id"] = id
623 with self.lock:
624 if table not in self.db:
625 self.db[table] = []
626 self.db[table].append(deepcopy(indata))
627 return id
628 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
629 raise DbException(str(e))
631 def create_list(self, table, indata_list):
632 """
633 Add a new entry at database
634 :param table: collection or table
635 :param indata_list: list content to be added
636 :return: list of inserted 'id's. Raises a DbException on error
637 """
638 try:
639 _ids = []
640 with self.lock:
641 for indata in indata_list:
642 _id = indata.get("_id")
643 if not _id:
644 _id = str(uuid4())
645 indata["_id"] = _id
646 with self.lock:
647 if table not in self.db:
648 self.db[table] = []
649 self.db[table].append(deepcopy(indata))
650 _ids.append(_id)
651 return _ids
652 except Exception as e: # TODO refine
653 raise DbException(str(e))
656 if __name__ == "__main__":
657 # some test code
658 db = DbMemory()
659 db.create("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1})
660 db.create("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 2})
661 db.create("test", {"_id": 3, "data": 3})
662 print("must be 3 items:", db.get_list("test"))
663 print("must return item 2:", db.get_list("test", {"_id": 2}))
664 db.del_one("test", {"_id": 2})
665 print("must be emtpy:", db.get_list("test", {"_id": 2}))