Bug 2215 fixed
[osm/MON.git] / collector / vnf_collectors / openstack.py
1 # Copyright 2018 Whitestack, LLC
2 # *************************************************************
4 # This file is part of OSM Monitoring module
5 # All Rights Reserved to Whitestack, LLC
7 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
8 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
9 # a copy of the License at
11 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
15 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
16 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 # under the License.
19 # For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
20 # contact: bdiaz@whitestack.com or glavado@whitestack.com
21 ##
22 from enum import Enum
23 import logging
24 import time
25 from typing import List
27 from ceilometerclient import client as ceilometer_client
28 from ceilometerclient.exc import HTTPException
29 import gnocchiclient.exceptions
30 from gnocchiclient.v1 import client as gnocchi_client
31 from keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog import EndpointNotFound
32 from keystoneclient.v3 import client as keystone_client
33 from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutron_client
34 from prometheus_api_client import PrometheusConnect as prometheus_client
36 from osm_mon.collector.metric import Metric
37 from osm_mon.collector.utils.openstack import OpenstackUtils
38 from osm_mon.collector.vnf_collectors.base_vim import BaseVimCollector
39 from osm_mon.collector.vnf_metric import VnfMetric
40 from osm_mon.core.common_db import CommonDbClient
41 from osm_mon.core.config import Config
44 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
47 "average_memory_utilization": "memory.usage",
48 "disk_read_ops": "disk.read.requests.rate",
49 "disk_write_ops": "disk.write.requests.rate",
50 "disk_read_bytes": "disk.read.bytes.rate",
51 "disk_write_bytes": "disk.write.bytes.rate",
52 "packets_in_dropped": "network.outgoing.packets.drop",
53 "packets_out_dropped": "network.incoming.packets.drop",
54 "packets_received": "network.incoming.packets.rate",
55 "packets_sent": "network.outgoing.packets.rate",
56 "cpu_utilization": "cpu",
57 }
59 # Metrics which have new names in Rocky and higher releases
61 "disk_read_ops": "disk.device.read.requests",
62 "disk_write_ops": "disk.device.write.requests",
63 "disk_read_bytes": "disk.device.read.bytes",
64 "disk_write_bytes": "disk.device.write.bytes",
65 "packets_received": "network.incoming.packets",
66 "packets_sent": "network.outgoing.packets"
67 }
69 METRIC_MULTIPLIERS = {"cpu": 0.0000001}
71 METRIC_AGGREGATORS = {"cpu": "rate:mean"}
74 "packets_in_dropped",
75 "packets_out_dropped",
76 "packets_received",
77 "packets_sent",
78 ]
81 "disk_read_ops",
82 "disk_write_ops",
83 "disk_read_bytes",
84 "disk_write_bytes",
85 ]
88 class MetricType(Enum):
89 INSTANCE = "instance"
90 INTERFACE_ALL = "interface_all"
91 INTERFACE_ONE = "interface_one"
92 INSTANCEDISK = 'instancedisk'
95 class OpenstackCollector(BaseVimCollector):
96 def __init__(self, config: Config, vim_account_id: str, vim_session: object):
97 super().__init__(config, vim_account_id)
98 self.common_db = CommonDbClient(config)
99 vim_account = self.common_db.get_vim_account(vim_account_id)
100 self.backend = self._get_backend(vim_account, vim_session)
102 def _build_keystone_client(self, vim_account: dict) -> keystone_client.Client:
103 sess = OpenstackUtils.get_session(vim_account)
104 return keystone_client.Client(session=sess)
106 def _get_resource_uuid(
107 self, nsr_id: str, vnf_member_index: str, vdur_name: str
108 ) -> str:
109 vdur = self.common_db.get_vdur(nsr_id, vnf_member_index, vdur_name)
110 return vdur["vim-id"]
112 def collect(self, vnfr: dict) -> List[Metric]:
113 nsr_id = vnfr["nsr-id-ref"]
114 vnf_member_index = vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"]
115 vnfd = self.common_db.get_vnfd(vnfr["vnfd-id"])
116 # Populate extra tags for metrics
117 tags = {}
118 tags["ns_name"] = self.common_db.get_nsr(nsr_id)["name"]
119 if vnfr["_admin"]["projects_read"]:
120 tags["project_id"] = vnfr["_admin"]["projects_read"][0]
121 else:
122 tags["project_id"] = ""
124 metrics = []
126 for vdur in vnfr["vdur"]:
127 # This avoids errors when vdur records have not been completely filled
128 if "name" not in vdur:
129 continue
130 vdu = next(filter(lambda vdu: vdu["id"] == vdur["vdu-id-ref"], vnfd["vdu"]))
131 if "monitoring-parameter" in vdu:
132 for param in vdu["monitoring-parameter"]:
133 metric_name = param["performance-metric"]
134 log.debug(f"Using an {type(self.backend)} as backend")
135 if type(self.backend) is PrometheusTSBDBackend:
136 openstack_metric_name = self.backend.map_metric(metric_name)
137 else:
138 openstack_metric_name = METRIC_MAPPINGS[metric_name]
139 metric_type = self._get_metric_type(metric_name)
140 try:
141 resource_id = self._get_resource_uuid(
142 nsr_id, vnf_member_index, vdur["name"]
143 )
144 except ValueError:
145 log.warning(
146 "Could not find resource_uuid for vdur %s, vnf_member_index %s, nsr_id %s. "
147 "Was it recently deleted?",
148 vdur["name"],
149 vnf_member_index,
150 nsr_id,
151 )
152 continue
153 try:
154 log.info(
155 "Collecting metric type: %s and metric_name: %s and resource_id %s and ",
156 metric_type,
157 metric_name,
158 resource_id,
159 )
160 value = self.backend.collect_metric(
161 metric_type, openstack_metric_name, resource_id
162 )
164 if value is None and metric_name in METRIC_MAPPINGS_FOR_ROCKY_AND_NEWER_RELEASES and type(self.backend) is not PrometheusTSBDBackend:
165 # Reattempting metric collection with new metric names.
166 # Some metric names have changed in newer Openstack releases
167 log.info(
168 "Reattempting metric collection for type: %s and name: %s and resource_id %s",
169 metric_type,
170 metric_name,
171 resource_id
172 )
173 openstack_metric_name = METRIC_MAPPINGS_FOR_ROCKY_AND_NEWER_RELEASES[metric_name]
174 value = self.backend.collect_metric(
175 metric_type, openstack_metric_name, resource_id
176 )
177 if value is not None:
178 log.info("value: %s", value)
179 metric = VnfMetric(
180 nsr_id,
181 vnf_member_index,
182 vdur["name"],
183 metric_name,
184 value,
185 tags,
186 )
187 metrics.append(metric)
188 else:
189 log.info("metric value is empty")
190 except Exception as e:
191 log.exception(
192 "Error collecting metric %s for vdu %s"
193 % (metric_name, vdur["name"])
194 )
195 log.info("Error in metric collection: %s" % e)
196 return metrics
198 def _get_backend(self, vim_account: dict, vim_session: object):
199 if vim_account.get("prometheus-config"):
200 try:
201 tsbd = PrometheusTSBDBackend(vim_account)
202 log.debug("Using prometheustsbd backend to collect metric")
203 return tsbd
204 except Exception as e:
205 log.error(f"Can't create prometheus client, {e}")
206 return None
207 try:
208 gnocchi = GnocchiBackend(vim_account, vim_session)
209 gnocchi.client.metric.list(limit=1)
210 log.debug("Using gnocchi backend to collect metric")
211 return gnocchi
212 except (HTTPException, EndpointNotFound):
213 ceilometer = CeilometerBackend(vim_account, vim_session)
214 ceilometer.client.capabilities.get()
215 log.debug("Using ceilometer backend to collect metric")
216 return ceilometer
218 def _get_metric_type(self, metric_name: str) -> MetricType:
219 if metric_name not in INTERFACE_METRICS:
220 if metric_name not in INSTANCE_DISK:
221 return MetricType.INSTANCE
222 else:
223 return MetricType.INSTANCEDISK
224 else:
225 return MetricType.INTERFACE_ALL
228 class OpenstackBackend:
229 def collect_metric(
230 self, metric_type: MetricType, metric_name: str, resource_id: str
231 ):
232 pass
235 class PrometheusTSBDBackend(OpenstackBackend):
236 def __init__(self, vim_account: dict):
237 self.cred = vim_account["prometheus-config"]["prometheus_cred"]
238 self.map = vim_account["prometheus-config"]["prometheus_map"]
239 self.client = self._build_prometheus_client(vim_account)
241 def _build_prometheus_client(self, vim_account: dict) -> prometheus_client:
242 url = vim_account["prometheus-config"]["prometheus_url"]
243 return prometheus_client(url, disable_ssl = True)
245 def collect_metric(
246 self, metric_type: MetricType, metric_name: str, resource_id: str
247 ):
248 metric = self.query_metric(metric_name, resource_id)
249 return metric["value"][1] if metric else None
251 def map_metric(self, metric_name: str):
252 return self.map[metric_name]
254 def query_metric(self, metric_name, resource_id = None):
255 metrics = self.client.get_current_metric_value(metric_name = metric_name)
256 if resource_id:
257 metric = next(filter(lambda x: resource_id in x["metric"]["resource_id"], metrics))
258 return metric
259 return metrics
262 class GnocchiBackend(OpenstackBackend):
263 def __init__(self, vim_account: dict, vim_session: object):
264 self.client = self._build_gnocchi_client(vim_account, vim_session)
265 self.neutron = self._build_neutron_client(vim_account, vim_session)
267 def _build_gnocchi_client(self, vim_account: dict, vim_session: object) -> gnocchi_client.Client:
268 return gnocchi_client.Client(session=vim_session)
270 def _build_neutron_client(self, vim_account: dict, vim_session: object) -> neutron_client.Client:
271 return neutron_client.Client(session=vim_session)
273 def collect_metric(
274 self, metric_type: MetricType, metric_name: str, resource_id: str
275 ):
276 if metric_type == MetricType.INTERFACE_ALL:
277 return self._collect_interface_all_metric(metric_name, resource_id)
279 elif metric_type == MetricType.INSTANCE:
280 return self._collect_instance_metric(metric_name, resource_id)
282 elif metric_type == MetricType.INSTANCEDISK:
283 return self._collect_instance_disk_metric(metric_name, resource_id)
285 else:
286 raise Exception("Unknown metric type %s" % metric_type.value)
288 def _collect_interface_all_metric(self, openstack_metric_name, resource_id):
289 total_measure = None
290 interfaces = self.client.resource.search(
291 resource_type="instance_network_interface",
292 query={"=": {"instance_id": resource_id}},
293 )
294 for interface in interfaces:
295 try:
296 measures = self.client.metric.get_measures(
297 openstack_metric_name, resource_id=interface["id"], limit=1
298 )
299 if measures:
300 if not total_measure:
301 total_measure = 0.0
302 total_measure += measures[-1][2]
303 except (gnocchiclient.exceptions.NotFound, TypeError) as e:
304 # Gnocchi in some Openstack versions raise TypeError instead of NotFound
305 log.debug(
306 "No metric %s found for interface %s: %s",
307 openstack_metric_name,
308 interface["id"],
309 e,
310 )
311 return total_measure
313 def _collect_instance_disk_metric(self, openstack_metric_name, resource_id):
314 value = None
315 instances = self.client.resource.search(
316 resource_type='instance_disk',
317 query={'=': {'instance_id': resource_id}},
318 )
319 for instance in instances:
320 try:
321 measures = self.client.metric.get_measures(
322 openstack_metric_name, resource_id=instance['id'], limit=1
323 )
324 if measures:
325 value = measures[-1][2]
327 except gnocchiclient.exceptions.NotFound as e:
328 log.debug("No metric %s found for instance disk %s: %s", openstack_metric_name,
329 instance['id'], e)
330 return value
332 def _collect_instance_metric(self, openstack_metric_name, resource_id):
333 value = None
334 try:
335 aggregation = METRIC_AGGREGATORS.get(openstack_metric_name)
337 try:
338 measures = self.client.metric.get_measures(
339 openstack_metric_name,
340 aggregation=aggregation,
341 start=time.time() - 1200,
342 resource_id=resource_id,
343 )
344 if measures:
345 value = measures[-1][2]
346 except (
347 gnocchiclient.exceptions.NotFound,
348 gnocchiclient.exceptions.BadRequest,
349 TypeError,
350 ) as e:
351 # CPU metric in previous Openstack versions do not support rate:mean aggregation method
352 # Gnocchi in some Openstack versions raise TypeError instead of NotFound or BadRequest
353 if openstack_metric_name == "cpu":
354 log.debug(
355 "No metric %s found for instance %s: %s",
356 openstack_metric_name,
357 resource_id,
358 e,
359 )
360 log.info(
361 "Retrying to get metric %s for instance %s without aggregation",
362 openstack_metric_name,
363 resource_id,
364 )
365 measures = self.client.metric.get_measures(
366 openstack_metric_name, resource_id=resource_id, limit=1
367 )
368 else:
369 raise e
370 # measures[-1] is the last measure
371 # measures[-2] is the previous measure
372 # measures[x][2] is the value of the metric
373 if measures and len(measures) >= 2:
374 value = measures[-1][2] - measures[-2][2]
375 if value:
376 # measures[-1][0] is the time of the reporting interval
377 # measures[-1][1] is the duration of the reporting interval
378 if aggregation:
379 # If this is an aggregate, we need to divide the total over the reported time period.
380 # Even if the aggregation method is not supported by Openstack, the code will execute it
381 # because aggregation is specified in METRIC_AGGREGATORS
382 value = value / measures[-1][1]
383 if openstack_metric_name in METRIC_MULTIPLIERS:
384 value = value * METRIC_MULTIPLIERS[openstack_metric_name]
385 except gnocchiclient.exceptions.NotFound as e:
386 log.debug(
387 "No metric %s found for instance %s: %s",
388 openstack_metric_name,
389 resource_id,
390 e,
391 )
392 return value
395 class CeilometerBackend(OpenstackBackend):
396 def __init__(self, vim_account: dict, vim_session: object):
397 self.client = self._build_ceilometer_client(vim_account, vim_session)
399 def _build_ceilometer_client(self, vim_account: dict, vim_session: object) -> ceilometer_client.Client:
400 return ceilometer_client.Client("2", session=vim_session)
402 def collect_metric(
403 self, metric_type: MetricType, metric_name: str, resource_id: str
404 ):
405 if metric_type != MetricType.INSTANCE:
406 raise NotImplementedError(
407 "Ceilometer backend only support instance metrics"
408 )
409 measures = self.client.samples.list(
410 meter_name=metric_name,
411 limit=1,
412 q=[{"field": "resource_id", "op": "eq", "value": resource_id}],
413 )
414 return measures[0].counter_volume if measures else None