# KNF Onboarding Walkthrough (Work in Progress) ## Introduction This section uses Facebook's Magma, an open-source software platform that gives network operators an open, flexible and extendable mobile core network solution. ![](assets/magma_overview.png) This example focuses on the Magma Orchestrator component. It has been documented in a concise way while content keeps being added as K8s support is enhanced in OSM. It is meant to be used for educational purposes and not for a real-life implementation of an EPC. In addition to the procedure, here you can find some resources related to it: * [Resulting packages](http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/Packages/vnf-onboarding-tf/) * Images (upcoming) * Video presentation (upcoming) ## KNF Requirements A Helm Chart or Juju Bundle contains already all the characteristics of a Kubernetes Network Function in OSM. It just needs OSM to be connected to a Kubernetes Cluster to run on top. The Helm Chart in which this KNF is based, has been contributed by Felipe Vicens [https://felipevicens.github.io/fb-magma-helm-chart/](here) ## Building the KNF Descriptor With the Helm Chart ready, the following KNFD can be built. Put the following contents in a YAML file using the following structure: ``` fb_magma_knf | --- fb_magma_knfd.yaml ``` The descriptor contents would be: ``` vnfd-catalog: schema-version: '3.0' vnfd: - connection-point: - name: mgmt description: KNF with KDU using a helm-chart for Facebook magma orc8r id: fb_magma_knf k8s-cluster: nets: - external-connection-point-ref: mgmt id: mgmtnet kdu: - helm-chart: magma/orc8r name: orc8r mgmt-interface: cp: mgmt name: fb_magma_knf short-name: fb_magma_knf version: '1.0' ``` The main modelling is under the "kdu" list. The rest of elements are either descriptive or not connected to a specific feature at this point. Package your VNF: ``` tar -cvzf fb_magma_knf.tar.gz fb_magma_knf/ ``` ## Launching the KNF Package To launch the KNF package, you need to first include it into a NS Package, let's create one through a YAML file under the following structure. ``` fb_magma_ns | --- fb_magma_nsd.yaml ``` The descriptor contents would be: ``` nsd-catalog: nsd: - constituent-vnfd: - member-vnf-index: orc8r vnfd-id-ref: fb_magma_knf description: NS consisting of a KNF fb_magma_knf connected to mgmt network id: fb_magma_ns name: fb_magma_ns short-name: fb_magma_ns version: '1.0' vld: - id: mgmtnet mgmt-network: true name: mgmtnet type: ELAN vim-network-name: mgmt vnfd-connection-point-ref: - member-vnf-index-ref: orc8r vnfd-connection-point-ref: mgmt vnfd-id-ref: fb_magma_knf ``` The main modelling is under the "constituent-vnfd" list. The rest of elements are either descriptive or not connected to a specific feature at this point. Package your NS: ``` tar -cvzf fb_magma_ns.tar.gz fb_magma_ns/ ``` With both descriptors ready, the package can be tested over any given K8s Cluster registed to OSM. For details on how to register a K8s Cluster, visit the [https://osm.etsi.org/docs/user-guide/05-osm-usage.html#using-kubernetes-based-vnfs-knfs](user guide) ``` osm ns-create --ns_name magma_orc8r --nsd_name fb_magma_ns --vim_account ``` ## Testing the KNF Package Monitor with osm ns-list until instantiation is finished, then, execute the following command to check the status of your KDU ``` osm vnf-show --kdu orc8r ``` Under the services list, you will find all the deployed components and status. Look for your "load balancer" IP addresses for the `nginx-proxy` component ( in the example below), as it will be used to access this KNF's dashboard. ``` ==> v1/Service NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE bootstrapper-orc8r-proxy LoadBalancer 443:30586/TCP 58s ... nginx-proxy LoadBalancer 443:31742/TCP 58s orc8r-clientcert-legacy LoadBalancer 443:30688/TCP 58s orc8r-configmanager ClusterIP 9100/TCP,9101/TCP 58s orc8r-controller ClusterIP 8080/ ... ``` Visit the dashboard with HTTPS and access it with user `osm@etsi.org` (password: magma) ![](assets/magma_orc8r_dashboard.png) Stay tuned for the addition of Day-1 primitives !