[osm/IM.git] / augments / vnfd.html
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2 # Copyright 2020 Whitestack LLC
3 #
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6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
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8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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17 <head><title> etsi-nfv-vnfd additional-info alarm alternative-images cloud-init configuration day1-2 epa interface kdu mgmt-interface scaling various vip
18 </title>
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170 <div class="app">
171 <div style="background: #eee; border: dashed 1px #000;">
172 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>etsi-nfv-vnfd</font>, Namespace:
173 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:nfv:yang:etsi-nfv-vnfd</font>, Prefix:
174 <font color=blue>vnfd</font></h1>
175 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>additional-info</font>, Namespace:
176 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:additional-info</font>, Prefix:
177 <font color=blue>additional-info</font></h1>
178 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>alarm</font>, Namespace:
179 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:alarm</font>, Prefix:
180 <font color=blue>alarm</font></h1>
181 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>alternative-images</font>, Namespace:
182 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:alternative-images</font>, Prefix:
183 <font color=blue>alternative-images</font></h1>
184 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>cloud-init</font>, Namespace:
185 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments</font>, Prefix:
186 <font color=blue>cloud-init</font></h1>
187 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>configuration</font>, Namespace:
188 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:configuration</font>, Prefix:
189 <font color=blue>configuration</font></h1>
190 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>day1-2</font>, Namespace:
191 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:day1-2</font>, Prefix:
192 <font color=blue>day1-2</font></h1>
193 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>epa</font>, Namespace:
194 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:epa</font>, Prefix:
195 <font color=blue>epa</font></h1>
196 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>interface</font>, Namespace:
197 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:interface</font>, Prefix:
198 <font color=blue>interface</font></h1>
199 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>kdu</font>, Namespace:
200 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:kdu</font>, Prefix:
201 <font color=blue>kdu</font></h1>
202 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>mgmt-interface</font>, Namespace:
203 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:mgmt-interface</font>, Prefix:
204 <font color=blue>mgmt-interface</font></h1>
205 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>scaling</font>, Namespace:
206 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:scaling</font>, Prefix:
207 <font color=blue>scaling</font></h1>
208 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>various</font>, Namespace:
209 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:various</font>, Prefix:
210 <font color=blue>various</font></h1>
211 <h1> Module: <font color=blue>vip</font>, Namespace:
212 <font color=blue>urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:vip</font>, Prefix:
213 <font color=blue>vip</font></h1>
215 <table width="100%">
217 <tr>
218 <!-- specifing one or more widths keeps columns
219 constant despite changes in visible content -->
220 <th align=left>
221 Element
222 <a href='#' onclick='expandAllRows();'>[+]Expand all</a>
223 <a href='#' onclick='collapseAllRows();'>[-]Collapse all</a>
224 </th>
225 <th align=left>Schema</th>
226 <th align=left>Type</th>
227 <th align=left>Flags</th>
228 <th align=left>Opts</th>
229 <th align=left>Status</th>
230 <th align=left>Path</th>
231 </tr>
232 <tr id="1" class="a">
233 <td id="p1">
234 <div id="p2" class="tier1">
235 <a href="#" id="p3"
236 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false;"
237 class="folder">&nbsp;
238 </a>
239 <font color=blue>etsi-nfv-vnfd</font>
240 </div>
241 </td>
242 <td>module</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>
243 </td></tr>
244 <tr id="1-1" class="a">
245 <td nowrap id="p4000">
246 <div id="p5000" class="tier2">
247 <a href="#" id="p6000"
248 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
249 class="folder">&nbsp;
250 </a>
251 <abbr title="No description">vnfd</abbr>
252 </div>
253 </td>
254 <td nowrap>container</td>
255 <td nowrap></td>
256 <td nowrap>config</td>
257 <td><abbr title="VNFD container.">Presence</abbr></td>
258 <td>current</td>
259 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd</td>
260 </tr>
261 <tr id="1-1-1" class="a">
262 <td nowrap>
263 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
264 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
265 <abbr title="Identifier of this VNFD information element. This attribute
266 shall be globally unique. The format will be defined in the
267 data model specification phase."> <em> id </em></abbr>
268 </div>
269 </td>
270 <td>leaf</td>
271 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
272 ">string</abbr></td>
273 <td nowrap>config</td>
274 <td>?</td>
275 <td>current</td>
276 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:id</td</tr>
277 <tr id="1-1-2" class="a">
278 <td nowrap>
279 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
280 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
281 <abbr title="Provider of the VNF and of the VNFD"> provider </abbr>
282 </div>
283 </td>
284 <td>leaf</td>
285 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
286 ">string</abbr></td>
287 <td nowrap>config</td>
288 <td></td>
289 <td>current</td>
290 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:provider</td</tr>
291 <tr id="1-1-3" class="a">
292 <td nowrap>
293 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
294 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
295 <abbr title="Name to identify the VNF Product. Invariant for the VNF
296 Product lifetime."> product-name </abbr>
297 </div>
298 </td>
299 <td>leaf</td>
300 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
301 ">string</abbr></td>
302 <td nowrap>config</td>
303 <td></td>
304 <td>current</td>
305 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:product-name</td</tr>
306 <tr id="1-1-4" class="a">
307 <td nowrap>
308 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
309 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
310 <abbr title="Software version of the VNF. This is changed when there is
311 any change to the software that is included in the VNF
312 Package"> software-version </abbr>
313 </div>
314 </td>
315 <td>leaf</td>
316 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
317 ">string</abbr></td>
318 <td nowrap>config</td>
319 <td></td>
320 <td>current</td>
321 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:software-version</td</tr>
322 <tr id="1-1-5" class="a">
323 <td nowrap>
324 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
325 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
326 <abbr title="Identifies the version of the VNFD"> version </abbr>
327 </div>
328 </td>
329 <td>leaf</td>
330 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
331 ">string</abbr></td>
332 <td nowrap>config</td>
333 <td></td>
334 <td>current</td>
335 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:version</td</tr>
336 <tr id="1-1-6" class="a">
337 <td nowrap>
338 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
339 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
340 <abbr title="Human readable name of the VNFD. Can change
341 during the VNF Product lifetime."> <em> product-info-name </em></abbr>
342 </div>
343 </td>
344 <td>leaf</td>
345 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
346 ">string</abbr></td>
347 <td nowrap>config</td>
348 <td>?</td>
349 <td>current</td>
350 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:product-info-name</td</tr>
351 <tr id="1-1-7" class="a">
352 <td nowrap>
353 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
354 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
355 <abbr title="Human readable description of the VNFD. Can change during
356 the VNF Product lifetime."> <em> product-info-description </em></abbr>
357 </div>
358 </td>
359 <td>leaf</td>
360 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
361 ">string</abbr></td>
362 <td nowrap>config</td>
363 <td>?</td>
364 <td>current</td>
365 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:product-info-description</td</tr>
366 <tr id="1-1-8" class="a">
367 <td nowrap>
368 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
369 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
370 <abbr title="Identifies VNFM(s) compatible with the VNF described in
371 this version of the VNFD."> vnfm-info </abbr>
372 </div>
373 </td>
374 <td>leaf-list</td>
375 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
376 ">string</abbr></td>
377 <td nowrap>config</td>
378 <td>*</td>
379 <td>current</td>
380 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vnfm-info</td</tr>
381 <tr id="1-1-9" class="a">
382 <td nowrap>
383 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
384 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
385 <abbr title="Information about the language of the VNF."> <em> localization-language </em></abbr>
386 </div>
387 </td>
388 <td>leaf</td>
389 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
390 ">string</abbr></td>
391 <td nowrap>config</td>
392 <td>?</td>
393 <td>current</td>
394 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:localization-language</td</tr>
395 <tr id="1-1-10" class="a">
396 <td nowrap>
397 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
398 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
399 <abbr title="Default localization language that is instantiated if no
400 information about selected localization language is
401 available. Shall be present if 'localization-language'
402 is present and shall be absent otherwise."> <em> default-localization-language </em></abbr>
403 </div>
404 </td>
405 <td>leaf</td>
406 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
407 ">string</abbr></td>
408 <td nowrap>config</td>
409 <td>?</td>
410 <td>current</td>
411 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:default-localization-language</td</tr>
412 <tr id="1-1-11" class="a">
413 <td nowrap id="p4000">
414 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
415 <a href="#" id="p6000"
416 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
417 class="folder">&nbsp;
418 </a>
419 <abbr title="The Virtualisation Deployment Unit (VDU) is a construct supporting
420 the description of the deployment and operational behaviour of a
421 VNF component, or the entire VNF if it was not componentized in
422 components.">vdu[id]</abbr>
423 </div>
424 </td>
425 <td nowrap>list</td>
426 <td nowrap></td>
427 <td nowrap>config</td>
428 <td></td>
429 <td>current</td>
430 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu</td>
431 </tr>
432 <tr id="1-1-11-1" class="a">
433 <td nowrap>
434 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
435 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
436 <abbr title="Unique identifier of this VDU in VNFD."> id </abbr>
437 </div>
438 </td>
439 <td>leaf</td>
440 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
441 ">string</abbr></td>
442 <td nowrap>config</td>
443 <td></td>
444 <td>current</td>
445 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:id</td</tr>
446 <tr id="1-1-11-2" class="a">
447 <td nowrap>
448 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
449 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
450 <abbr title="Human readable name of the VDU."> name </abbr>
451 </div>
452 </td>
453 <td>leaf</td>
454 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
455 ">string</abbr></td>
456 <td nowrap>config</td>
457 <td></td>
458 <td>current</td>
459 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:name</td</tr>
460 <tr id="1-1-11-3" class="a">
461 <td nowrap>
462 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
463 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
464 <abbr title="Human readable description of the VDU."> <em> description </em></abbr>
465 </div>
466 </td>
467 <td>leaf</td>
468 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
469 ">string</abbr></td>
470 <td nowrap>config</td>
471 <td>?</td>
472 <td>current</td>
473 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:description</td</tr>
474 <tr id="1-1-11-4" class="a">
475 <td nowrap id="p4000">
476 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
477 <a href="#" id="p6000"
478 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
479 class="folder">&nbsp;
480 </a>
481 <abbr title="A internal-connection-point element is a type of
482 connection point and describes network connectivity
483 between a VDU instance and an internal Virtual Link or
484 an external connection point.">int-cpd[id]</abbr>
485 </div>
486 </td>
487 <td nowrap>list</td>
488 <td nowrap></td>
489 <td nowrap>config</td>
490 <td></td>
491 <td>current</td>
492 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd</td>
493 </tr>
494 <tr id="1-1-11-4-1" class="a">
495 <td nowrap>
496 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
497 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
498 <abbr title="Reference of the internal VLD which this internal CPD
499 connects to."> <em> int-virtual-link-desc </em></abbr>
500 </div>
501 </td>
502 <td>leaf</td>
503 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
504 : ../../../int-virtual-link-desc/id">leafref</abbr></td>
505 <td nowrap>config</td>
506 <td>?</td>
507 <td>current</td>
508 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc</td</tr>
509 <tr id="1-1-11-4-2" class="a">
510 <td nowrap>
511 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
512 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
513 <abbr title="Bitrate requirement on this CP."> <em> bitrate-requirement </em></abbr>
514 </div>
515 </td>
516 <td>leaf</td>
517 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
518 ">uint64</abbr></td>
519 <td nowrap>config</td>
520 <td>?</td>
521 <td>current</td>
522 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:bitrate-requirement</td</tr>
523 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3" class="a">
524 <td nowrap id="p4000">
525 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
526 <a href="#" id="p6000"
527 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
528 class="folder">&nbsp;
529 </a>
530 <abbr title="Specifies requirements on a virtual network interface
531 realising the CPs instantiated from this CPD.">virtual-network-interface-requirement[name]</abbr>
532 </div>
533 </td>
534 <td nowrap>list</td>
535 <td nowrap></td>
536 <td nowrap>config</td>
537 <td></td>
538 <td>current</td>
539 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement</td>
540 </tr>
541 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-1" class="a">
542 <td nowrap>
543 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
544 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
545 <abbr title="Provides a human readable name for the requirement."> name </abbr>
546 </div>
547 </td>
548 <td>leaf</td>
549 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
550 ">string</abbr></td>
551 <td nowrap>config</td>
552 <td></td>
553 <td>current</td>
554 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:name</td</tr>
555 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-2" class="a">
556 <td nowrap>
557 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
558 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
559 <abbr title="Provides a human readable description of the requirement."> <em> description </em></abbr>
560 </div>
561 </td>
562 <td>leaf</td>
563 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
564 ">string</abbr></td>
565 <td nowrap>config</td>
566 <td>?</td>
567 <td>current</td>
568 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:description</td</tr>
569 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-3" class="a">
570 <td nowrap>
571 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
572 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
573 <abbr title="Indicates whether fulfilling the constraint is
574 mandatory (true) for successful operation or desirable
575 (false)."> <em> support-mandatory </em></abbr>
576 </div>
577 </td>
578 <td>leaf</td>
579 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
580 ">boolean</abbr></td>
581 <td nowrap>config</td>
582 <td>?</td>
583 <td>current</td>
584 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:support-mandatory</td</tr>
585 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-4" class="a">
586 <td nowrap id="p4000">
587 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
588 <a href="#" id="p6000"
589 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
590 class="folder">&nbsp;
591 </a>
592 <abbr title="The network interface requirements. An element from an
593 array of key-value pairs that articulate the network
594 interface deployment requirements.">network-interface-requirements[key]</abbr>
595 </div>
596 </td>
597 <td nowrap>list</td>
598 <td nowrap></td>
599 <td nowrap>config</td>
600 <td></td>
601 <td>current</td>
602 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:network-interface-requirements</td>
603 </tr>
604 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-4-1" class="a">
605 <td nowrap>
606 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
607 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
608 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
609 </div>
610 </td>
611 <td>leaf</td>
612 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
613 ">string</abbr></td>
614 <td nowrap>config</td>
615 <td></td>
616 <td>current</td>
617 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:network-interface-requirements/vnfd:key</td</tr>
618 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-4-2" class="a">
619 <td nowrap>
620 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
621 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
622 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
623 </div>
624 </td>
625 <td>leaf</td>
626 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
627 ">string</abbr></td>
628 <td nowrap>config</td>
629 <td>?</td>
630 <td>current</td>
631 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:network-interface-requirements/vnfd:value</td</tr>
632 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-5" class="a">
633 <td nowrap id="p4000">
634 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
635 <a href="#" id="p6000"
636 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
637 class="folder">&nbsp;
638 </a>
639 <abbr title="Virtual interfaces quota describes the virtual interface bandwidth resource allocation policy.
640 Limit and Reserve values are defined in Mbps">epa:vif-quota</abbr>
641 </div>
642 </td>
643 <td nowrap>container</td>
644 <td nowrap></td>
645 <td nowrap>config</td>
646 <td></td>
647 <td>current</td>
648 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/epa:vif-quota</td>
649 </tr>
650 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-5-3" class="a">
651 <td nowrap>
652 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
653 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
654 <abbr title="Defines the maximum allocation. The value 0 indicates that usage is not limited.
655 This parameter ensures that the instance never uses more than the defined amount of resource."> <em> epa:limit </em></abbr>
656 </div>
657 </td>
658 <td>leaf</td>
659 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
660 ">uint64</abbr></td>
661 <td nowrap>config</td>
662 <td>?</td>
663 <td>current</td>
664 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/epa:vif-quota/epa:limit</td</tr>
665 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-5-4" class="a">
666 <td nowrap>
667 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
668 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
669 <abbr title="Defines the guaranteed minimum reservation.
670 If needed, the machine will definitely get allocated the reserved amount of resources."> <em> epa:reserve </em></abbr>
671 </div>
672 </td>
673 <td>leaf</td>
674 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
675 ">uint64</abbr></td>
676 <td nowrap>config</td>
677 <td>?</td>
678 <td>current</td>
679 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/epa:vif-quota/epa:reserve</td</tr>
680 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-5-5" class="a">
681 <td nowrap>
682 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
683 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
684 <abbr title="Number of shares allocated.
685 Specifies the proportional weighted share for the domain.
686 If this element is omitted, the service defaults to the OS provided defaults"> <em> epa:shares </em></abbr>
687 </div>
688 </td>
689 <td>leaf</td>
690 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
691 ">uint64</abbr></td>
692 <td nowrap>config</td>
693 <td>?</td>
694 <td>current</td>
695 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/epa:vif-quota/epa:shares</td</tr>
696 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-6" class="a">
697 <td nowrap>
698 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
699 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
700 <abbr title="Explicit Position of the interface within the list"> <em> interface:position </em></abbr>
701 </div>
702 </td>
703 <td>leaf</td>
704 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
705 ">uint32</abbr></td>
706 <td nowrap>config</td>
707 <td>?</td>
708 <td>current</td>
709 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/interface:position</td</tr>
710 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-7" class="a">
711 <td nowrap>
712 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
713 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
714 <abbr title="MAC address of the interface.
715 Some VNFs require a specific MAC address to be configured
716 in the interface. While this is not recommended at all in
717 NFV environments, this parameter exists to allow those
718 scenarios.
719 This parameter will be likely deprecated in the future."> <em> interface:mac-address </em></abbr>
720 </div>
721 </td>
722 <td>leaf</td>
723 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
724 ">string</abbr></td>
725 <td nowrap>config</td>
726 <td>?</td>
727 <td>current</td>
728 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/interface:mac-address</td</tr>
729 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-8" class="a">
730 <td nowrap id="p4000">
731 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
732 <a href="#" id="p6000"
733 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
734 class="folder">&nbsp;
735 </a>
736 <abbr title="Container for the virtual interface properties">interface:virtual-interface</abbr>
737 </div>
738 </td>
739 <td nowrap>container</td>
740 <td nowrap></td>
741 <td nowrap>config</td>
742 <td></td>
743 <td>current</td>
744 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/interface:virtual-interface</td>
745 </tr>
746 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-8-6" class="a">
747 <td nowrap>
748 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
749 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
750 <abbr title="Specifies the type of virtual interface
751 between VM and host.
752 PARAVIRT : Use the default paravirtualized interface for the VIM (virtio, vmxnet3, etc.).
753 VIRTIO : Deprecated! Use the traditional VIRTIO interface.
755 SR-IOV : Use SR-IOV interface.
756 E1000 : Emulate E1000 interface.
757 RTL8139 : Emulate RTL8139 interface.
758 PCNET : Emulate PCNET interface.
759 OM-MGMT : Deprecated! Use PARAVIRT instead and set the VNF management interface at vnfd:mgmt-interface:cp"> <em> interface:type </em></abbr>
760 </div>
761 </td>
762 <td>leaf</td>
763 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
764 : {PARAVIRT,OM-MGMT,PCI-PASSTHROUGH,SR-IOV,VIRTIO,E1000,RTL8139,PCNET,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
765 <td nowrap>config</td>
766 <td>?</td>
767 <td>current</td>
768 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/interface:virtual-interface/interface:type</td</tr>
769 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-8-7" class="a">
770 <td nowrap>
771 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
772 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
773 <abbr title="Specifies the virtual PCI address. Expressed in
774 the following format dddd:dd:dd.d. For example
775 0000:00:12.0. This information can be used to
776 pass as metadata during the VM creation."> <em> interface:vpci </em></abbr>
777 </div>
778 </td>
779 <td>leaf</td>
780 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
781 ">string</abbr></td>
782 <td nowrap>config</td>
783 <td>?</td>
784 <td>current</td>
785 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/interface:virtual-interface/interface:vpci</td</tr>
786 <tr id="1-1-11-4-3-8-8" class="a">
787 <td nowrap>
788 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
789 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
790 <abbr title="Aggregate bandwidth of the NIC."> <em> interface:bandwidth </em></abbr>
791 </div>
792 </td>
793 <td>leaf</td>
794 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
795 ">uint64</abbr></td>
796 <td nowrap>config</td>
797 <td>?</td>
798 <td>current</td>
799 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/interface:virtual-interface/interface:bandwidth</td</tr>
800 <tr id="1-1-11-4-4" class="a">
801 <td nowrap>
802 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
803 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
804 <abbr title="This references (couples) the CPD with any logical node I/O
805 requirements (for network devices) that may have been
806 created. Linking these attributes is necessary so that so
807 that I/O requirements that need to be articulated at the
808 logical node level can be associated with the network
809 interface requirements associated with the CPD."> <em> nicio-requirements </em></abbr>
810 </div>
811 </td>
812 <td>leaf</td>
813 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
814 : ../../../virtual-compute-desc/id">leafref</abbr></td>
815 <td nowrap>config</td>
816 <td>?</td>
817 <td>current</td>
818 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:nicio-requirements</td</tr>
819 <tr id="1-1-11-4-5" class="a">
820 <td nowrap>
821 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
822 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
823 <abbr title="The order of the NIC to be assigned on the compute
824 instance (e.g. 2 for eth2).
826 Note: when binding more than one port to a single
827 compute (aka multi vNICs) and ordering is desired, it
828 is mandatory that all ports will be set with an order
829 value. The order values shall represent a positive,
830 arithmetic progression that starts with 0 (i.e. 0, 1,
831 2,..., n).
833 If the property is not present, it shall be left to the
834 VIM to assign a value when creating the instance."> order </abbr>
835 </div>
836 </td>
837 <td>leaf-list</td>
838 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
839 ">uint32</abbr></td>
840 <td nowrap>config</td>
841 <td>*</td>
842 <td>current</td>
843 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:order</td</tr>
844 <tr id="1-1-11-4-6" class="a">
845 <td nowrap>
846 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
847 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
848 <abbr title="Identifier of this Cpd information element."> id </abbr>
849 </div>
850 </td>
851 <td>leaf</td>
852 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
853 ">string</abbr></td>
854 <td nowrap>config</td>
855 <td></td>
856 <td>current</td>
857 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:id</td</tr>
858 <tr id="1-1-11-4-7" class="a">
859 <td nowrap>
860 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
861 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
862 <abbr title="Identifies a protocol that the connection points
863 corresponding to the CPD support for connectivity purposes
864 (e.g. Ethernet, MPLS, ODU2, IPV4, IPV6, Pseudo-Wire, etc.)."> layer-protocol </abbr>
865 </div>
866 </td>
867 <td>leaf-list</td>
868 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
869 {layer-protocol}">identityref</abbr></td>
870 <td nowrap>config</td>
871 <td>*</td>
872 <td>current</td>
873 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:layer-protocol</td</tr>
874 <tr id="1-1-11-4-8" class="a">
875 <td nowrap>
876 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
877 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
878 <abbr title="Identifies the role of the connection points
879 corresponding to the CPD in the context of the traffic
880 flow patterns in the VNF, PNF or NS. For example an NS with
881 a tree flow pattern within the NS will have legal cpRoles
882 of ROOT and LEAF."> <em> role </em></abbr>
883 </div>
884 </td>
885 <td>leaf</td>
886 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
887 {cp-role}">identityref</abbr></td>
888 <td nowrap>config</td>
889 <td>?</td>
890 <td>current</td>
891 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:role</td</tr>
892 <tr id="1-1-11-4-9" class="a">
893 <td nowrap>
894 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
895 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
896 <abbr title="Provides human-readable information on the purpose of the
897 connection point (e.g. connection point for control plane
898 traffic)."> <em> description </em></abbr>
899 </div>
900 </td>
901 <td>leaf</td>
902 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
903 ">string</abbr></td>
904 <td nowrap>config</td>
905 <td>?</td>
906 <td>current</td>
907 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:description</td</tr>
908 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10" class="a">
909 <td nowrap id="p4000">
910 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
911 <a href="#" id="p6000"
912 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
913 class="folder">&nbsp;
914 </a>
915 <abbr title="Identifies the protocol layering information the CP uses for
916 connectivity purposes and associated information. There shall
917 be one cpProtocol for each layer protocol as indicated by the
918 attribute layerProtocol. When a PnfExtCpd as defined in ETSI
919 GS NFV-IFA 014 [i.8] is inherited from this Cpd, the
920 cardinality is set to 0.">protocol[associated-layer-protocol]</abbr>
921 </div>
922 </td>
923 <td nowrap>list</td>
924 <td nowrap></td>
925 <td nowrap>config</td>
926 <td></td>
927 <td>current</td>
928 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol</td>
929 </tr>
930 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10-9" class="a">
931 <td nowrap>
932 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
933 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
934 <abbr title="One of the values of the attribute layerProtocol of the Cpd
935 IE."> associated-layer-protocol </abbr>
936 </div>
937 </td>
938 <td>leaf</td>
939 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
940 {layer-protocol}">identityref</abbr></td>
941 <td nowrap>config</td>
942 <td></td>
943 <td>current</td>
944 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:associated-layer-protocol</td</tr>
945 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10-10" class="a">
946 <td nowrap id="p4000">
947 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
948 <a href="#" id="p6000"
949 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
950 class="folder">&nbsp;
951 </a>
952 <abbr title="Provides information on the addresses to be assigned to the
953 CP(s) instantiated from the CPD.">address-data[type]</abbr>
954 </div>
955 </td>
956 <td nowrap>list</td>
957 <td nowrap></td>
958 <td nowrap>config</td>
959 <td></td>
960 <td>current</td>
961 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data</td>
962 </tr>
963 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10-10-9" class="a">
964 <td nowrap>
965 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
966 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
967 <abbr title="Describes the type of the address to be assigned to the
968 CP instantiated from the parent CPD.
969 Value:
970 MAC address.
971 IP address.
972 Etc.
973 The content type shall be aligned with the address type
974 supported by the layerProtocol attribute of the parent
975 CPD."> type </abbr>
976 </div>
977 </td>
978 <td>leaf</td>
979 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
980 {address-type}">identityref</abbr></td>
981 <td nowrap>config</td>
982 <td></td>
983 <td>current</td>
984 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:type</td</tr>
985 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10-10-10" class="a">
986 <td nowrap id="p4000">
987 <div id="p5000" class="tier7">
988 <a href="#" id="p6000"
989 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
990 class="folder">&nbsp;
991 </a>
992 <abbr title="Provides the information on the MAC addresses to be
993 assigned to the CP(s) instantiated from the parent CPD.
994 Shall be present when the addressType is MAC address.">l2-address-data</abbr>
995 </div>
996 </td>
997 <td nowrap>container</td>
998 <td nowrap></td>
999 <td nowrap>config</td>
1000 <td></td>
1001 <td>current</td>
1002 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l2-address-data</td>
1003 </tr>
1004 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10-10-10-1" class="a">
1005 <td nowrap>
1006 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
1007 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1008 <abbr title="Specify if the MAC address assignment is the
1009 responsibility of management and orchestration function
1010 or not. If it is set to True, it is the management and
1011 orchestration function responsibility. If it is set to
1012 False, it will be provided by an external entity,
1013 e.g. OSS/BSS."> mac-address-assignment </abbr>
1014 </div>
1015 </td>
1016 <td>leaf</td>
1017 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
1018 ">boolean</abbr></td>
1019 <td nowrap>config</td>
1020 <td></td>
1021 <td>current</td>
1022 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l2-address-data/vnfd:mac-address-assignment</td</tr>
1023 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10-10-11" class="a">
1024 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1025 <div id="p5000" class="tier7">
1026 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1027 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1028 class="folder">&nbsp;
1029 </a>
1030 <abbr title="No description">l3-address-data</abbr>
1031 </div>
1032 </td>
1033 <td nowrap>container</td>
1034 <td nowrap></td>
1035 <td nowrap>config</td>
1036 <td></td>
1037 <td>current</td>
1038 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l3-address-data</td>
1039 </tr>
1040 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10-10-11-2" class="a">
1041 <td nowrap>
1042 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
1043 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1044 <abbr title="Specify if the address assignment is the responsibility
1045 of management and orchestration function or not. If it
1046 is set to True, it is the management and orchestration
1047 function responsibility. "> ip-address-assignment </abbr>
1048 </div>
1049 </td>
1050 <td>leaf</td>
1051 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
1052 ">boolean</abbr></td>
1053 <td nowrap>config</td>
1054 <td></td>
1055 <td>current</td>
1056 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l3-address-data/vnfd:ip-address-assignment</td</tr>
1057 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10-10-11-3" class="a">
1058 <td nowrap>
1059 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
1060 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1061 <abbr title="Specify if the floating IP scheme is activated on the CP
1062 or not."> floating-ip-activated </abbr>
1063 </div>
1064 </td>
1065 <td>leaf</td>
1066 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
1067 ">boolean</abbr></td>
1068 <td nowrap>config</td>
1069 <td></td>
1070 <td>current</td>
1071 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l3-address-data/vnfd:floating-ip-activated</td</tr>
1072 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10-10-11-4" class="a">
1073 <td nowrap>
1074 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
1075 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1076 <abbr title="Define address type. The address type should be aligned
1077 with the address type supported by the layerProtocol
1078 attribute of the parent VnfExtCpd."> <em> ip-address-type </em></abbr>
1079 </div>
1080 </td>
1081 <td>leaf</td>
1082 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
1083 : {ipv4,ipv6,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
1084 <td nowrap>config</td>
1085 <td>?</td>
1086 <td>current</td>
1087 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l3-address-data/vnfd:ip-address-type</td</tr>
1088 <tr id="1-1-11-4-10-10-11-5" class="a">
1089 <td nowrap>
1090 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
1091 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1092 <abbr title="Minimum number of IP addresses to be assigned based on
1093 this L3AddressData information element."> <em> number-of-ip-addresses </em></abbr>
1094 </div>
1095 </td>
1096 <td>leaf</td>
1097 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
1098 ">uint32</abbr></td>
1099 <td nowrap>config</td>
1100 <td>?</td>
1101 <td>current</td>
1102 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l3-address-data/vnfd:number-of-ip-addresses</td</tr>
1103 <tr id="1-1-11-4-11" class="a">
1104 <td nowrap>
1105 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1106 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1107 <abbr title="Information about whether the Cp instantiated from this CPD
1108 is in Trunk mode (802.1Q or other). When operating in
1109 'trunk mode', the Cp is capable of carrying traffic for
1110 several VLANs. A cardinality of 0 implies that trunkMode
1111 is not configured for the Cp i.e. It is equivalent to
1112 Boolean value 'false'."> <em> trunk-mode </em></abbr>
1113 </div>
1114 </td>
1115 <td>leaf</td>
1116 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
1117 ">boolean</abbr></td>
1118 <td nowrap>config</td>
1119 <td>?</td>
1120 <td>current</td>
1121 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:trunk-mode</td</tr>
1122 <tr id="1-1-11-4-12" class="a">
1123 <td nowrap>
1124 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1125 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1126 <abbr title="Reference of the security group rules bound to this
1127 CPD."> <em> security-group-rule-id </em></abbr>
1128 </div>
1129 </td>
1130 <td>leaf</td>
1131 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
1132 : ../../../security-group-rule/id">leafref</abbr></td>
1133 <td nowrap>config</td>
1134 <td>?</td>
1135 <td>current</td>
1136 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:security-group-rule-id</td</tr>
1137 <tr id="1-1-11-4-13" class="a">
1138 <td nowrap>
1139 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1140 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1141 <abbr title="Enables the port security for the port."> <em> various:port-security-enabled </em></abbr>
1142 </div>
1143 </td>
1144 <td>leaf</td>
1145 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
1146 ">boolean</abbr></td>
1147 <td nowrap>config</td>
1148 <td>?</td>
1149 <td>current</td>
1150 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/various:port-security-enabled</td</tr>
1151 <tr id="1-1-11-5" class="a">
1152 <td nowrap>
1153 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
1154 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1155 <abbr title="Describes CPU, Memory and acceleration requirements of
1156 the Virtualisation Container realizing this VDU."> <em> virtual-compute-desc </em></abbr>
1157 </div>
1158 </td>
1159 <td>leaf</td>
1160 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
1161 : ../../virtual-compute-desc/id">leafref</abbr></td>
1162 <td nowrap>config</td>
1163 <td>?</td>
1164 <td>current</td>
1165 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc</td</tr>
1166 <tr id="1-1-11-6" class="a">
1167 <td nowrap>
1168 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
1169 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
1170 <abbr title="Describes storage requirements for a VirtualStorage
1171 instance attached to the virtualisation container
1172 created from virtualComputeDesc defined for this VDU."> virtual-storage-desc </abbr>
1173 </div>
1174 </td>
1175 <td>leaf-list</td>
1176 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
1177 : ../../virtual-storage-desc/id">leafref</abbr></td>
1178 <td nowrap>config</td>
1179 <td>*</td>
1180 <td>current</td>
1181 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc</td</tr>
1182 <tr id="1-1-11-7" class="a">
1183 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1184 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
1185 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1186 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1187 class="folder">&nbsp;
1188 </a>
1189 <abbr title="The key indicates the boot index (lowest index defines
1190 highest boot priority). The Value references a descriptor
1191 from which a valid boot device is created e.g.
1192 VirtualStorageDesc from which a VirtualStorage instance
1193 is created.
1195 Editor's note: The boot-order node requires further
1196 study.">boot-order[key]</abbr>
1197 </div>
1198 </td>
1199 <td nowrap>list</td>
1200 <td nowrap></td>
1201 <td nowrap>config</td>
1202 <td></td>
1203 <td>current</td>
1204 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:boot-order</td>
1205 </tr>
1206 <tr id="1-1-11-7-14" class="a">
1207 <td nowrap>
1208 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1209 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1210 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
1211 </div>
1212 </td>
1213 <td>leaf</td>
1214 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
1215 ">uint32</abbr></td>
1216 <td nowrap>config</td>
1217 <td></td>
1218 <td>current</td>
1219 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:boot-order/vnfd:key</td</tr>
1220 <tr id="1-1-11-7-15" class="a">
1221 <td nowrap>
1222 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1223 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1224 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
1225 </div>
1226 </td>
1227 <td>leaf</td>
1228 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
1229 : ../../virtual-storage-desc">leafref</abbr></td>
1230 <td nowrap>config</td>
1231 <td>?</td>
1232 <td>current</td>
1233 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:boot-order/vnfd:value</td</tr>
1234 <tr id="1-1-11-8" class="a">
1235 <td nowrap>
1236 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
1237 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1238 <abbr title="Describes the software image which is directly loaded on
1239 the virtualisation container realising this Vdu."> <em> sw-image-desc </em></abbr>
1240 </div>
1241 </td>
1242 <td>leaf</td>
1243 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
1244 : ../../sw-image-desc/id">leafref</abbr></td>
1245 <td nowrap>config</td>
1246 <td>?</td>
1247 <td>current</td>
1248 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:sw-image-desc</td</tr>
1249 <tr id="1-1-11-9" class="a">
1250 <td nowrap>
1251 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
1252 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
1253 <abbr title="Describes constraints on the NFVI for the VNFC
1254 instance(s) created from this Vdu. For example, aspects
1255 of a secure hosting environment for the VNFC instance
1256 that involve additional entities or processes."> nfvi-constraint </abbr>
1257 </div>
1258 </td>
1259 <td>leaf-list</td>
1260 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1261 ">string</abbr></td>
1262 <td nowrap>config</td>
1263 <td>*</td>
1264 <td>current</td>
1265 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:nfvi-constraint</td</tr>
1266 <tr id="1-1-11-10" class="a">
1267 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1268 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
1269 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1270 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1271 class="folder">&nbsp;
1272 </a>
1273 <abbr title="No description">monitoring-parameter[id]</abbr>
1274 </div>
1275 </td>
1276 <td nowrap>list</td>
1277 <td nowrap></td>
1278 <td nowrap>config</td>
1279 <td></td>
1280 <td>current</td>
1281 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:monitoring-parameter</td>
1282 </tr>
1283 <tr id="1-1-11-10-16" class="a">
1284 <td nowrap>
1285 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1286 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1287 <abbr title="Unique identifier of the monitoring parameter."> id </abbr>
1288 </div>
1289 </td>
1290 <td>leaf</td>
1291 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1292 ">string</abbr></td>
1293 <td nowrap>config</td>
1294 <td></td>
1295 <td>current</td>
1296 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:monitoring-parameter/vnfd:id</td</tr>
1297 <tr id="1-1-11-10-17" class="a">
1298 <td nowrap>
1299 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1300 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1301 <abbr title="Human readable name of the monitoring parameter."> <em> name </em></abbr>
1302 </div>
1303 </td>
1304 <td>leaf</td>
1305 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1306 ">string</abbr></td>
1307 <td nowrap>config</td>
1308 <td>?</td>
1309 <td>current</td>
1310 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:monitoring-parameter/vnfd:name</td</tr>
1311 <tr id="1-1-11-10-18" class="a">
1312 <td nowrap>
1313 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1314 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1315 <abbr title="Performance metric that is monitored. This attribute shall
1316 contain the related 'Measurement Name' value as defined in
1317 clause 7.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 027"> <em> performance-metric </em></abbr>
1318 </div>
1319 </td>
1320 <td>leaf</td>
1321 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1322 ">string</abbr></td>
1323 <td nowrap>config</td>
1324 <td>?</td>
1325 <td>current</td>
1326 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:monitoring-parameter/vnfd:performance-metric</td</tr>
1327 <tr id="1-1-11-10-19" class="a">
1328 <td nowrap>
1329 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1330 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1331 <abbr title="An attribute that describes the recommended periodicity at
1332 which to collect the performance information. VNFM determines
1333 if this parameter is considered.
1335 The vendor may provide this information as a guidance for
1336 creating PmJobs if needed."> <em> collection-period </em></abbr>
1337 </div>
1338 </td>
1339 <td>leaf</td>
1340 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
1341 ">uint64</abbr></td>
1342 <td nowrap>config</td>
1343 <td>?</td>
1344 <td>current</td>
1345 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:monitoring-parameter/vnfd:collection-period</td</tr>
1346 <tr id="1-1-11-11" class="a">
1347 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1348 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
1349 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1350 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1351 class="folder">&nbsp;
1352 </a>
1353 <abbr title="It provides VNFC configurable properties that can be
1354 modified using the ModifyVnfInfo operation.">configurable-properties[key]</abbr>
1355 </div>
1356 </td>
1357 <td nowrap>list</td>
1358 <td nowrap></td>
1359 <td nowrap>config</td>
1360 <td></td>
1361 <td>current</td>
1362 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:configurable-properties</td>
1363 </tr>
1364 <tr id="1-1-11-11-20" class="a">
1365 <td nowrap>
1366 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1367 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1368 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
1369 </div>
1370 </td>
1371 <td>leaf</td>
1372 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1373 ">string</abbr></td>
1374 <td nowrap>config</td>
1375 <td></td>
1376 <td>current</td>
1377 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:configurable-properties/vnfd:key</td</tr>
1378 <tr id="1-1-11-11-21" class="a">
1379 <td nowrap>
1380 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1381 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1382 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
1383 </div>
1384 </td>
1385 <td>leaf</td>
1386 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1387 ">string</abbr></td>
1388 <td nowrap>config</td>
1389 <td>?</td>
1390 <td>current</td>
1391 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:configurable-properties/vnfd:value</td</tr>
1392 <tr id="1-1-11-12" class="a">
1393 <td nowrap>
1394 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
1395 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1396 <abbr title="Contains a string or a URL to a file contained in the
1397 VNF package used to customize a virtualised compute
1398 resource at boot time. The bootData may contain variable
1399 parts that are replaced by deployment specific values
1400 before being sent to the VIM."> <em> boot-data </em></abbr>
1401 </div>
1402 </td>
1403 <td>leaf</td>
1404 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1405 ">string</abbr></td>
1406 <td nowrap>config</td>
1407 <td>?</td>
1408 <td>current</td>
1409 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:boot-data</td</tr>
1410 <tr id="1-1-11-13" class="a">
1411 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1412 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
1413 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1414 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1415 class="folder">&nbsp;
1416 </a>
1417 <abbr title="No description">alarm:alarm[alarm-id]</abbr>
1418 </div>
1419 </td>
1420 <td nowrap>list</td>
1421 <td nowrap></td>
1422 <td nowrap>config</td>
1423 <td></td>
1424 <td>current</td>
1425 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm</td>
1426 </tr>
1427 <tr id="1-1-11-13-22" class="a">
1428 <td nowrap>
1429 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1430 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1431 <abbr title="This field is reserved for the identifier assigned by the VIM provider"> alarm:alarm-id </abbr>
1432 </div>
1433 </td>
1434 <td>leaf</td>
1435 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1436 ">string</abbr></td>
1437 <td nowrap>config</td>
1438 <td></td>
1439 <td>current</td>
1440 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:alarm-id</td</tr>
1441 <tr id="1-1-11-13-23" class="a">
1442 <td nowrap>
1443 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1444 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1445 <abbr title="Reference to the VNF level monitoring parameter
1446 that is aggregated"> <em> alarm:vnf-monitoring-param-ref </em></abbr>
1447 </div>
1448 </td>
1449 <td>leaf</td>
1450 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
1451 : /vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:monitoring-parameter/vnfd:id">leafref</abbr></td>
1452 <td nowrap>config</td>
1453 <td>?</td>
1454 <td>current</td>
1455 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:vnf-monitoring-param-ref</td</tr>
1456 <tr id="1-1-11-13-24" class="a">
1457 <td nowrap>
1458 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1459 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1460 <abbr title="A human readable string to identify the alarm"> <em> alarm:name </em></abbr>
1461 </div>
1462 </td>
1463 <td>leaf</td>
1464 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1465 ">string</abbr></td>
1466 <td nowrap>config</td>
1467 <td>?</td>
1468 <td>current</td>
1469 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:name</td</tr>
1470 <tr id="1-1-11-13-25" class="a">
1471 <td nowrap>
1472 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1473 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1474 <abbr title="A description of this alarm"> <em> alarm:description </em></abbr>
1475 </div>
1476 </td>
1477 <td>leaf</td>
1478 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1479 ">string</abbr></td>
1480 <td nowrap>config</td>
1481 <td>?</td>
1482 <td>current</td>
1483 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:description</td</tr>
1484 <tr id="1-1-11-13-26" class="a">
1485 <td nowrap>
1486 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1487 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1488 <abbr title="The identifier of the VDUR that the alarm is associated with"> <em> alarm:vdur-id </em></abbr>
1489 </div>
1490 </td>
1491 <td>leaf</td>
1492 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1493 ">string</abbr></td>
1494 <td nowrap>config</td>
1495 <td>?</td>
1496 <td>current</td>
1497 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:vdur-id</td</tr>
1498 <tr id="1-1-11-13-27" class="a">
1499 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1500 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
1501 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1502 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1503 class="folder">&nbsp;
1504 </a>
1505 <abbr title="No description">alarm:actions</abbr>
1506 </div>
1507 </td>
1508 <td nowrap>container</td>
1509 <td nowrap></td>
1510 <td nowrap>config</td>
1511 <td></td>
1512 <td>current</td>
1513 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:actions</td>
1514 </tr>
1515 <tr id="1-1-11-13-27-11" class="a">
1516 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1517 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
1518 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1519 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1520 class="folder">&nbsp;
1521 </a>
1522 <abbr title="No description">alarm:ok[url]</abbr>
1523 </div>
1524 </td>
1525 <td nowrap>list</td>
1526 <td nowrap></td>
1527 <td nowrap>config</td>
1528 <td></td>
1529 <td>current</td>
1530 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:actions/alarm:ok</td>
1531 </tr>
1532 <tr id="1-1-11-13-27-11-12" class="a">
1533 <td nowrap>
1534 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
1535 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1536 <abbr title="No description"> alarm:url </abbr>
1537 </div>
1538 </td>
1539 <td>leaf</td>
1540 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1541 ">string</abbr></td>
1542 <td nowrap>config</td>
1543 <td></td>
1544 <td>current</td>
1545 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:actions/alarm:ok/alarm:url</td</tr>
1546 <tr id="1-1-11-13-27-12" class="a">
1547 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1548 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
1549 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1550 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1551 class="folder">&nbsp;
1552 </a>
1553 <abbr title="No description">alarm:insufficient-data[url]</abbr>
1554 </div>
1555 </td>
1556 <td nowrap>list</td>
1557 <td nowrap></td>
1558 <td nowrap>config</td>
1559 <td></td>
1560 <td>current</td>
1561 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:actions/alarm:insufficient-data</td>
1562 </tr>
1563 <tr id="1-1-11-13-27-12-13" class="a">
1564 <td nowrap>
1565 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
1566 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1567 <abbr title="No description"> alarm:url </abbr>
1568 </div>
1569 </td>
1570 <td>leaf</td>
1571 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1572 ">string</abbr></td>
1573 <td nowrap>config</td>
1574 <td></td>
1575 <td>current</td>
1576 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:actions/alarm:insufficient-data/alarm:url</td</tr>
1577 <tr id="1-1-11-13-27-13" class="a">
1578 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1579 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
1580 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1581 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1582 class="folder">&nbsp;
1583 </a>
1584 <abbr title="No description">alarm:alarm[url]</abbr>
1585 </div>
1586 </td>
1587 <td nowrap>list</td>
1588 <td nowrap></td>
1589 <td nowrap>config</td>
1590 <td></td>
1591 <td>current</td>
1592 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:actions/alarm:alarm</td>
1593 </tr>
1594 <tr id="1-1-11-13-27-13-14" class="a">
1595 <td nowrap>
1596 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
1597 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1598 <abbr title="No description"> alarm:url </abbr>
1599 </div>
1600 </td>
1601 <td>leaf</td>
1602 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1603 ">string</abbr></td>
1604 <td nowrap>config</td>
1605 <td></td>
1606 <td>current</td>
1607 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:actions/alarm:alarm/alarm:url</td</tr>
1608 <tr id="1-1-11-13-28" class="a">
1609 <td nowrap>
1610 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1611 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1612 <abbr title="This flag indicates whether the alarm should be repeatedly emitted
1613 while the associated threshold has been crossed."> <em> alarm:repeat </em></abbr>
1614 </div>
1615 </td>
1616 <td>leaf</td>
1617 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
1618 ">boolean</abbr></td>
1619 <td nowrap>config</td>
1620 <td>?</td>
1621 <td>current</td>
1622 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:repeat</td</tr>
1623 <tr id="1-1-11-13-29" class="a">
1624 <td nowrap>
1625 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1626 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1627 <abbr title="This flag indicates whether the alarm has been enabled or
1628 disabled."> <em> alarm:enabled </em></abbr>
1629 </div>
1630 </td>
1631 <td>leaf</td>
1632 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
1633 ">boolean</abbr></td>
1634 <td nowrap>config</td>
1635 <td>?</td>
1636 <td>current</td>
1637 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:enabled</td</tr>
1638 <tr id="1-1-11-13-30" class="a">
1639 <td nowrap>
1640 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1641 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1642 <abbr title="A measure of the importance or urgency of the alarm"> <em> alarm:severity </em></abbr>
1643 </div>
1644 </td>
1645 <td>leaf</td>
1646 <td nowrap><abbr title="alarm-severity-type
1647 enumeration
1648 : {LOW,MODERATE,CRITICAL,}">alarm-severity-type</abbr></td>
1649 <td nowrap>config</td>
1650 <td>?</td>
1651 <td>current</td>
1652 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:severity</td</tr>
1653 <tr id="1-1-11-13-31" class="a">
1654 <td nowrap>
1655 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1656 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1657 <abbr title="The type of metric statistic that is tracked by this alarm"> <em> alarm:statistic </em></abbr>
1658 </div>
1659 </td>
1660 <td>leaf</td>
1661 <td nowrap><abbr title="alarm-statistic-type
1662 enumeration
1663 : {AVERAGE,MINIMUM,MAXIMUM,COUNT,SUM,}">alarm-statistic-type</abbr></td>
1664 <td nowrap>config</td>
1665 <td>?</td>
1666 <td>current</td>
1667 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:statistic</td</tr>
1668 <tr id="1-1-11-13-32" class="a">
1669 <td nowrap>
1670 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1671 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1672 <abbr title="The relational operator used to define whether an alarm should be
1673 triggered in certain scenarios, such as if the metric statistic
1674 goes above or below a specified value."> <em> alarm:operation </em></abbr>
1675 </div>
1676 </td>
1677 <td>leaf</td>
1678 <td nowrap><abbr title="relational-operation-type
1679 enumeration
1680 : {GE,LE,GT,LT,EQ,}">relational-operation-type</abbr></td>
1681 <td nowrap>config</td>
1682 <td>?</td>
1683 <td>current</td>
1684 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:operation</td</tr>
1685 <tr id="1-1-11-13-33" class="a">
1686 <td nowrap>
1687 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1688 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1689 <abbr title="This value defines the threshold that, if crossed, will trigger
1690 the alarm."> <em> alarm:value </em></abbr>
1691 </div>
1692 </td>
1693 <td>leaf</td>
1694 <td nowrap><abbr title="decimal64
1695 ">decimal64</abbr></td>
1696 <td nowrap>config</td>
1697 <td>?</td>
1698 <td>current</td>
1699 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:value</td</tr>
1700 <tr id="1-1-11-13-34" class="a">
1701 <td nowrap>
1702 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1703 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1704 <abbr title="The period defines the length of time (seconds) that the metric
1705 data are collected over in oreder to evaluate the chosen
1706 statistic."> <em> alarm:period </em></abbr>
1707 </div>
1708 </td>
1709 <td>leaf</td>
1710 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
1711 ">uint32</abbr></td>
1712 <td nowrap>config</td>
1713 <td>?</td>
1714 <td>current</td>
1715 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:period</td</tr>
1716 <tr id="1-1-11-13-35" class="a">
1717 <td nowrap>
1718 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1719 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1720 <abbr title="Defines the length of time (seconds) in which metric data are
1721 collected in order to evaluate the chosen statistic."> <em> alarm:evaluations </em></abbr>
1722 </div>
1723 </td>
1724 <td>leaf</td>
1725 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
1726 ">uint32</abbr></td>
1727 <td nowrap>config</td>
1728 <td>?</td>
1729 <td>current</td>
1730 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alarm:alarm/alarm:evaluations</td</tr>
1731 <tr id="1-1-11-14" class="a">
1732 <td nowrap>
1733 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
1734 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
1735 <abbr title="List of alternative images per VIM type.
1736 Different images can be used for specific types of VIMs instead
1737 of the default image. This allows deployments in sites where the
1738 image identifier in the VIM is given by the VIM provider and
1739 cannot be modified.
1740 If an alternative image is specified for a VIM type, it will prevail
1741 over the default image"> alternative-images:alternative-sw-image-desc </abbr>
1742 </div>
1743 </td>
1744 <td>leaf-list</td>
1745 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
1746 : /vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:id">leafref</abbr></td>
1747 <td nowrap>config</td>
1748 <td>*</td>
1749 <td>current</td>
1750 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/alternative-images:alternative-sw-image-desc</td</tr>
1751 <tr id="1-1-11-15" class="a">
1752 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1753 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
1754 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1755 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1756 class="folder">&nbsp;
1757 </a>
1758 <abbr title="Indicates how the contents of cloud-init script are provided.
1759 There are 2 choices - inline or in a file">(cloud-init-input)</abbr>
1760 </div>
1761 </td>
1762 <td nowrap>choice</td>
1763 <td nowrap></td>
1764 <td nowrap>config</td>
1765 <td>Choice</td>
1766 <td>current</td>
1767 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu</td>
1768 </tr>
1769 <tr id="1-1-11-15-36" class="a">
1770 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1771 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
1772 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1773 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1774 class="folder">&nbsp;
1775 </a>
1776 <abbr title="No description">:(inline)</abbr>
1777 </div>
1778 </td>
1779 <td nowrap>case</td>
1780 <td nowrap></td>
1781 <td nowrap>config</td>
1782 <td></td>
1783 <td>current</td>
1784 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu</td>
1785 </tr>
1786 <tr id="1-1-11-15-36-14" class="a">
1787 <td nowrap>
1788 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
1789 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1790 <abbr title="Contents of cloud-init script, provided inline, in cloud-config format"> <em> cloud-init:cloud-init </em></abbr>
1791 </div>
1792 </td>
1793 <td>leaf</td>
1794 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1795 ">string</abbr></td>
1796 <td nowrap>config</td>
1797 <td>?</td>
1798 <td>current</td>
1799 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/cloud-init:cloud-init</td</tr>
1800 <tr id="1-1-11-15-37" class="a">
1801 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1802 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
1803 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1804 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1805 class="folder">&nbsp;
1806 </a>
1807 <abbr title="No description">:(filename)</abbr>
1808 </div>
1809 </td>
1810 <td nowrap>case</td>
1811 <td nowrap></td>
1812 <td nowrap>config</td>
1813 <td></td>
1814 <td>current</td>
1815 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu</td>
1816 </tr>
1817 <tr id="1-1-11-15-37-15" class="a">
1818 <td nowrap>
1819 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
1820 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1821 <abbr title="Name of file with contents of cloud-init script in cloud-config format"> <em> cloud-init:cloud-init-file </em></abbr>
1822 </div>
1823 </td>
1824 <td>leaf</td>
1825 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1826 ">string</abbr></td>
1827 <td nowrap>config</td>
1828 <td>?</td>
1829 <td>current</td>
1830 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/cloud-init:cloud-init-file</td</tr>
1831 <tr id="1-1-11-16" class="a">
1832 <td nowrap>
1833 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
1834 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1835 <abbr title="Type of PDU. If this field exists, the deployment unit must be
1836 understood as a PDU, not as a VDU. This field is used to identify
1837 the category of PDU instances to be used at instantiation time. For
1838 the instantiation to be successful, there must be available
1839 PDU instances of this type in the selected datacenter."> <em> various:pdu-type </em></abbr>
1840 </div>
1841 </td>
1842 <td>leaf</td>
1843 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1844 ">string</abbr></td>
1845 <td nowrap>config</td>
1846 <td>?</td>
1847 <td>current</td>
1848 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/various:pdu-type</td</tr>
1849 <tr id="1-1-11-17" class="a">
1850 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1851 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
1852 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1853 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1854 class="folder">&nbsp;
1855 </a>
1856 <abbr title="No description">various:supplemental-boot-data</abbr>
1857 </div>
1858 </td>
1859 <td nowrap>container</td>
1860 <td nowrap></td>
1861 <td nowrap>config</td>
1862 <td></td>
1863 <td>current</td>
1864 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/various:supplemental-boot-data</td>
1865 </tr>
1866 <tr id="1-1-11-17-38" class="a">
1867 <td nowrap>
1868 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1869 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1870 <abbr title="Some VIMs implement additional drives to host config-files or meta-data"> <em> various:boot-data-drive </em></abbr>
1871 </div>
1872 </td>
1873 <td>leaf</td>
1874 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
1875 ">boolean</abbr></td>
1876 <td nowrap>config</td>
1877 <td>?</td>
1878 <td>current</td>
1879 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/various:supplemental-boot-data/various:boot-data-drive</td</tr>
1880 <tr id="1-1-12" class="a">
1881 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1882 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
1883 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1884 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1885 class="folder">&nbsp;
1886 </a>
1887 <abbr title="Defines descriptors of virtual compute resources to be
1888 used by the VNF.">virtual-compute-desc[id]</abbr>
1889 </div>
1890 </td>
1891 <td nowrap>list</td>
1892 <td nowrap></td>
1893 <td nowrap>config</td>
1894 <td></td>
1895 <td>current</td>
1896 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc</td>
1897 </tr>
1898 <tr id="1-1-12-18" class="a">
1899 <td nowrap>
1900 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
1901 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1902 <abbr title="Unique identifier of this VirtualComputeDesc in the
1903 VNFD."> id </abbr>
1904 </div>
1905 </td>
1906 <td>leaf</td>
1907 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1908 ">string</abbr></td>
1909 <td nowrap>config</td>
1910 <td></td>
1911 <td>current</td>
1912 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:id</td</tr>
1913 <tr id="1-1-12-19" class="a">
1914 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1915 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
1916 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1917 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1918 class="folder">&nbsp;
1919 </a>
1920 <abbr title="The logical node requirements.">logical-node[id]</abbr>
1921 </div>
1922 </td>
1923 <td nowrap>list</td>
1924 <td nowrap></td>
1925 <td nowrap>config</td>
1926 <td></td>
1927 <td>current</td>
1928 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:logical-node</td>
1929 </tr>
1930 <tr id="1-1-12-19-39" class="a">
1931 <td nowrap>
1932 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
1933 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1934 <abbr title="Identifies this set of logical node requirements."> id </abbr>
1935 </div>
1936 </td>
1937 <td>leaf</td>
1938 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1939 ">string</abbr></td>
1940 <td nowrap>config</td>
1941 <td></td>
1942 <td>current</td>
1943 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:logical-node/vnfd:id</td</tr>
1944 <tr id="1-1-12-19-40" class="a">
1945 <td nowrap id="p4000">
1946 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
1947 <a href="#" id="p6000"
1948 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
1949 class="folder">&nbsp;
1950 </a>
1951 <abbr title="The logical node-level compute, memory and I/O
1952 requirements. An array of key-value pairs that
1953 articulate the deployment requirements.
1955 This could include the number of CPU cores on this
1956 logical node, a memory configuration specific to a
1957 logical node (e.g. such as available in the Linux
1958 kernel via the libnuma library) or a requirement
1959 related to the association of an I/O device with the
1960 logical node.">requirement-detail[key]</abbr>
1961 </div>
1962 </td>
1963 <td nowrap>list</td>
1964 <td nowrap></td>
1965 <td nowrap>config</td>
1966 <td></td>
1967 <td>current</td>
1968 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:logical-node/vnfd:requirement-detail</td>
1969 </tr>
1970 <tr id="1-1-12-19-40-16" class="a">
1971 <td nowrap>
1972 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
1973 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1974 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
1975 </div>
1976 </td>
1977 <td>leaf</td>
1978 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1979 ">string</abbr></td>
1980 <td nowrap>config</td>
1981 <td></td>
1982 <td>current</td>
1983 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:logical-node/vnfd:requirement-detail/vnfd:key</td</tr>
1984 <tr id="1-1-12-19-40-17" class="a">
1985 <td nowrap>
1986 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
1987 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
1988 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
1989 </div>
1990 </td>
1991 <td>leaf</td>
1992 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
1993 ">string</abbr></td>
1994 <td nowrap>config</td>
1995 <td>?</td>
1996 <td>current</td>
1997 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:logical-node/vnfd:requirement-detail/vnfd:value</td</tr>
1998 <tr id="1-1-12-20" class="a">
1999 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2000 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
2001 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2002 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2003 class="folder">&nbsp;
2004 </a>
2005 <abbr title="No description">request-additional-capability[name]</abbr>
2006 </div>
2007 </td>
2008 <td nowrap>list</td>
2009 <td nowrap></td>
2010 <td nowrap>config</td>
2011 <td></td>
2012 <td>current</td>
2013 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:request-additional-capability</td>
2014 </tr>
2015 <tr id="1-1-12-20-41" class="a">
2016 <td nowrap>
2017 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2018 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2019 <abbr title="Identifies a requested additional capability for the
2020 VDU. ETSI GS NFV-IFA 002 [i.1] describes acceleration
2021 capabilities."> name </abbr>
2022 </div>
2023 </td>
2024 <td>leaf</td>
2025 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2026 ">string</abbr></td>
2027 <td nowrap>config</td>
2028 <td></td>
2029 <td>current</td>
2030 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:request-additional-capability/vnfd:name</td</tr>
2031 <tr id="1-1-12-20-42" class="a">
2032 <td nowrap>
2033 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2034 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2035 <abbr title="Indicates whether the requested additional capability
2036 is mandatory for successful operation."> <em> support-mandatory </em></abbr>
2037 </div>
2038 </td>
2039 <td>leaf</td>
2040 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
2041 ">boolean</abbr></td>
2042 <td nowrap>config</td>
2043 <td>?</td>
2044 <td>current</td>
2045 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:request-additional-capability/vnfd:support-mandatory</td</tr>
2046 <tr id="1-1-12-20-43" class="a">
2047 <td nowrap>
2048 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2049 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2050 <abbr title="Identifies the minimum version of the requested
2051 additional capability."> <em> min-version </em></abbr>
2052 </div>
2053 </td>
2054 <td>leaf</td>
2055 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2056 ">string</abbr></td>
2057 <td nowrap>config</td>
2058 <td>?</td>
2059 <td>current</td>
2060 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:request-additional-capability/vnfd:min-version</td</tr>
2061 <tr id="1-1-12-20-44" class="a">
2062 <td nowrap>
2063 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2064 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2065 <abbr title="Identifies the preferred version of the requested
2066 additional capability."> <em> preferred-version </em></abbr>
2067 </div>
2068 </td>
2069 <td>leaf</td>
2070 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2071 ">string</abbr></td>
2072 <td nowrap>config</td>
2073 <td>?</td>
2074 <td>current</td>
2075 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:request-additional-capability/vnfd:preferred-version</td</tr>
2076 <tr id="1-1-12-20-45" class="a">
2077 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2078 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
2079 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2080 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2081 class="folder">&nbsp;
2082 </a>
2083 <abbr title="Identifies specific attributes, dependent on the
2084 requested additional capability type.">target-performance-parameters[key]</abbr>
2085 </div>
2086 </td>
2087 <td nowrap>list</td>
2088 <td nowrap></td>
2089 <td nowrap>config</td>
2090 <td></td>
2091 <td>current</td>
2092 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:request-additional-capability/vnfd:target-performance-parameters</td>
2093 </tr>
2094 <tr id="1-1-12-20-45-18" class="a">
2095 <td nowrap>
2096 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2097 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2098 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
2099 </div>
2100 </td>
2101 <td>leaf</td>
2102 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2103 ">string</abbr></td>
2104 <td nowrap>config</td>
2105 <td></td>
2106 <td>current</td>
2107 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:request-additional-capability/vnfd:target-performance-parameters/vnfd:key</td</tr>
2108 <tr id="1-1-12-20-45-19" class="a">
2109 <td nowrap>
2110 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2111 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2112 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
2113 </div>
2114 </td>
2115 <td>leaf</td>
2116 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2117 ">string</abbr></td>
2118 <td nowrap>config</td>
2119 <td>?</td>
2120 <td>current</td>
2121 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:request-additional-capability/vnfd:target-performance-parameters/vnfd:value</td</tr>
2122 <tr id="1-1-12-21" class="a">
2123 <td nowrap>
2124 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
2125 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2126 <abbr title="Specifies compute requirements."> <em> compute-requirements </em></abbr>
2127 </div>
2128 </td>
2129 <td>leaf</td>
2130 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2131 ">string</abbr></td>
2132 <td nowrap>config</td>
2133 <td>?</td>
2134 <td>current</td>
2135 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:compute-requirements</td</tr>
2136 <tr id="1-1-12-22" class="a">
2137 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2138 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
2139 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2140 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2141 class="folder">&nbsp;
2142 </a>
2143 <abbr title="The virtual memory of the virtualised compute.">virtual-memory</abbr>
2144 </div>
2145 </td>
2146 <td nowrap>container</td>
2147 <td nowrap></td>
2148 <td nowrap>config</td>
2149 <td></td>
2150 <td>current</td>
2151 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory</td>
2152 </tr>
2153 <tr id="1-1-12-22-46" class="a">
2154 <td nowrap>
2155 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2156 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2157 <abbr title="Amount of virtual memory in GB."> <em> size </em></abbr>
2158 </div>
2159 </td>
2160 <td>leaf</td>
2161 <td nowrap><abbr title="decimal64
2162 [0..max]">decimal64</abbr></td>
2163 <td nowrap>config</td>
2164 <td>?</td>
2165 <td>current</td>
2166 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/vnfd:size</td</tr>
2167 <tr id="1-1-12-22-47" class="a">
2168 <td nowrap>
2169 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2170 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2171 <abbr title="The memory core oversubscription policy in terms of
2172 virtual memory to physical memory on the platform.
2173 The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation
2174 request, if no particular value is requested."> <em> over-subscription-policy </em></abbr>
2175 </div>
2176 </td>
2177 <td>leaf</td>
2178 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2179 ">string</abbr></td>
2180 <td nowrap>config</td>
2181 <td>?</td>
2182 <td>current</td>
2183 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/vnfd:over-subscription-policy</td</tr>
2184 <tr id="1-1-12-22-48" class="a">
2185 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2186 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
2187 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2188 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2189 class="folder">&nbsp;
2190 </a>
2191 <abbr title="Array of key-value pair requirements on the memory for
2192 the VDU.">vdu-mem-requirements[key]</abbr>
2193 </div>
2194 </td>
2195 <td nowrap>list</td>
2196 <td nowrap></td>
2197 <td nowrap>config</td>
2198 <td></td>
2199 <td>current</td>
2200 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/vnfd:vdu-mem-requirements</td>
2201 </tr>
2202 <tr id="1-1-12-22-48-20" class="a">
2203 <td nowrap>
2204 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2205 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2206 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
2207 </div>
2208 </td>
2209 <td>leaf</td>
2210 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2211 ">string</abbr></td>
2212 <td nowrap>config</td>
2213 <td></td>
2214 <td>current</td>
2215 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/vnfd:vdu-mem-requirements/vnfd:key</td</tr>
2216 <tr id="1-1-12-22-48-21" class="a">
2217 <td nowrap>
2218 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2219 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2220 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
2221 </div>
2222 </td>
2223 <td>leaf</td>
2224 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2225 ">string</abbr></td>
2226 <td nowrap>config</td>
2227 <td>?</td>
2228 <td>current</td>
2229 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/vnfd:vdu-mem-requirements/vnfd:value</td</tr>
2230 <tr id="1-1-12-22-49" class="a">
2231 <td nowrap>
2232 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2233 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2234 <abbr title="It specifies the memory allocation to be cognisant of
2235 the relevant process/core allocation. The cardinality
2236 can be 0 during the allocation request, if no
2237 particular value is requested."> <em> numa-enabled </em></abbr>
2238 </div>
2239 </td>
2240 <td>leaf</td>
2241 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
2242 ">boolean</abbr></td>
2243 <td nowrap>config</td>
2244 <td>?</td>
2245 <td>current</td>
2246 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/vnfd:numa-enabled</td</tr>
2247 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50" class="a">
2248 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2249 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
2250 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2251 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2252 class="folder">&nbsp;
2253 </a>
2254 <abbr title="This policy defines NUMA topology of the
2255 guest. Specifically identifies if the guest
2256 should be run on a host with one NUMA
2257 node or multiple NUMA nodes. As an example
2258 a guest might need 8 VCPUs and 4 GB of
2259 memory. However, it might need the VCPUs
2260 and memory distributed across multiple
2261 NUMA nodes. In this scenario, NUMA node
2262 1 could run with 6 VCPUs and 3GB, and
2263 NUMA node 2 could run with 2 VCPUs and
2264 1GB.">epa:numa-node-policy</abbr>
2265 </div>
2266 </td>
2267 <td nowrap>container</td>
2268 <td nowrap></td>
2269 <td nowrap>config</td>
2270 <td></td>
2271 <td>current</td>
2272 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy</td>
2273 </tr>
2274 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-22" class="a">
2275 <td nowrap>
2276 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2277 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2278 <abbr title="The number of NUMA nodes to expose to the VM."> <em> epa:node-cnt </em></abbr>
2279 </div>
2280 </td>
2281 <td>leaf</td>
2282 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint16
2283 ">uint16</abbr></td>
2284 <td nowrap>config</td>
2285 <td>?</td>
2286 <td>current</td>
2287 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node-cnt</td</tr>
2288 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-23" class="a">
2289 <td nowrap>
2290 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2291 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2292 <abbr title="This policy specifies how the memory should
2293 be allocated in a multi-node scenario.
2294 STRICT : The memory must be allocated
2295 strictly from the memory attached
2296 to the NUMA node.
2297 PREFERRED : The memory should be allocated
2298 preferentially from the memory
2299 attached to the NUMA node"> <em> epa:mem-policy </em></abbr>
2300 </div>
2301 </td>
2302 <td>leaf</td>
2303 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
2304 : {STRICT,PREFERRED,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
2305 <td nowrap>config</td>
2306 <td>?</td>
2307 <td>current</td>
2308 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:mem-policy</td</tr>
2309 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24" class="a">
2310 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2311 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
2312 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2313 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2314 class="folder">&nbsp;
2315 </a>
2316 <abbr title="No description">epa:node[id]</abbr>
2317 </div>
2318 </td>
2319 <td nowrap>list</td>
2320 <td nowrap></td>
2321 <td nowrap>config</td>
2322 <td></td>
2323 <td>current</td>
2324 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node</td>
2325 </tr>
2326 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-15" class="a">
2327 <td nowrap>
2328 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
2329 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2330 <abbr title="NUMA node identification. Typically
2331 it's 0 or 1"> epa:id </abbr>
2332 </div>
2333 </td>
2334 <td>leaf</td>
2335 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
2336 ">uint64</abbr></td>
2337 <td nowrap>config</td>
2338 <td></td>
2339 <td>current</td>
2340 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:id</td</tr>
2341 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-16" class="a">
2342 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2343 <div id="p5000" class="tier7">
2344 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2345 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2346 class="folder">&nbsp;
2347 </a>
2348 <abbr title="List of VCPUs to allocate on
2349 this NUMA node.">epa:vcpu[id]</abbr>
2350 </div>
2351 </td>
2352 <td nowrap>list</td>
2353 <td nowrap></td>
2354 <td nowrap>config</td>
2355 <td></td>
2356 <td>current</td>
2357 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:vcpu</td>
2358 </tr>
2359 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-16-6" class="a">
2360 <td nowrap>
2361 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
2362 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2363 <abbr title="List of VCPUs ids to allocate on
2364 this NUMA node"> epa:id </abbr>
2365 </div>
2366 </td>
2367 <td>leaf</td>
2368 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
2369 ">uint64</abbr></td>
2370 <td nowrap>config</td>
2371 <td></td>
2372 <td>current</td>
2373 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:vcpu/epa:id</td</tr>
2374 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-17" class="a">
2375 <td nowrap>
2376 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
2377 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2378 <abbr title="Memory size expressed in MB
2379 for this NUMA node."> <em> epa:memory-mb </em></abbr>
2380 </div>
2381 </td>
2382 <td>leaf</td>
2383 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
2384 ">uint64</abbr></td>
2385 <td nowrap>config</td>
2386 <td>?</td>
2387 <td>current</td>
2388 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:memory-mb</td</tr>
2389 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18" class="a">
2390 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2391 <div id="p5000" class="tier7">
2392 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2393 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2394 class="folder">&nbsp;
2395 </a>
2396 <abbr title="OpenMANO Numa type selection">(om-numa-type)</abbr>
2397 </div>
2398 </td>
2399 <td nowrap>choice</td>
2400 <td nowrap></td>
2401 <td nowrap>config</td>
2402 <td>Choice</td>
2403 <td>current</td>
2404 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node</td>
2405 </tr>
2406 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18-7" class="a">
2407 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2408 <div id="p5000" class="tier8">
2409 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2410 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2411 class="folder">&nbsp;
2412 </a>
2413 <abbr title="No description">:(cores)</abbr>
2414 </div>
2415 </td>
2416 <td nowrap>case</td>
2417 <td nowrap></td>
2418 <td nowrap>config</td>
2419 <td></td>
2420 <td>current</td>
2421 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node</td>
2422 </tr>
2423 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18-7-1" class="a">
2424 <td nowrap>
2425 <div id=9999 class=tier9>
2426 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2427 <abbr title="No description"> <em> epa:num-cores </em></abbr>
2428 </div>
2429 </td>
2430 <td>leaf</td>
2431 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint8
2432 ">uint8</abbr></td>
2433 <td nowrap>config</td>
2434 <td>?</td>
2435 <td>current</td>
2436 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:num-cores</td</tr>
2437 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18-8" class="a">
2438 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2439 <div id="p5000" class="tier8">
2440 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2441 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2442 class="folder">&nbsp;
2443 </a>
2444 <abbr title="No description">:(paired-threads)</abbr>
2445 </div>
2446 </td>
2447 <td nowrap>case</td>
2448 <td nowrap></td>
2449 <td nowrap>config</td>
2450 <td></td>
2451 <td>current</td>
2452 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node</td>
2453 </tr>
2454 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18-8-2" class="a">
2455 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2456 <div id="p5000" class="tier9">
2457 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2458 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2459 class="folder">&nbsp;
2460 </a>
2461 <abbr title="No description">epa:paired-threads</abbr>
2462 </div>
2463 </td>
2464 <td nowrap>container</td>
2465 <td nowrap></td>
2466 <td nowrap>config</td>
2467 <td></td>
2468 <td>current</td>
2469 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:paired-threads</td>
2470 </tr>
2471 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18-8-2-1" class="a">
2472 <td nowrap>
2473 <div id=9999 class=tier10>
2474 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2475 <abbr title="No description"> <em> epa:num-paired-threads </em></abbr>
2476 </div>
2477 </td>
2478 <td>leaf</td>
2479 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint8
2480 ">uint8</abbr></td>
2481 <td nowrap>config</td>
2482 <td>?</td>
2483 <td>current</td>
2484 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:paired-threads/epa:num-paired-threads</td</tr>
2485 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18-8-2-2" class="a">
2486 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2487 <div id="p5000" class="tier10">
2488 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2489 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2490 class="folder">&nbsp;
2491 </a>
2492 <abbr title="List of thread pairs to use in case of paired-thread NUMA">epa:paired-thread-ids[thread-a]</abbr>
2493 </div>
2494 </td>
2495 <td nowrap>list</td>
2496 <td nowrap></td>
2497 <td nowrap>config</td>
2498 <td></td>
2499 <td>current</td>
2500 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:paired-threads/epa:paired-thread-ids</td>
2501 </tr>
2502 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18-8-2-2-1" class="a">
2503 <td nowrap>
2504 <div id=9999 class=tier11>
2505 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2506 <abbr title="No description"> epa:thread-a </abbr>
2507 </div>
2508 </td>
2509 <td>leaf</td>
2510 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint8
2511 ">uint8</abbr></td>
2512 <td nowrap>config</td>
2513 <td></td>
2514 <td>current</td>
2515 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:paired-threads/epa:paired-thread-ids/epa:thread-a</td</tr>
2516 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18-8-2-2-2" class="a">
2517 <td nowrap>
2518 <div id=9999 class=tier11>
2519 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2520 <abbr title="No description"> <em> epa:thread-b </em></abbr>
2521 </div>
2522 </td>
2523 <td>leaf</td>
2524 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint8
2525 ">uint8</abbr></td>
2526 <td nowrap>config</td>
2527 <td>?</td>
2528 <td>current</td>
2529 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:paired-threads/epa:paired-thread-ids/epa:thread-b</td</tr>
2530 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18-9" class="a">
2531 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2532 <div id="p5000" class="tier8">
2533 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2534 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2535 class="folder">&nbsp;
2536 </a>
2537 <abbr title="No description">:(threads)</abbr>
2538 </div>
2539 </td>
2540 <td nowrap>case</td>
2541 <td nowrap></td>
2542 <td nowrap>config</td>
2543 <td></td>
2544 <td>current</td>
2545 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node</td>
2546 </tr>
2547 <tr id="1-1-12-22-50-24-18-9-3" class="a">
2548 <td nowrap>
2549 <div id=9999 class=tier9>
2550 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2551 <abbr title="No description"> <em> epa:num-threads </em></abbr>
2552 </div>
2553 </td>
2554 <td>leaf</td>
2555 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint8
2556 ">uint8</abbr></td>
2557 <td nowrap>config</td>
2558 <td>?</td>
2559 <td>current</td>
2560 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:numa-node-policy/epa:node/epa:num-threads</td</tr>
2561 <tr id="1-1-12-22-51" class="a">
2562 <td nowrap>
2563 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2564 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2565 <abbr title="Memory page allocation size. If a VM requires
2566 hugepages, it should choose LARGE or SIZE_2MB
2567 or SIZE_1GB. If the VM prefers hugepages it
2568 should choose PREFER_LARGE.
2569 LARGE : Require hugepages (either 2MB or 1GB)
2570 SMALL : Doesn't require hugepages
2571 SIZE_2MB : Requires 2MB hugepages
2572 SIZE_1GB : Requires 1GB hugepages
2573 PREFER_LARGE : Application prefers hugepages"> <em> epa:mempage-size </em></abbr>
2574 </div>
2575 </td>
2576 <td>leaf</td>
2577 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
2578 : {LARGE,SMALL,SIZE_2MB,SIZE_1GB,PREFER_LARGE,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
2579 <td nowrap>config</td>
2580 <td>?</td>
2581 <td>current</td>
2582 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:mempage-size</td</tr>
2583 <tr id="1-1-12-22-52" class="a">
2584 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2585 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
2586 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2587 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2588 class="folder">&nbsp;
2589 </a>
2590 <abbr title="Memory quota describes the memory resource allocation policy.
2591 Limit and Reserve values are defined in MB">epa:mem-quota</abbr>
2592 </div>
2593 </td>
2594 <td nowrap>container</td>
2595 <td nowrap></td>
2596 <td nowrap>config</td>
2597 <td></td>
2598 <td>current</td>
2599 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:mem-quota</td>
2600 </tr>
2601 <tr id="1-1-12-22-52-25" class="a">
2602 <td nowrap>
2603 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2604 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2605 <abbr title="Defines the maximum allocation. The value 0 indicates that usage is not limited.
2606 This parameter ensures that the instance never uses more than the defined amount of resource."> <em> epa:limit </em></abbr>
2607 </div>
2608 </td>
2609 <td>leaf</td>
2610 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
2611 ">uint64</abbr></td>
2612 <td nowrap>config</td>
2613 <td>?</td>
2614 <td>current</td>
2615 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:mem-quota/epa:limit</td</tr>
2616 <tr id="1-1-12-22-52-26" class="a">
2617 <td nowrap>
2618 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2619 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2620 <abbr title="Defines the guaranteed minimum reservation.
2621 If needed, the machine will definitely get allocated the reserved amount of resources."> <em> epa:reserve </em></abbr>
2622 </div>
2623 </td>
2624 <td>leaf</td>
2625 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
2626 ">uint64</abbr></td>
2627 <td nowrap>config</td>
2628 <td>?</td>
2629 <td>current</td>
2630 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:mem-quota/epa:reserve</td</tr>
2631 <tr id="1-1-12-22-52-27" class="a">
2632 <td nowrap>
2633 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2634 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2635 <abbr title="Number of shares allocated.
2636 Specifies the proportional weighted share for the domain.
2637 If this element is omitted, the service defaults to the OS provided defaults"> <em> epa:shares </em></abbr>
2638 </div>
2639 </td>
2640 <td>leaf</td>
2641 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
2642 ">uint64</abbr></td>
2643 <td nowrap>config</td>
2644 <td>?</td>
2645 <td>current</td>
2646 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-memory/epa:mem-quota/epa:shares</td</tr>
2647 <tr id="1-1-12-23" class="a">
2648 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2649 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
2650 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2651 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2652 class="folder">&nbsp;
2653 </a>
2654 <abbr title="The virtual CPU(s)of the virtualised compute.">virtual-cpu</abbr>
2655 </div>
2656 </td>
2657 <td nowrap>container</td>
2658 <td nowrap></td>
2659 <td nowrap>config</td>
2660 <td></td>
2661 <td>current</td>
2662 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu</td>
2663 </tr>
2664 <tr id="1-1-12-23-53" class="a">
2665 <td nowrap>
2666 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2667 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2668 <abbr title="CPU architecture type. Examples are x86, ARM. The
2669 cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request,
2670 if no particular CPU architecture type is requested."> <em> cpu-architecture </em></abbr>
2671 </div>
2672 </td>
2673 <td>leaf</td>
2674 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2675 ">string</abbr></td>
2676 <td nowrap>config</td>
2677 <td>?</td>
2678 <td>current</td>
2679 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:cpu-architecture</td</tr>
2680 <tr id="1-1-12-23-54" class="a">
2681 <td nowrap>
2682 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2683 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2684 <abbr title="Number of virtual CPUs."> <em> num-virtual-cpu </em></abbr>
2685 </div>
2686 </td>
2687 <td>leaf</td>
2688 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint16
2689 [1..max]">uint16</abbr></td>
2690 <td nowrap>config</td>
2691 <td>?</td>
2692 <td>current</td>
2693 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:num-virtual-cpu</td</tr>
2694 <tr id="1-1-12-23-55" class="a">
2695 <td nowrap>
2696 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2697 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2698 <abbr title="Minimum virtual CPU clock rate (e.g. in MHz). The
2699 cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request,
2700 if no particular value is requested."> <em> clock </em></abbr>
2701 </div>
2702 </td>
2703 <td>leaf</td>
2704 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
2705 ">uint32</abbr></td>
2706 <td nowrap>config</td>
2707 <td>?</td>
2708 <td>current</td>
2709 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:clock</td</tr>
2710 <tr id="1-1-12-23-56" class="a">
2711 <td nowrap>
2712 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
2713 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2714 <abbr title="The CPU core oversubscription policy e.g. the relation
2715 of virtual CPU cores to physical CPU cores/threads.
2716 The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request,
2717 if no particular value is requested."> <em> oversubscription-policy </em></abbr>
2718 </div>
2719 </td>
2720 <td>leaf</td>
2721 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2722 ">string</abbr></td>
2723 <td nowrap>config</td>
2724 <td>?</td>
2725 <td>current</td>
2726 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:oversubscription-policy</td</tr>
2727 <tr id="1-1-12-23-57" class="a">
2728 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2729 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
2730 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2731 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2732 class="folder">&nbsp;
2733 </a>
2734 <abbr title="Array of key-value pair requirements on the compute
2735 (CPU) for the VDU.">vdu-cpu-requirements[key]</abbr>
2736 </div>
2737 </td>
2738 <td nowrap>list</td>
2739 <td nowrap></td>
2740 <td nowrap>config</td>
2741 <td></td>
2742 <td>current</td>
2743 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:vdu-cpu-requirements</td>
2744 </tr>
2745 <tr id="1-1-12-23-57-28" class="a">
2746 <td nowrap>
2747 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2748 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2749 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
2750 </div>
2751 </td>
2752 <td>leaf</td>
2753 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2754 ">string</abbr></td>
2755 <td nowrap>config</td>
2756 <td></td>
2757 <td>current</td>
2758 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:vdu-cpu-requirements/vnfd:key</td</tr>
2759 <tr id="1-1-12-23-57-29" class="a">
2760 <td nowrap>
2761 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2762 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2763 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
2764 </div>
2765 </td>
2766 <td>leaf</td>
2767 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2768 ">string</abbr></td>
2769 <td nowrap>config</td>
2770 <td>?</td>
2771 <td>current</td>
2772 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:vdu-cpu-requirements/vnfd:value</td</tr>
2773 <tr id="1-1-12-23-58" class="a">
2774 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2775 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
2776 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2777 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2778 class="folder">&nbsp;
2779 </a>
2780 <abbr title="The virtual CPU pinning configuration for the
2781 virtualised compute resource.">pinning</abbr>
2782 </div>
2783 </td>
2784 <td nowrap>container</td>
2785 <td nowrap></td>
2786 <td nowrap>config</td>
2787 <td><abbr title="Set to specify CPU pinning.">Presence</abbr></td>
2788 <td>current</td>
2789 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:pinning</td>
2790 </tr>
2791 <tr id="1-1-12-23-58-30" class="a">
2792 <td nowrap>
2793 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2794 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2795 <abbr title="The policy can take values of 'static' or 'dynamic'.
2796 In case of 'static' the virtual CPU cores are
2797 requested to be allocated to logical CPU cores
2798 according to the rules defined in
2799 virtualCpuPinningRules. In case of 'dynamic' the
2800 allocation of virtual CPU cores to logical CPU cores
2801 is decided by the VIM. (e.g. SMT (Simultaneous
2802 MultiThreading) requirements)."> <em> policy </em></abbr>
2803 </div>
2804 </td>
2805 <td>leaf</td>
2806 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
2807 : {static,dynamic,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
2808 <td nowrap>config</td>
2809 <td>?</td>
2810 <td>current</td>
2811 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:pinning/vnfd:policy</td</tr>
2812 <tr id="1-1-12-23-58-31" class="a">
2813 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2814 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
2815 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2816 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2817 class="folder">&nbsp;
2818 </a>
2819 <abbr title="A list of rules that should be considered during the
2820 allocation of the virtual CPUs to logical CPUs in case
2821 of 'static' virtualCpuPinningPolicy.">rule[key]</abbr>
2822 </div>
2823 </td>
2824 <td nowrap>list</td>
2825 <td nowrap></td>
2826 <td nowrap>config</td>
2827 <td></td>
2828 <td>current</td>
2829 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:pinning/vnfd:rule</td>
2830 </tr>
2831 <tr id="1-1-12-23-58-31-19" class="a">
2832 <td nowrap>
2833 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
2834 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2835 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
2836 </div>
2837 </td>
2838 <td>leaf</td>
2839 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2840 ">string</abbr></td>
2841 <td nowrap>config</td>
2842 <td></td>
2843 <td>current</td>
2844 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:pinning/vnfd:rule/vnfd:key</td</tr>
2845 <tr id="1-1-12-23-58-31-20" class="a">
2846 <td nowrap>
2847 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
2848 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2849 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
2850 </div>
2851 </td>
2852 <td>leaf</td>
2853 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2854 ">string</abbr></td>
2855 <td nowrap>config</td>
2856 <td>?</td>
2857 <td>current</td>
2858 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:pinning/vnfd:rule/vnfd:value</td</tr>
2859 <tr id="1-1-12-23-58-32" class="a">
2860 <td nowrap>
2861 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2862 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2863 <abbr title="CPU thread pinning policy describes how to
2864 place the guest CPUs when the host supports
2865 hyper threads:
2866 AVOID : Avoids placing a guest on a host
2867 with threads.
2868 SEPARATE: Places vCPUs on separate cores,
2869 and avoids placing two vCPUs on
2870 two threads of same core.
2871 ISOLATE : Places each vCPU on a different core,
2872 and places no vCPUs from a different
2873 guest on the same core.
2874 PREFER : Attempts to place vCPUs on threads
2875 of the same core."> <em> epa:thread-policy </em></abbr>
2876 </div>
2877 </td>
2878 <td>leaf</td>
2879 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
2880 : {AVOID,SEPARATE,ISOLATE,PREFER,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
2881 <td nowrap>config</td>
2882 <td>?</td>
2883 <td>current</td>
2884 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/vnfd:pinning/epa:thread-policy</td</tr>
2885 <tr id="1-1-12-23-59" class="a">
2886 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2887 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
2888 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2889 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2890 class="folder">&nbsp;
2891 </a>
2892 <abbr title="CPU quota describes the CPU resource allocation policy.
2893 Limit and Reserve values are defined in MHz">epa:cpu-quota</abbr>
2894 </div>
2895 </td>
2896 <td nowrap>container</td>
2897 <td nowrap></td>
2898 <td nowrap>config</td>
2899 <td></td>
2900 <td>current</td>
2901 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/epa:cpu-quota</td>
2902 </tr>
2903 <tr id="1-1-12-23-59-33" class="a">
2904 <td nowrap>
2905 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2906 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2907 <abbr title="Defines the maximum allocation. The value 0 indicates that usage is not limited.
2908 This parameter ensures that the instance never uses more than the defined amount of resource."> <em> epa:limit </em></abbr>
2909 </div>
2910 </td>
2911 <td>leaf</td>
2912 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
2913 ">uint64</abbr></td>
2914 <td nowrap>config</td>
2915 <td>?</td>
2916 <td>current</td>
2917 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/epa:cpu-quota/epa:limit</td</tr>
2918 <tr id="1-1-12-23-59-34" class="a">
2919 <td nowrap>
2920 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2921 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2922 <abbr title="Defines the guaranteed minimum reservation.
2923 If needed, the machine will definitely get allocated the reserved amount of resources."> <em> epa:reserve </em></abbr>
2924 </div>
2925 </td>
2926 <td>leaf</td>
2927 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
2928 ">uint64</abbr></td>
2929 <td nowrap>config</td>
2930 <td>?</td>
2931 <td>current</td>
2932 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/epa:cpu-quota/epa:reserve</td</tr>
2933 <tr id="1-1-12-23-59-35" class="a">
2934 <td nowrap>
2935 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
2936 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2937 <abbr title="Number of shares allocated.
2938 Specifies the proportional weighted share for the domain.
2939 If this element is omitted, the service defaults to the OS provided defaults"> <em> epa:shares </em></abbr>
2940 </div>
2941 </td>
2942 <td>leaf</td>
2943 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
2944 ">uint64</abbr></td>
2945 <td nowrap>config</td>
2946 <td>?</td>
2947 <td>current</td>
2948 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-compute-desc/vnfd:virtual-cpu/epa:cpu-quota/epa:shares</td</tr>
2949 <tr id="1-1-13" class="a">
2950 <td nowrap id="p4000">
2951 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
2952 <a href="#" id="p6000"
2953 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
2954 class="folder">&nbsp;
2955 </a>
2956 <abbr title="Storage requirements for a Virtual Storage instance
2957 attached to the VNFC created from this VDU">virtual-storage-desc[id]</abbr>
2958 </div>
2959 </td>
2960 <td nowrap>list</td>
2961 <td nowrap></td>
2962 <td nowrap>config</td>
2963 <td></td>
2964 <td>current</td>
2965 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc</td>
2966 </tr>
2967 <tr id="1-1-13-24" class="a">
2968 <td nowrap>
2969 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
2970 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2971 <abbr title="Unique identifier of this VirtualStorageDesc in the
2972 VNFD."> id </abbr>
2973 </div>
2974 </td>
2975 <td>leaf</td>
2976 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
2977 ">string</abbr></td>
2978 <td nowrap>config</td>
2979 <td></td>
2980 <td>current</td>
2981 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/vnfd:id</td</tr>
2982 <tr id="1-1-13-25" class="a">
2983 <td nowrap>
2984 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
2985 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
2986 <abbr title="Type of virtualised storage resource (e.g. volume,
2987 object)."> <em> type-of-storage </em></abbr>
2988 </div>
2989 </td>
2990 <td>leaf</td>
2991 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
2992 {storage-type}">identityref</abbr></td>
2993 <td nowrap>config</td>
2994 <td>?</td>
2995 <td>current</td>
2996 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/vnfd:type-of-storage</td</tr>
2997 <tr id="1-1-13-26" class="a">
2998 <td nowrap>
2999 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3000 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3001 <abbr title="Size of virtualised storage resource (e.g. size of
3002 volume, in GB)"> <em> size-of-storage </em></abbr>
3003 </div>
3004 </td>
3005 <td>leaf</td>
3006 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
3007 ">uint64</abbr></td>
3008 <td nowrap>config</td>
3009 <td>?</td>
3010 <td>current</td>
3011 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/vnfd:size-of-storage</td</tr>
3012 <tr id="1-1-13-27" class="a">
3013 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3014 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
3015 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3016 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3017 class="folder">&nbsp;
3018 </a>
3019 <abbr title="Array of key-value pairs that articulate the storage
3020 deployment requirements.">vdu-storage-requirements[key]</abbr>
3021 </div>
3022 </td>
3023 <td nowrap>list</td>
3024 <td nowrap></td>
3025 <td nowrap>config</td>
3026 <td></td>
3027 <td>current</td>
3028 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/vnfd:vdu-storage-requirements</td>
3029 </tr>
3030 <tr id="1-1-13-27-60" class="a">
3031 <td nowrap>
3032 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3033 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3034 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
3035 </div>
3036 </td>
3037 <td>leaf</td>
3038 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3039 ">string</abbr></td>
3040 <td nowrap>config</td>
3041 <td></td>
3042 <td>current</td>
3043 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/vnfd:vdu-storage-requirements/vnfd:key</td</tr>
3044 <tr id="1-1-13-27-61" class="a">
3045 <td nowrap>
3046 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3047 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3048 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
3049 </div>
3050 </td>
3051 <td>leaf</td>
3052 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3053 ">string</abbr></td>
3054 <td nowrap>config</td>
3055 <td>?</td>
3056 <td>current</td>
3057 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/vnfd:vdu-storage-requirements/vnfd:value</td</tr>
3058 <tr id="1-1-13-28" class="a">
3059 <td nowrap>
3060 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3061 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3062 <abbr title="Indicate if the storage support RDMA."> <em> rdma-enabled </em></abbr>
3063 </div>
3064 </td>
3065 <td>leaf</td>
3066 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
3067 ">boolean</abbr></td>
3068 <td nowrap>config</td>
3069 <td>?</td>
3070 <td>current</td>
3071 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/vnfd:rdma-enabled</td</tr>
3072 <tr id="1-1-13-29" class="a">
3073 <td nowrap>
3074 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3075 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3076 <abbr title="Software image to be loaded on the VirtualStorage
3077 resource created based on this VirtualStorageDesc."> <em> sw-image-desc </em></abbr>
3078 </div>
3079 </td>
3080 <td>leaf</td>
3081 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
3082 : ../../sw-image-desc/id">leafref</abbr></td>
3083 <td nowrap>config</td>
3084 <td>?</td>
3085 <td>current</td>
3086 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/vnfd:sw-image-desc</td</tr>
3087 <tr id="1-1-13-30" class="a">
3088 <td nowrap>
3089 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3090 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3091 <abbr title="No description"> <em> additional-info:description </em></abbr>
3092 </div>
3093 </td>
3094 <td>leaf</td>
3095 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3096 ">string</abbr></td>
3097 <td nowrap>config</td>
3098 <td>?</td>
3099 <td>current</td>
3100 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/additional-info:description</td</tr>
3101 <tr id="1-1-13-31" class="a">
3102 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3103 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
3104 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3105 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3106 class="folder">&nbsp;
3107 </a>
3108 <abbr title="Disk IO quota describes the disk IO operations resource allocation policy.
3109 Limit and Reserve values are defined in IOPS">epa:disk-io-quota</abbr>
3110 </div>
3111 </td>
3112 <td nowrap>container</td>
3113 <td nowrap></td>
3114 <td nowrap>config</td>
3115 <td></td>
3116 <td>current</td>
3117 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/epa:disk-io-quota</td>
3118 </tr>
3119 <tr id="1-1-13-31-62" class="a">
3120 <td nowrap>
3121 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3122 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3123 <abbr title="Defines the maximum allocation. The value 0 indicates that usage is not limited.
3124 This parameter ensures that the instance never uses more than the defined amount of resource."> <em> epa:limit </em></abbr>
3125 </div>
3126 </td>
3127 <td>leaf</td>
3128 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
3129 ">uint64</abbr></td>
3130 <td nowrap>config</td>
3131 <td>?</td>
3132 <td>current</td>
3133 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/epa:disk-io-quota/epa:limit</td</tr>
3134 <tr id="1-1-13-31-63" class="a">
3135 <td nowrap>
3136 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3137 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3138 <abbr title="Defines the guaranteed minimum reservation.
3139 If needed, the machine will definitely get allocated the reserved amount of resources."> <em> epa:reserve </em></abbr>
3140 </div>
3141 </td>
3142 <td>leaf</td>
3143 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
3144 ">uint64</abbr></td>
3145 <td nowrap>config</td>
3146 <td>?</td>
3147 <td>current</td>
3148 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/epa:disk-io-quota/epa:reserve</td</tr>
3149 <tr id="1-1-13-31-64" class="a">
3150 <td nowrap>
3151 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3152 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3153 <abbr title="Number of shares allocated.
3154 Specifies the proportional weighted share for the domain.
3155 If this element is omitted, the service defaults to the OS provided defaults"> <em> epa:shares </em></abbr>
3156 </div>
3157 </td>
3158 <td>leaf</td>
3159 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
3160 ">uint64</abbr></td>
3161 <td nowrap>config</td>
3162 <td>?</td>
3163 <td>current</td>
3164 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/epa:disk-io-quota/epa:shares</td</tr>
3165 <tr id="1-1-13-32" class="a">
3166 <td nowrap>
3167 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3168 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3169 <abbr title="Type of disk-bus on which this disk is exposed to guest"> <em> various:device-bus </em></abbr>
3170 </div>
3171 </td>
3172 <td>leaf</td>
3173 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
3174 : {ide,usb,virtio,scsi,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
3175 <td nowrap>config</td>
3176 <td>?</td>
3177 <td>current</td>
3178 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:virtual-storage-desc/various:device-bus</td</tr>
3179 <tr id="1-1-14" class="a">
3180 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3181 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
3182 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3183 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3184 class="folder">&nbsp;
3185 </a>
3186 <abbr title="Defines descriptors of software images to be used by the
3187 VNF.">sw-image-desc[id]</abbr>
3188 </div>
3189 </td>
3190 <td nowrap>list</td>
3191 <td nowrap></td>
3192 <td nowrap>config</td>
3193 <td></td>
3194 <td>current</td>
3195 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc</td>
3196 </tr>
3197 <tr id="1-1-14-33" class="a">
3198 <td nowrap>
3199 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3200 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3201 <abbr title="The identifier of this software image."> id </abbr>
3202 </div>
3203 </td>
3204 <td>leaf</td>
3205 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3206 ">string</abbr></td>
3207 <td nowrap>config</td>
3208 <td></td>
3209 <td>current</td>
3210 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:id</td</tr>
3211 <tr id="1-1-14-34" class="a">
3212 <td nowrap>
3213 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3214 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3215 <abbr title="The name of this software image."> name </abbr>
3216 </div>
3217 </td>
3218 <td>leaf</td>
3219 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3220 ">string</abbr></td>
3221 <td nowrap>config</td>
3222 <td></td>
3223 <td>current</td>
3224 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:name</td</tr>
3225 <tr id="1-1-14-35" class="a">
3226 <td nowrap>
3227 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3228 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3229 <abbr title="The version of this software image."> version </abbr>
3230 </div>
3231 </td>
3232 <td>leaf</td>
3233 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3234 ">string</abbr></td>
3235 <td nowrap>config</td>
3236 <td></td>
3237 <td>current</td>
3238 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:version</td</tr>
3239 <tr id="1-1-14-36" class="a">
3240 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3241 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
3242 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3243 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3244 class="folder">&nbsp;
3245 </a>
3246 <abbr title="The checksum of the software image file.">checksum</abbr>
3247 </div>
3248 </td>
3249 <td nowrap>container</td>
3250 <td nowrap></td>
3251 <td nowrap>config</td>
3252 <td></td>
3253 <td>current</td>
3254 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:checksum</td>
3255 </tr>
3256 <tr id="1-1-14-36-65" class="a">
3257 <td nowrap>
3258 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3259 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3260 <abbr title="Species the algorithm used to obtain the checksum
3261 value."> algorithm </abbr>
3262 </div>
3263 </td>
3264 <td>leaf</td>
3265 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
3266 {checksum-algorithm}">identityref</abbr></td>
3267 <td nowrap>config</td>
3268 <td></td>
3269 <td>current</td>
3270 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:checksum/vnfd:algorithm</td</tr>
3271 <tr id="1-1-14-36-66" class="a">
3272 <td nowrap>
3273 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3274 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3275 <abbr title="Contains the result of applying the algorithm
3276 indicated by the algorithm attribute to the data to
3277 which this ChecksumData refers."> hash </abbr>
3278 </div>
3279 </td>
3280 <td>leaf</td>
3281 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3282 ">string</abbr></td>
3283 <td nowrap>config</td>
3284 <td></td>
3285 <td>current</td>
3286 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:checksum/vnfd:hash</td</tr>
3287 <tr id="1-1-14-37" class="a">
3288 <td nowrap>
3289 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3290 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3291 <abbr title="The container format describes the container file
3292 format in which software image is provided."> <em> container-format </em></abbr>
3293 </div>
3294 </td>
3295 <td>leaf</td>
3296 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
3297 : {aki,ami,ari,bare,docker,ova,ovf,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
3298 <td nowrap>config</td>
3299 <td>?</td>
3300 <td>current</td>
3301 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:container-format</td</tr>
3302 <tr id="1-1-14-38" class="a">
3303 <td nowrap>
3304 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3305 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3306 <abbr title="The disk format of a software image is the format of
3307 the underlying disk image."> <em> disk-format </em></abbr>
3308 </div>
3309 </td>
3310 <td>leaf</td>
3311 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
3312 : {aki,ami,ari,iso,qcow2,raw,vdi,vhd,vhdx,vmdk,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
3313 <td nowrap>config</td>
3314 <td>?</td>
3315 <td>current</td>
3316 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:disk-format</td</tr>
3317 <tr id="1-1-14-39" class="a">
3318 <td nowrap>
3319 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3320 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3321 <abbr title="The minimal disk size requirement for this software
3322 image. The value of the 'size of storage' attribute
3323 of the VirtualStorageDesc referencing this
3324 SwImageDesc shall not be smaller than the value of
3325 minDisk."> min-disk </abbr>
3326 </div>
3327 </td>
3328 <td>leaf</td>
3329 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
3330 ">uint64</abbr></td>
3331 <td nowrap>config</td>
3332 <td></td>
3333 <td>current</td>
3334 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:min-disk</td</tr>
3335 <tr id="1-1-14-40" class="a">
3336 <td nowrap>
3337 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3338 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3339 <abbr title="The minimal RAM requirement for this software image.
3340 The value of the 'size' attribute of
3341 VirtualMemoryData of the Vdu referencing this
3342 SwImageDesc shall not be smaller than the value of
3343 minRam."> <em> min-ram </em></abbr>
3344 </div>
3345 </td>
3346 <td>leaf</td>
3347 <td nowrap><abbr title="decimal64
3348 [0..max]">decimal64</abbr></td>
3349 <td nowrap>config</td>
3350 <td>?</td>
3351 <td>current</td>
3352 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:min-ram</td</tr>
3353 <tr id="1-1-14-41" class="a">
3354 <td nowrap>
3355 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3356 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3357 <abbr title="The size of this software image."> size </abbr>
3358 </div>
3359 </td>
3360 <td>leaf</td>
3361 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
3362 ">uint64</abbr></td>
3363 <td nowrap>config</td>
3364 <td></td>
3365 <td>current</td>
3366 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:size</td</tr>
3367 <tr id="1-1-14-42" class="a">
3368 <td nowrap>
3369 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3370 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3371 <abbr title="This is a reference to the actual software image.
3372 The reference can be relative to the root of the VNF
3373 Package or can be a URL"> <em> image </em></abbr>
3374 </div>
3375 </td>
3376 <td>leaf</td>
3377 <td nowrap><abbr title="inet:uri
3378 string
3379 ">inet:uri</abbr></td>
3380 <td nowrap>config</td>
3381 <td>?</td>
3382 <td>current</td>
3383 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:image</td</tr>
3384 <tr id="1-1-14-43" class="a">
3385 <td nowrap>
3386 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3387 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3388 <abbr title="Identifies the operating system used in the software
3389 image. This attribute may also identify if a 32 bit
3390 or 64 bit software image is used."> <em> operating-system </em></abbr>
3391 </div>
3392 </td>
3393 <td>leaf</td>
3394 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3395 ">string</abbr></td>
3396 <td nowrap>config</td>
3397 <td>?</td>
3398 <td>current</td>
3399 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:operating-system</td</tr>
3400 <tr id="1-1-14-44" class="a">
3401 <td nowrap>
3402 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3403 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
3404 <abbr title="Identifies the virtualisation environments
3405 (e.g. hypervisor) compatible with this software
3406 image."> supported-virtualization-environment </abbr>
3407 </div>
3408 </td>
3409 <td>leaf-list</td>
3410 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3411 ">string</abbr></td>
3412 <td nowrap>config</td>
3413 <td>*</td>
3414 <td>current</td>
3415 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/vnfd:supported-virtualization-environment</td</tr>
3416 <tr id="1-1-14-45" class="a">
3417 <td nowrap>
3418 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3419 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3420 <abbr title="VIM type: openvim, openstack, vmware, aws, etc."> <em> alternative-images:vim-type </em></abbr>
3421 </div>
3422 </td>
3423 <td>leaf</td>
3424 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3425 ">string</abbr></td>
3426 <td nowrap>config</td>
3427 <td>?</td>
3428 <td>current</td>
3429 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:sw-image-desc/alternative-images:vim-type</td</tr>
3430 <tr id="1-1-15" class="a">
3431 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3432 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
3433 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3434 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3435 class="folder">&nbsp;
3436 </a>
3437 <abbr title="Represents the type of network connectivity mandated by the
3438 VNF provider between two or more CPs which includes at
3439 least one internal CP.">int-virtual-link-desc[id]</abbr>
3440 </div>
3441 </td>
3442 <td nowrap>list</td>
3443 <td nowrap></td>
3444 <td nowrap>config</td>
3445 <td></td>
3446 <td>current</td>
3447 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc</td>
3448 </tr>
3449 <tr id="1-1-15-46" class="a">
3450 <td nowrap>
3451 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3452 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3453 <abbr title="Unique identifier of this internal VLD in VNFD."> id </abbr>
3454 </div>
3455 </td>
3456 <td>leaf</td>
3457 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3458 ">string</abbr></td>
3459 <td nowrap>config</td>
3460 <td></td>
3461 <td>current</td>
3462 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:id</td</tr>
3463 <tr id="1-1-15-47" class="a">
3464 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3465 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
3466 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3467 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3468 class="folder">&nbsp;
3469 </a>
3470 <abbr title="Describes a specific flavour of the VL with specific
3471 bitrate requirements.">flavour[id]</abbr>
3472 </div>
3473 </td>
3474 <td nowrap>list</td>
3475 <td nowrap></td>
3476 <td nowrap>config</td>
3477 <td></td>
3478 <td>current</td>
3479 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:flavour</td>
3480 </tr>
3481 <tr id="1-1-15-47-67" class="a">
3482 <td nowrap>
3483 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3484 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3485 <abbr title="Identifies a flavour within a VnfVirtualLinkDesc."> id </abbr>
3486 </div>
3487 </td>
3488 <td>leaf</td>
3489 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3490 ">string</abbr></td>
3491 <td nowrap>config</td>
3492 <td></td>
3493 <td>current</td>
3494 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:flavour/vnfd:id</td</tr>
3495 <tr id="1-1-15-47-68" class="a">
3496 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3497 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
3498 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3499 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3500 class="folder">&nbsp;
3501 </a>
3502 <abbr title="QoS of the VL.">qos</abbr>
3503 </div>
3504 </td>
3505 <td nowrap>container</td>
3506 <td nowrap></td>
3507 <td nowrap>config</td>
3508 <td><abbr title="VL QoS parameters">Presence</abbr></td>
3509 <td>current</td>
3510 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:flavour/vnfd:qos</td>
3511 </tr>
3512 <tr id="1-1-15-47-68-36" class="a">
3513 <td nowrap>
3514 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
3515 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3516 <abbr title="Specifies the maximum latency in ms."> latency </abbr>
3517 </div>
3518 </td>
3519 <td>leaf</td>
3520 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
3521 ">uint32</abbr></td>
3522 <td nowrap>config</td>
3523 <td></td>
3524 <td>current</td>
3525 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:flavour/vnfd:qos/vnfd:latency</td</tr>
3526 <tr id="1-1-15-47-68-37" class="a">
3527 <td nowrap>
3528 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
3529 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3530 <abbr title="Specifies the maximum jitter in ms."> packet-delay-variation </abbr>
3531 </div>
3532 </td>
3533 <td>leaf</td>
3534 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
3535 ">uint32</abbr></td>
3536 <td nowrap>config</td>
3537 <td></td>
3538 <td>current</td>
3539 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:flavour/vnfd:qos/vnfd:packet-delay-variation</td</tr>
3540 <tr id="1-1-15-47-68-38" class="a">
3541 <td nowrap>
3542 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
3543 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3544 <abbr title="Specifies the maximum packet loss ratio."> <em> packet-loss-ratio </em></abbr>
3545 </div>
3546 </td>
3547 <td>leaf</td>
3548 <td nowrap><abbr title="decimal64
3549 [0..1.00]">decimal64</abbr></td>
3550 <td nowrap>config</td>
3551 <td>?</td>
3552 <td>current</td>
3553 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:flavour/vnfd:qos/vnfd:packet-loss-ratio</td</tr>
3554 <tr id="1-1-15-48" class="a">
3555 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3556 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
3557 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3558 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3559 class="folder">&nbsp;
3560 </a>
3561 <abbr title="No description">connectivity-type</abbr>
3562 </div>
3563 </td>
3564 <td nowrap>container</td>
3565 <td nowrap></td>
3566 <td nowrap>config</td>
3567 <td></td>
3568 <td>current</td>
3569 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:connectivity-type</td>
3570 </tr>
3571 <tr id="1-1-15-48-69" class="a">
3572 <td nowrap>
3573 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3574 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
3575 <abbr title="Identifies the protocols that the VL uses (Ethernet,
3576 MPLS, ODU2, IPV4, IPV6, Pseudo-Wire). The top layer
3577 protocol of the VL protocol stack shall always be provided.
3578 The lower layer protocols may be included when there are
3579 specific requirements on these layers."> layer-protocol </abbr>
3580 </div>
3581 </td>
3582 <td>leaf-list</td>
3583 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
3584 {layer-protocol}">identityref</abbr></td>
3585 <td nowrap>config</td>
3586 <td>*</td>
3587 <td>current</td>
3588 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:connectivity-type/vnfd:layer-protocol</td</tr>
3589 <tr id="1-1-15-48-70" class="a">
3590 <td nowrap>
3591 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3592 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3593 <abbr title="Identifies the flow pattern of the connectivity (Line,
3594 Tree, Mesh)."> <em> flow-pattern </em></abbr>
3595 </div>
3596 </td>
3597 <td>leaf</td>
3598 <td nowrap><abbr title="flow-pattern
3599 enumeration
3600 : {line,tree,mesh,}">flow-pattern</abbr></td>
3601 <td nowrap>config</td>
3602 <td>?</td>
3603 <td>current</td>
3604 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:connectivity-type/vnfd:flow-pattern</td</tr>
3605 <tr id="1-1-15-49" class="a">
3606 <td nowrap>
3607 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3608 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
3609 <abbr title="Specifies test access facilities expected on the VL
3610 (e.g. none, passive monitoring, or active (intrusive)
3611 loopbacks at endpoints."> test-access </abbr>
3612 </div>
3613 </td>
3614 <td>leaf-list</td>
3615 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3616 ">string</abbr></td>
3617 <td nowrap>config</td>
3618 <td>*</td>
3619 <td>current</td>
3620 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:test-access</td</tr>
3621 <tr id="1-1-15-50" class="a">
3622 <td nowrap>
3623 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3624 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3625 <abbr title="Provides human-readable information on the purpose of
3626 the VL (e.g. control plane traffic)."> <em> description </em></abbr>
3627 </div>
3628 </td>
3629 <td>leaf</td>
3630 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3631 ">string</abbr></td>
3632 <td nowrap>config</td>
3633 <td>?</td>
3634 <td>current</td>
3635 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:description</td</tr>
3636 <tr id="1-1-15-51" class="a">
3637 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3638 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
3639 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3640 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3641 class="folder">&nbsp;
3642 </a>
3643 <abbr title="No description">monitoring-parameters[id]</abbr>
3644 </div>
3645 </td>
3646 <td nowrap>list</td>
3647 <td nowrap></td>
3648 <td nowrap>config</td>
3649 <td></td>
3650 <td>current</td>
3651 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:monitoring-parameters</td>
3652 </tr>
3653 <tr id="1-1-15-51-71" class="a">
3654 <td nowrap>
3655 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3656 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3657 <abbr title="Unique identifier of the monitoring parameter."> id </abbr>
3658 </div>
3659 </td>
3660 <td>leaf</td>
3661 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3662 ">string</abbr></td>
3663 <td nowrap>config</td>
3664 <td></td>
3665 <td>current</td>
3666 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:monitoring-parameters/vnfd:id</td</tr>
3667 <tr id="1-1-15-51-72" class="a">
3668 <td nowrap>
3669 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3670 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3671 <abbr title="Human readable name of the monitoring parameter."> <em> name </em></abbr>
3672 </div>
3673 </td>
3674 <td>leaf</td>
3675 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3676 ">string</abbr></td>
3677 <td nowrap>config</td>
3678 <td>?</td>
3679 <td>current</td>
3680 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:monitoring-parameters/vnfd:name</td</tr>
3681 <tr id="1-1-15-51-73" class="a">
3682 <td nowrap>
3683 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3684 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3685 <abbr title="Performance metric that is monitored. This attribute shall
3686 contain the related 'Measurement Name' value as defined in
3687 clause 7.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 027"> <em> performance-metric </em></abbr>
3688 </div>
3689 </td>
3690 <td>leaf</td>
3691 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3692 ">string</abbr></td>
3693 <td nowrap>config</td>
3694 <td>?</td>
3695 <td>current</td>
3696 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:monitoring-parameters/vnfd:performance-metric</td</tr>
3697 <tr id="1-1-15-51-74" class="a">
3698 <td nowrap>
3699 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3700 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3701 <abbr title="An attribute that describes the recommended periodicity at
3702 which to collect the performance information. VNFM determines
3703 if this parameter is considered.
3705 The vendor may provide this information as a guidance for
3706 creating PmJobs if needed."> <em> collection-period </em></abbr>
3707 </div>
3708 </td>
3709 <td>leaf</td>
3710 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
3711 ">uint64</abbr></td>
3712 <td nowrap>config</td>
3713 <td>?</td>
3714 <td>current</td>
3715 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/vnfd:monitoring-parameters/vnfd:collection-period</td</tr>
3716 <tr id="1-1-15-52" class="a">
3717 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3718 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
3719 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3720 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3721 class="folder">&nbsp;
3722 </a>
3723 <abbr title="Container for the provider network.">various:provider-network</abbr>
3724 </div>
3725 </td>
3726 <td nowrap>container</td>
3727 <td nowrap></td>
3728 <td nowrap>config</td>
3729 <td></td>
3730 <td>current</td>
3731 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/various:provider-network</td>
3732 </tr>
3733 <tr id="1-1-15-52-75" class="a">
3734 <td nowrap>
3735 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3736 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3737 <abbr title="Name of the physical network on which the provider
3738 network is built."> <em> various:physical-network </em></abbr>
3739 </div>
3740 </td>
3741 <td>leaf</td>
3742 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3743 ">string</abbr></td>
3744 <td nowrap>config</td>
3745 <td>?</td>
3746 <td>current</td>
3747 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/various:provider-network/various:physical-network</td</tr>
3748 <tr id="1-1-15-52-76" class="a">
3749 <td nowrap>
3750 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
3751 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3752 <abbr title="ID of segregated virtual networks"> <em> various:segmentation_id </em></abbr>
3753 </div>
3754 </td>
3755 <td>leaf</td>
3756 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
3757 ">uint32</abbr></td>
3758 <td nowrap>config</td>
3759 <td>?</td>
3760 <td>current</td>
3761 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc/various:provider-network/various:segmentation_id</td</tr>
3762 <tr id="1-1-16" class="a">
3763 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3764 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
3765 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3766 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3767 class="folder">&nbsp;
3768 </a>
3769 <abbr title="Defines security group rules to be used by the VNF.">security-group-rule[id]</abbr>
3770 </div>
3771 </td>
3772 <td nowrap>list</td>
3773 <td nowrap></td>
3774 <td nowrap>config</td>
3775 <td></td>
3776 <td>current</td>
3777 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:security-group-rule</td>
3778 </tr>
3779 <tr id="1-1-16-53" class="a">
3780 <td nowrap>
3781 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3782 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3783 <abbr title="Identifier of this SecurityGroupRule information
3784 element."> id </abbr>
3785 </div>
3786 </td>
3787 <td>leaf</td>
3788 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3789 ">string</abbr></td>
3790 <td nowrap>config</td>
3791 <td></td>
3792 <td>current</td>
3793 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:security-group-rule/vnfd:id</td</tr>
3794 <tr id="1-1-16-54" class="a">
3795 <td nowrap>
3796 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3797 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3798 <abbr title="Human readable description of the security group rule."> <em> description </em></abbr>
3799 </div>
3800 </td>
3801 <td>leaf</td>
3802 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
3803 ">string</abbr></td>
3804 <td nowrap>config</td>
3805 <td>?</td>
3806 <td>current</td>
3807 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:security-group-rule/vnfd:description</td</tr>
3808 <tr id="1-1-16-55" class="a">
3809 <td nowrap>
3810 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3811 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3812 <abbr title="The direction in which the security group rule is applied.
3813 Permitted values: INGRESS, EGRESS. Defaults to INGRESS."> <em> direction </em></abbr>
3814 </div>
3815 </td>
3816 <td>leaf</td>
3817 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
3818 : {ingress,egress,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
3819 <td nowrap>config</td>
3820 <td>?</td>
3821 <td>current</td>
3822 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:security-group-rule/vnfd:direction</td</tr>
3823 <tr id="1-1-16-56" class="a">
3824 <td nowrap>
3825 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3826 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3827 <abbr title="Indicates the protocol carried over the Ethernet layer.
3828 Permitted values: IPV4, IPV6. Defaults to IPV4."> <em> ether-type </em></abbr>
3829 </div>
3830 </td>
3831 <td>leaf</td>
3832 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
3833 : {ipv4,ipv6,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
3834 <td nowrap>config</td>
3835 <td>?</td>
3836 <td>current</td>
3837 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:security-group-rule/vnfd:ether-type</td</tr>
3838 <tr id="1-1-16-57" class="a">
3839 <td nowrap>
3840 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3841 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3842 <abbr title="Indicates the protocol carried over the IP layer.
3843 Permitted values: any protocol defined in the IANA
3844 protocol registry, e.g. TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc. Defaults
3845 to TCP."> <em> protocol </em></abbr>
3846 </div>
3847 </td>
3848 <td>leaf</td>
3849 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
3850 : {tcp,udp,icmp,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
3851 <td nowrap>config</td>
3852 <td>?</td>
3853 <td>current</td>
3854 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:security-group-rule/vnfd:protocol</td</tr>
3855 <tr id="1-1-16-58" class="a">
3856 <td nowrap>
3857 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3858 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3859 <abbr title="Indicates minimum port number in the range that is
3860 matched by the security group rule. Defaults to 0."> <em> port-range-min </em></abbr>
3861 </div>
3862 </td>
3863 <td>leaf</td>
3864 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint16
3865 ">uint16</abbr></td>
3866 <td nowrap>config</td>
3867 <td>?</td>
3868 <td>current</td>
3869 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:security-group-rule/vnfd:port-range-min</td</tr>
3870 <tr id="1-1-16-59" class="a">
3871 <td nowrap>
3872 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
3873 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3874 <abbr title="Indicates maximum port number in the range that is
3875 matched by the security group rule. Defaults to 65535."> <em> port-range-max </em></abbr>
3876 </div>
3877 </td>
3878 <td>leaf</td>
3879 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint16
3880 ">uint16</abbr></td>
3881 <td nowrap>config</td>
3882 <td>?</td>
3883 <td>current</td>
3884 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:security-group-rule/vnfd:port-range-max</td</tr>
3885 <tr id="1-1-17" class="a">
3886 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3887 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
3888 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3889 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3890 class="folder">&nbsp;
3891 </a>
3892 <abbr title="Describes an external interface exposed by this VNF enabling
3893 connection with a Virual Link">ext-cpd[id]</abbr>
3894 </div>
3895 </td>
3896 <td nowrap>list</td>
3897 <td nowrap></td>
3898 <td nowrap>config</td>
3899 <td></td>
3900 <td>current</td>
3901 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd</td>
3902 </tr>
3903 <tr id="1-1-17-60" class="a">
3904 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3905 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
3906 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3907 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3908 class="folder">&nbsp;
3909 </a>
3910 <abbr title="No description">(cp-connection)</abbr>
3911 </div>
3912 </td>
3913 <td nowrap>choice</td>
3914 <td nowrap></td>
3915 <td nowrap>config</td>
3916 <td>Choice</td>
3917 <td>current</td>
3918 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd</td>
3919 </tr>
3920 <tr id="1-1-17-60-77" class="a">
3921 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3922 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
3923 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3924 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3925 class="folder">&nbsp;
3926 </a>
3927 <abbr title="No description">:(int-virtual-link-desc)</abbr>
3928 </div>
3929 </td>
3930 <td nowrap>case</td>
3931 <td nowrap></td>
3932 <td nowrap>config</td>
3933 <td></td>
3934 <td>current</td>
3935 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd</td>
3936 </tr>
3937 <tr id="1-1-17-60-77-39" class="a">
3938 <td nowrap>
3939 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
3940 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3941 <abbr title="Reference to the internal Virtual Link Descriptor (VLD)
3942 to which CPs instantiated from this external CP
3943 Descriptor (CPD) connect. Either intVirtualLinkDesc or
3944 intCpd shall be present."> <em> int-virtual-link-desc </em></abbr>
3945 </div>
3946 </td>
3947 <td>leaf</td>
3948 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
3949 : ../../int-virtual-link-desc/id">leafref</abbr></td>
3950 <td nowrap>config</td>
3951 <td>?</td>
3952 <td>current</td>
3953 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:int-virtual-link-desc</td</tr>
3954 <tr id="1-1-17-60-78" class="a">
3955 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3956 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
3957 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3958 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3959 class="folder">&nbsp;
3960 </a>
3961 <abbr title="No description">:(int-cpd)</abbr>
3962 </div>
3963 </td>
3964 <td nowrap>case</td>
3965 <td nowrap></td>
3966 <td nowrap>config</td>
3967 <td></td>
3968 <td>current</td>
3969 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd</td>
3970 </tr>
3971 <tr id="1-1-17-60-78-40" class="a">
3972 <td nowrap id="p4000">
3973 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
3974 <a href="#" id="p6000"
3975 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
3976 class="folder">&nbsp;
3977 </a>
3978 <abbr title="No description">int-cpd</abbr>
3979 </div>
3980 </td>
3981 <td nowrap>container</td>
3982 <td nowrap></td>
3983 <td nowrap>config</td>
3984 <td></td>
3985 <td>current</td>
3986 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:int-cpd</td>
3987 </tr>
3988 <tr id="1-1-17-60-78-40-21" class="a">
3989 <td nowrap>
3990 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
3991 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
3992 <abbr title="No description"> <em> vdu-id </em></abbr>
3993 </div>
3994 </td>
3995 <td>leaf</td>
3996 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
3997 : ../../../vdu/id">leafref</abbr></td>
3998 <td nowrap>config</td>
3999 <td>?</td>
4000 <td>current</td>
4001 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:vdu-id</td</tr>
4002 <tr id="1-1-17-60-78-40-22" class="a">
4003 <td nowrap>
4004 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
4005 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4006 <abbr title="No description"> <em> cpd </em></abbr>
4007 </div>
4008 </td>
4009 <td>leaf</td>
4010 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
4011 : deref(../vdu-id)/../int-cpd/id">leafref</abbr></td>
4012 <td nowrap>config</td>
4013 <td>?</td>
4014 <td>current</td>
4015 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:cpd</td</tr>
4016 <tr id="1-1-17-60-79" class="a">
4017 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4018 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
4019 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4020 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4021 class="folder">&nbsp;
4022 </a>
4023 <abbr title="No description">:(k8s-cluster-net)</abbr>
4024 </div>
4025 </td>
4026 <td nowrap>case</td>
4027 <td nowrap></td>
4028 <td nowrap>config</td>
4029 <td></td>
4030 <td>current</td>
4031 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd</td>
4032 </tr>
4033 <tr id="1-1-17-60-79-41" class="a">
4034 <td nowrap>
4035 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4036 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4037 <abbr title="Reference to the K8s cluster network
4038 to which CPs instantiated from this external CP
4039 Descriptor (CPD) connect."> <em> kdu:k8s-cluster-net </em></abbr>
4040 </div>
4041 </td>
4042 <td>leaf</td>
4043 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
4044 : /vnfd:vnfd/kdu:k8s-cluster/kdu:nets/kdu:id">leafref</abbr></td>
4045 <td nowrap>config</td>
4046 <td>?</td>
4047 <td>current</td>
4048 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/kdu:k8s-cluster-net</td</tr>
4049 <tr id="1-1-17-61" class="a">
4050 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4051 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
4052 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4053 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4054 class="folder">&nbsp;
4055 </a>
4056 <abbr title="Specifies requirements on a virtual network interface
4057 realising the CPs instantiated from this CPD.">virtual-network-interface-requirement[name]</abbr>
4058 </div>
4059 </td>
4060 <td nowrap>list</td>
4061 <td nowrap></td>
4062 <td nowrap>config</td>
4063 <td></td>
4064 <td>current</td>
4065 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement</td>
4066 </tr>
4067 <tr id="1-1-17-61-80" class="a">
4068 <td nowrap>
4069 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
4070 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4071 <abbr title="Provides a human readable name for the requirement."> name </abbr>
4072 </div>
4073 </td>
4074 <td>leaf</td>
4075 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
4076 ">string</abbr></td>
4077 <td nowrap>config</td>
4078 <td></td>
4079 <td>current</td>
4080 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:name</td</tr>
4081 <tr id="1-1-17-61-81" class="a">
4082 <td nowrap>
4083 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
4084 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4085 <abbr title="Provides a human readable description of the requirement."> <em> description </em></abbr>
4086 </div>
4087 </td>
4088 <td>leaf</td>
4089 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
4090 ">string</abbr></td>
4091 <td nowrap>config</td>
4092 <td>?</td>
4093 <td>current</td>
4094 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:description</td</tr>
4095 <tr id="1-1-17-61-82" class="a">
4096 <td nowrap>
4097 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
4098 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4099 <abbr title="Indicates whether fulfilling the constraint is
4100 mandatory (true) for successful operation or desirable
4101 (false)."> <em> support-mandatory </em></abbr>
4102 </div>
4103 </td>
4104 <td>leaf</td>
4105 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
4106 ">boolean</abbr></td>
4107 <td nowrap>config</td>
4108 <td>?</td>
4109 <td>current</td>
4110 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:support-mandatory</td</tr>
4111 <tr id="1-1-17-61-83" class="a">
4112 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4113 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
4114 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4115 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4116 class="folder">&nbsp;
4117 </a>
4118 <abbr title="The network interface requirements. An element from an
4119 array of key-value pairs that articulate the network
4120 interface deployment requirements.">network-interface-requirements[key]</abbr>
4121 </div>
4122 </td>
4123 <td nowrap>list</td>
4124 <td nowrap></td>
4125 <td nowrap>config</td>
4126 <td></td>
4127 <td>current</td>
4128 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:network-interface-requirements</td>
4129 </tr>
4130 <tr id="1-1-17-61-83-42" class="a">
4131 <td nowrap>
4132 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4133 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4134 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
4135 </div>
4136 </td>
4137 <td>leaf</td>
4138 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
4139 ">string</abbr></td>
4140 <td nowrap>config</td>
4141 <td></td>
4142 <td>current</td>
4143 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:network-interface-requirements/vnfd:key</td</tr>
4144 <tr id="1-1-17-61-83-43" class="a">
4145 <td nowrap>
4146 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4147 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4148 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
4149 </div>
4150 </td>
4151 <td>leaf</td>
4152 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
4153 ">string</abbr></td>
4154 <td nowrap>config</td>
4155 <td>?</td>
4156 <td>current</td>
4157 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:network-interface-requirements/vnfd:value</td</tr>
4158 <tr id="1-1-17-62" class="a">
4159 <td nowrap>
4160 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
4161 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4162 <abbr title="This references (couples) the CPD with any logical node I/O
4163 requirements (for network devices) that may have been
4164 created. Linking these attributes is necessary so that so
4165 that I/O requirements that need to be articulated at the
4166 logical node level can be associated with the network
4167 interface requirements associated with the CPD."> <em> nicio-requirements </em></abbr>
4168 </div>
4169 </td>
4170 <td>leaf</td>
4171 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
4172 : ../../virtual-compute-desc/id">leafref</abbr></td>
4173 <td nowrap>config</td>
4174 <td>?</td>
4175 <td>current</td>
4176 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:nicio-requirements</td</tr>
4177 <tr id="1-1-17-63" class="a">
4178 <td nowrap>
4179 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
4180 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4181 <abbr title="Identifier of this Cpd information element."> id </abbr>
4182 </div>
4183 </td>
4184 <td>leaf</td>
4185 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
4186 ">string</abbr></td>
4187 <td nowrap>config</td>
4188 <td></td>
4189 <td>current</td>
4190 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:id</td</tr>
4191 <tr id="1-1-17-64" class="a">
4192 <td nowrap>
4193 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
4194 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
4195 <abbr title="Identifies a protocol that the connection points
4196 corresponding to the CPD support for connectivity purposes
4197 (e.g. Ethernet, MPLS, ODU2, IPV4, IPV6, Pseudo-Wire, etc.)."> layer-protocol </abbr>
4198 </div>
4199 </td>
4200 <td>leaf-list</td>
4201 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
4202 {layer-protocol}">identityref</abbr></td>
4203 <td nowrap>config</td>
4204 <td>*</td>
4205 <td>current</td>
4206 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:layer-protocol</td</tr>
4207 <tr id="1-1-17-65" class="a">
4208 <td nowrap>
4209 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
4210 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4211 <abbr title="Identifies the role of the connection points
4212 corresponding to the CPD in the context of the traffic
4213 flow patterns in the VNF, PNF or NS. For example an NS with
4214 a tree flow pattern within the NS will have legal cpRoles
4215 of ROOT and LEAF."> <em> role </em></abbr>
4216 </div>
4217 </td>
4218 <td>leaf</td>
4219 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
4220 {cp-role}">identityref</abbr></td>
4221 <td nowrap>config</td>
4222 <td>?</td>
4223 <td>current</td>
4224 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:role</td</tr>
4225 <tr id="1-1-17-66" class="a">
4226 <td nowrap>
4227 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
4228 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4229 <abbr title="Provides human-readable information on the purpose of the
4230 connection point (e.g. connection point for control plane
4231 traffic)."> <em> description </em></abbr>
4232 </div>
4233 </td>
4234 <td>leaf</td>
4235 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
4236 ">string</abbr></td>
4237 <td nowrap>config</td>
4238 <td>?</td>
4239 <td>current</td>
4240 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:description</td</tr>
4241 <tr id="1-1-17-67" class="a">
4242 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4243 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
4244 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4245 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4246 class="folder">&nbsp;
4247 </a>
4248 <abbr title="Identifies the protocol layering information the CP uses for
4249 connectivity purposes and associated information. There shall
4250 be one cpProtocol for each layer protocol as indicated by the
4251 attribute layerProtocol. When a PnfExtCpd as defined in ETSI
4252 GS NFV-IFA 014 [i.8] is inherited from this Cpd, the
4253 cardinality is set to 0.">protocol[associated-layer-protocol]</abbr>
4254 </div>
4255 </td>
4256 <td nowrap>list</td>
4257 <td nowrap></td>
4258 <td nowrap>config</td>
4259 <td></td>
4260 <td>current</td>
4261 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol</td>
4262 </tr>
4263 <tr id="1-1-17-67-84" class="a">
4264 <td nowrap>
4265 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
4266 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4267 <abbr title="One of the values of the attribute layerProtocol of the Cpd
4268 IE."> associated-layer-protocol </abbr>
4269 </div>
4270 </td>
4271 <td>leaf</td>
4272 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
4273 {layer-protocol}">identityref</abbr></td>
4274 <td nowrap>config</td>
4275 <td></td>
4276 <td>current</td>
4277 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:associated-layer-protocol</td</tr>
4278 <tr id="1-1-17-67-85" class="a">
4279 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4280 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
4281 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4282 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4283 class="folder">&nbsp;
4284 </a>
4285 <abbr title="Provides information on the addresses to be assigned to the
4286 CP(s) instantiated from the CPD.">address-data[type]</abbr>
4287 </div>
4288 </td>
4289 <td nowrap>list</td>
4290 <td nowrap></td>
4291 <td nowrap>config</td>
4292 <td></td>
4293 <td>current</td>
4294 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data</td>
4295 </tr>
4296 <tr id="1-1-17-67-85-44" class="a">
4297 <td nowrap>
4298 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4299 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4300 <abbr title="Describes the type of the address to be assigned to the
4301 CP instantiated from the parent CPD.
4302 Value:
4303 MAC address.
4304 IP address.
4305 Etc.
4306 The content type shall be aligned with the address type
4307 supported by the layerProtocol attribute of the parent
4308 CPD."> type </abbr>
4309 </div>
4310 </td>
4311 <td>leaf</td>
4312 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
4313 {address-type}">identityref</abbr></td>
4314 <td nowrap>config</td>
4315 <td></td>
4316 <td>current</td>
4317 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:type</td</tr>
4318 <tr id="1-1-17-67-85-45" class="a">
4319 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4320 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
4321 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4322 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4323 class="folder">&nbsp;
4324 </a>
4325 <abbr title="Provides the information on the MAC addresses to be
4326 assigned to the CP(s) instantiated from the parent CPD.
4327 Shall be present when the addressType is MAC address.">l2-address-data</abbr>
4328 </div>
4329 </td>
4330 <td nowrap>container</td>
4331 <td nowrap></td>
4332 <td nowrap>config</td>
4333 <td></td>
4334 <td>current</td>
4335 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l2-address-data</td>
4336 </tr>
4337 <tr id="1-1-17-67-85-45-23" class="a">
4338 <td nowrap>
4339 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
4340 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4341 <abbr title="Specify if the MAC address assignment is the
4342 responsibility of management and orchestration function
4343 or not. If it is set to True, it is the management and
4344 orchestration function responsibility. If it is set to
4345 False, it will be provided by an external entity,
4346 e.g. OSS/BSS."> mac-address-assignment </abbr>
4347 </div>
4348 </td>
4349 <td>leaf</td>
4350 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
4351 ">boolean</abbr></td>
4352 <td nowrap>config</td>
4353 <td></td>
4354 <td>current</td>
4355 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l2-address-data/vnfd:mac-address-assignment</td</tr>
4356 <tr id="1-1-17-67-85-46" class="a">
4357 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4358 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
4359 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4360 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4361 class="folder">&nbsp;
4362 </a>
4363 <abbr title="No description">l3-address-data</abbr>
4364 </div>
4365 </td>
4366 <td nowrap>container</td>
4367 <td nowrap></td>
4368 <td nowrap>config</td>
4369 <td></td>
4370 <td>current</td>
4371 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l3-address-data</td>
4372 </tr>
4373 <tr id="1-1-17-67-85-46-24" class="a">
4374 <td nowrap>
4375 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
4376 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4377 <abbr title="Specify if the address assignment is the responsibility
4378 of management and orchestration function or not. If it
4379 is set to True, it is the management and orchestration
4380 function responsibility. "> ip-address-assignment </abbr>
4381 </div>
4382 </td>
4383 <td>leaf</td>
4384 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
4385 ">boolean</abbr></td>
4386 <td nowrap>config</td>
4387 <td></td>
4388 <td>current</td>
4389 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l3-address-data/vnfd:ip-address-assignment</td</tr>
4390 <tr id="1-1-17-67-85-46-25" class="a">
4391 <td nowrap>
4392 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
4393 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4394 <abbr title="Specify if the floating IP scheme is activated on the CP
4395 or not."> floating-ip-activated </abbr>
4396 </div>
4397 </td>
4398 <td>leaf</td>
4399 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
4400 ">boolean</abbr></td>
4401 <td nowrap>config</td>
4402 <td></td>
4403 <td>current</td>
4404 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l3-address-data/vnfd:floating-ip-activated</td</tr>
4405 <tr id="1-1-17-67-85-46-26" class="a">
4406 <td nowrap>
4407 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
4408 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4409 <abbr title="Define address type. The address type should be aligned
4410 with the address type supported by the layerProtocol
4411 attribute of the parent VnfExtCpd."> <em> ip-address-type </em></abbr>
4412 </div>
4413 </td>
4414 <td>leaf</td>
4415 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
4416 : {ipv4,ipv6,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
4417 <td nowrap>config</td>
4418 <td>?</td>
4419 <td>current</td>
4420 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l3-address-data/vnfd:ip-address-type</td</tr>
4421 <tr id="1-1-17-67-85-46-27" class="a">
4422 <td nowrap>
4423 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
4424 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4425 <abbr title="Minimum number of IP addresses to be assigned based on
4426 this L3AddressData information element."> <em> number-of-ip-addresses </em></abbr>
4427 </div>
4428 </td>
4429 <td>leaf</td>
4430 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
4431 ">uint32</abbr></td>
4432 <td nowrap>config</td>
4433 <td>?</td>
4434 <td>current</td>
4435 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:protocol/vnfd:address-data/vnfd:l3-address-data/vnfd:number-of-ip-addresses</td</tr>
4436 <tr id="1-1-17-68" class="a">
4437 <td nowrap>
4438 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
4439 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4440 <abbr title="Information about whether the Cp instantiated from this CPD
4441 is in Trunk mode (802.1Q or other). When operating in
4442 'trunk mode', the Cp is capable of carrying traffic for
4443 several VLANs. A cardinality of 0 implies that trunkMode
4444 is not configured for the Cp i.e. It is equivalent to
4445 Boolean value 'false'."> <em> trunk-mode </em></abbr>
4446 </div>
4447 </td>
4448 <td>leaf</td>
4449 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
4450 ">boolean</abbr></td>
4451 <td nowrap>config</td>
4452 <td>?</td>
4453 <td>current</td>
4454 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:trunk-mode</td</tr>
4455 <tr id="1-1-17-69" class="a">
4456 <td nowrap>
4457 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
4458 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4459 <abbr title="Reference of the security group rules bound to this
4460 CPD."> <em> security-group-rule-id </em></abbr>
4461 </div>
4462 </td>
4463 <td>leaf</td>
4464 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
4465 : ../../security-group-rule/id">leafref</abbr></td>
4466 <td nowrap>config</td>
4467 <td>?</td>
4468 <td>current</td>
4469 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:security-group-rule-id</td</tr>
4470 <tr id="1-1-17-70" class="a">
4471 <td nowrap>
4472 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
4473 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4474 <abbr title="Enables the port security for the port."> <em> various:port-security-enabled </em></abbr>
4475 </div>
4476 </td>
4477 <td>leaf</td>
4478 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
4479 ">boolean</abbr></td>
4480 <td nowrap>config</td>
4481 <td>?</td>
4482 <td>current</td>
4483 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/various:port-security-enabled</td</tr>
4484 <tr id="1-1-18" class="a">
4485 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4486 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
4487 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4488 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4489 class="folder">&nbsp;
4490 </a>
4491 <abbr title="Describes a specific Deployment Flavour (DF) of a VNF with
4492 specific requirements for capacity and performance.">df[id]</abbr>
4493 </div>
4494 </td>
4495 <td nowrap>list</td>
4496 <td nowrap></td>
4497 <td nowrap>config</td>
4498 <td></td>
4499 <td>current</td>
4500 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df</td>
4501 </tr>
4502 <tr id="1-1-18-71" class="a">
4503 <td nowrap>
4504 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
4505 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4506 <abbr title="Identifier of this DF within the VNFD."> id </abbr>
4507 </div>
4508 </td>
4509 <td>leaf</td>
4510 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
4511 ">string</abbr></td>
4512 <td nowrap>config</td>
4513 <td></td>
4514 <td>current</td>
4515 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:id</td</tr>
4516 <tr id="1-1-18-72" class="a">
4517 <td nowrap>
4518 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
4519 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4520 <abbr title="Human readable description of the deployment flavour"> <em> description </em></abbr>
4521 </div>
4522 </td>
4523 <td>leaf</td>
4524 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
4525 ">string</abbr></td>
4526 <td nowrap>config</td>
4527 <td>?</td>
4528 <td>current</td>
4529 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:description</td</tr>
4530 <tr id="1-1-18-73" class="a">
4531 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4532 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
4533 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4534 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4535 class="folder">&nbsp;
4536 </a>
4537 <abbr title="The Vduprofile describes additional instantiation data for
4538 a given VDU used in a deployment flavour.">vdu-profile[id]</abbr>
4539 </div>
4540 </td>
4541 <td nowrap>list</td>
4542 <td nowrap></td>
4543 <td nowrap>config</td>
4544 <td></td>
4545 <td>current</td>
4546 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:vdu-profile</td>
4547 </tr>
4548 <tr id="1-1-18-73-86" class="a">
4549 <td nowrap>
4550 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
4551 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4552 <abbr title="No description"> id </abbr>
4553 </div>
4554 </td>
4555 <td>leaf</td>
4556 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
4557 : ../../../vdu/id">leafref</abbr></td>
4558 <td nowrap>config</td>
4559 <td></td>
4560 <td>current</td>
4561 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:vdu-profile/vnfd:id</td</tr>
4562 <tr id="1-1-18-73-87" class="a">
4563 <td nowrap>
4564 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
4565 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4566 <abbr title="Minimum number of instances of the VNFC based on this
4567 VDU that is permitted to exist for this flavour."> <em> min-number-of-instances </em></abbr>
4568 </div>
4569 </td>
4570 <td>leaf</td>
4571 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint16
4572 ">uint16</abbr></td>
4573 <td nowrap>config</td>
4574 <td>?</td>
4575 <td>current</td>
4576 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:vdu-profile/vnfd:min-number-of-instances</td</tr>
4577 <tr id="1-1-18-73-88" class="a">
4578 <td nowrap>
4579 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
4580 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4581 <abbr title="No description"> <em> max-number-of-instances </em></abbr>
4582 </div>
4583 </td>
4584 <td>leaf</td>
4585 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint16
4586 ">uint16</abbr></td>
4587 <td nowrap>config</td>
4588 <td>?</td>
4589 <td>current</td>
4590 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:vdu-profile/vnfd:max-number-of-instances</td</tr>
4591 <tr id="1-1-18-73-89" class="a">
4592 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4593 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
4594 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4595 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4596 class="folder">&nbsp;
4597 </a>
4598 <abbr title="No description">local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule[affinity-type affinity-scope]</abbr>
4599 </div>
4600 </td>
4601 <td nowrap>list</td>
4602 <td nowrap></td>
4603 <td nowrap>config</td>
4604 <td></td>
4605 <td>current</td>
4606 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:vdu-profile/vnfd:local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule</td>
4607 </tr>
4608 <tr id="1-1-18-73-89-47" class="a">
4609 <td nowrap>
4610 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4611 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4612 <abbr title="Specifies whether the rule is an affinity rule or an
4613 anti-affinity rule."> affinity-type </abbr>
4614 </div>
4615 </td>
4616 <td>leaf</td>
4617 <td nowrap><abbr title="affinity-type
4618 enumeration
4619 : {affinity,anti-affinity,}">affinity-type</abbr></td>
4620 <td nowrap>config</td>
4621 <td></td>
4622 <td>current</td>
4623 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:vdu-profile/vnfd:local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule/vnfd:affinity-type</td</tr>
4624 <tr id="1-1-18-73-89-48" class="a">
4625 <td nowrap>
4626 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4627 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4628 <abbr title="Specifies the scope of the rule, possible values are
4629 'NFVI-PoP', 'Zone', 'ZoneGroup', 'NFVI-node'."> affinity-scope </abbr>
4630 </div>
4631 </td>
4632 <td>leaf</td>
4633 <td nowrap><abbr title="affinity-scope
4634 enumeration
4635 : {nfvi-node,zone-group,zone,nfvi-pop,}">affinity-scope</abbr></td>
4636 <td nowrap>config</td>
4637 <td></td>
4638 <td>current</td>
4639 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:vdu-profile/vnfd:local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule/vnfd:affinity-scope</td</tr>
4640 <tr id="1-1-18-73-90" class="a">
4641 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4642 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
4643 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4644 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4645 class="folder">&nbsp;
4646 </a>
4647 <abbr title="Identifier(s) of the affinity or anti-affinity
4648 group(s) the VDU belongs to.">affinity-or-anti-affinity-group[id]</abbr>
4649 </div>
4650 </td>
4651 <td nowrap>list</td>
4652 <td nowrap></td>
4653 <td nowrap>config</td>
4654 <td></td>
4655 <td>current</td>
4656 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:vdu-profile/vnfd:affinity-or-anti-affinity-group</td>
4657 </tr>
4658 <tr id="1-1-18-73-90-49" class="a">
4659 <td nowrap>
4660 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4661 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4662 <abbr title="Identifies an affinity or anti-affinity group to
4663 which the affinity or anti-affinity rule applies."> id </abbr>
4664 </div>
4665 </td>
4666 <td>leaf</td>
4667 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
4668 : ../../../affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/id">leafref</abbr></td>
4669 <td nowrap>config</td>
4670 <td></td>
4671 <td>current</td>
4672 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:vdu-profile/vnfd:affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/vnfd:id</td</tr>
4673 <tr id="1-1-18-73-91" class="a">
4674 <td nowrap>
4675 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
4676 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4677 <abbr title="Reference for the VDU configuration to use in this DF"> <em> configuration:vdu-configuration-id </em></abbr>
4678 </div>
4679 </td>
4680 <td>leaf</td>
4681 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
4682 : /vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:id">leafref</abbr></td>
4683 <td nowrap>config</td>
4684 <td>?</td>
4685 <td>current</td>
4686 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:vdu-profile/configuration:vdu-configuration-id</td</tr>
4687 <tr id="1-1-18-74" class="a">
4688 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4689 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
4690 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4691 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4692 class="folder">&nbsp;
4693 </a>
4694 <abbr title="Defines the internal VLD along with additional data which
4695 is used in this DF.">virtual-link-profile[id flavour]</abbr>
4696 </div>
4697 </td>
4698 <td nowrap>list</td>
4699 <td nowrap></td>
4700 <td nowrap>config</td>
4701 <td></td>
4702 <td>current</td>
4703 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile</td>
4704 </tr>
4705 <tr id="1-1-18-74-92" class="a">
4706 <td nowrap>
4707 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
4708 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4709 <abbr title="Uniquely identifies a Vnf VLD."> id </abbr>
4710 </div>
4711 </td>
4712 <td>leaf</td>
4713 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
4714 : ../../../int-virtual-link-desc/id">leafref</abbr></td>
4715 <td nowrap>config</td>
4716 <td></td>
4717 <td>current</td>
4718 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:id</td</tr>
4719 <tr id="1-1-18-74-93" class="a">
4720 <td nowrap>
4721 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
4722 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4723 <abbr title="Identifies a flavour within the VnfVirtualLinkDesc."> flavour </abbr>
4724 </div>
4725 </td>
4726 <td>leaf</td>
4727 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
4728 : deref(../../../ext-cpd/int-virtual-link-desc)/../flavour/id">leafref</abbr></td>
4729 <td nowrap>config</td>
4730 <td></td>
4731 <td>current</td>
4732 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:flavour</td</tr>
4733 <tr id="1-1-18-74-94" class="a">
4734 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4735 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
4736 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4737 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4738 class="folder">&nbsp;
4739 </a>
4740 <abbr title="No description">local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule[affinity-type affinity-scope]</abbr>
4741 </div>
4742 </td>
4743 <td nowrap>list</td>
4744 <td nowrap></td>
4745 <td nowrap>config</td>
4746 <td></td>
4747 <td>current</td>
4748 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule</td>
4749 </tr>
4750 <tr id="1-1-18-74-94-50" class="a">
4751 <td nowrap>
4752 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4753 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4754 <abbr title="Specifies whether the rule is an affinity rule or an
4755 anti-affinity rule."> affinity-type </abbr>
4756 </div>
4757 </td>
4758 <td>leaf</td>
4759 <td nowrap><abbr title="affinity-type
4760 enumeration
4761 : {affinity,anti-affinity,}">affinity-type</abbr></td>
4762 <td nowrap>config</td>
4763 <td></td>
4764 <td>current</td>
4765 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule/vnfd:affinity-type</td</tr>
4766 <tr id="1-1-18-74-94-51" class="a">
4767 <td nowrap>
4768 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4769 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4770 <abbr title="Specifies the scope of the rule, possible values are
4771 'NFVI-PoP', 'Zone', 'ZoneGroup', 'NFVI-node'."> affinity-scope </abbr>
4772 </div>
4773 </td>
4774 <td>leaf</td>
4775 <td nowrap><abbr title="affinity-scope
4776 enumeration
4777 : {nfvi-node,zone-group,zone,nfvi-pop,}">affinity-scope</abbr></td>
4778 <td nowrap>config</td>
4779 <td></td>
4780 <td>current</td>
4781 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule/vnfd:affinity-scope</td</tr>
4782 <tr id="1-1-18-74-95" class="a">
4783 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4784 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
4785 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4786 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4787 class="folder">&nbsp;
4788 </a>
4789 <abbr title="Identifier(s) of the affinity or anti-affinity
4790 group(s) the VnfVirtualLinkDesc belongs to.">affinity-or-anti-affinity-group[id]</abbr>
4791 </div>
4792 </td>
4793 <td nowrap>list</td>
4794 <td nowrap></td>
4795 <td nowrap>config</td>
4796 <td></td>
4797 <td>current</td>
4798 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:affinity-or-anti-affinity-group</td>
4799 </tr>
4800 <tr id="1-1-18-74-95-52" class="a">
4801 <td nowrap>
4802 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4803 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4804 <abbr title="No description"> id </abbr>
4805 </div>
4806 </td>
4807 <td>leaf</td>
4808 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
4809 : ../../../affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/id">leafref</abbr></td>
4810 <td nowrap>config</td>
4811 <td></td>
4812 <td>current</td>
4813 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/vnfd:id</td</tr>
4814 <tr id="1-1-18-74-96" class="a">
4815 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4816 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
4817 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4818 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4819 class="folder">&nbsp;
4820 </a>
4821 <abbr title="Specifies the maximum bitrate requirements for a VL
4822 instantiated according to this profile.">max-bit-rate-requirements</abbr>
4823 </div>
4824 </td>
4825 <td nowrap>container</td>
4826 <td nowrap></td>
4827 <td nowrap>config</td>
4828 <td></td>
4829 <td>current</td>
4830 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:max-bit-rate-requirements</td>
4831 </tr>
4832 <tr id="1-1-18-74-96-53" class="a">
4833 <td nowrap>
4834 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4835 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4836 <abbr title="Throughput requirement of the link (e.g. bitrate of
4837 E-Line, root bitrate of E-Tree, aggregate capacity
4838 of E-LAN)."> root </abbr>
4839 </div>
4840 </td>
4841 <td>leaf</td>
4842 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
4843 ">uint32</abbr></td>
4844 <td nowrap>config</td>
4845 <td></td>
4846 <td>current</td>
4847 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:max-bit-rate-requirements/vnfd:root</td</tr>
4848 <tr id="1-1-18-74-96-54" class="a">
4849 <td nowrap>
4850 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4851 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4852 <abbr title="Throughput requirement of leaf connections to the
4853 link when applicable to the connectivity type
4854 (e.g. for E-Tree and E-LAN branches)."> <em> leaf </em></abbr>
4855 </div>
4856 </td>
4857 <td>leaf</td>
4858 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
4859 ">uint32</abbr></td>
4860 <td nowrap>config</td>
4861 <td>?</td>
4862 <td>current</td>
4863 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:max-bit-rate-requirements/vnfd:leaf</td</tr>
4864 <tr id="1-1-18-74-97" class="a">
4865 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4866 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
4867 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4868 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4869 class="folder">&nbsp;
4870 </a>
4871 <abbr title="Specifies the minimum bitrate requirements for a VL
4872 instantiated according to this profile.">min-bit-rate-requirements</abbr>
4873 </div>
4874 </td>
4875 <td nowrap>container</td>
4876 <td nowrap></td>
4877 <td nowrap>config</td>
4878 <td></td>
4879 <td>current</td>
4880 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:min-bit-rate-requirements</td>
4881 </tr>
4882 <tr id="1-1-18-74-97-55" class="a">
4883 <td nowrap>
4884 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4885 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4886 <abbr title="Throughput requirement of the link (e.g. bitrate of
4887 E-Line, root bitrate of E-Tree, aggregate capacity
4888 of E-LAN)."> root </abbr>
4889 </div>
4890 </td>
4891 <td>leaf</td>
4892 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
4893 ">uint32</abbr></td>
4894 <td nowrap>config</td>
4895 <td></td>
4896 <td>current</td>
4897 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:min-bit-rate-requirements/vnfd:root</td</tr>
4898 <tr id="1-1-18-74-97-56" class="a">
4899 <td nowrap>
4900 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4901 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4902 <abbr title="Throughput requirement of leaf connections to the
4903 link when applicable to the connectivity type
4904 (e.g. for E-Tree and E-LAN branches)."> <em> leaf </em></abbr>
4905 </div>
4906 </td>
4907 <td>leaf</td>
4908 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
4909 ">uint32</abbr></td>
4910 <td nowrap>config</td>
4911 <td>?</td>
4912 <td>current</td>
4913 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:min-bit-rate-requirements/vnfd:leaf</td</tr>
4914 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98" class="a">
4915 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4916 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
4917 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4918 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4919 class="folder">&nbsp;
4920 </a>
4921 <abbr title="Specifies the protocol data for a VL instantiated
4922 according to this profile. Cardinality 0 is used when
4923 no protocol data needs to be specified.">virtual-link-protocol-data</abbr>
4924 </div>
4925 </td>
4926 <td nowrap>container</td>
4927 <td nowrap></td>
4928 <td nowrap>config</td>
4929 <td></td>
4930 <td>current</td>
4931 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data</td>
4932 </tr>
4933 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-57" class="a">
4934 <td nowrap>
4935 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
4936 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4937 <abbr title="One of the values of the attribute layerProtocol of
4938 the ConnectivityType IE."> <em> associated-layer-protocol </em></abbr>
4939 </div>
4940 </td>
4941 <td>leaf</td>
4942 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
4943 {layer-protocol}">identityref</abbr></td>
4944 <td nowrap>config</td>
4945 <td>?</td>
4946 <td>current</td>
4947 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:associated-layer-protocol</td</tr>
4948 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-58" class="a">
4949 <td nowrap id="p4000">
4950 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
4951 <a href="#" id="p6000"
4952 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
4953 class="folder">&nbsp;
4954 </a>
4955 <abbr title="Specifies the L2 protocol data for this virtual link.
4956 Shall be present when the associatedLayerProtocol
4957 attribute indicates a L2 protocol and shall be absent
4958 otherwise.">l2-protocol-data</abbr>
4959 </div>
4960 </td>
4961 <td nowrap>container</td>
4962 <td nowrap></td>
4963 <td nowrap>config</td>
4964 <td></td>
4965 <td>current</td>
4966 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l2-protocol-data</td>
4967 </tr>
4968 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-58-28" class="a">
4969 <td nowrap>
4970 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
4971 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4972 <abbr title="Network name associated with this L2 protocol."> <em> name </em></abbr>
4973 </div>
4974 </td>
4975 <td>leaf</td>
4976 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
4977 ">string</abbr></td>
4978 <td nowrap>config</td>
4979 <td>?</td>
4980 <td>current</td>
4981 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l2-protocol-data/vnfd:name</td</tr>
4982 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-58-29" class="a">
4983 <td nowrap>
4984 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
4985 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
4986 <abbr title="Specifies the network type for this L2 protocol.
4987 Possible values: FLAT, VLAN, VXLAN, GRE."> <em> network-type </em></abbr>
4988 </div>
4989 </td>
4990 <td>leaf</td>
4991 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
4992 : {flat,vlan,vxlan,gre,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
4993 <td nowrap>config</td>
4994 <td>?</td>
4995 <td>current</td>
4996 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l2-protocol-data/vnfd:network-type</td</tr>
4997 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-58-30" class="a">
4998 <td nowrap>
4999 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5000 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5001 <abbr title="Specifies whether to support VLAN transparency for
5002 this L2 protocol or not."> <em> vlan-transparent </em></abbr>
5003 </div>
5004 </td>
5005 <td>leaf</td>
5006 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
5007 ">boolean</abbr></td>
5008 <td nowrap>config</td>
5009 <td>?</td>
5010 <td>current</td>
5011 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l2-protocol-data/vnfd:vlan-transparent</td</tr>
5012 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-58-31" class="a">
5013 <td nowrap>
5014 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5015 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5016 <abbr title="Specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) value
5017 for this L2 protocol."> <em> mtu </em></abbr>
5018 </div>
5019 </td>
5020 <td>leaf</td>
5021 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint16
5022 ">uint16</abbr></td>
5023 <td nowrap>config</td>
5024 <td>?</td>
5025 <td>current</td>
5026 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l2-protocol-data/vnfd:mtu</td</tr>
5027 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-59" class="a">
5028 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5029 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
5030 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5031 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5032 class="folder">&nbsp;
5033 </a>
5034 <abbr title="Specifies the L3 protocol data for this virtual link.
5035 Shall be present when the associatedLayerProtocol
5036 attribute indicates a L3 protocol and shall be absent
5037 otherwise.">l3-protocol-data</abbr>
5038 </div>
5039 </td>
5040 <td nowrap>container</td>
5041 <td nowrap></td>
5042 <td nowrap>config</td>
5043 <td></td>
5044 <td>current</td>
5045 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l3-protocol-data</td>
5046 </tr>
5047 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-59-32" class="a">
5048 <td nowrap>
5049 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5050 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5051 <abbr title="Network name associated with this L3 protocol."> <em> name </em></abbr>
5052 </div>
5053 </td>
5054 <td>leaf</td>
5055 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5056 ">string</abbr></td>
5057 <td nowrap>config</td>
5058 <td>?</td>
5059 <td>current</td>
5060 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l3-protocol-data/vnfd:name</td</tr>
5061 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-59-33" class="a">
5062 <td nowrap>
5063 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5064 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5065 <abbr title="Specifies IP version of this L3 protocol.
5066 Value:
5067 IPV4.
5068 IPV6."> <em> ip-version </em></abbr>
5069 </div>
5070 </td>
5071 <td>leaf</td>
5072 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
5073 : {ipv4,ipv6,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
5074 <td nowrap>config</td>
5075 <td>?</td>
5076 <td>current</td>
5077 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l3-protocol-data/vnfd:ip-version</td</tr>
5078 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-59-34" class="a">
5079 <td nowrap>
5080 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5081 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5082 <abbr title="Specifies the CIDR (Classless InterDomain Routing)
5083 of this L3 protocol."> <em> cidr </em></abbr>
5084 </div>
5085 </td>
5086 <td>leaf</td>
5087 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5088 ">string</abbr></td>
5089 <td nowrap>config</td>
5090 <td>?</td>
5091 <td>current</td>
5092 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l3-protocol-data/vnfd:cidr</td</tr>
5093 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-59-35" class="a">
5094 <td nowrap>
5095 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5096 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
5097 <abbr title="Specifies the allocation pools with start and end
5098 IP addresses for this L3 protocol."> ip-allocation-pools </abbr>
5099 </div>
5100 </td>
5101 <td>leaf-list</td>
5102 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5103 ">string</abbr></td>
5104 <td nowrap>config</td>
5105 <td>*</td>
5106 <td>current</td>
5107 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l3-protocol-data/vnfd:ip-allocation-pools</td</tr>
5108 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-59-36" class="a">
5109 <td nowrap>
5110 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5111 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5112 <abbr title="Specifies the gateway IP address for this L3
5113 protocol."> <em> gateway-ip </em></abbr>
5114 </div>
5115 </td>
5116 <td>leaf</td>
5117 <td nowrap><abbr title="inet:ip-address
5118 union
5119 {inet:ipv4-address, inet:ipv6-address}">inet:ip-address</abbr></td>
5120 <td nowrap>config</td>
5121 <td>?</td>
5122 <td>current</td>
5123 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l3-protocol-data/vnfd:gateway-ip</td</tr>
5124 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-59-37" class="a">
5125 <td nowrap>
5126 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5127 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5128 <abbr title="Indicates whether DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
5129 Protocol) is enabled or disabled for this L3
5130 protocol."> <em> dhcp-enabled </em></abbr>
5131 </div>
5132 </td>
5133 <td>leaf</td>
5134 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
5135 ">boolean</abbr></td>
5136 <td nowrap>config</td>
5137 <td>?</td>
5138 <td>current</td>
5139 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l3-protocol-data/vnfd:dhcp-enabled</td</tr>
5140 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-59-38" class="a">
5141 <td nowrap>
5142 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5143 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5144 <abbr title="Specifies IPv6 address mode. Possible values:
5145 SLAAC.
5148 May be present when the value of the ipVersion
5149 attribute is 'IPV6' and shall be absent otherwise."> <em> ipv6-address-mode </em></abbr>
5150 </div>
5151 </td>
5152 <td>leaf</td>
5153 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
5154 : {slaac,dhcpv6-stateful,dhcpv6-stateless,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
5155 <td nowrap>config</td>
5156 <td>?</td>
5157 <td>current</td>
5158 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l3-protocol-data/vnfd:ipv6-address-mode</td</tr>
5159 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-59-39" class="a">
5160 <td nowrap>
5161 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5162 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5163 <abbr title="No description"> <em> additional-info:description </em></abbr>
5164 </div>
5165 </td>
5166 <td>leaf</td>
5167 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5168 ">string</abbr></td>
5169 <td nowrap>config</td>
5170 <td>?</td>
5171 <td>current</td>
5172 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l3-protocol-data/additional-info:description</td</tr>
5173 <tr id="1-1-18-74-98-59-40" class="a">
5174 <td nowrap>
5175 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5176 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5177 <abbr title="Name of the security group"> <em> various:security-group </em></abbr>
5178 </div>
5179 </td>
5180 <td>leaf</td>
5181 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5182 ">string</abbr></td>
5183 <td nowrap>config</td>
5184 <td>?</td>
5185 <td>current</td>
5186 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:virtual-link-profile/vnfd:virtual-link-protocol-data/vnfd:l3-protocol-data/various:security-group</td</tr>
5187 <tr id="1-1-18-75" class="a">
5188 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5189 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
5190 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5191 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5192 class="folder">&nbsp;
5193 </a>
5194 <abbr title="Describes the various levels of resources that can be
5195 used to instantiate the VNF using this flavour.
5196 Examples: Small, Medium, Large. If there is only one
5197 'instantiationLevel' entry, it shall be treated as the
5198 default instantiation level for this DF.
5200 The InstantiationLevel information element describes a
5201 given level of resources to be instantiated within a
5202 deployment flavour in term of the number of VNFC instances
5203 to be created from each VDU.
5204 All the VDUs referenced in the level shall be part of the
5205 corresponding deployment flavour and their number shall
5206 be within the range (min/max) for this deployment flavour.">instantiation-level[id]</abbr>
5207 </div>
5208 </td>
5209 <td nowrap>list</td>
5210 <td nowrap></td>
5211 <td nowrap>config</td>
5212 <td></td>
5213 <td>current</td>
5214 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:instantiation-level</td>
5215 </tr>
5216 <tr id="1-1-18-75-99" class="a">
5217 <td nowrap>
5218 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
5219 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5220 <abbr title="Uniquely identifies a level with the DF."> id </abbr>
5221 </div>
5222 </td>
5223 <td>leaf</td>
5224 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5225 ">string</abbr></td>
5226 <td nowrap>config</td>
5227 <td></td>
5228 <td>current</td>
5229 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:instantiation-level/vnfd:id</td</tr>
5230 <tr id="1-1-18-75-100" class="a">
5231 <td nowrap>
5232 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
5233 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5234 <abbr title="Human readable description of the instantiation level"> <em> description </em></abbr>
5235 </div>
5236 </td>
5237 <td>leaf</td>
5238 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5239 ">string</abbr></td>
5240 <td nowrap>config</td>
5241 <td>?</td>
5242 <td>current</td>
5243 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:instantiation-level/vnfd:description</td</tr>
5244 <tr id="1-1-18-75-101" class="a">
5245 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5246 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
5247 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5248 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5249 class="folder">&nbsp;
5250 </a>
5251 <abbr title="Sets the number of instances for the VDU in this
5252 instantiation level.">vdu-level[vdu-id]</abbr>
5253 </div>
5254 </td>
5255 <td nowrap>list</td>
5256 <td nowrap></td>
5257 <td nowrap>config</td>
5258 <td></td>
5259 <td>current</td>
5260 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:instantiation-level/vnfd:vdu-level</td>
5261 </tr>
5262 <tr id="1-1-18-75-101-60" class="a">
5263 <td nowrap>
5264 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5265 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5266 <abbr title="Uniquely identifies a VDU."> vdu-id </abbr>
5267 </div>
5268 </td>
5269 <td>leaf</td>
5270 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
5271 : ../../../../vdu/id">leafref</abbr></td>
5272 <td nowrap>config</td>
5273 <td></td>
5274 <td>current</td>
5275 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:instantiation-level/vnfd:vdu-level/vnfd:vdu-id</td</tr>
5276 <tr id="1-1-18-75-101-61" class="a">
5277 <td nowrap>
5278 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5279 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5280 <abbr title="Number of instances of VNFC based on this VDU to
5281 deploy for this level."> <em> number-of-instances </em></abbr>
5282 </div>
5283 </td>
5284 <td>leaf</td>
5285 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint16
5286 ">uint16</abbr></td>
5287 <td nowrap>config</td>
5288 <td>?</td>
5289 <td>current</td>
5290 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:instantiation-level/vnfd:vdu-level/vnfd:number-of-instances</td</tr>
5291 <tr id="1-1-18-75-102" class="a">
5292 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5293 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
5294 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5295 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5296 class="folder">&nbsp;
5297 </a>
5298 <abbr title="The InstantiationLevel information element describes a
5299 given level of resources to be instantiated within a
5300 DF in term of the number of VNFC instances to be
5301 created from each VDU.">scaling-info[scaling-aspect-id]</abbr>
5302 </div>
5303 </td>
5304 <td nowrap>list</td>
5305 <td nowrap></td>
5306 <td nowrap>config</td>
5307 <td></td>
5308 <td>current</td>
5309 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:instantiation-level/vnfd:scaling-info</td>
5310 </tr>
5311 <tr id="1-1-18-75-102-62" class="a">
5312 <td nowrap>
5313 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5314 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5315 <abbr title="Identifier of the scaling aspect."> scaling-aspect-id </abbr>
5316 </div>
5317 </td>
5318 <td>leaf</td>
5319 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
5320 : ../../../scaling-aspect/id">leafref</abbr></td>
5321 <td nowrap>config</td>
5322 <td></td>
5323 <td>current</td>
5324 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:instantiation-level/vnfd:scaling-info/vnfd:scaling-aspect-id</td</tr>
5325 <tr id="1-1-18-75-102-63" class="a">
5326 <td nowrap>
5327 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5328 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5329 <abbr title="The scale level, greater than or equal to 0."> <em> scale-level </em></abbr>
5330 </div>
5331 </td>
5332 <td>leaf</td>
5333 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
5334 ">uint32</abbr></td>
5335 <td nowrap>config</td>
5336 <td>?</td>
5337 <td>current</td>
5338 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:instantiation-level/vnfd:scaling-info/vnfd:scale-level</td</tr>
5339 <tr id="1-1-18-76" class="a">
5340 <td nowrap>
5341 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
5342 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5343 <abbr title="This attribute references the 'instantiationLevel'
5344 entry which defines the default instantiation level for
5345 this DF. It shall be present if there are multiple
5346 'instantiationLevel' entries."> <em> default-instantiation-level </em></abbr>
5347 </div>
5348 </td>
5349 <td>leaf</td>
5350 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
5351 : ../instantiation-level/id">leafref</abbr></td>
5352 <td nowrap>config</td>
5353 <td>?</td>
5354 <td>current</td>
5355 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:default-instantiation-level</td</tr>
5356 <tr id="1-1-18-77" class="a">
5357 <td nowrap>
5358 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
5359 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
5360 <abbr title="Indicates which operations are available for this DF via
5361 the VNF LCM interface. Instantiate VNF, Query VNF and
5362 Terminate VNF are supported in all DF and therefore
5363 need not be included in this list."> supported-operation </abbr>
5364 </div>
5365 </td>
5366 <td>leaf-list</td>
5367 <td nowrap><abbr title="identityref
5368 {supported-operation}">identityref</abbr></td>
5369 <td nowrap>config</td>
5370 <td>*</td>
5371 <td>current</td>
5372 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:supported-operation</td</tr>
5373 <tr id="1-1-18-78" class="a">
5374 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5375 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
5376 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5377 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5378 class="folder">&nbsp;
5379 </a>
5380 <abbr title="This information element is a container for all
5381 attributes that affect the invocation of the VNF
5382 Lifecycle Management operations, structured by
5383 operation.">lcm-operations-configuration</abbr>
5384 </div>
5385 </td>
5386 <td nowrap>container</td>
5387 <td nowrap></td>
5388 <td nowrap>config</td>
5389 <td></td>
5390 <td>current</td>
5391 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration</td>
5392 </tr>
5393 <tr id="1-1-18-78-103" class="a">
5394 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5395 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
5396 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5397 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5398 class="folder">&nbsp;
5399 </a>
5400 <abbr title="Configuration parameters for the InstantiateVnf
5401 operation.">instantiate-vnf-op-config</abbr>
5402 </div>
5403 </td>
5404 <td nowrap>container</td>
5405 <td nowrap></td>
5406 <td nowrap>config</td>
5407 <td></td>
5408 <td>current</td>
5409 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:instantiate-vnf-op-config</td>
5410 </tr>
5411 <tr id="1-1-18-78-103-64" class="a">
5412 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5413 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
5414 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5415 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5416 class="folder">&nbsp;
5417 </a>
5418 <abbr title="Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters
5419 to be passed when invoking the InstantiateVnf
5420 operation.">parameter[key]</abbr>
5421 </div>
5422 </td>
5423 <td nowrap>list</td>
5424 <td nowrap></td>
5425 <td nowrap>config</td>
5426 <td></td>
5427 <td>current</td>
5428 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:instantiate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter</td>
5429 </tr>
5430 <tr id="1-1-18-78-103-64-41" class="a">
5431 <td nowrap>
5432 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5433 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5434 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
5435 </div>
5436 </td>
5437 <td>leaf</td>
5438 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5439 ">string</abbr></td>
5440 <td nowrap>config</td>
5441 <td></td>
5442 <td>current</td>
5443 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:instantiate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:key</td</tr>
5444 <tr id="1-1-18-78-103-64-42" class="a">
5445 <td nowrap>
5446 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5447 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5448 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
5449 </div>
5450 </td>
5451 <td>leaf</td>
5452 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5453 ">string</abbr></td>
5454 <td nowrap>config</td>
5455 <td>?</td>
5456 <td>current</td>
5457 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:instantiate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:value</td</tr>
5458 <tr id="1-1-18-78-104" class="a">
5459 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5460 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
5461 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5462 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5463 class="folder">&nbsp;
5464 </a>
5465 <abbr title="Configuration parameters for the ScaleVnf operation.">scale-vnf-op-config</abbr>
5466 </div>
5467 </td>
5468 <td nowrap>container</td>
5469 <td nowrap></td>
5470 <td nowrap>config</td>
5471 <td></td>
5472 <td>current</td>
5473 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:scale-vnf-op-config</td>
5474 </tr>
5475 <tr id="1-1-18-78-104-65" class="a">
5476 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5477 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
5478 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5479 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5480 class="folder">&nbsp;
5481 </a>
5482 <abbr title="Array of KVP requirements for VNFspecific parameters
5483 to be passed when invoking the ScaleVnf operation.">parameter[key]</abbr>
5484 </div>
5485 </td>
5486 <td nowrap>list</td>
5487 <td nowrap></td>
5488 <td nowrap>config</td>
5489 <td></td>
5490 <td>current</td>
5491 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:scale-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter</td>
5492 </tr>
5493 <tr id="1-1-18-78-104-65-43" class="a">
5494 <td nowrap>
5495 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5496 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5497 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
5498 </div>
5499 </td>
5500 <td>leaf</td>
5501 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5502 ">string</abbr></td>
5503 <td nowrap>config</td>
5504 <td></td>
5505 <td>current</td>
5506 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:scale-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:key</td</tr>
5507 <tr id="1-1-18-78-104-65-44" class="a">
5508 <td nowrap>
5509 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5510 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5511 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
5512 </div>
5513 </td>
5514 <td>leaf</td>
5515 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5516 ">string</abbr></td>
5517 <td nowrap>config</td>
5518 <td>?</td>
5519 <td>current</td>
5520 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:scale-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:value</td</tr>
5521 <tr id="1-1-18-78-104-66" class="a">
5522 <td nowrap>
5523 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5524 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5525 <abbr title="Signals whether passing a value larger than one in
5526 the numScalingSteps parameter of the ScaleVnf
5527 operation is supported by this VNF.
5528 Default is FALSE, i.e. 'not supported'."> <em> scaling-by-more-than-one-step-supported </em></abbr>
5529 </div>
5530 </td>
5531 <td>leaf</td>
5532 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
5533 ">boolean</abbr></td>
5534 <td nowrap>config</td>
5535 <td>?</td>
5536 <td>current</td>
5537 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:scale-vnf-op-config/vnfd:scaling-by-more-than-one-step-supported</td</tr>
5538 <tr id="1-1-18-78-105" class="a">
5539 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5540 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
5541 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5542 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5543 class="folder">&nbsp;
5544 </a>
5545 <abbr title="This information element defines attributes that
5546 affect the invocation of the ScaleVnfToLevel
5547 operation.">scale-vnf-to-level-op-config</abbr>
5548 </div>
5549 </td>
5550 <td nowrap>container</td>
5551 <td nowrap></td>
5552 <td nowrap>config</td>
5553 <td></td>
5554 <td>current</td>
5555 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:scale-vnf-to-level-op-config</td>
5556 </tr>
5557 <tr id="1-1-18-78-105-67" class="a">
5558 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5559 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
5560 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5561 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5562 class="folder">&nbsp;
5563 </a>
5564 <abbr title="Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters
5565 to be passed when invoking the ScaleVnfToLevel
5566 operation.">parameter[key]</abbr>
5567 </div>
5568 </td>
5569 <td nowrap>list</td>
5570 <td nowrap></td>
5571 <td nowrap>config</td>
5572 <td></td>
5573 <td>current</td>
5574 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:scale-vnf-to-level-op-config/vnfd:parameter</td>
5575 </tr>
5576 <tr id="1-1-18-78-105-67-45" class="a">
5577 <td nowrap>
5578 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5579 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5580 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
5581 </div>
5582 </td>
5583 <td>leaf</td>
5584 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5585 ">string</abbr></td>
5586 <td nowrap>config</td>
5587 <td></td>
5588 <td>current</td>
5589 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:scale-vnf-to-level-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:key</td</tr>
5590 <tr id="1-1-18-78-105-67-46" class="a">
5591 <td nowrap>
5592 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5593 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5594 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
5595 </div>
5596 </td>
5597 <td>leaf</td>
5598 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5599 ">string</abbr></td>
5600 <td nowrap>config</td>
5601 <td>?</td>
5602 <td>current</td>
5603 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:scale-vnf-to-level-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:value</td</tr>
5604 <tr id="1-1-18-78-105-68" class="a">
5605 <td nowrap>
5606 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5607 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5608 <abbr title="Signals whether scaling according to the parameter
5609 'scaleInfo' is supported by this VNF."> <em> arbitrary-target-levels-supported </em></abbr>
5610 </div>
5611 </td>
5612 <td>leaf</td>
5613 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
5614 ">boolean</abbr></td>
5615 <td nowrap>config</td>
5616 <td>?</td>
5617 <td>current</td>
5618 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:scale-vnf-to-level-op-config/vnfd:arbitrary-target-levels-supported</td</tr>
5619 <tr id="1-1-18-78-106" class="a">
5620 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5621 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
5622 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5623 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5624 class="folder">&nbsp;
5625 </a>
5626 <abbr title="This information element defines attributes that
5627 affect the invocation of the HealVnf operation.">heal-vnf-op-config</abbr>
5628 </div>
5629 </td>
5630 <td nowrap>container</td>
5631 <td nowrap></td>
5632 <td nowrap>config</td>
5633 <td></td>
5634 <td>current</td>
5635 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:heal-vnf-op-config</td>
5636 </tr>
5637 <tr id="1-1-18-78-106-69" class="a">
5638 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5639 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
5640 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5641 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5642 class="folder">&nbsp;
5643 </a>
5644 <abbr title="Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters
5645 to be passed when invoking the HealVnf operation.">parameter[key]</abbr>
5646 </div>
5647 </td>
5648 <td nowrap>list</td>
5649 <td nowrap></td>
5650 <td nowrap>config</td>
5651 <td></td>
5652 <td>current</td>
5653 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:heal-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter</td>
5654 </tr>
5655 <tr id="1-1-18-78-106-69-47" class="a">
5656 <td nowrap>
5657 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5658 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5659 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
5660 </div>
5661 </td>
5662 <td>leaf</td>
5663 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5664 ">string</abbr></td>
5665 <td nowrap>config</td>
5666 <td></td>
5667 <td>current</td>
5668 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:heal-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:key</td</tr>
5669 <tr id="1-1-18-78-106-69-48" class="a">
5670 <td nowrap>
5671 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5672 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5673 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
5674 </div>
5675 </td>
5676 <td>leaf</td>
5677 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5678 ">string</abbr></td>
5679 <td nowrap>config</td>
5680 <td>?</td>
5681 <td>current</td>
5682 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:heal-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:value</td</tr>
5683 <tr id="1-1-18-78-106-70" class="a">
5684 <td nowrap>
5685 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5686 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
5687 <abbr title="Supported 'cause' parameter values."> cause </abbr>
5688 </div>
5689 </td>
5690 <td>leaf-list</td>
5691 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5692 ">string</abbr></td>
5693 <td nowrap>config</td>
5694 <td>*</td>
5695 <td>current</td>
5696 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:heal-vnf-op-config/vnfd:cause</td</tr>
5697 <tr id="1-1-18-78-107" class="a">
5698 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5699 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
5700 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5701 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5702 class="folder">&nbsp;
5703 </a>
5704 <abbr title="This information element defines attributes that
5705 affect the invocation of the TerminateVnf operation.">terminate-vnf-op-config</abbr>
5706 </div>
5707 </td>
5708 <td nowrap>container</td>
5709 <td nowrap></td>
5710 <td nowrap>config</td>
5711 <td></td>
5712 <td>current</td>
5713 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:terminate-vnf-op-config</td>
5714 </tr>
5715 <tr id="1-1-18-78-107-71" class="a">
5716 <td nowrap>
5717 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5718 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5719 <abbr title="Minimum timeout value for graceful termination of
5720 a VNF instance."> <em> min-graceful-termination </em></abbr>
5721 </div>
5722 </td>
5723 <td>leaf</td>
5724 <td nowrap><abbr title="yang:timeticks
5725 uint32
5726 ">yang:timeticks</abbr></td>
5727 <td nowrap>config</td>
5728 <td>?</td>
5729 <td>current</td>
5730 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:terminate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:min-graceful-termination</td</tr>
5731 <tr id="1-1-18-78-107-72" class="a">
5732 <td nowrap>
5733 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5734 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5735 <abbr title="Maximum recommended timeout value that can be needed
5736 to gracefully terminate a VNF instance of a
5737 particular type under certain conditions, such as
5738 maximum load condition. This is provided by VNF
5739 provider as information for the operator
5740 facilitating the selection of optimal timeout value.
5741 This value is not used as constraint."> <em> max-recommended-graceful-termination </em></abbr>
5742 </div>
5743 </td>
5744 <td>leaf</td>
5745 <td nowrap><abbr title="yang:timeticks
5746 uint32
5747 ">yang:timeticks</abbr></td>
5748 <td nowrap>config</td>
5749 <td>?</td>
5750 <td>current</td>
5751 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:terminate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:max-recommended-graceful-termination</td</tr>
5752 <tr id="1-1-18-78-107-73" class="a">
5753 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5754 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
5755 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5756 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5757 class="folder">&nbsp;
5758 </a>
5759 <abbr title="Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters
5760 to be passed when invoking the TerminateVnf
5761 operation.">parameter[key]</abbr>
5762 </div>
5763 </td>
5764 <td nowrap>list</td>
5765 <td nowrap></td>
5766 <td nowrap>config</td>
5767 <td></td>
5768 <td>current</td>
5769 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:terminate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter</td>
5770 </tr>
5771 <tr id="1-1-18-78-107-73-49" class="a">
5772 <td nowrap>
5773 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5774 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5775 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
5776 </div>
5777 </td>
5778 <td>leaf</td>
5779 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5780 ">string</abbr></td>
5781 <td nowrap>config</td>
5782 <td></td>
5783 <td>current</td>
5784 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:terminate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:key</td</tr>
5785 <tr id="1-1-18-78-107-73-50" class="a">
5786 <td nowrap>
5787 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5788 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5789 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
5790 </div>
5791 </td>
5792 <td>leaf</td>
5793 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5794 ">string</abbr></td>
5795 <td nowrap>config</td>
5796 <td>?</td>
5797 <td>current</td>
5798 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:terminate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:value</td</tr>
5799 <tr id="1-1-18-78-108" class="a">
5800 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5801 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
5802 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5803 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5804 class="folder">&nbsp;
5805 </a>
5806 <abbr title="This information element defines attributes that
5807 affect the invocation of the OperateVnf operation.">operate-vnf-op-config</abbr>
5808 </div>
5809 </td>
5810 <td nowrap>container</td>
5811 <td nowrap></td>
5812 <td nowrap>config</td>
5813 <td></td>
5814 <td>current</td>
5815 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:operate-vnf-op-config</td>
5816 </tr>
5817 <tr id="1-1-18-78-108-74" class="a">
5818 <td nowrap>
5819 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5820 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5821 <abbr title="Minimum timeout value for graceful stop of a VNF
5822 instance."> <em> min-graceful-stop-timeout </em></abbr>
5823 </div>
5824 </td>
5825 <td>leaf</td>
5826 <td nowrap><abbr title="yang:timeticks
5827 uint32
5828 ">yang:timeticks</abbr></td>
5829 <td nowrap>config</td>
5830 <td>?</td>
5831 <td>current</td>
5832 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:operate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:min-graceful-stop-timeout</td</tr>
5833 <tr id="1-1-18-78-108-75" class="a">
5834 <td nowrap>
5835 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
5836 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5837 <abbr title="Maximum recommended timeout value that can be
5838 needed to gracefully stop a VNF instance of a
5839 particular type under certain conditions, such as
5840 maximum load condition. This is provided by VNF
5841 provider as information for the operator facilitating
5842 the selection of optimal timeout value. This value
5843 is not used as constraint."> <em> max-recommended-graceful-stop-timeout </em></abbr>
5844 </div>
5845 </td>
5846 <td>leaf</td>
5847 <td nowrap><abbr title="yang:timeticks
5848 uint32
5849 ">yang:timeticks</abbr></td>
5850 <td nowrap>config</td>
5851 <td>?</td>
5852 <td>current</td>
5853 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:operate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:max-recommended-graceful-stop-timeout</td</tr>
5854 <tr id="1-1-18-78-108-76" class="a">
5855 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5856 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
5857 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5858 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5859 class="folder">&nbsp;
5860 </a>
5861 <abbr title="Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters
5862 to be passed when invoking the OperateVnf
5863 operation.">parameter[key]</abbr>
5864 </div>
5865 </td>
5866 <td nowrap>list</td>
5867 <td nowrap></td>
5868 <td nowrap>config</td>
5869 <td></td>
5870 <td>current</td>
5871 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:operate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter</td>
5872 </tr>
5873 <tr id="1-1-18-78-108-76-51" class="a">
5874 <td nowrap>
5875 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5876 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5877 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
5878 </div>
5879 </td>
5880 <td>leaf</td>
5881 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5882 ">string</abbr></td>
5883 <td nowrap>config</td>
5884 <td></td>
5885 <td>current</td>
5886 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:operate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:key</td</tr>
5887 <tr id="1-1-18-78-108-76-52" class="a">
5888 <td nowrap>
5889 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5890 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5891 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
5892 </div>
5893 </td>
5894 <td>leaf</td>
5895 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5896 ">string</abbr></td>
5897 <td nowrap>config</td>
5898 <td>?</td>
5899 <td>current</td>
5900 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:operate-vnf-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:value</td</tr>
5901 <tr id="1-1-18-78-109" class="a">
5902 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5903 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
5904 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5905 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5906 class="folder">&nbsp;
5907 </a>
5908 <abbr title="Configuration parameters for the ChangeVnfFlavour
5909 operation.">change-vnf-flavour-op-config</abbr>
5910 </div>
5911 </td>
5912 <td nowrap>container</td>
5913 <td nowrap></td>
5914 <td nowrap>config</td>
5915 <td></td>
5916 <td>current</td>
5917 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:change-vnf-flavour-op-config</td>
5918 </tr>
5919 <tr id="1-1-18-78-109-77" class="a">
5920 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5921 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
5922 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5923 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5924 class="folder">&nbsp;
5925 </a>
5926 <abbr title="Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters
5927 to be passed when invoking the OperateVnf
5928 operation.">parameter[key]</abbr>
5929 </div>
5930 </td>
5931 <td nowrap>list</td>
5932 <td nowrap></td>
5933 <td nowrap>config</td>
5934 <td></td>
5935 <td>current</td>
5936 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:change-vnf-flavour-op-config/vnfd:parameter</td>
5937 </tr>
5938 <tr id="1-1-18-78-109-77-53" class="a">
5939 <td nowrap>
5940 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5941 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5942 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
5943 </div>
5944 </td>
5945 <td>leaf</td>
5946 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5947 ">string</abbr></td>
5948 <td nowrap>config</td>
5949 <td></td>
5950 <td>current</td>
5951 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:change-vnf-flavour-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:key</td</tr>
5952 <tr id="1-1-18-78-109-77-54" class="a">
5953 <td nowrap>
5954 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
5955 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
5956 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
5957 </div>
5958 </td>
5959 <td>leaf</td>
5960 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
5961 ">string</abbr></td>
5962 <td nowrap>config</td>
5963 <td>?</td>
5964 <td>current</td>
5965 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:change-vnf-flavour-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:value</td</tr>
5966 <tr id="1-1-18-78-110" class="a">
5967 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5968 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
5969 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5970 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5971 class="folder">&nbsp;
5972 </a>
5973 <abbr title="Configuration parameters for the
5974 ChangeExtVnfConnectivity operation.">change-ext-vnf-connectivity-op-config</abbr>
5975 </div>
5976 </td>
5977 <td nowrap>container</td>
5978 <td nowrap></td>
5979 <td nowrap>config</td>
5980 <td></td>
5981 <td>current</td>
5982 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:change-ext-vnf-connectivity-op-config</td>
5983 </tr>
5984 <tr id="1-1-18-78-110-78" class="a">
5985 <td nowrap id="p4000">
5986 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
5987 <a href="#" id="p6000"
5988 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
5989 class="folder">&nbsp;
5990 </a>
5991 <abbr title="Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters
5992 to be passed when invoking the
5993 ChangeExtVnfConnectivity operation.">parameter[key]</abbr>
5994 </div>
5995 </td>
5996 <td nowrap>list</td>
5997 <td nowrap></td>
5998 <td nowrap>config</td>
5999 <td></td>
6000 <td>current</td>
6001 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:change-ext-vnf-connectivity-op-config/vnfd:parameter</td>
6002 </tr>
6003 <tr id="1-1-18-78-110-78-55" class="a">
6004 <td nowrap>
6005 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
6006 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6007 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
6008 </div>
6009 </td>
6010 <td>leaf</td>
6011 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6012 ">string</abbr></td>
6013 <td nowrap>config</td>
6014 <td></td>
6015 <td>current</td>
6016 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:change-ext-vnf-connectivity-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:key</td</tr>
6017 <tr id="1-1-18-78-110-78-56" class="a">
6018 <td nowrap>
6019 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
6020 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6021 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
6022 </div>
6023 </td>
6024 <td>leaf</td>
6025 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6026 ">string</abbr></td>
6027 <td nowrap>config</td>
6028 <td>?</td>
6029 <td>current</td>
6030 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:lcm-operations-configuration/vnfd:change-ext-vnf-connectivity-op-config/vnfd:parameter/vnfd:value</td</tr>
6031 <tr id="1-1-18-79" class="a">
6032 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6033 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
6034 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6035 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6036 class="folder">&nbsp;
6037 </a>
6038 <abbr title="The AffinityOrAntiAffinityGroup describes the affinity
6039 or anti-affinity relationship applicable between the
6040 virtualization containers to be created based on
6041 different VDUs, or between internal VLs to be created
6042 based on different VnfVirtualLinkDesc(s).
6044 Per VNF, the affinity/anti-affinity rules defined using
6045 this information element, using the
6046 LocalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule information element, and
6047 using the placement constraints in the
6048 GrantLifecycleOperation as defined in ETSI GS NFV-IFA
6049 007 [i.3] should be conflict-free. In case of conflicts,
6050 the placement constraints in the
6051 GrantLifecycleOperation shall take precedence.">affinity-or-anti-affinity-group[id]</abbr>
6052 </div>
6053 </td>
6054 <td nowrap>list</td>
6055 <td nowrap></td>
6056 <td nowrap>config</td>
6057 <td></td>
6058 <td>current</td>
6059 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:affinity-or-anti-affinity-group</td>
6060 </tr>
6061 <tr id="1-1-18-79-111" class="a">
6062 <td nowrap>
6063 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6064 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6065 <abbr title="Identifies an affinity or anti-affinity group to which
6066 the affinity or anti-affinity rule applies."> id </abbr>
6067 </div>
6068 </td>
6069 <td>leaf</td>
6070 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6071 ">string</abbr></td>
6072 <td nowrap>config</td>
6073 <td></td>
6074 <td>current</td>
6075 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/vnfd:id</td</tr>
6076 <tr id="1-1-18-79-112" class="a">
6077 <td nowrap>
6078 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6079 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6080 <abbr title="Specifies whether the rule is an affinity rule or an
6081 anti-affinity rule."> type </abbr>
6082 </div>
6083 </td>
6084 <td>leaf</td>
6085 <td nowrap><abbr title="affinity-type
6086 enumeration
6087 : {affinity,anti-affinity,}">affinity-type</abbr></td>
6088 <td nowrap>config</td>
6089 <td></td>
6090 <td>current</td>
6091 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/vnfd:type</td</tr>
6092 <tr id="1-1-18-79-113" class="a">
6093 <td nowrap>
6094 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6095 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6096 <abbr title="Specifies the scope of the rule, possible values are
6097 'NFVI-PoP', 'Zone', 'ZoneGroup', 'NFVI-node'."> scope </abbr>
6098 </div>
6099 </td>
6100 <td>leaf</td>
6101 <td nowrap><abbr title="affinity-scope
6102 enumeration
6103 : {nfvi-node,zone-group,zone,nfvi-pop,}">affinity-scope</abbr></td>
6104 <td nowrap>config</td>
6105 <td></td>
6106 <td>current</td>
6107 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/vnfd:scope</td</tr>
6108 <tr id="1-1-18-80" class="a">
6109 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6110 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
6111 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6112 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6113 class="folder">&nbsp;
6114 </a>
6115 <abbr title="Declares the VNF indicators that are supported by this
6116 VNF (specific to this DF).">indicator[id]</abbr>
6117 </div>
6118 </td>
6119 <td nowrap>list</td>
6120 <td nowrap></td>
6121 <td nowrap>config</td>
6122 <td></td>
6123 <td>current</td>
6124 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:indicator</td>
6125 </tr>
6126 <tr id="1-1-18-80-114" class="a">
6127 <td nowrap>
6128 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6129 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6130 <abbr title="Unique identifier."> id </abbr>
6131 </div>
6132 </td>
6133 <td>leaf</td>
6134 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6135 ">string</abbr></td>
6136 <td nowrap>config</td>
6137 <td></td>
6138 <td>current</td>
6139 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:indicator/vnfd:id</td</tr>
6140 <tr id="1-1-18-80-115" class="a">
6141 <td nowrap>
6142 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6143 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6144 <abbr title="The human readable name of the VnfIndicator."> <em> name </em></abbr>
6145 </div>
6146 </td>
6147 <td>leaf</td>
6148 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6149 ">string</abbr></td>
6150 <td nowrap>config</td>
6151 <td>?</td>
6152 <td>current</td>
6153 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:indicator/vnfd:name</td</tr>
6154 <tr id="1-1-18-80-116" class="a">
6155 <td nowrap>
6156 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6157 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6158 <abbr title="Defines the allowed values or value ranges of this
6159 indicator."> <em> indicator-value </em></abbr>
6160 </div>
6161 </td>
6162 <td>leaf</td>
6163 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6164 ">string</abbr></td>
6165 <td nowrap>config</td>
6166 <td>?</td>
6167 <td>current</td>
6168 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:indicator/vnfd:indicator-value</td</tr>
6169 <tr id="1-1-18-80-117" class="a">
6170 <td nowrap>
6171 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6172 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6173 <abbr title="Describe the source of the indicator. The possible
6174 values are:
6175 VNF.
6176 EM.
6177 Both.
6179 This tells the consumer where to send the subscription
6180 request."> <em> source </em></abbr>
6181 </div>
6182 </td>
6183 <td>leaf</td>
6184 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
6185 : {vnf,em,both,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
6186 <td nowrap>config</td>
6187 <td>?</td>
6188 <td>current</td>
6189 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:indicator/vnfd:source</td</tr>
6190 <tr id="1-1-18-81" class="a">
6191 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6192 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
6193 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6194 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6195 class="folder">&nbsp;
6196 </a>
6197 <abbr title="Indicates which interfaces the VNF produces and provides
6198 additional details on how to access the interface
6199 endpoints.">supported-vnf-interfaces[name]</abbr>
6200 </div>
6201 </td>
6202 <td nowrap>list</td>
6203 <td nowrap></td>
6204 <td nowrap>config</td>
6205 <td></td>
6206 <td>current</td>
6207 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:supported-vnf-interfaces</td>
6208 </tr>
6209 <tr id="1-1-18-81-118" class="a">
6210 <td nowrap>
6211 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6212 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6213 <abbr title="Identifies an interface produced by the VNF. Valid
6214 values:
6216 - VNF_INDICATOR"> name </abbr>
6217 </div>
6218 </td>
6219 <td>leaf</td>
6220 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
6221 : {vnf-configuration,vnf-indicator,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
6222 <td nowrap>config</td>
6223 <td></td>
6224 <td>current</td>
6225 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:supported-vnf-interfaces/vnfd:name</td</tr>
6226 <tr id="1-1-18-81-119" class="a">
6227 <td nowrap>
6228 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6229 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
6230 <abbr title="References one or more CPDs from which to instantiate
6231 external CPs through which interface endpoints on the
6232 VNF side can be reached by the VNFM."> cpd-id </abbr>
6233 </div>
6234 </td>
6235 <td>leaf-list</td>
6236 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
6237 : ../../../ext-cpd/id">leafref</abbr></td>
6238 <td nowrap>config</td>
6239 <td>*</td>
6240 <td>current</td>
6241 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:supported-vnf-interfaces/vnfd:cpd-id</td</tr>
6242 <tr id="1-1-18-81-120" class="a">
6243 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6244 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
6245 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6246 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6247 class="folder">&nbsp;
6248 </a>
6249 <abbr title="No description">interface-details[key]</abbr>
6250 </div>
6251 </td>
6252 <td nowrap>list</td>
6253 <td nowrap></td>
6254 <td nowrap>config</td>
6255 <td></td>
6256 <td>current</td>
6257 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:supported-vnf-interfaces/vnfd:interface-details</td>
6258 </tr>
6259 <tr id="1-1-18-81-120-79" class="a">
6260 <td nowrap>
6261 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6262 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6263 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
6264 </div>
6265 </td>
6266 <td>leaf</td>
6267 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6268 ">string</abbr></td>
6269 <td nowrap>config</td>
6270 <td></td>
6271 <td>current</td>
6272 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:supported-vnf-interfaces/vnfd:interface-details/vnfd:key</td</tr>
6273 <tr id="1-1-18-81-120-80" class="a">
6274 <td nowrap>
6275 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6276 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6277 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
6278 </div>
6279 </td>
6280 <td>leaf</td>
6281 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6282 ">string</abbr></td>
6283 <td nowrap>config</td>
6284 <td>?</td>
6285 <td>current</td>
6286 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:supported-vnf-interfaces/vnfd:interface-details/vnfd:value</td</tr>
6287 <tr id="1-1-18-82" class="a">
6288 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6289 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
6290 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6291 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6292 class="folder">&nbsp;
6293 </a>
6294 <abbr title="Defines the virtualised resources monitoring parameters
6295 on VNF level.">monitoring-parameter[id]</abbr>
6296 </div>
6297 </td>
6298 <td nowrap>list</td>
6299 <td nowrap></td>
6300 <td nowrap>config</td>
6301 <td></td>
6302 <td>current</td>
6303 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:monitoring-parameter</td>
6304 </tr>
6305 <tr id="1-1-18-82-121" class="a">
6306 <td nowrap>
6307 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6308 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6309 <abbr title="Unique identifier of the monitoring parameter."> id </abbr>
6310 </div>
6311 </td>
6312 <td>leaf</td>
6313 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6314 ">string</abbr></td>
6315 <td nowrap>config</td>
6316 <td></td>
6317 <td>current</td>
6318 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:monitoring-parameter/vnfd:id</td</tr>
6319 <tr id="1-1-18-82-122" class="a">
6320 <td nowrap>
6321 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6322 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6323 <abbr title="Human readable name of the monitoring parameter."> <em> name </em></abbr>
6324 </div>
6325 </td>
6326 <td>leaf</td>
6327 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6328 ">string</abbr></td>
6329 <td nowrap>config</td>
6330 <td>?</td>
6331 <td>current</td>
6332 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:monitoring-parameter/vnfd:name</td</tr>
6333 <tr id="1-1-18-82-123" class="a">
6334 <td nowrap>
6335 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6336 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6337 <abbr title="Performance metric that is monitored. This attribute shall
6338 contain the related 'Measurement Name' value as defined in
6339 clause 7.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 027"> <em> performance-metric </em></abbr>
6340 </div>
6341 </td>
6342 <td>leaf</td>
6343 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6344 ">string</abbr></td>
6345 <td nowrap>config</td>
6346 <td>?</td>
6347 <td>current</td>
6348 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:monitoring-parameter/vnfd:performance-metric</td</tr>
6349 <tr id="1-1-18-82-124" class="a">
6350 <td nowrap>
6351 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6352 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6353 <abbr title="An attribute that describes the recommended periodicity at
6354 which to collect the performance information. VNFM determines
6355 if this parameter is considered.
6357 The vendor may provide this information as a guidance for
6358 creating PmJobs if needed."> <em> collection-period </em></abbr>
6359 </div>
6360 </td>
6361 <td>leaf</td>
6362 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
6363 ">uint64</abbr></td>
6364 <td nowrap>config</td>
6365 <td>?</td>
6366 <td>current</td>
6367 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:monitoring-parameter/vnfd:collection-period</td</tr>
6368 <tr id="1-1-18-83" class="a">
6369 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6370 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
6371 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6372 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6373 class="folder">&nbsp;
6374 </a>
6375 <abbr title="The scaling aspects supported by this DF of the VNF.
6376 scalingAspect shall be present if the VNF supports
6377 scaling.">scaling-aspect[id]</abbr>
6378 </div>
6379 </td>
6380 <td nowrap>list</td>
6381 <td nowrap></td>
6382 <td nowrap>config</td>
6383 <td></td>
6384 <td>current</td>
6385 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect</td>
6386 </tr>
6387 <tr id="1-1-18-83-125" class="a">
6388 <td nowrap>
6389 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6390 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6391 <abbr title="Unique identifier of this aspect in the VNFD."> id </abbr>
6392 </div>
6393 </td>
6394 <td>leaf</td>
6395 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6396 ">string</abbr></td>
6397 <td nowrap>config</td>
6398 <td></td>
6399 <td>current</td>
6400 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:id</td</tr>
6401 <tr id="1-1-18-83-126" class="a">
6402 <td nowrap>
6403 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6404 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6405 <abbr title="Human readable name of the aspect."> <em> name </em></abbr>
6406 </div>
6407 </td>
6408 <td>leaf</td>
6409 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6410 ">string</abbr></td>
6411 <td nowrap>config</td>
6412 <td>?</td>
6413 <td>current</td>
6414 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:name</td</tr>
6415 <tr id="1-1-18-83-127" class="a">
6416 <td nowrap>
6417 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6418 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6419 <abbr title="Human readable description of the aspect."> <em> description </em></abbr>
6420 </div>
6421 </td>
6422 <td>leaf</td>
6423 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6424 ">string</abbr></td>
6425 <td nowrap>config</td>
6426 <td>?</td>
6427 <td>current</td>
6428 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:description</td</tr>
6429 <tr id="1-1-18-83-128" class="a">
6430 <td nowrap>
6431 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6432 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6433 <abbr title="The maximum scaleLevel for total number of scaling
6434 steps that can be applied w.r.t. this aspect. The
6435 value of this attribute corresponds to the number of
6436 scaling steps can be applied to this aspect when
6437 scaling it from the minimum scale level (i.e. 0) to the
6438 maximum scale level defined by this attribute."> <em> max-scale-level </em></abbr>
6439 </div>
6440 </td>
6441 <td>leaf</td>
6442 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
6443 [1..max]">uint32</abbr></td>
6444 <td nowrap>config</td>
6445 <td>?</td>
6446 <td>current</td>
6447 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:max-scale-level</td</tr>
6448 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129" class="a">
6449 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6450 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
6451 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6452 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6453 class="folder">&nbsp;
6454 </a>
6455 <abbr title="A specification of the deltas in terms of number of
6456 instances of VNFCs and virtual link bit rates that
6457 correspond to the scaling steps of this aspect. A
6458 cardinality of zero indicates that this mapping has to
6459 be specified in a lifecycle management script or be
6460 otherwise known to the VNFM. The information in this
6461 attribute, if provided, shall be consistent with the
6462 information provided in the 'InstantiationLevel'
6463 information element. If this attribute is provided, it
6464 shall be provided for all scaling aspects.">aspect-delta-details</abbr>
6465 </div>
6466 </td>
6467 <td nowrap>container</td>
6468 <td nowrap></td>
6469 <td nowrap>config</td>
6470 <td></td>
6471 <td>current</td>
6472 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details</td>
6473 </tr>
6474 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-81" class="a">
6475 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6476 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
6477 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6478 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6479 class="folder">&nbsp;
6480 </a>
6481 <abbr title="Declares different scaling deltas, each of which is
6482 applied for one or more scaling steps of this
6483 aspect.">deltas[id]</abbr>
6484 </div>
6485 </td>
6486 <td nowrap>list</td>
6487 <td nowrap></td>
6488 <td nowrap>config</td>
6489 <td></td>
6490 <td>current</td>
6491 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:deltas</td>
6492 </tr>
6493 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-81-57" class="a">
6494 <td nowrap>
6495 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
6496 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6497 <abbr title="Identifier of this scaling delta."> id </abbr>
6498 </div>
6499 </td>
6500 <td>leaf</td>
6501 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6502 ">string</abbr></td>
6503 <td nowrap>config</td>
6504 <td></td>
6505 <td>current</td>
6506 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:deltas/vnfd:id</td</tr>
6507 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-81-58" class="a">
6508 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6509 <div id="p5000" class="tier7">
6510 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6511 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6512 class="folder">&nbsp;
6513 </a>
6514 <abbr title="The number of VNFC instances based on particular
6515 VDUs to be created or removed.">vdu-delta[id]</abbr>
6516 </div>
6517 </td>
6518 <td nowrap>list</td>
6519 <td nowrap></td>
6520 <td nowrap>config</td>
6521 <td></td>
6522 <td>current</td>
6523 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:deltas/vnfd:vdu-delta</td>
6524 </tr>
6525 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-81-58-10" class="a">
6526 <td nowrap>
6527 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
6528 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6529 <abbr title="Uniquely identifies a VDU."> id </abbr>
6530 </div>
6531 </td>
6532 <td>leaf</td>
6533 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
6534 : ../../../../../../vdu/id">leafref</abbr></td>
6535 <td nowrap>config</td>
6536 <td></td>
6537 <td>current</td>
6538 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:deltas/vnfd:vdu-delta/vnfd:id</td</tr>
6539 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-81-58-11" class="a">
6540 <td nowrap>
6541 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
6542 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6543 <abbr title="Number of instances of VNFC based on this VDU to
6544 deploy for an instantiation level or for a
6545 scaling delta. Shall be zero or greater."> <em> number-of-instances </em></abbr>
6546 </div>
6547 </td>
6548 <td>leaf</td>
6549 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
6550 [0..max]">uint32</abbr></td>
6551 <td nowrap>config</td>
6552 <td>?</td>
6553 <td>current</td>
6554 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:deltas/vnfd:vdu-delta/vnfd:number-of-instances</td</tr>
6555 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-81-59" class="a">
6556 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6557 <div id="p5000" class="tier7">
6558 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6559 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6560 class="folder">&nbsp;
6561 </a>
6562 <abbr title="The bitrate to be added or removed to virtual links
6563 created from particular virtual link descriptors.">virtual-link-bit-rate-delta[id]</abbr>
6564 </div>
6565 </td>
6566 <td nowrap>list</td>
6567 <td nowrap></td>
6568 <td nowrap>config</td>
6569 <td></td>
6570 <td>current</td>
6571 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:deltas/vnfd:virtual-link-bit-rate-delta</td>
6572 </tr>
6573 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-81-59-12" class="a">
6574 <td nowrap>
6575 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
6576 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6577 <abbr title="Uniquely identifies a VnfVirtualLinkDesc."> id </abbr>
6578 </div>
6579 </td>
6580 <td>leaf</td>
6581 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6582 ">string</abbr></td>
6583 <td nowrap>config</td>
6584 <td></td>
6585 <td>current</td>
6586 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:deltas/vnfd:virtual-link-bit-rate-delta/vnfd:id</td</tr>
6587 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-81-59-13" class="a">
6588 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6589 <div id="p5000" class="tier8">
6590 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6591 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6592 class="folder">&nbsp;
6593 </a>
6594 <abbr title="Bitrate requirements for an instantiation level
6595 or bitrate delta for a scaling step.">bit-rate-requirements</abbr>
6596 </div>
6597 </td>
6598 <td nowrap>container</td>
6599 <td nowrap></td>
6600 <td nowrap>config</td>
6601 <td></td>
6602 <td>current</td>
6603 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:deltas/vnfd:virtual-link-bit-rate-delta/vnfd:bit-rate-requirements</td>
6604 </tr>
6605 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-81-59-13-4" class="a">
6606 <td nowrap>
6607 <div id=9999 class=tier9>
6608 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6609 <abbr title="Throughput requirement of the link (e.g.
6610 bitrate of E-Line, root bitrate of E-Tree,
6611 aggregate capacity of E-LAN)."> root </abbr>
6612 </div>
6613 </td>
6614 <td>leaf</td>
6615 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
6616 ">uint32</abbr></td>
6617 <td nowrap>config</td>
6618 <td></td>
6619 <td>current</td>
6620 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:deltas/vnfd:virtual-link-bit-rate-delta/vnfd:bit-rate-requirements/vnfd:root</td</tr>
6621 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-81-59-13-5" class="a">
6622 <td nowrap>
6623 <div id=9999 class=tier9>
6624 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6625 <abbr title="Throughput requirement of leaf connections to
6626 the link when applicable to the connectivity
6627 type (e.g. for E-Tree and E-LAN branches)."> <em> leaf </em></abbr>
6628 </div>
6629 </td>
6630 <td>leaf</td>
6631 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
6632 ">uint32</abbr></td>
6633 <td nowrap>config</td>
6634 <td>?</td>
6635 <td>current</td>
6636 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:deltas/vnfd:virtual-link-bit-rate-delta/vnfd:bit-rate-requirements/vnfd:leaf</td</tr>
6637 <tr id="1-1-18-83-129-82" class="a">
6638 <td nowrap>
6639 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6640 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6641 <abbr title="Identifiers of the individual scaling deltas to be
6642 applied for the subsequent scaling steps of this
6643 aspect. The first entry in the array shall correspond
6644 to the first scaling step (between scale levels 0 to
6645 1) and the last entry in the array shall correspond
6646 to the last scaling step (between maxScaleLevel-1
6647 and maxScaleLevel).
6649 Each referenced scaling delta shall be declared in
6650 the 'deltas' attribute."> <em> step-deltas </em></abbr>
6651 </div>
6652 </td>
6653 <td>leaf</td>
6654 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
6655 : ../deltas/id">leafref</abbr></td>
6656 <td nowrap>config</td>
6657 <td>?</td>
6658 <td>current</td>
6659 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/vnfd:aspect-delta-details/vnfd:step-deltas</td</tr>
6660 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130" class="a">
6661 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6662 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
6663 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6664 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6665 class="folder">&nbsp;
6666 </a>
6667 <abbr title="No description">scaling:scaling-policy[name]</abbr>
6668 </div>
6669 </td>
6670 <td nowrap>list</td>
6671 <td nowrap></td>
6672 <td nowrap>config</td>
6673 <td></td>
6674 <td>current</td>
6675 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy</td>
6676 </tr>
6677 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-83" class="a">
6678 <td nowrap>
6679 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6680 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6681 <abbr title="Name of the scaling policy"> scaling:name </abbr>
6682 </div>
6683 </td>
6684 <td>leaf</td>
6685 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6686 ">string</abbr></td>
6687 <td nowrap>config</td>
6688 <td></td>
6689 <td>current</td>
6690 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:name</td</tr>
6691 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-84" class="a">
6692 <td nowrap>
6693 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6694 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6695 <abbr title="Type of scaling"> <em> scaling:scaling-type </em></abbr>
6696 </div>
6697 </td>
6698 <td>leaf</td>
6699 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:scaling-policy-type
6700 enumeration
6701 : {manual,automatic,}">common:scaling-policy-type</abbr></td>
6702 <td nowrap>config</td>
6703 <td>?</td>
6704 <td>current</td>
6705 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:scaling-type</td</tr>
6706 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-85" class="a">
6707 <td nowrap>
6708 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6709 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6710 <abbr title="Specifies if the scaling policy can be applied"> <em> scaling:enabled </em></abbr>
6711 </div>
6712 </td>
6713 <td>leaf</td>
6714 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
6715 ">boolean</abbr></td>
6716 <td nowrap>config</td>
6717 <td>?</td>
6718 <td>current</td>
6719 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:enabled</td</tr>
6720 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-86" class="a">
6721 <td nowrap>
6722 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6723 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6724 <abbr title="Operation to be applied to check between scaling criterias to
6725 check if the scale in threshold condition has been met.
6726 Defaults to AND"> <em> scaling:scale-in-operation-type </em></abbr>
6727 </div>
6728 </td>
6729 <td>leaf</td>
6730 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:scaling-criteria-operation
6731 enumeration
6732 : {AND,OR,}">common:scaling-criteria-operation</abbr></td>
6733 <td nowrap>config</td>
6734 <td>?</td>
6735 <td>current</td>
6736 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:scale-in-operation-type</td</tr>
6737 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-87" class="a">
6738 <td nowrap>
6739 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6740 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6741 <abbr title="Operation to be applied to check between scaling criterias to
6742 check if the scale out threshold condition has been met.
6743 Defauls to OR"> <em> scaling:scale-out-operation-type </em></abbr>
6744 </div>
6745 </td>
6746 <td>leaf</td>
6747 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:scaling-criteria-operation
6748 enumeration
6749 : {AND,OR,}">common:scaling-criteria-operation</abbr></td>
6750 <td nowrap>config</td>
6751 <td>?</td>
6752 <td>current</td>
6753 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:scale-out-operation-type</td</tr>
6754 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-88" class="a">
6755 <td nowrap>
6756 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6757 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6758 <abbr title="The duration for which the criteria must hold true"> scaling:threshold-time </abbr>
6759 </div>
6760 </td>
6761 <td>leaf</td>
6762 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
6763 ">uint32</abbr></td>
6764 <td nowrap>config</td>
6765 <td></td>
6766 <td>current</td>
6767 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:threshold-time</td</tr>
6768 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-89" class="a">
6769 <td nowrap>
6770 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6771 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6772 <abbr title="The duration after a scaling-in/scaling-out action has been
6773 triggered, for which there will be no further optional"> scaling:cooldown-time </abbr>
6774 </div>
6775 </td>
6776 <td>leaf</td>
6777 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint32
6778 ">uint32</abbr></td>
6779 <td nowrap>config</td>
6780 <td></td>
6781 <td>current</td>
6782 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:cooldown-time</td</tr>
6783 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-90" class="a">
6784 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6785 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
6786 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6787 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6788 class="folder">&nbsp;
6789 </a>
6790 <abbr title="list of conditions to be met for generating scaling
6791 requests">scaling:scaling-criteria[name]</abbr>
6792 </div>
6793 </td>
6794 <td nowrap>list</td>
6795 <td nowrap></td>
6796 <td nowrap>config</td>
6797 <td></td>
6798 <td>current</td>
6799 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:scaling-criteria</td>
6800 </tr>
6801 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-90-60" class="a">
6802 <td nowrap>
6803 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
6804 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6805 <abbr title="No description"> scaling:name </abbr>
6806 </div>
6807 </td>
6808 <td>leaf</td>
6809 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
6810 ">string</abbr></td>
6811 <td nowrap>config</td>
6812 <td></td>
6813 <td>current</td>
6814 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:scaling-criteria/scaling:name</td</tr>
6815 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-90-61" class="a">
6816 <td nowrap>
6817 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
6818 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6819 <abbr title="Value below which scale-in requests are generated"> <em> scaling:scale-in-threshold </em></abbr>
6820 </div>
6821 </td>
6822 <td>leaf</td>
6823 <td nowrap><abbr title="decimal64
6824 ">decimal64</abbr></td>
6825 <td nowrap>config</td>
6826 <td>?</td>
6827 <td>current</td>
6828 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:scaling-criteria/scaling:scale-in-threshold</td</tr>
6829 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-90-62" class="a">
6830 <td nowrap>
6831 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
6832 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6833 <abbr title="The relational operator used to compare the monitoring param
6834 against the scale-in-threshold."> <em> scaling:scale-in-relational-operation </em></abbr>
6835 </div>
6836 </td>
6837 <td>leaf</td>
6838 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:relational-operation-type
6839 enumeration
6840 : {GE,LE,GT,LT,EQ,}">common:relational-operation-type</abbr></td>
6841 <td nowrap>config</td>
6842 <td>?</td>
6843 <td>current</td>
6844 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:scaling-criteria/scaling:scale-in-relational-operation</td</tr>
6845 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-90-63" class="a">
6846 <td nowrap>
6847 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
6848 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6849 <abbr title="Value above which scale-out requests are generated"> <em> scaling:scale-out-threshold </em></abbr>
6850 </div>
6851 </td>
6852 <td>leaf</td>
6853 <td nowrap><abbr title="decimal64
6854 ">decimal64</abbr></td>
6855 <td nowrap>config</td>
6856 <td>?</td>
6857 <td>current</td>
6858 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:scaling-criteria/scaling:scale-out-threshold</td</tr>
6859 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-90-64" class="a">
6860 <td nowrap>
6861 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
6862 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6863 <abbr title="The relational operator used to compare the monitoring param
6864 against the scale-out-threshold."> <em> scaling:scale-out-relational-operation </em></abbr>
6865 </div>
6866 </td>
6867 <td>leaf</td>
6868 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:relational-operation-type
6869 enumeration
6870 : {GE,LE,GT,LT,EQ,}">common:relational-operation-type</abbr></td>
6871 <td nowrap>config</td>
6872 <td>?</td>
6873 <td>current</td>
6874 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:scaling-criteria/scaling:scale-out-relational-operation</td</tr>
6875 <tr id="1-1-18-83-130-90-65" class="a">
6876 <td nowrap>
6877 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
6878 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6879 <abbr title="Reference to the VNF level monitoring parameter
6880 that is aggregated"> <em> scaling:vnf-monitoring-param-ref </em></abbr>
6881 </div>
6882 </td>
6883 <td>leaf</td>
6884 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
6885 : /vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:monitoring-parameter/vnfd:id">leafref</abbr></td>
6886 <td nowrap>config</td>
6887 <td>?</td>
6888 <td>current</td>
6889 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-policy/scaling:scaling-criteria/scaling:vnf-monitoring-param-ref</td</tr>
6890 <tr id="1-1-18-83-131" class="a">
6891 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6892 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
6893 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6894 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6895 class="folder">&nbsp;
6896 </a>
6897 <abbr title="List of scaling config actions">scaling:scaling-config-action[trigger]</abbr>
6898 </div>
6899 </td>
6900 <td nowrap>list</td>
6901 <td nowrap></td>
6902 <td nowrap>config</td>
6903 <td></td>
6904 <td>current</td>
6905 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-config-action</td>
6906 </tr>
6907 <tr id="1-1-18-83-131-91" class="a">
6908 <td nowrap>
6909 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6910 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6911 <abbr title="scaling trigger"> scaling:trigger </abbr>
6912 </div>
6913 </td>
6914 <td>leaf</td>
6915 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:scaling-trigger
6916 enumeration
6917 : {pre-scale-in,post-scale-in,pre-scale-out,post-scale-out,}">common:scaling-trigger</abbr></td>
6918 <td nowrap>config</td>
6919 <td></td>
6920 <td>current</td>
6921 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-config-action/scaling:trigger</td</tr>
6922 <tr id="1-1-18-83-131-92" class="a">
6923 <td nowrap>
6924 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
6925 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6926 <abbr title="Reference to the VNF config primitive"> <em> scaling:vnf-config-primitive-name-ref </em></abbr>
6927 </div>
6928 </td>
6929 <td>leaf</td>
6930 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
6931 : /vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:name">leafref</abbr></td>
6932 <td nowrap>config</td>
6933 <td>?</td>
6934 <td>current</td>
6935 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/vnfd:scaling-aspect/scaling:scaling-config-action/scaling:vnf-config-primitive-name-ref</td</tr>
6936 <tr id="1-1-18-84" class="a">
6937 <td nowrap>
6938 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
6939 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6940 <abbr title="Reference for the VNF configuration to use in this DF"> <em> configuration:vnf-configuration-id </em></abbr>
6941 </div>
6942 </td>
6943 <td>leaf</td>
6944 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
6945 : /vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:id">leafref</abbr></td>
6946 <td nowrap>config</td>
6947 <td>?</td>
6948 <td>current</td>
6949 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/configuration:vnf-configuration-id</td</tr>
6950 <tr id="1-1-18-85" class="a">
6951 <td nowrap id="p4000">
6952 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
6953 <a href="#" id="p6000"
6954 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
6955 class="folder">&nbsp;
6956 </a>
6957 <abbr title="No description">configuration:kdu-profile[name]</abbr>
6958 </div>
6959 </td>
6960 <td nowrap>list</td>
6961 <td nowrap></td>
6962 <td nowrap>config</td>
6963 <td></td>
6964 <td>current</td>
6965 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/configuration:kdu-profile</td>
6966 </tr>
6967 <tr id="1-1-18-85-132" class="a">
6968 <td nowrap>
6969 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6970 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6971 <abbr title="Reference to the KDU"> configuration:name </abbr>
6972 </div>
6973 </td>
6974 <td>leaf</td>
6975 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
6976 : /vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu/kdu:name">leafref</abbr></td>
6977 <td nowrap>config</td>
6978 <td></td>
6979 <td>current</td>
6980 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/configuration:kdu-profile/configuration:name</td</tr>
6981 <tr id="1-1-18-85-133" class="a">
6982 <td nowrap>
6983 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6984 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6985 <abbr title="Reference to the KDU configuration to use in this DF"> <em> configuration:kdu-configuration-id </em></abbr>
6986 </div>
6987 </td>
6988 <td>leaf</td>
6989 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
6990 : /vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:id">leafref</abbr></td>
6991 <td nowrap>config</td>
6992 <td>?</td>
6993 <td>current</td>
6994 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/configuration:kdu-profile/configuration:kdu-configuration-id</td</tr>
6995 <tr id="1-1-18-85-134" class="a">
6996 <td nowrap>
6997 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
6998 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
6999 <abbr title="Reference to the KDU model to use in this DF"> <em> configuration:kdu-model-id </em></abbr>
7000 </div>
7001 </td>
7002 <td>leaf</td>
7003 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
7004 : /vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-model/kdu:id">leafref</abbr></td>
7005 <td nowrap>config</td>
7006 <td>?</td>
7007 <td>current</td>
7008 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:df/configuration:kdu-profile/configuration:kdu-model-id</td</tr>
7009 <tr id="1-1-19" class="a">
7010 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7011 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
7012 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7013 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7014 class="folder">&nbsp;
7015 </a>
7016 <abbr title="Describes the configurable properties of the VNF
7017 (e.g. related to auto scaling and auto healing).">configurable-properties</abbr>
7018 </div>
7019 </td>
7020 <td nowrap>container</td>
7021 <td nowrap></td>
7022 <td nowrap>config</td>
7023 <td></td>
7024 <td>current</td>
7025 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:configurable-properties</td>
7026 </tr>
7027 <tr id="1-1-19-86" class="a">
7028 <td nowrap>
7029 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7030 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7031 <abbr title="It permits to enable (TRUE) / disable (FALSE) the
7032 auto-scaling functionality."> <em> is-auto-scalable-enabled </em></abbr>
7033 </div>
7034 </td>
7035 <td>leaf</td>
7036 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
7037 ">boolean</abbr></td>
7038 <td nowrap>config</td>
7039 <td>?</td>
7040 <td>current</td>
7041 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:configurable-properties/vnfd:is-auto-scalable-enabled</td</tr>
7042 <tr id="1-1-19-87" class="a">
7043 <td nowrap>
7044 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7045 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7046 <abbr title="It permits to enable (TRUE) / disable (FALSE) the
7047 auto-healing functionality."> <em> is-auto-heal-enabled </em></abbr>
7048 </div>
7049 </td>
7050 <td>leaf</td>
7051 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
7052 ">boolean</abbr></td>
7053 <td nowrap>config</td>
7054 <td>?</td>
7055 <td>current</td>
7056 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:configurable-properties/vnfd:is-auto-heal-enabled</td</tr>
7057 <tr id="1-1-19-88" class="a">
7058 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7059 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
7060 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7061 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7062 class="folder">&nbsp;
7063 </a>
7064 <abbr title="It provides VNF specific configurable properties that can
7065 be modified using the ModifyVnfConfiguration operation.">additional-configurable-property[key]</abbr>
7066 </div>
7067 </td>
7068 <td nowrap>list</td>
7069 <td nowrap></td>
7070 <td nowrap>config</td>
7071 <td></td>
7072 <td>current</td>
7073 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:configurable-properties/vnfd:additional-configurable-property</td>
7074 </tr>
7075 <tr id="1-1-19-88-135" class="a">
7076 <td nowrap>
7077 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
7078 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7079 <abbr title="No description"> key </abbr>
7080 </div>
7081 </td>
7082 <td>leaf</td>
7083 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7084 ">string</abbr></td>
7085 <td nowrap>config</td>
7086 <td></td>
7087 <td>current</td>
7088 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:configurable-properties/vnfd:additional-configurable-property/vnfd:key</td</tr>
7089 <tr id="1-1-19-88-136" class="a">
7090 <td nowrap>
7091 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
7092 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7093 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
7094 </div>
7095 </td>
7096 <td>leaf</td>
7097 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7098 ">string</abbr></td>
7099 <td nowrap>config</td>
7100 <td>?</td>
7101 <td>current</td>
7102 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:configurable-properties/vnfd:additional-configurable-property/vnfd:value</td</tr>
7103 <tr id="1-1-20" class="a">
7104 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7105 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
7106 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7107 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7108 class="folder">&nbsp;
7109 </a>
7110 <abbr title="Describes the modifiable attributes of the VNF.">modifiable-attributes</abbr>
7111 </div>
7112 </td>
7113 <td nowrap>container</td>
7114 <td nowrap></td>
7115 <td nowrap>config</td>
7116 <td></td>
7117 <td>current</td>
7118 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:modifiable-attributes</td>
7119 </tr>
7120 <tr id="1-1-20-89" class="a">
7121 <td nowrap>
7122 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7123 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
7124 <abbr title="Additional VNF-specific attributes of VnfInfo that
7125 affect the lifecycle management of a VNF instance and
7126 that are writeable.
7128 For each VNF instance, these attributes are stored
7129 persistently by the VNFM and can be queried and
7130 modified through the VNFM.
7132 These attributes are intended to be consumed by the
7133 VNFM or by the lifecycle management scripts during the
7134 execution of VNF lifecycle management operations.
7136 Modifying these values has no direct effect on the VNF
7137 instance; however, modified values can be considered
7138 during subsequent VNF lifecycle management operations,
7139 which means that the modified values can indirectly
7140 affect the configuration of the VNF instance."> extension </abbr>
7141 </div>
7142 </td>
7143 <td>leaf-list</td>
7144 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7145 ">string</abbr></td>
7146 <td nowrap>config</td>
7147 <td>*</td>
7148 <td>current</td>
7149 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:modifiable-attributes/vnfd:extension</td</tr>
7150 <tr id="1-1-20-90" class="a">
7151 <td nowrap>
7152 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7153 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
7154 <abbr title="Additional VNF-specific attributes of VnfInfo that are
7155 writeable and that provide metadata describing the VNF
7156 instance.
7158 For each VNF instance, these attributes are stored
7159 persistently by the VNFM and can be queried and modified
7160 through the VNFM.
7162 These attributes are intended to provide information to
7163 functional blocks external to the VNFM and will not be
7164 used by the VNFM or the VNF lifecycle management
7165 scripts when executing lifecycle management operations.
7167 Modifying these attributes has no effect on the VNF
7168 instance. It only affects the attribute values stored by
7169 the VNFM."> metadata </abbr>
7170 </div>
7171 </td>
7172 <td>leaf-list</td>
7173 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7174 ">string</abbr></td>
7175 <td nowrap>config</td>
7176 <td>*</td>
7177 <td>current</td>
7178 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:modifiable-attributes/vnfd:metadata</td</tr>
7179 <tr id="1-1-21" class="a">
7180 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7181 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
7182 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7183 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7184 class="folder">&nbsp;
7185 </a>
7186 <abbr title="Includes a list of events and corresponding management
7187 scripts performed for the VNF.">lifecycle-management-script[id]</abbr>
7188 </div>
7189 </td>
7190 <td nowrap>list</td>
7191 <td nowrap></td>
7192 <td nowrap>config</td>
7193 <td></td>
7194 <td>current</td>
7195 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:lifecycle-management-script</td>
7196 </tr>
7197 <tr id="1-1-21-91" class="a">
7198 <td nowrap>
7199 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7200 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7201 <abbr title="A unique string that identfies the script in question."> id </abbr>
7202 </div>
7203 </td>
7204 <td>leaf</td>
7205 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7206 ">string</abbr></td>
7207 <td nowrap>config</td>
7208 <td></td>
7209 <td>current</td>
7210 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:lifecycle-management-script/vnfd:id</td</tr>
7211 <tr id="1-1-21-92" class="a">
7212 <td nowrap>
7213 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7214 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
7215 <abbr title="Describes VNF lifecycle event(s) or an external stimulus
7216 detected on a VNFM reference point."> event </abbr>
7217 </div>
7218 </td>
7219 <td>leaf-list</td>
7220 <td nowrap><abbr title="internal-lifecycle-management-script-event
7221 enumeration
7222 : {start-instantiation,end-instantiation,start-scaling,end-scaling,start-healing,end-healing,start-termination,end-termination,start-vnf-flavour-change,end-vnf-flavour-change,start-vnf-operation-change,end-vnf-operation-change,start-vnf-ext-conn-change,end-vnf-ext-conn-change,start-vnfinfo-modification,end-vnfinfo-modification,}">internal-lifecycle-management-script-event</abbr></td>
7223 <td nowrap>config</td>
7224 <td>*</td>
7225 <td>current</td>
7226 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:lifecycle-management-script/vnfd:event</td</tr>
7227 <tr id="1-1-21-93" class="a">
7228 <td nowrap>
7229 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7230 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
7231 <abbr title="Describes the transition VNF lifecycle event(s) that
7232 cannot be mapped to any of the enumerated values
7233 defined for the event attribute."> lcm-transition-event </abbr>
7234 </div>
7235 </td>
7236 <td>leaf-list</td>
7237 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7238 ">string</abbr></td>
7239 <td nowrap>config</td>
7240 <td>*</td>
7241 <td>current</td>
7242 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:lifecycle-management-script/vnfd:lcm-transition-event</td</tr>
7243 <tr id="1-1-21-94" class="a">
7244 <td nowrap>
7245 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7246 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7247 <abbr title="Includes a VNF LCM script (e.g. written in a DSL as
7248 specified in requirement VNF_PACK.LCM.001) triggered to
7249 react to one of the events listed in the event
7250 attribute."> <em> script </em></abbr>
7251 </div>
7252 </td>
7253 <td>leaf</td>
7254 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7255 ">string</abbr></td>
7256 <td nowrap>config</td>
7257 <td>?</td>
7258 <td>current</td>
7259 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:lifecycle-management-script/vnfd:script</td</tr>
7260 <tr id="1-1-21-95" class="a">
7261 <td nowrap>
7262 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7263 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7264 <abbr title="Defines the domain specific language (i.e. the type) of
7265 script that is provided. Types of scripts could include
7266 bash, python, etc."> <em> script-dsl </em></abbr>
7267 </div>
7268 </td>
7269 <td>leaf</td>
7270 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7271 ">string</abbr></td>
7272 <td nowrap>config</td>
7273 <td>?</td>
7274 <td>current</td>
7275 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:lifecycle-management-script/vnfd:script-dsl</td</tr>
7276 <tr id="1-1-21-96" class="a">
7277 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7278 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
7279 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7280 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7281 class="folder">&nbsp;
7282 </a>
7283 <abbr title="Array of KVP requirements with the key as the parameter
7284 name and the value as the parameter that need to be
7285 passed as an input to the script.">script-input[key]</abbr>
7286 </div>
7287 </td>
7288 <td nowrap>list</td>
7289 <td nowrap></td>
7290 <td nowrap>config</td>
7291 <td></td>
7292 <td>current</td>
7293 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:lifecycle-management-script/vnfd:script-input</td>
7294 </tr>
7295 <tr id="1-1-21-96-137" class="a">
7296 <td nowrap>
7297 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
7298 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7299 <abbr title="Includes a VNF LCM script (e.g. written in a DSL as
7300 specified in requirement VNF_PACK.LCM.001) triggered to
7301 react to one of the events listed in the event
7302 attribute.
7304 The string value specified here is a path to a file in
7305 the VNF package."> key </abbr>
7306 </div>
7307 </td>
7308 <td>leaf</td>
7309 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7310 ">string</abbr></td>
7311 <td nowrap>config</td>
7312 <td></td>
7313 <td>current</td>
7314 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:lifecycle-management-script/vnfd:script-input/vnfd:key</td</tr>
7315 <tr id="1-1-21-96-138" class="a">
7316 <td nowrap>
7317 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
7318 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7319 <abbr title="No description"> <em> value </em></abbr>
7320 </div>
7321 </td>
7322 <td>leaf</td>
7323 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7324 ">string</abbr></td>
7325 <td nowrap>config</td>
7326 <td>?</td>
7327 <td>current</td>
7328 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:lifecycle-management-script/vnfd:script-input/vnfd:value</td</tr>
7329 <tr id="1-1-22" class="a">
7330 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7331 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
7332 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7333 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7334 class="folder">&nbsp;
7335 </a>
7336 <abbr title="Describes the associated elements of a VNFD for a certain
7337 purpose during VNF lifecycle management.">element-group[id]</abbr>
7338 </div>
7339 </td>
7340 <td nowrap>list</td>
7341 <td nowrap></td>
7342 <td nowrap>config</td>
7343 <td></td>
7344 <td>current</td>
7345 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:element-group</td>
7346 </tr>
7347 <tr id="1-1-22-97" class="a">
7348 <td nowrap>
7349 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7350 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7351 <abbr title="Unique identifier of this group in the VNFD."> id </abbr>
7352 </div>
7353 </td>
7354 <td>leaf</td>
7355 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7356 ">string</abbr></td>
7357 <td nowrap>config</td>
7358 <td></td>
7359 <td>current</td>
7360 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:element-group/vnfd:id</td</tr>
7361 <tr id="1-1-22-98" class="a">
7362 <td nowrap>
7363 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7364 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7365 <abbr title="Human readable description of the group."> <em> description </em></abbr>
7366 </div>
7367 </td>
7368 <td>leaf</td>
7369 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7370 ">string</abbr></td>
7371 <td nowrap>config</td>
7372 <td>?</td>
7373 <td>current</td>
7374 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:element-group/vnfd:description</td</tr>
7375 <tr id="1-1-22-99" class="a">
7376 <td nowrap>
7377 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7378 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
7379 <abbr title="References to Vdus that are part of this group."> vdu </abbr>
7380 </div>
7381 </td>
7382 <td>leaf-list</td>
7383 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
7384 : ../../vdu/id">leafref</abbr></td>
7385 <td nowrap>config</td>
7386 <td>*</td>
7387 <td>current</td>
7388 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:element-group/vnfd:vdu</td</tr>
7389 <tr id="1-1-22-100" class="a">
7390 <td nowrap>
7391 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7392 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
7393 <abbr title="References to VnfVirtualLinkDesc that are part of this
7394 group."> virtual-link-desc </abbr>
7395 </div>
7396 </td>
7397 <td>leaf-list</td>
7398 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
7399 : ../../int-virtual-link-desc/id">leafref</abbr></td>
7400 <td nowrap>config</td>
7401 <td>*</td>
7402 <td>current</td>
7403 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:element-group/vnfd:virtual-link-desc</td</tr>
7404 <tr id="1-1-23" class="a">
7405 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7406 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
7407 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7408 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7409 class="folder">&nbsp;
7410 </a>
7411 <abbr title="Declares the VNF indicators that are supported by this
7412 VNF.">indicator[id]</abbr>
7413 </div>
7414 </td>
7415 <td nowrap>list</td>
7416 <td nowrap></td>
7417 <td nowrap>config</td>
7418 <td></td>
7419 <td>current</td>
7420 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:indicator</td>
7421 </tr>
7422 <tr id="1-1-23-101" class="a">
7423 <td nowrap>
7424 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7425 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7426 <abbr title="Unique identifier"> id </abbr>
7427 </div>
7428 </td>
7429 <td>leaf</td>
7430 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7431 ">string</abbr></td>
7432 <td nowrap>config</td>
7433 <td></td>
7434 <td>current</td>
7435 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:indicator/vnfd:id</td</tr>
7436 <tr id="1-1-23-102" class="a">
7437 <td nowrap>
7438 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7439 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7440 <abbr title="The human readable name of the VnfIndicator."> <em> name </em></abbr>
7441 </div>
7442 </td>
7443 <td>leaf</td>
7444 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7445 ">string</abbr></td>
7446 <td nowrap>config</td>
7447 <td>?</td>
7448 <td>current</td>
7449 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:indicator/vnfd:name</td</tr>
7450 <tr id="1-1-23-103" class="a">
7451 <td nowrap>
7452 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7453 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
7454 <abbr title="Defines the allowed values or value ranges of this
7455 indicator."> indicator-value </abbr>
7456 </div>
7457 </td>
7458 <td>leaf-list</td>
7459 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7460 ">string</abbr></td>
7461 <td nowrap>config</td>
7462 <td>*</td>
7463 <td>current</td>
7464 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:indicator/vnfd:indicator-value</td</tr>
7465 <tr id="1-1-23-104" class="a">
7466 <td nowrap>
7467 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7468 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7469 <abbr title="Describe the source of the indicator. The possible values
7470 are:
7471 VNF.
7472 EM.
7473 Both.
7474 This tells the consumer where to send the subscription
7475 request."> <em> source </em></abbr>
7476 </div>
7477 </td>
7478 <td>leaf</td>
7479 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
7480 : {vnf,em,both,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
7481 <td nowrap>config</td>
7482 <td>?</td>
7483 <td>current</td>
7484 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:indicator/vnfd:source</td</tr>
7485 <tr id="1-1-24" class="a">
7486 <td nowrap>
7487 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
7488 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
7489 <abbr title="Rule that determines when a scaling action needs to be
7490 triggered on a VNF instance e.g. based on certain VNF
7491 indicator values or VNF indicator value changes or a
7492 combination of VNF indicator value(s) and monitoring
7493 parameter(s)."> auto-scale </abbr>
7494 </div>
7495 </td>
7496 <td>leaf-list</td>
7497 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7498 ">string</abbr></td>
7499 <td nowrap>config</td>
7500 <td>*</td>
7501 <td>current</td>
7502 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:auto-scale</td</tr>
7503 <tr id="1-1-25" class="a">
7504 <td nowrap>
7505 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
7506 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7507 <abbr title="No description"> <em> additional-info:description </em></abbr>
7508 </div>
7509 </td>
7510 <td>leaf</td>
7511 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7512 ">string</abbr></td>
7513 <td nowrap>config</td>
7514 <td>?</td>
7515 <td>current</td>
7516 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/additional-info:description</td</tr>
7517 <tr id="1-1-26" class="a">
7518 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7519 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
7520 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7521 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7522 class="folder">&nbsp;
7523 </a>
7524 <abbr title="No description">day1-2:vnf-configuration[id]</abbr>
7525 </div>
7526 </td>
7527 <td nowrap>list</td>
7528 <td nowrap></td>
7529 <td nowrap>config</td>
7530 <td></td>
7531 <td>current</td>
7532 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration</td>
7533 </tr>
7534 <tr id="1-1-26-105" class="a">
7535 <td nowrap>
7536 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
7537 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7538 <abbr title="Internal identifier for the VNF configuration"> day1-2:id </abbr>
7539 </div>
7540 </td>
7541 <td>leaf</td>
7542 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7543 ">string</abbr></td>
7544 <td nowrap>config</td>
7545 <td></td>
7546 <td>current</td>
7547 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:id</td</tr>
7548 <tr id="1-1-26-106" class="a">
7549 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7550 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
7551 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7552 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7553 class="folder">&nbsp;
7554 </a>
7555 <abbr title="Defines the configuration method for the VNF or VDU.">(config-method)</abbr>
7556 </div>
7557 </td>
7558 <td nowrap>choice</td>
7559 <td nowrap></td>
7560 <td nowrap>config</td>
7561 <td>Choice</td>
7562 <td>current</td>
7563 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration</td>
7564 </tr>
7565 <tr id="1-1-26-106-139" class="a">
7566 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7567 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
7568 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7569 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7570 class="folder">&nbsp;
7571 </a>
7572 <abbr title="Use custom script for configuring the VNF or VDU.
7573 This script is executed in the context of
7574 Orchestrator (The same system and environment
7575 as the Launchpad).">:(script)</abbr>
7576 </div>
7577 </td>
7578 <td nowrap>case</td>
7579 <td nowrap></td>
7580 <td nowrap>config</td>
7581 <td></td>
7582 <td>current</td>
7583 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration</td>
7584 </tr>
7585 <tr id="1-1-26-106-139-93" class="a">
7586 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7587 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
7588 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7589 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7590 class="folder">&nbsp;
7591 </a>
7592 <abbr title="No description">day1-2:script</abbr>
7593 </div>
7594 </td>
7595 <td nowrap>container</td>
7596 <td nowrap></td>
7597 <td nowrap>config</td>
7598 <td></td>
7599 <td>current</td>
7600 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:script</td>
7601 </tr>
7602 <tr id="1-1-26-106-139-93-66" class="a">
7603 <td nowrap>
7604 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
7605 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7606 <abbr title="Script type - currently supported - Scripts confirming to Rift CA plugin"> <em> day1-2:script-type </em></abbr>
7607 </div>
7608 </td>
7609 <td>leaf</td>
7610 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
7611 : {rift,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
7612 <td nowrap>config</td>
7613 <td>?</td>
7614 <td>current</td>
7615 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:script/day1-2:script-type</td</tr>
7616 <tr id="1-1-26-106-140" class="a">
7617 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7618 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
7619 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7620 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7621 class="folder">&nbsp;
7622 </a>
7623 <abbr title="Configure the VNF or VDU through Juju.">:(juju)</abbr>
7624 </div>
7625 </td>
7626 <td nowrap>case</td>
7627 <td nowrap></td>
7628 <td nowrap>config</td>
7629 <td></td>
7630 <td>current</td>
7631 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration</td>
7632 </tr>
7633 <tr id="1-1-26-106-140-94" class="a">
7634 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7635 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
7636 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7637 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7638 class="folder">&nbsp;
7639 </a>
7640 <abbr title="No description">day1-2:juju</abbr>
7641 </div>
7642 </td>
7643 <td nowrap>container</td>
7644 <td nowrap></td>
7645 <td nowrap>config</td>
7646 <td></td>
7647 <td>current</td>
7648 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:juju</td>
7649 </tr>
7650 <tr id="1-1-26-106-140-94-67" class="a">
7651 <td nowrap>
7652 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
7653 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7654 <abbr title="Juju charm to use with the VNF or VDU."> <em> day1-2:charm </em></abbr>
7655 </div>
7656 </td>
7657 <td>leaf</td>
7658 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7659 ">string</abbr></td>
7660 <td nowrap>config</td>
7661 <td>?</td>
7662 <td>current</td>
7663 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:juju/day1-2:charm</td</tr>
7664 <tr id="1-1-26-106-140-94-68" class="a">
7665 <td nowrap>
7666 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
7667 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7668 <abbr title="Is this a proxy charm?"> <em> day1-2:proxy </em></abbr>
7669 </div>
7670 </td>
7671 <td>leaf</td>
7672 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
7673 ">boolean</abbr></td>
7674 <td nowrap>config</td>
7675 <td>?</td>
7676 <td>current</td>
7677 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:juju/day1-2:proxy</td</tr>
7678 <tr id="1-1-26-107" class="a">
7679 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7680 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
7681 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7682 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7683 class="folder">&nbsp;
7684 </a>
7685 <abbr title="List of config primitives supported by the
7686 configuration agent for this VNF or VDU.">day1-2:config-primitive[name]</abbr>
7687 </div>
7688 </td>
7689 <td nowrap>list</td>
7690 <td nowrap></td>
7691 <td nowrap>config</td>
7692 <td></td>
7693 <td>current</td>
7694 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive</td>
7695 </tr>
7696 <tr id="1-1-26-107-141" class="a">
7697 <td nowrap>
7698 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
7699 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7700 <abbr title="Name of the config primitive."> day1-2:name </abbr>
7701 </div>
7702 </td>
7703 <td>leaf</td>
7704 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7705 ">string</abbr></td>
7706 <td nowrap>config</td>
7707 <td></td>
7708 <td>current</td>
7709 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:name</td</tr>
7710 <tr id="1-1-26-107-142" class="a">
7711 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7712 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
7713 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7714 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7715 class="folder">&nbsp;
7716 </a>
7717 <abbr title="List of parameters to the config primitive.">day1-2:parameter[name]</abbr>
7718 </div>
7719 </td>
7720 <td nowrap>list</td>
7721 <td nowrap></td>
7722 <td nowrap>config</td>
7723 <td></td>
7724 <td>current</td>
7725 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter</td>
7726 </tr>
7727 <tr id="1-1-26-107-142-95" class="a">
7728 <td nowrap>
7729 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
7730 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7731 <abbr title="Name of the parameter."> day1-2:name </abbr>
7732 </div>
7733 </td>
7734 <td>leaf</td>
7735 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7736 ">string</abbr></td>
7737 <td nowrap>config</td>
7738 <td></td>
7739 <td>current</td>
7740 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:name</td</tr>
7741 <tr id="1-1-26-107-142-96" class="a">
7742 <td nowrap>
7743 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
7744 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7745 <abbr title="Data type associated with the name."> <em> day1-2:data-type </em></abbr>
7746 </div>
7747 </td>
7748 <td>leaf</td>
7749 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:parameter-data-type
7750 enumeration
7751 : {STRING,INTEGER,BOOLEAN,}">common:parameter-data-type</abbr></td>
7752 <td nowrap>config</td>
7753 <td>?</td>
7754 <td>current</td>
7755 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:data-type</td</tr>
7756 <tr id="1-1-26-107-142-97" class="a">
7757 <td nowrap>
7758 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
7759 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7760 <abbr title="Is this field mandatory"> <em> day1-2:mandatory </em></abbr>
7761 </div>
7762 </td>
7763 <td>leaf</td>
7764 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
7765 ">boolean</abbr></td>
7766 <td nowrap>config</td>
7767 <td>?</td>
7768 <td>current</td>
7769 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:mandatory</td</tr>
7770 <tr id="1-1-26-107-142-98" class="a">
7771 <td nowrap>
7772 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
7773 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7774 <abbr title="The default value for this field"> <em> day1-2:default-value </em></abbr>
7775 </div>
7776 </td>
7777 <td>leaf</td>
7778 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7779 ">string</abbr></td>
7780 <td nowrap>config</td>
7781 <td>?</td>
7782 <td>current</td>
7783 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:default-value</td</tr>
7784 <tr id="1-1-26-107-142-99" class="a">
7785 <td nowrap>
7786 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
7787 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7788 <abbr title="NSD parameter pool name to use for this parameter"> <em> day1-2:parameter-pool </em></abbr>
7789 </div>
7790 </td>
7791 <td>leaf</td>
7792 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7793 ">string</abbr></td>
7794 <td nowrap>config</td>
7795 <td>?</td>
7796 <td>current</td>
7797 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:parameter-pool</td</tr>
7798 <tr id="1-1-26-107-142-100" class="a">
7799 <td nowrap>
7800 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
7801 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7802 <abbr title="The value should be dimmed by the UI.
7803 Only applies to parameters with default values."> <em> day1-2:read-only </em></abbr>
7804 </div>
7805 </td>
7806 <td>leaf</td>
7807 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
7808 ">boolean</abbr></td>
7809 <td nowrap>config</td>
7810 <td>?</td>
7811 <td>current</td>
7812 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:read-only</td</tr>
7813 <tr id="1-1-26-107-142-101" class="a">
7814 <td nowrap>
7815 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
7816 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7817 <abbr title="The value should be hidden by the UI.
7818 Only applies to parameters with default values."> <em> day1-2:hidden </em></abbr>
7819 </div>
7820 </td>
7821 <td>leaf</td>
7822 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
7823 ">boolean</abbr></td>
7824 <td nowrap>config</td>
7825 <td>?</td>
7826 <td>current</td>
7827 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:hidden</td</tr>
7828 <tr id="1-1-26-107-143" class="a">
7829 <td nowrap>
7830 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
7831 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7832 <abbr title="A user defined script. If user defined script is defined,
7833 the script will be executed using bash"> <em> day1-2:user-defined-script </em></abbr>
7834 </div>
7835 </td>
7836 <td>leaf</td>
7837 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7838 ">string</abbr></td>
7839 <td nowrap>config</td>
7840 <td>?</td>
7841 <td>current</td>
7842 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:user-defined-script</td</tr>
7843 <tr id="1-1-26-108" class="a">
7844 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7845 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
7846 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7847 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7848 class="folder">&nbsp;
7849 </a>
7850 <abbr title="Initial set of configuration primitives.">day1-2:initial-config-primitive[seq]</abbr>
7851 </div>
7852 </td>
7853 <td nowrap>list</td>
7854 <td nowrap></td>
7855 <td nowrap>config</td>
7856 <td></td>
7857 <td>current</td>
7858 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive</td>
7859 </tr>
7860 <tr id="1-1-26-108-144" class="a">
7861 <td nowrap>
7862 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
7863 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7864 <abbr title="Sequence number for the configuration primitive."> day1-2:seq </abbr>
7865 </div>
7866 </td>
7867 <td>leaf</td>
7868 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
7869 ">uint64</abbr></td>
7870 <td nowrap>config</td>
7871 <td></td>
7872 <td>current</td>
7873 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:seq</td</tr>
7874 <tr id="1-1-26-108-145" class="a">
7875 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7876 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
7877 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7878 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7879 class="folder">&nbsp;
7880 </a>
7881 <abbr title="No description">(primitive-type)</abbr>
7882 </div>
7883 </td>
7884 <td nowrap>choice</td>
7885 <td nowrap></td>
7886 <td nowrap>config</td>
7887 <td>Choice</td>
7888 <td>current</td>
7889 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive</td>
7890 </tr>
7891 <tr id="1-1-26-108-145-102" class="a">
7892 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7893 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
7894 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7895 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7896 class="folder">&nbsp;
7897 </a>
7898 <abbr title="No description">:(primitive-definition)</abbr>
7899 </div>
7900 </td>
7901 <td nowrap>case</td>
7902 <td nowrap></td>
7903 <td nowrap>config</td>
7904 <td></td>
7905 <td>current</td>
7906 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive</td>
7907 </tr>
7908 <tr id="1-1-26-108-145-102-69" class="a">
7909 <td nowrap>
7910 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
7911 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7912 <abbr title="Name of the configuration primitive."> <em> day1-2:name </em></abbr>
7913 </div>
7914 </td>
7915 <td>leaf</td>
7916 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7917 ">string</abbr></td>
7918 <td nowrap>config</td>
7919 <td>?</td>
7920 <td>current</td>
7921 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:name</td</tr>
7922 <tr id="1-1-26-108-145-102-70" class="a">
7923 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7924 <div id="p5000" class="tier7">
7925 <a href="#" id="p6000"
7926 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
7927 class="folder">&nbsp;
7928 </a>
7929 <abbr title="List of parameters to the configuration primitive.">day1-2:parameter[name]</abbr>
7930 </div>
7931 </td>
7932 <td nowrap>list</td>
7933 <td nowrap></td>
7934 <td nowrap>config</td>
7935 <td></td>
7936 <td>current</td>
7937 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter</td>
7938 </tr>
7939 <tr id="1-1-26-108-145-102-70-14" class="a">
7940 <td nowrap>
7941 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
7942 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7943 <abbr title="Name of the parameter."> day1-2:name </abbr>
7944 </div>
7945 </td>
7946 <td>leaf</td>
7947 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7948 ">string</abbr></td>
7949 <td nowrap>config</td>
7950 <td></td>
7951 <td>current</td>
7952 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:name</td</tr>
7953 <tr id="1-1-26-108-145-102-70-15" class="a">
7954 <td nowrap>
7955 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
7956 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7957 <abbr title="Data type associated with the value."> <em> day1-2:data-type </em></abbr>
7958 </div>
7959 </td>
7960 <td>leaf</td>
7961 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:parameter-data-type
7962 enumeration
7963 : {STRING,INTEGER,BOOLEAN,}">common:parameter-data-type</abbr></td>
7964 <td nowrap>config</td>
7965 <td>?</td>
7966 <td>current</td>
7967 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:data-type</td</tr>
7968 <tr id="1-1-26-108-145-102-70-16" class="a">
7969 <td nowrap>
7970 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
7971 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7972 <abbr title="Value associated with the name."> <em> day1-2:value </em></abbr>
7973 </div>
7974 </td>
7975 <td>leaf</td>
7976 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7977 ">string</abbr></td>
7978 <td nowrap>config</td>
7979 <td>?</td>
7980 <td>current</td>
7981 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:value</td</tr>
7982 <tr id="1-1-26-108-145-102-71" class="a">
7983 <td nowrap>
7984 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
7985 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
7986 <abbr title="A user defined script."> <em> day1-2:user-defined-script </em></abbr>
7987 </div>
7988 </td>
7989 <td>leaf</td>
7990 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
7991 ">string</abbr></td>
7992 <td nowrap>config</td>
7993 <td>?</td>
7994 <td>current</td>
7995 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:user-defined-script</td</tr>
7996 <tr id="1-1-26-109" class="a">
7997 <td nowrap id="p4000">
7998 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
7999 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8000 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8001 class="folder">&nbsp;
8002 </a>
8003 <abbr title="Terminate set of configuration primitives.">day1-2:terminate-config-primitive[seq]</abbr>
8004 </div>
8005 </td>
8006 <td nowrap>list</td>
8007 <td nowrap></td>
8008 <td nowrap>config</td>
8009 <td></td>
8010 <td>current</td>
8011 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive</td>
8012 </tr>
8013 <tr id="1-1-26-109-146" class="a">
8014 <td nowrap>
8015 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8016 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8017 <abbr title="Sequence number for the configuration primitive."> day1-2:seq </abbr>
8018 </div>
8019 </td>
8020 <td>leaf</td>
8021 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
8022 ">uint64</abbr></td>
8023 <td nowrap>config</td>
8024 <td></td>
8025 <td>current</td>
8026 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:seq</td</tr>
8027 <tr id="1-1-26-109-147" class="a">
8028 <td nowrap>
8029 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8030 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8031 <abbr title="Name of the configuration primitive."> <em> day1-2:name </em></abbr>
8032 </div>
8033 </td>
8034 <td>leaf</td>
8035 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8036 ">string</abbr></td>
8037 <td nowrap>config</td>
8038 <td>?</td>
8039 <td>current</td>
8040 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8041 <tr id="1-1-26-109-148" class="a">
8042 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8043 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
8044 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8045 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8046 class="folder">&nbsp;
8047 </a>
8048 <abbr title="List of parameters to the configuration primitive.">day1-2:parameter[name]</abbr>
8049 </div>
8050 </td>
8051 <td nowrap>list</td>
8052 <td nowrap></td>
8053 <td nowrap>config</td>
8054 <td></td>
8055 <td>current</td>
8056 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter</td>
8057 </tr>
8058 <tr id="1-1-26-109-148-103" class="a">
8059 <td nowrap>
8060 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8061 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8062 <abbr title="Name of the parameter."> day1-2:name </abbr>
8063 </div>
8064 </td>
8065 <td>leaf</td>
8066 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8067 ">string</abbr></td>
8068 <td nowrap>config</td>
8069 <td></td>
8070 <td>current</td>
8071 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8072 <tr id="1-1-26-109-148-104" class="a">
8073 <td nowrap>
8074 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8075 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8076 <abbr title="Data type associated with the value."> <em> day1-2:data-type </em></abbr>
8077 </div>
8078 </td>
8079 <td>leaf</td>
8080 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:parameter-data-type
8081 enumeration
8082 : {STRING,INTEGER,BOOLEAN,}">common:parameter-data-type</abbr></td>
8083 <td nowrap>config</td>
8084 <td>?</td>
8085 <td>current</td>
8086 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:data-type</td</tr>
8087 <tr id="1-1-26-109-148-105" class="a">
8088 <td nowrap>
8089 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8090 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8091 <abbr title="Value associated with the name."> <em> day1-2:value </em></abbr>
8092 </div>
8093 </td>
8094 <td>leaf</td>
8095 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8096 ">string</abbr></td>
8097 <td nowrap>config</td>
8098 <td>?</td>
8099 <td>current</td>
8100 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:value</td</tr>
8101 <tr id="1-1-26-109-149" class="a">
8102 <td nowrap>
8103 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8104 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8105 <abbr title="A user defined script."> <em> day1-2:user-defined-script </em></abbr>
8106 </div>
8107 </td>
8108 <td>leaf</td>
8109 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8110 ">string</abbr></td>
8111 <td nowrap>config</td>
8112 <td>?</td>
8113 <td>current</td>
8114 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:user-defined-script</td</tr>
8115 <tr id="1-1-26-110" class="a">
8116 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8117 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
8118 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8119 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8120 class="folder">&nbsp;
8121 </a>
8122 <abbr title="List of VNFC related metrics">day1-2:metrics[name]</abbr>
8123 </div>
8124 </td>
8125 <td nowrap>list</td>
8126 <td nowrap></td>
8127 <td nowrap>config</td>
8128 <td></td>
8129 <td>current</td>
8130 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:metrics</td>
8131 </tr>
8132 <tr id="1-1-26-110-150" class="a">
8133 <td nowrap>
8134 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8135 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8136 <abbr title="Name of the metric, as defined in the Juju charm."> day1-2:name </abbr>
8137 </div>
8138 </td>
8139 <td>leaf</td>
8140 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8141 ">string</abbr></td>
8142 <td nowrap>config</td>
8143 <td></td>
8144 <td>current</td>
8145 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:metrics/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8146 <tr id="1-1-26-111" class="a">
8147 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8148 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
8149 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8150 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8151 class="folder">&nbsp;
8152 </a>
8153 <abbr title="List of relations between elements in this descriptor.">day1-2:relation[name]</abbr>
8154 </div>
8155 </td>
8156 <td nowrap>list</td>
8157 <td nowrap></td>
8158 <td nowrap>config</td>
8159 <td></td>
8160 <td>current</td>
8161 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:relation</td>
8162 </tr>
8163 <tr id="1-1-26-111-151" class="a">
8164 <td nowrap>
8165 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8166 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8167 <abbr title="Name of the relation."> day1-2:name </abbr>
8168 </div>
8169 </td>
8170 <td>leaf</td>
8171 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8172 ">string</abbr></td>
8173 <td nowrap>config</td>
8174 <td></td>
8175 <td>current</td>
8176 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:relation/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8177 <tr id="1-1-26-111-152" class="a">
8178 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8179 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
8180 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8181 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8182 class="folder">&nbsp;
8183 </a>
8184 <abbr title="List of two elements to be related.
8185 Elements to be related are identified by a pair (id, endpoint).
8186 The relation will relate (id1, endpoint1) to (id2, endpoint2).">day1-2:entities[id]</abbr>
8187 </div>
8188 </td>
8189 <td nowrap>list</td>
8190 <td nowrap></td>
8191 <td nowrap>config</td>
8192 <td></td>
8193 <td>current</td>
8194 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:relation/day1-2:entities</td>
8195 </tr>
8196 <tr id="1-1-26-111-152-106" class="a">
8197 <td nowrap>
8198 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8199 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8200 <abbr title="A string, reference to the element id in the descriptor.
8201 It could be a vnfd-id or a vdu-id in a VNFD,
8202 or a nsd-id or member-vnf-index in a NSD."> day1-2:id </abbr>
8203 </div>
8204 </td>
8205 <td>leaf</td>
8206 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8207 ">string</abbr></td>
8208 <td nowrap>config</td>
8209 <td></td>
8210 <td>current</td>
8211 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:relation/day1-2:entities/day1-2:id</td</tr>
8212 <tr id="1-1-26-111-152-107" class="a">
8213 <td nowrap>
8214 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8215 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8216 <abbr title="Endpoint name defining the relation."> <em> day1-2:endpoint </em></abbr>
8217 </div>
8218 </td>
8219 <td>leaf</td>
8220 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8221 ">string</abbr></td>
8222 <td nowrap>config</td>
8223 <td>?</td>
8224 <td>current</td>
8225 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:relation/day1-2:entities/day1-2:endpoint</td</tr>
8226 <tr id="1-1-26-112" class="a">
8227 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8228 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
8229 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8230 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8231 class="folder">&nbsp;
8232 </a>
8233 <abbr title="Indicates the way to access to the xNF or xDU for VCA configuration.
8234 For the moment there is a single way (ssh-access).">day1-2:config-access</abbr>
8235 </div>
8236 </td>
8237 <td nowrap>container</td>
8238 <td nowrap></td>
8239 <td nowrap>config</td>
8240 <td></td>
8241 <td>current</td>
8242 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-access</td>
8243 </tr>
8244 <tr id="1-1-26-112-153" class="a">
8245 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8246 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
8247 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8248 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8249 class="folder">&nbsp;
8250 </a>
8251 <abbr title="If the xNF requires ssh and this parameter is set, SSH keys
8252 will be injected so that VCA can configure the xNF or xDU via ssh.">day1-2:ssh-access</abbr>
8253 </div>
8254 </td>
8255 <td nowrap>container</td>
8256 <td nowrap></td>
8257 <td nowrap>config</td>
8258 <td></td>
8259 <td>current</td>
8260 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-access/day1-2:ssh-access</td>
8261 </tr>
8262 <tr id="1-1-26-112-153-108" class="a">
8263 <td nowrap>
8264 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8265 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8266 <abbr title="whether ssh access is needed or not"> <em> day1-2:required </em></abbr>
8267 </div>
8268 </td>
8269 <td>leaf</td>
8270 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
8271 ">boolean</abbr></td>
8272 <td nowrap>config</td>
8273 <td>?</td>
8274 <td>current</td>
8275 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-access/day1-2:ssh-access/day1-2:required</td</tr>
8276 <tr id="1-1-26-112-153-109" class="a">
8277 <td nowrap>
8278 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8279 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8280 <abbr title="Default user for ssh"> <em> day1-2:default-user </em></abbr>
8281 </div>
8282 </td>
8283 <td>leaf</td>
8284 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8285 ">string</abbr></td>
8286 <td nowrap>config</td>
8287 <td>?</td>
8288 <td>current</td>
8289 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vnf-configuration/day1-2:config-access/day1-2:ssh-access/day1-2:default-user</td</tr>
8290 <tr id="1-1-27" class="a">
8291 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8292 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
8293 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8294 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8295 class="folder">&nbsp;
8296 </a>
8297 <abbr title="No description">day1-2:vdu-configuration[id]</abbr>
8298 </div>
8299 </td>
8300 <td nowrap>list</td>
8301 <td nowrap></td>
8302 <td nowrap>config</td>
8303 <td></td>
8304 <td>current</td>
8305 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration</td>
8306 </tr>
8307 <tr id="1-1-27-113" class="a">
8308 <td nowrap>
8309 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
8310 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8311 <abbr title="Internal identifier for the VDU configuration"> day1-2:id </abbr>
8312 </div>
8313 </td>
8314 <td>leaf</td>
8315 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8316 ">string</abbr></td>
8317 <td nowrap>config</td>
8318 <td></td>
8319 <td>current</td>
8320 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:id</td</tr>
8321 <tr id="1-1-27-114" class="a">
8322 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8323 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
8324 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8325 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8326 class="folder">&nbsp;
8327 </a>
8328 <abbr title="Defines the configuration method for the VNF or VDU.">(config-method)</abbr>
8329 </div>
8330 </td>
8331 <td nowrap>choice</td>
8332 <td nowrap></td>
8333 <td nowrap>config</td>
8334 <td>Choice</td>
8335 <td>current</td>
8336 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration</td>
8337 </tr>
8338 <tr id="1-1-27-114-154" class="a">
8339 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8340 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
8341 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8342 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8343 class="folder">&nbsp;
8344 </a>
8345 <abbr title="Use custom script for configuring the VNF or VDU.
8346 This script is executed in the context of
8347 Orchestrator (The same system and environment
8348 as the Launchpad).">:(script)</abbr>
8349 </div>
8350 </td>
8351 <td nowrap>case</td>
8352 <td nowrap></td>
8353 <td nowrap>config</td>
8354 <td></td>
8355 <td>current</td>
8356 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration</td>
8357 </tr>
8358 <tr id="1-1-27-114-154-110" class="a">
8359 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8360 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
8361 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8362 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8363 class="folder">&nbsp;
8364 </a>
8365 <abbr title="No description">day1-2:script</abbr>
8366 </div>
8367 </td>
8368 <td nowrap>container</td>
8369 <td nowrap></td>
8370 <td nowrap>config</td>
8371 <td></td>
8372 <td>current</td>
8373 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:script</td>
8374 </tr>
8375 <tr id="1-1-27-114-154-110-72" class="a">
8376 <td nowrap>
8377 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
8378 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8379 <abbr title="Script type - currently supported - Scripts confirming to Rift CA plugin"> <em> day1-2:script-type </em></abbr>
8380 </div>
8381 </td>
8382 <td>leaf</td>
8383 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
8384 : {rift,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
8385 <td nowrap>config</td>
8386 <td>?</td>
8387 <td>current</td>
8388 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:script/day1-2:script-type</td</tr>
8389 <tr id="1-1-27-114-155" class="a">
8390 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8391 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
8392 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8393 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8394 class="folder">&nbsp;
8395 </a>
8396 <abbr title="Configure the VNF or VDU through Juju.">:(juju)</abbr>
8397 </div>
8398 </td>
8399 <td nowrap>case</td>
8400 <td nowrap></td>
8401 <td nowrap>config</td>
8402 <td></td>
8403 <td>current</td>
8404 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration</td>
8405 </tr>
8406 <tr id="1-1-27-114-155-111" class="a">
8407 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8408 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
8409 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8410 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8411 class="folder">&nbsp;
8412 </a>
8413 <abbr title="No description">day1-2:juju</abbr>
8414 </div>
8415 </td>
8416 <td nowrap>container</td>
8417 <td nowrap></td>
8418 <td nowrap>config</td>
8419 <td></td>
8420 <td>current</td>
8421 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:juju</td>
8422 </tr>
8423 <tr id="1-1-27-114-155-111-73" class="a">
8424 <td nowrap>
8425 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
8426 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8427 <abbr title="Juju charm to use with the VNF or VDU."> <em> day1-2:charm </em></abbr>
8428 </div>
8429 </td>
8430 <td>leaf</td>
8431 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8432 ">string</abbr></td>
8433 <td nowrap>config</td>
8434 <td>?</td>
8435 <td>current</td>
8436 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:juju/day1-2:charm</td</tr>
8437 <tr id="1-1-27-114-155-111-74" class="a">
8438 <td nowrap>
8439 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
8440 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8441 <abbr title="Is this a proxy charm?"> <em> day1-2:proxy </em></abbr>
8442 </div>
8443 </td>
8444 <td>leaf</td>
8445 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
8446 ">boolean</abbr></td>
8447 <td nowrap>config</td>
8448 <td>?</td>
8449 <td>current</td>
8450 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:juju/day1-2:proxy</td</tr>
8451 <tr id="1-1-27-115" class="a">
8452 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8453 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
8454 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8455 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8456 class="folder">&nbsp;
8457 </a>
8458 <abbr title="List of config primitives supported by the
8459 configuration agent for this VNF or VDU.">day1-2:config-primitive[name]</abbr>
8460 </div>
8461 </td>
8462 <td nowrap>list</td>
8463 <td nowrap></td>
8464 <td nowrap>config</td>
8465 <td></td>
8466 <td>current</td>
8467 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive</td>
8468 </tr>
8469 <tr id="1-1-27-115-156" class="a">
8470 <td nowrap>
8471 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8472 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8473 <abbr title="Name of the config primitive."> day1-2:name </abbr>
8474 </div>
8475 </td>
8476 <td>leaf</td>
8477 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8478 ">string</abbr></td>
8479 <td nowrap>config</td>
8480 <td></td>
8481 <td>current</td>
8482 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8483 <tr id="1-1-27-115-157" class="a">
8484 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8485 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
8486 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8487 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8488 class="folder">&nbsp;
8489 </a>
8490 <abbr title="List of parameters to the config primitive.">day1-2:parameter[name]</abbr>
8491 </div>
8492 </td>
8493 <td nowrap>list</td>
8494 <td nowrap></td>
8495 <td nowrap>config</td>
8496 <td></td>
8497 <td>current</td>
8498 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter</td>
8499 </tr>
8500 <tr id="1-1-27-115-157-112" class="a">
8501 <td nowrap>
8502 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8503 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8504 <abbr title="Name of the parameter."> day1-2:name </abbr>
8505 </div>
8506 </td>
8507 <td>leaf</td>
8508 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8509 ">string</abbr></td>
8510 <td nowrap>config</td>
8511 <td></td>
8512 <td>current</td>
8513 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8514 <tr id="1-1-27-115-157-113" class="a">
8515 <td nowrap>
8516 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8517 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8518 <abbr title="Data type associated with the name."> <em> day1-2:data-type </em></abbr>
8519 </div>
8520 </td>
8521 <td>leaf</td>
8522 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:parameter-data-type
8523 enumeration
8524 : {STRING,INTEGER,BOOLEAN,}">common:parameter-data-type</abbr></td>
8525 <td nowrap>config</td>
8526 <td>?</td>
8527 <td>current</td>
8528 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:data-type</td</tr>
8529 <tr id="1-1-27-115-157-114" class="a">
8530 <td nowrap>
8531 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8532 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8533 <abbr title="Is this field mandatory"> <em> day1-2:mandatory </em></abbr>
8534 </div>
8535 </td>
8536 <td>leaf</td>
8537 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
8538 ">boolean</abbr></td>
8539 <td nowrap>config</td>
8540 <td>?</td>
8541 <td>current</td>
8542 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:mandatory</td</tr>
8543 <tr id="1-1-27-115-157-115" class="a">
8544 <td nowrap>
8545 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8546 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8547 <abbr title="The default value for this field"> <em> day1-2:default-value </em></abbr>
8548 </div>
8549 </td>
8550 <td>leaf</td>
8551 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8552 ">string</abbr></td>
8553 <td nowrap>config</td>
8554 <td>?</td>
8555 <td>current</td>
8556 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:default-value</td</tr>
8557 <tr id="1-1-27-115-157-116" class="a">
8558 <td nowrap>
8559 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8560 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8561 <abbr title="NSD parameter pool name to use for this parameter"> <em> day1-2:parameter-pool </em></abbr>
8562 </div>
8563 </td>
8564 <td>leaf</td>
8565 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8566 ">string</abbr></td>
8567 <td nowrap>config</td>
8568 <td>?</td>
8569 <td>current</td>
8570 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:parameter-pool</td</tr>
8571 <tr id="1-1-27-115-157-117" class="a">
8572 <td nowrap>
8573 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8574 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8575 <abbr title="The value should be dimmed by the UI.
8576 Only applies to parameters with default values."> <em> day1-2:read-only </em></abbr>
8577 </div>
8578 </td>
8579 <td>leaf</td>
8580 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
8581 ">boolean</abbr></td>
8582 <td nowrap>config</td>
8583 <td>?</td>
8584 <td>current</td>
8585 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:read-only</td</tr>
8586 <tr id="1-1-27-115-157-118" class="a">
8587 <td nowrap>
8588 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8589 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8590 <abbr title="The value should be hidden by the UI.
8591 Only applies to parameters with default values."> <em> day1-2:hidden </em></abbr>
8592 </div>
8593 </td>
8594 <td>leaf</td>
8595 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
8596 ">boolean</abbr></td>
8597 <td nowrap>config</td>
8598 <td>?</td>
8599 <td>current</td>
8600 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:hidden</td</tr>
8601 <tr id="1-1-27-115-158" class="a">
8602 <td nowrap>
8603 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8604 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8605 <abbr title="A user defined script. If user defined script is defined,
8606 the script will be executed using bash"> <em> day1-2:user-defined-script </em></abbr>
8607 </div>
8608 </td>
8609 <td>leaf</td>
8610 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8611 ">string</abbr></td>
8612 <td nowrap>config</td>
8613 <td>?</td>
8614 <td>current</td>
8615 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-primitive/day1-2:user-defined-script</td</tr>
8616 <tr id="1-1-27-116" class="a">
8617 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8618 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
8619 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8620 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8621 class="folder">&nbsp;
8622 </a>
8623 <abbr title="Initial set of configuration primitives.">day1-2:initial-config-primitive[seq]</abbr>
8624 </div>
8625 </td>
8626 <td nowrap>list</td>
8627 <td nowrap></td>
8628 <td nowrap>config</td>
8629 <td></td>
8630 <td>current</td>
8631 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive</td>
8632 </tr>
8633 <tr id="1-1-27-116-159" class="a">
8634 <td nowrap>
8635 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8636 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8637 <abbr title="Sequence number for the configuration primitive."> day1-2:seq </abbr>
8638 </div>
8639 </td>
8640 <td>leaf</td>
8641 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
8642 ">uint64</abbr></td>
8643 <td nowrap>config</td>
8644 <td></td>
8645 <td>current</td>
8646 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:seq</td</tr>
8647 <tr id="1-1-27-116-160" class="a">
8648 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8649 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
8650 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8651 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8652 class="folder">&nbsp;
8653 </a>
8654 <abbr title="No description">(primitive-type)</abbr>
8655 </div>
8656 </td>
8657 <td nowrap>choice</td>
8658 <td nowrap></td>
8659 <td nowrap>config</td>
8660 <td>Choice</td>
8661 <td>current</td>
8662 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive</td>
8663 </tr>
8664 <tr id="1-1-27-116-160-119" class="a">
8665 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8666 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
8667 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8668 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8669 class="folder">&nbsp;
8670 </a>
8671 <abbr title="No description">:(primitive-definition)</abbr>
8672 </div>
8673 </td>
8674 <td nowrap>case</td>
8675 <td nowrap></td>
8676 <td nowrap>config</td>
8677 <td></td>
8678 <td>current</td>
8679 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive</td>
8680 </tr>
8681 <tr id="1-1-27-116-160-119-75" class="a">
8682 <td nowrap>
8683 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
8684 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8685 <abbr title="Name of the configuration primitive."> <em> day1-2:name </em></abbr>
8686 </div>
8687 </td>
8688 <td>leaf</td>
8689 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8690 ">string</abbr></td>
8691 <td nowrap>config</td>
8692 <td>?</td>
8693 <td>current</td>
8694 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8695 <tr id="1-1-27-116-160-119-76" class="a">
8696 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8697 <div id="p5000" class="tier7">
8698 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8699 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8700 class="folder">&nbsp;
8701 </a>
8702 <abbr title="List of parameters to the configuration primitive.">day1-2:parameter[name]</abbr>
8703 </div>
8704 </td>
8705 <td nowrap>list</td>
8706 <td nowrap></td>
8707 <td nowrap>config</td>
8708 <td></td>
8709 <td>current</td>
8710 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter</td>
8711 </tr>
8712 <tr id="1-1-27-116-160-119-76-17" class="a">
8713 <td nowrap>
8714 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
8715 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8716 <abbr title="Name of the parameter."> day1-2:name </abbr>
8717 </div>
8718 </td>
8719 <td>leaf</td>
8720 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8721 ">string</abbr></td>
8722 <td nowrap>config</td>
8723 <td></td>
8724 <td>current</td>
8725 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8726 <tr id="1-1-27-116-160-119-76-18" class="a">
8727 <td nowrap>
8728 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
8729 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8730 <abbr title="Data type associated with the value."> <em> day1-2:data-type </em></abbr>
8731 </div>
8732 </td>
8733 <td>leaf</td>
8734 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:parameter-data-type
8735 enumeration
8736 : {STRING,INTEGER,BOOLEAN,}">common:parameter-data-type</abbr></td>
8737 <td nowrap>config</td>
8738 <td>?</td>
8739 <td>current</td>
8740 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:data-type</td</tr>
8741 <tr id="1-1-27-116-160-119-76-19" class="a">
8742 <td nowrap>
8743 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
8744 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8745 <abbr title="Value associated with the name."> <em> day1-2:value </em></abbr>
8746 </div>
8747 </td>
8748 <td>leaf</td>
8749 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8750 ">string</abbr></td>
8751 <td nowrap>config</td>
8752 <td>?</td>
8753 <td>current</td>
8754 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:value</td</tr>
8755 <tr id="1-1-27-116-160-119-77" class="a">
8756 <td nowrap>
8757 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
8758 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8759 <abbr title="A user defined script."> <em> day1-2:user-defined-script </em></abbr>
8760 </div>
8761 </td>
8762 <td>leaf</td>
8763 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8764 ">string</abbr></td>
8765 <td nowrap>config</td>
8766 <td>?</td>
8767 <td>current</td>
8768 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:initial-config-primitive/day1-2:user-defined-script</td</tr>
8769 <tr id="1-1-27-117" class="a">
8770 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8771 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
8772 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8773 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8774 class="folder">&nbsp;
8775 </a>
8776 <abbr title="Terminate set of configuration primitives.">day1-2:terminate-config-primitive[seq]</abbr>
8777 </div>
8778 </td>
8779 <td nowrap>list</td>
8780 <td nowrap></td>
8781 <td nowrap>config</td>
8782 <td></td>
8783 <td>current</td>
8784 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive</td>
8785 </tr>
8786 <tr id="1-1-27-117-161" class="a">
8787 <td nowrap>
8788 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8789 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8790 <abbr title="Sequence number for the configuration primitive."> day1-2:seq </abbr>
8791 </div>
8792 </td>
8793 <td>leaf</td>
8794 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
8795 ">uint64</abbr></td>
8796 <td nowrap>config</td>
8797 <td></td>
8798 <td>current</td>
8799 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:seq</td</tr>
8800 <tr id="1-1-27-117-162" class="a">
8801 <td nowrap>
8802 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8803 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8804 <abbr title="Name of the configuration primitive."> <em> day1-2:name </em></abbr>
8805 </div>
8806 </td>
8807 <td>leaf</td>
8808 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8809 ">string</abbr></td>
8810 <td nowrap>config</td>
8811 <td>?</td>
8812 <td>current</td>
8813 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8814 <tr id="1-1-27-117-163" class="a">
8815 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8816 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
8817 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8818 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8819 class="folder">&nbsp;
8820 </a>
8821 <abbr title="List of parameters to the configuration primitive.">day1-2:parameter[name]</abbr>
8822 </div>
8823 </td>
8824 <td nowrap>list</td>
8825 <td nowrap></td>
8826 <td nowrap>config</td>
8827 <td></td>
8828 <td>current</td>
8829 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter</td>
8830 </tr>
8831 <tr id="1-1-27-117-163-120" class="a">
8832 <td nowrap>
8833 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8834 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8835 <abbr title="Name of the parameter."> day1-2:name </abbr>
8836 </div>
8837 </td>
8838 <td>leaf</td>
8839 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8840 ">string</abbr></td>
8841 <td nowrap>config</td>
8842 <td></td>
8843 <td>current</td>
8844 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8845 <tr id="1-1-27-117-163-121" class="a">
8846 <td nowrap>
8847 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8848 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8849 <abbr title="Data type associated with the value."> <em> day1-2:data-type </em></abbr>
8850 </div>
8851 </td>
8852 <td>leaf</td>
8853 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:parameter-data-type
8854 enumeration
8855 : {STRING,INTEGER,BOOLEAN,}">common:parameter-data-type</abbr></td>
8856 <td nowrap>config</td>
8857 <td>?</td>
8858 <td>current</td>
8859 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:data-type</td</tr>
8860 <tr id="1-1-27-117-163-122" class="a">
8861 <td nowrap>
8862 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8863 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8864 <abbr title="Value associated with the name."> <em> day1-2:value </em></abbr>
8865 </div>
8866 </td>
8867 <td>leaf</td>
8868 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8869 ">string</abbr></td>
8870 <td nowrap>config</td>
8871 <td>?</td>
8872 <td>current</td>
8873 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:parameter/day1-2:value</td</tr>
8874 <tr id="1-1-27-117-164" class="a">
8875 <td nowrap>
8876 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8877 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8878 <abbr title="A user defined script."> <em> day1-2:user-defined-script </em></abbr>
8879 </div>
8880 </td>
8881 <td>leaf</td>
8882 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8883 ">string</abbr></td>
8884 <td nowrap>config</td>
8885 <td>?</td>
8886 <td>current</td>
8887 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:terminate-config-primitive/day1-2:user-defined-script</td</tr>
8888 <tr id="1-1-27-118" class="a">
8889 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8890 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
8891 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8892 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8893 class="folder">&nbsp;
8894 </a>
8895 <abbr title="List of VNFC related metrics">day1-2:metrics[name]</abbr>
8896 </div>
8897 </td>
8898 <td nowrap>list</td>
8899 <td nowrap></td>
8900 <td nowrap>config</td>
8901 <td></td>
8902 <td>current</td>
8903 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:metrics</td>
8904 </tr>
8905 <tr id="1-1-27-118-165" class="a">
8906 <td nowrap>
8907 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
8908 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8909 <abbr title="Name of the metric, as defined in the Juju charm."> day1-2:name </abbr>
8910 </div>
8911 </td>
8912 <td>leaf</td>
8913 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8914 ">string</abbr></td>
8915 <td nowrap>config</td>
8916 <td></td>
8917 <td>current</td>
8918 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:metrics/day1-2:name</td</tr>
8919 <tr id="1-1-27-119" class="a">
8920 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8921 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
8922 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8923 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8924 class="folder">&nbsp;
8925 </a>
8926 <abbr title="Indicates the way to access to the xNF or xDU for VCA configuration.
8927 For the moment there is a single way (ssh-access).">day1-2:config-access</abbr>
8928 </div>
8929 </td>
8930 <td nowrap>container</td>
8931 <td nowrap></td>
8932 <td nowrap>config</td>
8933 <td></td>
8934 <td>current</td>
8935 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-access</td>
8936 </tr>
8937 <tr id="1-1-27-119-166" class="a">
8938 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8939 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
8940 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8941 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8942 class="folder">&nbsp;
8943 </a>
8944 <abbr title="If the xNF requires ssh and this parameter is set, SSH keys
8945 will be injected so that VCA can configure the xNF or xDU via ssh.">day1-2:ssh-access</abbr>
8946 </div>
8947 </td>
8948 <td nowrap>container</td>
8949 <td nowrap></td>
8950 <td nowrap>config</td>
8951 <td></td>
8952 <td>current</td>
8953 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-access/day1-2:ssh-access</td>
8954 </tr>
8955 <tr id="1-1-27-119-166-123" class="a">
8956 <td nowrap>
8957 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8958 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8959 <abbr title="whether ssh access is needed or not"> <em> day1-2:required </em></abbr>
8960 </div>
8961 </td>
8962 <td>leaf</td>
8963 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
8964 ">boolean</abbr></td>
8965 <td nowrap>config</td>
8966 <td>?</td>
8967 <td>current</td>
8968 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-access/day1-2:ssh-access/day1-2:required</td</tr>
8969 <tr id="1-1-27-119-166-124" class="a">
8970 <td nowrap>
8971 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
8972 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
8973 <abbr title="Default user for ssh"> <em> day1-2:default-user </em></abbr>
8974 </div>
8975 </td>
8976 <td>leaf</td>
8977 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
8978 ">string</abbr></td>
8979 <td nowrap>config</td>
8980 <td>?</td>
8981 <td>current</td>
8982 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/day1-2:vdu-configuration/day1-2:config-access/day1-2:ssh-access/day1-2:default-user</td</tr>
8983 <tr id="1-1-28" class="a">
8984 <td nowrap id="p4000">
8985 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
8986 <a href="#" id="p6000"
8987 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
8988 class="folder">&nbsp;
8989 </a>
8990 <abbr title="List of K8s Deployment Units">kdu:kdu[name]</abbr>
8991 </div>
8992 </td>
8993 <td nowrap>list</td>
8994 <td nowrap></td>
8995 <td nowrap>config</td>
8996 <td></td>
8997 <td>current</td>
8998 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu</td>
8999 </tr>
9000 <tr id="1-1-28-120" class="a">
9001 <td nowrap>
9002 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
9003 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9004 <abbr title="Unique name for the KDU"> kdu:name </abbr>
9005 </div>
9006 </td>
9007 <td>leaf</td>
9008 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9009 ">string</abbr></td>
9010 <td nowrap>config</td>
9011 <td></td>
9012 <td>current</td>
9013 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu/kdu:name</td</tr>
9014 <tr id="1-1-28-121" class="a">
9015 <td nowrap>
9016 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
9017 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9018 <abbr title="Description of the KDU."> <em> kdu:description </em></abbr>
9019 </div>
9020 </td>
9021 <td>leaf</td>
9022 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9023 ">string</abbr></td>
9024 <td nowrap>config</td>
9025 <td>?</td>
9026 <td>current</td>
9027 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu/kdu:description</td</tr>
9028 <tr id="1-1-29" class="a">
9029 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9030 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
9031 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9032 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9033 class="folder">&nbsp;
9034 </a>
9035 <abbr title="No description">kdu:k8s-cluster</abbr>
9036 </div>
9037 </td>
9038 <td nowrap>container</td>
9039 <td nowrap></td>
9040 <td nowrap>config</td>
9041 <td></td>
9042 <td>current</td>
9043 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:k8s-cluster</td>
9044 </tr>
9045 <tr id="1-1-29-122" class="a">
9046 <td nowrap>
9047 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
9048 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
9049 <abbr title="List of supported K8s versions.
9050 The cluster where the KDUs will be deployed will have to match
9051 one of these versions."> kdu:version </abbr>
9052 </div>
9053 </td>
9054 <td>leaf-list</td>
9055 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9056 ">string</abbr></td>
9057 <td nowrap>config</td>
9058 <td>*</td>
9059 <td>current</td>
9060 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:k8s-cluster/kdu:version</td</tr>
9061 <tr id="1-1-29-123" class="a">
9062 <td nowrap>
9063 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
9064 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
9065 <abbr title="List of supported CNI plugins.
9066 The cluster where the KDUs will be deployed will have to use
9067 one of these CNI plugins."> kdu:cni </abbr>
9068 </div>
9069 </td>
9070 <td>leaf-list</td>
9071 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
9072 : {calico,flannel,multus,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
9073 <td nowrap>config</td>
9074 <td>*</td>
9075 <td>current</td>
9076 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:k8s-cluster/kdu:cni</td</tr>
9077 <tr id="1-1-29-124" class="a">
9078 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9079 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
9080 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9081 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9082 class="folder">&nbsp;
9083 </a>
9084 <abbr title="List of required networks in the K8s cluster.
9085 The cluster where the KDUs will be deployed will have to use
9086 one of these CNI plugins.">kdu:nets[id]</abbr>
9087 </div>
9088 </td>
9089 <td nowrap>list</td>
9090 <td nowrap></td>
9091 <td nowrap>config</td>
9092 <td></td>
9093 <td>current</td>
9094 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:k8s-cluster/kdu:nets</td>
9095 </tr>
9096 <tr id="1-1-29-124-167" class="a">
9097 <td nowrap>
9098 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
9099 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9100 <abbr title="Internal identifier for the K8s cluster network in this VNF"> kdu:id </abbr>
9101 </div>
9102 </td>
9103 <td>leaf</td>
9104 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9105 ">string</abbr></td>
9106 <td nowrap>config</td>
9107 <td></td>
9108 <td>current</td>
9109 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:k8s-cluster/kdu:nets/kdu:id</td</tr>
9110 <tr id="1-1-30" class="a">
9111 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9112 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
9113 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9114 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9115 class="folder">&nbsp;
9116 </a>
9117 <abbr title="No description">kdu:kdu-configuration[id]</abbr>
9118 </div>
9119 </td>
9120 <td nowrap>list</td>
9121 <td nowrap></td>
9122 <td nowrap>config</td>
9123 <td></td>
9124 <td>current</td>
9125 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration</td>
9126 </tr>
9127 <tr id="1-1-30-125" class="a">
9128 <td nowrap>
9129 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
9130 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9131 <abbr title="Internal identifier for the KDU configuration"> kdu:id </abbr>
9132 </div>
9133 </td>
9134 <td>leaf</td>
9135 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9136 ">string</abbr></td>
9137 <td nowrap>config</td>
9138 <td></td>
9139 <td>current</td>
9140 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:id</td</tr>
9141 <tr id="1-1-30-126" class="a">
9142 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9143 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
9144 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9145 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9146 class="folder">&nbsp;
9147 </a>
9148 <abbr title="Defines the configuration method for the VNF or VDU.">(config-method)</abbr>
9149 </div>
9150 </td>
9151 <td nowrap>choice</td>
9152 <td nowrap></td>
9153 <td nowrap>config</td>
9154 <td>Choice</td>
9155 <td>current</td>
9156 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration</td>
9157 </tr>
9158 <tr id="1-1-30-126-168" class="a">
9159 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9160 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
9161 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9162 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9163 class="folder">&nbsp;
9164 </a>
9165 <abbr title="Use custom script for configuring the VNF or VDU.
9166 This script is executed in the context of
9167 Orchestrator (The same system and environment
9168 as the Launchpad).">:(script)</abbr>
9169 </div>
9170 </td>
9171 <td nowrap>case</td>
9172 <td nowrap></td>
9173 <td nowrap>config</td>
9174 <td></td>
9175 <td>current</td>
9176 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration</td>
9177 </tr>
9178 <tr id="1-1-30-126-168-125" class="a">
9179 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9180 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
9181 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9182 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9183 class="folder">&nbsp;
9184 </a>
9185 <abbr title="No description">kdu:script</abbr>
9186 </div>
9187 </td>
9188 <td nowrap>container</td>
9189 <td nowrap></td>
9190 <td nowrap>config</td>
9191 <td></td>
9192 <td>current</td>
9193 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:script</td>
9194 </tr>
9195 <tr id="1-1-30-126-168-125-78" class="a">
9196 <td nowrap>
9197 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
9198 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9199 <abbr title="Script type - currently supported - Scripts confirming to Rift CA plugin"> <em> kdu:script-type </em></abbr>
9200 </div>
9201 </td>
9202 <td>leaf</td>
9203 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
9204 : {rift,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
9205 <td nowrap>config</td>
9206 <td>?</td>
9207 <td>current</td>
9208 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:script/kdu:script-type</td</tr>
9209 <tr id="1-1-30-126-169" class="a">
9210 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9211 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
9212 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9213 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9214 class="folder">&nbsp;
9215 </a>
9216 <abbr title="Configure the VNF or VDU through Juju.">:(juju)</abbr>
9217 </div>
9218 </td>
9219 <td nowrap>case</td>
9220 <td nowrap></td>
9221 <td nowrap>config</td>
9222 <td></td>
9223 <td>current</td>
9224 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration</td>
9225 </tr>
9226 <tr id="1-1-30-126-169-126" class="a">
9227 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9228 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
9229 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9230 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9231 class="folder">&nbsp;
9232 </a>
9233 <abbr title="No description">kdu:juju</abbr>
9234 </div>
9235 </td>
9236 <td nowrap>container</td>
9237 <td nowrap></td>
9238 <td nowrap>config</td>
9239 <td></td>
9240 <td>current</td>
9241 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:juju</td>
9242 </tr>
9243 <tr id="1-1-30-126-169-126-79" class="a">
9244 <td nowrap>
9245 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
9246 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9247 <abbr title="Juju charm to use with the VNF or VDU."> <em> kdu:charm </em></abbr>
9248 </div>
9249 </td>
9250 <td>leaf</td>
9251 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9252 ">string</abbr></td>
9253 <td nowrap>config</td>
9254 <td>?</td>
9255 <td>current</td>
9256 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:juju/kdu:charm</td</tr>
9257 <tr id="1-1-30-126-169-126-80" class="a">
9258 <td nowrap>
9259 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
9260 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9261 <abbr title="Is this a proxy charm?"> <em> kdu:proxy </em></abbr>
9262 </div>
9263 </td>
9264 <td>leaf</td>
9265 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
9266 ">boolean</abbr></td>
9267 <td nowrap>config</td>
9268 <td>?</td>
9269 <td>current</td>
9270 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:juju/kdu:proxy</td</tr>
9271 <tr id="1-1-30-127" class="a">
9272 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9273 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
9274 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9275 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9276 class="folder">&nbsp;
9277 </a>
9278 <abbr title="List of config primitives supported by the
9279 configuration agent for this VNF or VDU.">kdu:config-primitive[name]</abbr>
9280 </div>
9281 </td>
9282 <td nowrap>list</td>
9283 <td nowrap></td>
9284 <td nowrap>config</td>
9285 <td></td>
9286 <td>current</td>
9287 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive</td>
9288 </tr>
9289 <tr id="1-1-30-127-170" class="a">
9290 <td nowrap>
9291 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
9292 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9293 <abbr title="Name of the config primitive."> kdu:name </abbr>
9294 </div>
9295 </td>
9296 <td>leaf</td>
9297 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9298 ">string</abbr></td>
9299 <td nowrap>config</td>
9300 <td></td>
9301 <td>current</td>
9302 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive/kdu:name</td</tr>
9303 <tr id="1-1-30-127-171" class="a">
9304 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9305 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
9306 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9307 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9308 class="folder">&nbsp;
9309 </a>
9310 <abbr title="List of parameters to the config primitive.">kdu:parameter[name]</abbr>
9311 </div>
9312 </td>
9313 <td nowrap>list</td>
9314 <td nowrap></td>
9315 <td nowrap>config</td>
9316 <td></td>
9317 <td>current</td>
9318 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive/kdu:parameter</td>
9319 </tr>
9320 <tr id="1-1-30-127-171-127" class="a">
9321 <td nowrap>
9322 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9323 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9324 <abbr title="Name of the parameter."> kdu:name </abbr>
9325 </div>
9326 </td>
9327 <td>leaf</td>
9328 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9329 ">string</abbr></td>
9330 <td nowrap>config</td>
9331 <td></td>
9332 <td>current</td>
9333 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:name</td</tr>
9334 <tr id="1-1-30-127-171-128" class="a">
9335 <td nowrap>
9336 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9337 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9338 <abbr title="Data type associated with the name."> <em> kdu:data-type </em></abbr>
9339 </div>
9340 </td>
9341 <td>leaf</td>
9342 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:parameter-data-type
9343 enumeration
9344 : {STRING,INTEGER,BOOLEAN,}">common:parameter-data-type</abbr></td>
9345 <td nowrap>config</td>
9346 <td>?</td>
9347 <td>current</td>
9348 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:data-type</td</tr>
9349 <tr id="1-1-30-127-171-129" class="a">
9350 <td nowrap>
9351 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9352 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9353 <abbr title="Is this field mandatory"> <em> kdu:mandatory </em></abbr>
9354 </div>
9355 </td>
9356 <td>leaf</td>
9357 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
9358 ">boolean</abbr></td>
9359 <td nowrap>config</td>
9360 <td>?</td>
9361 <td>current</td>
9362 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:mandatory</td</tr>
9363 <tr id="1-1-30-127-171-130" class="a">
9364 <td nowrap>
9365 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9366 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9367 <abbr title="The default value for this field"> <em> kdu:default-value </em></abbr>
9368 </div>
9369 </td>
9370 <td>leaf</td>
9371 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9372 ">string</abbr></td>
9373 <td nowrap>config</td>
9374 <td>?</td>
9375 <td>current</td>
9376 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:default-value</td</tr>
9377 <tr id="1-1-30-127-171-131" class="a">
9378 <td nowrap>
9379 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9380 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9381 <abbr title="NSD parameter pool name to use for this parameter"> <em> kdu:parameter-pool </em></abbr>
9382 </div>
9383 </td>
9384 <td>leaf</td>
9385 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9386 ">string</abbr></td>
9387 <td nowrap>config</td>
9388 <td>?</td>
9389 <td>current</td>
9390 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:parameter-pool</td</tr>
9391 <tr id="1-1-30-127-171-132" class="a">
9392 <td nowrap>
9393 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9394 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9395 <abbr title="The value should be dimmed by the UI.
9396 Only applies to parameters with default values."> <em> kdu:read-only </em></abbr>
9397 </div>
9398 </td>
9399 <td>leaf</td>
9400 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
9401 ">boolean</abbr></td>
9402 <td nowrap>config</td>
9403 <td>?</td>
9404 <td>current</td>
9405 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:read-only</td</tr>
9406 <tr id="1-1-30-127-171-133" class="a">
9407 <td nowrap>
9408 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9409 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9410 <abbr title="The value should be hidden by the UI.
9411 Only applies to parameters with default values."> <em> kdu:hidden </em></abbr>
9412 </div>
9413 </td>
9414 <td>leaf</td>
9415 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
9416 ">boolean</abbr></td>
9417 <td nowrap>config</td>
9418 <td>?</td>
9419 <td>current</td>
9420 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:hidden</td</tr>
9421 <tr id="1-1-30-127-172" class="a">
9422 <td nowrap>
9423 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
9424 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9425 <abbr title="A user defined script. If user defined script is defined,
9426 the script will be executed using bash"> <em> kdu:user-defined-script </em></abbr>
9427 </div>
9428 </td>
9429 <td>leaf</td>
9430 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9431 ">string</abbr></td>
9432 <td nowrap>config</td>
9433 <td>?</td>
9434 <td>current</td>
9435 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-primitive/kdu:user-defined-script</td</tr>
9436 <tr id="1-1-30-128" class="a">
9437 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9438 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
9439 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9440 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9441 class="folder">&nbsp;
9442 </a>
9443 <abbr title="Initial set of configuration primitives.">kdu:initial-config-primitive[seq]</abbr>
9444 </div>
9445 </td>
9446 <td nowrap>list</td>
9447 <td nowrap></td>
9448 <td nowrap>config</td>
9449 <td></td>
9450 <td>current</td>
9451 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:initial-config-primitive</td>
9452 </tr>
9453 <tr id="1-1-30-128-173" class="a">
9454 <td nowrap>
9455 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
9456 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9457 <abbr title="Sequence number for the configuration primitive."> kdu:seq </abbr>
9458 </div>
9459 </td>
9460 <td>leaf</td>
9461 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
9462 ">uint64</abbr></td>
9463 <td nowrap>config</td>
9464 <td></td>
9465 <td>current</td>
9466 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:initial-config-primitive/kdu:seq</td</tr>
9467 <tr id="1-1-30-128-174" class="a">
9468 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9469 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
9470 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9471 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9472 class="folder">&nbsp;
9473 </a>
9474 <abbr title="No description">(primitive-type)</abbr>
9475 </div>
9476 </td>
9477 <td nowrap>choice</td>
9478 <td nowrap></td>
9479 <td nowrap>config</td>
9480 <td>Choice</td>
9481 <td>current</td>
9482 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:initial-config-primitive</td>
9483 </tr>
9484 <tr id="1-1-30-128-174-134" class="a">
9485 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9486 <div id="p5000" class="tier6">
9487 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9488 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9489 class="folder">&nbsp;
9490 </a>
9491 <abbr title="No description">:(primitive-definition)</abbr>
9492 </div>
9493 </td>
9494 <td nowrap>case</td>
9495 <td nowrap></td>
9496 <td nowrap>config</td>
9497 <td></td>
9498 <td>current</td>
9499 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:initial-config-primitive</td>
9500 </tr>
9501 <tr id="1-1-30-128-174-134-81" class="a">
9502 <td nowrap>
9503 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
9504 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9505 <abbr title="Name of the configuration primitive."> <em> kdu:name </em></abbr>
9506 </div>
9507 </td>
9508 <td>leaf</td>
9509 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9510 ">string</abbr></td>
9511 <td nowrap>config</td>
9512 <td>?</td>
9513 <td>current</td>
9514 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:initial-config-primitive/kdu:name</td</tr>
9515 <tr id="1-1-30-128-174-134-82" class="a">
9516 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9517 <div id="p5000" class="tier7">
9518 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9519 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9520 class="folder">&nbsp;
9521 </a>
9522 <abbr title="List of parameters to the configuration primitive.">kdu:parameter[name]</abbr>
9523 </div>
9524 </td>
9525 <td nowrap>list</td>
9526 <td nowrap></td>
9527 <td nowrap>config</td>
9528 <td></td>
9529 <td>current</td>
9530 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:initial-config-primitive/kdu:parameter</td>
9531 </tr>
9532 <tr id="1-1-30-128-174-134-82-20" class="a">
9533 <td nowrap>
9534 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
9535 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9536 <abbr title="Name of the parameter."> kdu:name </abbr>
9537 </div>
9538 </td>
9539 <td>leaf</td>
9540 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9541 ">string</abbr></td>
9542 <td nowrap>config</td>
9543 <td></td>
9544 <td>current</td>
9545 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:initial-config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:name</td</tr>
9546 <tr id="1-1-30-128-174-134-82-21" class="a">
9547 <td nowrap>
9548 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
9549 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9550 <abbr title="Data type associated with the value."> <em> kdu:data-type </em></abbr>
9551 </div>
9552 </td>
9553 <td>leaf</td>
9554 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:parameter-data-type
9555 enumeration
9556 : {STRING,INTEGER,BOOLEAN,}">common:parameter-data-type</abbr></td>
9557 <td nowrap>config</td>
9558 <td>?</td>
9559 <td>current</td>
9560 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:initial-config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:data-type</td</tr>
9561 <tr id="1-1-30-128-174-134-82-22" class="a">
9562 <td nowrap>
9563 <div id=9999 class=tier8>
9564 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9565 <abbr title="Value associated with the name."> <em> kdu:value </em></abbr>
9566 </div>
9567 </td>
9568 <td>leaf</td>
9569 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9570 ">string</abbr></td>
9571 <td nowrap>config</td>
9572 <td>?</td>
9573 <td>current</td>
9574 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:initial-config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:value</td</tr>
9575 <tr id="1-1-30-128-174-134-83" class="a">
9576 <td nowrap>
9577 <div id=9999 class=tier7>
9578 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9579 <abbr title="A user defined script."> <em> kdu:user-defined-script </em></abbr>
9580 </div>
9581 </td>
9582 <td>leaf</td>
9583 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9584 ">string</abbr></td>
9585 <td nowrap>config</td>
9586 <td>?</td>
9587 <td>current</td>
9588 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:initial-config-primitive/kdu:user-defined-script</td</tr>
9589 <tr id="1-1-30-129" class="a">
9590 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9591 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
9592 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9593 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9594 class="folder">&nbsp;
9595 </a>
9596 <abbr title="Terminate set of configuration primitives.">kdu:terminate-config-primitive[seq]</abbr>
9597 </div>
9598 </td>
9599 <td nowrap>list</td>
9600 <td nowrap></td>
9601 <td nowrap>config</td>
9602 <td></td>
9603 <td>current</td>
9604 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:terminate-config-primitive</td>
9605 </tr>
9606 <tr id="1-1-30-129-175" class="a">
9607 <td nowrap>
9608 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
9609 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9610 <abbr title="Sequence number for the configuration primitive."> kdu:seq </abbr>
9611 </div>
9612 </td>
9613 <td>leaf</td>
9614 <td nowrap><abbr title="uint64
9615 ">uint64</abbr></td>
9616 <td nowrap>config</td>
9617 <td></td>
9618 <td>current</td>
9619 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:terminate-config-primitive/kdu:seq</td</tr>
9620 <tr id="1-1-30-129-176" class="a">
9621 <td nowrap>
9622 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
9623 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9624 <abbr title="Name of the configuration primitive."> <em> kdu:name </em></abbr>
9625 </div>
9626 </td>
9627 <td>leaf</td>
9628 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9629 ">string</abbr></td>
9630 <td nowrap>config</td>
9631 <td>?</td>
9632 <td>current</td>
9633 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:terminate-config-primitive/kdu:name</td</tr>
9634 <tr id="1-1-30-129-177" class="a">
9635 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9636 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
9637 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9638 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9639 class="folder">&nbsp;
9640 </a>
9641 <abbr title="List of parameters to the configuration primitive.">kdu:parameter[name]</abbr>
9642 </div>
9643 </td>
9644 <td nowrap>list</td>
9645 <td nowrap></td>
9646 <td nowrap>config</td>
9647 <td></td>
9648 <td>current</td>
9649 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:terminate-config-primitive/kdu:parameter</td>
9650 </tr>
9651 <tr id="1-1-30-129-177-135" class="a">
9652 <td nowrap>
9653 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9654 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9655 <abbr title="Name of the parameter."> kdu:name </abbr>
9656 </div>
9657 </td>
9658 <td>leaf</td>
9659 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9660 ">string</abbr></td>
9661 <td nowrap>config</td>
9662 <td></td>
9663 <td>current</td>
9664 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:terminate-config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:name</td</tr>
9665 <tr id="1-1-30-129-177-136" class="a">
9666 <td nowrap>
9667 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9668 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9669 <abbr title="Data type associated with the value."> <em> kdu:data-type </em></abbr>
9670 </div>
9671 </td>
9672 <td>leaf</td>
9673 <td nowrap><abbr title="common:parameter-data-type
9674 enumeration
9675 : {STRING,INTEGER,BOOLEAN,}">common:parameter-data-type</abbr></td>
9676 <td nowrap>config</td>
9677 <td>?</td>
9678 <td>current</td>
9679 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:terminate-config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:data-type</td</tr>
9680 <tr id="1-1-30-129-177-137" class="a">
9681 <td nowrap>
9682 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9683 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9684 <abbr title="Value associated with the name."> <em> kdu:value </em></abbr>
9685 </div>
9686 </td>
9687 <td>leaf</td>
9688 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9689 ">string</abbr></td>
9690 <td nowrap>config</td>
9691 <td>?</td>
9692 <td>current</td>
9693 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:terminate-config-primitive/kdu:parameter/kdu:value</td</tr>
9694 <tr id="1-1-30-129-178" class="a">
9695 <td nowrap>
9696 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
9697 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9698 <abbr title="A user defined script."> <em> kdu:user-defined-script </em></abbr>
9699 </div>
9700 </td>
9701 <td>leaf</td>
9702 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9703 ">string</abbr></td>
9704 <td nowrap>config</td>
9705 <td>?</td>
9706 <td>current</td>
9707 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:terminate-config-primitive/kdu:user-defined-script</td</tr>
9708 <tr id="1-1-30-130" class="a">
9709 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9710 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
9711 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9712 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9713 class="folder">&nbsp;
9714 </a>
9715 <abbr title="List of VNFC related metrics">kdu:metrics[name]</abbr>
9716 </div>
9717 </td>
9718 <td nowrap>list</td>
9719 <td nowrap></td>
9720 <td nowrap>config</td>
9721 <td></td>
9722 <td>current</td>
9723 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:metrics</td>
9724 </tr>
9725 <tr id="1-1-30-130-179" class="a">
9726 <td nowrap>
9727 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
9728 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9729 <abbr title="Name of the metric, as defined in the Juju charm."> kdu:name </abbr>
9730 </div>
9731 </td>
9732 <td>leaf</td>
9733 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9734 ">string</abbr></td>
9735 <td nowrap>config</td>
9736 <td></td>
9737 <td>current</td>
9738 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:metrics/kdu:name</td</tr>
9739 <tr id="1-1-30-131" class="a">
9740 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9741 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
9742 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9743 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9744 class="folder">&nbsp;
9745 </a>
9746 <abbr title="Indicates the way to access to the xNF or xDU for VCA configuration.
9747 For the moment there is a single way (ssh-access).">kdu:config-access</abbr>
9748 </div>
9749 </td>
9750 <td nowrap>container</td>
9751 <td nowrap></td>
9752 <td nowrap>config</td>
9753 <td></td>
9754 <td>current</td>
9755 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-access</td>
9756 </tr>
9757 <tr id="1-1-30-131-180" class="a">
9758 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9759 <div id="p5000" class="tier5">
9760 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9761 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9762 class="folder">&nbsp;
9763 </a>
9764 <abbr title="If the xNF requires ssh and this parameter is set, SSH keys
9765 will be injected so that VCA can configure the xNF or xDU via ssh.">kdu:ssh-access</abbr>
9766 </div>
9767 </td>
9768 <td nowrap>container</td>
9769 <td nowrap></td>
9770 <td nowrap>config</td>
9771 <td></td>
9772 <td>current</td>
9773 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-access/kdu:ssh-access</td>
9774 </tr>
9775 <tr id="1-1-30-131-180-138" class="a">
9776 <td nowrap>
9777 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9778 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9779 <abbr title="whether ssh access is needed or not"> <em> kdu:required </em></abbr>
9780 </div>
9781 </td>
9782 <td>leaf</td>
9783 <td nowrap><abbr title="boolean
9784 ">boolean</abbr></td>
9785 <td nowrap>config</td>
9786 <td>?</td>
9787 <td>current</td>
9788 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-access/kdu:ssh-access/kdu:required</td</tr>
9789 <tr id="1-1-30-131-180-139" class="a">
9790 <td nowrap>
9791 <div id=9999 class=tier6>
9792 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9793 <abbr title="Default user for ssh"> <em> kdu:default-user </em></abbr>
9794 </div>
9795 </td>
9796 <td>leaf</td>
9797 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9798 ">string</abbr></td>
9799 <td nowrap>config</td>
9800 <td>?</td>
9801 <td>current</td>
9802 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:config-access/kdu:ssh-access/kdu:default-user</td</tr>
9803 <tr id="1-1-30-132" class="a">
9804 <td nowrap>
9805 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
9806 <a class="leaf-list">&nbsp;</a>
9807 <abbr title="List of blacklisted config primitives from the list of
9808 default kdu config primitives"> kdu:blacklist-config-primitive </abbr>
9809 </div>
9810 </td>
9811 <td>leaf-list</td>
9812 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
9813 : {upgrade,rollback,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
9814 <td nowrap>config</td>
9815 <td>*</td>
9816 <td>current</td>
9817 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-configuration/kdu:blacklist-config-primitive</td</tr>
9818 <tr id="1-1-31" class="a">
9819 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9820 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
9821 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9822 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9823 class="folder">&nbsp;
9824 </a>
9825 <abbr title="No description">kdu:kdu-model[id]</abbr>
9826 </div>
9827 </td>
9828 <td nowrap>list</td>
9829 <td nowrap></td>
9830 <td nowrap>config</td>
9831 <td></td>
9832 <td>current</td>
9833 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-model</td>
9834 </tr>
9835 <tr id="1-1-31-133" class="a">
9836 <td nowrap>
9837 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
9838 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9839 <abbr title="Internal identifier for the KDU model"> kdu:id </abbr>
9840 </div>
9841 </td>
9842 <td>leaf</td>
9843 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9844 ">string</abbr></td>
9845 <td nowrap>config</td>
9846 <td></td>
9847 <td>current</td>
9848 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-model/kdu:id</td</tr>
9849 <tr id="1-1-31-134" class="a">
9850 <td nowrap>
9851 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
9852 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9853 <abbr title="Indicates the KDU model, either as a helm-chart or as a juju-bundle."> <em> kdu:kdu-model-type </em></abbr>
9854 </div>
9855 </td>
9856 <td>leaf</td>
9857 <td nowrap><abbr title="enumeration
9858 : {helm-chart,juju-bundle,}">enumeration</abbr></td>
9859 <td nowrap>config</td>
9860 <td>?</td>
9861 <td>current</td>
9862 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-model/kdu:kdu-model-type</td</tr>
9863 <tr id="1-1-31-135" class="a">
9864 <td nowrap>
9865 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
9866 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9867 <abbr title="Indicates the KDU model location, either as a path to a folder in the
9868 package or as a URL where to fetch the model."> <em> kdu:kdu-model-locator </em></abbr>
9869 </div>
9870 </td>
9871 <td>leaf</td>
9872 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9873 ">string</abbr></td>
9874 <td nowrap>config</td>
9875 <td>?</td>
9876 <td>current</td>
9877 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:kdu-model/kdu:kdu-model-locator</td</tr>
9878 <tr id="1-1-32" class="a">
9879 <td nowrap>
9880 <div id=9999 class=tier3>
9881 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9882 <abbr title="Connection point over which the VNF is managed."> <em> mgmt-interface:mgmt-cp </em></abbr>
9883 </div>
9884 </td>
9885 <td>leaf</td>
9886 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
9887 : /vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:id">leafref</abbr></td>
9888 <td nowrap>config</td>
9889 <td>?</td>
9890 <td>current</td>
9891 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/mgmt-interface:mgmt-cp</td</tr>
9892 <tr id="1-1-33" class="a">
9893 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9894 <div id="p5000" class="tier3">
9895 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9896 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9897 class="folder">&nbsp;
9898 </a>
9899 <abbr title="Paired interfaces from different VDUs that share a Virtual IP">vip:vip[name]</abbr>
9900 </div>
9901 </td>
9902 <td nowrap>list</td>
9903 <td nowrap></td>
9904 <td nowrap>config</td>
9905 <td></td>
9906 <td>current</td>
9907 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vip:vip</td>
9908 </tr>
9909 <tr id="1-1-33-136" class="a">
9910 <td nowrap>
9911 <div id=9999 class=tier4>
9912 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9913 <abbr title="Name of the Virtual IP"> vip:name </abbr>
9914 </div>
9915 </td>
9916 <td>leaf</td>
9917 <td nowrap><abbr title="string
9918 ">string</abbr></td>
9919 <td nowrap>config</td>
9920 <td></td>
9921 <td>current</td>
9922 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vip:vip/vip:name</td</tr>
9923 <tr id="1-1-33-137" class="a">
9924 <td nowrap id="p4000">
9925 <div id="p5000" class="tier4">
9926 <a href="#" id="p6000"
9927 onclick="toggleRows(this);return false"
9928 class="folder">&nbsp;
9929 </a>
9930 <abbr title="No description">vip:paired-interfaces[vdu-id-ref]</abbr>
9931 </div>
9932 </td>
9933 <td nowrap>list</td>
9934 <td nowrap></td>
9935 <td nowrap>config</td>
9936 <td></td>
9937 <td>current</td>
9938 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vip:vip/vip:paired-interfaces</td>
9939 </tr>
9940 <tr id="1-1-33-137-181" class="a">
9941 <td nowrap>
9942 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
9943 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9944 <abbr title="Reference to the VDU"> vip:vdu-id-ref </abbr>
9945 </div>
9946 </td>
9947 <td>leaf</td>
9948 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
9949 : /vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:id">leafref</abbr></td>
9950 <td nowrap>config</td>
9951 <td></td>
9952 <td>current</td>
9953 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vip:vip/vip:paired-interfaces/vip:vdu-id-ref</td</tr>
9954 <tr id="1-1-33-137-182" class="a">
9955 <td nowrap>
9956 <div id=9999 class=tier5>
9957 <a class="leaf">&nbsp;</a>
9958 <abbr title="Reference to the interface"> <em> vip:interface-ref </em></abbr>
9959 </div>
9960 </td>
9961 <td>leaf</td>
9962 <td nowrap><abbr title="leafref
9963 : /vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:vdu/vnfd:int-cpd/vnfd:virtual-network-interface-requirement/vnfd:name">leafref</abbr></td>
9964 <td nowrap>config</td>
9965 <td>?</td>
9966 <td>current</td>
9967 <td nowrap>/vnfd:vnfd/vip:vip/vip:paired-interfaces/vip:interface-ref</td</tr>
9969 </table>
9970 </div>
9971 </body>
9972 </html>