[osm/RO.git] / db_base.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 ##
4 # Copyright 2015 Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
5 # This file is part of openmano
6 # All Rights Reserved.
7 #
8 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
9 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
10 # a copy of the License at
11 #
12 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 #
14 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
16 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
17 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
18 # under the License.
19 #
20 # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
21 # contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
22 ##
24 '''
25 Base class for openmano database manipulation
26 '''
27 __author__="Alfonso Tierno"
28 __date__ ="$4-Apr-2016 10:05:01$"
30 import MySQLdb as mdb
31 import uuid as myUuid
32 import utils as af
33 import json
34 #import yaml
35 import time
36 import logging
37 import datetime
38 from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
40 from .http_tools import errors as httperrors
42 def _check_valid_uuid(uuid):
43 id_schema = {"type" : "string", "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}(-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}){3}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"}
44 id_schema2 = {"type" : "string", "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$"}
45 try:
46 js_v(uuid, id_schema)
47 return True
48 except js_e.ValidationError:
49 try:
50 js_v(uuid, id_schema2)
51 return True
52 except js_e.ValidationError:
53 return False
54 return False
56 def _convert_datetime2str(var):
57 '''Converts a datetime variable to a string with the format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s'
58 It enters recursively in the dict var finding this kind of variables
59 '''
60 if type(var) is dict:
61 for k,v in var.items():
62 if type(v) is datetime.datetime:
63 var[k]= v.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
64 elif type(v) is dict or type(v) is list or type(v) is tuple:
65 _convert_datetime2str(v)
66 if len(var) == 0: return True
67 elif type(var) is list or type(var) is tuple:
68 for v in var:
69 _convert_datetime2str(v)
71 def _convert_bandwidth(data, reverse=False, logger=None):
72 '''Check the field bandwidth recursivelly and when found, it removes units and convert to number
73 It assumes that bandwidth is well formed
74 Attributes:
75 'data': dictionary bottle.FormsDict variable to be checked. None or empty is consideted valid
76 'reverse': by default convert form str to int (Mbps), if True it convert from number to units
77 Return:
78 None
79 '''
80 if type(data) is dict:
81 for k in data.keys():
82 if type(data[k]) is dict or type(data[k]) is tuple or type(data[k]) is list:
83 _convert_bandwidth(data[k], reverse, logger)
84 if "bandwidth" in data:
85 try:
86 value=str(data["bandwidth"])
87 if not reverse:
88 pos = value.find("bps")
89 if pos>0:
90 if value[pos-1]=="G": data["bandwidth"] = int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1]) * 1000
91 elif value[pos-1]=="k": data["bandwidth"]= int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1]) / 1000
92 else: data["bandwidth"]= int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1])
93 else:
94 value = int(data["bandwidth"])
95 if value % 1000 == 0: data["bandwidth"]=str(value/1000) + " Gbps"
96 else: data["bandwidth"]=str(value) + " Mbps"
97 except:
98 if logger:
99 logger.error("convert_bandwidth exception for type '%s' data '%s'", type(data["bandwidth"]), data["bandwidth"])
100 return
101 if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
102 for k in data:
103 if type(k) is dict or type(k) is tuple or type(k) is list:
104 _convert_bandwidth(k, reverse, logger)
106 def _convert_str2boolean(data, items):
107 '''Check recursively the content of data, and if there is an key contained in items, convert value from string to boolean
108 Done recursively
109 Attributes:
110 'data': dictionary variable to be checked. None or empty is considered valid
111 'items': tuple of keys to convert
112 Return:
113 None
114 '''
115 if type(data) is dict:
116 for k in data.keys():
117 if type(data[k]) is dict or type(data[k]) is tuple or type(data[k]) is list:
118 _convert_str2boolean(data[k], items)
119 if k in items:
120 if type(data[k]) is str:
121 if data[k]=="false" or data[k]=="False" or data[k]=="0": data[k]=False
122 elif data[k]=="true" or data[k]=="True" or data[k]=="1": data[k]=True
123 elif type(data[k]) is int:
124 if data[k]==0: data[k]=False
125 elif data[k]==1: data[k]=True
126 if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
127 for k in data:
128 if type(k) is dict or type(k) is tuple or type(k) is list:
129 _convert_str2boolean(k, items)
131 class db_base_Exception(httperrors.HttpMappedError):
132 '''Common Exception for all database exceptions'''
134 def __init__(self, message, http_code=httperrors.Bad_Request):
135 super(db_base_Exception, self).__init__(message, http_code)
137 class db_base():
138 tables_with_created_field=()
140 def __init__(self, host=None, user=None, passwd=None, database=None, log_name='db', log_level=None):
141 self.host = host
142 self.user = user
143 self.passwd = passwd
144 self.database = database
145 self.con = None
146 self.log_level=log_level
147 self.logger = logging.getLogger(log_name)
148 if self.log_level:
149 self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, log_level) )
151 def connect(self, host=None, user=None, passwd=None, database=None):
152 '''Connect to specific data base.
153 The first time a valid host, user, passwd and database must be provided,
154 Following calls can skip this parameters
155 '''
156 try:
157 if host: self.host = host
158 if user: self.user = user
159 if passwd: self.passwd = passwd
160 if database: self.database = database
162 self.con = mdb.connect(self.host, self.user, self.passwd, self.database)
163 self.logger.debug("DB: connected to '%s' at '%s@%s'", self.database, self.user, self.host)
164 except mdb.Error as e:
165 raise db_base_Exception("Cannot connect to DataBase '{}' at '{}@{}' Error {}: {}".format(
166 self.database, self.user, self.host, e.args[0], e.args[1]),
167 http_code = httperrors.Unauthorized )
169 def escape(self, value):
170 return self.con.escape(value)
173 def escape_string(self, value):
174 return self.con.escape_string(value)
177 def get_db_version(self):
178 ''' Obtain the database schema version.
179 Return: (negative, text) if error or version 0.0 where schema_version table is missing
180 (version_int, version_text) if ok
181 '''
182 cmd = "SELECT version_int,version FROM schema_version"
183 tries = 2
184 while tries:
185 try:
186 with self.con:
187 self.cur = self.con.cursor()
188 self.logger.debug(cmd)
189 self.cur.execute(cmd)
190 rows = self.cur.fetchall()
191 highest_version_int=0
192 highest_version=""
193 for row in rows: #look for the latest version
194 if row[0]>highest_version_int:
195 highest_version_int, highest_version = row[0:2]
196 return highest_version_int, highest_version
197 except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
198 self.logger.error("Exception '{}' with command '{}'".format(e, cmd))
199 #self.logger.error("get_db_version DB Exception %d: %s. Command %s",e.args[0], e.args[1], cmd)
200 self._format_error(e, tries)
201 tries -= 1
203 def disconnect(self):
204 '''disconnect from specific data base'''
205 try:
206 self.con.close()
207 self.con = None
208 except mdb.Error as e:
209 self.logger.error("while disconnecting from DB: Error %d: %s",e.args[0], e.args[1])
210 return
211 except AttributeError as e: #self.con not defined
212 if e[0][-5:] == "'con'":
213 self.logger.warn("while disconnecting from DB: Error %d: %s",e.args[0], e.args[1])
214 return
215 else:
216 raise
218 def _format_error(self, e, tries=1, command=None, extra=None, table=None):
219 '''Creates a text error base on the produced exception
220 Params:
221 e: mdb exception
222 retry: in case of timeout, if reconnecting to database and retry, or raise and exception
223 cmd: database command that produce the exception
224 command: if the intention is update or delete
225 extra: extra information to add to some commands
226 Return
227 HTTP error in negative, formatted error text
228 '''
229 if isinstance(e,AttributeError ):
230 self.logger.debug(str(e), exc_info=True)
231 raise db_base_Exception("DB Exception " + str(e), httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
232 if e.args[0]==2006 or e.args[0]==2013 : #MySQL server has gone away (((or))) Exception 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
233 if tries>1:
234 self.logger.warn("DB Exception '%s'. Retry", str(e))
235 #reconnect
236 self.connect()
237 return
238 else:
239 raise db_base_Exception("Database connection timeout Try Again", httperrors.Request_Timeout)
241 fk=e.args[1].find("foreign key constraint fails")
242 if fk>=0:
243 if command=="update":
244 raise db_base_Exception("tenant_id '{}' not found.".format(extra), httperrors.Not_Found)
245 elif command=="delete":
246 raise db_base_Exception("Resource is not free. There are {} that prevent deleting it.".format(extra), httperrors.Conflict)
247 de = e.args[1].find("Duplicate entry")
248 fk = e.args[1].find("for key")
249 uk = e.args[1].find("Unknown column")
250 wc = e.args[1].find("in 'where clause'")
251 fl = e.args[1].find("in 'field list'")
252 #print de, fk, uk, wc,fl
253 table_info = ' (table `{}`)'.format(table) if table else ''
254 if de>=0:
255 if fk>=0: #error 1062
256 raise db_base_Exception(
257 "Value {} already in use for {}{}".format(
258 e.args[1][de+15:fk], e.args[1][fk+7:], table_info),
259 httperrors.Conflict)
260 if uk>=0:
261 if wc>=0:
262 raise db_base_Exception(
263 "Field {} can not be used for filtering{}".format(
264 e.args[1][uk+14:wc], table_info),
265 httperrors.Bad_Request)
266 if fl>=0:
267 raise db_base_Exception(
268 "Field {} does not exist{}".format(
269 e.args[1][uk+14:wc], table_info),
270 httperrors.Bad_Request)
271 raise db_base_Exception(
272 "Database internal Error{} {}: {}".format(
273 table_info, e.args[0], e.args[1]),
274 httperrors.Internal_Server_Error)
276 def __str2db_format(self, data):
277 '''Convert string data to database format.
278 If data is None it returns the 'Null' text,
279 otherwise it returns the text surrounded by quotes ensuring internal quotes are escaped.
280 '''
281 if data==None:
282 return 'Null'
283 elif isinstance(data[1], str):
284 return json.dumps(data)
285 else:
286 return json.dumps(str(data))
288 def __tuple2db_format_set(self, data):
289 """Compose the needed text for a SQL SET, parameter 'data' is a pair tuple (A,B),
290 and it returns the text 'A="B"', where A is a field of a table and B is the value
291 If B is None it returns the 'A=Null' text, without surrounding Null by quotes
292 If B is not None it returns the text "A='B'" or 'A="B"' where B is surrounded by quotes,
293 and it ensures internal quotes of B are escaped.
294 B can be also a dict with special keys:
295 {"INCREMENT": NUMBER}, then it produce "A=A+NUMBER"
296 """
297 if data[1] == None:
298 return str(data[0]) + "=Null"
299 elif isinstance(data[1], str):
300 return str(data[0]) + '=' + json.dumps(data[1])
301 elif isinstance(data[1], dict):
302 if "INCREMENT" in data[1]:
303 return "{A}={A}{N:+d}".format(A=data[0], N=data[1]["INCREMENT"])
304 raise db_base_Exception("Format error for UPDATE field: {!r}".format(data[0]))
305 else:
306 return str(data[0]) + '=' + json.dumps(str(data[1]))
308 def __create_where(self, data, use_or=None):
309 """
310 Compose the needed text for a SQL WHERE, parameter 'data' can be a dict or a list of dict. By default lists are
311 concatenated with OR and dict with AND, unless parameter 'use_or' indicates other thing.
312 If a dict it will generate 'key1="value1" AND key2="value2" AND ...'.
313 If value is None, it will produce 'key is null'
314 If value is a list or tuple, it will produce 'key="value[0]" OR key="value[1]" OR ...'
315 keys can be suffixed by >,<,<>,>=,<=,' LIKE ' so that this is used to compare key and value instead of "="
316 The special keys "OR", "AND" with a dict value is used to create a nested WHERE
317 If a list, each item will be a dictionary that will be concatenated with OR by default
318 :param data: dict or list of dicts
319 :param use_or: Can be None (use default behaviour), True (use OR) or False (use AND)
320 :return: a string with the content to send to mysql
321 """
322 cmd = []
323 if isinstance(data, dict):
324 for k, v in data.items():
325 if k == "OR":
326 cmd.append("(" + self.__create_where(v, use_or=True) + ")")
327 continue
328 elif k == "AND":
329 cmd.append("(" + self.__create_where(v, use_or=False) + ")")
330 continue
332 if k.endswith(">") or k.endswith("<") or k.endswith("=") or k.endswith(" LIKE "):
333 pass
334 else:
335 k += "="
337 if v is None:
338 cmd.append(k.replace("=", " is").replace("<>", " is not") + " Null")
339 elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
340 cmd2 = []
341 for v2 in v:
342 if v2 is None:
343 cmd2.append(k.replace("=", " is").replace("<>", " is not") + " Null")
344 else:
345 cmd2.append(k + json.dumps(str(v2)))
346 cmd.append("(" + " OR ".join(cmd2) + ")")
347 else:
348 cmd.append(k + json.dumps(str(v)))
349 elif isinstance(data, (tuple, list)):
350 if use_or is None:
351 use_or = True
352 for k in data:
353 cmd.append("(" + self.__create_where(k) + ")")
354 else:
355 raise db_base_Exception("invalid WHERE clause at '{}'".format(data))
356 if use_or:
357 return " OR ".join(cmd)
358 return " AND ".join(cmd)
360 def __remove_quotes(self, data):
361 '''remove single quotes ' of any string content of data dictionary'''
362 for k,v in data.items():
363 if type(v) == str:
364 if "'" in v:
365 data[k] = data[k].replace("'","_")
367 def _update_rows(self, table, UPDATE, WHERE, modified_time=0):
368 """ Update one or several rows of a table.
369 :param UPDATE: dictionary with the changes. dict keys are database columns that will be set with the dict values
370 :param table: database table to update
371 :param WHERE: dict or list of dicts to compose the SQL WHERE clause.
372 If a dict it will generate 'key1="value1" AND key2="value2" AND ...'.
373 If value is None, it will produce 'key is null'
374 If value is a list or tuple, it will produce 'key="value[0]" OR key="value[1]" OR ...'
375 keys can be suffixed by >,<,<>,>=,<= so that this is used to compare key and value instead of "="
376 The special keys "OR", "AND" with a dict value is used to create a nested WHERE
377 If a list, each item will be a dictionary that will be concatenated with OR
378 :return: the number of updated rows, raises exception upon error
379 """
380 # gettting uuid
381 values = ",".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_set, UPDATE.iteritems() ))
382 if modified_time:
383 values += ",modified_at={:f}".format(modified_time)
384 cmd= "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + values + " WHERE " + self.__create_where(WHERE)
385 self.logger.debug(cmd)
386 self.cur.execute(cmd)
387 return self.cur.rowcount
389 def _new_uuid(self, root_uuid=None, used_table=None, created_time=0):
390 """
391 Generate a new uuid. It DOES NOT begin or end the transaction, so self.con.cursor must be created
392 :param root_uuid: master uuid of the transaction
393 :param used_table: the table this uuid is intended for
394 :param created_time: time of creation
395 :return: the created uuid
396 """
398 uuid = str(myUuid.uuid1())
399 # defining root_uuid if not provided
400 if root_uuid is None:
401 root_uuid = uuid
402 if created_time:
403 created_at = created_time
404 else:
405 created_at = time.time()
406 # inserting new uuid
407 cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, root_uuid, used_at, created_at) VALUES ('{:s}','{:s}','{:s}', {:f})".format(
408 uuid, root_uuid, used_table, created_at)
409 self.logger.debug(cmd)
410 self.cur.execute(cmd)
411 return uuid
413 def _new_row_internal(self, table, INSERT, add_uuid=False, root_uuid=None, created_time=0, confidential_data=False):
414 ''' Add one row into a table. It DOES NOT begin or end the transaction, so self.con.cursor must be created
415 Attribute
416 INSERT: dictionary with the key:value to insert
417 table: table where to insert
418 add_uuid: if True, it will create an uuid key entry at INSERT if not provided
419 created_time: time to add to the created_time column
420 It checks presence of uuid and add one automatically otherwise
421 Return: uuid
422 '''
424 if add_uuid:
425 #create uuid if not provided
426 if 'uuid' not in INSERT:
427 uuid = INSERT['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
428 else:
429 uuid = str(INSERT['uuid'])
430 else:
431 uuid=None
432 if add_uuid:
433 #defining root_uuid if not provided
434 if root_uuid is None:
435 root_uuid = uuid
436 if created_time:
437 created_at = created_time
438 else:
439 created_at=time.time()
440 #inserting new uuid
441 cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, root_uuid, used_at, created_at) VALUES ('{:s}','{:s}','{:s}', {:f})".format(uuid, root_uuid, table, created_at)
442 self.logger.debug(cmd)
443 self.cur.execute(cmd)
444 #insertion
445 cmd= "INSERT INTO " + table +" SET " + \
446 ",".join(map(self.__tuple2db_format_set, INSERT.iteritems() ))
447 if created_time:
448 cmd += ",created_at=%f" % created_time
449 if confidential_data:
450 index = cmd.find("SET")
451 subcmd = cmd[:index] + 'SET...'
452 self.logger.debug(subcmd)
453 else:
454 self.logger.debug(cmd)
455 self.cur.execute(cmd)
456 self.cur.rowcount
457 return uuid
459 def _get_rows(self,table,uuid):
460 cmd = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE uuid='{}'".format(str(table), str(uuid))
461 self.logger.debug(cmd)
462 self.cur.execute(cmd)
463 rows = self.cur.fetchall()
464 return rows
466 def new_row(self, table, INSERT, add_uuid=False, created_time=0, confidential_data=False):
467 ''' Add one row into a table.
468 Attribute
469 INSERT: dictionary with the key: value to insert
470 table: table where to insert
471 tenant_id: only useful for logs. If provided, logs will use this tenant_id
472 add_uuid: if True, it will create an uuid key entry at INSERT if not provided
473 It checks presence of uuid and add one automatically otherwise
474 Return: uuid
475 '''
476 if table in self.tables_with_created_field and created_time==0:
477 created_time=time.time()
478 tries = 2
479 while tries:
480 try:
481 with self.con:
482 self.cur = self.con.cursor()
483 return self._new_row_internal(table, INSERT, add_uuid, None, created_time, confidential_data)
485 except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
486 self._format_error(e, tries, table=table)
487 tries -= 1
489 def update_rows(self, table, UPDATE, WHERE, modified_time=0):
490 """ Update one or several rows of a table.
491 :param UPDATE: dictionary with the changes. dict keys are database columns that will be set with the dict values
492 :param table: database table to update
493 :param WHERE: dict or list of dicts to compose the SQL WHERE clause.
494 If a dict it will generate 'key1="value1" AND key2="value2" AND ...'.
495 If value is None, it will produce 'key is null'
496 If value is a list or tuple, it will produce 'key="value[0]" OR key="value[1]" OR ...'
497 keys can be suffixed by >,<,<>,>=,<= so that this is used to compare key and value instead of "="
498 The special keys "OR", "AND" with a dict value is used to create a nested WHERE
499 If a list, each item will be a dictionary that will be concatenated with OR
500 :param modified_time: Can contain the time to be set to the table row
501 :return: the number of updated rows, raises exception upon error
502 """
503 if table in self.tables_with_created_field and modified_time==0:
504 modified_time=time.time()
505 tries = 2
506 while tries:
507 try:
508 with self.con:
509 self.cur = self.con.cursor()
510 return self._update_rows(
511 table, UPDATE, WHERE, modified_time)
512 except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
513 self._format_error(e, tries, table=table)
514 tries -= 1
516 def _delete_row_by_id_internal(self, table, uuid):
517 cmd = "DELETE FROM {} WHERE uuid = '{}'".format(table, uuid)
518 self.logger.debug(cmd)
519 self.cur.execute(cmd)
520 deleted = self.cur.rowcount
521 # delete uuid
522 self.cur = self.con.cursor()
523 cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE root_uuid = '{}'".format(uuid)
524 self.logger.debug(cmd)
525 self.cur.execute(cmd)
526 return deleted
528 def delete_row_by_id(self, table, uuid):
529 tries = 2
530 while tries:
531 try:
532 with self.con:
533 self.cur = self.con.cursor()
534 return self._delete_row_by_id_internal(table, uuid)
535 except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
536 self._format_error(
537 e, tries, "delete", "dependencies", table=table)
538 tries -= 1
540 def delete_row(self, **sql_dict):
541 """ Deletes rows from a table.
542 :param UPDATE: dictionary with the changes. dict keys are database columns that will be set with the dict values
543 :param FROM: string with table name (Mandatory)
544 :param WHERE: dict or list of dicts to compose the SQL WHERE clause. (Optional)
545 If a dict it will generate 'key1="value1" AND key2="value2" AND ...'.
546 If value is None, it will produce 'key is null'
547 If value is a list or tuple, it will produce 'key="value[0]" OR key="value[1]" OR ...'
548 keys can be suffixed by >,<,<>,>=,<= so that this is used to compare key and value instead of "="
549 The special keys "OR", "AND" with a dict value is used to create a nested WHERE
550 If a list, each item will be a dictionary that will be concatenated with OR
551 :return: the number of deleted rows, raises exception upon error
552 """
553 # print sql_dict
554 cmd = "DELETE FROM " + str(sql_dict['FROM'])
555 if sql_dict.get('WHERE'):
556 cmd += " WHERE " + self.__create_where(sql_dict['WHERE'])
557 if sql_dict.get('LIMIT'):
558 cmd += " LIMIT " + str(sql_dict['LIMIT'])
559 tries = 2
560 while tries:
561 try:
562 with self.con:
563 self.cur = self.con.cursor()
564 self.logger.debug(cmd)
565 self.cur.execute(cmd)
566 deleted = self.cur.rowcount
567 return deleted
568 except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
569 self._format_error(e, tries)
570 tries -= 1
572 def get_rows_by_id(self, table, uuid):
573 '''get row from a table based on uuid'''
574 tries = 2
575 while tries:
576 try:
577 with self.con:
578 self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
579 cmd="SELECT * FROM {} where uuid='{}'".format(str(table), str(uuid))
580 self.logger.debug(cmd)
581 self.cur.execute(cmd)
582 rows = self.cur.fetchall()
583 return rows
584 except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
585 self._format_error(e, tries, table=table)
586 tries -= 1
588 def get_rows(self, **sql_dict):
589 """ Obtain rows from a table.
590 :param SELECT: list or tuple of fields to retrieve) (by default all)
591 :param FROM: string with table name (Mandatory)
592 :param WHERE: dict or list of dicts to compose the SQL WHERE clause. (Optional)
593 If a dict it will generate 'key1="value1" AND key2="value2" AND ...'.
594 If value is None, it will produce 'key is null'
595 If value is a list or tuple, it will produce 'key="value[0]" OR key="value[1]" OR ...'
596 keys can be suffixed by >,<,<>,>=,<= so that this is used to compare key and value instead of "="
597 The special keys "OR", "AND" with a dict value is used to create a nested WHERE
598 If a list, each item will be a dictionary that will be concatenated with OR
599 :param LIMIT: limit the number of obtained entries (Optional)
600 :param ORDER_BY: list or tuple of fields to order, add ' DESC' to each item if inverse order is required
601 :return: a list with dictionaries at each row, raises exception upon error
602 """
603 # print sql_dict
604 cmd = "SELECT "
605 if 'SELECT' in sql_dict:
606 if isinstance(sql_dict['SELECT'], (tuple, list)):
607 cmd += ",".join(map(str, sql_dict['SELECT']))
608 else:
609 cmd += sql_dict['SELECT']
610 else:
611 cmd += "*"
613 cmd += " FROM " + str(sql_dict['FROM'])
614 if sql_dict.get('WHERE'):
615 cmd += " WHERE " + self.__create_where(sql_dict['WHERE'])
617 if 'ORDER_BY' in sql_dict:
618 cmd += " ORDER BY "
619 if isinstance(sql_dict['ORDER_BY'], (tuple, list)):
620 cmd += ",".join(map(str, sql_dict['ORDER_BY']))
621 else:
622 cmd += str(sql_dict['ORDER_BY'])
624 if 'LIMIT' in sql_dict:
625 cmd += " LIMIT " + str(sql_dict['LIMIT'])
627 tries = 2
628 while tries:
629 try:
630 with self.con:
631 self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
632 self.logger.debug(cmd)
633 self.cur.execute(cmd)
634 rows = self.cur.fetchall()
635 return rows
636 except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
637 self.logger.error("Exception '{}' with command '{}'".format(e, cmd))
638 self._format_error(e, tries)
639 tries -= 1
641 def get_table_by_uuid_name(self, table, uuid_name, error_item_text=None, allow_serveral=False, WHERE_OR={}, WHERE_AND_OR="OR"):
642 ''' Obtain One row from a table based on name or uuid.
643 Attribute:
644 table: string of table name
645 uuid_name: name or uuid. If not uuid format is found, it is considered a name
646 allow_severeral: if False return ERROR if more than one row are founded
647 error_item_text: in case of error it identifies the 'item' name for a proper output text
648 'WHERE_OR': dict of key:values, translated to key=value OR ... (Optional)
649 'WHERE_AND_OR: str 'AND' or 'OR'(by default) mark the priority to 'WHERE AND (WHERE_OR)' or (WHERE) OR WHERE_OR' (Optional
650 Return: if allow_several==False, a dictionary with this row, or error if no item is found or more than one is found
651 if allow_several==True, a list of dictionaries with the row or rows, error if no item is found
652 '''
654 if error_item_text==None:
655 error_item_text = table
656 what = 'uuid' if af.check_valid_uuid(uuid_name) else 'name'
657 cmd = " SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {}='{}'".format(table, what, uuid_name)
658 if WHERE_OR:
659 where_or = self.__create_where(WHERE_OR, use_or=True)
660 if WHERE_AND_OR == "AND":
661 cmd += " AND (" + where_or + ")"
662 else:
663 cmd += " OR " + where_or
665 tries = 2
666 while tries:
667 try:
668 with self.con:
669 self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
670 self.logger.debug(cmd)
671 self.cur.execute(cmd)
672 number = self.cur.rowcount
673 if number == 0:
674 raise db_base_Exception("No {} found with {} '{}'".format(error_item_text, what, uuid_name), http_code=httperrors.Not_Found)
675 elif number > 1 and not allow_serveral:
676 raise db_base_Exception("More than one {} found with {} '{}'".format(error_item_text, what, uuid_name), http_code=httperrors.Conflict)
677 if allow_serveral:
678 rows = self.cur.fetchall()
679 else:
680 rows = self.cur.fetchone()
681 return rows
682 except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
683 self._format_error(e, tries, table=table)
684 tries -= 1
686 def get_uuid(self, uuid):
687 '''check in the database if this uuid is already present'''
688 tries = 2
689 while tries:
690 try:
691 with self.con:
692 self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
693 self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM uuids where uuid='" + str(uuid) + "'")
694 rows = self.cur.fetchall()
695 return self.cur.rowcount, rows
696 except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
697 self._format_error(e, tries)
698 tries -= 1
700 def get_uuid_from_name(self, table, name):
701 '''Searchs in table the name and returns the uuid
702 '''
703 tries = 2
704 while tries:
705 try:
706 with self.con:
707 self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
708 where_text = "name='" + name +"'"
709 self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE "+ where_text)
710 rows = self.cur.fetchall()
711 if self.cur.rowcount==0:
712 return 0, "Name %s not found in table %s" %(name, table)
713 elif self.cur.rowcount>1:
714 return self.cur.rowcount, "More than one VNF with name %s found in table %s" %(name, table)
715 return self.cur.rowcount, rows[0]["uuid"]
716 except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
717 self._format_error(e, tries, table=table)
718 tries -= 1